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Agriculture in India constitutes more than 60% of occupation. It serves to be

the backbone of Indian economy. It is very essential to improve the productivity and
efficiency of agriculture by providing safe cultivation of the farmer. The various operations
like spraying of pesticides and sprinkling fertilizer are very important. Though spraying of
pesticides has become mandatory it also proves to be a harmful procedure for the farmers.
Farmers especially when they spray urea, take to many precautions like wearing appropriate
outfit masks and gloves. It will avoid any harmful effect on the farmers. Avoiding the
pesticides is also not completely possible as the required result has to be met. Hence fore, use
of robots in such cases gives the best of the solutions for this type of problems, along with the
required productivity and efficiency of the product. According to survey conducted by WHO
(world health organization) it is estimated that every year about 3 million workers are
affected by poisoning from pesticides from which 18000 die. This projects aims to overcome
the ill-effect of the pesticides on human beings and also use to spray pesticides over large
area in short intervals of time compare to conventional spraying by using automatic fertilizer
sprayer. This device is basically combination of spraying mechanism on a quad copter frame.
This model is used to spray the pesticides content to the areas that cannot easily accessible by
humans. The universal sprayer system use to spray liquid as well as solid contents which are
done by the universal nozzle.
Startups have created drone-planting systems that achieve an uptake rate of
75 percent and decrease planting costs by 85 percent. These systems shoot pods with seeds
and plant nutrients into the soil, providing the plant all the nutrients necessary to sustain life.
Then, the most efficient planting pattern for that area is calculated using algorithms. A drone
loaded with germinated seeds fires pods into the ground at a rate of one per second, or about
100,000 a day. Scale this up and 60 drone teams could plant 1 billion trees a year.

Photograph 1.1. Quadcopter


 We lose an acre and a haf of forest every second. 15 Billion trees a year this done
gives us a way to fight back . it is a tree planting drone. It fires bullet into the ground
right , biodegradable bullet containers , soil, nutrient rich solution, little plant . driven
by controller so it get fired precisely at the depth it needs to go to in the exact
position it should grow in. this drone can plant 1000 trees a day. They are building a
army of 10,000 of them can plant a billion trees a year. technology is finally getting
to the point where its making a serious, serious difference in this fight .

 The frame of the drone used must be light weight as well as it should have high
strength, toughness, impact strength etc.The drone which can be easily controlled &
handled. The nozzle of the sprinkler should be of replaceable type according to the
type of the field/crops. The drone must be cost efficient.

Photograph 1.2. Planting Area


Prof. P. P. Mone, Chavhan Priyanka Shivaji, Jagtap Komal Tanaji, Nimbalkar

Aishwarya Satish has published a paper entitled “Agriculture Drone for Spraying fertilizer
and Pesticides”. In this paper authors has given detail about implementation of Agriculture
drone for automatic spraying mechanism. In this paper, they gave problem statement of
World Health Organization where it estimates that there are 3 million cases of pesticide
poisions in each year and upto 220,000 deaths, primarily in developing countries. In this
paper they also explain what precautions the farmer should have to use to avoid harmful
effects of pesticides and fertilizing effects as well as cost effective technology using
components such as PIC microcontroller for the control of agriculture robots. The published
paper is available at IJRTI, Volume 2, Issue 6, 2017.[1] Prof. S. Meivel M.E., Dr. R.
Maguteeswaran Ph.D., N. Gandhiraj B.E., G. Srinivasan Ph.D. has published a paper entitled
“Quadcopter UAV based Fertilizer and Pesticide Spraying System”. In this paper authors has
given detail about implementation of Agriculture wonder drone. They gave detail about
Quadcopter UAV and sprayer module and also discuss pesticide content to the areas that
can’t easily accessible for human beings. They discussed used of multispectral cameras
which is used to capture remote sensing images to identify the green field as well as the edges
of crop area. Total pay load lift of their quad copter is 8 kg. They used QGIS software for the
purposed of analyzing the remote sensing images. The published paper is available at
International Academic Research, Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 1,
February 2016.[26]

Prof. K. B. Korlahalli, Mr. Mazhar Ahmed Hangal, Mr. Nitin Jituri, Mr. Prakash Frances
Rego, Mr. sachin M. Raykar published a paper entitled “An Automatically Controlled Drone
based Aerial Pesticide Sprayer”. In this paper authors has given detail about implementation
of Agriculture Wonder Drone System. In this paper, the wireless drone system based on flight
controlled board (FCB), GPS, Brushless DC motor, electronic speed control (ESC), wireless
transceiver, frame, propellers and battery, etc. They used flight controller board for
controlling the function of drone such as movement, lifting, positioning, etc. FCB is
programmed in this project for handling different sensors such as GPS, Barometer,

Accelerometer, Gyroscope, etc. and components such as motors. This drone was programmed
for two modes that are manual

mode and autonomous mode. This paper was published by K. L. E. Institute of Technology,
Hubballi, Project reference no.:39S_BE_0564.[3]



To date, the nonprofit has worked with villagers to plant trees by hand. The project
began in 2012, after the government began opening the country’s borders to international
business. More than six million trees have been planted so far, and the nonprofit plans to
plant another four million by the end of 2019. But it also recognizes that humans can’t
easily cover the amount of land that could potentially be restored.Within three states,
roughly 350,000 hectares of coastal forest needs to be restored—an area nearly as large as
Rhode Island. With about 5,000 trees able to grow in a hectare, that works out to more
than a billion trees. “Obviously, planting a billion trees will take a long time without the
help of drones,” says Bremley Lyngdoh, founder and CEO of Worldview Impact, a
separate nonprofit partnering with the Worldview International Foundation on its work in
Myanmar. Two operators working with 10 drones can theoretically plant 400,000 trees in a

The drones first fly over an area to map it, collecting data about the topography and
soil condition that can be combined with satellite data and analyzed to determine the best
locations to plant each seed. Then the drone fires biodegradable pods—filled with a
germinated seed and nutrients—into the ground. For the process to succeed in a mangrove
forest, several conditions need to be right; if the tide comes in unexpectedly, for example,
the seeds could wash away. In tests, Biocarbon Engineering has looked at which species
and environmental conditions perform best.

If drones do begin to replant entire forests, humans will still play a critical role.
That’s in part because some seeds don’t fit inside the pods. But people living nearby also
need a reason to leave the trees standing. “The project in Myanmar is all about community
development and enabling people to care for trees, providing them with jobs, and making
environmental restoration in a way that it’s profitable for people,” says Fedorenko. “The
forest didn’t vanish by itself—the forest was cut down by local people.”

Roughly half of the world’s mangrove forests have been lost. The trees, with twisted roots
that reach underwater along coastlines, can store more carbon than trees on land.
Mangrove deforestation is responsible for 24 million tons of CO2 emissions each year,
according to a 2018 study. They also provide a barrier in storms; when a cyclone hit
Myanmar in 2008, killing more than 100,000 people, the impact was also worse
because there weren’t as many trees left. Some trees are cut down to make way for
aquaculture (ironically, because fish stocks drop dramatically when the trees disappear).
The wood is also used to make charcoal.



Quadcopter is a device with an intense mixture of Electronics, Mechanical and

mainly on the principle of Aviation. As stated it Sir Cayley to maintain a plane in flight,
These 4 principal forces operating the plane in flight are schematized on the figure below.
Two of these forces are generated by the relative movement of the air compared to the plane.
The first one is the lift. This force is directed upwards and is acting perpendicular to the
displacement of the plane. It is thanks to this force that the plane is maintained in the air. The
second is the drag. It is exerted in the direction opposed to the displacement of the plane. It is
due to the breaking action of the air on the plane and is opposed to the advance of the plane.
The lift and the drag are called aerodynamic forces because they are resulting from the action
of the air due to the displacement of the airplane. The force due to gravity, the weight of the
plane, is opposed to the lift. The balance of the lift and the weight leads to the fact that the
plane is maintained at constant altitude. To ensure that the plane continues to move forward,
it is necessary to provide a force that compensates for the force called drag.

Fig 3.1. Architecture of Frame

This force is called the thrust. The thrust is generated by the system of propulsion of the
planes, the engines. In the case ofthe flight at cruising speed, the role of the engine is thus to
compensate for the force of drag, but not to make the plane climb. On the other hand, at the
time of takeoff, the engine power will be used to bring the plane to the altitude of flight. To
keep the plane in flight at constant altitude, a force of lift must balance the force due to
gravity (weight of the plane).

Fig. 3.2 Internal parts of Quadcopter

On the other hand, at the time of takeoff, the engine power will be used to bring the plane to
the altitude of flight. To keep the plane in flight at constant altitude, a force of lift must
balance the force due to gravity (weight of the plane).

 Thrust Coefficient

The thrust produced the four motors on the quadcopter is the driving force behind all the
maneuvers . The thrust, T, provided by a single motor can be calculated as follows:

ε(t) = γf2 nT(t)

Where is the thrust coefficient for a specific rotor, is the density of air, is the cross-
sectional area of the propeller's rotation, is the angular velocity of the rotor and is the radius
of the rotor. For simple modelling of quadcopter, we propose a lumped parameter approach to
simply the calculation:

T(1,2,3,4) = ( Msample − Mref ) g


Where, is the lumped parameter thrust coefficient for an individual motor system.

 Torque Coefficient
The torque force is determined after performing lumped approach as shown below:

Ixx −Ixy −Ixz Ixx 0 0

−Iyx Iyy −Iyz = 0 Iyy 0

−Izx −Izy Izz 0 0 Izz

Where Q is the torque created by the motor and is the torque coefficient for the motor.

3.2.2 Block Diagram

Fig. 3.3 Block Diagram of Quadcopter

How it works?
A quadcopter, also called a quadrotor. quadrotor, is a multirotor helicopter that is
lifted and propelled by four rotors. Quadcopters are classified as rotorcraft, as opposed
to fixed-wing aircraft. Quadcopters generally use two pairs of identical fixed pitched
propellers; two clockwise (CW) and two counter clockwise (CCW). These use independent
variation of the speed of each rotor to achieve control. By changing the speed of each rotor it
is possible to specifically generate a desired total thrust; to locate for the centre of thrust both
laterally and longitudinally; and to create a desired total torque, or turning force.

Quadcopters differ from conventional helicopters, which use rotors that are able to vary the
pitch of their blades dynamically as they move around the rotor hub. In the early days of
flight, quadcopters (then referred to either as 'quadrotors' or simply as 'helicopters') were seen
as possible solutions to some of the persistent problems in vertical flight. Torque-induced
control issues (as well as efficiency issues originating from the tail rotor, which generates no
useful lift) can be eliminated by counter-rotation, and the relatively short blades are much
easier to construct. A number of manned designs appeared in the 1920s and 1930s. These
vehicles were among the first successful heavier-than-air  vehicles. However, early
prototypes suffered from poor performance, and latter prototypes required too much pilot
work load, due to poor stability augmentation and limited control authority.

3.3 How to select frame size?

For selecting the size of frame, it is necessary that the size of the propeller should be known.
 Propeller size is given by the formula,
= n×m
Where, n = Diameter of propeller in inches
m = Pitch of propeller in inch
i.e. Pitch is how many moves in one rotation.
 Since our propeller size is 10×4.5, so the diameter is 10 i.e. radius is 5 According to
the formula given as,

X = 2.R (radius of Propeller)

Fig. 3.4 Frame Size axis


The Agriculture drone has the potential to improve the crops. Agriculture Drone
can helps the farmers to transform the agriculture industry. Now a day’s farmers use a hand
pump for spraying pesticides. Human beings take large amount of time to spray the crops and
they don’t uniformly spray the pesticides. But by using drone we can complete the spraying
work in less amount of time as compare to human. Human being charges 100/- to 200/-
rupees per day for pesticides spraying, as compared to them drone takes 3 watt of power then
it will charge 10/- rupees only of electricity. Drone will uniformly spray the fertilizers hence;
there is no possibility of damaging crops. Drone will save the time of spraying pesticides and
also it will reduces the diseases caused by fertilizer to the human body such as skin diseases
as per the research of World Health Organization (WHO). Hence, drone will minimizes the

efforts of farmers for agriculture purpose. While deigning the required circuitry it is very
necessary to follow all the design and development steps for PCB designing .


 Flight Controller

Fig 3.5 Internal structure of SP EVO F3 Top

The Seriously Pro Racing F3 Flight Controller (SPRacingF3) was designed to give awesome
flight performance based on tried and tested sensors whilst also providing unparalleled I/O
capabilities in a small and extremely lightweight form-factor using a next-generation CPU.
The SPRacingF3 gives you all the features you need for the heart of your aircraft, whether
you’re into FPV racing, acrobatic flying or aerial photography it’s perfect.

 Brushless DC electric motor

Fig.3.6 Brushless DC electric motor

Brushless DC electric motor (BLDC motors, BL motors) also known as electronically
commutated motors (ECMs, EC motors), or synchronous DC motors, are synchronous motors
powered by DC electricity via an inverter or switching power supply which produces an AC
electric current to drive each phase of the motor via a closed loop controller. The controller
provides pulses of current to the motor windings that control the speed and torque of the
motor. The construction of a brushless motor system is typically similar to a permanent
magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), but can also be a switched reluctance motor, or an
induction (asynchronous) motor.

 LiPo battery
LiPo battery Nominal voltage is the default, resting voltage of a battery pack. ... LiPo
batteries are fully charged when they reach 4.2v/cell, and their minimum safe charge, as we
will discuss in detail later, is 3.0v/cell. 3.7v is pretty much in the middle, and that is the
nominal charge of the cell.

Fig 3.7. 11.1v LiPo battery

 RF 2.4Ghz remote control

Fig.3.8. RF 2.4Ghz remote control

Many embedded devices use handheld IR and RF remote controls. TVs and radios typically have
Infrared (IR) remote controls. Most cars now have a radio frequency (RF) remote key fob. Wireless
keyboards and mice use RF links at 27 MHz or 2.4 GHz. Instead of IR one we one also use Node
MCU. Less complicated Wi-Fi module is inbuilt in node MCU.

 Arduino Uno

Fig.3.9. Arduino UNO

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14
digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16
MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button.
It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer
with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Uno

differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip.
Instead, it features the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a USB-
to-serial converter.

 Centrifugal Sprinkler

Fig.3.10. Centrifugal Sprinkler

Centrifugal pump of 12 volts & 1.2 amp has been selected for the requirement of the
pumping of the liquid fertilizer to the plant to cover optimum area in minimum interval of
time with effective spaying ability of the prototype drone operated model fertilizer sprinkler


An important aspect of mathematical modelling of quadcopter is the
coordinate system in use. The coordinate system will vary depending on the different
configurations of quadcopter. The two configurations are the plus (“+”) or “X” configuration

Fig. 3.11. Roll Pitch Yaw angles

As seen in Fig. 1, the X axis lies along the Motor arm 1, Y axis along motor arm 2 and the Z
axis pointing upwards. The Motor in arms 1 and 3 rotates in counter-clockwise direction
whereas the motors in arm 2 and 4 rotate clockwise. When the Plus (“+”) configuration XY
plane rotates about 45 degrees in positive upward direction , “X” configuration is achieved as
in Fig. 2. The Euler angles over the three axes are provided below in Fig

Fig. 3.12. Euler angles over three axes

 Moments on the quadcopter

The moment is calculated resulting from the aerodynamics, thrusts and torques on the system
as given below:

Where dx is the value for the distance between the motor/prop and the body's axes of

 Forces on the quadcopter

The force acting in the body frame on the quadcopter due to the aerodynamics and thrust as
given below:

Table 3.1 Quadcopter State space Model

The lift force on the quadcopter is assumed to be oriented strictly in the positive z direction
[4]. Additional effects such as blade flapping and aerodynamic drag are not considered since
they are minimal.

 State Equations
The Angular Velocity State equation provides the change in roll (P), pitch (Q) and yaw (R)
rates of the quadcopter.

Table 3.2 Quadcopter Parameter

Table 3.3 Rotational Motion

Where is the Inertia of the quadcopter relative to the body frame, M is the moment acting on
the quadcopter body, b is a crossproduct matrix for rotational velocity and is the rotational
velocity of the quadcopter body. Rotational matrices provide rotation in Euclidean space.
According to the aerospace rotation sequence, the rotation of an aircraft is described as a
rotation about the yaw axis (z) then a rotation about the pitch axis(y) followed by a rotation
about the roll axis(x). Using these three rotations, a composite rotation matrix is given below
for inertial to body frame rotation.




Aerial Seeding Mechanism Sprinkling Mechanism

Fig. 4.1. Flow diagram of mechanism

4.1.1 Aerial Seeding Mechanism

Aerial reforestation is a farming technique where trees and other crops are planted by being

dropped from an aeroplane. The earliest records of aerial reforestation date back to 1930,
when planes were used to distribute seeds over inaccessible mountains in Honolulu after
forest fires devastated the area.

How Aerial Seeding done?

4.1 Quadcopter prepare for triggering 4.2 Triggered the seed into land

4.4 Plant will grow from seed 4.3 Seed goes into the soil

4.5 It result the Reforestation

Startups have created drone-planting systems that achieve an uptake rate of 75 percent and
decrease planting costs by 85 percent. These systems shoot pods with seeds and plant
nutrients into the soil, providing the plant all the nutrients necessary to sustain life.Then, the
most efficient planting pattern for that area is calculated using algorithms. A drone loaded
with germinated seeds fires pods into the ground at a rate of one per second, or about 100,000
a day. Scale this up and 60 drone teams could plant 1 billion trees a year.

What is Aerial Reforestation?

Aerial reforestation is a technique used to quickly plant large numbers of new trees. Local
tree seeds are mixed with soil and shaped into small balls called seed bombs, which are
dropped from drone. S

 Seed ball

Seed balls, also known as "earth balls" or nendo dango (Japanese: 粘土団子), consist of a

variety of different seeds rolled within a ball of clay, preferably volcanic pyroclastic red clay.
Various additives may be included, such as humus or compost. These are placed around the
seeds, at the center of the ball, to provide microbial inoculants. Cotton-fibres or liquefied
paper are sometimes mixed into the clay in order to strengthen it, or liquefied paper mash
coated on the outside to further protect the clay ball during sowing by throwing, or in
particularly harsh habitats over land. They are ready to grow as soon they hit the ground.

Photograph 4.6 Seed ball Photograph 4.7 Internal structure Seed ball

4.1.2 Sprinkling Mechanism

The methology consists of mathematical calculation to analyze weight carrying
capacity of one moderate weight brushless D.C. Motor to provide sufficient power to the
system to rotate the pump. After analyzing of weight and load carrying calculations the next
focus is to select no of motors required for the purpose of driving the drone and to deliver
power to the centrifugal pump and for the proper balancing of the system to fly in air without
dropping down. Based on the material availability, the economy of the material, prototype
model preparation, and actual set up construction with more capacity of spraying fertilizer to
the plants without getting effected has been surveyed in the local area market and consulted
with the farmers those are actually involved to grow crops in the field. Unique drawing and
design carried manually and finalized the model set up outer look and appearance. Remote
control with the sensors selected and installed to serve the automatic operation for a wide

range of operation. The fabrication of the structure set up, motor and pump mounting on the
structure, fertilizer carrying tank assembling with the pump carried out. Solid fertilizer mixed
with the water in the tank the model set up tested to serve the purpose of remote controlled
drone operated fertilizer sprinkler system.

Photograph 4.7 Sprinkling Process


Quadcopter will soon take on be an imperative existence in the coming future. They will be
seen taking up larger roles for a variety of jobs including business in the immediate future
They could become a part of our daily lives, from smallest details like delivering groceries to
changing the way farmers manage their crops to revolutionizing private security, or maybe
even aerial advertising. . Now a day’s farmers use a hand pump for spraying pesticides.
Human beings take large amount of time to spray the crops and they don’t uniformly spray
the pesticides. But by using drone we can complete the spraying work in less amount of time
as compare to human. Human being charges 100/- to 200/- rupees per day for pesticides
spraying, as compared to them drone takes 3 watt of power then it will charge 10/- rupees
only of electricity.


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