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Principal: Anthea Boras

Associate Principal: Lyle Parr

235 Mildred Dobbs Boulevard North

Lethbridge, Alberta
T1H 5R4
Phone: (587) 787-1490 - Fax: (587) 787-1491

Dear 1/2 Families,

We hope you had a relaxing Easter Break. We are very happy to see the student engagement
on FreshGrade! It is so nice to see your childrens’ work and their happy faces. Please do not
feel overwhelmed by the assignments. We are uploading them periodically each week, but
please just work at a pace that works for you and your family. Please do what you can do when
you have the time and upload whenever you are able. We love seeing what your child has been
up to at home and will help you in whatever way possible so please do not hesitate to ask for
help whenever you need- that’s what we are here for!

We will be starting to do Zoom meetings weekly. Please refer to our previous newsletter for
online video chatting safety with your child. We are hoping to use this time to connect with your
child and give them more authentic learning experiences where they can engage and ask us
questions rather than just watch us explain everything in a video. On ​Thursdays at 10:30 and
1:30​ we will start meeting to check in about math and language assignments. Please do your
best to join in on these meetings as they will allow your child to get real time help with literacy
and numeracy assignments as well as ask questions. We also would like to do a weekly zoom
meeting with the entire class on ​Fridays at 10:00​ as a general check in and possibly show and
share time. We will be trying to keep these days and times consistent with the possibility of
meetings on another day as well.

We are constantly researching new ways to bolster our remote teaching situation. This week we
have added two new programs - Lalilo for reading and Happy Numbers for math. They are
online programs and do require internet access as well as a computer or tablet. We chose these
programs because of the feedback they provide to us on your child’s progress. You can find
them under assignments posted this week on FreshGrade. Remember that students are only
expected to be working on school work for an hour daily - however if you are able to, you are
certainly welcome to do more and we want to be able to provide you with quality learning

Miss Mouly and Mrs. Schori

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