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Defray Pay costs of

Disarray Disclaiming, Disorder Nebula Nebular, Star group

Diva Prima donna, operatic singer Tarantula Venomous spider
Replica Copy, a facsimile Tortilla Flat cake
Agenda Alochcho suchi, things to be done Scintilla Smallest particle, Shred, least bit
Armada Fleet of warships Spatula Kodal
Propaganda Propagandist, Publicity
Rotunda Circular building Anathema Solemn curse, a person or thing under a curse of the church,
Saga Any legend anathematize, anathematical
Toga Roman outer robe Charisma Divine gift
Dilemma Difficult choice,
Phobia Fear Glaucoma Disorder of the eye
Acrophobia Fear of height Miasma Miasmatic, miasmal, Toxin, swamp gas, odor of decaying matter
Claustrophobia Fear of being locked in Panorama Panoramic, perspective, Vista, comprehensive view,
Hydrophobia Rabies, Fear of water Stigma Brand, token of disgrace, mark of infamy, stain, disgrace
Xenophobia(n) Fear or hatred of foreigners Duenna Governess, attendant or young female, chaperone (sokhi)
Arcadia A place of peace, quiet & happiness, arcadian Fauna Animal
Nostalgia Nostalgic, Homesickness, longing for the past Lacuna Lacunas, A missing part, gap
Memorabilia Memorable things Lamina Layer
Paraphernalia Equipment, odds & ends Nirvana Bliss
Regalia Emblems (crown) Persona Social façade
Phenomena Phenomenal, Unusual natural event, observable facts, subjects of
Anemia Condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles, scientific investigation
Hypothermia Low Body temperature Stamina Strength, staying power
Mea culpa My fault
Mania Maniac, Madness, insanity,
Kleptomania Kleptomaniac, a mania for stealing Aurora The dawn
Megalomania Mania for doing grandiose things, the delusion that one is great or Era Period of time, an epoch, an age
powerful Flora Plants of a region or era
Monomania Monomaniac, Madness confined to one subject Plethora Plethoric, Overabundance , excess
Paranoia Chronic form of insanity Hegira (Hijar), Journey to a more pleasant place (Makka to Madina)
Insignia Emblems, badges of office or honor Tundra Rolling, treeless plain in Siberia & arctic north America
Insomnia Wakefulness, inability to sleep, sleeplessness Cantata To be sung by a chorus, dramatic lyric, cantatrice
Iota Very small quantity
Utopia Imaginary land, utopian(a) Junta Cabal, Small ruling group,
Ambrosia Food of the gods, ambrosial Operetta Musical comedy
Amnesia Loss of memory Quota A share or proportion
Aria Operatic solo Regatta Boat or yacht race
Euphoria Elation Vendetta Grudge, Blood feud,
Pariah Outcast
Aphasia Loss of speech due to injury or illness Nova Bright star
Euthanasia Mercy-killing Stanza Division of a poem
Intelligentsia The intellectual elite or classes
Panacea Cure all, a remedy or medicine
Trivia Trifles, unimportant matters Dab Touch lightly, strike gently, gentle blow, smear
Gab Chatter, Panache Flair, flamboyance
Diatribe Long denunciation, invective Snatch Catch & carry away suddenly, seize hastily, snatcher
Disrobe Undress Bleach Whiten, blanch
Drab Prostitute, dull brown, having no variety Breach Breaking of contract, infringement
Ebb Recede, lessen, decline, decay Impeach Impeachment (arraignment, ovijog), Accuse, censure, charge with
Enrobe Dress crime in office, indict
Entomb Entombment, Bury, inter Broach Pierce, bring up for discussion, broacher
Fib Fibber, fibbing, Trivial lie Encroach Encroachment (gradual intrusion), Trespass (bolpurbok dokhol)
Garb Clothe Notch Hollow cut, nick
Gibe Heckle, mock, abuse, scoff Poach Poacher, Pilfer, Steal,
Glib Glibness, glibly, Insincere manner, fluent, slippery, voluble Reproach Reproachable, reproachful, Blame, censure, upbraid,
Grab Seize suddenly Cliché Phrase dulled in meaning by repetition
Hubbub Confused uproar, confusion, riot Kitsch Trashy part
Imbibe Drink Niche Nook, a hollow in a wall for a statue
Inscribe Inscribed, inscribable, inscriber, Engrave, write on Nouveau rich Newly rich
Mob Common people, riotous crowd
Nab Catch suddenly, a hill top Debauch Corrupt, make intemperate (choritrobhostokora), lewdness,
Nib Beak, Pen point, pervert
Nub Crux Gauche Awkward, clumsy, boorish, tactless
Numb Torpid, Grouch A sulky, distorted feelings
Orb Sphere, circle, wheel, disc Eunuch Castrated male (nopunsok)
Perturb Agitate, disturb greatly, disquiet Nonesuch Paragon, one in a thousand, a person or object having no equal
Plumb Measure, vertical Putsch Uprising, A sudden attempt to overthrow government
Proverb Maxim, adage Besmirch Spoil, defile, discolor
Proscribe Prohibit, ostracize, banish, outlaw Matriarch Matron, matriarchy, woman who rules a family or larger social
Probe Examine group
Prescribe Prod, Urge, Patriarch Patriarchy, Father and ruler of a family or tribe
Barb Spike of an arrow, Sharp projection Porch Veranda
Benumb Deprive of sensation
Blab Talk too much Blanch Bleach, whiten
Bribe Corrupt, Bribable, briber, bribery, bribability Carte blanche Unlimited authority or freedom
Cherub Celestial spirit, cherubs, cherubim Quench Quenchable, quenchless, Destroy, Extinguish, slake,
Circumscribe Draw a line around, Limit, confine, restrict, circumscribed, Drench Soak (sikto kora)
circumscription Entrench Entrenchment, Fortify, surround or defend with ditches
Succumb Yield, give in, die Retrench Retrenchment, Cut down, economize,
Transcribe Copy, transcript Stanch Check flow of blood, stern
Aplomb Poise Wrench(v) Pull, strain, twist
Ascribe Refer, attribute, assign, ascribable Flinch Shrink back, hesitate, fail
Lynch Hang without trial
Cache Hiding place Paunch Stomach
Dispatch Prompt execution, speediness, message sent with all due speed Staunch Trustworthy, loyal, staunchness
Fetch Go & bring
Retch Vomit
Wretch(n) Miserable person, wretched (miserable), wretchedly(ad), Crabbed Peevish, sour, bitter
wretchedness(n) Embed Enclose, place in something, put firmly & deeply into
Cad Person of low manners, caddish Extroverted Extrovert, Outgoing
Arcade A covered passageway, usually lined with shops Faint-hearted Timorous, cowardly
Cascade Small waterfall False-hearted Treacherous (bihshasghatok), deceitful
Cavalcade Parade, procession, cavalier Flabbergasted Flabbergast, Amazed, dumbfounded, bewilder, confused
Façade Mask, front of the building Fluted Having vertical parallel grooves (khajkrito)
Jaded Fatigued, surfeited, Bored with one’s situation Fragmented Fragment, fragmentary, Broken into fragments
High-handed Overbearing, arbitrary, violent Inflated Exaggerated
Outmoded Obsolete Iron-hearted Cruel
Exploded Discarded, discredited Maladjusted Maladjustment (failure to adapt), Disturbed
Fad Faddist,faddy, pet idea, hobby, trifling pursuit Noted Famous
Fed Be bored with or tired Pixilated Possessed, eccentric
Gad Ramble Prefabricated Ready built
Renegade Apostate, deserter Purported Rumored
Lad Boy, youth, Reputed Supposed
Accolade Award of merit Serrated Having a saw toothed edge, serration
Fusillade Bombardment Stilted Bombastic, inflated, stiltedly
Nomad Wanderer, nomadic (wandering) Striated Marked with parallel bands, grooved
Esplanade Boardwalk Superannuated Retired on pension because of age, superannuation
Gasconade Boasting, Tainted Contaminated, corrupted, infected
Maenad Frenzied woman Tessellated Mosaic, inlaid
Pasquinade Satire Uninhibited Unrepressed, (inhibited=nisidhdho)
Promenade Stroll, parade Unmitigated Not alleviated, Harsh, severe, not lightened,
Escapade Adventure, prank, flighty conduct, breaking loose from restraint (unmitigated=alleviated, lessen, soften)
Degrade Degrading, Demean Unprecedented Unparalleled, novel, (precendented=paralleled)
Retrograde Retrogression, Regress, go backward, degenerate, deteriorating, Unwarranted Unjustified, groundless, undeserved, uncertain,
Tirade Long, vehement speech, Extended scolding, denunciation, censure (warranted=justified)
Affected Artificial, pretended, not natural Unwonted Unaccustomed, (wonted=accustomed, habituated)
Adulterated Made impure or spoiled, made polluted, Vaunted Vaunt, Boasted, bragged, highly publicized
adulterer, adulterine, adulterous, adultery Evade Avoid, escape artfully,
Acquainted Known, acquaint, acquaintance Pervade Permeate, percolate
Animated Lively, gay, vivacious, enlivened, animator, animate, animation
Antiquated Old fashioned, obsolete, archaic, antediluvian,antiquarian, Morbid Gloomy, unhealthy, diseased
antiquary, antique, antiquity, antiquities Rabid Rabidity, Mad, furious, like a fanatic
Belated Delayed Turbid Muddy, having the sediment disturbed, confused, disordered,
Blighted destroyed, annihilated, blasted, blight turbidity
Bloated Swollen or puffed, inflated, bloat Cede Yield title to, transfer, give up
Ciliated Having minor hair, cilia Accede Agree, accord, assent, acquiesce, accidence, accede
Close fisted Miserly, niggardly Antecede Precede, being past, antecedence, antecedent
Convoluted Coiled around, Addle, Concede Admit, recognize, acknowledge
Corrugated Wrinkled, ridge Intercede Plead on behalf on another, mediate (modhhdosthota kora)
Demented Deranged, insane (mathakharap), made crazy Lucid Lucidity, Limpid, Clearly understood, transparent,
Dilapidated Neglected, ruined because of neglect Pellucid Transparent, limpid, easy to understand
Disinterested Impartial Placid Serene, peaceful, mild, calm
Disjointed Disconnected, incoherent, disunite, Precede Precedence, Go before in time
Emaciated Emaciate, emaciation, Underfed, gaunt, thin & wasted Proceed Advance, proceeding (an event),
Recede Retreat, Move back, fall back Hallowed Consecrated, blessed
Regicide Murder of a king or queen
Flaccid Flaccidity, Flabby Maid maiden maidenhood, maidenly, Virgin,
Rancid Rancidity, Rotten Staid Sober, sedate, steady, grave, staidly, staidness
Viscid Thick, gummy Upbraid Scold, reproach

Candid Frank, honest, outspoken, condor, unprejudiced , candidly Qualified Limited, restricted
Sordid Filthy, base, vile, squalid & mean, degraded, sordidly, sordidness Fancied Imagined , unreal
Frigid Frigidity, Intensely cold Fratricide One who kills his brother or sister
Rigid Rigidity, Inflexible, stiff, severe Genocide Extermination of a race (ektijatikenirmulkoron)
Turgid Enlarged, Distended, swollen, bombastic, pompous, turgidly, Infanticide Child murder,
turgidity Matricide Murder of a mother by a child
Heed Heedful, Follow advice, pay attention to, consider Preside President, Direct, chair, superintend,
Elide Elision, Omit a syllable or vowel Reside Residence, Dwell
Pallid Pallidity, Pale, wan, sallow Subside Descend, grow quiet, settle down, abate
Squalid Dirty, neglected, poor, squalidly Chide Scold, rebuke
Stolid Impassive, dull, showing no emotion or enthusiasm, stolidity, Frenzied Frenziedly, Frantic,
stolidly Impoverished Impoverish (make poor), Poor,
Unsullied Untarnished, (sullied=tarnished, BERTHO) Pied Mottled, brindled, variegated, multicolored
Valid Legally acceptable Deride Ridicule, scoff at
Humid Damp (setsete) Stride Long step,
Timid Fearful ,want of courage, Timidity, timidness Eventide The time of evening
Hackneyed Hackney, Trite, commonplace Contrived Forced, artificial, not spontaneous
Intrepid Intrepidity, intrepidly, Fearless, undaunted,
Insipid Flat, dull, tasteless, uninteresting Anthropoid Manlike
Limpid Limpidity, Lucid, Transparent, clearly understood Asteroid Small planet,
Tepid Lukewarm, tepidly, tepidity, tepidness Sangfroid Calmness in danger or difficulty
Torpid Dormant, dull, lethargic, numb, inactive, torpidness, torpidly, Paranoid Suspicious, demented
torpidity Devoid Empty, lacking
Vapid(a) Vacuous, Insipid, insane, uninteresting, tasteless, vapidity(n), Ovoid Egg-shaped
Creed System of religious or ethical belief Ode Poem, song
Acrid Bitter, pungent, Acridity, acrimonious Bode Be a sign of, Foreshadow, portend
Arid Dry, barren, uninteresting, aridness Goad Encourage, urge on, sharp pointed stick for driving beasts
Dread Dreadful, Awe, an object of fear Lode Metal bearing vain
Florid Ruddy (roktim), flowery, bright in color Mode Prevailing style, form, fashion,
Horrid Horridness, horridly, Hideous, horrible, Discommode Make inconvenience to
Hybrid Crossbreed, mongrel, mixed breed Incommode Annoy, trouble, molest
Lurid Ghastly, wild, sensational, pale, wan Nod Bend the head forward, bow slightly,
Putrid Rotten, decayed Erode Erosive, Wear away, eat away
Fetid Stinky, malodorous, noxious smell Prod Poke, stir up, Urge, prescribe
Avid Greedy, eager for, avidity Ramrod Rod
Fervid Fervidly, Ardent Episode Episodic, Incident
Livid Enraged (krubdho), lead colored, black & blue,
Vivid Bright, intense, clear, vividness(n) Allude Allusion, Refer indirectly
Delude Delusion, Deceive Laud Laudable, laudatory, Praise
Elude Evade, frustrate, Applaud Praise loudly, praise, clapping hands, applause
Feud Feudal, feudalism, feudatory, fief (jaigirdar), Enmity between Maraud Marauder, Plunder, robe as a freebooter
Interlude Intermission, interval Bald
Occlude Block Ribald Coarse, vulgar, wanton, profane, low, base, mean, ribaldry
Preclude Preclusion, preclusive, Prevent, Make impossible, eliminate (obscenity)
Prelude Preclusive (introductory), Preamble, prologue, Introduction, Herald Harbinger, forerunner, proclaimer,
forerunner Behold Observe, notice, beholder
Exclude Exclusion, excluded, Shut out, keep out, reject Manifold Multiple, diverse, numerous, varied, many in number
Denude Denudation, Strip bare Multifold Numerous, multiple
Intrude Intruder, Enter uncalled or uninvited Scold Rude, clamorous woman, a virago
Extrude Extrusion, Force out, push out , thrust out, drive away Mild Mildly, mildness, Kind, soft, meek,
Protrude Protrusion, protrusive, Stick out (baireprosaritokora), thrust out Wield Control
Prude Puritan, excessively modest person, unassuming Yield Give up, surrender, yielding( ekguye noi emon)
Yield Crops, production
Aptitude Talent, fitness, ability to learn quickly & easily
Beatitude State of bliss Viand Food
Certitude Freedom from doubt, conviction Contraband Illegal trader, smuggler, barter
Decrepitude Enfeeblement (durbol), state of collapse caused by illness or old Disband Disbandment, Disperse (chotrobhongokora), dissolve
age Dividend Distributed profits
Disquietude Disquiet, Anxiety, uneasiness, restlessness Fend Ward off, keep off (nibaronkora, protihotokora)
Fortitude Patience, courage (sahosikota), bravery, Forefend Avert, forbid
Gratitude Thankfulness Fiend Fiendish (poishachik), Devil, deadly foe
Habitude Mental or bodily constitution Unfeigned Genuine, real, (feigned=pretended), unfeignedly(ad)
Incertitude Uncertainty Legend Explanatory list of symbols on a map
Infinitude Infinity, Boundlessness Apprehend Arrest, dread, perceive, apprehension, apprehensible,
Inquietude Disturbance or uneasiness of body or mind apprehensibility
Lassitude Lethargic, logy, drowsy, Sluggish, weariness, languor Reprehend Reprehension, Reprove, chide
Latitude Latitudinarian, Freedom from narrow limitations Bland Gentle & polite in speech & nature, affable, Soothing, blandly,
Magnitude Extent, greatness, Size blandness
Multitude Multitudinous, Throng, the common people, the masses, crowd Headland Cape, promontory
Quietude Tranquility Inland Remote from the sea
Platitude Trite remark(mamulykotha), Mend Mending, Correct, repair
Plenitude Abundance, completeness Amend Correct/change, improve, amendable
Pulchritude Comeliness, Beauty, Countermand Cancel, revoke
Rectitude Uprightness, righteous Commend Praise, speak favorably of, commendation, commendable
Similitude Similarity, resemblance Emend Emendation, emendator, emendatory, Correct, correct by a critic
Turpitude Depravity, baseness Gourmand Epicure (bhojonbilasibekti), glutton
Verisimilitude Likelihood, appearance of truth Reprimand Rebuke, reprove officially,
Vicissitude Change of fortune Pend Dependent, hang
Exude Exudation, Emit, discharge, flow out, give forth Append Attach, add in writing or print, appendage
Stipend Pay for the service
Defraud Swindle, cheat, Errand Message, mandate
Gaud Gaudiness, Showy ornament Firebrand Agitator
Rend To tear apart (chera), split, rent Laggard Loafer, slow, sluggish, tardy
Descend Descending order, descendent, Go or come down Regard Regarding (concerning), regardful (heedful, respectful), Heed,
Condescend Bestow concern, attention,
Transcend Exceed, surpass, go beyond, be superior to, transcendence Disregard Neglect
Contend Compete, struggle Sluggard Slow, lazy, lethargic, sluggishly, sluggishness
Distend Distensible, distension, Swell, expand Vanguard Forerunning
Intend Intendant, intendancy, intended (purposed), Set the mind on, Dastard Dastardly, Coward
mean, design Haphazard Haphazardly, Random, by chance, casually
Portend Signify, augur, foretell(osonisongket), forebode, presage Herd Flock, rabble,
Wizened(a) Withered, shriveled, decayed Hoard Hoarder, Stockpile, accumulate for future use,
Ensanguined Blood-stained (oti ronjito) Horde Group, crowd, troop of tartars or nomads
Lanyard Sort type
Purblind Short sighted, Stupid Inward Inwardness, Internal
Inclined Tending or learning toward, bent, disposed (ichchuk) Untoward Unfortunate, annoying, (toward=fortunate)
Refined Purified, polished, cultured Accord Agreement, accede, assent, acquiesce, consent
Resigned Accepting of a situation, unresisting, patiently submissive Concord Harmonious, compatible
Discord Discordant, discordance, Lack of harmony
Abscond Depart secretly and hide, flee secretly, hide, absconder(n) Fjord Inlet
Frond Bending tree, palm or banana leaf Ford Place where a river can be crossed on foot
Vagabond(n) Wanderer, tramp, vagabondism, vagabondage
Dappled Dapple (variegated), Spotted
Fecund Fecundity, fecundate, Fertile, fruitful Garbled Mixed up, based on false or unfair selection
Jocund Jocundity, Merry Mottled Mottle, Spotted
Rubicund Ruddy Unbridled Uncontrolled, Violent, (bridled=controlled)
Moribund Near death (mumursu), at the point of death Deranged Derangement, Insane (bikritomostisko), of disorder mind
Hidebound Prejudiced Detached Emotionally removed
Rebound Recoil Dissuade Dissuasion, dissuasive, Deter, advice against, divert
Confound Baffle, befuddle, puzzle Persuade Persuaded, persuadable, Prevail on, Induce, convince,
Dumbfound Confuse greatly Bawd Procuress
Profound Profundity, Deep, abstruse, knowledgeable Lewd Lustful, wicked, licentious, immoral
Hound Hunting dog Shrewd Clever, astute, sharp-witted, cunning, sagacious, shrewdness,
Impound Confiscate, Seize, shut up or confine as a pound, restrain within shrewdly
Propound Propose, put forth for analysis Dogged Doggedly, Persistent, determined, stubborn, obstinate, tenacious
Resound Echo Dunderhead Dunce,
Expound Expounder, Explain Enamored Enamor, Charmed, captivated, in love
Enshroud Cover up, conceal from view
Ill-blood Enmity, bad feeling
Awkward Clumsy, not skillful, awkwardness, awkwardly, awkwardish Ill-bred Uncivil, impolite
Bard Division of a poem Ill-starred Born under evil star
Discard Cast off, give up Marred Mar, Disfigured, damaged
Placard Poster Myriad Innumerable, very large number, ten thousand
Checkered Variegated, Marked by changes in fortune Impassioned Fiery, emotional, strongly affected or moved by strong passion
Engird Gird around Impede Hinder, block, obstruct
Haggard Gaunt, wasted away (chokh much bose geceh emon) Rarefied Rarefaction, rarefy, Made less dense
Rescind Revoke, cancel, annul, repeal Inveigh To rail loudly (bidrup kora), denounce, utter censure or invective
Supersede Replace, cause to be set aside Neigh Utter the cry of a horse
Jaundiced Embittered, Biased, prejudiced, envious Hie To hasten, go in haste
Kindred Similar, belonging to the same family, relatives Minutiae Small, precise, Trivia, petty details
Knead Massage, mix, work dough (moidapishiyetaal banana) Awe Solemn wonder or fear
Ewe Female sheep
Peaked Wan, pale, haggard, sickly Owe Be bound to pay
Parched Extremely dry, very thirsty Quasi Seeming, almost
Marked Distinguished, eminent
Quadruped Four feet animal
Stereotyped Fixed and unvarying representation Oaf Oafish, Awkward person, stupid, a dolt, blockhead
Biased Prejudiced, slanted Quaff Drink
Bemused Confused, lost in thought, preoccupied, stupefy, daze Riffraff Dregs of society, the rabble,
Prepossessed Appealing, charming Carafe Decanter, glass water bottle
Predisposed Inclined (onukulkora) Chafe Warm by rubbing, bask
Pronounced Pronouncement, Declaring opinion, Chaff Worthless products
Unassuaged Unsatisfied, nor sooth, (assuaged=lessen) Gaffe Embarrassing mistake, social blunder
Unfledged Immature, undeveloped, not feathered, (fledged=developed, Vouchsafe(v) Bestow, confer, Grant condescendingly, guarantee, concede
Unscathed Unharmed Deaf Deafness, (Kaneysunena), deaf & dumb
Debrief Interrogate
Acme Apex, summit, vertex, zenith, pinnacle, highest point Fief Jaigirdaar
Stymie Present as obstacle, stump Grief Sorrow, regret,
Aerie Nest of large bird Sheaf Bundle of stalked of grain
Camaraderie Good fellowship Mischief Mischievous, Harm, injury, damage,
Coterie Group that meets socially, select friend circle Mastiff Large dog
Decree Official order, command, edict, judicial decision Motif Theme
Eerie Eeriness, Weird (rohossojonok), causing fear Pontiff Bishop, chief priest (main dhormojajok)
Entrée Entrance, a way in, the right or privilege of admission Relief Relieve, alleviation from pain
Menagerie Zoo Rife Widespread, abundant, current prevailing,
Pedigree Bongsobiboron, Genealogy Waif(n) Homeless children or animal, BEWARISH
Potpourri Medley, heterogeneous mixture
Reverie Daydream Aloof Apart, reserved, aloofness
Repartee Retort, rejoinder Disproof Refutation (Proman khondon), a thing that proves
Devotee Enthusiastic follower Doff Take off, abandon
Apogee Highest point, summit, apex, acme, tip, vertex, zenith Scoff Mock, ridicule, flout, deride, gibe, taunt, show contempt or scorn
Perigee Point nearest to the earth
Flee Run away, shun Dwarf Dwarfish, Manikin, hinder from growing (bamon)
Melee An affray, Riot, (daanga) Engulf Overwhelm, swallow up wholly
Levee Embankment, dam, assembly by visitors (mojlish) Gruff Rough mannered, harsh, stern in manner
Evacuee Udbaastu Puff Sudden blast of wind
Ennui Boredom (manosik klanti, obosaad), feeling of weariness, languor Bluff Cozen, Beguile, bilk, Delude, cheat, deception, pretense
Marquee Large tent Rebuff Reject, repulse, snub (dhomkani), beat back
Espy Catch sight of
Envy Hingsha, hate, malice,
Contending Lingering Protracted, slow, tardy
Foreboding Forebode, Premonition of evil, prognosticate, Offspring Descendents, children
Good-breeding Polite manners, good education Retiring Modest, unassuming
Heartrending Deeply afflictive Simpering Smirking, silly smile, simper
Impending Impend (be imminent), Approaching, nearing Smattering Slight knowledge, a superficial knowledge, smatterer
Pending Not decided Unerring No mistake
Unfaltering Unhesitating, steadfast, not wavering, (faltering=hesitating,
Chaffing Bantering, joking wavering)
Engaging Enchanting, charming, attractive
Flagging Weak, dropping Imposing Imposingly, Intimidating, imposter (someone who assumes false
Grudging Grudgingly, grudge, Reluctant, unwilling, stingy, give or take identity), impressive
reluctantly Mincing Affectedly dainty
Longing An eager desire, craving Nourishing Nourish, nourishment, Nutritious,
Obliging Accommodate, considerate Pressing Urgent

Painstaking Taking great care, laborious, hardy, diligent Affecting Touching, pathetic
Smirking Discriminating Discriminative, Able to see differences, prejudiced, distinguishing,
Bristling Showing irritation separating
Compelling Overpowering, irresistible in effect Doting Attending
Fledgling Inexperienced Enchanting
Fling Throw, scatter Flitting Variable, flying
Groveling Mean Inviting Attracting, tempting
Grueling Exhausting Parting Farewell, severance
Inkling Hint Unwitting Unintentional, not knowing, (wittng=intentional),
Prevailing Prevalent, Common, current unwittingly(ad)=ignorantly
Sibling Brother or sister Exacting Exactor, Disposed to extract, Unreasonable Demanding, difficult,

Fuming Angry, smoke, fumigate (expose to smoke) Billowing Swelling like waves
Fawning Adulation, courting behavior by cringing & flattering Gnawing Constant pain or suffering
Gloaming Dusk, twilight (godhuly) Harrowing Harrow, Distressing, torture, heart rendering (hridoybidarok)
Unassuming Modest, submissive, not proud, unassumingly(ad), Misgiving Doubt, mistrust, apprehension,
(assuming=arrogant, presumptuous) Dying About to die
Discerning Observant Vying(v) Contending, vie(v)
Leaning Tendency
Overweening Presumptuous, Arrogant, vain
Carping Fault finding, captious Acknowledge Recognize, admit, acknowledgement
Grasping Avaricious, greedy Adage Proverb, wise saying
Griping Avaricious Allege Declare, say firmly, State without proof
Impinge Impingement, Encroach, touch, infringe, collide with Assuage Ease, lessen,
Badinage Teasing conversation, badly joking
Bantering Joking, chaffing, banter Barrage Barrier, dam,
Cringe Shrink back as in fear Besiege Beleaguer, besieger
Fringe Bondage Slavery, captivity
Infringe Infringement, Encroach, trespass, violate, Begrudge Resent, envy
Glaring Bright & dazzling Cadge Hawk, cadger (hawker, huckster)
Carnage Destruction of life, killing of many people Visage Face, appearance
Disengage Release, detach
Disparage Disparagement (reproach, derogation), disparaging, Belittle, decry, Brag Boast,
lower in rank or estimation Fag Drudge, become weary
Dotage Senility Hag Ugly old woman
Enrage Make angry
Entourage Assemblage, retinue, follower Abridge Shorten, abbreviate, condensed, curtail, epitomize, abridgement(n)
Envisage Envisagement, Face to face Porridge Stew
Espionage Spying, secret watching Prestige Reputation, renown
Forage Search for food Fatigue Weariness, toil
Fledge Furnish with feathers Intrigue Plot, mystery (shorojontro)
Gage A thing deposited as a security
Gouge Overcharge, tear out, chisel for cutting holes Dodge Dodger (an artful person), Quibble, start aside
Homage Respect, tribute, reverence Lodge
Hostage A person or thing given as pledge Dislodge Dislodgement, Remove from a place
Liege Bound by a feudal tenure under a superior
Lineage Ancestry, descend, race, family Cog Tooth protecting from a wheel
Mirage Illusion (morichika) Demagogue A political leader, democratic orator,
Miscarriage Failure Hog Swine (sukor)
Moorage A place of mooring (nongor koribar sthan) Hangdog Low base fellow, ashamed
Mortgage Mortgagor, mortgagee, Riner jonno sompotti bonddhok rakha Monologue Long speech, soliloquy (ukti)
Mucilage Gum, adhesive substance
Page Attendant Nudge Push with the elbow to attract attention
Peerage Aristocracy, patrician Deluge Flood
Persiflage Banter, pleasantry Subterfuge Pretense, evasion, trick, artifice
Personage Official, dignitary
Pillage Plunder Divulge Disclose, reveal
Pledge Security, promise, agreement, Indulge Succumb to desire, gratify, (prosroy dewa)
Protégé A person who is under the protection of other
Presage Portent, Omen, foretell, forebode Bang Strike violently
Privilege Special advantage Estrange Estranged, estrangement, Alienate, separate
Mélange Medley, miscellany
Rage Violent anger, Prolong Prolongation (protraction),Lengthening in time
Rampage Rampageous, Run amuck Throng Crowd
Ravage Plunder, pillage Expunge Erase, cancel, remove, blot out, efface
Renege Break a promise Revenge Revengeful (vindictive), Retaliate, vindication,
Rummage Ransack, Hunt, thoroughly search
Sabotage Willful destruction of machinery Dirge Lament with music
Salvage Rescue from loss Emerge Issue (nirgoto howa), come into view
Savage Wild, uncivilized, fierce, cruel, brutal, barbarian, savagely, Gorge Stuff (rakhkhosermotokhawa), satiate, throat (kontho)
savageness, savagery Engorge Swallow with eagerness
Tutelage Guardianship, training Disgorge Vomit
Umbrage Anger, resentment, sense of injury or insult Purge Cleanse, remove
Vantage(n) Position giving an advantage Scourge Severe punishment, lash, whip
Verbiage Pompous array of words, wordiness, verbosity, prolixity Verge Boarder, edge
Converge Come together Vitriolic Corrosive, sarcastic, scathing,
Diverge Divergent, Branch off, vary Xenophillic Attraction to strangers
Academic Not practical, related to school, academically, academician
Endemic Peculiar to a particular region, prevailing among a specific group of
Eke To supplement with great effort, strain, increase, people or in a area
Drawback Hindrance, disadvantage Epidemic Spreading rapidly (mohamari)
Hack Cut, notch, hire out Pandemic Universal, widespread
Quack Charlatan, imposter Mimic Mime, pantomime, farcical drama,
Quake Earth quake, Tremble Seismic Pertaining to earthquakes, seismograph, seismography, seismology
Henpeck Henpecked (ruled by ones wife), Domineer over, subjection of a Cosmic Pertaining to outer space
husband to his wife Dynamic Energetic
Flake Flaky, flakiness, Small layer Hypoglycemic Low blood sugar
Fleck Streak, spot (dorakata), fleckless(spotless) Patronymic Family name
Slack Loose, lax, not holding fast, slow, remiss, slackness, slackly Polemic Polemical, A controversy, given to dispute,
Slake Quench, sate, satisfy, assuage Carcinogenic Causing cancer
Rake Womanizer Chronic Long established as a disease
Trek Travel, journey Embryonic Embryo (gorbostho sontan), embryology, Rudimentary,
Forsake Forsaken, Abandon, desert, renounce undeveloped
Keepsake Memento (sharokdrobbo) Ethnic Relating to races, human race (manobjati sommondhio)
Ransack Rifle, Search thoroughly, plunder Histrionic Overly dramatic, theatrical
Heartache Anguish, deep sorrow Hygienic Sanitary
Partake Share, receive Ironic Irony, Oddly contrary to what is expected, resulting in unexpected
Acerbic Bitter and sour in nature & contrary manner, (bengopurno)
Cherubic Angelic, innocent looking Laconic Laconically, laconism, Brief, terse, concise, pithy
Encyclopedic Comprehensive Nick A notch, exact point of time
Spasmodic Fitful, periodic, convulsive, sudden & violent Panic Panicky, extreme fright
Sporadic Occurring irregularly, scattered, sporadically Pathogenic Causing disease
Anthropomorphic Having human form or characteristics, anthropomorphism Platonic Nonsexual, purely spiritual, love without carnal desire
Beatific Blissful, blessedness, beatifically Sardonic Disdainful, sarcastic, cynical, Mocking, sneering, sardonically
Calorific Heat producing, calorie, calorimeter Epic Majestic, long heroic poem or similar work of art (mohakabbo)
Pacific Pacifically, pacification, pacificator, peacemaker, Fond of peace, Macroscopic Visibly large
Prolific Fruitful, productive Myopic Myopia, Narrow-minded, nearsighted
Pacific Pacifically, pacification, pacificator, peacemaker, Fond of peace, Philanthropic Charitable
Prolific Fruitful, productive Philippic Invective (tibroninda)
Soporific Sleep producer, causing sleep Reek Smell , emit (smoke, vapor)
Lethargic Logy, lassitude, sluggish, torpid Wreak(v) Inflict, put into operation, give expression
Bleak Pale or Colorless, bare Freak Freakish, freakishness, Caprice,
Bucolic Rustic, pastoral, bumpkin Asymmetric Not identical
Catholic Sympathetic, liberal, Catholicism, catholicity, catholicize Concentric Having a common center
Flick Flicker, flutter, burn unsteadily, Light stroke as with a whip Eccentric Eccentricity, Odd, weird, whimsical, irregular
(ghonoghono alto aghat) Egocentric Self-centered
Filch Filcher, Steal, pilfer (opohoron) Heliocentric Having the sun as a center
Frolic Frolicsome, Romp, play Esoteric Esoterically, Known by only a few, mysterious, private
Idyllic Natural, picturesque, simple & charming Exoteric Public (prokasso)
Relic Relics, Antique Choleric Hot tempered, angry, easily irritated
Derrick Crane Acetic Vinegary, sour, acetify, acetification
Generic General, characteristic of a class or species, belonging to a genus Atheistic Denying the existence of god, atheistically
(jatigoto) Acoustic Science of sound, sense of hearing or sound
Limerick Poem Agnostic Agnosticism
Maverick Rebel, nonconformist Altruistic Unselfishly generous, thoughtful of others, altruist, altruism
Meteoric Meteor (soothing star), Swift, Antagonistic Hostile, opposed, actively resisting , rival, opponent,
Panegyric Panegyrist, panegyrize, Praise, eulogy, antagonist, antagonize, antagonism
Pyrrhic A battle won with unexpected losses Bombastic Pompous
Prick Perforate, pierce, Puncture, Caustic Burning, sarcastically biting, corrosive, severe, causticity
Rhetoric Rhetorician, Elocution, grandiloquence, olongkarbidda Drastic Drastically, Vigorous, violent
Sophomoric Immature, shallow Fantastic Grotesque, whimsical, unreal
Analgesic Causing insensitivity to pain, painless, analgesia, analgetic Heuristic Teaching method or device
Forensic Suitable to debate or courts of law Jingoistic Nationalistic warmongering
Intrinsic Intrinsically, Inherent Monastic Monastery, monasticism, Related to monks, monk, recluse
Extrinsic Not inherent, foreign, external (sonnasi)
Physic Laxative(medicine), cathartic, Rustic Rusticity, Uncouth, Rural, pastoral
Toxic Poisonous, toxin, Sadistic Inclined to cruelty
Aesthetic Artistic, the science dealing with the laws and principles of beauty
Apocalyptic Prophetic, pertaining to revelations, unveiling of hidden things, in art & nature, aesthetical
apocalypse Anesthetic Substance that removes sensation with or without loss of
Aseptic Having a cleansing effect, non-putrescent substance, asepsis consciousness
Antiseptic Substance that prevents infection, counteracting putrefaction Esthetic Artistic
Cryptic Secret, covert, clandestine, mysterious, puzzling Pathetic Pitiful
Dyspeptic Suffering from indigestion Synthetic Resulting from synthesis, artificial,
Peptic Relating to digestion Chaotic In utter disorder, confused, chaotically
Septic Putrid, producing putrefaction Demotic Pertaining to the people
Skeptic Doubter Erotic Pertaining to passionate love
Synoptic Summary, an ambridgement, an abstract, synoptic Exotic Not native, strange, coming from abroad,
Dialectic Dialectician, Pertaining to debate Narcotic Causing drowsiness or sleep
Aromatic Fragrant, aroma Neurotic Disturbed, suffering from the disease from the nerve
Chromatic Relating to colors, chromatics Psychotic Paranoid, Demented, psychosis (mental disorder)
Dogmatic Dogma, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatize, Opinionated, doctrinal, Quixotic Quixotically, idealistic but impractical, Impractical, romantic,
arbitrary, unchanging opinion Quixotic Quixotically, idealistic but impractical, Impractical, romantic,
Emetic Substance causing vomit Cathartic Purgative
Enigmatic Enigma (riddle, puzzle), enigmatical, Puzzling, obscure Climactic Relating to the climax(highest point)
Hermetic Hermetically, Airtight, sealed Didactic Instructional, teaching, perceptive
Mimetic Act to imitate Eclectic From many sources, choosing the best out of every thing
Phlegmatic Phlegmatically, Sluggish, lethargic, dormant, calm Hectic Consumptive, feverish,
Polychromatic Many colored Lactic Lacteous, lactiferous, lactometer, lactose, Derived from milk
Pragmatic Pragmatism, Practical Prophylactic Preventive
Prismatic Prism, Many colored, sparkle Emphatic Emphatically, Forcible (joralo)
Problematic Uncertain, questionable, unsettled, perplexed Erratic Constantly changing, odd, unpredictable, uncertain, queer
Thematic Relating to a unifying motif or idea Frantic Frantically, Furious, Mad, raving, Wild
Traumatic Pertaining to injury Pedantic Bookish, showing of learning
Ascetic Practicing self denial, austere, ascetical, asceticism Lunatic Insane (unmaad)
Morganatic Relating to the marriage of a man with a woman of inferior rank Skulk More furtively & secretly, lurk about or keep concealed, shirk
Frenetic Frenzied, frantic, Harried, neurotic, danger
Splenetic Irritable, spiteful, peevish, fretful Dank Damp, moist
Static Unchanging, lacking development Debunk Refute, expose false ideas
Peripatetic Walking about Dunce Slow learner
Politic Expedient, well devised, prudent (bichokkhon), sagacious Durance Confinement, imprisonment
Impolitic Unwise, indiscreet, inexpedient (ojouktik) Embank Embankment, Enclose or defend with a bank
Realpolitik cynical interpretation of politics Funk Terror, coward
Therapeutic Curative Hoodwink Deceive, delude, blindfold
Gothic Medieval Hunk A big lump or piece
Monolithic Monolith, Large & uniform Lank Lanky, Long & thin (liklikey)
Paleolithic Stone age Misfeasance The wrongful exercise of lawful authority (boidho khomotar
Yoke Unite, join together Monk Monkhood, monkish, Monastery, (sonnasi)
Evoke Draw forth, call forth (daka), cause to appear (abirbhab korano) Mountebank Charlatan, quack, boastful pretender
Convoke Convocation Nonfeasance Neglect of duty
Invoke Call upon solemnly, ask for, address in prayer
Provoke Incite, cause retaliation, stir to anger, irritate Berserk Frenzied
Revoke Repeal, annul Bulwark Defense, earthwork
Stoke Embark Embarkation, Commence, begin a journey
Deadlock Stalemate Perk Perky, Proud, make trim or smart,
Dock Curtail Irk Weary, bore
Epoch Era, period of time Quirk Eccentricity, startling twist, quip, taunt,
Havoc Destruction, devastation Smirk Conceited smile, simpering, smile affectedly
Hummock Knoll, mound, hillock (chotopahar)
Mock Mocking, mockery, Laugh at, Bask Take pleasure in warmth
Unfrock Strip, Coalesce Unite, Combine, fuse, coalescence, coalescent
Obelisk Monument, tall column
Rebuke Criticize, chide Frisk Frisky, frivolity, gambol, playful, frolicsome
Fluke Stroke of fortune, unlikely occurrence Husk Husking,(khosa)
Amuck In a state of rage, wildly, become mad & savage
Ruck wrinkle, fold or cease, (sonkuchitokora) Belike Probably
Puke Vomit Sphinx-like Enigmatic, mysterious
Gawk Bashful person (lajuklok), an awkward person Bivouac Temporary encampment
Demoniac Demon (soitan), demoniacal, Fiendish (poishachik)
Archaic Antiquated, ancient, old fashioned, obsolete, archaism, archaically Elegiac Elegist, Sad, like an elegy, mournful
Prosaic Uninspired, flat dull, common place Psyche Mind, soul
Anarchic Lawless, anarchical, anarchism, anarchist, anarchy
Psychic Pertaining to the psyche or mind
Stoic Person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain, stoical, stoicism Bale Evil, destruction
Balk Foil, hinder, Cabal Intrigue, a small party united for some secret design
Bilk Cozen, Swindle, cheat, delude, pretence, deception, beguile, Atypical Not normal
Ilk Class, clan Maniacal Raving mad
Milk Extract Farcical Ludicrous, Absurd, relating to a farce
Dolce Sweetly Fiscal Monetary, public revenue, treasurer
Juridical Of a judge Congeal Freeze, coagulate
Methodical Systematic Peal Reverberation, outburst, loud sound
Radical Radically, Revolutionary, fundamental, primitive Repeal Revoke, Annul, Cancel,
Metallurgical Pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores Reveal Make known,
Pathological Pertaining to disease Piecemeal One at a time
Pedagogical Pertaining to teaching Hymeneal Pertaining to marriage
Physiological Pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms Corporeal Bodily, material
Tautological Needlessly repetitious, tautologize(v) Incorporeal Immaterial, spiritual, without a material body
Diabolical Diabolism, Devilish, infernal Ethereal Ethereality, Light, airy, heavenly, fine & delicate (otisukhkho)
Evangelical Evangelism, evangelist, evangelize, Evangel (good news), Downfall A heavy fall
Proselytizing Windfall(n) Unexpected lucky event, boon, bonus
Astronomical Enormously large or extensive, Astronomy(the science of galaxy), Offal Refuse, anything worthless, waste stuff
astronomer, astronautics, astronaut Gall Bitterness, nerve
Inimical Adverse, hostile, unfriendly Gall Annoy, chafe
Cynical Skeptical or distrustful of human motives Conjugal Connubial, spouses, troth, betroth, consort
Ecumenical Universal Centrifugal Radiating, departing from center
Puritanical Prudish, prim, formal Frugal Frugality, Thrifty
Philosophical Contemplative Prodigal Prodigality, Wastrel, wasteful
Categorical Without exception, absolute, unqualified, unconditional, Madrigal Pastoral song (khudro kobita)
categorically Regal Regally, regality, Royal
Chimerical Fantastic, highly imaginative, chime, chimera Regale Regalement, Entertain
Empirical Empiric, empiricism, Based on experience Hale Healthy, robust,
Satirical Mocking, ridicule Connubial Conjugal, consort, spouses, troth, betroth
Lackadaisical Affectedly languid Proverbial Well-known
Nonsensical Absurd, meaningless Cordial Heartfelt, gracious
Whimsical(a) Capricious, Fanciful, Quaint, whimsy(n), whimsically(ad) Primordial First in order, existing from the beginning
Elliptical Oval, ambiguous, Remedial Corrective
Ecclesiastical Ecclesiastic, ecclesiast (clergyman, priest), Churchly Postprandial After dinner
Hypothetical Based on assumption or hypothesis Parochial Provincial, narrow in outlook,
Hypocritical Deceiving, two faced, excessively exacting Filial Pertaining to Son or daughter
(ottadhiksomalochonamukhor) Binomial Consisting of two names or terms
Parenthetical In parenthesis Menial Humble, degrading, suitable for servants, a domestic servant
Ethical Ethic, ethics, ethicist, Conforming to accepted standard of behavior Venial Forgivable, trivial, excusable
Mythical Fictitious (untrue) Biennial Every two years, biennially
Quizzical Bantering, comical, Odd Perennial Perennially, Perpetual, continuing, Enduring, lasting, something
Equivocal Equivocally, Doubtful, ambiguous, double meaning, that is continuing or recent
Reciprocal Mutual, exchangeable, interacting, return in kind Quadrennial Occurring every four years
Unequivocal Doubtless, obvious, unmistakable, plain, clear, definite, Congenial Pleasant, friendly
(equivocal=doubtful) Centennial Happening once in hundred year, centennially
Pharisaical Hypocritical Matrimonial Matrimony (marriage), Relating to marriage, nuptial
Marsupial Kangaroo
Actuarial Calculating, pertaining to insurance statistics, actuary
Homicidal Homicide, Murderous, Magisterial Magisterially, magistracy, Arbitrary, dictatorial,, authoritative,
Scandal An opprobrious censure, a digress, scandalize, scandalous proud,
Zeal Earnestness, passion Immaterial Immateriality, immaterialize, Irrelevant, incorporeal, make
spiritual Supernal Heavenly, celestial, divine
Imperial Imperial, imperialism (samrajjobaad), imperialist, Like an emperor, Eternal Eternity, eternize, eternalize, Endless, everlasting, immortal
related to an empire,, Maternal Maternally, maternity, Paternal, motherly
Mercurial Volatile, fickle, changeable Paternal Pater, paternal, paternity, Fatherly
Terrestrial On the earth Nocturnal Pertaining to night, nightly
Sartorial Pertaining to tailors Diurnal Diurnally, Daily
Partial Incomplete, bias Cardinal Fundamental, principal, chief, cardinally
Impartial Impartiality, Unprejudiced, Not biased, Seminal Radical, rudimental
Spatial Relating to space Subliminal Below the threshold
Superficial Trivial, shallow, superficiality, superficially Tribunal Court of justice
Evidential Pertaining to evidence Venal Mercenary, Capable of being bribed, corrupted, venally(ad),
Providential Fortunate venality(n)
Potential Latent, expressing possibility Finale Conclusion
Pestilential Causing plague Rationale Justification
Tangential Peripheral, digressing, slightly connected, Irrational Irrationally, Illogical, lacking reason, insane,
Consequential Provisional Provisionally, Temporary, tentative
Inconsequenti Inconsequent, inconsistent, Of trifling significance Nominal Nominalism, nominalist, nominally, Slight, in name only
al Marginal Margin (border, edge), Insignificant
Glacial Like a glacier, extremely cold Optional Elective
Extrajudicial Not subject to the jurisdiction of a court Matutinal Early, of or happening in the morning
Provincial Provincialism, Intolerant, insular, pradeshik, rude, unpolished Communal A group of people, communalism, communalist, communism,
Interprovincial Existing between different provinces communist
Insubstantial Visionary, flimsy, unreal Pal
Bestial Beastlike, brutal, savage, bestiality Impale Impalement, Pierce (shulbidhdho kora), fence, enclose
Celestial Heavenly, celestially (celestial empire) Pale Paleness, whitish
Palatial Splendid, grand Pall Become dull or weary
Nuptial Related to marriage, belonging to wedding Appall Dismay, shock, appalling
Colloquial Pertaining to conversational, colloquialism, colloquist Appall Terrify
Alluvial Pertaining to soil of deposits left by running water
Pluvial Rainy, humid
Jovial Good natured, merry Inaugural (Udbhodhoni) an inaugural address (udhbhodhoni boktrita)
Trivial Inconsiderable, trifling, paltry, trivially, triviality Illiberal Illiberality, illiberally, Niggardly, mean, ungenerous,
Convivial Gay, blithe, joyous Ephemeral Ephemeral, Short-lived, fleeting, an insect living only for a day
Abysmal Bottomless, fathomless Thrall Slave, bondage
Dismal Dismally, Gloomy, sorrowful Enthrall Enthrallment, Mesmerize, capture, enslave, charm, fascinate
Primal First, beginning, original Disenthrall Free from bondage
Paranormal Supernatural Feral Wild, untamed, brutal (pasobik)
Thermal Pertaining to heat Integral Essential
Infinitesimal Very small Oral Uttered by the mouth
Aboriginal Native, primitive, an original inhabitant, aboriginality(n), aborigines Moral Ethical
Banal Hackneyed, commonplace, trite, banality Amoral Nonmoral
Carnal Fleshy, lust, carnality, carnalism, carnalist Morale Spirit confidence
Vernal Pertaining to spring Pastoral Rustic
Hibernal Wintry (shitol) Temporal Secular, limited by time, not lasting forever, worldly
Infernal Hellish, devilish Auroral Pertaining to the aurora borealis
Lateral Coming from the side (Parshik) Ritual Rite, ritualism, ritualistic, dhormioonushthan
Collateral Confirming or supporting, collaterally Sensual Devoted to the pleasures of the senses, carnal, voluptuous,
Unilateral One-sided sensualist
Bicameral Two chambered as a legislative body Coeval Contemporary, coincident, living as the same time as
Preternatural Unnatural, abnormal, supernatural, extra ordinary Rival Rival, Competition,
Spectral Ghostly, an apparition, phantom, specter Revival Recovery of consciousness
Astral Relating to star, spiritual Apocryphal Untrue, made up, fake
Cerebral Pertaining to brain Martial Martial-art, Warlike,
Ventral Abdominal Marshal Array, mobilize, put in order, highest military officer
Visceral Felt into ones inner organs, Lethal Fatal, Deadly
Extramural Beyond the walls
Universal Present everywhere
Colossal Huge, immense, gigantic Imperturbable Imperturbability, Calm, placid, not capable of being mentally
Vassal Subject, tenant, dependant, feudatory, servant, vassalage(n) excited or agitated,
Casual Unexpected, accidental, occasional, casually Amicable Politely friendly, amicability, amicableness, amicably
Causal Implying cause & effect relationship, causally, causality, Despicable Contemptible (ghrinno)
Carousal Darken relief, carouse Explicable Explicate, explication, explicative, explicatory, Explainable
Espousal a marriage or betrothal, Irrevocable Cannot be rescinded, unalterable
Perusal Reading Inextricable That cannot be loosed, solved, or escape from
Reprisal Retaliation, revenge Impeccable Impeccancy, impeccant, Faultless
Fatal Implacable That cannot be pacified, relentless
Femme fatale A woman who leads man to their destruction Practicable Feasible
Festal Gay, joyous Irreproachable Free from blame, faultless
Forestall Thwart, anticipate, prevent by taking action in advance Unimpeachable Unquestionable, Blameless and exemplary,
Stale Old, not fresh (impeachable=questionable, blame)
Natal Related to birth Formidable Menacing, threatening, terrible, exciting fear
Neonatal Newborn Affable Friendly, courteous, easily approachable
Prenatal Before birth, existing or occurring before birth Ineffable Ineffably, Inexpressible, unutterable, that cannot be described
Marital Pertaining to marriage Indefatigable Tireless, unwearied
Genital Of generation Irrefragable irrefutable, unanswerable
Congenital Existing at birth Perishable Decomposable
Detrimental Detriment, Harmful, damaging Imperishable Indestructible,
Incidental Incidence, Insignificant, minor
Pivotal Crucial, key, vital Malleable Moldable, tractable, pliable, educable
Vital Essential, Critical, livelihood, breathing, vitality(n), vitalism(n) Permeable Permeability, permeably, Porous, penetrable, spongy , allowing
Centripetal Tending toward center passage through
Rebuttal Rebuttable, rebutter, Rebut (oppose by argument), Reply, Impermeable Impervious, (obheddo), impenetrable
counterargument, refutation Amiable Amicable, amity, Agreeable, lovable, friendly, good natured, kind
Acquittal Deliverance from a charge and debt, acquit, acquittance hearted, Amiability, amiableness, amiably
Noncommittal Neutral, unpledged, undecided, circumspect Liable Responsible
Gradual By degrees Pliable Flexible, pliability (flexibility)
Effectual Effectuation, Efficient accomplish, bring to pass, Pitiable Pitiful, Miserable, wretched
Ineffectual Futile, fruitless, not effective, weak Irremediable Incurable, uncorrectable
Eventual Ultimate, coming Satiable That may be satiated
Perpetual Perpetually, Continuous, everlasting Insatiable Insatiate, Gluttonous, that cannot be satisfied
Inexpiable Unatonable Vulnerable
Invulnerable That cannot be hurt or broken
Inexorable Inexorably, Relentless, unyielding, implacable
Estimable Meritorious, worthy of esteem, respectable
Inestimable Priceless
Irreclaimable That cannot be reformed, incorrigible, Culpable Deserving blame
Irredeemable Irreclaimable, (punorudhhar kora jai na emon) Impalpable Impalpably, impalpability, Imperceptible, intangible
Incalculable Immeasurable Palpable Palpability, Touchable, tangible, perceptible, obviousness
Irreconcilable Incompatible, not able to be solved, that cannot be reconciled
Dispensable That may be dispensed with, not necessary
Abominable Detestable, extremely unpleasant, very bad, revolting, Impassable Impassability, impassably, Inaccessible
abominableness Inadvisable Not recommended, inexpedient,
Conscionable Scrupulous, conscientious Indispensable Indispensably, Vital, essential (opriharjo)
Unconscionabl Unscrupulous, excessive (conscionable=scrupulous) Inextinguishable Unquenchable
e Inexcusable Unpardonable
Exceptionable Objectionable
Inalienable That which cannot be taken away, not transferable
Amenable Answerable, accountable, submissive, willing to be led, readily Redoubtable Formidable, steadfast
managed, Amenably, amenability, amenableness Tractable Docile, easily managed or led
Interminable Unending, endless, boundless Intractable Intractability, Unmanageable, unruly, refractory, ungovernable
Personable Charming, attractive Cogitable Able to be grasped by reason, conceivable
Impregnable Impregnability, impregnably, Invincible, invulnerable (obheddo) Incontestable Incontrovertible
Impressionabl Impress, impression, impressible, impressive, Susceptible, easily Delectable Delectation, Delicious, delightful
e impressed Equitable Equitably, Equity, Fair, impartial, right
Untenable Insupportable, (tenable=supportable), untennability(n) Disputable Doubtful, open to question
Questionable Suspicious, doubtful Indisputable Too certain to be disputed, undeniable, unquestionable,
Notable Notability, Remarkable, noteworthy
Permutable Variable
Arable Fit for plowing Presentable Well mannered
Execrable Abominable, detestable, very bad Palatable Palatably, palatableness, Agreeable, pleasing to the taste
Inalterable Unchangeable Regrettable Lamentable
Incomparable Peerless Indomitable Invincible, unconquerable (durdomonio)
Indecipherable Not capable of being solved Indubitable Indubitably, Unquestionable, that cannot be doubted
Indemonstrable Not to be proved Ineluctable Inescapable
Immensurable Immensurability, That cannot be measured Inevitable Inevitably, Unavoidable, predestined
Parable Fable, allegory Illimitable Limitless
Irreparable Cannot be repaired Immutable Immutability, Unchangeable
Inoperable Inoperative, That cannot be operated on Inimitable Peerless, matchless, not able to be imitated
Impenetrable Not able to be pierced or entered, beyond understanding Irrefutable That cannot be prove false
Imponderable Difficult to estimate, weightless, very light Inscrutable Cannot be fully understood, incomprehensible, mysterious
Insufferable Unbearable, detestable Insurmountable Insuperable
Insuperable Unconquerable, Insurmountable, invincible (jake otikrom ba joi kora Conceivable
jai na) Inconceivable Unthinkable
Venerable Revered, Deserving high respect, worship, venerate(v), Dissolvable Dissolve, dissolvent, Dissoluble,
veneration(n) In dissolvable Indissoluble
Irreprovable Blameless Irrepressible Unable to be restrained or held back
Salvable Capable of being saved, salvability, salvably Impassible Not liable to pain or injury
Plausible Having a show of truth but open to doubt
Implausible Unlikely, unbelievable
Risible Risibility, Ludicrous, Laughable, inclined to laugh
Babble Chatter ugly, babblement, babbler Remissible Remission, That may be pardoned,
Dabble Dabbler(one who works in negligent way), sprinkle (chitaidewa), Reprehensible Reprehensive, Blameworthy
Drabble Make wet or dirty by dragging through mud or water Ostensible Ostensibly, Professed, Seeming, apparent, manifest
Gabble Gabbler, Talk without meaning, cackle like a goose Permissible Permissibility, permissibly, permission, permissive, Allowable,
Grabble Grope, (Hatrano) Combustible Easy to burn, Combustibility, combustion
Rabble Crowd, mob Comestible Eatable
Garble Corrupt, mutilate Compatible Harmonious,
Gobble Swallow hastily or greedily Incontrovertible Indisputable (okhondonio), irrefutable
Hobble Limp awkwardly, (khoraiahata) Imperceptible Imperceptibility, Slight, intangible, that cannot be perceived
Quibble Quibbler, quibbling, Biker, equivocate, evasion, pun, play on words Susceptible Impressionable, easily influence, sensitive, susceptive,
Rubble Broken fragments susceptibility
Nibble Eat by little at a time, bite gently Insusceptible Insusceptibility, In capable of feeling
Dribble Driblet, Fall in small drops Fallible Fallibility, fallibly, Liable to err (bhromprobon)
Grumble Grumbler, Murmur with discontent Infallible Infallibility, Unerring, uncertain
Gullible Gullibility,Easily deceived (sohojethokano jai emon) Indelible Indelibly, Permanent, cannot be blotted or efface
Foible Weakness, minor fault, weak point in one’s character

Invincible Cannot be defeated, unconquerable, that cannot be overcome Amble Moving at an easy pace, ambler
Irascible Irritable, easily angered, hot-tempered Ramble Rambler, rambling, Wonder aimlessly
Inaudible Cannot be heard Shamble Walk awkwardly & unsteadily
Inedible Not fit to be eaten Humble Humbleness, humbly, Submissive, Modest
Dirigible Airship, blimp, balloon airship Mumble Mumbling, mump, Mutter (birbirkora)
Corrigible Dissemble Dissembler, Pretend, disguise, conceal,
Incorrigible Unreformable, uncorrectable, irreclaimable Ensemble Musical group
Legible Readable Preamble Preface, prelude, Introduction, introductory statement
Illegible Illegibly, Unreadable, indistinct Resemble Resemblance, Similar,
Intelligible Intelligibility, intelligibly, Capable of being understood Tremble Shake, be in a state of agitation
Tangible Able to be touched, real, palpable, tangibly(ad) Nimble Nimbleness, nimbly, Spry, active, light & quick in motion,
Intangible Intangibility, Not perceptible by touch, Stumble Trip or almost fall in walking
Frangible Frangibility, Fragile, Brittle,
Negligible Insignificant, negligence (carelessness) Enfeeble Enfeeblement, weaken
Discernible Discern, discernment, Visible, distinguishable, perceivable Ennoble Exalt, raise to nobility
Accessible Obtainable, easy to approach, accessibly Ignoble Ignobly, Dishonorable, of lowly region, unworthy, base, mean
Divisible Division, divisible, divisional, divisor, The quality of being divisible, Dissoluble Dissolubility, Dissolvable,
Feasible Feasibility(possibility), Likely to succeed, practical Indissoluble Permanent, that cannot be broken or violated,
Indefeasible Cannot be alienated or void (batil kora jai na emon) Bauble Trinket, trifle
Inadmissible Inadmissibility, Not allowable Warble(v) Sing, babble, warbler(n)
Impermissible Unallowable
Irreprehensibl Blameless, faultless
e Debacle A rout, stampede, defeat, downfall, breaking up (odhopoton), total
collapse Impel Impellent, Urge forward, force, drive,
Manacle Shackle, hand-cuff Misspell Wrong spell
Monocle Monocular, binocular, (ekchokhkhu bisisto), Eyeglass Propel Push forward, propeller (revolving shaft)
Oracle Oracular, Prophet, prognosticator Repel Resist, cause aversion
Pinnacle Peak, Highest point Expel Drive out
Cubicle Small chamber for sleeping Apparel Clothing, dress
Chronicle Record, report, chronicler Doggerel Poor verse (baaje kobita)
Obstacle Obstruction, Hindrance, Mongrel Of mixed breed (songkor)
Receptacle Container, vessel Minstrel Minstrelsy, Troubadour, travelling singer or musician
Spectacle Exhibition, a show, spectacled, spectacular, spectator Wastrel(n) Profligate, a good for nothing fellow, waster(n)
Morsel Bite, piece
Parcel Package
Addle To muddle, become rotten, drive crazy, barren, empty, confused, Excel Go beyond others
addled Chattel Movable property
Wheedle(v) Cajole, coax, deceive by flattery, entice by soft wods Clientele Group of clients
Intermeddle Interfere in other’s concerns Foretell Predict, utter prediction
Diddle Cheat, swindle Motel Hotel
Riddle An enigma, perplexing question Pastel Pale,
Coddle Fondle, treat as invalid Gruel Liquid food
Noodle Simpleton, blockhead Quell Quash, Suppress, allay,calm, subdue,
Fuddle Stupefy with drunk, drink to excess Dishevel Disheveled, Muss, untidy,
Befuddle Confuse thoroughly Hovel Shanty, cabin, shack, small wretched house
Muddle Confuse, stupefy, make half-drunk, mix up Novel New, unique, novelty (something new, newness)
Kindle Arouse, inspire, start a fire Revel Reveler, Frolic, take joy in
Enkindle Set on fire Grovel Crawl (bukeybhordiyechola), obey, lie prone, humble oneself
Dwindle Shrink, reduce, waste away Drivel Driveller (slaverer), Inane speech, (lala pora)
Dawdle Waste time by trifling, loiter (delay) Snivel Run at the nose, cry as a child, snuffle, whine
Ne’er do well Loafer, idler

Citadel Fortress, bastion, defense

Infidel Nonbeliever, unbeliever (nastik) Baffle Frustrate, puzzle, perplex, baffling, baffler
Genteel Genteelism, genteelly,Elegant (ketadurost), well bred (bhodro o Rifle Search through & steal
porisilito), polite Whiffle Vacillate
Kneel Kneel down Muffle Stifle, quiet, wrap up,
Reel Stagger (natai)
Fell Feller (woodcutter), Cruel, deadly, cut down
Yokel Country bumpkin Jangle Wrangle, quarrel
Pummel Beat, palpitate Spangle Chumky
Pell-mell In a confused manner, disorderly Embrangle embroil
Knell Sound of a bell Entangle Entanglement, Involve, confuse, ensnare
Impanel Enroll Disentangle Disentanglement, Extricate (udhdhar kora)
Kennel House of dogs Wangle(v) Wiggle out, fake
Runnel Stream Wrangle(v) Quarrel, Obtained by arguing
Personnel Employees Mingle Mix, confuse
Dispel Cause to vanish, scatter, drive away (light dispels darkness) Commingle Blend, mixture
Bungle Act in a clumsy awkward manner, bungler, bungling Febrile Feverish, delirious
Gaggle Gabble, cackle Mandrill Baboon
Ogle Flirt, make eyes at (lolup dristite cheye thaka) Quadrille Square dance
Niggle Carp, spend too much time on minor points Imperil Endanger
Bedraggle Wet thoroughly Sterile Barren, unfruitful, sterility, sterilize,
Straggle Wander about, ramble, straggler, straggling Virile Manly, vigorous, virility(n)
Inveigle Inveiglement, Entice, Lure, wheedle, lead astray, persuade by Codicil Supplement to the body of a will, codicillary
flattery Ensile Ensilage, store green fodder
Tensile Capable of being stretched, tensility(n)
Prehensile Capable of gasping or holding
Flail Flagellate, whip, thresh grain by hand, strike or slap Reconcile Reconcilable, reconcilement, reconciliation, Adjust, balance,
Entail Entailment, Involve, necessitate restore to friendship
Frail Exile Banish (nirbason)
Quail Cower, shrink Ductile Stretchable, easily led, yielding
Rail Rant, harangue, rage, scold Fertile Fruitful
Assail Assault, make a violent attack, assailable Futile Futility, Hopeless, ineffective, fruitless, trifling, useless,
Curtail Shorten, reduce Infantile Childish
Avail Be of value or service, avail oneself of, available, availability Mercantile Commercial, concerning trade
Prevail Triumph, induce over, found everywhere, win Projectile Missile
Travail Painful labor, the pain of child birth Tactile Connected with the sense of touch
Mobile Movable Versatile Having many talents
Nubile Marriageable Volatile(a) Mercurial, lighthearted, evaporating rapidly, fickle, changeable,
Facile Easy, expert, easily done volatility(n), volatilize, volatilization
Docile Domesticated, trained, obedient, easily managed Guile Guileful, guileless, Deceit, duplicity, cunning, cheat
Domicile An abode, Home, permanent residence Beguile Cozen, Delude, cheat, pretense, deceive, deception, swindle, bilk,
Indocile Indocility, Not docile (obonito) bluff
Nonpareil Peerless, unequaled, unparalleled excellence Quill Feather, pan
Reveille Bugle call Civil Come, courteous & polite
Defile Defilement, Pollute, profane Cavil Make objections, caviler, caviling
Fragile Frail, brittle, Easily broken Revile Denounce, defame, slander, vilify
Vigil(n) Watch, sentry duty, vigilant(a) Servile Slavish, cringing, fawning, servility, servilely
Simile Upoma
Facsimile Duplicate, copy
Foil Defeat, contrast, frustrate, (khatiboliachalano) Shackle Chain, fetter
Moil Work hard, drudge, wet, daub with dirt Hackle Tear asunder
Turmoil Confusion, strife Ramshackle Shaky, rickety, falling apart, tumbledown
Roil To make liquids murky by stirring up sediments Chuckle Laugh quietly
Recoil Retreat. Flinch Truckle Submit in a cowardly way, Curry favor, act in an obsequious way,
Embroil Embroilment, Involve, throw into confusion, involve in strife, cringe to
entangle (bibroto kora) Rankle Rancor, Resentment, cause bitterness, irritate, fester (pocheutha)
Disembroil Disentangle (jot charano)
Gargoyle Waterspout carved in grotesque figures on buildings
Despoil Plunder Gambol Skip, leap carefully (nachiyakudiaberano)
Grill Question severely, torment Hyperbole Exaggeration, overstatement (otironjon)
Puerile Puerility, Childish Protocol Code of diplomatic etiquette
Dole Distribute in small portions, Baneful Ruinous, harmful, banefully, banefulness
Condole Express sympathetic sorrow Blissful Beatitude, blissful, blissfulness
Aureole The ring of light round a head, Sun’s corona, halo Bountiful Showing bounty
Googol A very large number Fanciful Fancy, Visionary, whimsical
Cajole Coax, wheedle, flattery, cajolement, cajoler, cajolery Plentiful Plenty, Abundant, copious
Loll Lean idly, Lounge about Gainful Profitable, lucrative
Knoll Hillock, Little round hill Willful(a) Intentional, headstrong, EKGUYE, deliberate
Droll Amusing, queer & amusing, odd Wistful(a) Yearning, Sadly thoughtful, vaguely longing, with longing desire,
Enroll Enrolment, Enlist wistfully(ad)
Parole Release Awful Dreadful, Inspiring or impressing with great fear, awfulness, awfully
Console Give comfort, absence of contradictions Playful Sportive,
Extol Extoller, Praise highly, glorify Purposeful Determined
Resourceful Skillful, inventive
Fitful Fitfully, Spasmodic, intermittent, Irregular
Couple Join, unite, conjugal, consort, connubial, spouse, betroth, troth Eventful Momentous (gurutoro proyojonio)
Tipple Drunk frequently, trippler(drunkard) Doleful Dolefully, Melancholy, Sorrowful
Grapple Struggle, wrestle, come to grips with, lay fast hold of
Ample Abundant, spacious, large size, ampleness Annul Make void, abolish, annulment
Module Unit
Gnarl Deform, gnarled (twisted, knotty) Mogul Powerful person
Hurl Through with violence Overrule Disallow, reject,
Whorl(n) Ring/Rings of leaves around stem Minuscule Extremely Small
Maul Rough up, handle roughly, damage by rough handling
Cull Reject, pick up
Embattle Arrange in order of battle Lull Moment of calm, quiet, compose, sooth
Fettle In good physical Condition Mull Warm, spice & sweeten
Mettle Mettlesome, Courage, spirit, capacity of bravery Numskull Stupid person
Nettle Irritate, annoy, vex, fret Bawl Cry or say loudly
Belittle Make little, Depreciate, disparage Brawl Noisy quarrel, brawling
Brittle Easily broken, brittleness Drawl Utter in a slow lengthen tone
Bristle Bristled, bristly Puzzle
Mantle Cloak, covering (hijab) Guzzle Eat or swallow liquids greedily
Dismantle Take apart (ongso bichchinno kora), demolish Muzzle Restrain
Jostle Shove, bump, elbowing, Push, brush against
Hurtle Crush, rush, dash against, move violently
Hustle Hustler, Push roughly, hurry Epigram Epigrammatic, epigrammatist, Verse or short poem
Scuttle Scurry, Rapid steps Apothegm Pithy, compact saying
Scuttle Sink Blaspheme Irreverence to God, blasphemer, blasphemous, blasphemously
Throttle The wind-pipe, choke, Strangle, suppress Defame Denigrate, Slander, malign
Prattle Chatter, babble Flotsam Drifting wreckage (bhasamaal)
Disgruntle Disgruntled, Disappointed, make discontented (osontusto kora) Lame Crippled, hobbling, unsatisfactory
Sham Pretend, imposture, fraud, feign
Slam Bang, shut with violence
Baleful Deadly, destructive, pernicious Diadem Crown, royalty
Ibidem In the same place Martyrdom The suffer or death of a martyr
Emblem Emblematic, emblematize, Symbol (nidorson), Doom Final judgment
Mayhem Maim, Mutilation, an injury Foredoom Doom in advance
Stratagem Deceptive scheme, trickery Gloom Gloomy, darkness, heaviness of mind
Gnome Goblin, Dwarf like being (bamon),
Eye-beam Glance of eye (kotakhkho) Venom Poison, spite
Dim Dim light, Dimly, Faint, hazy, obscure Envenom Put poison into, corrupt
Grim Grimness, grimly, Fierce, horrid, Tome Voluminous, large volume,
Interim Mean time (ontorbortikalin), intervening time Epitome Epitomize, Summary, abstract
Deem Judge, consider, think Fathom Fathomless, Comprehend, Understand, investigate
Redeem Redeemer, redeemable, Buy back (udhdharkora), justify Maelstrom Whirlpool (whirlpool)
Esteem Respect, value, judge, regard with reverence Pogrom Massacre, mass murder
Disesteem Low esteem Stem from Arise from
Homonym Words that are identical in spelling & pronunciation
Maxim Proverb Cumbersome Heavy, hard to mange
Minim A single drop Frolicsome Prankish, gay
Pantomime Mime, acting without dialogue Fulsome Fulsomeness, fulsomely,Excessive, insincere, disgustingly excessive
Paradigm Model, pattern, example Gruesome Gruesomeness, Grisly, ghastly, horrible,
Passim Here & there Irksome Annoying, tedious, tiresome
Pseudonym Alias, pen-name (choddonaam) Lissome Lithe, Agile, supple
Prim Prudish, formal, precise, exceedingly proper Meddlesome Meddle, meddler, meddling, Interfering, interfere unnecessarily,
Rime Crust Noisome Harmful, injurious to health, unwholesome
Regime Regimen, A government Venturesome Bold, speculate
Requiem Rest, a mass for the dead, dirge Winsome(a) Gracious, engaging, agreeable, attractive, charming
Verbatim Word for word
Modicum Pittance, trifle, limited quantity
Acclaim Applaud, announce with great approval, hail as, Addendum Addition, appendix to books, addenda
Declaim Make a public speech passionately Memorandum Note
Disclaim Disclaimer, Renounce claim to, disown Referendum Vote
Proclaim Announce officially, declare, proclamation (publication) Compendium Brief, summary
Reclaim Reclaimable, reclamation, Retrieve, Bring back from vice, reform Odium Repugnance, dislike
Exclaim Exclamation (outcry), exclamatory, Shout, cry out or speak Podium Stand, rostrum
suddenly Hum Noise of bees, buzz
Maim Mutilate, mayhem, Injure, bruise, cripple Exhume Exhumation, Uncover, dog out of the ground, remove from a grave
Clime Climate, region, country Asylum A place of safety, Place of refuge or shelter, protection
Maritime Nautical, situated near the sea Vellum Parchment
Sublime Exalted, noble, uplifting, elevated, sublimely, sublimity(loftiness, Interregnum Time between two successive reigns
grandeur) Millennium Thousand years period
Thyme Aromatic plant, thymy(a) Pandemonium Commotion, din, riot, noise, tumult
Plutonium Radioactive material
Axiom Self evident truth, truism, axiomatic Proscenium Podium, Platform, rostrum, front part of a stage
Bosom Embrace, cherish Encomium Encomiastic, encomiast, Praise, eulogy
Embosom Enclose, caress Mum Silent
Buxom Full bosomed, plump, jolly, buxomness Optimum Best condition, most favorable
Dome Gombuj Ovum Egg, cell
Presume Presumable, Deduce, assume, suppose Chasm Abyss
Spume Foam, froth Phantasm Phantom, Apparition, ghost, wraith,
Mausoleum Tomb or monument Pleonasm Pleonastic, Redundancy (superfluity), verbosity
Sarcasm Scornful remarks, stinging rebuke, biting speech, bitter sneer, taunt,
Decorum Protocol, decency, propriety of speech or behavior ridicule
Indecorum Impoliteness, incivility, indecency Fanaticism Fanatic, fanaticism, Excessive zeal
Quorum Majority Fascism Fascist, Totalitarianism (fassibadi)
Conundrum Riddle Narcissism Self love, narcissist (conceited person)
Humdrum Monotonous, dull, hackneyed, Solecism Bhasar ossrodhdho bebohar, solecist, solecistic
Nostrum Questionable medicine, quack remedy Witticism(n) Witty saying, facetious remark, witty(a), full of wit
Rostrum Podium, pulpit Catechism Religious instruction, teaching, catechetic, catechize
Spectrum Color band Monarchism Monastic life (sonnasi jibon)
Tantrum Caprice, fit of petulance Schism Division, Split, separation, diversity in opinion , schismatic,
Delirium Delirious (raving, wildly excited), Ecstasy, mental confusion schismatical
Emporium A centre of trade Sophism A plausible but sound argument
Equilibrium Equilibrate, equilibrist, Balance Neologism Neologist, neology, neologize, Newly coined expression, word or
Honorarium Honorary, honorific, (dokhkhina) phrase, a new word or doctrine
Moratorium Postponement, legal delay of payment Syllogism Logical formula, syllogistic, syllogize
Opprobrium Reproach, Disgrace, vilification, infamy, Truism Self evident truth
Sanatorium A health resort, sanatoria, sanatoriums Fatalism Fate, Fatalist, fatalistic, belief that all events decided by fate & no
escape from them
Arboretum Place where different trees varieties are exhibited Imperialism Colonialism
Dictum Saying, authoritative & weighty statement, maxim Materialism Preoccupation with physical comforts & things
Erratum An error in printing or writing Nihilism Nihilist, Denial of traditional values, absolute skepticism,
Factotum Handyman, a servant managing his master’s affairs Noctambulism Sleepwalking
Momentum Impetus Parallelism Similarity
Quantum Quantity, particle Pugilism Boxing, pugilist (boxer)
Stratum Any layer, Layer of society or surface Rationalism Juktibadi, rationalist, rationalistic, rationally, rationalize
Ultimatum(n) Warning, last demand
Euphemism Euphemistic, Genteel expression, mild expression
Effluvium Noxious smell Anachronism An error in the order of time, anachronistic
Hedonism Hedonist, The pursuit of pleasure in life, believe that pleasure is the
Balm Ointment, fragrant exudation sole aim of life
Embalm Balm, Perfume Impressionism A style of painting
Overwhelm Overpower Monism Monist, monistic, That doctrine only a single being exists
Realm Kingdom, domain, sphere, province (odoitobad)
Egoism Egoist, egoistic, Excessive interest in one’s self,
Firm Hard, steadfast, resolute Jingoism Extremely aggressive patriotism
Confirm Malapropism Comical misuse of a word
Disaffirm Contradict, disown, deny Malapropism Misapplication of words
Ectoderm Top layer of skin Aphorism Pithy maxim, short saying, proverb, aphorismic
Endoderm Within the skin Plagiarism Theft of another’s ideas or writing passed off as original
Lukewarm Neither hot nor cold Spoonerism Accidental transposition of sounds in successive words
Pachyderm Pachydermatous, pachydermata, Elephant, thick skinned animal
Astigmatism Eye defect
Egotism Egotist, egotistic, Conceit, vanity, self-conceit Equestrian Rider on horseback
Nepotism Nepotic, Favoritism, showing special favor to relations, Libertarian One who believes in complete freedom
Rheumatism Inflammation (baatrog) Octogenarian Person in his eighties
Monotheism Monotheist, monotheistic, Belief in one God Pedestrian Common, ordinary, unimaginative
Atavism Resemblance to remote ancestors, atavistic Sectarian Narrow minded, limited, subgroup, sectarianism
Recidivism Habitual criminal activity Stentorian Extremely loud
Cataclysm Deluge or upheaval, violent earthquake Elysian Elysium, Relating to paradise, blissful, heavenly
Paroxysm Outburst, convulsion, a fit of disease, Avian Pokhkhikul sommondhiyo
Ban Prohibition, proscribe Antediluvian Ancient, antiquated, primitive, old fashioned
Bane Poison, virulent, Cause of ruin Paean Song of triumph, praise or joy
Urbane Suave, refined, elegant, civilized, polite Quean A wench, bold girl
Arcane Secret, mysterious, arcanum Promethean Prometheus, Inspirational
Chicane Use shifts or artifices, deceive, trick, chicanery Protean versatile, Changing readily, able to take many shapes, exceedingly
Harridan Hag, worn out, bad tempered old woman variable
Extramundane Beyond the world Ken Purview, range of comprehension, see & recognize at a distance
Mundane Mundanely, Ordinary, worldly, terrestrial, Liken Compare
Sodden Soaked, dull(as if from drink) Quicken Revive, hasten
Beholden Obligated, indebted Slacken Slow up, loosen, make slack, be remiss
Fane Temple Crestfallen Dispirited, dejected
Profane Profanation(desecration), Not sacred or holy, Blasphemous, violet, Acumen Keen discernment, Mental keenness, sharpness of mind, acuminous
desecrate Cognomen Family name, surname, cognominal
Pagan Paganism, Heathen(heathenism), ungodly Gravamen Grievance, The essential part of an accusation,
Pathogen Agent causing disease Henchman Trusty supporter
Journeyman Reliable worker
Amphibian Able to live both on land and in water, amphibious Laymen Nonprofessional
Fabian Cautious, dilatory Omen Presage, a sign portending good or evil
Plebeian Common, vulgar (itor) Germane Relevant, pertinent
Mortician Undertaker (j lash gosolkorai) Humane Humanism, humanist, humanitarian, Compassionate, kind, tender,
Obstetrician Specialize in delivering baby merciful
Patrician Aristocrat, peerage, noble Leman Sweet heart
Pediatrician Expert in children’s disease Marksman One who shoots well
Gordian Difficult, complicated Talisman An amulet, magical stone, Charm
Median Medial, mediate, mediation, Middle Yeoman(n) Middle-class farmer, yeomanry(n)
Quotidian Daily Pan Criticize
Ruffian Brutal person, bully, scoundrel Pen Write
Stygian Gloomy, hellish, deathly Deadpan Expressionless
Bacchanalian Drunken, bacchanalia, bacchant
Machiavellian Politically crafty, cunning Barren In capable of bearing children
Simian Monkeylike Warren(n) Crowded condition in which people live, tunnels in which rabbits
Draconian Harsh live
Paean Song of triumph, praise or joy Barren In capable of bearing children
Thespian Pertaining to drama Warren(n) Crowded condition in which people live, tunnels in which rabbits
Agrarian Pertaining to land or its cultivation, agrarianism live
Authoritarian Non-democratic, favoring or exercising total control, one supporting Artisan Skilled worker, mechanic, craftsman
obedience to authority Partisan Partisanship, Prejudiced, one sided, committed to a party,
Supporter Drain Drainage system, drainage, drainer
Nonpartisan Neutral, uncommitted Reign Rule, rule of a monarch
Ashen Ash-colored Rein Curb (lagam), control, restrain,
Insane Insanity, Insanely, Mad, utterly unwise, Arraign Charge in court, indict, arraignment, arraigner
Inane Inanity, inanely, Vacuous, stupid, silly, senseless, empty, void Refrain Abstain
Abstain Refrain, withhold from participation, abstainer, abstaining
Charlatan Quack, pretender to knowledge, an imposter, charlatanism, Ascertain Make sure, Find out for certain
charlatanry Detain Confine
Chasten Punish to pure, chastener Obtain Obtainable, Gain possession, earn, win, get
Dishearten Discourage, cause to lose courage or hope Pertain To relate
Enlighten Inform Retain Retainable, retainer,Keep, prevent from falling
Misbegotten Illegitimate (jaroj) Sustain Experience, support, nourish
Molten Melted Stein Beer mug
Vain Unsuccessful
Sylvan Pertaining to the woods, rustic, forest, rural Vain(a) Useless, unproductive
Cloven Split, cleave, cleft, divided into two parts
Craven Cowardly, dastard Inn Hotel, soraikhana
Enliven Make cheerful, inspirit, animate Din Continued loud noise
Haven Refuge, asylum Urchin Mischievous child
Leaven Enliven, Lighter, cause to rise or grow, the portion of fermenting Morphine Painkilling drug
dough Ragamuffin Person wearing tattered clothe
Vixen ill tempered woman, vixenish(a) Gin Snare, trap
Wan(a) Pallid, pale, having a pale or sickly color, wanness(n), wanly(ad) Sanguine Cheerful, hopeful, optimistic, sanguineous
Wane(v) Growing gradually smaller, decrease, decline, dissipate, wither, Keen Shrewd, Of sharp mind
waning(a) Bumpkin Rustic,
Yen(n) Longing, urge, desire Manikin Dwarf
Doyen Dean of a group, senior member of a body of colleagues Piscine Pertaining to fish
Lean Thin
Bedizen Dress with vulgar finery, dress out gaudily Glean Gleaner, Garner, Gather
Brazen Insolent, shameless, impudent, brazen faced Goblin Frightful phantom
Cozen Delude, cheat, deception, swindle, beguile, bilk, bluff, hoodwink Herculean Powerful, large
Denizen Dweller, inhabitant off Maudlin Maudlinism, Weepy, sentimental, half-drunk
Demean Degrade
Gargantuan Gigantic, enormous, Large, huge, enormous Famine Extreme scarcity of food or a specified thing
Genuine Authentic
Cain Murderer, fratricide Linchpin Something that is indispensable, a pin used to prevent the wheel
Deign Condescend from sliding off the axel
Disdain Disdainful, Contempt (obogga), scorn Terrapin American tortoise
Ordain Order, Appoint, command, arrange, consecrate Equine Pertaining to horses
Preordain Ordain before (purbo hoitei nirdharito) Harlequin Harlequinade, Clown, buffoon,
Feign Pretend Careen Lurch, sway from side to side , careenage
Fain Willing Chagrin Vexation, disappointment, mortify, chagrined
Domain A dominion, a state, Doctrine Doctrinal, doctrinaire, Dogma, belief,
Legerdemain Juggler, conjurer, Trickery, sleight of hand Figurine Small ornamental statuette
Champaign A n open, level country Preen Groom, trim, make tidy
Saccharine Cloyingly sweet Serpentine Winding, twisting
Taurine Like a bull Bovine Cow like
Tureen Deep table dish for holding soup
Seine Net Enjoin Urge, order, command
Obscene Obscenity, Indecent (oslil) Purloin Purloiner, Steal
Porcine Pork, Pig like
Matin Morning prayer
Convene Convoke, assemble Buffoon Clown, buffoonish
Reconvene Bassoon Reed instrument, musical instrument
Contravene Contradict, infringe on, controvert Festoon Decorate
Intervene Interfere, mediate, come between Lampoon Lampooner, lampoonery, Satirize, ridicule
Wean(v) Break a habit, Give up a cherished activity, accustom a baby not to Maroon Abandon, a person abandoned on a desolate island
nurse Poltroon Poltroonery, Pootroon, Dastard, coward, craven, recreant
Entwine Entwist, Twine or twist around Pootroon Poltroon, Coward, dastard, craven, recreant
Tycoon Wealthy leader
Aquiline Curved, hooked
Decline Decrease in number Beacon Signal fire on a hill
Incline Slope, slant (jhok) Beckon Beck
Recline Lean, reclining (cause to lean), Icon Religious image, idol
Saline Salty Lexicon Dictionary
Undermine Weaken, sap Reckon Count, calculate
Asinine Stupid, like an ass, asininity Soupcon Suggestion, hint
Canine Dog like, related to dogs Don Assume, put on
Leonine Like a lion Condone Overlook, forgive
Saturnine Gloomy, grave Cordon Extended line of men
Pine Languish, decline, wash away Mastodon Extinct elephant
Lupine Wolf-like
Opine Opinion, Think, express opinion Eon Long period of time, an age
Rapine Plunder Bludgeon Heavy headed weapon
Repine Fret (osontoshprokashkora), complain Burgeon Grow , bud, bourgeon
Supine Lying on back Contagion Infection
Vulpine(a) Crafty, like a fox, cunning Curmudgeon Churlish, miserly individual
Consign Entrust, deliver officially, set apart Dudgeon Resentment, grudge, indignant humor
Ensign Flag, a badge, symbol, sign Bullion Gold bars or silver bars
Cuisine Style of cooking, culinary Chameleon Lizard that changes color
Ursine Pertaining to bear, likely bear Galleon Large sailing ship
Internecine Mutually destructive, deadly Pavilion Tent
Clandestine Secret Rebellion Rebel, rebellion, rebellious, Revolt, renounce the authority,
Elephantine Large Scullion Kitchen worker
Libertine Lothario, debauchee, Roué, rake, womanizer Tatterdemalion Ragged fellow
Philistine Barbarian, narrow minded person Carrion Rotting flesh of a dead body
Predestine Predestinate, predestination, Foreordain, destine before hand Clarion Shrill, trumpet like sound
(purbohoitebhaggonirdharonkora) Centurion Roman army officer
Pristine Pure, unspoiled, primitive, original Criterion Standard used in judgment
Quarantine Detention, confinement, isolation of person or ship Peon Drudge, Common worker, unskilled laborer
Champion Support Misappropriation Misappropriate, Use dishonestly
Coercion Compulsion, government by force, Renunciation Renouncing, giving up
Minion Subordinate, favorite Retaliation
Dominion Authority, a territory or district governed Adulation Admiration, flattery, praise, adulatory
Pinion Restrain Appellation Name, title, designation
Oblivion Oblivious, Forgetfulness Compilation Listing of statistical information
Correlation Mutual relationship
Gorgon Ugly person, a small repulsive, terrible woman Gesticulation Gesture, gesticulate, Motion, desire
Jargon Gibberish (orthohinbakko), Specialized vocabulary Illation Illative, An inference from premises, a conclusion, deduction,
Paragon Model of perfection, Standard of excellence, model of reflection Instillation Instill, Pour in by drops
Hone Sharpen, whet Interpellation A question raised during a debate, interruption
Modulation Modulation, modulator, Toning down
Oblation Offering, sacrifice (dhormokormedaan)
Approbation Approval, sanction, approbate, approbative, approbatory Revelation
Perturbation Agitation, stir up Tribulation Distress, suffering, affliction
Reprobation Condemnation by god Vacillation(n) Fluctuation, wavering of mind, oscillation, vacillate(v)
Application Diligent attention Affirmation Confirmation, solemn pledge, solemn declaration, affirm(assert)
Altercation Noisy quarrel, controversy, contention in words, altercate, Automation Mechanism that imitates actions of human
altercative Declamation Declamatory, a public speech
Avocation Vocation, hobby, occupation Defamation Slander, asperse
Collocation Place together, collocate Inflammation Inflame, inflammable, inflammatory, Set on fire,
Edification Edify, edifying, Moral improvement Inhumation Inhume, Burial
Evocation Act of calling out (Ahobban) Proclamation
Fabrication Fabricate, Build, lie Summation Summary, aggregate
Falsification Misrepresentation, Culmination Attainment of highest point
Implication That is hinted at or suggested Damnation Damn, damnable, damnatory, damned, eternal punishment in hell
Imprecation Imprecate, imprecatory, malediction, Curse, inculcate Detonation Explosion
Intoxication Intoxicate, intoxicant, Drunkenness Divination Divine, diviner, divinity, heavenly, belonging to god
Ramification Consequence, divide into branches, subdivision Hallucination Hallucinatory, Delusion (bhrom), illusion,
Recitation Recital, lesson Inclination Leaning,
Sophistication Artificiality, unnaturalness, act of employing sophistry in reasoning Disinclination Disincline, disinclined, Unwillingness, slight aversion
Vocation Occupation Indignation Anger at an justice
Invocation Calling on god, a call or summons, the act off addressing on prayer Machination Machinator (conspirator), Schemes (sorojontro), Plot
Provocation Incitement, exciting to anger Miscegenation Intermarriage between races,
Depredation Depredator, Preying on, plunder, rob Peregrination Peregrinate, peregrinator, Wandering
Intimidation Intimidate, overawe, Fear Ratiocination Reasoning, deducing conclusion
Trepidation Fear, trembling agitation, alarm Recrimination Recriminate, Retaliation, countercharge
Abnegation Renunciation, self sacrifice, deny oneself, denial, abnegate(v) Reincarnation Reincarnate, Rebirth
Delegation (protinidhipreron) Usurpation Act of seizing power or rank of others, usurper(n), usurp(v)
Obligation Precept, Duty Aberration Abnormally, moral slip, intellectual deficiency, departure from the
Affiliation Association with, affiliated, affiliable norm, mental irregularity or disorder, aberrant(a), aberrance(n)
Annunciation The act of announcing, proclamation, annunciate, annunciatory Adjuration Solemn urging, solemn oath, adjuratory
Denunciation Denunciator, denunciatory, The act of denouncing Agglomeration Collection, heap, amass, aggregate, agglomerate, agglomerative
Enunciation An announcement or statement Alliteration Repetition of beginning sound in poetry, chorus, alliterate
Initiation Induction ceremony Aspiration Noble ambition, aspire
Cerebration Thought Sanction Approve, ratify(ratification), confirmation
Conflagration Great fire Vivisection Act of dissecting living animals, vivisect(v)
Elaboration Elaboration, elaborately, Detailed explanation, addition of details, Exaction Extortion (bolpurbok)
intricacy, produce with labor Conviction Strongly held belief, credence, allegiance, loyalty, belief
Glomeration Glomerate (agglomerate, compactly clustered), (pakaia goal kora) Compunction Remorse
Conglomeration Amass, aggregate, Disjunction Disjunctive, Separation, disjoining
Illustration Illustrate, illustrative, explanation, elucidation, an example Injunction Command, order
Integration Unification Benediction Benison, blessing, blissful, beatific
Maladministration (Kushason) Jurisdiction Domain, legal authority
Oration Speech Malediction Curse
Peroration Perorate, rhetorical performance, Conclusion Predilection Inclination, preference, partiality
Perspiration Perspire, Sweat, Faction Factionist, factious, Causing disagreement, prevalence of party
Ration Portion, allowance spirit (doladoli,doliokoron)
Recuperation Recuperate, recuperative, Recovery Defection Defect, Desertion (dolteg)
Regeneration Regenerative, Rebirth Liquefaction Liquefy, making liquid
Remuneration Remunerate, remunerative, Compensation Putrefaction Putrefy, putrescent, Rottenness, process of decomposition,
Reparation Amends, atonement, restitution Infraction Violation, breach
Restoration Restore, Restorative, Recovery, revival, replacing, Refraction Deflection, bending
Cassation Annulment Detraction Detractive, detractor, Disparage, Slandering, aspersion (ninda),
Cessation Stopping, a rest, a pause Interjection An exclamation of emotion
Dispensation Dispense, dispenser, dispensed, Distribution Introspection Introspect (look within oneself), Introspective, Self-analysis
Affectation Pretence, artificial show Insurrection Insurrectionist, Uprising, rebellion
Connotation Implied meaning of an expression Resurrection Rebirth
Dissertation Lecture, formal essay, written or spoken discussion on a subject
Deputation Delegation (protinidhipreron) Bastion Fortress, defense, citadel, bastioned
Eructation Belching (dhekur tola) Cession Ceding, yielding, surrender
Fermentation Fermenting, ferment, fermentative, political or social unrest Concession Chaaar
Incantation Chant, magical formula intercession Intercessory, Mediate (modhdhostota kora)
Manifestation Display, revelation, exhibition Obsession Obsess, Fixed idea (bodhdhosonskar), continued brooding
Orientation Act of finding oneself in society Precession The act of going before
Permutation Reordering Procession Processional, Michiil,
Refutation Disproof of opponents argument Recession Recess, Retreat, withdrawal
Salutation Nomoskar Secession Withdrawal
Devaluation Devalue Cohesion Force keeps parts together, cohesive
Evasion Equivocation, subterfuge Lesion A hurt, injury or wound
Invasion Invasive, Attack, an encroachment (onodhikar probesh),
Ovation Applause Abscission Separation, removal by cutting off, as in surgery,
Privation Hardness, hardship, want Circumcision Sunnot-e-khatna, circumcise
Salvation Preservation, rescue Incision Incisive, incisor, Cut
Relaxation Abatement Excision Removal
Rationalization Bringing into conformity with reason Perdition Damnation, complete ruin, eternal death
Rendition Version, interpretation, translation
Addiction Compulsive, habitual need, give up to, addict, addicted Sedition Rebel, Resistance to authority, insubordination, seditious
Affection Love, good will, fondness, affectionate, affectionately Expedition Expeditionary, Journey or voyage
Affliction State of distress, cause of suffering, afflict, afflicted Extradition Surrender of prisoner by one state to another
coalition Hypertension Elevated blood pressure
Demolition Demolish, Destruction Noninterventio Policy of noninterference
Volition(n) Act of making a conscious choice, volitional(a) n
Demission Degradation Explosion Explosive, Explode, a sudden & violent bursting
Decommission Take a ship out of service Implosion Bursting inward
Admonition Warning, admonishment, admonitory Notion Notional, Idea, conception, opinion
Inanition Exhaustion from want of food Potion Brew, dose of liquid medicine
Monition Monitor (advisor), monitory, monitorial, Instruction, warning, Detention Confinement
Premonition Premonitory, Fore-Warning, fore-boding (purbhabas) Caption Title
Precognition Antecedent knowledge Conception Beginning, forming of an idea
Apparition Ghost, phantom, wraith, apparitional Preconception Preconceive, Prejudgment, prejudice, opinion previously formed
Attrition Gradual wearing down, friction, attrited Deception Deceptive, Deceive,
Innutrition Want of nutrition Inception Commencement, Start, beginning
Accretion Growth, increase Emption Purchase
Discretion Discretionary, Prudence Gumption Shrewdness
Aggression An unprovoked attack, Aggressive, aggress, aggressor Redemption Redemptive, Salvation (act of redeeming, delivering or saving)
Transgression Violation of law, sin, breaking a low, transgress, Resumption The act of resuming or take back
Decomposition Decompose, decomposable, dissolution, Decay (pochon) Aspersion Slanderous remark, aspersing, false report, asperse
Deposition Deposit, depositor, depository, Testimony (sakhkho) Assertion Positive declaration, assert, assertive
Disposition Dispositional, Attitude, temper, inclination, Aversion Firm dislike, strong dislike
Imposition Intrusion, tax, burden, deception Diversion Pastime, act of turning aside, recreation
Proposition Propositional, statement, Perversion Pervert, perversity, Corruption,
Disquisition Elaborate treatise, formal systematic enquiry, investigation Reversion Revert
Inquisition Inquisitive (curious), inquisitor, Interrogation, investigation Distortion Distort (crookedness), Misinterpret, lie, twisting out of shape
Requisition Order Emersion The act of rising
Supposition The act of supposing, hypothesis, suppositional, suppositious Exertion Exert, Effort, Endeavour, expenditure of much physical work
Transition Going from one state to another Incursion Incursive, Raid, temporary invasion
Deglutition Swallowing
Partition Division Retribution Retributive, Reprisal, vengeance, requital
Petition Petitioner, Request, a supplication (application) Percussion Striking one object with other
Fruition Realization, completion, bearing of fruit Repercussion Rebound, reverberation, reaction, Consequence,
Envision Imagine Locution Act or mode of speaking
Provision Condition, stipulation, Elocution Elocution, elocutionist, Oratory,
Revision New version Circumlocution Roundabout expression, circumlocutory
Interlocution Interlocutor, interlocutory, A dialogue, conversation
Compulsion Constraint, Fusion Union, coalition, melting
Propulsion Propulsive, Act of propelling Effusion Effuse, Effusive, Pouring forth, gushing, pour out, spill, shed
Expulsion Driving away, banishment Confusion Bruise
Evulsion Plucking out by force Profusion Profuse, abundance
Revulsion Aversion, reaction Diminution Reduction, lessening
Apprehension Fear, perception, arrest Allusion Allude, Refer indirectly, allusive
Misapprehensi Misapprehend, Misunderstanding, error Ablution Washing, ceremonial washing,
on Collusion Secret agreement, collusive (fraudulently concerted)
Reprehension Blame, censure Delusion Hallucination, False belief
Illusion Illusionist, illusive, Misleading vision, deceptive appearance, Amazon Female warrior, Amazonian
statement or belief Emblazon Emblazonment, emblazonry, Imprint, brand, the art of adorning
Dissolution Disintegration
Resolution Determination
Evolution Gradual change Dun Dull grayish brown, demand payment of a debt
Devolution Descent through a series of change Pun Word play
Involution Involute, The action of coiling, complication Homespun Domestic, made at home
Seclusion Isolation, solitude, seclude, secluded Stun Confound with a noise or blow, amaze, overwhelm
Intrusion Prune Trim, Cut away,
Restitution Reparation, amends, indemnification, requital Impugn Attack by words or argument, Criticize, doubt, gainsay, challenge
Oppugn Assail
Bouillon Beef soup Jejune Poor &Barren, dry
Decathlon Athletic contest Importune Importunate, importunity, Urgent request, asking repeatedly
Echelon Degree Opportune Opportunely, Convenient, Well-timed
Talon Claw of bird, long finger nail Inopportune Not in time, poorly chosen, unseasonable
Moan Lament (bilap kora), audible expression of pain or sorrow Picayune Trifling
Cannon Large gun, cannonade, cannon ball Lien Financial claim,right to hold other’s property until debt is paid
Mignon (Golam) Mien Demeanor, Appearance, bearing
Roan Brown mixed with gray or white Leviathan Ogre, Monster, demon
Crone Hag
Drone Speak In a monotonic way, idle person Benign Kindly, favorable, gracious, benignant, benignly
Groan Groaning (artonad), Deep sound of pain Malign Malignancy, malignant, Defame, speak evil of,
Matron Matronly, (grihini), Mother of a family Hymn Religious song
Patron Advocate, protector Limn Limner,Portray, paint
Prone Predisposed, prostrate, inclined to, Spurn Reject, scorn
Throne The seat of a king Lectern Reading desk
Enthrone Enthronement, Place on a throne Nocturne Serenade, the picture of a night scene
Disenthrone Dethrone Scorn Disdain, derision, extreme contempt, scornful, scornfully
Environ Environment, Enclose, surround, besiege Sojourn Temporary stay, dwell for a time
Xylophone Musical percussion instruments Tarn Small mountain lake
Benison Bless Taciturn Habitual silent, talking little, reserved in speech, taciturnly(ad)
Jettison Jetty,Throw overboard (throwing of goods) Stern Harsh, austere, cruel,
Liaison Relationship, affair Slattern A dirty, untidy woman
Mason Masonry, Masonic, Rajmistri Subaltern Subordinate, inferior
Orison Prayer Yarn Story
Parson Padrii, Clergyman Yearn Desire strongly
Unison Accord, concord, agreement, unanimity, unity of pitch Adorn Decorate, ornament, trappings, adornment
Venison Meat of deer Inborn Innate, inherent
Atone Make amends for, pay for, expiate Mourn Mournful, mourner, mourning, mournfully, Grieve, be sorrowful,
Glutton Gluttonous, gluttony, One who eats too much bewail,
Proton Particle Clown Buffoon, ill-bred man, a country-fellow,
Touchstone Criterion Brawn Muscular strength, sturdiness, brawny
Wanton(a) Unruly, unchaste, lewd, uncontrolled, wantonly(ad) Drawn Undecided
Halcyon Serene, calm, peaceful Drown Drench, suffocate in water
Scion Offspring Pawn(n) Tool, stooge
Pawn(v) Pledge in toto In full, entirely
Spawn Lay eggs Incognito Disguised, unknown, with identity concealed, using an assumed
Disown Disownment, repudiate, renounce name
Renown Fame Libretto Text of an opera
Manifesto Proclamation, declaration, statement of policy
Memento Mementos, Souvenir, keepsake,
Bugaboo Bugbear, object of baseless terror Motto Slogan
Limbo Prison, Region near heaven or hell where souls are kept Presto Quickly
Fresco Painting on plaster Staccato Played in abrupt manner
Fiasco Debacle, total failure, breakdown Arroyo Gully
Rococo Ornate, highly decorated Tyro Novice, beginner, tiro
Sirocco Wind Woo Court
Bravado Swagger
Credo Creed
Crescendo Climax, increase in the volume or intensity as in a musical passage Ape Intimate or mimic
Pseudo False Gape Gaper, Open the mouth wide, yawn,
Incommunicado Unable to communicate with others Agape Openmouthed
Innuendo Insinuation (bokroukti), hint, inspiration, free from mischievous Lagniappe Bonus
qualities Mishap Accident, evil accident
Libido Emotional urges behind human activity Nap A short sleep during the day
Archipelago Group of closely located islands, a cluster of islands, archipelagic Drip Dripping, Fall in drops
Embargo Restriction, ban on commerce or other activity Heap Mass, pile, ruin
Ergo Therefore Quip Joke, taunt (tamasha, thatta), gibe, scoff,
Forego Foregoing (ogrogami), go before Equip Dress
Forgo Relinquish, give up, do without, Reap Harvest
Farrago Jumble, medley, Mixture, hotchpotch Fellowship Sharing, companionship
Hidalgo Nobleman Fillip Stimulus
Vertigo Dizziness, giddiness, vertiginous(a)
Ex officio By virtue of position Gallop Go at top speed
Neo New, recent Kaleidoscope Series of changing events
Olio Medley, savory dish Lope Lounge softly (lafiyelafiyechola)
Impresario Promoter, the organizer of public entertainment Elope Elopement, Run away,
Lothario Rake, womanizer, roué, libertine Mope Mopish, Be silent & dispirited
Oratorio Dramatic poem Misanthrope Misanthropy, Hater of mankind, hatred of mankind
Floe Mass of floating ice
Peccadillo A minor fault, slight offense, petty sin, Coup Sudden attack
Tempo Speed of music, tempos, tempi Recoup Recoupment, Recover
Proviso Stipulation Droop Hang down the head, grow weak
Torso Human trunk Dupe One who is easily trick, victim
Virtuoso Highly skilled Artist Nincompoop A weak-minded person, a simpleton,
Canto Division of a poem
De facto Actual Gasp Quick, painful effort to catch the breath (saashjkosto)
Falsetto High male voice, an artificial voice Grasp Hold fast
Grotto Small cavern (chottoguha) Rasp Scrape, coarse file
Gusto Great enjoyment, enthusiasm
Gulp Swallow eagerly, Rejoinder Retort, answer
Pulp Paste, mush, flashy part of body Render Deliver, provide
Whelp(n) Young wolf, cub, tiger, dog etc Slander Defamation, calumniate, utterance of false & malicious statements,
Ramp Slope, inclined plane Squander Waste, spend foolishly, squanderer
Scamp Rogue, vagabond, scampish Sunder Separate, part, sever
Revamp Recast Asunder Into parts, apart
Imp Impish, impishness, impishly, A child of the evil Bewilder Perplex, baffle, bewildered, bewilderment, bewildering
Primp Preen, Groom, dress up Smolder Burn without flame, smoulder
Skimp Provide scantly, live very economically, supply too small in amount Dodder Doddering, doddery, Tremble, shaky, infirm from old age
Romp Frolic, play noisily, Fodder Coarse food for cattle
Archetype Prototype, primitive pattern, original model, archetypal Invader One who invades (akromonkari)
Harp Complain Incessantly, harping(bar barekoibishoyekotha bola) Rider Amendment or clause added to a legislative bill
Epitaph Inscription in memory of a dead person (somadhilipi) Fanfare Publicity, call by bugles or trumpets
Seraph High ranking angel, seraphic(sorgio) Savoir faire Sophisticated, tact, poise
Triumph Victory, success Conifer Pine tree
Holograph Written entirely by hand Defer Postpone, delay, yielding
Catastrophe Calamity, catastrophic Gaffer An old man
Nymph Goddess Infer Conclude, deduce, guess
Loafer Vagrant, idler
Pilfer Pilferage, Steal
Caliber Ability, capacity , calibered, calibrate Proffer Offer spontaneously, Bring forward
Clamber Climbing by crawling
Encumber Encumbrance (impediment), Burden, impede the motion of, Badger Pester, annoy
hamper Beleaguer Besiege, beleaguerment
Disencumber Free from burden Codger Queer fellow, mean fellow,
Gibber Speak foolishly, chatter inarticulately, gibberish (a rapid inarticulate Dowager Widow
talk) Harbinger Forerunner (ogrodut)
Jabber Chatter Linger Loiter, delay
Limber Pliant, Flexible Malinger Shirk, malingerer (one who feigns illness to escape duty)
Lumber Move heavily or clumsily, anything cumbrous Meager Scanty, inadequate, thin, destitute of strength, barren
Slumber Sleep, slumberous Merger Merge, Combination
Somber Gloomy, depressing Pettifogger Unscrupulous Lawyer
Blunder Make serious mistake, Error Scavenger Animal that devours refuse & carrion
Colander Strainer Wager Bet
Engender Beget, Generate, cause, produce Adhere Stick last, cleave, adhesiveness
Founder Sink, fail completely Cohere Adhere, stick together, coherence, coherency, coherent
Hinder Prevent, obstruct Bicker Quarrel, bickering
Lavender Aromatic plant Canker Evil, ulcerous sore, cankerous
Maunder Speak indistinctly or disconnectedly Hanker Longing, crave
Meander Meandering, Roam, ramble, winding course, winding loop of a river Matchmaker Ghotok
Pander Quiver, Tremble Muckraker Reformer
Philander Flirt Snicker Half stiffed laugh
Ponder Muse, reflect, meditate Angular Having angles, Sharp-cornered, stuff in manner, angularly
Provender Dry Food, fodder Avuncular Like an uncle
Jocular Mirthful, Humorous, said or done in jest Whisper(v) Speak in a soft low voice or under the breath
Ocular Optic, visual Procurer Pander, pimp
Oracular Foretelling,
Perpendicular At right angles Caesar Roman emperor, autocrat, caesarism, caesarist,
Secular Worldly, temporal, not spiritual, secularity, secularism Facer Brazen-faced person (behayabekti)
Vernacular Living language, natural style, native Masher Lady-killer, a dandy
Jugular Throat
Singular Unique, extraordinary, odd Arbiter Judge, a person with power to decide a dispute, arbitrament,
Insular Insularity, Narrow-minded, isolate Accouter To equip, accoutrements(dress, military equipments)
Granular Granulate, granulous, Grainy, form into grains (danadar) Alter Change, alterative, alteration, alterable
Titular Belonging to titles, Nominal holding of title without obligation, Falter Waver, hesitate, tremble
titulary Amphitheater Oval building, amphitheatrical
Flare Burn unsteadily Austere Strict, stern, austerity
Burglar Steal by breaking into a house, burglary Barter Trader
Juggler Juggle, jugglery, legerdemain, conjurer, trickery Bitter Sarcastic, severe, virulent, bitterness
Heckler Heckle(hackle), One who harasses Embitter Exasperate, make bitter
Stellar Pertaining to the stars Boaster Braggart
Swindler Cheat, defrauding, swindle Bolster Buttress, support, prop up, bolstered
Canter Slow gallop
Mere Merely (purely), Unmixed, pure Cloister Monastery or convent
Mar Damage, disfigure Deter Discourage, prevent (protirodh)
Redeemer Savior Enfetter Enslave, blind in fetters
Glimmer Glimmering, Burn faintly, weak faint light, Fester Decay, suppurate, generate pus (pujpurnokora)
Shimmer Glimmer intermittently, gleam, glisten Filibuster Long speech
Simmer Boil gently, a state of suppress anger or laughter Flatter Flatterer (Sycophant), flattery, flattering, Please with false hopes
Stammer Falter In speaking, hesitate in speaking, defective utterance, Fluster Confusion, hurrying
stammerer Foster Encourage, rear (lalonpalonkora), nourish
Gossamer Sneer, like cobwebs, Thin & flimsy Freebooter Plunderer, robber
Misnomer Wrongly named, incorrect designation Fritter Squander, waste
Glister Glisten (shine), Sparkle,
Lunar Pertaining to the moon Glitter Glittering, sparkle with light, luster,
Garner Granary, Gather, glean, store up Imposter Cheat, pretender
Retainer Dependent, follower Inter Bury
Dapper Smart, brisk Disinter Unearth, unearth
Pauper Pauperism (destitution), pauperize, Poor person, destitute person, Lackluster Dull
Taper Candle, wax candle Loiter Loiterer, Linger, hang around (ojothaghureberano), delay
Sleeper Something originally of little value or importance that in time Luster Gloss, shine, splendor
becomes very valuable Manslaughter Killing someone unlawfully, but not willfully, without malice
Viper Poisonous snake, viperous(a) Muster To gather one’s forces, assemble
Hamper Obstruct, impede, hinder, Mutter Murmur, grumble (birbir kotha bola)
Tamper Meddle with, practice secretly and unfairly Ouster Ejection, dispossession
Temper Restrain, moderate, tone down, tempered(a) Quarter Residence
Distemper Ill-humor, Parameter Quaver, tremble
Scamper Run away with speed Patter Walk lightly,
Interloper Intruder (onuprobeshkari) Perimeter Outer boundary
Potter Aimlessly busy Commandeer Seize, confiscate
Plotter Conspirator (sorojontrokari), Domineer One who dominate
Prompter Reminder, one who prompt Fleer Mock, jeer, derision
Reconnoiter To survey Jeer Jeering (scoff), jeeringly, Mock, treat with derision, scoff,
Roister Roisterer, Bluster, be boisterous in merrymaking Queer Queerness, queerly, Odd, strange, singular,
Roster List of people Profiteer Extortionist, one who makes excessive profit at difficult situation
Saunter Stroll slowly, wander about idly, loiter, wandering Racketeer Gangster
Sinister Evil, bad, inauspicious, ill omened Veneer Facade, false front, Thin layer,
Sequester Retire from public life, segregate, seclude, sequestered, Veer Change in direction
sequestration Courier Messenger
Swelter Be oppressed by heat, suffer from great heat Dossier File
Titter Nervous laugh, giggle, a suppressed laughter Frontier Boarder
Welter(v) Wallow, hodgepodge, roll in, indulge in, confusion, Métier Occupation
Rapier Sword
Nether Nethermost, Under, lower, infernal
Tether A rope or chain by which an animal is fastened Elixir Cure all, something invigorating
Dither Move without purpose Nadir Lowest point, the point opposite to the zenith
Slither Slide, slip, slithery Satyr Half human half bestial
Wither(a) Shrivel, Decay, wizened, fade, waste, wizened, withered(a) Zephyr West wind, gentle breeze
Weather(v) Endure the effect of weather or other forces Dire Dreadful, disastrous
Decipher Decipherable,Decode, interpret secret code Falsifier Falsify, Protarok, falsity (false assertion)
Cartographer Map maker, cartographic, cartographical Mire Entangle, Marsh, stick in swampy ground
Lexicographer Compiler of a dictionary Quagmire Difficult situation, bog, marsh
Sepulcher Burying, Tomb Respire Respiration, respiratory, respirator, Breathe
Transpire Leak out, Exhale, become known, happen, transpiration,
Aver State confidently, declare to be true, averment transpirable
Cadaver Corpse, Vampire
Hover Hang out, wait nearby Esquire Title of courtesy
Quaver Satire Sarcasm, sarcastic
Quiver Force majeure Supreme force
Palaver Babble, nonsense, idle talk, flattery Exchequer Treasury
Revere Honor Weir Dam
Severe Stern, austere, very strict, severely Debonair Affable, sophisticated, friendly, aiming to please
Persevere Perseveringly, Persist, endure Doctrinaire Dogmatic,
Cower Shrink quivering, as from fear Ensnare Trap
Deflower Despoil, ravish, ravage, deprive of virginity, strip of flowers Entrepreneur Businessman, contractor
Glower Scowl, Stare angrily, Questionnaire Interrogation
Empower Enable, grant Pare Peel
Bizarre Strange, odd, grotesque, Fantastic, violently contrasting Impair Injure, worsen, diminish in value, deteriorate
Memoir Memoirist, memoirs, Autobiography, biographical sketch,
Bugbear Imagined object Devoir Duty
Forbear Forbearance, Abstain, patience Repertoire Stock of works, repertory (store of information)
Endear Endearment (fond statement), Enamor Err Mistake, misjudge, blunder, go astray
Forswear Abjure, Deny, renounce, abandon Peculiar Peculiarly (particularly, strangely), Unusual
Double- Having two meanings one of which is sexually suggestive
entendre Posterior Rear, subsequent, later, hinder
Lucre Lucrative, Money, profit, money making Ulterior Situated beyond, unstated
Massacre Carnage, indiscriminate slaughter, kill in large number, Languor Languorous, Lassitude,
Mediocre Mediocrity, Average, ordinary, commonplace, middling, moderate, Censor Overseer of moral
Macabre Gruesome, grisly (bhoyonkor), grim, terrible Precursor Precursory, Vanguard, Forerunner, harbinger
Timbre Quality of a musical tone, color Predecessor A forefather, One who proceeds, former occupant of a post
Ogre rakhkhosh Monster, demon
Genre Kind, category, particular variety of art & culture Abettor Encourager
Outré Eccentric Aviator An airman, Aviate, aviation
Centaur Half man half horse Benefactor Gift giver, patron
Belabor Explain, attach verbally Curator Superintended, manager
Harbor Harborage, Gove shelter, conceal, provide a refuge for, Detractor One who criticizes
Encore Additional performance, call for a repetition Janitor Door keeper, caretaker
Rancor Rankle, Resentment, bitterness, hatred Malefactor Evildoer, criminal
Succor Aid, assistance, relief Mentor Teacher
Ardor Heat, passion, zeal Orator Speaker
Candor Frankness, sincerity Pastor Clergyman, parson
Matador One who kills Proctor Supervise
Vendor Seller Progenitor Ancestor, forefather,
Fore Front, Proprietor Manager, owner
Metaphor Metaphorical (not literal, figurative), A compressed simile Prosecutor Sorkariukil
(olongkarbisghes) Sculptor One who carves images or figures, sculptural, sculpture
Clangor clang, clangorous, clank (jhon jhon shobdo), clatter (dhon dhon Speculator Fotkabaz
shobdo) Testator Maker of a will, testate(v)
Rigor Rigorous, Harshness, severity, stern, unrelenting Prestidigitator Magician
Vigor Physical Strength, energy, vitality Endeavor Attempt, strive, effort
Abhor Loathe, hate, detest, abhorrer(n), abhorrence(n) Fervor Intensity
Anchor Secure or fasten family Yore Time-past, long ago
Lore Erudition, Learning, knowledge Purveyor Caterer, furnisher of foodstuffs
Dolor Anguish, sorrow, grief
Galore Abundance,
Deplore Deplorable, regret, lament (sochonio), mourn Concur Agree
Implore Imploringly, Entreat, beg, pray, ask earnestly Incur Bring upon oneself, become liable to (nijer upore aana)
Valor Bravery, prowess, courage, valorous(a) Recur Repeat, revert
Clamor Noise, clamorous, clamorously Epicure Epicurean, Gourmet, connoisseur of food or drink, dainty eater &
Tremor Trembling, wavering, slightly quiver drinker
Donor Contributor Obscure Obscurity, obscurely, Profound, vogue, unclear
Demeanor Behavior, bearing (chalcholon) Procure Acquire
Misdemeanor Minor crime, an act contrary to law Sinecure Well paid position with little responsibility, sinecurist
Moor Moorland, Marshy wasteland Endure Enduring (lasting, surviving), endurance, endurable, enduring,
Extempore Extemporize, Without preparation, Improvise enduringly, Suffer
Stupor State of apathy, daze, lack of awareness, great lethargy Grandeur Splendor, vastness
Torpor Lethargy, dormancy, sluggishness Procedure Method
Furor Fury, rage, Commotion, great excitement, frenzy Coiffure Hairstyle
Inferior Inferiority, Lower, secondary De rigueur Very formal
Disfigure Mar, ruin Nomenclature Terminology, system of names, list of name
Azure Sky blue color Nurture Nourish, foster, bring up, feed, educate
Abjure Disavow, deny, renounce upon oath(sopoth), abjuration(n), Overture Proposal or offer
abjurer(n) Primogeniture First born child
Conjure Summon a devil, magic, Posture Situation, condition, state, attitude
De jure Legally Rapture Rapt, rapturous, rapturously, ecstasy, Bliss
Injure Injured, injurious, injury, Wrong, damage Enrapture Please intensely, delight highly
Objure Objuration, oath, Swear, Rupture Breach, hernia,
Lure Entice (prolovon) Raconteur Story teller
Allure Tempt(temptation), lure, Entice, attract, allurement Stricture Critical comments, severe & adverse criticism
Demur Take exception, delay, object, hesitate, Suture Material used in sewing
Demure Sedate, reserved, grave, serious, coy, sober, modest Venture A dangerous or daring undertaking
Murmur Mutter, mumble Hotspur A rash & passionate man
Immure Build a wall around, put in prison
Inure Accustom, habituate, harden
Tenure The right to hold property, Holding of an office Passé Outmoded
Dour Sullen (kothor) Faux pas Mistake, false step
Devour Devourer, Swallow, Impasse Deadlock, predicament from which there is no scope
Paramour Lover Encompass Encompassment, Contain, encircle, surround
Pour Dhala, flow Surpass Exceed, surpassing, surpassingly,
Brochure Pamphlet Harass Torment, worry, weary
Censure Blame, criticize, adverse judgment, reproach, reprove. Reproof, Morass Swamp, difficult situation, marsh
censurable Embarrass Embarrassment, Encumber, perplex
Composure Mental calmness
Discomposure Absence of mental calm or equilibrium Base Mean, (baseborn, base minded) baseness
Cynosure Object of general attention Abase Lower, degrade, humiliate, abasement(n)
Exposure Exposing, Debase Debasement, Demean, degrade, reduce to lower state, adulterate
Fissure Crevice (fatol), narrow opening, chasm Abash Confused, Embarrass, put out of countenance, feeling ashamed,
Connoisseur A lover of art abashed(a), abashment(n)
Aperture Hole, opening, vent, Dash Through violently
Caricature Burlesque, distortion, caricaturable, caricaturist Deface Defacement, Mar, obliterate, disfigure
Judicature Judicable, judicial, judiciary, jurisdiction, tribunal, Efface Effacement, effaceable, Obliterate, rub out, blot out, destroy
Conjecture Surmise, guess Profess Professed(self acknowledged), Affirm, make open declaration of,
Garniture Ornament, decoration Largess Generous Donation
Gesture Movement of the body Blasé Apathy, aloof, dissipation
Hauteur Haughtiness Flash Flashy, Sudden quick blaze
Horticulture Pertaining to cultivation of gardens Solace Comfort in trouble, relief, consolation, console, allay, comfort In
Imposture Fraud, deception, sham grief
Imprimatur Sanction Mash Mosla baata
Indenture Bind as a servant or apprentice to master, covenant (chuktipotro) Amass Collect, aggregate, accumulate, heap, amassment
Investiture Enduing (bibhusito koron), installing in office Enmesh Entangle
Jointure Potir mrittur por potnir prapto sompotti Grimace Smirk, Expression of disgust, distortion of the countenance
Juncture Critical time, Pivotal point in time, joining point, crisis Gnash Grind (data die kormorkora)
Ligature Bond, bandage Menace Menacing, menacingly, Threaten, inspire with apprehension
Miniature Miniaturist, Copy, Pace Step,
Quash Put down, suppress, oppress Ingress Entering
Rash Rashness, Hasty, brash, headstrong Mores Moral standards, customs
Crass Unrefined, unpurified, grossly insensible Oppress Persecute (harass), oppression (severity, cruelty)
Embrace Embracement, embracer, Accept, fold in the arm (alingon kora) Redress Restitution, reparation, readjust
Paraphrase Restatement Regress Regression, regressive, Return, the power or right of returning
Scapegrace Lokhkhi chara lok Repress Repression, repressive, Suppress, oppress, crush, restrain
Possess Possession, possessor (owner), seize, hold, Suppress Crush, subdue, inhibit, restrain, concealment,
Dispossess Dispossession, dispossessor, Take away possession, eject suppresser, suppression, suppressed
(bohiskrito kora) Canvas Sails of a ship
Prowess Strength, expertise, bravery, valor Canvass Ask for votes, solicitation, canvasser
Alias An assumed name (daaknaam) Abyss Bottomless pit, vast, enormous chasm
Fracas Noisy fight, brawl, melee Appease Pacify, soothe, placate, satisfy, appeasement
Rehash Repeat Ease Easeful, easement, Comfort, rest,
Archives Public records, place where public records are kept, archivist
Artless Open and honest, without guile, unskillful, uncultured, artlessly, Diocese District, bishop
artlessness Obese Obesity (corpulence), Corpulent, Fat
Dauntless Courageous, bold Appraise Estimate value of, appraisement, appraisal
Feckless Incompetent Dispraise Dispraiser, Blame, censure,
Flawless Perfect Malaise Uneasiness, weariness, distress
Fruitless Unprofitable, barren Dais Platform for guest of honor
Hapless Hap (chance, luck), haply, Unlucky Rejoice Celebrate
Heedless Careless, not noticing, disregarding
Issueless Childless Modish Chic, fashionable
Kinless Kinship (relationship), Destitute of kindred Prudish Puritanical, over modest, prim
Listless Lacking spirit or interest, inattentive Offish Reserved
Peerless Otulonio Aegis Shield, defense, protection
Regardless Heedless, negligent, inconsiderate Hoggish Greedy & selfish
Relentless Relentlessly, Unstoppable Priggish Pillage, Plundering,
Ruthless Ruthlessness, Pitiless Sluggish Slow, lazy, lethargic
Witless(a) Foolish, idiotic(idiot), silly Waggish(a) Mischievous, humorous, tricky, facetious, frolicsome,
Dizziness Dizzy, Giddiness, vertigo, confuse waggishly(ad), waggishness(n)
Dreariness Dreary, Gloominess, dullness
Finesse Skill, delicate skill, subtlety of contrivance Brackish Saline
Moodiness Fits of depression or gloom Mawkish Mawkishness, mawkishly, Maudlin, Sickeningly sentimental,
Murkiness Darkness, gloom sickening, insipid, loathsome
Nastiness Nasty, nuisance, filthiness Puckish Puck, Impish, mischievous
Address Deal with, direct speech, discuss, addressee Proboscis Snout (hatirsoor)
Buttress Bolster, support, prop up Précis Summary, abstract
Compress Squeeze Rakish Rakishly, rakishness, Stylish, sporty
Depress Depression, Dispirit, humble Surcease Cease, Cessation
Digress Digression (oprasongik), digressive, Ramble,
Distress Distressful, distressing, Extreme pain, calamity, adversity, Abolish Cancel, put an end to, abrogate, annul, abolishment, abolisher,
misfortune abolishable
Duress Coercion, forcible restraint, Accomplice Partner in crime,
Egress Exit, outlet, going out Accomplish Perform, finish, accomplished, accomplishment
Churlish Boorish, rude, ill-bred, surly, stubborn, miserly, churlishly Metamorphosis Metamorphism, metamorphose, A change in form, shape or
Disrelish Aversion, dislike, distaste structure
Embellish Embellishment, embellisher, Exaggerate, adorn, decorate Oasis Fertile spot in a sandy desert
Fleece Wool coat of a ship Periphrasis Periphrastic, Circumlocution,
Fleece Rob, plunder Prognosis Prediction, Forecast, omen, fore telling
Metropolis Metropolitan, Large city, capital of a country
Relish Savor, flavor Amenities Things that make life easy & pleasant, Convenient features,
Amiss(a) Faulty, wrong courtesies, amenity
Remiss Remissness, Negligent, lax, careless of duty Chastise Punish, chastisement
Famish Starve Coquettish Coy, modest, shy
Skirmish Minor fight, skirmisher Mephitis Mephitic, Nasty smell,
Admonish Warn, reprove, reproof, council, advice Skittish Playful, sportive, skittishly, skittishness, Lively, frisky
Banish Expel, condemn to exile, banishment
Burnish Make shiny, polish Acquiesce Assent, agree passively, accord, accede, tacit consent, acquiescent
Cornice Protecting molding on building Anguish Acute pain, extreme suffering
Clownish Rustic, boorish, coarse and awkward Bourgeois Middle class
Evanish Vanish Languish Languid, languishment, languor, Droop, Weaken, lose strength
Garnish Decorate, adorn Relinquish Relinquishment, Release, abandon, give up, resign
Replenish Replenishment, Refill Vanquish Conquer
Foppish Foppery, Babusulobh Sluice Sluice gate
Lumpish Heavy Furbish Brighten, polish
Refurbish Remodel, renovate
Avarice Great eagerness to get & keep money, cupidity, Covetous, Crevice Crack, fissure,
greediness for wealth, avaricious, avariciously Disservice Disserviceable, injury, mischief
Boorish Rude, clownish, boorishly, boorishness Lavish Extravagant, liberal, wasteful, bestow or spend
Cherish Nurse, treat with affection, cling to as an idea or hope Novice Novitiate, Beginner
Caprice Whimsical, fickle Peevish Peevishness, Cranky, fretful,
Debris Rubble (dhongsabsesh), ruins Ravish Ravishing, ravishment, Captivate, charm, abduct, rape, rapture,
Flourish Grow well, prosper, decorate with ornaments Slavish Servile, mean, base, slavishly
Garish Gaudy, showy,
Hubris Haughty, Arrogance Artifice Deception, trickery, skill, cunning trick, artificer
Parish Church, fold Edifice Building
Perish Die Orifice Small opening
Malice Spite (biddsporayon), disposition or inclination
Antithesis Contrast , direct opposite of or to, antithetic, antithetical Compromise Adjust
Synthesis Combining parts into a whole, putting together Demise Death, grant by will
Exegesis Exegetic, Interpretation, explanation especially of biblical passages Premise Postulate, assumption
(torjoma) Surmise Guess, suppose, suspect, suspicion, conjecture, surmisable
Nemesis Implacable foe, revenging agent, the goddess of vengeance Despise Loathe, scorn
Genesis Origin, birth Hospice Shelter
Apotheosis Glorification, deification Precipice Cliff, steep, dangerous position
Catharsis Purging, cleansing away any passage of the body Apprise Inform
Chassis Comprise Include, consist of
Ellipsis Omission of words Enterprise A bold & difficult Undertaking
Macrobiosis Longevity Reprise Repetition
Concise Brief & compact Pathos Emotion, tender sorrow, pity
Incise Cut into, engrave Dross Drossy, Waste matters, worthless impurities
Precise Precisely, Accurate, detailed, exact, precision (exactness) Engross Captivate, occupy fully
Excise Excisable, Tax on consumption, Morose Sullen, ill humored, sour tempered
Exorcise Exorcist, exorcism, Expel, drive out evil spirits Throes Agony, extreme pain, anguish, pains of child birth
Franchise Right granted by authority, right of voting at public election,
Enfranchise Enfranchiser, enfranchisement, Liberate, to admit the rights of Abuse Use wrongly, revile, treat roughly or cruelly, violet, pervert,
citizenship (the right to vote) abusiveness
Treatise Formal essay, discourse, An article treating a subject systematically Disabuse Undeceive, Correct a false impression, set free from mistake
Expertise Knowledge, ability, expert skill Adduce To present as an evidence, cite, adducer, adducible
Solstice Point at which sun is farthest Educe Educible, Draw forth, evoke, extract
Guise Appearance Deduce Deducible, Conclude (onuman)
Distinguish Distinguishable, distinguished, distinguishing (peculiar), Separate Induce Inducement (prolovon), Persuade, bring about, prevail on
or divide Traduce Calumniate, defame, vilify, Express to slander, traducible, traducer
Extinguish Extinguishable, extinguisher, Put out, wipe out, annihilate, Fuss Fussy, Bustle, unnecessary activity
Devise Plan Infuse Infusion, Inspire, instill, pour in
Improvise Invent, compose on the spur of the moment, extempore Interfuse Mix
Nowise By no means Suffuse Spread over, suffusion
Recluse Hermit (sonnasi), secluded, solitude,
Verbose Verbosity, Wordy Muse Musing, Ponder, meditate, think closely,
Bellicose Warlike, contentious, bellicosity Amuse Make cheerful & happy, amusing
Jocose Jocosity, Given to joking Ruse Stratagem, Trick, pretext, fraud,
Grandiose Grandiosity, grandiosely, Imposing, Impressive, large, pompous, Peruse Read carefully
Otiose Unoccupied, Idle Abstruse Obscure, difficult to understand, profound, abstrusely(ad),
Noose Knot (faans) abstruseness(n)
Disclose Disclosure, Reveal, expose Obtuse Obtusely, obtuseness, Stupid, blunt
Foreclose Exclude, prevent, stop
Lachrymose Lachrymatory, Lachrymal (conveying tears), Tearful, containing Incubus Nightmare,
tears Omnibus Collection (comprising many items), compilation
Apropos With reference to, regarding, appropriate, concerning Rebus Picture puzzle
Depose Dethrone (singhasonchutokora), remove from office Caucus Meeting of members to determine policy,
Discompose Upset, ruffle, agitate Hocus Cheat, stupefy, jugglery, deception
Dispose Disposal, disposable, disposed, disposition, Arrange, put in Exodus Departure, migration
position Bogus Counterfeit, not authenticate, sham
Expose Divulge, lay bare Sarcophagus Stone coffin, highly decorated
Impose Lay on (arop kora), command, pass of Nonplus Confound, perplexity, dilemma, bring to a halt confusion
Indispose Indisposed, indisposition, averse, disinclined, Purlieus Environment, surroundings
Interpose Interposition, Insert, intervene Animus Hostile feeling or intent
Juxtapose Juxtaposition, Place side by side Humus Soil, substance formed by decaying vegetable matter
Malapropos Oprasongik Ignoramus Ignorance, ignorant, An ignorant person,
Presuppose Presupposition, Assume Genus Genera, class having many species under it
Repose Rest, Onus Onerous, oppressive, burden (burden)
Superimpose Place over something else Magnum opus Masterpiece
Comatose In a coma, extremely sleepy, drowsy, in a state of stupor, coma Opus Literal work or musical composition
Ethos Beliefs of a group Terminus Last stop of railroad, termini
Inrush Violent influx Pusillanimous Pusillanimity, Cowardly, fainthearted
Papyrus Paper Diaphanous Translucent, sheer, sneer, transparent
Virus Libidinous Lascivious, lustful
Detritus Debris, worn out matters Glutinous Gluten, Sticky, viscous
Emeritus Retired but retaining title Heinous Vile, atrocious, enormous,
Hiatus Interruption, gap, pause Indigenous Native
Impetus Stimulus, spark, moving force, momentum Oleaginous Oily, unctuous
Prospectus Brochure, pamphlet Luminous Bright, shinning, issuing light
Quietus A cessation of activity, an acquaintance, Ominous Ominously, Inauspicious, Threatening, foreboding evil
Nexus Link, connection, tie, Voluminous(a) Bulky, Large
Ravenous Ravenously, Voracious, famished
Raucous Raucously, Harsh, hoarse Synchronous Similarly timed, simultaneous with
Viscous Sticky, gluey, adhesive, viscosity Espouse Espouser, Advocate, adopt, support,
Douse Plunge into water, drench, extinguish Pompous
Drowse Slumber (jhimano) Rouse Awaken, arouse,
Hazardous Dangerous, uncertain Grouse Fuss, complain, grumble (osontoshprokashkora)
Tremendous Dreadful, violent, astounding, tremendously Dexterous Dexter, dexterity, Herapheri
Amorphous Shapeless , amorphousness, amorphousism Ambidextrous Capable of using either hand with equal ease, ambidexter
Analogous Similar, corresponding, analogue, analogy, analogical, analogically Amorous Loving, moved by sexual love, amorously, amorousness
Callous Unfeeling, hardened, unsympathetic Canorous Melodious, resonance
Fabulous Fabulist, related in the fable, fictitious, hard or impossible to Decorous Decorously, Seemly, decent,
believe Indecorous Unseemly, improper, unbecoming
Nebulous Nebulosity, Cloud like, Indistinct, vague, hazy Dolorous Doleful, Gloomy, sorrowful
Meticulous Meticulously, Precise, extremely careful, over careful Odorous Having an odor
Acidulous Caustic, sharp, slightly sour, somewhat acid Malodorous Malodor, Fetid, foul smelling, stinking, ill-smelling
Incredulous Incredulity (tendency to disbelief), Skeptical, without belief Porous Permeable, spongy, full of pores, like a sieve
Sedulous Diligent, hard working, persevering, sedulously, sedulity Sonorous High sounding, extremely loud
Mellifluous Sweet sounding Timorous Fearful, demonstrating fear, timorously(ad)
Superfluous Excessive, overabundant, unnecessary, redundant, superfluously Carnivorous Flesh eating
Anomalous Abnormal, irregular, aberrant, aberration Herbivorous Herb, Feeding on plants, grain eating (trinobhoji)
Tremulous Trembling, wavering, timid Omnivorous Vorous (bhuk), devouring everything (sorbobhuk)
Scrupulous Conscientious, doubtful, scruple, scrupulosity, scrupulously Ponderous Ponderously, Heavy, bulky, weighty, unwieldy
Garrulous Garrulity, loquacity, Talkative Cantankerous Ill humored, irritable, fond of quarreling, cantankerously,
Querulous Querulously, Quarrelsome, Complaining, murmuring, cantankerousness
Perilous Perilously, Dangerous Cadaverous Like a corpse
Scurrilous Obscene, indecent, scurrility, Odoriferous Pleasing odor, stinking,
Libelous Libel, libeler, Defamatory, Pestiferous Songkramok, carrying contagion
Marvelous Marvelously, Wonderful, incredible, strange, Onerous Onerously, Onus, oppressive, Burdensome
Zealous Enthusiastic, zealously(ad) Obstreperous Obstreperousness, Clamorous, Boisterous, Noisy, unruly
Vociferous Noisy, clamorous, adamant, vociferate(v)
Anonymous Having no name Boisterous Violent, rough,
Autonomous Self-governing, independent Preposterous Absurd, Ridiculous,
Infamous Notorious Chivalrous Courteous, faithful, brave, valor, cavalry, chivalric, chivalry
Magnanimous Magnanimousness, magnanimously, Generous, kindhearted, Desirous Desire, full of desires
Posthumous After death Glabrous Smooth-skinned
Ludicrous laughable, ridiculous Precocious Precocity, Precociousness, precociously, Advanced, ripe before
Lustrous Shinning the right time (okalpokko)
Venturous Daring Predacious Predator (preying), Pillage, Plundering
Pugnacious Combative, disposed to fight, quarrelsome
Covetous Avaricious, eagerly desirous of Rapacious Rapaciously, Avaricious, grasping, rapacity (avarice)
Infelicitous Infelicity, Unhappy, inappropriate, Sebaceous Oily, fatty, greasy
Solicitous Worried, concerned, eager, solicitude Sagacious Shrewd, keen, having insight, sagacity
Precipitous Steep (ottontokhara) Salacious Indecent, salaciousness, salaciously
Circuitous Roundabout Specious Seemingly reasonable but incorrect, speciously
Fortuitous Fortuitously, fortuity, Lucky, accidental, Suspicious Doubts, suspiciously, suspicion
Gratuitous Unwarranted, uncalled for, given freely (binamulleprodotto) Tenacious Holding fast, glutinous, sticky, adhesive
Iniquitous Iniquitously, iniquity, Unjust, wicked, wrong Pertinacious, stubborn, tenaciousness(n), tenaciously(ad)
Ubiquitous(a) Present everywhere, omnipresent, ubiquity(n) Veracious Truthful, veraciously(ad)
Grievous Tragic, heinous, painful Vivacious Animated, gay, vivaciously(ad)
Mischievous Voracious (a) Ravenous, voraciously(ad), voracity(n)
Rendezvous A meeting Commodious Spacious & comfortable
Incommodious Not spacious
Dubious Dubiety, dubiousness, Doubtful, ambiguous, Fastidious Fastidiousness, fastidiously, Meticulous, squeamish, difficult to
In dubious Not doubtful please, finical, overnice,
Audacious Daring, bold, impudent, audaciousness Hideous Hideously, Horrible, frightful, ghastly
Auspicious Favoring success, hopeful, favorable Insidious Insidiousness, insidiously, Treacherous, stealthy, sly, deceitful
Inauspicious Unlucky, ill-omened Invidious Invidiously, Incurring ill-will, designed to create envy or ill-will
Capacious Spacious, comprehensive Melodious Melodist, Melodic, melodrama
In capacious Narrow Odious Repulsive, offensive, Despicable, hateful
Capricious Caprice Perfidious Treacherous
Captious Faultfinder, carping, fallacious, hypercritical, sophistical Tedious Boring, tiring, tiresome, tediously(ad), tediousness(n)
Efficacious Efficacy, Effective, power to produce desired effect
Fallacious Fallaciousness, fallaciously,Misleading, delusive, deceitful, False Egregious Grossly wrong, enormous, distinguished
Farinaceous Made of flour Prodigious Enormous, marvelous, astonishing,
Ferocious Ferocity, fury, Savage, wild Sacrilegious Profane, desecrating, showing disrespect to a sacred person,
Gracious Graciousness, graciously, Kindness, merciful, benevolent sacrilege
Incautious Incautiously, Heedless, inattentive Punctilious Punctilio, Meticulous, precise (jothajoto)
Judicious judiciously, Prudent, sound in judgment, Supercilious Contemptuous, haughty, overbearing, arrogant
Injudicious Injudiciously, Not wise, imprudent, Abstemious Sparing in drinking and eating, temperate,
Loquacious Loquacity, loquaciousness, Talkative abstemiously, abstention(refraining)
Luscious Pleasing to taste or smell Acrimonious Bitter in words and manner
Malicious Dictated by hatred or spite, spiteful Ceremonious Marked by formality, ceremony, ceremoniously, ceremonial,
Meretricious Tawdry, flashy, alluring by false show, gaudy, (aromborjukto) ceremonially
Nauseous Loathe-some, producing nausea Erroneous Erroneously, Mistaken, wrong
Officious Officiously, officiousness, Obtrusive, forwarding, meddlesome Euphonious Euphonic, euphonize, Pleasing in sound
(poramorsodite pare emon) Extraneous Not essential, external, extrinsic,, not related to the matter in hand
Pertinacious Pertinacity, Persistence, persevering, determined, Extemporaneous Not planned, impromptu
Pernicious Perniciousness, perniciously, Destructive, hurtful ,injurious Felonious Felon, felony, Criminal, culprit
Perspicacious Keen of mind, quick sighted, Heterogeneous Dissimilar (osodrishsho)
Precious Of great price Homogeneous Uniform
Igneous Produced by fire, volcanic Fractious Unruly, choleric
Ignominious Ignominy, ignominiously, Disgraceful, dishonor, Licentious Lewd, profligate, immoral, wanton, dissolute
Impecunious Indigent, without money (nisombol) Ostentatious Pretentious, showy (lokdekhano)
Ingenious Ingenuity, Clever, inventive, naïve, young, unsophisticated Piteous Pitiful, Sorrowful, pathetic
Ligneous Wood like Pretentious Inflated, affected, ambitious, ostentatious
Parsimonious Stingy, excessively frugal, niggardliness Propitious Auspicious, favorable
Sanctimonious Displaying ostentatious, hypothetical devoutness, sanctimony Rambunctious Boisterous
Pious Devout, holy Righteous Righteousness, Upright, Moral, virtuous
Impious Irreverent Sententious Terse, concise, aphoristic, full of meaning
Copious Plentiful Surreptitious Secret, clandestine, surreptitiously
Obsequious Obsequiousness (Onugoto), Servile (aggyaboho), fawning, Tendentious Biased
Carious Decayed Devious Going astray, erratic, (pothobhrosto)
Censorious Critical, faultfinding, captious, carping, fallacious, hypocritical, Impervious Impenetrable
censorship Lascivious Lasciviousness, Lewd, Libidinous, lechery, lustful (kamuk)
Deleterious Harmful, injurious Noxious Noxiousness, noxiously, harmful, unwholesome, poisonous, toxic
Gregarious Gregariousness, gregariously, Sociable, living in flocks or Obnoxious Obnoxiousness, obnoxiously, Offensive, blameworthy, hateful,
Illustrious Famous, conspicuous, renowned
Imperious Imperiousness, Domineering, haughty, overbearing, authoritative, Conspicuous Obvious, easily seen, noticeable, striking
Industrious Hard-working Inconspicuous Not noticeable, hardly discernible
Insalubrious Unwholesome Perspicuous Expressed
Lugubrious Lugubriousness, Sad, mournful Innocuous Harmless
Multifarious Multifariously, Diverse, many-sided, varied, greatly diversified Promiscuous Promiscuity, promiscuousness, Sexually indiscreet, haphazard
Nefarious Nefariousness, nefariously, Evil, very wicked, impious, villainous, Vacuous(a) Empty, inane, vacant, blank, vacuity(n), vacuously(ad)
Notorious Wicked, notoriety (disrepute, ill fame) Arduous Hard, strenuous, difficult, laborious, arduousness, arduously
Opprobrious Abusive, scornful, reproachful, disgraceful Assiduous Diligent, perseverance, assiduity
Precarious Perilous, Dangerous, risky, uncertain Deciduous Shedding leaves, loosing leaves every years
Penurious Penuriousness, penuriously, Parsimonious, Stingy, excessively
frugal, niggardliness, miserly, mean, Ambiguous Doubtful, unclear, uncertain
Salubrious Healthful, salutary, salubrity Contiguous Touching upon, adjacent to
Spurious False, counterfeit, spuriously, spuriousness In contiguous Not adjoining or touching
Vainglorious Boastful, excessively conceited, excessive vanity, vainglory(n) Exiguous Scanty, small, slender
Vitreous Pertaining to or resembling glass, made of glass Ingenuous Frank, open
Disingenuous Disingenuously, disingenuousness, Deceptive, lacking genuine
Adventitious Accidental, casual, adventitiously candor, crafty, not frank
Bumptious Self-assertive, bumptiously, bumptiousness Sinuous Winding, bending, serpentine, not morally honest, snaky, sinuosity
Conscientious Scrupulous, conscionable Tenuous Thin, rare, slim, tenuity(n)
Contentious Quarrelsome Incongruous Incongruent, incongruity, Out of place, absurd, not fitting
Disputatious Disputant, Fond of arguing, argumentative Sensuous Pertaining to the physical senses, operating through the senses ,
Facetious Facetiousness, facetiae, joking, jocular, humorous sensuousness
Factitious Artificial, sham Impetuous Impetuosity, impetuously, Impulsive, violent, hasty, rash, moving
Felicitous Apt, suitably expressed, well chosen violently or rapidly
Fictitious Fiction, Imaginary, invented, hallucination, delusion, illusion Presumptuous Presumptuousness, Assuming, arrogant, taking liberties
Flagitious Atrocious, heinous Sumptuous Lavish, rich, costly, luxurious, sumptuously, sumptuousness
Voluptuous(a) Gratifying the senses Enhance Improve, advance, increase
Tortuous Winding, full of curves, deceitful, not straight forward, tortuously,
tortuosity Ambience Environment, atmosphere
Unctuous Oily, bland, greasy, insincerely suave, unctuously(ad) Defiance Defiant, defiantly, Challenge to combat
Allegiance Loyalty, being faithful
Genetics Study of heredity Compliance Yield
Geriatrics’ Pertaining to old age Misalliance A marriage with a person of lower social position
Linguistics Study of language, pertaining to the language Misalliance Bad alliance (kusommondho)
Logistics Means of supplying troops Inconvenience Inconvenience, inconveniently, Disadvantage, uncomfortable
Mnemonics Pertaining to memory, science assisting or improving the memory Irradiance Irradiant, irradiate, irradiation, emission of rays of lights
Numismatics Numismatist, Coin collecting, Variance Discrepancy
Proceeds Profit, outcome Resilience Ability to recover from illness, resilient (elastic)
Dregs Dross, Residue, riffraff, sediment,
Trappings Outward Decoration, ornaments Askance Indirect look, sideways, askant
Annals History, records, historical records, annalist Ambivalence In state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes
Entrails Inner parts Equivalence Equivalent, Equality,
Impulse Impulsion, impulsive, Mental incitement, Inclination Eye-glance Quick look
Isosceles Having two equal sides Glance Brief look, flash
Laurels Laurelled, Fame, honor Malevolence Malevolent, malevolently, Wishing evil, Bad intent, malice
Repulse Repulsion, repulsive, Repel, beat off, drive back (irshaporayonota)
Shambles Slaughterhouse Opulence Opulent, Wealth, riches
Victuals Food, provision Parlance Local speech
Qualms Doubt or Misgivings Pestilence Pestilent, Disease
Doldrums Dullness, listlessness, blues, slack period Semblance Likeness, Outward appearance, guise
Pains Labor Surveillance Watching, guarding
Myrmidons Loyal followers, one who ruthlessly executes orders Turbulence Tumult, disorder, State of violent agitation
Contortions Twisting, distortions, wrench, writhe, wry Manse Mansion (a big dwelling house), Residence of clergyman
Myrmidons Loyal followers, one who ruthlessly executes orders Commence Begin, commencement
Contortions Twisting, distortions, wrench, writhe, wry Recommence Recommencement, Start again newly,
Immense Immensity, Huge
Accordance Accordingly, accordant, according Vigilance Watchfulness, wakefulness, sleeplessness
Cadence Beat Abstinence Restraint from eating and drinking, abstaining,
Credence Belief Continence Sexual chastity, self restrain
Dissidence Dissident, Disagreement dissent, Consonance Congruence, concord, compatible, Harmony, agreement,
Improvidence Improvident, want of foresight, thoughtless conformity
Impudence Impudent, Insolence, shamelessness Countenance Approve, tolerate
Jurisprudence Jurist, Science of Law Discountenance Discourage, disapprove
Prudence Discretion, frugality, foresight Dissonance Dissonant, Discord,
Imprudence Imprudent, injudicious (obichokhkhon), lacking caution Ordinance Decree, emergency Law,
(oporinamdorsita) Ordnance Artillery
Providence Foresight, divine protection Penance Penitence, Atonement, self imposed punishment
Offence Offender, Crime, fault, sin, resentment, Predominance Predominant, Ascendency, Superiority,
Arrogance Haughtiness, pride, conceitedness, arrogant Provenance Origin or source of something
In elegance Inelegant, Want of beauty Prominence Prominent (eminent, conspicuous), eminence
Resurgence Resurge, resurgent, Revival, Resurgent (rising again after death) Sustenance Means of support, food, nourishment
Comeuppance Rebuke, deserts Affluence Abundance, wealth, opulence, Affluent(flowing freely)
Recompense Compensation, Repay Confluence Flowing together
Expanse Expand, expansible, expansibility, expansion, expansive, Extent Effluence Effluent, Flowing out,
of land, a wide extent or area Congruence Harmonious relationship, concord, compatible,
Connivance Assistance,
Entrance Put under a spell, carry away with emotion, passage, the right of Grievance Cause of complaint, a real or fancied cause of sorrow
entering Abeyance Suspended action, state of suspension
Deference Deferential (obliging), Courteously yielding to another Conveyance Vehicle, transfer
Preference Choice Cognizance Knowledge, perception, cognizant, cognizable(perceptible)
Exuberance Abundance, effusiveness, lavishness Evince Attest, demonstrate, show clearly, make evident
Hindrance Obstacle, block Wince(v) Flinch, shrink back, cringe
Inference Conclusion drawn from data, corollary, deduction Ensconce Settle comfortably, establish safely
Intemperance Intemperate, Want of moderation or self-restraint Denounce Deplore, Condemn (jono sommukhe ovijucto kora), criticize,
Irreverence Lack of proper aspects openly reproach
Perseverance Persistence, steadiness, enduring, Renounce Renouncement, Disown, repudiate, abandon,
Preponderance Preponderant, preponderate, Predominance, superiority of Nescience Nescient, want of knowledge
power, quantity etc Pyrotechnics Fireworks, pyromaniac (man put things on fire)
Protuberance Protuberant, protuberate, Swell, Bulge, a knob, tumor
Recurrence The act of recurring Corpse Dead body, cadaver, cadaverous
Severance Division, partition, separation Dumps Melancholy, depression
Eclipse Darken, extinguish, surpass, intercept, outshine
Essence Perfume, an extract, existence, constituent Elapse Pass away,
Adolescence Period between childhood and manhood, adolescent Relapse Recurrence (of illness)
Effervescence Effervescent, effervesce, Exuberance, bubbly & excited Artifacts Products of primitive cultures
Incense Enrage, infuriate, a substance producing a sweet smell when Helots Slaves
burned Litotes Two negative statements that cancel to make a positive statement
Incompetence Incompetency, incompetent (incapable), Incapacity, Antecedents Ancestors, preceding events or circumstances that influence what
Magnificence Magnificent (noble), magnification, magnificent, magnify, comes later
Splendor, pomp, grandeur Condiments Spices, seasonings
Malfeasance Wrong doing, an illegal act Lineaments Features of the face
Nuisance Annoyance Effloresce Efflorescent (flowering), efflorescence, To bloom, blossom
Obeisance Bow, Homage, deference, form of showing reverence
Quintessence Quiddity, Essence, Harsh Harshness, harshly, Rough, severe, bitter
Reconnaissance Surveillance Marsh Marshy, A swamp, a bog (jolabhumi)
Renaissance Rebirth Immerse Immersion, Bathe, put into fluid
Reminiscence Reminiscent, Recollection, retrospective, remember Per se In itself
Pittance Alms, driblet, small allowance or wage Disperse Dispersal, dispersive, Scatter
Pittance Trifle Sparse Not thick, scanty, thinly scattered
Pretense Pretend, pretender, Pretext, claim (daabi), feign, Affectation, Intersperse Scatter
excuse Terse Concise, abrupt & pithy, brief & forcible, tersely, terseness
Reluctance Reluctant, Unwillingness, disinclination Fetters Shackles (srinkholitokora), (shikol)
Remittance Sending money Averse Unwilling, disinclined, Reluctant
Subsistence Existence, livelihood, means of support Adverse Contrary, Unfavorable, hostile, unfortunate
Nuance Subtlety, shade, a delicate degree or shade of difference Converse Opposite
Divers Sundry, Several, differing Predicate Base,
Diverse Diversion, diversify, diversity, divert, Varying, differing in some Vindicate Clear of charges, defend, free from blame, vindicable(a),
characteristics vindication(n)
Inverse Inversion, inversely, Directly opposite Defecate Defecation, Refine, clear from impurities
Perverse Perversity, Stubborn, intractable, Pontificate To speak at length
Traverse Go through or across Implicate Implication, implicative, Incriminate, entangle, involved
Disburse Disbursement, Pay out, expend, Replicate Duplicate
Reimburse Repay, refund Explicate Explain
Scarce Not plentiful, rare, uncommon, scarcely(hardly), scarcity Supplicate Pray to grant to favor, petition humbly, supplication, supplicatory,
Fierce Fierceness, Ferocious, furious, impetuous, violent, suppliant
Pierce Penetrate, bore Excommunicate Excommunication, Expel
Coerce Restrain, compel, coercible Intricate Complex, knotty, tangled, involved
Discourse Conversation, formal discussion, speech or lecture Extricate Extrication, Disentangle, set free
Intercourse Communication, correspondence by letter Prevaricate Prevarication, Evade truth, Quibble, Lie
Recourse Resort, Appeal, Desiccate Dehydrate
Endorse Endorsee, endorsement, Approve, support Authenticate Prove genuine, authentication, authenticity
Enforce Enforcement, Give effect to Masticate Masticable, Chew
Perforce By necessity, by force Rusticate Rustication, rusticity, Banish to the country
Remorse Remorseful, remorsefully, remorseless, Guilt, self reproach Prognosticate Foreteller, prophet
Arrears Being in debt Allocate Assign, distribute, allocation
Advocate Urge, plead for, support
Equivocate Equivocation, Make intentionally ambiguous, prevaricate,
Beat Cadence Embrocate Malish kora
Browbeat Bully, intimidate Reciprocate Reciprocation, reciprocity, Repay in kind
Entreat Entreaty, entrée, Plead, ask earnestly Confiscate Seize, commandeer
Escheat Confiscate or become confiscated (bajeapto kora ba howa) Obfuscate Bewilder, muddle, confuse
Feat Heroic Deed Placate Appease, pacify, conciliate, sooth
Retreat Going back, departure, draw back, retract Deprecate Deprecation(expression of disapproval), Belittle (heyokora)
Delineate Describe, draw a line around, sketch Inculcate Inculcation, Instill, indoctrinate,
Nauseate Nausea (inclination to vomit), Cause to become sick Truncate Cut the top off, truncation, truncatable
Roseate Rosy, optimistic
Procreate Beget, produce, fatherly Accommodate Lodge, adapt, adjust, alter, modify, accommodating,
Permeate Permeation, Percolate, pervade, Spread thoroughly, pass through accommodation, accommodative
Elucidate Elucidation, elucidative, Make clear, explain, enlighten
Bate Let down, restrain, lessen, assuage, ease Mandate Mandatory, Command, order
Abate Subside, Moderate, make or become less, annul, abatable(a), Inundate Flood, overflow , overwhelm
abatement(n) Liquidate Liquidation, Eliminate, clear up, settle accounts, pay off debt
Celibate Unmarried, celibacy Sedate Composed, grave, sedateness, sedative(mitigating pain)
Exacerbate Worsen, embitter, provoke, aggravate Validate Ratify
Incubate Hatch, scheme Invalidate Disprove, weaken, destroy
Rebate Deduction, Discount
Reprobate Miscreant, severe disapproval Aggregate Sum, total, amass, aggregately, aggregation
Abdicate Give up, renounce, relinquish, surrender, Aggregate Gather, accumulate, considered as a whole, aggregating,
abdication(n), abdicable(a), abdicant(n) aggregative
Eradicate Eradicable, eradication, Abolish, extirpate, destroy Abrogate Cancel, abolish, put an end to, repeal, abrogation(n)
Arrogate Claim as one’s own, claim proudly, arrogation Proletariat Working class lowest class of people
Interrogate Interrogation, Ask Questions Infuriate Enrage (krubddho kora), madden
Surrogate Substitute, delegate Initiate Initiation, initiative, initiatory, Begin, originate
Castigate Punish, castigation Ingratiate Ingratitude, Pleasing, endearing, become popular with
Instigate Instigation, instigator, Encourage, incite, provoke, urge, Expatiate Expatiation, expatiator, Talk at length
encourage Propitiate Propitiation, Satisfy, appease, conciliate,
Litigate Litigation (mamla), litigant, litigable, Contest at law Satiate Satisfy fully, surfeit
Mitigate Mitigation, mitigative, Appease, Lessen the severity, Substantiate Verify, support , prove, substantiation
Delegate Delegation, Authorize, depute (protinidhi) Vitiate Making inoperative, corrupt, spoil, ruin, vitiator(n), vitiation(n)
Relegate Relegation, Banish, exile, Assign to inferior position, banish Deviate Deviation, Turn away from
Profligate Licentious, Prodigal, extravagant, dissipated Obviate Make unnecessary, get rid of, prevent, remove
Elongate Elongation, Lengthen Abbreviate Shorten, abridge, condense, curtail, abbreviation(n),
Expurgate Clean, remove offensive parts of a book abbreviator(n)
Objurgate Chide, reprove, Alleviate Relieve, lessen, make light, diminish, alleviatory, alleviator,
Negate Cancel, negation (denial) alleviative, alleviation(mitigation, extenuation, palliation)
Promulgate Promulgator, Publish, disseminate
Subjugate Conquer, bring under control , act of subduing Collate Examine to verify authenticity
Escalate Escalator, Intensify
Appreciate Be thankful for, increase in worth, be thoroughly conscious for, Percolate Percolation, Permeate, pervade, filter
estimate correctly, esteem highly, appreciate, appreciation, Éclat Brilliance, glory, splendor, show, applause
appreciable, appreciative Elate Elated, elation, exalted, proud, Raise spirits, overjoyed, in high
Depreciate Depreciation, Lower in value, spirits
Dissociate Dissociation, Disunite, detach, Delate Delation, Accuse, bring a charge against
Disassociate Disunite, detach Dilate Dilatation, dilation, Enlarge, expand
Enunciate Enunciator, enunciable, Pronounce, proclaim, state Prelate Primate, bishop (prodhandhormacharjo), pontiff
Officiate Supervise Deplete Exhaust, reduce, make empty
Excruciate Excruciation, Torture, torment Flagellate Flagellant, flagellation,Flail, Whip, scourge (betraghat)
Mediate Mediation, mediator, mediating, Settle a dispute Inflate Inflation, Swell with air, puff up,
(modhdhosthota) Invigilate Invigilator, Maintain surveillance over examinees,
Intermediate Intermediately, Arbitrate, Inviolate Sacred, not violated
Repudiate Repudiation, Disavow, disown, renounce Legislate Legislative, legislation, legislator, Make laws
Fiat Decree, command Annihilate Destroy, wipe out, annihilative, annihilator, annihilation,
Retaliate Retaliation, Revenge, requital annihilationist
Palliate Palliation, palliative, Assuage, ease pain, extenuate, mitigate Assimilate Make or grow like or similar, Absorb, understand thoroughly
Opiate Narcotic, Soporific, Sleep producer Mutilate Mute, Maim, mayhem, (ongohin kora)
Expiate Expiation, expiatory, Atone, make amends for (bhuler kaffara Scintillate Flash, sparkle(spark), scintillant(sparkling), scintillation
dewa) Titillate Tickle, titillation
Appropriate Acquire, take position of for one’s own use, appropriately, Oscillate Waver, weaver,
appropriation, appropriateness Desolate Depopulate, Forsaken, lay waste to (monushshoborjitokora)
Misappropriate Misappropriation, Misuse, Disconsolate Inconsolable, sad
Expropriate Dispossess (bedokhol kora) Immolate Immolation, immolator, Sacrifice
Expatriate Expatriation, Exile (nirbason), banish Interpolate Interpolation, Insert, insert between, foist in
Repatriate To send back to the native land Extrapolate Infer
Inebriate Inebriety (habitual intoxication), inebriation, Intoxicate (maatal
kora) Articulate Connect by joints, Effective, distinct, articulately, articulateness
Inarticulate Inarticulateness, Speechless, producing indistinct speech, not Cognate Allied by blood, of the same nature
distinct, not jointed Impregnate Infuse, (pregnant kora)
Maculate Maculation, maculated, Spot, stain (daagjukto kora) Designate Appoint
Immaculate Immaculately, Spotlessly clean, spotless Emanate Emanation, emanative, emanatory, Issue forth, arise, proceed
Matriculate Enroll from some source (nirgoto howa)
Ejaculate Ejaculation (exclamation), ejaculatory, Exclaim, utter suddenly Hibernate Hibernation, Sleep throughout the winter (sitonidra)
Emasculate Emasculation, Castrate (purusottohin kora), dispirit, Incarnate Incarnation, Embody, personify, endowed with flesh (rupayito
Inoculate Inoculation, inoculators, tika dewa, impregnate a person kora)
Peculate Peculation, peculator, Steal, Embezzle Magnate A powerful, success person
Speculate Consider, speculation(contemplation, mental view), speculative Ornate Ornamental, Decorate
Undulate Moving with a wavelike motion, Rejuvenate Make young again
undulated(a), undulating(a), undulation(n), undulatory(a) Tenet Doctrine, dogma, belief,
Coagulate Congeal, clot, thicken, coagulation, coagulated Enate Related o the mother’s side
Emulate Emulation, emulative, emulous, Imitate, rival (protijogita kora), Alienate Transfer, estrange, Make hostile, separate, abscission, alien,
strive to equal alienable, alienability, alienated, alienation, alienator
Simulate Feign, pretend, imitate Innate Innately, Inborn
Dissimulate Dissimulation, Dissemble, Pretend, conceal by feigning Cachinnate Laugh loudly , cachinnation, cachinnatory
Manipulate Manipulation, manipulator, Operate with hands, handle skillfully Vignette Small literal sketch, scene
Stipulate Make express condition. Specify, contract, settle terms, stipulator, Deracinate Uproot
stipulation Fascinate Fascination, fascinating, Bewitch, enchant, charm
Capitulate Surrender on certain condition, capitulation Inordinate Inordinately, Excessive, unrestrained, immoderate
Recapitulate Recapitulation, Restate, summarize Insubordinate Insubordination, Disobedient, not submitting to authority
Postulate Postulation, Axiom, Supposition, premise, self evident truth, Abominate Hate, loathe, detest, dislike, abomination(n)
axiom Fulminate Fulmination, Denounce, menace, thunder or make a loud noise
Expostulate Expostulation, expostulatory, Protest, remonstrate, (protibaad Contaminate Pollute
kora), Disseminate Dissemination, Distribute, scatter (like seeds)
Encapsulate Condense Effeminate Effeminacy, Unmanly, having womanly traits, voluptuous
Incriminate Accuse,, charge with a crime
Mate An associate, comrade (sohochor) Illuminate Illume, illumine, illuminable, illuminant, illumination,
Decimate Decimal, decimation, Destroy, kill usually one out of ten illuminative, Brighten, make understandable
Inanimate Inorganic, lifeless Indiscriminate Indiscriminately, Random, indistinguishable, choosing at random,
Inmate Occupant confused
Intimate Intimation, Allude to, hint Nominate Nomination, nominative, Propose, appoint,
Legitimate Legitimacy, Lawful (boidho) Ruminate Ponder, chew the cud
Illegitimate Illegitimacy, not born in wedlock, bastard, unlawful Terminate Bring to an end
Ultimate(a) Final, not susceptible to further analysis, fundamental, basic Exterminate Extermination, exterminatory, Root out, destroy completely
Primate Prelate, Head, master, an archbishop, Indoctrinate Teach
Proximate Next, immediate, Obstinate Obstinacy, Refractory, Stubborn, unyielding, obdurate
Acclimate Adjust to climate, adapt, alter, modify, habituate, acclimation, Procrastinate Procrastinator, Postpone, delay
acclimatize Passionate Passion, passionless, Fervent, earnest, intense
Sublimate Refine, purify, idealize Dispassionate Dispassionateness, Impartial, calm, free from passion or emotion
Stalemate Deadlock Proportionate Commensurate
Amalgamate Combine, unique in one body, mix, join together, amalgamation,
amalgamative Inchoate Just begun, rudimentary, elementary
Consummate Skillful, apt, adroit, adept Scapegoat Bolir patha
Spate A large number, a large amount Corroborate Support, prop up, constitute, buttress, bolster
Anticipate Guess & provide for, anticipation Perforate Perforation, perforator, Puncture, pierce, put a hole
Dissipate Dissipation, dissipated (licentious, dissolute), Scatter, squander, Invigorate Strengthen
waste Incorporate Incorporation, Combine, mix, unite with
Emancipate Emancipation, emancipator, emancipationist, Liberate, set free Electorate Voters, the whole body of electors,
Inculpate Accuse, censure, criminate, impute guilt to
Exculpate Exculpation, Clear from blame Invertebrate Merudondohin
Extirpate Extirpation, Exterminate, Seek out & destroy, Lucubrate Lucubration, study at night
Autocrat An absolute ruler, supreme power, despotic, autocracy, autocratic
Berate Scold strongly, chide vigorously Plutocrat Plutocracy, Wealthy person
Deliberate Deliberately, deliberation, Ponder, consider, reflect Consecrate Dedicate, sanctify
Reverberate Echo, resound Execrate Execration (malediction), Curse, express abhorrence for
Carat Gold carat Dehydrate Dry out
Eviscerate Evisceration, Disembowel (narivuri ber kora) Denigrate Denigration, denigrator, Defame, blacken
Incarcerate Imprison Ingrate Ungrateful person
Lacerate Laceration, lacerative, Mangle (khotosristykora), Tear (chirejawa), Integrate Integrity, Make whole
rend Migrate Migration, migrant, migratory, pass from one land to another
Inconsiderate Thoughtless (jajabor)
Immoderate Immoderately, Extreme, intemperate, Infiltrate Infiltration, Trespass, pass into or through
Proliferate Proliferation, Increase rapidly Arbitrate Act as judge, arbitration, arbitrator, arbitratorship
Exaggerate Exaggeration, exaggerative, Exaggerator, overstate, hyperbole, Demonstrate Demonstrator, demonstration, Prove with certainty, point out
Otironito kora clearly
Accelerate Move faster, Frustrate Thwart, defeat
Exhilarate Exhilaration, exhilarating, exhilarant, Cheer up, enliven, joyous, Orchestrate Arrange
Enumerate Enumeration, Enumerator, enumerative, Count, list, mention one Prostrate Supine
by one Remonstrate Remonstrant, remonstrative, Expostulation, Protest,
Degenerate Degeneracy(odhopoton), degeneration, Deteriorate, become Perpetrate Perpetration, perpetrator, Committing a crime
Incinerate Incineration, incinerator, Burn to ashes Grate Make a harsh noise, have an unpleasant effect, rub to small pieces
Venerate Revere, reverence Prate Prater, Babble, palaver, boast idly
Exonerate Exoneration, exonerative, Exculpate, acquit, Free from blame, Irate Angry
Disparate Various, basically different, unequal, incapable of being compared Gyrate Whirl
Desperate Desperately, desperation, Reckless, (beporoa) Narrate Tell, recount, narration, narrative, narrator
Temperate Restrained, sober, abstinence, self controlled, abstemious
Exasperate Exasperation, exasperating, Irritate, vex, make very angry Indurate Harden,
Commiserate To feel or express pity or symphony for, condole, console, Obdurate Obduracy, Obstinate, Unyielding, stubborn,
commiseration Inaugurate Inauguration, Induct, start, initiate, install at office,
Adulterate Make impure, render spurious, counterfeit, defiled, adulterator, Commensurate Co-extensive, proportionate
adulteration Incommensurate Incommensurable, Having no common measure
Iterate Iteration, iterative, Repeat, Saturate Fill fully, Soak, saturated, saturation
Obliterate Obliteration (extinction), blot out, Destroy
Reiterate Reiteration, Repeat Sate Cloy, satisfy to the full, gratify
Inveterate Inveteracy, Habitual, chronic, deep-rooted (driromul,bodhdhomul) Pulsate Pulse, pulsation, Palpitate (dhokdhokkora), Throb
Ameliorate Improve, grow better, amelioration, ameliorative Insensate Without feeling, unreasoning
Collaborate Work together, co-operate, collaboration, collaborator Habitat Habitation, Natural environment
Dubitate Dubitation, Hesitate, Aggravate Make worse, annoy, make angry, aggravation
Capacitate Capacity Captivate Charm, fascinate, captivation, captivating
Incapacitate Disable Enervate Weaken
Resuscitate Revive Excavate Excavation, excavator, Dig out
Meditate Meditation, meditative, meditated, meditatively, Think on, plan, Innervate Innervations, Invigorate
serious contemplation, Renovate Renovation, Renew, refurbish, remodel
Premeditate Premeditation, Plan in advance
Agitate Move or shake, Disturb, stir up, agitated, agitation, agitator Posthaste Hastily
Cogitate Think deeply, cogitation, cogitative Accent Stress on a syllable or word, pronounce with stress, accentual,
Excogitate Discover by thinking accentuate
Regurgitate Vomit Ballast Heavy substance used to add stability
Vegetate Insipid, insane Beneath Under, unbecoming, in a lower place
Debilitate Debility, Weaken, enfeeble Bequeath Hand down, leave to someone by a will
Facilitate Make easy, make less difficult Oath Oaths, Swearing, (sopoth)
Militate Work against Boast Brag, boaster, boastful, boasting(vaunting, bragging)
Rehabilitate Rehabilitation, Restore to proper condition
Imitate Imitable, imitative, imitator, Copy,
Decapitate Decapitation, Behead (sirochchedkora) Abet Assist, Encourage, abetting(n), abetted(p.p), abettor(n),
Palpitate Palpitation, Beat, throb, flutter abetment(n)
Precipitate Precipitation, Cause, rash(otikhipto), headlong Gobbet Mouthful, a lump of food or raw flesh
Estate Property Sherbet Shorbot
Apostate One who abandon his religious faith or political beliefs, apostatical Dulcet Dulcify, Melodious, sweet,
Devastate Lay waste, ravage Facet Aspect, a side, small plane of surface
Gestate Evolve, as in prenatal growth, gestation (period of pregnancy) Fleet Fleetly, fleetness, Nimble, swift
Interstate Between states Obsolete Outmoded, outdated, antiquated
Intestate Leaving no will Fete To honor, honor at a festival
Restate Restatement, State again, Effete Worn out, exhausted, barren,
Dictate Dictation, dictator, dictatorial, dictatorship, Command Beget Father, produce, give raise to, procreate, begetter, begetting
Edentate Edentation, Toothless Fidget Fidgety, Wandering,Move about restlessly, aimlessly
Potentate Potent, Sovereign, monarch, king Midget Dwarf (bamon)
Attenuate Make thin, weaken, slander, rarefied, attenuation Junket Feast or picnic, milk that has been curdled, sweetened & flavored
Amputate Abscission, prune, cut off part of body, amputator, amputee Picket Stop & prevent from working
Annotate Comment, make explanatory note, annotation, annotator Amulet Charm, talisman, amuletic
Circlet Small ring, band, whorl
Actuate Motivate, actuation Palette Board on which painter mixes pigments
Eventuate Bring about, result, happen Pallet Small, poor bed
Fluctuate Waver, vary Replete Repletion, Complete
Habituate Habitual, Accustom, inure Scarlet A bright red color
Infatuate Infatuation, infatuated, Immature love, inspire with an Mete Distribute, measure
extravagant passion Gourmet Connoisseur of food & drink
Perpetuate Perpetuation, Make perpetual, Cause to continue Plummet Fall
Evacuate Evacuation, Discharge, throw out the contents of Marionette Puppet worked by strings
Insinuate Insinuation, insinuating, insinuator, Allude, hint indirectly, imply Martinet Strict Disciplinarian
Extenuate Extenuation, extenuating, extenuatory, Mitigate, weaken, lessen Parapet Rampart, defense
the magnitude of a crime or wrong Discreet Prudent (bicharbuddhi somponno), wary, discerning,
Discrete Separate, unconnected Deflect Turn aside
Indiscreet Indiscretion, Lacking sound judgment, imprudent, injudicious, rash Genuflect Genuflection, Kneel in reverence
Secrete Hide away, conceal, produce & release a substance into an Recollect Reminiscence, Remember
organism, secretion Pact Agreement
Excrete Excretion, excretive, excretory, Discharge, eject Compact Contact, agreement
Fret Worry, to be annoyed or vexed, fretful (peevish), fretfully Compact Tightly packed, firm, brief, close, dense
Ferret Drive or hunt out of hiding (khujeberkora) Impact Press firmly together
Interpret Interpretation, interpretative, interpreter, Expound, translate, Circumspect Cautious, prudent, circumspectly, circumspection, circumspective
Minaret (Minar) (vigilant)
Regret Regretful, regrettable, Grieve for, mourn for, Tract Pamphlet, a region, a district
Beset Trouble, surround, block up, besieger, beleaguer Abstract Theoretical, not concrete, nonrepresentational, draw away,
Closet A small private room separate, summarize, abstruse, abstracted(onnomonosko),
Offset Counter balance abstractedly, abstraction
Onset Attack Contract Compress or shrink, make a pledge, catch a disease
Outset Beginning Detract Lessen, depreciate
Duet Twosome Distract Distraction, Divert, turn away the attraction of, confuse, bewilder,
Banquet Sumptuous feast drive mad
Coquette Flirt Protract Protracted, protraction, Prolong
Etiquette Manners Retract Retraction, Recant, Take back, draw back, retraction (recantation)
Sobriquet Nickname Cataract Great waterfall, eye abnormality, cascade
Rivet Engross, Interact Interaction, interactive, acting on one another
Whet(v) Sharpen, Stimulate Edict Order, decree
Gazette Official periodical publication Indict Indictable, indictment, Charge, accuse (obhijukto)
Ricochet Carom, rebound Interdict Interdictory, Prohibit, forbid
Prophet Prophecy, Prognosticator, prediction, Verdict Decision
Epithet Name, appellation, a word or phrase used to describe a person or Derelict Negligent, abandoned
thing Inflict Infliction, Lay on (ghusi bosano)
Depict Portray, paint, describe
Evict Eviction, Expel by legal process (bitarito kora)
Exact Exactitude, exactly, exactness, Use authority to force payment, Sacrosanct Inviolable, most sacred
precise, demonstrable, certain Precinct Neighborhood
Enact Enactive (having power to enact), enactment, enactor, Decree, Succinct Terse, compact, brief, close fitting, succinctly, succinctness
ordain, establish by law Distinct Distinction, distinctive, distinctly, Separate, different, marked off
Erect Erection, erectile, Raise, build, exalt, establish, upright, from others
Dissect Dissection, dissector, dissectible, cut in pieces , Indistinct Indistinctness, indistinctly, Not well defined, Blurry, without clear
Affect Produce effect on, act on, attack features
Disaffect Disaffected, disaffection, Alienate (bichchinno), hostile, disloyal, Instinct Instinctive, instinctively, Natural impulse, aptitude, animated,
Disinfect Disinfection, Free from infection Extinct Extinction (annihilation), Dead, nonexistent, destroyed, put out
Prefect Prefecture, prefectural, Magistrate Concoct Prepare by combining
Abject Lack pride, wretched, mean, base, abjection(n) Adjunct Something attached to, adjunctive
Deject Dejection, Dishearten, sadden Defunct Extinct (bilupto), no longer in use
Eject Ejection, ejector, ejectment, throw out, cast forth (nikhkhep kora), Deduct Deduction, deductive, Subtract
expel, expulse, Induct Inductile, Introduce formally
Interject Interrupt, utter abruptly or parenthetically Obstruct Obstruction, obstructive, Obstacle, Hinder, block up, retard
Dialect Upobhasa Mulct Defraud
Waft(v) Moved gently by wind or waves Manumit Manumission, Emancipate, Set free, free from bondage
Daft Weak minded Remit Sent payment
Deft Deftness, deftly, Skillful, dexterous, handy Ignite Ignition, ignitable, kindle, burn
Kingcraft The art of governing Pit A large deep hole
Cleft Split, cloven, crack, fissure, chink (fatol) Pulpit Podium, Platform, priesthood, rostrum,
Bereft Deprived of, lacking, bereave Decrepit Worn out of age, crippled by age
Rift A split, an opening, fissure, cleft Dispirit Dispirited, dispiritedly, deject, Discourage, lacking in spirit, cast
Spendthrift Opobeyi lok , prodigal down
Aloft Upward, overhead Esprit Wit (rosikota), sprightliness (profullota)
Apposite Appropriate, fitting, well chosen
Inapposite Not suitable
Bait Allurement, Tope, prolovondewa Posit Stipulate
Gait Manner of walking or running Perquisite Bonus, reward
Distrait Preoccupied, absent-minded, bewildered Requisite Necessary
Sleight Dexterity, artful trick, cunning Prerequisite Required
Inhibit Inhibition, inhibitory, Restrain, prohibit, hinder, (nisedh kora) Exquisite Exquisitely, Beautifully made
Gambit Plot Petite Small
Obit Obsequy, Funeral ceremony Conduit
Conceit Arrogance, braggart, Requite Repay, avenge, retribution, recompense,
Deceit Deceitful, deceitfulness, deceive, Deception, trick, artifice Affidavit Written statement made under oath
Deficit Shortage Whit(n) Smallest speck, bit, BINDU
Elicit Provoke, draw out by discussion Cite Quote, command, citable
Illicit Unlawful, illegal Incite Incitation, incitement, stir up, Foment, provoke, arouse to action
Implicit Implied (ishara ingitey prokasito), free from doubt Recite Recital, recitation, Narrate,
Explicit Explicitness, explicitly, Definite, clear, open Plebiscite Referendum, expression of the will of a people by direct election
Solicit Request earnestly, seek, solicitation Impolite Impolitely, impoliteness, not polite, uncivil
Tacit Not put into words, unspoken, tacitly(ad) Delight Delighted, delightful, Please highly
Plight Predicament, state, condition, Sad situation
Audit Examination of accounts, auditorial Mite Very small object or creature
Bandit Robber, bandits, banditti Despite Despiteful, Malice, hatred, disdain
Indite Put into words Respite Rest, delay, interval, pause,
Recondite Mystical, secret, profound, abstruse Neophyte Beginner, recent convert
Erudite Eruditely, erudition, Learned, scholarly Trite Hackneyed, commonplace
Extradite Extradition, Deport, deliver, hand over Contrite Guilty, penitent
Expedite Expeditious, Hasten, carry out quickly Forthright Frank, candid, outspoken
Plaudit Applauds, Acclaim, praise Sybarite Lover of luxury
Forfeit Penalty for crime Parasite Toady, sycophant
Discomfit Discomfiture, Disconcert, put to rout, defeat Appetite Desire for food, appetize, appetizer, appetizing
Surfeit Cloy, overfeed, be satiated, surfeiting, surfeiter Adroit Skillful, apt, adept, expert, dexterous, adroitly, adroitness
Kite Bad check Maladroit Maladroitly, Clumsy (onipun), bungling (not skillful), not dexterous
Skit Jeer, taunt Exploit Exploitation, Utilize, milk, deed or action, particularly a brave deed,
Elite Upper-class a brilliant feat
Flit Fly, dart lightly, pass swiftly by, Recruit Draftee
Delimit Delimitation, Define the limit, Nonsuit Withdrawal of a suit at law,
Hermit One who lives in solitude, hermitage (home of hermit), (sonnash) Pursuit Pursue, Chasing,
Munificent Munificence, liberality, Generous, bountifulness
Welt(n) Mark from a beating or whipping Opalescent Iridescent, reflecting light
Guilt Guiltless, guilty, Crime, sin, Quiescent Quiescence, quiescently, Dormant, Still, motionless, at rest,
Jilt Reject, a woman who capriciously discards her lover Excrescent Superfluous, redundant
Silt Sediment
Dolt Doltish, Stupid person Confidant Trusted friend
Revolt Revolting, Rebellion, rebel Coincident Occurring at the same time, contemporary, coeval
Occult Occultation, Mystical, mysterious, secret, supernatural, unknown Occident Occidental (western), The west (paschatto)
Tumult Commotion, riot, noise, uproar, bustle Precedent An act that serves as an example
Catapult Slingshot, a hurling machine Provident Having foresight, Thrifty
Exult Exultant, exultation, Rejoice, triumph (ullosiito howa) Prudent Cautious, careful
Exalt Exaltation, exalted (dignified), Glorify, raise In rank or dignity, Pedant Pedagogue
praise, elevate, elate Pendant Hanging down
Indent Notch (khaj),
Mordant Stinging, Biting, caustic
Ante Before Resplendent Resplendence, Splendid, shining, brilliant, lustrous
Bent Determined, Redundant Repetitious, superfluous
Bent Natural talent, inclination Strident Loud & harsh, shrill, grating, stridently
Incumbent Incumbency, Obligatory, officeholder Trident Three pronged spear
Procumbent Prostrate, lying flat Verdant Green, fresh, verdancy(n)
Recumbent Reclining, leaning, lying down completely or in part
Lambent Softly radiant, flickering Gent Gentleman
Cant Hypocrisy, an affected style of speech Cogent Powerful, Convincing, cogency
Mendicant Mendicancy, mendacity, Beggar Contingent Conditional
Recant Retract, repudiate, disavow Emergent Emergent, emergency, Appearing
Scant Not enough, not full, deprive, limit, lessen, scantiness Effulgent Effulgence, Brilliant, extremely bright
Secant Cutting or dividing into parts Elegant Elegance, Refined, exquisite, beauty, graceful
Translucent Partly transparent, translucence Diligent Diligence, Hard-working
Chant Sing, chanter Indigent Indigence, Poor
Enchant Enchanter, enchanting, enchantment, Charm, enrapture, bewitch, Indulgent Indulgence, Humoring, yielding, lenient (prosrroydankari)
Penchant Inclination (jhok), liking (asokti) Insurgent Insurgency, Rebellious
Trenchant Sharp, incisive, Cutting & keen, trenchantly, trenchancy Intransigent Intransigence, Unyielding, stubborn, refusing any compromise
Adjacent Adjoining, abut, neighboring, close by, contiguous Pungent Pungency, Sharp smell or taste, stinging, caustic
Beneficent Kindly, doing good Stringent Rigid, blinding, severe, stringency, stringently
Complacent Self satisfaction Astringent Binding, causing contraction, contracting, astringently, astringency
Indecent Offensive Termagant Shrew, scolding, brawling woman, termagancy(n)
Reticent Reticence, Taciturn, Silent,
Descent The act descending Suppliant Entreating, beseeching
Incandescent Incandescence, Brilliant, strikingly bright, Insouciant Nonchalant
Iridescent Exhibiting rainbow like colors Valiant Valor, Brave
In tumescent In tumescence, Swelling up, Quaint Quaintness, quaintly, Old fashioned, picturesque
Nascent Incipient, coming into being, growing, just being born Omniscient Omniscience, All-knowing, all-seeing,
Renascent Reborn Proficient Proficiency (efficiency), Skillful
Evanescent Evanescence, Evanesce (fade away), Fleeting, very belief, vanishing Expedient Expedience, Advantageous, suitable, practical, politic, fitness
Juvenescent Juvenile (young), Make young Inexpedient Inadvisable
Gradient Incline, rising by degrees Flatulent Flatulence, windy, empty,
Pageant Pageantry, Exhibition, show Petulant Petulance, Irritable, peevish, cranky, saucy, impudent
Ebullient Ebullience, ebullition, Exuberant, showing excitement, overflowing Virulent Excessively poisonous, malignant, virulently(ad)
with enthusiasm
Emollient Soothing & softening remedy Adamant Inflexible, hard, unyielding, firm, adamantine
Pliant Pliable, Flexible, supple Clamant Calling loud, insistent, Clamancy
Compliant Readiness to yield Assessment Estimation, asses
Salient Prominent, chief, conspicuous Augment Increase, augmentation, augmentative
Incipient Incipience, Beginning, initial, in an early stage Bereavement State of being valuable or loved
Recipient One who receives Blandishment Flattery, adulation
Luxuriant Lush, fertile, abundant, ornate Complement That which completes
Miscreant Malefactor, Evildoer, wretch, villain, scoundrel, vile wretch Implement Execute, carry out, put into effect
Nutrient Nutritive, nutritious, nutrition, Providing nourishment Inclement Harsh, unkind, stormy
Orient Align, get one’s bearing, the east, eastern Dormant Dormancy, Asleep, torpid, lethargic, sleeping
Prurient Lewd, based on lascivious thoughts, excessive curiosity in matters Decampment Decamp, break camp
of sex Decrement Gradual decrease
Recreant Cowardly Increment Step, increase
Transient Fleeting, staying for a short time Deportment Demeanor, Behavior, bearing
Insentient Inanimate Document Verify
Subservient Behaving like a slave, servile, obsequious, submissive, subservience, Denouement Resolution
subserve Escarpment A steep slope, cliff
Unguent Ointment Embezzlement Embezzle (misappropriate), Theft, stealing,
Endowment Endow (joutuk dewa), Property, gift
Implant Instill Emolument Profit, advantage, salary, fees
Supplant Replace, usurp, take the place of, displace by stratagem Ferment Turmoil, agitation, commotion, tumult
Jubilant Jubilance, In high spirits, rejoicing Figment Falsehood, fantasy, invention, imaginary thing,
Nonchalant Nonchalantly, Casual, nonchalance (indifference, lack of interest) Firmament The whole of the Sky
Prevalent Prevalence, Wide spread (sorbobepita), generally accepted Foment Fomentation, Instigate, stir up (indhondewa)
Propellant Rocket fuel Impediment Obstacle, hindrance, stumbling block
Relent Soften, yield Installment Portion
Repellent Causing aversion, driving away Integument Outer covering
Indolent Indolence, indolently, Lazy, idle Merriment Mirth, hilarity
Redolent Fragrant Parchment Paper
Insolent Insolence, insolently, Haughty & contemptuous, arrogance, Predicament Quandary, dilemma
rudeness, Preferment Promotion
Somnolent Half asleep, drowsy, somnolently, somnolence Presentiment Premonition, foreboding
Benevolent Generous, charitable Raiment Clothing
Volant Agile Rudiment Beginning, rudimentary (elementary, not developed)
Corpulent Very fat Temperament Disposition, temperamental(a), temperamentally(ad)
Esculent Eatable, fit for food Vehement Impetuous, with marked vigor, violent, furious, vehemence(n),
Luculent Lucid, clear vehemently(ad)
Succulent Juicy, full of richness, succulence Interment Burial
Truculent Aggressive, savage, cruel, barbarous, fierce, ferocious, truculently, Lament Lamentable, lamentation, Grieve, Mourn, express sorrow, wail,
truculence deplore,
Fraudulent Fraud, fraudulence, fraudulently, Cheating, deceitful Rapprochement Reconciliation
Regiment Regimental, regimentals,Infantry unit (body of soldiers) Transparent Easily detected, permitting light to pass through freely
Indignant Indignity, Resentment of injustice Reverent Reverence, reverent, reverential, reverend, Respectful, worshipful
Malignant Malignantly, Pernicious, virulent, outrageously malevolent, Warrant(v) Authorize, justify, make sure, assure, warrantable(a)
(biddeshporayon) Aspirant Seeker after position or status
Poignant Poignancy (keenness of emotion), piquancy, Pungent, severe, sharp Concurrent Contemporary, coincident
Repugnant Repugnancy, Distasteful, loathing, aversion, Recurrent Occurring again & again
Stagnant Motionless, stale, dull, not brisk, stagnancy, stagnate, stagnation Deterrent Hindrance, something that discourage (protirodhok)
Eminent Eminence (height, distinction), Distinguished, famous, high, lofty Recalcitrant Recalcitrance, Stubborn, refractory
Immanent Inherent Emigrant Emigrate, emigration, Immigrant
Imminent Imminence, imminently, About to happen, impeding (asonno), near Flagrant Flagrantly, Outrageous, conspicuously wicked, notorious
at hand Vagrant Homeless wanderer, unsettled, vagrancy(n)
Preeminent Supreme, superior, outstanding, Migrant Changing its habitat, wandering
Remnant Relic, antique, Residue, remainder Assent Agree, accept, accede, accord, acquiesce, concur, consent, assentor
Pertinent Relevant, to the point Incessant Unceasing, uninterrupted
Impertinent Impertinence (rudeness), Insolent, impudent Dissent Dissention, dissenter, dissentient, Disagree, discord, different of
Incontinent Incontinence, Licentious, lacking self-restraint (osongjom, opinion
bebhichar) Resent Resentment, resentful, Show indignation or annoyance
Lieutenant Deputy, One who acts in place of others Conversant Familiar with
Component Complaisant Trying to please, oblige
Proponent Supporter, advocate Puissant Strong, potent,
Exponent Exponential, one who explains Impuissant Weak, powerless
Resonant Reverberating, echoing, resounding Omnipresent Ubiquitous, present everywhere
Covenant Agreement, contract
Latent Latency, Potential, dormant, hidden
Pant Hapano, Gasp, puff, palpitation Blatant Clamorous, Flagrant, loudly offensive, blatantly, blatancy
Flippant Flippancy (talkativeness), Pert (talkative) Distant Reserved or aloof, cold in manner
Occupant Occupancy, occupier, One who has possession, Detent Truce
Repent Repentance, repentant, Regret, Atone for, penitent, Dilettante Amateur, dabbler, aimless follower of the art
Rampant Rampancy, rampantly, Unbridled, raging, unrestrained Extant Existing, still in existence
Sycophant Servile flatterer, fawning, sycophancy Extent Scope, space over which a thing extends
Habitant Habitable, inhabitant
Rant Rail, Rage, scold, rave Exorbitant Exorbitantly, Expensive, excessive, extravagant
Rent Rupture, Tear, Militant Militate, Combative, bellicose (jongy)
Errant Errantry, Wandering, roving, erring Concomitant That which accompanies
Aberrant Abnormal, deviant, aberrance(n), aberration(n) Intermittent Intermit, intermittently, Periodic, on & off
Exuberant Joyous, growing abundantly, Penitent Penitence, penitential, penance,Repentant(onutopto), contrite
Efferent Conveying outward Impenitent Impenitence, Not repentant
Indifferent Indifference, Apathy, Unconcerned, unmoved, lacking concern Debutante Debut match, A girl debuting into society (nobagoto)
Belligerent Quarrelsome, belligerency(state of being war) Adjutant Assistant
Adherent Supporter, follower, adherence Intent Intentional, intention, Attentive, resolved
Inherent Innate, inborn, firmly established by nature or habit Instant At once
Incoherent Incoherence, unconnected, Unintelligible, muddled, illogical Discontent Discontented, discontentment, Dissatisfaction
(osonglogno) Malcontent One who is forever dissatisfied
Itinerant Itinerary, itinerate, Wandering, traveling from place to place Patent Obvious
Apparent Evident, visible, apparently Potent Impotent, omnipotent, Powerful, persuasive, greatly influential
Impotent Impotence, Powerless Jaunt Trip, journey
Omnipotent Omnipotence, All-powerful Vaunt Brag
Inadvertent Inadvertence, inadvertency (obohela), Inadvertently, Wont(n) Custom, habitual procedure
Unintentional, not properly attentive, Blunt Impolite manner, bluntly, bluntness
Portent Portentous (extraordinary), Omen, sign, forewarning Discount Disregard
Recount Recite (narrate)
Constituent Supporter, buttress, prop up Paramount Chief, foremost, supreme
Defluent Running down Surmount Overcome, subdue, surmountable
Delinquent Delinquency (neglect of duty), Negligent, culpable Tantamount Equal In value, equivalence
Eloquent Eloquently, Eloquence (expressiveness, persuasive speech), Well-
spoken, elocution, oratory
Grandiloquent Grandiloquence, Pompous, bombastic, Mascot A person, animal or thing that is supposed to bring good fortune
Magniloquent Magniloquence, magniloquently, Boastful, pompous, bombastic, Anecdote Short story, an incident about a famous person,
Piquant Tart tasting(jhajhalosushadu), spicy, seasonings, stimulating anecdotic, anecdotical, anecdotist, anecdotage
Subsequent Following, later, succeeding Argot Slang
Pursuant Following, according Bigot Fanatic, excessive zeal, stubborn, bigoted, bigotry
Vent Outlet, small opening Riot Rioter, riotous, Disturbance at a public place (danga)
Vent Express, utter Clot Congeal, coagulate, thicken
Advent Arrival Plot An intrigue
Circumvent Befuddle, baffle, confuse, outwit, catch in a trap, circumventive, Harlot Harlotry, Lewd, prostitute
circumvention Gloat Express evil satisfaction, view malevolently, stare eagerly
Fervent Fervently, Ardent (agrohannito), hot, zealous Polyglot Speaking several languages
Gallivant Gad about (olosbhabeitostotobahbeghureberano), ramble, Zealot Excessive zeal, fanatic, zealotry(n)
wandering Mot Pithy or witty saying
Irrelevant Irrelevancy, Unrelated, immaterial, not applicable Mote Speck (onu)
Observant Observantly, Watchful, surveillance, Emote Emotion, emotional, To display exaggerate emotion
Savant Scholar Demote Lower in rank
Solvent Able to pay all debts Knot A bond of union
Insolvent Insolvency (inability to pay debt), Bankrupt, lacking money to pay Denote Signify, stand for
Clairvoyant Having foresight, fortune teller, clairvoyance Despot Tyrant
Flamboyant Ornate, highly colored, decorated, ostentatious Devote Devoted, devotion, devotional, Dedicate,
Rote Repetition,
Faint Faintness, Weak, dim, fading Garrote Garrotter, Stranglehold (shassruhdhokora)
Feint Trick, sift, sham blow Parrot Mimic
Taint A spot, a stain, infection, contamination, tainted(a) Upshot Result, outcome
Constraint Compulsion, repression of feelings Hoot The shouts of contempt
Flint Flinty, Hard, cruel Moot Disputable, debatable, argue
Skinflint Miser
Dint Means, effort, mark made by a blow
Stint Assigned portion of work, allocated demand Apt Suitable, Aptly, aptness
Font Fountainhead, set of type Adapt Alter(alteration), suit, modify
Daunt Intimidate (nirutsahokora) Inapt Unskillful, unfit
Gaunt Thin, Barren, haggard, lean & angular Rapt Transported
Flaunt Display ostentatiously (sodorpejahirkora) Adept Expert at, apt, skillful, adroit, thoroughly proficient
Haunt Haunted Inept Ineptitude, Unfit, unsuited, incompetent, unsuitable
Intercept Interception, interceptor, mediate, Prevent, obstruct Forte Strong point or strong talent
Precept Principle, law, moral instruction, Comfort (n) Consolation, ease, comforter
Crypt Secret recess or vault Discomfort Uneasiness, pain, grief
Manuscript Unpublished book Comport Behave
Nondescript Lacking distinctive feature, not easily described or classified Deport Deportation, Banish (nirbashitokora)
Contempt Scorn, disdain Disport Divert, amuse
Unkempt Disheveled, (kempt=binnosto, heveled) Import Meaning, significance
Preempt Preemption, Commandeer, appropriate beforehand Purport Claim to be, intention, meaning
Exempt Exemption, Excuse, release, grant immunity from Rapport Empathy, affinity, sympathy
Prompt Induce, ready & quick to act Consort Husband or wife, conjugal, connubial, spouse, troth, betroth
Opt Decide, choose Consort Associate with
Adopt Choose, select, take, accept, adopted, adoptable, adoption, Resort Recourse
adoptive Retort Rejoinder, Quick reply, answer back,
Erupt Erupted, eruption, eruptive, Burst forth (bidirno howa) Extort Extortion, extortionate, Extract, force, obtain wrongfully as by
Disrupt Disruption, disruptive, Rend, separate with violence threats, violence or injustice
Bankrupt An insolvent person, bankruptcy (insolvency) Exhort Exhortation, exhortative, Strongly urge, advice, incite
Excerpt Selection, extract from a book or writing (udddrito)

Caste Hindu society

Braggart Boaster Downcast Looking down, dejected, sad
Mart A place of trade, market Outcast Outcaste, Expelled from society
Inert Inactive, dull Recast Mold a new, reconstruct
Pert Pertly, pertness, Flippant, bold, saucy, impertinent, forward Chaste Pure, chastity
Depart Departure, Leave Steadfast Loyal, steady, resolute, steadfastness
Impart give a share of Haste Hasten, hastily, hasty,quickness, hurry on
Counterpart A thing that completes another, Things very much alike Aghast Horrified, dumbfound, horror, terror, stuck with surprise
Malapert Saucy, impudent (dhristo) Iconoclast Iconoclasm, One who rails against sacred institutions, attacking
Desert Desertion, Leave, quit a service without permission, deserter cherished traditions
(polatok) Incest Incestuous, Sex among family members
Disconcert Confuse, embarrass, upset, frustrate, nonplus, embarrass Infest Haunt (gomonagomon kora)
Preconcert Purbo hoitei ekmot howa Manifest Obvious, evident, understandable
Advert Refer to, advertence, advertency Jest Jester, jesting, Joke, object of laughter
Avert Turn away (eyes, thought, from), avertable, avertible Molest Molestation, Bother, disturb
Controvert Contravene, contradict, Pest Plague, nuisance
Covert Secret, clandestine, hidden, implied Priest Priestly, Clergyman, pastor, parson
Culvert Artificial channel for water Wrest(v) Snatch, Taking by violence, violent twisting
Divert Amuse, turn aside Attest Testify, bear witness, certify, give proof of, attestor, attester
Invert Turn upside down or inside out Contest Compete, dispute
Overt Open to view Detest Detestable, Hate, loathe
Revert Reverted, Return Quest Search, in quest of
Stalwart Strong, brawny, steadfast, courageous & reliable person Bequest Will
Thwart Baffle, frustrate, foil, oppose, hinder Inquest Investigation, judicial enquiry
Blurt Utter suddenly Divest Strip, deprive

Escort Attendant, guard, Chiropodist A doctor who treats feet

Pacifist Pacifism, One who oppose any violence, antimilitarist Impost Tax, tribute or duty
Anthropologist A student of the history and science of mankind, anthropological Riposte Counterthrust
Ecologist Ecology, interrelationship between living organism & their Robust Robustness, Vigorous, strong
environment August Impressive, majestic, venerable, augustly, augustness
Endocrinologist One who studies glands for internal secretion Lust Lustful, Carnal appetite, longing, desire
Herpetologist One who studies reptiles Oust Eject, Expel, drive out, dispossess
Paleontologist One who studies fossils Joust Combat between knights on horses
Catalyst Catalysis Encrust Encrustation, Cover with a hard coating
Enlist Join Incrust Cover with a crust (kothin aborone abrito kora)
Oculist Specialize in treatment of eyes (chokhkhubisesogo) Exhaust Exhausted, exhaustible, exhaustion, Drain, wear out,
Philatelist Stamp collector Distrust Suspect
Somnambulist Sleepwalker, somnambulism, somnambulate Outburst Explosion
Mist Misty, fog (kuasha),
Optimist Optimism, Person who looks on good side
Pessimist Cynic, pessimism (believe that life is basically bad & evil) Abut Border upon, adjoin, adjacent, end, terminate, abutting, abutted
Polygamist One who has many wives Attribute Ascribe, explain, put forward as a cause, attribution An essential
Chauvinist Blindly or boastful patriotism, jingoism, chauvinism quality, attributive, attributively
Exhibitionist One who draws attention to himself Attribute Essential quality
Opportunist Subidhabadi Tribute Mark of respect, tax levied by a ruler
Perfectionist Purist, precisionist Acute Shrewd, sharp pointed, acutely
Protagonist Main character in a story Persecute Persecution, persecutor, Harass
Pyrrhonist Skeptic (sondehobadi), pyrrhonism (Skepticism) Execute Executants, execution, executor, Put into effect, carry out
Philanthropist Altruist Refute Refutation, refutable, Disprove (khondon)
Sophist Teacher of philosophy, quibbler, employer of fallacious reasoning Absolute Complete, certain, totally unlimited, uncertain, uncontrolled,
Ventriloquist Ventriloquism, ventriloquy despotic
Podiatrist Doctor who treats ailments of the feet Dilute Dilution, Make less concentrated
Gist Essence, abstract Resolute Determined
Desist Stop, cease, forbear Irresolute Irresolution (fickleness), irresoluteness, Hesitant, uncertain how to
Insist Insistence, insistent, Urge, emphasize (jed kora) act, weak, undecided, wavering
Persist (legethaka), persistence, persistency, persistent, persistently, Dissolute Dissolution, Profligate, licentious, immortal, loose in moral
perseverance, Glut Surplus, surfeit, abundance, excess, fill to excess, overstock,
Defeatist Defeatism, One who is resigned to defeat swallow greedily
(porajitomonobhabsomponno) Mute Muffle, tone down, Silent
Pragmatist Practical person Commute Exchange, commutative
Anarchist Person who rebels against the established order, an advocate of Gamut Range, entire range of a voice or musical instrument
anarchy Transmute Change, convert to something different
Masochist One who enjoys pain Minute Very small
Foist Palm off a fake, insert improperly, (chalakikoregochiyefela) Compute Calculate, reckon
Hoist Raise, lift Depute Deputy, Delegate,
Moist Moisture, Humid, damp Dispute Contend, Debate
Tryst Appointment to meet, place of Meeting Impute Imputation, Imputable, Charge, attribute, ascribe, (arop kora)
Repute Esteem
Accost Approach & speak first to a person Disrepute Disreputable, Disgrace, ill-repute
Foremost First in rank, most advanced
Hindmost Furthest behind Strut Pompous walk,
Strut Supporting bar Breadth Width, extent
Hirsute Bearded, hairy Filth Filthy, Loathsome dirt, garbage, obscenity
Astute Wise, shrewd, crafty, astutely, astuteness Labyrinth Maze (golokdhadha)
Destitute Destitution, Poor, needy Dearth Scarcity,
Statute Law, statutable Girth Distance around something
Redoubt Fort Mirth Mirthful, mirthfully, Merriment, Jollity, laughter, pleasure
Lout Loutish, Goon, clumsy person, clownish, Unearth Dig up
Flout Showing disregard for the law or rules, reject, mock
Juggernaut Unstoppable force, irresistible crashing force
Rout Vanquish, stampede, drive out Imbue Infuse, saturate, cause to become permeated, (onupranito kora)
Distraught Distressed, distracted by anxiety, upset, almost mad with grief Imbrue Wet, soak,
Draught Quantity of liquid drunk at a time Endue Endow, provide with some quality
Drought Droughty, Want to rain over a prolonged period, dryness, Residue Residual, residuary, residuum, Remaining part, remainder, balance
Fraught Filled Harangue Tirade, noisy speech, noisy ranting oration
Taut Tight, ready, tautly(ad), tautness(n) Prologue Preamble, prelude, Introduction, preface
Devout Devoutness, Pious Rogue Scoundrel, roguery (fraud), roguish (knavish)
Context Vague(a) Indistinct, vagueness(n), vaguely(ad)
Pretext Pretense, Excuse Vogue Popular fashion, chic
Hue Color, aspect
Lieu Instead of
Psychopath Mad man, psychopathic Milieu Environment, means of expression
Swathe Wrap around, bandage or band Parvenu New comer, social climber, newly rich person, upstart
Wrath(n) Anger, fury, wrathful(a), wrathfully(ad) Retinue Following, attendance
Wraith(n) Ghost, phantom Revenue Income
Forthwith Immediately, without delay Venue Place
Heath Heather, Barren (onurbor)
Kith Familiar friends Queue Line
Sheathe Place into a case, sheath, sheathing Brusque Boorish, Blunt, abrupt, clownish, rude, brusqueness, brushquerie
Seethe Be disturbed, boil Burlesque Give an imitation that ridicule
Tithe Tax of one tenth Grotesque Fantastic, comically hideous, odd, ludicrous
Lithe Lithesome,Lissome, supple, flexible Junoesque Stately beauty
Blithe Gay, joyous, blithesome Picaresque Roguish, adventurous
Megalith Ancient stone monument Risqué Off color, racy (praioslil))
Writhe(v) Contort, Twist violently, squirm Baroque Highly ornate
Zenith Summit, vertex Clique Small excessive group, a coterie
Pique Sting, arouse interest, excite to anger, irritation, resentment
Behemoth Monstrous animal Physique Musculature, frame
Mammoth Huge, gigantic Mystique Mystify, mystical, mystic, Aura, mystery
Loath Averse, Reluctant (onichchuk) Oblique Indirect, slanting (not upright)
Loathe Abhor, detest Opaque Opacity, Nontransparent, pellucid (transparent)
Sloth Idleness, Laziness, sluggishness, slowness, slothful Unique Without an equal, single
Troth Truth, truly, Bier protisruti dewa
Betroth Engaged, betrothed Ensue Follow immediately, come after, result from
Uncouth Ungainly, Ugly, Outlandish, boorish, clumsy, uncouthly(ad), Roué Libertine, rake, profligate,
uncouthness(n) Rue Regret, lament, grieve for, Rueful (sorrowful, dejected),
Accrue Come about by addition, come as a result, accrued(a) Plaintive Plaintiveness, Mournful, Expressing sorrow
Construe Explain, interpret Putative Decay, supposed, reputed
Misconstrue Misinterpret, misjudge, interpret wrongly, Purgative Cathartic, cleansing
Impromptu Spontaneous, without previous preparation Punitive Punishing
Portmanteau Suit case Provocative Titillating, tickle, tending to provoke or excite
Virtue Prospective Imminent, expected
Prerogative Privilege (bishesodhikar)
Receptive Receptivity, Open to ideas
Abortive Born untimely, Unsuccessful, fruitless, Restive Restiveness, Nervous, uneasy, unmanageable, obstinate,
abortiveness(n), abortively(ad), abort(v), aborted(a), abortion(n) Retentive Retentively, Holding, having a good memory
Affective Of the emotions Retrospective Retrospection, Reminiscent, looking back to the past
Attentive Considerate, thoughtful, heedful, mindful, attentiveness Sportive Playful, merry, sportively, sportiveness
Authoritative Having the weight of authority, dictatorial, authoritatively, Subjective Unreal, opposed to the objective, introspective, fanciful
authoritativeness Substantive Essential, pertaining to the substance
Captive Prisoner, captivity (bondage) captor, capture Tentative Experimental, provisional, tentatively(ad)
Cognitive Relating to knowing or perceiving, cognition Vindictive Revengeful, vindictiveness(n)
Commemorati Remembering, honoring, commemorator, commemoration Vituperative Abusing, scolding, vituperate(v)
ve Exhaustive Thorough, comprehensive
Conductive Expletive Oath, interjection, filling out
Definitive Conclusive, final
Festive Joyous
Figurative Figuratively, Metaphorical (alongkorik) Abrasive Grind down, rubbing away, tending to abrade, abrade(v),
Fugitive Uncertain, temporary, perishable abrasion(n)
Furtive Stealthy (chorachora), sneaky (chupichupi), secret Abusive Scolding, coarsely insulting, physically harmful, containing abuse,
Hyperactive Overactive abusively
Incentive Stimulus, spur, motive (uttejok) Apprehensive Anxious, fearful
Inductive Pertaining to induction, leading to inferences (onumanjonok) Comprehensive Thorough, inclusive
Innovative Innovation, New, useful idea Conclusive Decisive, ending all debate
Imperative Imperatively, Vital, pressing, expressing command Corrosive Eating away by chemical or disease
Inquisitive Curious Cursive Flowing, running
Intuitive Intuition, Perceived by the mind without argument Discursive Digressing, Rambling
Invective Verbal insult, abuse, reproachful or abusive speech or oratory, Deceive Deceiver, Trick
sarcasm or satire Decisive Final, conclusive,
Inventive Cleaver, resourceful Delusive Delude, delusive, deceptive,
Laxative Purgative, Derisive Derision, Mocking
Locomotive Locomotion, going from one place to other Divisive Causing conflict
Lucrative Profitable, Effusive Effusiveness, effusion, Pouring out too freely
Motive Motivity, motiveless, motivate, Reason, object (uddesso) Elusive Elusion, elusory, Evasive, baffling, hard to grasp
Objective Unbiased, fair Erosive Having the property of eating away
Objective Goal Evasive Evasiveness, evasively, Elusive, not frank, not straightforward
Operative Working Illusive Deceive
Pejorative Insulting Impassive Impassively, Calm, serene, without feeling, not affected by pain,
Perceptive Perception, perceptible, perceptibility, Perceptivity, Discerning, Impulsive To act suddenly
insightful, aware, wise, Incisive Keen, penetrating, cutting, sharp
Perspective Panorama, Vista, Inclusive Inclusion, Comprehensive, tending to include all
Inoffensive Harmless, not objectionable Retrieve Retrieval, Reclaim, recover
Intensive Extreme Thrive Prosper, flourish, throve, thrived, thriven
Intrusive Intrusion, Entering without right
Massive Massy (solid, weighty), Bulky, weighty Naive Naively, naivety, Simple, artless
Missive Letter, official letter Waive(v) Yield, give up temporarily, relinquish, forego
Misconceive Mistake, judge wrongly,
Obtrusive Officious, forwarding, meddlesome Alcove Partially enclosed extension of a room, Nook
Offensive Displeasing, annoying, insulting, Behoove Be fit or right, Be suited to, be incumbent to
Oppressive Onus, onerous, Burdensome Disprove Refute
Passive Not active Reprove Rebuke, censure, reproof
Pensive Pensively, pensiveness, Dreamily thoughtful, reflecting
(dhyanmogno), Sad Mauve Pale purple (fikey lal rong)
Persuasive Persuasiveness, persuasively, Having the power to persuade, Delve Dig, explore (of ideas), investigate
Convincing, Salve An ointment
Pervasive Pervasion, Spread throughout Absolve Pardon, pronounce free, release, absolver(n), absolvable(a)
Progressive Advancing, liberal Devolve Deputize, pass to others
Reclusive Solitary Evolve Evolvement, Unfold, unravel, work out,
Remissive Relaxation, Abatement, Revolve Revolving, revolver, Turn round,
Submissive Yielding, timid, humble, obedient Resolve Determined
Subversive Tending to overthrow or ruin or destroy, subvert, subversion
Unobtrusive Modest, Inconspicuous, not blatant, (obtrusive=conspicuous,
blatant) Haw Hedge (bera)
Exclusive Exclusively, Prohibitive, Gnaw Bite persistently,
Expansive Expansiveness, Sweeping Guffaw Laughter, boisterous laughter
Hew Cut
Askew Crookedly, slanted, at an angle, oblique, obliquely, askance, askant
Concave Hollow (obotol) Eschew Avoid, shun
Lave Wash, bathe Purview Range, understanding, scope, limit
Enclave Area enclosed within another region, (chitmohol) Shrew Scolding woman, brawling, a termagant, shrewish
Enslave Enslavement, Bring into bondage Bestrew Scatter over or around, bestrewed
Engrave Engraver, Carve into a material
Knave Knavish, Knavery (rascality), Con man Meadow Grassy field,
rave Talk like a mad man Billow Wave, billowy
Carve Engraving, carven (engraved), carving, carving knife Callow Youthful, immature, inexperienced, without feathers
Verve Enthusiasm, liveliness Fallow Unproductive, unplowed (potitojomi)
Disserve Injure, harm Flaw Break, gap, defect,
Reserve Self control Hallow Make holy
Swerve Deviate, turn aside sharply, depart from rule Mellow Soft & juicy
Sallow Yellowish, sickly in color, pale
Bereave Bereft Shallow Not deep, superficial
Cleave Split, asunder, cleaving, cleavable, cloven, cleft Wallow(v) Roll in, indulge in
Deprive Deprivation, Take away, bereave Minnow Vary small fish
Grieve Afflict, Give trouble, lament, mourn Winnow(v) Separate good from bad, sift
Revive Renew, recover consciousness, Row Brawl, noisy disturbance
Reprieve Delay, interval, Highbrow Intellectual
Bestow Give, bestowal Fray Fracas, Brawl, conflict
Kowtow Behave obsequiously Affray Noisy quarrel, Public brawl, fight in a public place
Avow Declare openly, admit, avowable, not disavow Array Marshal, draw up in order
Disavow Disavowal, Deny Array Clothe, adorn
Foray Raid (akoshshikhamla)
Assay Analyze, evaluate, test metals, assayable
Lax Laxly, Loose, careless Gainsay Contradict, deny, disavowal
Perplex Perplexity, Puzzle, bewilder Hearsay Gossip, rumor, common talk
Anticlimax Letdown of thought or emotion Quay Wharf, dock, landing place
Annex Subjoin, affix, annexation Leeway Margin, room to move
Pax Peace Flabby Flabbiness, Loose, easily bent, soft,
Apex Tip, summit, climax, zenith, vertex, acme, highest point Shabby
Rex King
Vertex Summit, zenith
Vex Annoy, distress, tease, harass, fret, irritate, vexation(n), Advocacy Support, active pleading, defence
vexatious(a), vexed Delicacy Delicate, delicious, Grace, softness, smoothness
Convex Concave(obotol) Indelicacy Indelicate (coarse), Rudeness
Wax(v) Grow, increase, Mom Efficacy Efficacious, Effectiveness, capacity for producing desired result
Affix Attach or add on, fasten, a suffix or prefix Inefficacy Inefficacious, ineffective
Prolix Prolixity, Tedious, verbose, drawn out Legacy Bequest, gift made by a will
Phoenix Rebirth, phenix Racy Raciness, pungent, Strong, flavored, spirited, seasoning
Minx A pert girl, a flirt Aristocracy Hereditary nobility, privileged class, aristocrat, aristocratic
Matrix Array, mold or die Theocracy Government of a community by religious leaders,
Coax Cajole, wheedle, flattery, coaxially theocrat, theocratic, theocratical
Heterodox Heterodoxy, Unorthodox, unconventional, Departing from Mobocracy Rule of the mob
established doctrines Bureaucracy Government by bureau, bureaucrat, bureaucratic
Orthodox Orthodoxy, Conventional, traditional, conservative in belief Conspiracy Treacherous plot
Paradox Statement that looks false but is actually correct Candidacy State of being candidate, candidature, candidateship
Hoax Trick, practical joke, deception, Infancy Infant, Childhood
Equinox Period of equal days & nights Ascendancy Controlling influence, domination, authority, ascend(climb),
Flux Fluxion, Flowing, series of changes ascendant(rising)
Influx Inflow, flowing into Deficiency Deficient, deficit, Insufficiency, imperfection,
Reflux Ebb (backward flow) Inefficiency Inefficient, Incapacity
Crux Critical point Leniency Lenient, Permissiveness, mildness, forbearance,
Exigency Exigent, Urgency, urgent situation
Fervency Eagerness, warmth of devotion, heat of mind
Heyday Glory days, prime (sornojug) Fallacy False belief, a false idea or opinion
Gay Gayness, gaily, Merry, gaudy, lewd Clemency Mildness, disposition, compassion, clement
Inlay Ornament Inclemency Want of clemency (nisthurota)
Clay Mud, clayey Necromancy Necromancer, necromantic, Sorcery, black magic, dealings with the
Flay Strip off skin, plunder dead
Allay Relieve, quell, make quiet, abate Discrepancy Discrepant, Difference, lack of consistency, disagreement
Parlay Increase Consistency Uniformity, absence of contradiction
Waylay(v) Ambush, Lie in want Inconsistency Inconsistently, Want of agreement, incongruity, contradictory,
Dismay Dread, alarm, discourage Inconstancy Inconstant, Fickleness, unsteadiness
Relevancy Relevant, Pertinence, Deify Deification, Idolize, turn into god
Impolicy Inadvisability, inexpediency Edify Instruct, correct morally
Idiocy Stupidity Dignify Dignity, dignitary, Exalt
Fortify Strengthen, make strong, strong with forts
Gratify Gratification, Please
Heady Self-willed Justify Justification, justifier, justifiable, Mitigate, excuse
Malady Illness Mortify Mortification, mortifying, Humiliate, punish to be flesh, vex
Eddy Whirlpool (ghurnijol), contrary or back current Notify Announce, inform
Giddy Giddiness, Light-hearted, dizzy Indemnify Indemnification, Make secure against loss, compensate loss
Bandy Express blows or words Mollify Mollification, Appease, sooth, soften, assuage
Handy Clever with the hands, Handyman (a man who can be set to any Nullify Nullification, Void, to make invalid
work) Ossify Harden
Randy Vulgar Ramify Divide into branches or subdivision
Hardy Sturdy, robust, Healthy, painstaking, daring Ratify Ratification, sanction, Approve
Foolhardy Rash (goartamipurno), foolishly bold Rectify Rectification, rectifiable, rectifier, Correct
Jeopardy Exposure to death or danger Pacify Appease, sooth, calm
Embody Embodiment, Personify, incorporate, clothe with a body Personify Embody, exemplify
Monody Monadic, Mournful song Petrify Calcify, shock, turn to stone
Parody Ridicule, imitation, travesty, burlesque Sanctify Make sacred, consecrate,
Prosody Study of poetic structure sanctified, sanctification, sanctity, sanctuary, sanctum
Rhapsody Ecstasy, mohakabbo Stultify Cause to appear foolish or inconsistent, stultification, stultifier
Toady Flatter of favors, mean sycophant, fawn, toadyism(n) Stupefy Make numb, stun, amaze, confound, confuse, stupefier
Threnody Song of lamentation, dirge, a funeral song, threnodies(n)
Bawdy Indecent, obscene, bawdy house (brothel)
Dowdy Awkward, ill-dressed, Slovenly, untidy Effigy Likeness, mannequin, dummy, portrait, statue
Gaudy Gaudily, Garish, Flashy, showy Elegy Mournful poem
Rowdy Rowdily, rowdiness, Riotous (gunda), Groggy Drunken, grogshop (moderdokan)
Ruddy Reddish, healthy looking Liturgy Ceremony
Perfidy Treachery (bissasghatokota) Mangy Shabby, wretched
Subsidy Vortuki Muggy Warm & damp
Shoddy Sham, not genuine, inferior, shoddily Pedagogy Dull, formal teacher
Dicey Risk Podgy Fat
Fey Eccentric, whimsical Prodigy Person having extraordinary talents
Lackey Servant, footman, toady (chamcha) Stingy
Medley Mixture Thaumaturgy Miracle worker, magician, thaumaturge, thaumaturgical,
Motley Parti-colored, mixed, Diverse Thaumaturgic
Odyssey Journey
Prey Victim, Logy Lassitude, lethargic, drowsy
Purvey Render, Deliver, provide with provision Analogy Similarity, parallelism
Parley Conference Archaeology Study of artifacts and relics of early mankind, archaeological,
Amplify Enlarge, amplifier, amplification, amplitude Cacology A bad choice of words or pronunciation
Vilify(n) Slandering, defame, abuse, vilifier, vilification(n) Chronology Science of computing dates, chronological, chronometer
Codify Arrange as a code, classify, codification, codifier Doxology Doxological, A short hymn of praise to god
Dandify Dandy, dandyism, Dress like a fop Entomology Entomologist, Study of insects
Epidemiology Study of the spread of disease Minutely Carefully & precisely
Epistemology The branch of philosophy dealing with knowledge Princely Regal, generous
Etymology Study of words Respectively In order
Ethnology Ethnography, Study of man Gadfly Animal biting fly, an irritating person
Eulogy Praise Seemingly Apparently, seeming(semblance)
Genealogy Genealogical, genealogist,Lineage, Ancestry, pertaining to the Unerringly Infallibly, (err=mistake)
descent of families or persons Wily(a) Cunning, artful, guile, shrewd, wiliness(n)
Ichthyology Study of fish Dally Procrastinate (delay), trifle with
Meteorology Science of weather Rally Assemble
Metrology The science of weights & measures Folly Foolishness
Morphology Morphologic, morphological, morphologist, Science deals with Bully Intimidate, browbeat, blusterer, bullying, bullied
form & structure of plants & animal Sully Tarnish, soil
Mythology Mythological, mythologist, Imaginary, fabulous, (kalponik) Seemly Suitable, becoming, seemliness
Ontology Ontological, Study of the nature of the existence Unseemly Unsuitable, indecent, unbecoming, (seemly=decent)
Ornithology Ornithologist, Study of birds Slovenly Untidy, careless in work habits, not swift, dull, sloven, slovenliness
Paleontology Study of prehistoric life Ungainly Uncouth, Clumsy, not skillful, awkward, (gainly=skillful)
Petrology Study of rocks Melancholy Melancholia, melancholic, Reflective, gloomy, mental depression
Philology Philologist, Study of language Monopoly Ekchetia odhikar
Tautology Unnecessary repetitions, pleonasm Briskly Actively, lively, brisk, briskness
Terminology Terms used in science or art Imply Signify, suggest a meaning not expressed (ingit kora)
Topology Physical feature of a region Panoply Full suit of armor
Trilogy Group of three works Burly Husky, muscular
Surly Rude, snarling, uncivil, surliness, surlily
Gingerly Very carefully
Shaky Orderly Neat
Dusky Mannerly Civil, polite, mannish (like a man)
Husky Miserly Parsimonious, niggardly, Stingy, mean
Musky Musk, Having the odor of musk Measly Worthless, mean
Jabberwocky Nonsense Expeditiously Rapidly & efficiently
Finicky Fussy, too particular Justly In a just manner
Sticky Ghastly Ghastliness, Horrible, hideous, deathlike,
Mucky Muck, Dirty, filth Gristly Ghastly, hideous, frightful, horrible
Plucky Pluckily, Courageous Grisly Gruesome, hideous, horrible,
Perky Portly Corpulent, Large, stately, stout
Unearthly Spiritual, weird, not earthy, unearthliness(n)
Anomaly Irregularity Unruly Ungovernable, Disobedient, lawless, unchaste
Infallibly Alchemy Chemistry
Niggardly Niggard, Parsimonious, Stingy, miserly, penurious Balmy Mild, fragrant, aroma,
Worldly(a) Not spiritual
Otherworldly Spiritual Blasphemy Irreverence, sacrilege
Barely Scarcely Clammy Adhesive, sticky
Comely Attractive, agreeable, beautiful ,graceful, comeliness Dichotomy Division into two parts
Gamely Bravely, with spirit Infamy Shame
Homely Plain, domestic Endogamy Endogamous, custom of marrying only within the tribe
Homily Homilist, Sermon (dhormoupodesh) Misogamy Misogamist, Hatred of marriage, (bibaho biddeshi)
Monogamy Monogamous, monogamist, Marriage to one wife or husband at a Raspy Grating, harsh
time , Wispy(a) Thin, slight, barely discernable
Exogamy Practice of marrying out of the tribe
Gloomy Gloominess, Dejected, melancholy, sad
Gastronomy Science of preparing and serving good food Leery Leer, Look askance
Physiognomy Face Ancillary Auxiliary, serving as an aid or accessory, subservient
Metonymy Metonymic, metonymical, The substitution of a phrase for the Corollary Consequential, accompaniment
name itself, (bakkalongkar) Drollery Buffoonery
Pygmy Dwarf (bamon) Tutelary Protective, pertaining to a guardianship, tutelar
Exemplary Exemplar, Exemplify, Outstanding, serving as a model
Calumny Slander, false accusation, calumniate, calumniator, calumnious, Auxiliary Helping, Helper, additional or subsidiary, auxiliaries
calumniously Apiary A place where bees are kept, apiarian, apiarist
Miscellany Miscellaneous, miscellanea, Mixture of items, mixture of writings Aviary Large cage for birds
on various subjects Beneficiary Person entitled to benefits
Canny Shrewd, thrifty Fiduciary Unwavering, held in trust
Uncanny Weird, unearthly, unnatural, Strange, mysterious, Quandary Dilemma
uncannily(ad), uncanniness(n), (canny=cautious, thrifty, shrewd) Incendiary Inflammatory, arsonist
Ninny Simpleton, fool Subsidiary Subordinate, secondary, auxiliary, aiding, tributary, subsidize
Skinny Very thin, emaciated Tertiary Of the Third order, rank, formation etc
Tyranny Oppression, cruel government, tyrranise Pecuniary Pertaining to money
Whinny(v) Neigh like a horse Plenipotentiar Pleny-potent-iary, Fully empowered
Zany(a) Crazy, comic, a stupid person, a buffoon, zanyism(n) y
Larceny larcenous, larcenist, Theft, stealing, Alimentary Supply nourishment, aliment(food/nourishment), alimentation,
Hegemony Authority, domination alimental,
Progeny Descendents (Children) Hereditary Heredity, Transmitted from parents to their offspring
Misogyny Misogynist, Hatred of woman (naribiddeshi) Monetary Relating to money
Mutiny Mutinous, mutineer, Rebellion, seditious (rajdrohita) Sanitary
Alimony Payment by a husband to his divorced wife Insanitary Unhealthy
Patrimony Inheritance Salutary Beneficial, tending to improve, wholesome, salutariness
Cacophony Discord, cacography (bad hand writing), cacographic, Insalutary Unfavorable to health
cacographical Sedentary Accustomed to sitting most of the day, Requiring sitting
Puny Weak, small, tiny Solitary Lonely, left alone, solitariness, solitarily, solitude
Alloy A mixture as of metals Arbitrary Unreasonable, capricious, imperious, despotic, tyrannical,
Coy Modest, shy, coquettish arbitrariness, arbitrarily
Decoy Lure or bait (faad), entrap, entice, temptation Contemporary Coincident, coeval
Cloy Satiate Itinerary Route, plan of a trip
Deploy Deployment, Arrange forces Supernumerary Exceeding the number
Employ Use, give occupation to Adversary Enemy, opponent, foe
Envoy Messenger Emissary Messenger, agent
Glossary Glossarist, glossarial, Brief explanation of words used in texts
Bumpy Bumpiness Airy
Dumpy Short & stout (khudro & sthulo) Query Inquiry
Grumpy Grumpiness, grumpily, Ill-tempered, surly, Buffoonery Clowning
Espy Chicanery Trickery
Finery Ornament Ambulatory Able to walk, ambulate
Culinary Pertaining to cooking, cuisine Conciliatory Reconciling, soothing
Eleemosynary Pertaining to charity Compensatory Repaying, making up off
Mercenary Venal, Calculating, interested in money or gain, acting only for Desultory Aimless, Without direction in life, erratic, unsystematic
reward or money Dilatory Procrastinate, delaying, tardy, loitering
Plenary Full, complete, entire Depreciatory Disparaging (nindajonok)
Preliminary Introductory Derogatory Degrading
Pulmonary Pertaining to the lungs Gratulatory Conveying congratulation
Reactionary Recoiling from progress, retrograde, regress Gustatory Gustative, Affecting the sense of taste
Revolutionary Revolution, Hortatory Hortative, Inspiring good deeds, encouraging, inciting
Sanguinary Bloody, blood thirsty, sanguinariness Inflammatory Incendiary
Visionary Mystical, fanciful, imaginary, Laudatory Commendable
Harry Harass, raid (ghonoghono attack kora), pillage, destroy Minatory Threatening
Parry Avert, ward off, Mandatory Obligatory
Tarry Delay, dawdle Nugatory Useless, worthless, futile, vain
Merry Merrily, Gay, sprightly, cheerful Obligatory Required, binding
Miscarry Abort, be unsuccessful, Offertory Collection of money in church
Hoary White with age Olfactory Concerning the sense of smell
Quarry Prey, game, victim, object of hunt Oratory Oratorical, Eloquence, rhetoric
Quarry Dig into Peremptory Dictatorship
Scurry Move briskly, hurry, scurrier Perfunctory Perfunctorily, Superficial, half hearted manner, not through,
Chary Cautiously watchful, chariness, charily Careless
Treachery Promontory Headland, cape
Drudgery Drudge, Menial work (ektana porisrom) Purgatory Limbo, netherworld, place for spiritual expiation
Humbuggery Humbug, fraud, deception Plauditory Approving, applauding
Skullduggery Dishonest behavior Prefatory Introductory
Vagary Whim Predatory Predator (preying), Plundering
Wary(a) Very cautious, careful, guarded, wariness(n), warily(ad) Refractory Refractoriness, Obstinate, stubborn
Debauchery Indulgence, excessive intemperance Repository Storehouse, depository, pantry
Lechery Lecher, lecherous, lewd, Lascivious, libidinous, Lustfulness Statutory Created by statue or legislative action
Sorcery Enchantment, magic, sorcerer Trajectory Path taken by a projectile
Effrontery Insolence, shameless boldness, impudence, shamelessness Transitory Fleeting, impermanent
Jittery Jitters (feeling of being frightened or nervous), frightened, Valedictory Pertaining to farewell, valediction(n)
Infirmary Infirm (feeble, weak, irresolute), infirmity, hospital for the infirm Expository Exposition, expositor, Explanatory, serving to explain
Obituary Eulogy, death notice Accessory Useful but not essential thing,
Periphery Peripheral(marginal ), Outer boundary, edge of a surface Cursory Hastily done, casual
Illusory Fleeting, deceptive, not real
Provisory Conditional, temporary
Husbandry Management, frugality, thrift, agriculture Pillory Punish by ridicule
Sundry Various, several, Savory Tasty, savour, savouriness
Tawdry Showy without taste, gaudily dressed, tawdrily(ad), tawdriness(n) Unsavory Distasteful, morally offensive, (savory=tasteful)
Wizardry(n) Sorcery, magic, wizard(n)

Allegory Fable, tale story, allegorical, allegorize Bigotry Stubborn

Gory Bloody, covered with gore Entry The act of coming or going in, an entrance
Gentry Class of people just below nobility Acerbity Bitterness of speech and temper, harshness
Infantry Foot soldiers Improbity Wickedness, dishonesty,
Pantry Storeroom Probity Integrity, honesty, goodness, uprightness, righteousness
Pleasantry Banter, persiflage
Sentry Guard, surveillance Atrocity Brutal deed, a cruel, wicked or savage act, vile wickedness,
Idolatry Worship of idols, excessive admiration, (murtipuja) atrocious
Sophistry Seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning Adversity Hostile circumstance, Poverty, misfortune
Symmetry Congruity, synoptic, harmonious Animosity Active enmity, hatred, hostility, bitter hatred, animus
Paltry Paltriness, Scarce, insignificant, petty, mean, vile, worthless Complicity Participation, involvement
Sultry Sweltering, hot and close, sultrily, sultriness Diversity Variety, dissimilitude (bohumukhita), difference, variety
Augury Omen, prophecy, prognostication, augur, augural Duplicity Deceit, treachery, double dealing, hypocrisy
Fury Furious, Madness, violence Felicity Felicitate, felicitation, felicitous, Happiness
Jury Body of man judging a case Generosity Generous, munificence, liberality
Perjury Perjure, perjurer, Swear falsely, Lying Mendacity Mend (correct), Mendacious, mendaciously, Untruth
Penury Pauper, poverty, indigence Multiplicity State of being multiplied or numerous
Usury Lending money at illegal rate of interest Monstrosity Distorted, abnormal form
Trumpery A worthless finery, paltry, fallacious Paucity Scarcity, fewness,
Descry Catch sight of, espy Perspicacity Keenness, discernment
Decry Castigate, disparage (nindakora), censure, condemn Perversity (bikriti)
Mimicry Buffoonery, Imitation Pomposity Self important behavior, acting like a stuffed shirt, splendor
Revelry Merrymaking (splendid display)
Spry Vigorously active, nimble, lively Propensity Inclination, disposition
Wry(a) Twisted, askew, distorted, wryness(n) Tenacity Adhesiveness, stick fast, firmness, persistency
Veracity Truthfulness
Nicety Euphemism, precision, minute distinction, agreeableness,
exactness, accuracy
Crotchety Whimsical, capricious, eccentric Commodity Useful thing, merchandise, article of trade
Gaiety Cupidity Greediness
Piety Devoutness, religious devotion, reverence Lucidity
Propriety Decorum, fitness, correct conduct Quiddity Essence (saarbostu)
Impiety Ungodliness, Rapidity Rapid, Speed
Impropriety State of being inappropriate Rotundity Roundness, sonorousness of sound
Satiety Repletion, glutted state Timidity Lack of self confidence or courage, faint-heartedness
Sobriety Soberness, calmness, gravity(gambhirjo) Placidity
Insobriety Intemperance, drunkenness,
Rickety Rickshaw, Shaky, ramshackle Deity Deism, deist, deistic, A god
Subtlety Cunning, guile, delicacy, nicety, subtle Simultaneity State of being simultaneous, contemporaneous
Natty Neat, clean, tidy Spontaneity Lack of premeditation, naturalness, free from constraint

Hefty Heft, sturdy, stalwart, Agility Quickness in movement, Nimbleness, agile, agilely
Lofty Loftiness, loftily, High Credulity Belief on sight evidence
Thrifty Economical, Careful about money, thriftily, thriftiness Ductility Plasticity
Facility Skill
Laity Laymen (obisesoggo) Fidelity Fealty, Loyalty, allegiance
Frivolity Frivolous, Playfulness, lack of seriousness Malignity Extreme malevolence
Geniality Genial, Cheerfulness, kindness, sympathy Maternity Motherhood
Gentility Genteel, refinement, those of gentle birth Profanity Irreverence, blasphemous
Humility Humbleness Sanity Soundness of body or mind
Imbecility Imbecile, Weakness of mind Serenity Calmness, placidity, peace, serene
Incivility Disdain, rudeness, impoliteness Solemnity Seriousness, gravity, sacredness, solemn(holy), solemnize, solemnly
Infidelity Infidel, Disloyalty
Jollity Jolly, jollify, jollification, gaiety, cheerfulness Pity Sympathy
Partiality Bias, inclination Serendipity Gift
Polity Methods of government
Senility Old age, feeble mindedness of old age
Tranquility Calmness, peace, quietness Alacrity Eagerness, cheerful promptness, briskness
Credibility Believability Asperity Harshness of temper or tone, Sharpness of temper, roughness of
Edibility Edible (fit to be eaten), Fitness for eating the surface
Eligibility Eligible, Fitness to be elected Austerity Sternness, severity, lack of luxuries, rigour, asceticism, austere
Immobility Immobile, immobilize, State of being immovable Celerity Rapidity, speed, swiftness, quickness
Incompatibility Incompatible (inharmonious), Inability to live in harmony Disparity Difference, condition of inequality,
Inviolability Inviolable, that cannot be violated Hilarity Hilarious, hilariously, boisterous mirth, gay,
Liability Drawback, debts Parity Equality, analogy
Mutability Mutable, mutation, Fickle, Able to change Peculiarity Characteristics
Posterity Descendents, Future generation
Amity(n) Friendship, amiable, amicable, relations Severity Harshness, plainness, rigour
Anonymity Anonymousness, state of being nameless, anonym Temerity Boldness, rashness
Calamity Disaster, misery, distress, affliction, catastrophe, calamitous Verity Truth, reality, verily(ad), veritable(a), veritably(ad)
Comity Civility, courtesy Vulgarity Obscenity
Conformity Harmony, agreement
Enmity Hostility, hatred, ill will Entity Real being, anything that has an real existence
Enormity Enormous, enormously, Large, tragic, hugeness, the state of being Nonentity Person of no significance, nonexistence, a thing non existing
immoderate Sanctity
Equanimity Composure, calmness of temperament, serenity
Extremity Farthest point ambiguity Double meaning
Infirmity Ailment, weakness, irresoluteness Annuity Yearly allowance, annuitant
Proximity Nearness Fatuity Foolishness, idiocy, imbecility
Unanimity Complete agreement, unanimous(a), unanimously(ad) Gratuity Tip
Uniformity Sameness, conformity, monotony Inequity Unjust behavior, injustice
Iniquity Sin
Affinity Kinship, relationship by marriage, close connection Obliquity Obliqueness, Perversity (bikriti),
Benignity State of being kind Incongruity
Consanguinity Kinship, cognate Perpetuity Eternity, endless duration
Fraternity Fraternal, fraternization, fraternize, Brotherhood Perspicuity lucidity, Clear expression
Immunity Immune, immunize, Exemption from prosecution (mukti) Propinquity Nearness
Impunity Exemption from harm, freedom from punishment (mukti)
Inanity Emptiness, silliness, Acclivity Upward slope of a hill, Sharp upslope of a hill
Indemnity Insurance Brevity Shortness, Consciousness
Indignity Offensive or insulting treatment Declivity Declivitous, Downward slope
Depravity Deprave, Immorality, corruption, wickedness Oligarchy Aristocracy, patrician, peerage, government by a few
Gravity Seriousness Touchy Sensitive, irascible
Levity Frivolity, thoughtlessness, lightness of conduct or manner
Nativity Native, The process of birth, time, place or manner of birth Apostasy Abandonment of one’s religion
Objectivity Impartiality, binding, Atrophy Wasting away, emaciation
Proclivity Predilection, Inclination (probonota), natural tendency Autopsy Post-mortem, autoptic, autoptical
Suavity Urbanity, polish Drowsy Drowsiness, drowsily, Sleepy, sluggish,
Laxity Carelessness, Ecstasy Ecstatic, ecstatically, Rapture, joy, any overflowing emotion
Flimsy Thin, weak, feeble,
Glossy Glossiness, glossily, Smooth & shining
Doughty Doughtiness, Resolute, unafraid, brave, strong Heresy Heretic, Opinion contrary to popular belief
Haughty Haughtiness, Arrogant, insolence Idiosyncrasy Peculiarity, eccentricity (bektigoto manosik bisesotto)
Casualty Serious or fatal accident Leprosy Leper, leprous, Kusthorog
Fealty Fidelity, loyalty Messy Dirty
Frailty Frail, Weakness Missy Young girl
Jaunty Jauntily, jauntiness, Perky, stylish, careless, lively Mousy Drab, colorless
Scanty Meager, insufficient Queasy Queasiness, queasily, Squeamish, easily nauseated, inclined to
Puberty Pubescence, pubescent, Adolescence (boyosondhi) vomit
Amnesty Pardon, pardon for political offenders Palsy Palsied, Paralysis,
Testy Irritable, short tempered, fretful, testily, testiness
Travesty Parody Colloquy Informal discussion
Gusty Windy Obloquy Slander, calumny, censure, reproachful language
Musty Stale (basi), spoiled by age Obsequy Obsequies, Obit, Funeral ceremony
Petty Pettiness, Trivial, Soliloquy Talking to oneself, a monologue

Bevy Large group, a company of ladies

Antipathy Aversion, dislike, strong feeling against, antipathetic Levy Impose a fine, collect a payment, collect taxes
Apathy Lack of caring, indifference, lack of feeling or interest, apathetic, Nervy Brash, easily excited or made timid
apathetically Privy Private, Aware of private matters, secret, hidden
Earthy Unrefined, coarse Sinewy Tough, vigorous, strong & firm
Empathy Compassion, sympathy Apoplexy Stroke, loss of consciousness followed by paralysis
Pithy Concise, meaty Epoxy Glue
Swarthy Dark, , swarthiness, swarthily Proxy Substitute, agent
Frowzy Dirty & tidy, ill-smelling,
Cacography Bad hand writing Hazy Slightly obscure
Calligraphy Beautiful writing, excellent penmanship Muzzy Dazed, stupid from drinking, (hotobudhdhi)
Chirography The art of handwriting Sleazy Flimsy, unsubstantial
Demography Study of human populations
Orthography Correct spelling Daze Dazzle, stupefy
Faze Disconcert, dismay
Anarchy State of disorder, absence of law, order & government Gaze Look fixedly,
Hierarchy Body divided into ranks Glaze Glazing, glazier, Cover with a thin & shiny surface, furnish or set
Monarchy Monarch (king, ruler), monarchal, monarchic, monarchism, with glass
Government under a single ruler Graze Grazer (an animal that grazes), Tend (cattle)
Haze Hazy(misty, obscure), Fog, mist,
Laze Be lazy
Maze Mazed, mazy, Labyrinth, (golokdhadha), confusion of thought,
Raze Destroy

Ostracize Ban (exclude from public favor)

Aggrandize Increase, intensify, increase power, rank or wealth, aggrandizement
Gormandize Gourmand, glutton, Eat voraciously
Rhapsodize To speak or write in an enthusiastic manner
Jeopardize Endanger
Energize Invigorate, make forceful & active
Demobilize Disband, release from military service
Demoralize Demoralization, Dishearten
Editorialize Express an opinion
Mobilize Assemble for action
Memorialize Memorial (bring to memory), Commemorate
Naturalize Naturalism, Grant citizenship
Neutralize Offset, nullify
Verbalize To put into words
Tantalize Raise & then dash the hopes of, Torture with disappointment,

Galvanize Excite to action, rouse by shock

Lionize Treat as celebrity
Patronize Condescend, bestow
Scrutinize Examine closely, scrutineer, scrutiny
Bowdlerize Expurgate
Cauterize Burn with hot iron or caustic, cauterization, cautery
Mesmerize Mesmerism (hypnotism), mesmeric, Hypnotize
Pasteurize Disinfect
Plagiarize Plagiarism, plagiarist, Counterfeit, pirate
Pulverize Crush, reduce to dust
Temporize Comply with the time, yield to circumstance, Avoid committing
oneself, gain time
Proselytize Proselyte, convert to a religion or belief, Recruit,
Stigmatize Brand, marked as wicked, stigmatize, stigmatic
Doze Dozy, Sleep lightly, dog-sleep
Ooze Gentle flow, soft mind
Ersatz Artificial

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