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Zero Conditional

Este condicional se utiliza cuando queremos comunicar en Inglés que bajo una condición
específica, el resultado siempre es el mismo (No da cabida a diferentes resultados). Se puede
utilizar para casos generales o particulares.


General cases:

1. A. If water reaches 100 Degrees Celsius, it boils

B. Water boils if it reaches 100 Degrees Celsius.

2. A. If you mix red and yellow, you get orange

B. You get orange if you mix red and yellow.

3. A. If you don’t mix red and yellow, you don’t get orange
B. You don’t get orange if you don’t mix red and yellow.

Particular cases

4. A. If my mother doesn’t talk to Luciano for a week, she goes crazy.

B. My mother goes crazy if she doesn’t talk to Luciano for a week.

5. A. If you tickle me for a long time, I cry

B. I cry if you tickle me for a long time.

Note: Now that you understand the function, analyze the construction.


General: If you freeze water, it becomes a solid.

Particular: If my mom calls me and I don't answer, she scolds me.
A. Apply the Zero conditional writing  10 sentences about a person in your family (5
general and 5 particular)
i. Particular:
1. If my mother has a cold, my brother usually catches it.
2. If my mother doesn't sleep for eight hours, the next day this tired.
3. if my mom doesn't get up early, she's late for work.
4. My mom has to get up early, if she wants to get her hair done
before she works.
5. If my mom doesn't have the flip flops by the bedside, she gets
ii. General
1. If we don't get there early, my mom punishes us.
2. If we don't get to dinner at 8:30 p.m., my mom gets angry.
3. If my mom calls me and I don't answer, she scolds me.
4. If we want to leave, it's our turn to ask permission by 17:00.
5. if we make mess, my mom goes crazy.

B. Apply the Zero Conditional writing 6 sentences negative  about  the Colombian
people ( 3 general and 3 particular)

i. Particular
1. If I don't go out to catch the TM 10 minutes early, I'm late for
2. If public service transport wasn't so expensive, I'd use it more
3. If Colombia didn't have in the dollar so expensive, I could buy
more stuff.
ii. General
1. If we're on the street and we've got the cell phone in our hand, we
get robbed.
2. If we sneak into TM and we get caught by a cop, they give us a
3. If there wasn't so much insecurity in Colombia, people would use
their bikes more.

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