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1. Be Transparent With Your Intentions About Sex

When you’re attracting a woman (and you’re doing a good job) the subject of sex and
relationships will eventually come up. If you’re looking for a relationship, be honest. If you’re
looking for casual sex, be honest.

The worst thing you can do is lie. The second worst thing you can do is to be unsure what your
intentions really are.

For example, if you say something like: “yeah I’m looking for a committed relationship with the
right girl, eventually,” but in reality, you’re just looking for casual sex with this girl tonight, then
that’s disingenuous and not transparent.

If you say something like: “yeah I really like the single lifestyle, but I’d be open to a committed
relationship if I met the right girl,” then you appear uncertain about what you really want.

Many women love to have casual sex. When they want it, they will go out and find it.

What they don’t want is to be tricked and deceived. They also don’t find uncertainty attractive.
That’s why you need to know what you want, and express that clearly.

Now when you make it clear, there’s no reason to be crass. You don’t have to bluntly say: “I’m
only interested in casual sex.” Doing that shows you have no class. Instead, you explain what
you really want:

- “I really enjoy the freedom my lifestyle provides.”

- “I’m planning to travel and explore and have the kind of adventures that make for an
exciting life.
- “For now, I’m just going with the flow. Living a life of someone young and fun and free.”
- “I’m not looking to get into a committed relationship right now.”

She will get it. She will understand. And she will know where she stands. If you’re completely
honest about it, and completely certain about what you want, she’s actually MORE LIKELY to
have sex with you. If you’re dishonest or wishy washy, you will come across as far less sexually

Action Step: Identify exactly what you want with women in your life right now. You may think
you know, but when you really ask yourself the question, you might become wishy washy. If
that happens, you really aren’t sure. So decide 100% what you want right now. You can revisit
it later as life changes. But for the next 3 months, 6 months, whatever timeframe you want to
use, decide what you want. Then the next time you’re talking to a chick and it’s going well,
make sure you make your intentions 100% transparent.

2. Be Decisive About Everything

Decisiveness is sexy. Wishy-washiness is not. We discussed this above related to sex. Now
we’re talking about everything. Decisiveness is sexy even when you’re wrong. When it comes
to sparking her emotions and making yourself attractive: better to be decisive and wrong, then
indecisive and right.

When you approach her, it’s done confidently, decisively, without hesitation. When you order a
drink, be decisive. Don’t spend 5 minutes mulling over your order.

It’s: “Belvedere martini, up, shaken, no vermouth, touch dirty, blue cheese olives.”

This statement is sexy and decisive. You know what you want and you go get it.

It’s not: “Um…..let me see. What are you going to get? Oh. I see. Yeah I’m trying to decide
between a Miller High Life and Sex On The Beach.”

This statement is indecisive blathering. Not sexy at all.

When you compliment her or ask a question, be decisive. When you tell her about the plans
you have for your future, be decisive. When you tell her to change locations in the venue with
you, be decisive.

Make decisions and then do it.

Action Step: Make a few decisions for your life that you won’t deviate from for anyone. Start
with 2 or 3. They could be little things. Like: “I never buy a woman the first drink.” Once you
make the decision, stick to it, no matter what. That’s being decisive.

Then down the road when she asks you to buy her a drink, you say: “I can’t. I have a rule for
my life. I never buy the woman the first drink. Period. Even a hottie like you. Second drink?
Maybe, if you’re fun. But the first drink. Can’t do it.”
She will respect you 1,000 times more for that explanation than she would respect a pushover
who just happily buys her a drink.

3. Be Non-Reactive

Being non-reactive really means two things. Either: (a) not reacting to a situation or statement
at all, or (b) having a delayed reaction. This is best explained by example.

For the first example, let’s step away from humans. Think about a lion on the prairie. He’s
dozing. The pride of females and cubs is all around doing whatever. Suddenly there’s a ruckus
within the pride. A couple of females begin to quarrel. There’s roaring and growling. Cubs are
scampering off everywhere for cover.

Does the male lion pop his head up suddenly to see what the fuss is all about? Probably not.
He probably does nothing. Literally just lays there. Unphased. Uninterested. If he does
choose to look over, it’s often with a delay. One beat…..two beats….three beats…..and then,
maybe, he slowly lifts his head, looks over, and then goes back to sleep.

That is being non-reactive or having a delayed reaction.

Now let’s move to women. You’re sitting across the table from a blazing hot girl. The vibe is
sensual. The conversation is good. The eye contact is strong. The silent language is starting
to appear. Then suddenly a waiter drops a stack of plates and few feet away. There’s a huge
crash followed by a cacophony of gasps and shrieks from the surrounding tables. Heads turn.
Eyes go wide. A grouchy old man starts making nasty comments about “the help.”

What do you do….? That’s right. Nothing. You do nothing.

You don’t turn your head. You don’t get startled in your chair. You don't have a reaction. At all.
A clumsy waiter breaking the dishware has nothing to do with you. You just keep looking
across the table at your woman. Your eye contact: strong. Your smirk: cocky. The look that
says “I’m just a little too confident” plastered all over your face.

Think about how self-certain and bold that non-reactive body language appears. It’s like James
Bond casually enjoying a forkful of liver tartare while a shootout begins across the room. It’s like
all the alpha male movie stars who are too smooth to react to the goings-on around them.

However she reacts to the smashing plates doesn’t matter. She will probably be startled and
will look over, just like everybody else. When she turns back to gauge your reaction, she will
see that it was….nothing. You’re just looking at her with eyes that say: you have no idea the
orgasm you’ll be having a few hours from now.

Now that’s sexy as hell, and she will see it, even if it only registers subconsciously.
Delayed Reaction

You walk into a venue. Sitting at the bar is a pair of cougars. One is hot. The other is hotter.
You stroll casually toward them. Your eyes are blazing. Your strut is cool and confident. They
see you coming. You stick out your hand. Introductions are made. Banter is exchanged. And
then the hot one says: “so you want to buy us both a drink?”

Ouch. The old ‘liquor me up while I scope for other young guys to take advantage of’ approach.

What do you do? Well the first thing is you have a delayed reaction. We’ll get to what you
could actually say in a moment.

A delayed reaction means you just look at her, smirk plastered on your face. One beat. Two
beats. The smirk gets slightly wider. She will likely start smiling too because (1) smiling is
contagious and (2) you’ve given her no immediate reaction and thus no signals to read, and the
human mind often smiles when it’s not sure what else to do. Three beats. And then you react.

The point here is that you don’t react immediately. If you react immediately, no matter what
your response, it’s not nearly as confident as if you have a delayed reaction. Literally that 2 - 3
second pause makes your Sexual Presence skyrocket.

After the pause you can react in numerous ways. You can jokingly deny them with a variety of
techniques. You can deny with conditions. For this example let’s just go with the “agree with
conditions” response.

It would be like this: (remember you’ve paused here for 2 - 3 beats, then:) “Sure. But only if
you two do something for me first” (everything is said with a smirk, in a teasing, joking way).

If you’ve done everything I’ve said, with the delayed timing, slow stride, confident smirk, etc, her
response to this statement will be: “What?”

Now here you can give any conditions you want. The general rule for conditions is: the more
ridiculous they are (without being unrealistic), the better.

Giving Conditions

You call to the bartender for a pen. When he brings it over, you order yourself a drink. While
the bartender goes off to make your drink, you place a cocktail napkin and the pen in front of
them and say: “Now I’ll buy you both a drink, but you each have to write down 5 reasons on that
napkin why you like me.”

Then just look off, away from them. Good smirk. Confident body language. Don’t say anything
else. Just wait.
At this point they may scoff. They may roll their eyes. They may play like they’re “above” doing
this little task. So just wait. Be non-reactive to their silence. What you just said was the most
confident thing they’ve seen all night. All month probably. It was certainly more confident than
all the other guys who just said “yes” when they were told to buy drinks.

Obviously if one of your life’s rules is that you don’t buy women drinks. Or the first drink, then
this approach is not right for you. If that’s the case, then just bear with me until we get to step

So if you’re Sexual Presence is there, rest assured they’ll each be writing down those five things
lickety-split. Remember that even if they appear to be annoyed when writing down those things,
it doesn’t matter. They are only annoyed with themselves. Because an alpha male just told
them what to do, and they’re doing it to get free drinks. Props.

Now in every situation you have to accept that sometimes women are truly just looking for free
drinks and beta male orbiters. If that’s the case, then nothing you do or say will matter. So if
they won’t play along, move on. And in this case, you effectively said “no” to buying them
drinks, without having to directly say it. You essentially said “yes” and meant “no” unless they
did what you say.

As a bonus to these particular conditions, you now have a list of ten things you can use to tease
the shit out of them for the rest of the night. And who knows, since polyamory is all the rage
these days, that $25 you just dropped on a pair of Cosmos might well be the best money you
ever spent…..

Now that you know what being non-reactive means, how do you start practicing and perfecting
it? Simple. You start by following Step 2.

To Achieve Being Non-Reactive: Slow Down

Think about a man walking quickly down the hall at work. A man who talks quickly during a
speech. Who responds quickly to questions. Who makes a lot of jerky hand and arm
movements during a presentation. Does that guy exude confidence? Does he exude sexual
presence? No.

Now think about a man who takes his time. He walks slowly and confidently. There’s no rush.
People will wait. He’ll be there when he arrives, and not a moment sooner. When he talks it’s
bold. He pauses to build the suspense. He makes them wait. The audience sits on the edge of
their seat in anticipation. When someone raises their hand for a question, does he stop what
he’s saying and rush to call on them? No. He makes them wait. He finishes his thought and
calls on them in due time. When he talks, his hand and arm movements are slow, distinct and
Does that guy exude confidence? Yes. Does he exude sexual presence? Probably. Certainly
more than the first speaker.

Now assume that both of these guys were equally “good looking.” Equally attractive in physical
fitness and style. Both have an equivalent written presentation. If that’s the case, then what’s
the one big difference between them? Speed. That’s all. Just the speed with which they do

The confident alpha male moves slowly, distinctly and with purpose. The less confident beta
male moves quickly. He scurries instead of strolls. His movements are jumpy, almost twitchy.
And the only difference really is speed.

In order to begin immediately increasing your sexual presence you need to practice slowing
down. Slow down everything you do. Your walking. Your talking. The speed at which you turn
your head. The speed at which you get up from a chair. The speed at which you eat.

At your next meal take note of how fast you eat. Are you wolfing down that plate of food in
under 5 minutes? Is there barely any time between bites? Do you put your fork down on the
table during the eating process?

Take notice of your walk. Are you scurrying? Are you in a hurry? Slow it down. Act like people
will wait. When you act like that and make it part of who you are and the presence you project
to the world, guess what? People will start waiting.

As a general rule, take notice of everything you do and low it down by 25%. Even 50% some of
the time.

The conscious practice of slowing down your body movements will quickly and dramatically
increase your ability to be non-reactive and/or have delayed reactions.

Action Step: Practice intentionally reacting to things slower. Get up from your chair slower,
and with purpose. Walk with pride. Slow down your eating. When something happens in your
surrounding environment, practice either not reacting to it at all. Or, not reacting at first: doing
nothing for a few moments and then looking over slowly.

4. Be Sexual With Your Interaction

This means that everything you do is a step or two out of the friend zone. When you look into
her eyes, look for a second or two too long. While you’re doing that, have the thought in your
head: “I will make you climax harder than anyone else in this room.” When you have that
thought, it will be reflected in your face and she will subconsciously see it.
Look at her lips like they’re succulent cherries you could take a bite out of. When you give her a
hug, hold for a second or two too long. When you talk, lean in for a whisper from time to time.
Get a little too close. Let her smell your cologne.

Learn to touch women and practice touching them. After you feel some attraction, escalate it
with touch. Start with small touches. A hand placed on the lower back, hold for 2 seconds,
remove. A “tap” of the hand on her upper thigh at some punch line or at a funny moment. And
then remove. Bumping, nudging, poking. All the tricks. Learn how and practice.

Action Step: If you’ve not yet studied how to escalate touch with women, find information
about it and start learning right away.

5. Be Vulnerable

What does being vulnerable mean? Does it mean being a wimp or a beta or a pushover or a
“nice guy”? Not at all.

Being vulnerable means expressing your feelings about people and things that you care about.
Things that you’re passionate about. Very important: not just talking about things and people,
but talking about your feelings related to those things and people.

By revealing your feelings, you can get her to reveal her feelings and secrets. That’s how you
get her to open up. You lead. You express your feelings about something and it creates an
emotional connection for her. It makes her trust you. It makes her vulnerable around you.

Action Step: Identify three of your passions that you normally talk about when meeting
women. Or will start talking about as you improve your game with women. Think about how
you tell her about them. Is it factual? Are you expressing a bunch of facts to her about this
passion? Or are you expressing feelings? Identify where you can start expressing more about
your feelings on the topic. As soon as you start talking about feelings vs facts, you’ll see a big
shift in how women respond to you. When you talk about feelings, now you’re talking their

Practice these 5 Steps and you will create a powerful sexual frame that women find irresistible.
Once you do that, sleeping with her will be the easiest part.

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