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Observation Sheet # __2__/10

Student Teacher School/Grade

Bailey Morgan Mrs. Allison Cash 4k Blacksburg Primary

Date: February 25,2020 Start Time: 12:40 Topic

End Time: 1:20 Shapes, colors, counting, and

❏ Attach a Photo Here- points for photos are accrued as they are taken throughout the
field experience. 10 different photos on 10 different days.

❏ 1 Paragraph Reflection: Why is the photo significant to your learning experience? Bold
one new term related to teaching from our coursework or the field experience!
❏ This photo is significant, because I watched how the different students are farther
behind than the others. Some students were more rebellious, because they were
getting mad that they were not understanding the lesson. I also heard one of the
teachers talking to a student explaining how they need to color in the entire
shape to work on his fine motor skills. The centers are split into groups by how
advanced they are in their lesson.

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