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Form Past Present Future Components

Simple He worked* He works° He will work^ Subject *regular past, °3rd

person singular 's', bare
Continuous He was working He is working He will be Subject +'be'+ pres.part

Perfect He had worked He has worked He will have Subject +'have'+past part.
Perfect He had been He has been He will have Subject
continuous working working been working +'have'+been+pres.part

Form Past unreal/3rd Present Future Components

conditional unreal/ 2nd possible/ 1st
conditional conditional

Affirmative He would have He would work He will work Subject +modal of

conditional worked if/ if/ unless… if/ unless… possibility+ bare infinitive^

unless… (+past part) +if

Negative He wouldn't He wouldn't He won't Subject +modal of possibility

conditional have worked work if/ work + + not + bare infinitive^
if/unless… unless… if/unless… (+past part) +if/unless

1. …since 1995. 13. …when you called.

2. …when he was a student. 14. …the money is good enough.
3. …he were well enough. 15. … from 9 to 5.
4. …when you called. 16. …for 15 hours, he deserves the rest.
5. …for 30 years on his 50th birthday. 17. …, can I take a message?
6. …at 3pm tomorrow. 18. …for 15 hours yesterday.
7. …he was sick. 19. …the strike were called off.
8. …for 15 hours, he needs a break now! 20. …like a horse.
9. …with that company before he graduated. 21. …as a tutor in a university.
10. …the strike is called off. 22. …there in 1997.
11. …he was studying. 23. …tomorrow.
12. …he is sick. 24. …from 1991 until 1995.

Adapted © Margaret Horrigan 1994

Margaret Horrigan 2018

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