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1 wklęsły i wypukły opisz

2odniesienie do zdjęć analiza struktury i opis zdjęć

Concave and convex. - and + in nature cannot function separately. Everything circulates in a

closed circuit, which goes out and comes back. For example rain.

Negative and positive, known to us from sculptural castings. When we look into the negative,

we also see our sculpture.

Therefore, we create two objects that harmonize with each other and after assembled, form

becomes unity. *

Nobody said that the plant we see is its final form. We see only half, the other half or the

roots are below the surface of the earth and serve the same as the one above. Bees and

butterflies derive from the flower, underground animals, fungi from the roots.*

This idea can also be applied to stone or wood carving when we discard pieces of material.

Similarly, however, they are part of the whole, the other half of our sculpture though in a

changed form. In pieces. When we add them back to the sculpture, it will become one. It will

be only the unity of a given element, like large block of stone, which was subtracted from a

large rock in the same way in which we subtract with a hammer and chisel. The big rock was

taken away from the big mountain. The same is with woodcarving. The sculpture is taken

from the tree trunk, the tree trunk taken from the whole tree with roots, the whole tree from

forest. Hence, the final effect, i mean our sculpture is not a whole, it is only a fragment of

fragment of fragment of the whole. Everything is a big world order and lives in complicated


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