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I'm Dr. Gary Brodsky, This book is The Art and Science of life using the
ACT AS IF method. By knowing how to Act As if you can say goodbye
to phobias, fears and problems. You’ll discover that things that plagued
you, bothered you, stymied you no long affect you, no longer prevent
you form getting out of life what you want. Now your life will be joy,
money, good relationships, great business and everything you ever
dreamed of. You can custom make your life. All you have to do is know
how to ACT AS IF. Follow these methods and you will have the world
any way you want, guaranteed. It is foolproof, it is fail proof. And now,

I have developed a program for those who suffer from, and that’s many
of you, lack of love, lack of money, poor health, not having a feeling of
power, and personal expression, and most of all low self esteem. With
the ACT AS IF method I will illustrate a way for you to live your life
with joy, love, lots of money, total health, power and freedom.

With The ACT AS IF method you will make your life better than you
could have ever imagined. And I will explain in detail how to ACT AS
IF and make it all happen. And when I mean all, I mean all. I mean joy,
love, money, freedom, success in any endeavor you may have dreamed
of. Your dreams will come true. And I will show you how to ACT AS
IF step by step.


When you ACT AS IF, you turn away from any bad or unpleasant
situation, Something could have happened a year ago, or maybe 20
years ago that caused you to create a belief, a belief about yourself. As
long as you still have that belief, look at it as true, you will not
overcome it. By continuing this belief and give it life of thought, you
perpetuate it and cause it to grow so that ultimately it will be true.
ACTING AS IF is the science of inducing within mind, the concepts of
peace, joy, wealth, health, love, and self expression-or whatever your
need might be.

To ACT AS IF you do not need to change your life by force of will.; To
ACT AS IF I will teach you that it is within ourselves to carve an
avenue through which life will flow. ACTING AS IF and believing so
opens the venues of thought, expands the conscious and subconscious
mind, and allows you to receive your indisputable reality. You’ll know
how you shall live, it clarifies your mind, removes all mental obstacles,
brings on the light; removes doubt and fear, and when this life force
presents itself you will recognize the presence of spirit. Every problem
is mental, and every solution can only be found in spiritual realization.

Once you make firm statements about yourself-declare your truth and
understand that you are a divine being, complete, happy and filled with
all good things in life, you are beginning to ACT AS IF.

“I’m not someone who people like” you might say. If you are not happy
hearing yourself say this, then that is not your truth. Free yourself from
this condition, ACT AS IF everyone is your friend and see how true it
becomes. THIS IS NOW THE TRUTH, and this is science.

When people see you transform, and they will, they’ll think it
miraculous. It is only a miracle as everything else is in life.
When you ACT AS IF you have set a spiritual idea in motion in the
definitive concrete world. A narrow world of people who mostly can
only judge ideas subjectively. A world that increasingly embraces the
material and has been losing its accordance with the divine.


If you accept negativity from people you will become just that a negative
unhappy person. Worries and negatives are given out like candy these
days. Letting someone tell you over and over again you’re nothing – you

will become nothing. If you find yourself carrying dead weight drop it,
whether it is business or romantic or personal. Find people who lift you
up and back you up


When you state the two important words --I am -- that is what you either
are or will be. However you state -- I am -- and whatever you put after
it, will become your life. An example, if you state I am tired, I am not
feeling so well, I am a failure, I am not really ready for this. Then all
this about you IS true. This will manifest your life.

Keep in mind that your subconscious mind is like a computer, whatever

you program into it will reveal itself to be true. GIGO is a famous
computer axiom meaning Garbage in garbage out. If invalid data is
entered into a system, the resulting output will also be invalid. This
axiom holds true for all systems, including, for example, decision-
making systems. That is how the mind works; GIGO.

If you feed your subconscious negative programs you cannot have

positive experiences. That’s how the subconscious mind works. So I
am going to tell you how to ACT AS IF and you'll life will start
changing immediately.

When you state negative; I am …, whatever you are feeling that day,
headache, toothache, bad breakup, you will experience negative. When
you state positive; I am feeling great, and I am expecting great things to
happen you will change your “reality” and allow for the positive to
prevail. You need to deny all the negative feelings that you have, you
need to say “all these negative feelings that I have about myself are

Once you affirm the positive, make optimistic outlooks your state of
mind, positive results will envelope you. You can state ‘I am a charming
person and people like me.’ Or ‘I am a dolt and wish I was popular’
you choose the truth about yourself. As I always say and I will say for
the rest of my life because it is so true, ACT AS IF and it will be done on
to as you believe.

So to restate how to ACT AS IF so that’s it will engrain itself in your

mind, heart, body and soul you must take a strong positive stand and
ACT that something already IS. It is the belief that something has
happened before it ever does. And it we are so.


One of the quickest and best ways to change your life is to watch what
you ask yourself. That makes all the difference. What you ask for you
will receive; when you ask yourself destructive questions, such as, Why
me? Why can't I find the right person? How will I ever pay these bills?
Questions such as these destroy your subconscious power to create the
good. If you ask negative questions, you will get negative answers.
The subconscious mind is impersonal, never forget that. Your
subconscious mind is always at your service, and whatever question you
ask it, it will come up with an answer. So when you ask it, why can't I?
The answer to a negative question will always bring the same dismal
answer, "Because you don't deserve it."
Same is true when you switch to positive questions like, how can I make
the most of this, how can I find great success? Positive questions bring
powerful positive directions that are real and well deserved by anyone,
for everyone is entitled.


Being complacent is detrimental to your mind and to every area of your
life; Complacency has no space in the creative process that surely will
bring you all good. Complacency is in fact a dangerous destructive
disease. You may become a casualty of complacency, maybe your entire
life. If this is true you are mentally, physically and spiritually living in a
disaster unaware of your failing. You are drifting, not creating. You
have become relaxed in self-satisfaction of routines and have closed

yourself off from new ideas. You have subconsciously eliminated
yourself from participation in life.

You may state all the great things you've done and all the value of your
present life. Yet in your heart and soul you feel as though you are a
failure. The truth has been looking right in your face and yet you have
closed your eyes. And why? GOALS, a word that frightens many.

I dare you to think, I challenge you to dream. Nothing is impossible for

anyone who decides on possibility. The infinite responds by
corresponding resolve and determination. Become the thing that you
aspire to and ACTED AS IF and so you became.
For example, you want to be a great writer, and then see in your minds
eye the finished book, the people who ask you to autograph their copy
for them. You want to be a painter, then visualize your work beautifully
framed, hanging in a gallery where elegant patrons are complimenting
your originality, your colors, your style, while sipping fine wine and
eating fine hors d'oeuvre. If this is what you want, this will happen
when you ACT AS IF – now start writing and/or painting.

Your life is subject to change the moment you make the decision that it
can change now. All you need do is put new and great ideas in your
mind, and you will arise to a new and great life. The important thing is
vision before decision.


Silently, while daydreaming, Acting As If -- IT -- has already

happened, will program your subconscious mind. Soon the shape of
your dreams will become a reality in your life. And I guarantee that
what you program into your sub conscious mind through conscious
thought will become the reality in your life.

There are no exceptions, no exemptions. This is true for every body out
there. There are no excuses; excuses are not going to help. If you want
a better life you have to ACT AS IF you have to already happen and it
will. And here is how to ACT AS IF.


You see this all the time. You see it everywhere. People who are sick,
people who have no money, people who don't have good relationships in
their lives, and people who feel powerless. It is all just feelings. The
more you put your mind and attention into those negative feelings, the
more negative outcomes will manifest in your life. So what you have to
do is immediately go to the opposite. If you are having money problems
you have to state the opposite. Negate the negative saying okay my
money problems are over, I am now a success, that I am going to be a
success, I am now a success. Visualize your success. For each person
success is different, create a channel for your success, and proceed
through that channel toward the “light at the end of the tunnel”. You
may want success with money, with love, with work, with family. Only
by visualizing that “light” can you know what you’re proceeding toward.
ACT AS IF you already finished the journey, but proceed in the
direction one step at a time. (Example here)

If you are not feeling well, which does occasionally happen, do not get
trapped into the world of illness and sickness. Understand that sickness
is an excuse for not having to deal with your life. And understand that
when you deal with your life, you will be dealing with a joyous,
prosperous love filled life.


Right now, in this moment, in this country, and in this world, is the
biggest victim mentality consciousness going. Victimization is selling at
a wholesale level to anyone who is buying. And I can tell you these
rights now STOP buying. Every television commercial is some new
drug, for some new problem or some new disorder. If you hear this
often enough you will start experiencing the symptoms that the
advertisers need you to experience so that you will buy what they’re
selling. If you’re not guarded your going to start having symptoms of
social anxiety disorder, adult attention deficit disorder, dry eyes,
thinning hair, the agony of fungus of the feet. Soon disorders you never
knew you had feed into your mind consciously, then go into your
subconscious mind and can soon consume your life. Until you believe
that you in fact need to be fixed, and until then, I’ll bet you didn’t know
you were broken. Do not subscribe to the new trend of victim mentality.
It seems almost forgotten but everyone is a born winner. You have got
to realize you are a born winner and start saying to yourself over and
over again, I am a winner, I have love, I have life, I have joy, I have
freedom and that will start programming your subconscious mind. And
here is how you start, here is how you really ACT AS IF.
If you were to plant apple seeds you would grow apples, same as if you
planted any other seed, this is also true of the subconscious mind if you
plant a seed of misery, illness, poverty, and loneliness they will grow,
and they will grow in proportion to the amount of time you water and
feed them by entertaining these thoughts. Same is true of positive
thought, seeds of joy, love, peace, prosperity, and all the good things in
life will grow just as well and fast. The subconscious mind does not
know nor care what is planted, it will let it grow. So pay very close
attention to your garden, AS YOU SOW SO SHALL YOU REEP.

An easy one, just change your posture to a winning posture, force it if
you have to. Straighten up and bring your shoulders back and start
feeding your mind positive thoughts. Put good thoughts and the great
expectations that you already have into your mind and guess what,
positive things will start happening to you within an hour or two, maybe
less, and maybe it will happen immediately. Straightening up, say yes, I
am one with life, I am joy, freedom, peace, whatever you want and ACT
AS IF you already have it and you'll start to see doors opening. Here is
a great way to test yourself.


Say unto yourself every chance you get I AM health, I AM Joy, I AM
rich, I AM in a great relationship, whatever you want, state that you are
and so it will be done unto you. At the same time say to yourself I NOW
NEGATE ALL NEGATIVES in my subconscious mind. You must get
rid of negatives, always remember to negate them.

This is a very powerful test, and it will show you what you are all about.
To test yourself, go out and buy something you want, just for yourself,
not for the family, not for the house, not for friends, just for yourself.
See if you do not get a feeling of either guilt or non entitlement or I
shouldn't have done that, yes you should do that and yes you deserve it.
Why would you be undeserving? It all comes down to self entitlement.
And a great way to get over that block is to go out a buy something for
yourself and catch yourself when you start to feel guilty or regret that
you did it. There are no regrets, you did something good for yourself,
and you deserve it. The important point is watch, because in 99% of
anybody who does this there is a residual feeling of guilt or oh I
shouldn't have or why did I buy this for myself, I didn’t really need it.
Oh yes you did. You did need it because it is setting you in motion for a
much better life.

You deserve the best, you deserve things for yourself, and do not
deserve the punishment of self inflicted guilt and suffering because you
did something nice for yourself. Unfortunately, the mind of most people
has drifted into this type of mentality. By catching it and negating it and
saying yes I do deserve it, next time I'm going to get myself something
better you are pulling yourself out of that negative spiral. And into a
positive way of living.


Now do this, ACT AS IF you are in a good mood and keep saying to
yourself, I'm in a good mood and I'm feeling great when you aren’t in a
good mood. Keep doing this when you wake up in a bad mood, when
you wake up frustrated or angry or miserable or mad at the world,
immediately, start acting as if you are in a good mood. Straighten up,
walk around and keep thinking I'm in a great mood; I'm feeling really
good about myself and watch how fast your mood will change. And it
will if you start visualizing the best all possible life you can ever live,
and ever want to live. And keep thinking that you already have it.
Watch. IT will to start to happen to you immediately.

It is that simple. It's not as though you are tricking yourself, what you
are doing is reactivating and reprogramming you subconscious mind.
And when you program your subconscious your mind, good things have
to manifest because the subconscious mind is foolproof. That is how it
works. Your subconscious mind does not care what you program into it
but you will experience positive results if you put in good thoughts, great
ideas, great aspirations and most importantly, great beliefs. Your belief
and your ability to ACT AS IF you already have something will prove
itself a certainty in your life and quite quickly.


So when a bad situation comes up you must immediately mentally
embrace the opposite. There are many ways, so many ways, of taking a
bad situation and turning it around. And so many of you are taking a
bad situation and letting your mind accept it. It's you let, you let, and
you have complete and unlimited control in this area of what you let
your mind accept. And what it accepts will manifest in your life. So if a
bad situation comes up, lets say you smash your car, if you accept oh I'm
a bad driver oh I'm worried about my insurance rates going up, I'm
worried about this, no you must go to the opposite. As soon as
something bad happens say to yourself, okay, these things happen.
Because it happened and you can't change it, you can change the way
you think about it and say okay, it happened, I'll get a better car, I'll get it
fixed, things are going to be wonderful- things are going to be great.

Your mind will receive it, your subconscious mind will program it and
your life will experience it. SO you always must take a bad situation and
turn it around by not letting your mind accept the negative. Look for the
positive. If your house is burnt down, I'm using an extreme example
here. Complaining is not going to bring it back; kicking over garbage
cans in the street is not going to bring it back. But by believing, I'll find
a better house, and nothing is going to stop me because I believe I
already have one. You will have one.


Now how to ACT AS IF in the situation of love. And this is just one
example. You have to start, not by falling in love with any member of
the opposite sex, and wondering why aren't things working out. You
just don’t have to worry about that anymore because I am going to tell
you why things aren’t working out. You must fall in love with yourself
first. When you love yourself first you will feel deserving of the love
you receive from others. And the love you receive from others will
come in the exact proportion to the love you give to yourself. (This is
not narcissism) If you treat yourself well, mentally, emotionally, and
physically you can't be helped but be loved back in the same way. If you
treat yourself poorly how can you expect other’s to treat you well. If
you feel undeserving you will never be able accept love that is given. A
heartfelt acceptance of love is pleasure experienced by both the giver
and the receiver. How ever much you accept and love yourself you will
be loved in return by others. (Giving love back)


A simple example, if you believe and ACT AS IF, you are rich, your are
healthy, you have freedom to do whatever you want, you have joy, you
have power, if you ACT AS IF on this, and believe it and keep telling
yourself that you are, you will become. Now you might be saying to
yourself, well how. How am I ever going to become rich? I have no
opportunities, I have nothing going for me, and I am broke. How, given
the circumstances am I ever going to have money or become rich? I will
tell you how.

If you ACT AS IF you are rich, if you convince yourself watch how the
doors of opportunity begin to open, and they will. So long as you
believe you are, you will be. That is what this is all about. This is the
power of knowing how to ACT AS IF. Despite circumstances, you must
stay focused on the fact that you must ACT AS IF you already have
what you don't. In reality you do already have it. (Need example here)
By focusing on and staying on what I said, every opportunity in the
world will come your way. And one of the good things about it is once
you become rich, and you will, you won't even remember when you ever
struggled. That is the power of the subconscious mind. The positive
will always burry the negative, as long you stay focused on the positive,
the negative seems like oh yea that was ages ago, centuries ago, the
positive will erase the negative. They both cannot exist in the same
space. So you must ACT AS IF and I will keep saying this again,
because it is that important, that you already have good things, and you
will get good things.


A simple technique that never fails, Try this and watch how fast it
works. As you are falling asleep keep saying to yourself every day and
in every way I get better, better, and better, or everyday and in every
way I get richer, richer and richer. This works because the subconscious
mind will take immediate action on this.


Here is another technique that will really help build up your self-esteem.
It's a simple easy thing to do. Giving respect to other people. Like good
morning sir, hello ma'am, may I help you, its great to hear from you, its
always great to see you, you did a great job, its always good to have you
around, its great to see you again, -- things like that where even if in
some cases you don't mean it. But by giving respect to other people,
gives you a lot of personal power. And will bring respect back to you
ten fold. It is a great feeling and people look forward to seeing you
when you give them respect. And people, all people, deserve respect.
No matter what their rotten life is. Find something about them and let

them know you respect something about them. Be it their opinion what
have you, it will teach you self respect.

Now, add to that enthusiasm. Instead of how you are, or what's up-,
that’s how most people blandly communicate. Give people the gift of
letting them know what joy they bring to your life. When you see
somebody say HEY great to see you, you just made my day. Start the
enthusiasm going and it will build on its own momentum just because
you activated it. You're just hitting the button to turn it on. So when
you see anybody, anybody from the past, say “hey I haven't seen you in
years, you look fantastic”, send them the message that “you make me
feel great being around you” you be the one to bring the rare gift of
enthusiasm and joy to life. To their life, to your life and you’ll be a hero
because of it.

Do not get caught up in this crazy media hype going on now about,
victimizations, If you think there’s something wrong with you because
you cannot afford the most expensive cars, designer clothes, exotic
vacations does not make you a victim. Because your life doesn’t look
like the lifestyle of the rich and famous, isn’t as gorgeous as the
magazine spreads who try to convince you that you are totally stressed
out and in need of a makeover does not mean you are a victim. The
lifestyle sold to you through the media is designed to make you feel
inadequate. It is driven by the need of advertisers to sell you a
“solution” to all your “problems”.

Do you have social anxiety disorder? A mental illness that once upon a
timed was called shyness. Well now there’s a pill to cure shyness, and
for every new medication that can find FDA approval a new “disorder”
will be recognized. A little experiment was done a while back. They
took a few people out and they picked a victim and they said are you
feeling okay today? She said yea I'm feeling find. And they asked her
again something different, would you like a glass of water? Are you sure
you're okay? I'll take a glass of water, I'm not completely sure, maybe a
little off today. BY the time the fifth person asked her, if she was

alright, she called an ambulance. That is how you get caught up in
letting the negatives take over your system. The positives are just as
easy and you don’t need 5 outside agitators to do it.
So long as someone else has the power to make you feel inadequate, you
give them the power to convince you that those problems can be solved
by separating you from your hard earned money. Remember, not
having the latest and the greatest or being the skinniest and the prettiest,
the strongest or the buffest does not make you a victim. You are only a
victim if you buy into the idea that you have no control of your own
destiny and that you need to be fixed.
ACT AS IF you are not a victim and you will not become a victim.
Once you start getting caught up in the media’s hype, again I'm going to
address the subconscious mind here, , you put the idea of being a victim
into your mind, your subconscious mind takes it in and it manifests in
your life and soon you will become a victim. You don’t want that, I
don’t want that. I don't want that for you. You cannot allow this media
hype, victimization mentality to enter in your subconscious mind. Here
are some easy solutions, change the channel, laugh it off the media
desperation to snag you, is another one, find or create your own culture
among friends who don’t buy into the culture of the media’s greedy self
serving messages. The important thing is to say to yourself I am not a
victim I am a winner and I always will be a winner. So it is my life and
it will be in your life.

They got ads coming out daily with more mental illnesses, why, simply
to sell medication for it and it will draw you in. What is good about this,
it can be done in the privacy in your own home and done all by yourself.
Just by knowing how to ACT AS IF. And there are more examples
coming right now on how to ACT AS IF to improve your life.


See I think we are living in very crazy times these days. Where all of us
are supposed to be on medication for something. Are we all supposed
to be sedated or calm? Are you calm? Are you feeling relaxed? Well
I’m not and I don’t want to be. I have my own opinion about sedation

and relaxation. I don’t want to be on medication. I want to feel wildly
enthusiastic with the joy and experience all that life has to offer.
And If I were to take medication in order to never feel the downside of
life I would also eliminate the means and perhaps the ability to feel pure
pleasure and the kind of joy that can only be appreciated when one can
feel the gamut of human emotions, whatever they are and know that I am
indeed alive.
Joy and the enthusiasm and the freedom to be who you want in life, does
not come in pills- that comes from you. And only from you. And
everybody, everybody, has the same amount of power to make it their
life happen. No body has more, nobody has less everybody has their
own. We are all born with the same amount of power and ability to
know how to ACT AS IF and make it happen in our life. True, you can't
ACT AS IF you're taller or shorter, and there are a lot of givens, but
what I’m talking about transcends the givens, because no matter what,
life is enjoyable. Life is great. Life is wonderful. Keep saying that to
yourself. You'll believe it, it will become true, and it will become your
life. and avoid all this negative reinforcement.


If you only spend just a few minutes a day, acting as if your life is going
to change for the better, and believing it to be so, it will become so.
Immediately, that’s how fast acting as if works. What makes ACTING
AS IF and knowing how to ACT AS IF, different than any other book on
the market is simple. How to ACT AS IF, gives you ways to actually
ACT AS IF and see your life change. Not just reading about it. Not just
understanding it, but by doing it. And that is a big difference. You got
to do these things and when you see results you will do more, and more
and more and more. Because the rewards keep getting better and better
and better.


Now I'm going to tell you where most of your problems comes from. I
have some clients who are billionaires, billionaires, and they are
miserable. Well, I should say they were miserable. I helped them
change that. Because I knew where their problems were coming from.
Now you might be wondering how could a guy or a woman who has
billions of dollars be unhappy. No mysteries, I will give you the answers
right now. They felt they were not entitled to what they had, and
therefore felt guilty and had to impose punishment upon themselves.
And this is the big core of why so many problems are manifesting in so
many people. It is that belief of non entitlement and that all that one has
gained is underserved. I don't need to do a 3 hour lecture here to say, yes
you do deserve it. No matter what you did in the past, cannot be
changed. But the way you think right now, you can change, right now.
When you start to say I am entitled to a great life, I am entitled to a great
romantic life, it will happen. I am entitled to a great financial life and
entitled to enjoy it then you will enjoy it. I am entitled to great health,
you will have it. You got to say these things over and over again with
the belief that you already have them. And especially that you are
entitled to have them.


Lets to take a look at concrete for a second. Have you ever noticed a
little plant, a little blade of grass in the midst of concrete, a little crack,
in the concrete there is a little plant growing out. That is like seeking the
energy of life. And because it is a plant, it does not have a feeling of non
entitlement. It will try to grow, it will try to blossom, despite all odds, It
will grow. You are so much more than that and you are capable of so
much more than that if you could only say to yourself, and you can, I am
entitled to…. and whatever you add to that, you will have.


All diseases start first in the mind, into the subconscious mind and into
the body, change the way you think. And you'll life will change. Here
are some ways to use how to ACT AS IF to immediately you change the
way you think and the results comes instantly. Start by changing small

patterns in your life. By doing this you begin to change your life. I'm
talking about simple easy things here. Such as dressing differently, or
driving home a new way. Doing things in a way you haven’t done
before. This is an exercise to show you how flexible your mind really is
despite what you may believe, this will show you different.

SO change patterns in your life. If you put on your pants first, start by
putting on your shirt first. Any pattern, change it, it just shows you, and
shows your subconscious mind there's a new way to program your mind
and change and you can start it now. Start by changing the small
patterns in your life. Becoming enthusiastic about little changes and
soon you’ll make more and more changes and you’ll see your
enthusiasm grow.
. And that grows, and then big things comes, and the enthusiasm grows,
and then bigger things come, and there's no limit to where it is so you
can go on forever, but it gets bigger and better in all areas. The four
main areas that people suffer from are lack of love, lack of money, lack
of health, and lack of personal expression. Well those are ending right
now. By knowing, just by knowing, that the universe is unlimited and it
is science has proven that, that means you are unlimited.


There's not the universe and there's you. There is the universe and you're
included in it. If the universe be unlimited then you must be unlimited.
Which means as the universe is always creating you can create your own
life. Start by walking and carrying yourself like a winner. Believing
yourself to be a winner. Despite whatever situation you’re in right now,
doesn't make a difference. And you will become a winner. It's not that
I'm personally guaranteeing it, it is the laws of the universe that
guarantee this. It is the way the subconscious mind works that
guarantees it. It is the way life itself works that guarantees it. You
cannot have a positive life when you think yourself negative thoughts.
On the opposite you cannot have a negative life when you keep feeding
yourself with positive thoughts and ideas. So do this. When something
good happens to you immediately say to yourself I deserve this and I
deserve more. Say it, believe it and guess what you will get more and it
will come fast.
Now mixing acting as if with enthusiasm you own the world. There are
a lot of negative people out there. Do not let them program you, your
mind. Don't pay attention to what the have to say, everybody likes to
pull someone else down. You just haven’t learned yet. Don’t buy into
the victim negative mentality. They actually have groups where people
can go and be negative and reinforce each others negativity and they
become sicker and sicker but this is the path they chosen for themselves.
They found comfort there why, because they are ignorant that life is to
be enjoyed and enjoying the enthusiasm and you are entitled to it.


It's that simple. If you see somebody suffering, whether it be health,
wealth, a lack of being able to express themselves or bad relationships,
don't look at them and say Oh, poor them. Look at them as though they
are healthy, wealthy full of love, full of joy, full of power and freedom.
Look at them and treat them like that and they will start to change. That
is how you can help other people while helping yourself, great little how
to ACT AS IF right there, but it does work and does have the power.
And again it is foolproof, the system was setup by the subconscious
mind and the way the human being is created and the system never fails.


Okay, here's the test you got to take. Get a pad and a pen, I don't care
you can afford it, you can afford more than that, but right now just get a
pad and a pen and take it with you and write down how many times a
day you think you complain to yourself or complain to others, you may
be astounded and astonished by how big that list is going to be. SO day
one, if you have 200 complaints in that list, you at least know that what
you are doing with every complaint is pushing yourself down further and
further. Okay, you made the list that you want, that’s fine. What you
are going to start doing is taking that list and stop complaining so much.
Complaining believe me, does not make you money does not get you
good relationships, does not get you anything, no body that I ever met
succeeded in anything, go there by complaining. So you take your list of

complaints, and the next day, you cut them down. You catch them and
you stop them, by the end of the week, you should have blank paper and
no need to take to book along with you. Complaints are a path to the
road to ruin.


I'll tell you a story here, how a joke yet a complaint, started me on this
new way of thinking. I was a teenager and there was a girl I liked, yea
that’s normal nothing wrong with that. And she lived in Manhattan in a
high floor building, I had no problem with elevators whatsoever, but I
thought it would be kind of cute to tell her I am afraid of elevators could
you meet me downstairs. I thought it would be endearing, it was. She
met me downstairs. Well, you know what happened within a few weeks,
I was afraid of elevators, and then I realized. That’s when it hit me. I
acted as if and became done onto me, as I stated it. And that was done
merely as a joke, or as a gimmick. Think of much is done to yourself,
when it is done seriously. An 100 times more the negative effect or a
100 times more the positive effect depending whether your putting in
negatives or positives in the way your acting the way you are believing.
It is in everything you do. And it all starts with words. The words you
say to yourself, because we think in words, we express in words.


When you go, that’s good, that’s nice, that’s okay, that’s fine, that’s all it
will be. If you change the way you speak and say that’s great, that’s
fantastic, I can't wait to see what happens next, I'm really glad you did
that for me. Things get better right there and then. Also the way you
think to yourself, watch and guard yourself. Just like the list of
complaints on how many times a day you say, Oh I don’t know how I'm
going to pay my bills, when will he or she cal me back. You are
programming yourself for either the positive or the negative. You've got
to change the words in which you speak to others and speak to yourself.
And keep them positive and throw enthusiasm every time and it will
happen to you. And ill keep repeating this; it is a system that is built in
every one of us, that cannot be cannot be circumvented. And it works all
the time.

Just keep saying to yourself. I deserve great things in life and they will
happen. And I'll say again, you might not know how they happen but
the doors will open. An old saying, knock and a door will be open and it
will be open for whoever knocks that door opens. When I'm talking
about the door, I'm talking about the door in your subconscious mind
which is connected to the universe which is connected to the dynamic
unlimited power that can flow through you. SO if you get enthusiastic,
even about the smallest things in life, and don't get upset about the small
things in life, where are you going to go? You're going straight up to joy,
to freedom, to anything you want, doesn't matter what area, and doesn't
even matter if it's good or bad. It will happen to you, in direct proportion
to what you believe you deserve.

So you got to watch out for all the negative programming out there and
it's on every channel right now. They are doing all sorts of makeovers
on people and you know something. Those people aren’t happy if they
are made over because they are still them. You can't put paint over an
old house and think it’s a new house, it starts from within. It starts from
acting as if. It starts from knowing who you are and believing and
knowing where you'll be. And it will happen to you, every time. There
is no way around it; it is a foolproof system that works for absolutely

We are all living the life we choose. Whether you like it or not.
Whether you believe it or not. It is true. Every single thing that happens
to you, the good and the bad is dictated by your own subconscious
thoughts and desires and belief in what you are entitled to. Knowing
how to ACT AS IF, you can eliminate all unhappiness from your life.
You can live free from self imposed guilt and the punishments that come
along with that, that manifest themselves in poverty, in struggling, in bad
relationships, in illness and inability to express yourself. All these are
needless burdens that you have done onto yourself. It is time for you to

now make a change to every aspect of your life. Using and knowing
how to ACT AS IF, is all you need for the set of ideas gives you absolute
control over all aspects of your existence. If can and does and will alter
any situation you be trapped in. And it will reward you equally with the
lifestyle you want, the lifestyle you always dreamed of, if you simply
know how to ACT AS IF. Knowing how to ACT AS IF, and acting as if
and believing you already have it and everything you have ever desired
and saying to yourself over and over again, I already have that. Done
see the problem, just visualize and ACT AS IF you have the solution.
And you will conquer any problem. And you will be able to recreate
yourself the lifestyle that up until now you may have thought was
impossible but very quickly you will see it is very possible and it will
come falling right on your lap. As I said, those doors will open.


Most people do live unhappy, miserable lives because of one reason;
they have chosen too, subconsciously, they have programmed their mind
to live miserably. They are squandering their own amazing abilities and
turning away from the simple truth that will set them free instead they
are punishing themselves for no good reason. I don't care what your lot
in life is, what you did, there is no reason to self punishment. If you're
tired of living that way I am showing you how to use all your great gifts
so your life will be exactly the one you always known you deserved.
One filled with wealth, health, love and personal power. Because the
things you say and do, the things you think control every aspect of your
life. You are in control. Just ACT AS IF it is already happened to you
and it will happen to you. The system fails no one. And there are many,
many, techniques to knowing exactly how to ACT AS IF and how to
apply it so everyday you are getting closer and it is a very short process
and a very effective process.

As I said the power of words use greater, more positive more dynamic
words, the belief that you already have something and you will have it.
The belief and a very important one that you deserve to have all the good
things in life, no more self punishment, and anytime you see it coming,
catch yourself and stop it. Say no, this is not for me anymore, I will not
accept this, and I will only accept good things in my life. And don't say

Oh, well if I get something good will something bad happen to me, no.
Accept the good things reject the bad things. There are no limits here to
how far you can go. There are absolutely no limits. The only ones you
have are the ones that are imposed upon yourself. When you feel
nonentitled, non-deserving, when you are carrying the past a very simple
metaphor to get rid of a lot of past negativity.


I was with a client and she handed me a vase for some unknown reason
and it dropped, I don’t know if I dropped it or she dropped it, it wasn't a
dynasty vase, it was a supermarket 8 dollar vase, no big deal, and it
broke. Well she was really upset about this. I said well why are you
upset, she said well I'm clumsy; I said no you're programming yourself
in the wrong direction. Now to illustrate the metaphor, the vase once
broken is gone, she's still carrying it that is how the accumulation of
your life of negative thoughts starts building upon each other. Negative
energy creates negative energy. Positive energy creates positive energy.
Find the good in anything. If you hurt your right arm think of how good
your left arm feels. And you know what happens your right arm starts to
feel good. It is very simple. Don't think about the pain, think about how
you're going to feel when the pain is gone, and your subconscious mind
will start working the programming and things recover real fast. I have
seen people cured, I have seen so much by just people knowing how to
ACT AS IF. And applying it and the result work all the time. That is
the beauty of this system. It cannot fail anybody. The only obstacle is
your belief and that you don't deserve it. And I will tell you right now
you deserve a great life. Everyone does, everyone does. All wars, all
horrors, all illness, all poverty, all sadness, all stems from one thing. A
belief that you don't deserve a good life. And you do.


Here are some powerful words to remember. That are life is shaped by
only one thing, our mind. We become what we think. Suffering follows
an evil thought just as the wheels of a car follow the mule that draws it.

Our life is shaped solely and only by our mind. We become what we
think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves. We
choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them in life.
And all things start and end with decision, how to ACT AS IF is how to
make the right decisions.


For example, take the chronic advice seeker. That is a sorry soul.
Because the chronic advice seeker has the inability to accept the
responsibility of running their own life. Which is a major catastrophe. It
a pattern that can be broken so it is not hopeless. I have known many
people who have done this, some easy, some not so easily. But
understand freedom of mind is your birth right. It is your potential, if
you an indecisive person, it can always be activated.

You were born to be you. Your consciousness is fully equipped to

express you. But you must realize that you can be you, otherwise, you
are a mixture of everybody else's decision that was ever in your life.
You are a second place person, getting from life a small portion of good
and learning the consequences and living the consequences of others.


I have a friend; he is a very good psychiatrist. When I spoke to him, he
told me you know if people keep hearing things over and over and over
again, they are going to believe them. They are going to start living that
way. And he wasn't talking about his patients, he was talking about his
peers, he was talking about absolutely everyone who is susceptible to
hearing negative things over and over and over again and they believe it.

Now this is a point of view of one man which is shared by many of his
perfection, a psychiatrist that has heard negative things over and over
again, you will believe them and start living them. SO if that be true and
it is, the same must be true of hearing good things over and over and
over and over again. And you begin to live a good life. Understanding
how fragile the mind is until you are really centered in saying no I will
not accept that thought, or yes I will accept that thought because it is
beneficial to me, you can be destroyed by the opinions of other people.
That is something you must be on guard for 24/7. No vacations. SO
here and now I am going to tell you how to ACT AS IF in detail so that
you always stay on the positive on the powerful and on the strong path
of life. And never suffer again.


Here is how we are going to start. We will start by giving gifts to other
people. We are going to give gifts to everybody we meet. And here's a
bonus, these gifts don't cost anything. Yup, these gifts are free but the
valuable to yourself and other people are unlimited and here what the
gifts are a smile and a compliment. It costs nothing. When you give
someone a compliment, no matter what it might be and a smile, your
building their self esteem and confidence at the same time building
yours. Win, win situation all the way. Try it, do it and you will see how
fast you benefit just from giving compliments and smiles. Small
compliments like hey, great to see you, where did you get that shirt it
looks fantastic I want one like that, and smile. Hey had a great time with
you the other time. Everything, any compliment you can find anything
good to say about someone, and if you look for the good you will find
the good. Compliment people it will make your life better and it will
also make their life better. Now, give compliments to yourself all the
time. All the time.


Always say to yourself, I look great today. Even if you don't think you
do, say it anyway. I feel great today, even if you don't feel that great,
you'll start to feel good. I am going to make money today, even if you
don't have a lot of money right now keep saying it, it will happen. I am
going to have a great relationship I am going to find the person that is
my soul mate and make me happy. Say it to yourself, believe it and act
as thought it has already happened. And it does happen, every time. It

is again, foolproof, just remember to start feeling good about yourself,
you've got to compliment yourself. Yea I did a good job, yea women
love me, or yea men love me depending on your gender. I can succeed
in this, I will succeed in this, even better, I am succeeding in this, it
already happened, and it begins to happen immediately.


Here is something else to do, throw yourself a party. And then have no
feelings of regret. Treat yourself like the king or queen that you are. As
you treat you will see that you are worthy. And when you feel you are
worthy the world opens up to you. And actually is drawn into you to
give you everything you have ever happened. And you have heard a lot
of negativity you have in the back in your mind, you got to treat yourself
like the king or queen that you are and the results, as I always say, are

So now we are talking about all this compliments and praise and stuff
like that. I'll tell you something to avoid doing, and catch yourself doing
it and see if you ever benefited at all from doing this. Criticizing other
people. I'll tell you what criticizing does, all it does is get you frustrated
and gets the other person bringing up there defenses, trying to justify
their existence and create resentment towards you. That is not the spot
you want to be in. That is the spot you want to lose. Forget criticizism,
it doesn’t work. It doesn't ever work. You can't change anybody else.
You could direct by example but don't expect other people to change.
You want other people to change, well guess what there is a secret
method on how to do it. Change yourself, and other people will react to
you in the light you want them to. Now if you are looking for
medication to change yourself, there is only one medication I
recommend and that is laughter and joy.


The old saying and everybody who knows me knows I love old sayings,
laughter is the best medicine. And it really is, it fills your body with all
sorts of chemicals. You can heal yourself with laughter. So don’t
overlook that, I am being serious here. Laughter is the best medicine.
Laughter alone is a great medicine. If you laugh and feel guilty that you
laughed you are sort of breaking even. You have to laugh with the
freedom and joy that flows with it. Laughter was developed for a
reason. The reason is because is has so many medicinal effects,
mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually and no side effects.

You got to learn to laugh. Even if you start to fake laugh, watch, really
laughter will come and already you are on the right track with using the
ACT AS IF method and getting the life you want because when you
laugh you bring out the child within. You ever notice a little kid
playing, they are so happy they laugh their whole body laughs, their
whole body is exploding with joy. The adult grows out of it; you just
have to talk to yourself out of it. You feel like I can't go this far in joy,
there is no limit to how far you can go in joy and laughing.


Don't limit yourself to how much joy and laughter you can have. If you
see yourself stopping yourself from enjoying yourself as much as you
can because you think if you well if I have a good time then I guess I got
to get a bad time back that is just wrong believing. If you are having a
really good time, you will attract more good times. That is how it works.
And do you deserve it? Yes you do deserve it. Yes you are worthy of
everything you ever desired. You don’t have to explain your reasons to
anyone. You don’t have to make excuses, you don’t have to justify
yourself in any way manner or from because you do deserve it. But joy
will never start down the road that you want until you allow all your
wants, your dreams, your desires, everything you have ever dreamed of
to come to you. Because when you are in joy with your life you cannot,
you just simply cannot feel insecure, ashamed unworthy, unsafe, guilty
or inferior in any manner. Because you don’t have that energy there
anymore. And you will not be attracting negative energy like lack or
disappointment, as long as you stay on the path of joy all good things
will come to you.

Having dreams, desires, and wants is not a sin. Never again think you
have to justify your wants. You don't. You cannot be justifying
defending or rationalizing which is all negative energy. You need to
make no excuses to anything, anybody, any higher or lower authority to
have great desires and great dreams. To do so is to turn your back on
your own higher energy. Thus, deny your very existence of your divine
right to live as you want. This is contrary to common teachings.
Gaining happiness is your birthright. Believe it because it is so.


SO let yourself go and dream. And ACT AS IF and you are already
creating your life every moment, of every day by how you think and
how you act so why not create a world you'd like to be in. Why not
create the person you want to be. And the best way to implement all
those wants, you want, is to pretend. I'm going to say pretend; I mean to
ACT AS IF. Remember all that’s required for you to have whatever you
want whatever you dreamt of, no explanation no excuses, no
apologizing, you don't need to reason at all. All you need to do is want.
And pretend and ACT AS IF you already have it and you will have it.

I will give you a good example right here. Let's say you're going to
make a phone call. You are going to ask for a date, you are going to ask
for a date a job, you are going to ask for a date a loan, you are going to
ask for so many things you can ask for today. But I think you get the
point now. If you call up with the assumption I hope I get the job, odds
are good you might not get it. If you call with the idea I wish I could get
the job it might be a little better, but if you call up believing you already
have the job, the date, or whatever you are calling about, watch how the
reaction changes, you will get so much more by assuming you already
have what you want and you will have what you want. Here are some
things that you can do to create this powerful, positive energy so that all
good things come into your life.

One, shower everyday. Make yourself look great. Treat yourself great,
means other people will treat you great, and means the universe will treat
you great. Why? Because you are showing respect for yourself. When
you respect yourself, you are using the ACT AS IF method. You are
creating and aura and power of self respect by treating yourself well.
You deserve to look good, you deserve to be proud and you never have
to explain yourself to anyone. It is your birthright.

A lot of people come to me saying I want to quite smoking. I want to

stop abusing drugs, alcohol, etc. Is there a way to do this using ACT AS
IF method? Yes there is, and does it work? All the time. And I will
explain exactly how to do this. Lets just use smoking as barometer for
all substance abuse. A lot of people tell you just throw the cigarettes
away and use will power. That doesn't work. Everyone tried that, it
doesn’t work. As you smoke, don't quit, just start saying to yourself I
am not a smoker, I use to be a smoker I'm glad I gave it up and you
know what happens in a couple of weeks, you stop smoking and you
don' t even know how it happened. Same with alcohol same with drug

Just keep saying, I used to do this I don’t do it anymore as you are doing
it. Keep saying, I used to do this because you are creating a new
program and your subconscious mind will act on it and all those bad
habits that you may not like will go away. Because you got to remember
there is something in your mind somehow, somewhere that you felt you
needed some self punishment so you take up some bad habits to
continuously do to yourself, the same mind that brought it to you will
simply bring it away but just acting as if you don’t have it anymore and
tricking yourself out of those addictions.


It's a very simple formula but it always works. A lot of people come to
me with phobias. Some serious heavy phobias. I've dealt with
agoraphobics that can't go out of their rooms. I've dealt with people who
are afraid of trains, planes, cars, driving and even had to do a lot of work
on myself because people are loaded with phobias and I'm going to tell

you right now how to overcome your phobias. You can't fight them
because they are in there already, they are going to win but you can get
rid of them. By just saying to yourself and acting even if its just minutes
a day like you don’t have a phobia. Or say to yourself I'm coming out of
my phobia and acting as if a couple times a day like you don’t have it.
Because the positive energy will knock out the negative. You have to
visualize yourself of being free of your phobias. Instead of thinking to
yourself oh I'm afraid of this, think I love this, if you’re an agoraphobic
say I love being outside I love being with people until your mind
believes it. It may take a little time but it will break out and you'll be
free. And this applies to any phobia you may have. Go like I said
earlier to the opposite and just keep staying in the opposite despite what
the current circumstances are and you will be free.


Remember a loser is just a winner that just doesn't know it yet. Using
the ACT AS IF method, the word loser will be gone from your
vocabulary. Remember we are going to use strong words here to make
ourselves better. Like winner, champion, I can, I will, I am, I have if
you use words like I am a loser, I am a failure, you'll get that too. ACT
AS IF does not care, the universe does not care, and your subconscious
mind does not care whether you want a good life or a bad life. And
simply define heaven and hell. Heaven is having what you want. Hell is
not having what you want. By using the ACT AS IF method you will
always have what you want money, lunch, dinner and there is no
suspicious strings attached take it, take the compliments. Give yourself
compliments. Do this all day and watch how fast things turn around to
your benefit.

Now let's talk about relationships why some people get them why some
people don't. One of my clients said to me, she said I can't get a date.
Now right there, when she said I can't, she was right. Because if you say
I can or I can’t either way you will be right. So I simply told her instead
of saying I can't get a date say I can get a date, I have a date I just

haven’t found it yet. In a very short time she had a date. It's how it
works. If you say you can your right, if you say you can't your wrong.

Now let's look at the divorce rate going on in America, the fights, the
domestic abuse, why is all this happening? One, sometimes we punish
ourselves by virtue of other people in our life. Because you find people
in bad relationships and I always find this to be true, they always have
the same repetitive bad relationship. The names change, the way the
people act towards them doesn't change. SO you have to change
yourself by not allowing yourself to be a victim. And that was explained
earlier, just do not have a victim mentality and people will not victimize
you. Unfortunately, it is human nature to go after weakness, but if you
are filled with joy, great expectations, if your life is great, people will
not victimize you.

You have to change yourself. You cannot change other people. Change
yourself and your next relationship will be a good one. And here's how
to keep it. This is how most relationships are destroyed. First think
about this, if you tie two birds together even though they have four
wings, they cannot fly. Now I tried this experiment myself, and it really
looked silly in the backyard watching two birds trying to get off the
ground. Okay I was just kidding there, but the statement is true. You
cannot tie two birds together and see them fly.

But what is they big destroyer of relationships, why do they fall apart?
Because people start getting into pettiness. Instead of seeing the person
as great as they were when they met them you start looking for petty
defects. It’s a trap and it leads to destruction on relationships. Now I can
go on and on about this. But catch yourself looking for pettiness,
nonsense, the little fights you had about nothing add up to divorce court,
lawyers, losing houses, losing self esteem. Very simple, don’t be petty.
And this is universally applicable. Don’t be petty about anything.


And to add more power in great relationships, with everything, no
jealousy. WHY? Because jealousy is a belief in lack. If you become
jealous you believe that there is only a limited supply of whatever it is
you want and you are limiting yourself. Jealousy of all things is the
greatest curse and destroyer of all things. Don't allow yourself to
become jealous because again we are talking about the subconscious
mind, you only have to do 10% of the work, 10% of the acting as if on
the good things. Your subconscious mind will take care of 90% of it.
Say this to yourself; I believe this to be true. I let it go into my
subconscious mind and my sub conscious mind will do the work for me.
And it will, all the time.


And here is the biggest piece of the puzzle. Here is where you find your
limitations and where you could unlimit yourself to everything. How
you define God is how you define yourself. Your definition of God is
your definition of yourself. See God as a good benevolent provider who
cares for all of his children. God does not specialize in anyone. Not in
the prophets not in the bible, nowhere. Some of those people specialized
in God, but God gives all good things to you because you already have
them all you need to do is claim them. Do not define God as a harsh
cruel ruler or you will be defined as your own definition of God. And
God is good and how you define God is how you define yourself. Watch
how your views change the more you get to enjoy life the more your
dreams come true. It is that simple, it is a matter of knowing how to


Here are some things to remember and put to work in your mind and in
your life. Know there is really no such thing as security on earth. There
is no security. But there is opportunity and opportunity wins. Too many
people are thinking and living and worrying about security instead of
pursuing opportunity, this makes them more afraid of life than death. If
you think like that change it now. Remember you are what you believe.
Because the power in your mind what you believe to be true, either is
true or it will become true. Remember a strong positive mental attitude
will create more miracles then any wonder drug. Try it, it works, no side

effects, no prescription needed. Just by changing it in attitude in your
mind you can change all other aspects in your life. For good or bad,
remember it's impersonal but I would recommend going in the good
direction. Because I will say it again you deserve it.


The greatest discovery I made in my life, the greatest one, is that by
altering the way you think you will change your life forever. Nobody,
no one, is a prisoner of faith, but we are all prisoners of our own minds.
Here's the chance to turn the key and walk away free. Destiny is not a
matter of chance; it's a matter of choice. It is not a thing you sit around
and wait for it is something you immediately go out no time wasted, and
go out and achieve that. Abolish anger in anything you do it makes you
smaller. While forgiveness on the other hand, forces you to grow
beyond anything you ever were. Holding on to anger, resentment, and
hurt, only gives you tense muscles, a really bad headache, a sore jaw,
from clenching your teeth, while forgiveness gives you back the laughter
and the lightness in your life. SO remember, to ACT AS IF, to know
how to ACT AS IF you will get everything you ever wanted. Because
whether you know it or not you're acting as if every moment of every
day, every second of every day, what you are putting into your mind
goes into the subconscious mind and manifests right at this very moment
as your life experience. Change the way you program your mind, and
your life experience has to change. And so it will.


The source of all power in the universe is God. Whether you think of
God as an actual person, as the cosmic infinite, as the never-ending
creative intelligence, as that which has no beginning and no end, et
cetera, no matter how you perceive God, He is the absolute be all and
end all of all things. God is the absolute intelligence, always creating
that knows all that was all that is and all that will be. God is power
unequalled. God is all natural law and all determining principles. God is
the living truth. God is everything.

And we, being free souls under God, with free will given to us by Him,
created in the unlimited image of his power, should possess all the power
He does. And yet, we have ignored these abilities, we have cast them
aside and have abused this highest of power we all possess and yet
refuse to see. So great is this power and our freedom within it, so
absolute is this law of the universe, that we could be like gods ourselves
if we but lifted from our eyes that which blinds us. It is the misuse of this
power that has brought upon us all the conditions from which we suffer.
How can this be, you ask?
We are bound to lives of suffering and poverty, of fear and depression
because we are free to do so. It is not God's curse that afflicts us thusly;
it is the power which He has granted us that has brought to us this
We chose to suffer.
Understand this and you will understand all. I repeat it is our misuse of
the free will granted us by God; it is our own misunderstanding of the
power we all possess that brings us ruin and devastation. And, it is only
the proper understanding and us of this power that can free us. The
power which binds is the same power which frees.


These are the words of Jesus Christ, but they are also the words of
dozens of great spiritual teachers who, over the centuries, have pointed
the way to freedom for mankind. Let me simplify what this means.

IT IS DONE TO YOU … What is the "it" here? Of course, this word

represents everything that happens to you. If good things happen, if bad
things happen, if nothing much happens, if your lot is eternal suffering,
great riches, never-ending sex or success or torment, whatever, this is
"it." "It" is your lot in life, because you believed it so, your subconscious
mind accepted it and you are now experiencing it.

AS YOU BELIEVE … What does this mean? Am I saying that if you

suffer, it is your fault? Yes, I am. If you have unending success, never-
ending failure, or anything in between, it is your doing yes it is 100
percent of the time. What you believe is what will come to pass. Many

teachers, doctors, psychiatrists, et cetera, have all agreed on one point
over the centuries, the fact that we all create our own realities.
What? Am I telling you that our suffering is our own fault? Isn't our
suffering imposed upon us by God? No. Absolutely not. God gave us
free will. God's greatest gift He gave us the power to make any decision
we wish, to be anything we want. If we fail or rise, it is our own doing.
It is because we are ignorant of our true nature, our true potential, our
absolute power that we suffer, and only because of this fact that we
suffer to any degree whatsoever. The power to master the universe is
always present. It is always within our grasp. It comes to us from
everywhere and everything, and yet we do not see it. We have been
taught to be weak by those who are weak. We have been taught to not
understand our true potential by those who did not understand their own.
But, if this is the case, then how can we now reach out and claim this
power which is our birthright? We must learn to see ourselves as the
center of our universe, but it is essential that we understand that our
universe is interconnected to every other person and thing. As always, I
shall explain.


We all recognize the above quote. We have all heard it a million times.
And yet, how many of us understand what it really means. Judge others
and ye will be judged by the standard by which you impose upon others.
This is common sense. And yet, many miss its actual meaning.
These words are a perfect illustration of the law of cause and effect, the
Essence and balance of the Universal Law that governs all the world's
religions. What ever you sow you will reap--no exceptions no
What this means is that our life experience will return to us in the exact
manifestation of our own desire, thoughts, and motives, whether they
were intended for ourselves or others. The thought of criticism and
condemnation will and must fall upon those who set it in motion.
What all this means is that we can not maintain two separate sets of rules
in our lives--one for other people, and one for ourselves. In other words,

if you think someone who litters is a slob, then so are you a slob if you
litter. If it is wrong in your eyes for someone to rape, or cheat the
government, or flies kites on Mondays, then it is wrong for you to rape,
cheat the government, or fly kites on Mondays.
It is critical for our own well being that civil and criminal laws are
enforced, because in the present state of our world there would be no
protection from those who seek to destroy the common good. But,
personal judgments must be eliminated. The laws we set in society must
apply to everyone. Celebrities and politicians, police officers and sports
figures, everyone must be held as accountable as the man in the street.
Everyone agrees with this. But, many of us do not seem to realize that in
our daily affairs we often employ two sets of standards--one for
ourselves and one for everyone else. Guess which one is usually the
more understanding of the two? It has to be understood that we must
praise others and not condemn or criticize when they are only doing
things for which we would expect praise.


If we want to be able to use our unlimited power, then we must learn to
be concerned with our own lives solely. Judging others, when God has
specifically stated that only he can judge others, is not only a waste of
our time, but counterproductive.


Worry is a terrible burden in all of our lives. Worry is completely and

utterly self-destructive. And yet, it is something we all do--usually to a
far greater extent than we can handle. But why?
Why do we worry so?
It is because we have been taught to worry. From birth, we have been
taught by our parents, our societies and the ever-present media to always
be on guard and alternately to always worry. To worry about absolutely
We worry about how we dress and our relationships. We worry over our
finances, our automobiles and the weather. We worry about who will
like us and who won’t and why and why not?
As children we were brainwashed into following a series of misleading,
crippling beliefs--watch out, you’ll fall. Don’t act like that, what will
people think? What if you fail, what will people say? Be careful, don’t
act like that, there is danger out there. Stand up straight, don't talk back,
be good, watch out for others, and keep your eyes open, study hard, do
you want to end up homeless?
And on and on and on. But, even though we laugh at many of these
clichés when we grow up, what is the result of all this indoctrination on
our subconscious? What happens to us is that a great stone in wedged
within our subconscious minds, one capable of blocking our ability to
live as free souls under God.
What has happened in the world because of this is that far too many
people have become petty worriers and critics of others. Since they were
trained from childhood to look for and to only look for what is wrong
with everything and everyone that is all they can find--what is wrong
with everything and everyone? But, they are themselves are a part of
everyone. Thus, as they find fault with those around them,
subconsciously they find fault with themselves as well. Does anyone
make money by complaining, does anyone ever attain a dream, a love, or
what ever by complaining and worrying. No all you do by complaining
is push your desire further away. No one can complain themselves into
anything good.


Science has proven to us that, on the subatomic level, all things are made
of energy. Everything--trees, rocks, water, mountains, et cetera,
everything in the universe, from the stars and planets down to our very

selves is composed of raw energy. But, unlike everything else, unlike
inanimate objects and the animals, unlike the comets and stars and other
celestial bodies that make up the heavens above, we have an edge over
the rest of the universe.
We can control our energy.
Science has proven that energy and matter are one and the same.
Physics has proven that energy cannot be destroyed it. It can be
manipulated, it can be changed, but it can not be destroyed. Coal can be
burned to heat homes, to melt iron ore, to move locomotives. Wood can
be fashioned into homes. Vegetables and meat can be turned into the
energy that moves our muscles, or even into other human beings. No
matter is ever destroyed. No energy is ever lost.
It is only transformed.
As the laws of physics have also proven, there are two kinds of energy in
this universe--positive and negative. The main energy, the most
detectible of human energies is that generated by EMOTIONS.
Emotions are powerful attractors of both light and dark. Now, is this
important? Absolutely. It is beyond important, it is vital--the root and
cause of all your problems and all your blessings.
Everything that has come into your life, every minute of every day, has
come to you because of the energy based solely on your beliefs. And, it
will continue to come into your life, again no exemptions no exceptions,
in exactly the same way. When we emit emotions, they attract the
emotions of others. If we send out emotionally weak signals, we attract
predators. Worry sent out into the ether only brings back those who live
on worry.
As mathematician Tom Lehrer once said, "Life is like a sewer, what you
get out of it depends on what you put into it." He was making a joke, of
course, but only to make his point all the stronger. And that point is,
obviously, if you aren't getting out of your life what you want, if you
aren't attracting the kinds of people and good will and good fortune that
you want to attract, then maybe it's time you change your thought
process and your attitudes.


Have you ever noticed yourself becoming stuck in the same place day
after day, week after week year after …? Let's pick one aspect of life that
can often become filled with negativity for people.
Have you always struggled with your bills? Has the paying of them
become not just hard to accomplish, but something that you actually
resent? Does the thought of paying bills make you angry, frustrated,
enraged, even?
What you have to understand here is that you are not actually mad at the
bills themselves. How can you be? They are merely inanimate pieces of
paper. They are harmless, lifeless, and powerless. What you are upset
about is not the bills, but the fact that you have to pay them. What you
are actually upset with is the fact that you have incurred these bills in the
first place. But, since you don't want to be angry at yourself, you instead
direct your wrath at the bills themselves. However, this is only
frustrating because deep down inside, your subconscious mind knows
that your energy is being wasted. You can hate and loath your bills for
the next million years and your situation is not going to change. You will
still always have to pay your bills.
What you need to do is redirect your thinking. If dealing with these
problems does not make you feel good the way you are doing it, then
you must be doing something wrong. If you hate any portion of your life,
and are feeling horrible emotions of dread when dealing with any types
of problems then there must be something wrong with the way you are
dealing with them.
This simply must be.
What your specific problems are, of course, I can not say. Neither can
your religious leader, your dentist, your best friend or your dog. No one
can tell you what you are actually feeling except yourself. As
Shakespeare wrote, "To thine own self, be true." If you are continuously
experiencing negative feelings when addressing your problems, you are
sending out negative emotions and negative energy. When you do this,
you attract like negativity and only cause your problems to repeat
themselves ad infinitum.


You must remain flexible; you must wash your reactions to both the past
and the present. For these are the two trouble spots in your thinking. If
the thoughts are negatives of the past shall govern your decisions of new
ideas and new thoughts you'll find the old pattern of negativity
dominating your thoughts. No matter how great any past traditions or
wisdoms might have been there is a better one today. It is the worship of
the old, the past that have prevented the progress of millions from going
forward. To worship or believe in the past is negating the idea that the
one spirit, the eternal intelligence, is out of business.



The universe has two sides to everything, the law of Polarity, there is
dark and there is light, there is water and there is air. There is male there
is female and most important there is positive and there is negative. So
let’s say you find yourself in debt and business is bad or you find
yourself in a relationship that is falling apart, or you find you have health
problems. You cannot think Oh Woe Is Me. You must go to the
positive remember the universal law dictates like attracts like. You must
say unto yourself at this moment I am fine, I have money, I have
success, I have health. You must make yourself believe because “As you
believe, so are you”. Do this in the worst of times and you will become
successful at anything. Always ACT AS IF and it will be done unto you.
As you believe you shall receive. Always leave no room for worry.”


God gave everyone free will. It is Gods greatest gift to the human race.
What do we do with this magnificent gift? Unfortunately most of us
don’t do much; even thought the potential is unlimited in everyone. It is
so simple and stated so many times in so many books, and yes so
neglected. “As you believe it in your heart so shall you be.” In other
BELIEVE. It is that simple if you can in the midst of everything going
wrong switch gears and go into the positive I am fine things are fine. I
have said it and it is so, you must say it and believe it and it will be so.
If you say I want or I wish it ruins the manifestation of what you desire.
Only when you believe it and know it, will it become what you desire. If
at this moment you are living in a cardboard box in the street and you
ACT AS IF and believe you are rich and successful it will become so.


No one knows how they get or got what they have in life. Everyone has
a long list or so many things they want, and a much longer list of things
they don’t want. Unfortunately this is what has become people’s
everyday life. Dwelling on what you do not have. Most of us believe in
antiquated ideas, most of us believe in struggle, potluck. And if we go to
school, work hard, we will get a head if we are lucky. It is only by our
beliefs and attitude of self deserving and self entitlement that we will
ever get anywhere in life.


The words I should, I hope, and I wish at this moment remove them
from your vocabulary forever. They are loser words and will cause you
loss and confusion. You wishing, shoulding, and hoping for things you
already have. Words are power, watch the words you say to others and
to yourself, catch and stop all negative words you say unto others and
mostly what you say unto yourself. You will be surprised just how many
negative words you will catch yourself saying to yourself and others.
Negative words are the seeds of destruction of all lives endeavors.


God is energy. God is like any other form of energy. You can use the
energy of God to destroy or to build, it’s the same energy. The same
energy that is an impersonal God will and does always respond to your
commands. The programming that you feed into your conscious mind

the goes to that which is called the subconscious mind that becomes
what your life is right now at any moment at any time. Most people’s
lives are not what they want because they feel that they lack entitlement
or have low self esteem. The answer is simple you must focus on the
positive. If you dwelleth upon smallest of good things in your life since
like attracts like all good things will emerge. Your energy has now
turned positive. If you’re down and out find one thing in your life that
is good and positive keep reaffirming it to yourself even the most minute
thing, since you are focused on the positive, positive changes can and
will begin to happen to you the instant you change the way you think.


A doubting person will get no where in life. Why is this? The infinite
can only give us what we can take. In sense this is a mental act between
the conscious and the subconscious we can only receive what we believe
we already have. Believe we already have the answer as we ask for it.


Embedded in all of life’s struggles and problems that have plagued

people since the beginning of time based on the beliefs of non-self
entitlement and self judgment people have enacted with universal laws
or god how ever you want to phrase it. A way of punishing and limiting
themselves based on their beliefs upbringing or society etc. Most people
feel they have to suffer greatly before any reward in life can be given to
them nothing can be further from the truth. Therefore guilt reaps you
nothing therefore it is a form punishment put there by yourself or
accepted from others. All need is from fear and desire is inspired from
excitement. Let me ask you this big question. When you want
something that you don’t get doesn’t that make you feel bad? Because
now you are clueless how to get what you really want. The mystery is
solved. Change your feeling. When you want something find a way to
feel good about it don’t think about the lack of having. Instead thinking
about having the focus must become one of joy and desire about having.
To create the energy to over ride the feeling of lack but you must never

judge or impose upon yourself any form of self punishment be it guilt,
lack, poor health. Must always go into the positive because like attracts


God is just a name given to the one spiritual power the one source.
From which all things flow. When your thoughts are constructive
spiritual power which is always responsive to your thought will bring to
you health joy and abundance. You must completely reject every
thought of lack by instantly remembering the availability and unlimitless
of the spiritual power of the infinite. It responds to your constructive
thoughts and beliefs as quickly as it will respond to your destructive
thoughts and beliefs because god is impersonal.


Everyone says that and now I will tell you why they say that. Because
when bad things happen your mind is focused on the negative and so the
negative comes. Because people have been told bad things come in
threes you have set yourself to a negative sequence of events based on
the belief. You’re just merely fulfilling a ridiculously overstated old
saying that bears no fruit unless you water it.


No matter what you want no matter what you desire if you can visualize
it in your mind if you can believe and ACT AS IF you have it so shall ye
have it... So instead of seeing is believing you should now focus on
believing is seeing.


When we pray for things anything you desire we are to believe that we
have received it. Because when we pray we must believe that we

already have it. The reason is we are always in tune with universal law
which creative it moves from a thought to thing. Unless there is first an
image it cannot move without an image there would be nothing for it to
move toward. Prayer must accept its own answer as an image in your
mind before the one intelligence will make it manifest. You can not reap
a harvest before you plant a seed. You must believe your prayers can be
answered. A prayer must be an undisputed place of agreement. Taking
your mental images and desires and wants to the one creative spirit and
impressing upon the spirit those beliefs with positive beliefs your
prayers will be answered.


Emotion will win over logic every time, without fail. What prayer must
be is a marriage between emotion and logic. Knowing emotion always
wins over logic and knowing that all your decisions in life are based on
emotion and then justified by logic your prayer must be a unity between
your emotion and logic and it will work.


When you are done praying, state I release this prayer to GOD, THE
any of the above; saying to yourself or out loud knowing that the work
will be done, and the work will be done.


The problem with negative thinking is most people don’t realize they’re
doing it. Negative thought of any kind even the smallest bit will remove
you from the life you’re entitled to into a state of just existence.
Negative thoughts happen when we fail to realize and focus on the
things we want and make us happy. Every negative thought you have
and will ever have from the conscious to the subconscious has come
from the lack awareness that you can prevent that from happening. Why

are we fearful of thing? Because we lack the feeling of safety. Anyone
who is depressed is depressed because they don’t have something they
want even if that something is just feeling good. We justify and
rationalize because we lack self esteem and approval including our own.
Blame is also placed on people or events that cause us to feel fear or bad
about ourselves. Who’s to blame? The harshest reality for anybody to
accept is that where ever you are in live right now. Whether you’re in a
mansion enjoying your life or a homeless shelter it’s because you and
only you have decided that is what you deserve. Even if you hate your
life condition somewhere in your subconscious mind you has decided
this is what you deserve or all you can have. Remember the one
intelligence or God is impersonal it will give you exactly what you
believe you deserve in life be it good or bad.

Fear has always been the greatest enemy of the human race. It is
responsible for every war and every atrocity and every unpleasant
moment. That is written in the history books or in your own life. Fear is
nothing more than a mental attitude it is the opposite mental attitude to
faith thus fear is the result of lack of faith. Fear brings limitation in its
wake and is the destroyer of happiness and all things possible to those
who suffer from it. FEAR KNOCKED ON THE DOOR FAITH
ANSWED- NO ONE WAS THERE, that simple, that effective.


Fear rising out from a mental attitude which denies the possibility and
willingness of spirit. To give us all we desire the one spirit the one
intelligence the one god is more completely expressed thru people who
live well and large than ones who live sick and meagerly. Fear is a
belief in limit. Confidence casts out fear. Confidence overcomes the
depression of doubt. Depression which is rooted in lack and doubt will
produce financial, spiritual, physical and romantic depression. You must
remember the one intelligence god is always there the constant source of
sustenance and supply. If it is God’s pleasure to give us the kingdom
then it is surely our privilege to accept the gift. Have no fear of
tomorrow enjoy today. To have a fear of tomorrow is to carry the corpse
of a mistaken past do not carry the misery imposed by your yesterdays or
entertain thoughts of a bitter tomorrow because the enjoyment of today
with often get stuck between the misery of yesterday and the fear of

If your born handicapped, to short, to tall, to fat, to ugly. These are
givens this is stated clearly in the statement. To accept the things you
cannot change, and to change the things you can and the wisdom to
know the difference. Once you have the wisdom to know the difference
there is no limit to the joy you can have in your life. Think of how many
good looking and healthy rock stars that were so miserable they took
their own lives? How many wealthy successful people who seem to
have it all wind up in mental hospitals on drugs or committing suicide?
The is all due to a lack of self worth, self deserving and acceptance of all
the good things. So no matter who you are if you accept and believe in
the good and believe you deserve the good does it really matter if you
have one leg or two? Remember don’t think about what you can’t have
think about what you can have. Think about the great and joyous life you
can have when you focus on the positive things.


The fabric of the human mind can be so easily torn. For example is
someone says to you hey you don’t look so good today do you feel
alright? Most people will immediately start to follow that thought and
begin not feel so well. The solution is immediately as I have stated
before immediately upon receiving a negative no matter how you receive
it you must jump to a positive you must think I feel good I feel great you
must stay I feel great it will negate the negative. It is that simple.


With words you can make somebody angry you can make someone
happy you can create romance you can create argument. You take over
a country just with words people are sent to prison. If you can do this to
other people with words what are you doing to yourself every second
when everyone thinks in words. Be careful how you speak to yourself
always speak to yourself with confidence with desire and with joy and
you’ll build a shield against negative words and thoughts that spring out
of negative words. THE WORD OF GOD IS GOD.


This represents an idea which may be all too common for us. One of
self condemnation "Oh this is going wrong and that's going wrong,
should have, would have, could have," all bear the seeds of self
condemnation and personal distrust. It is morbid, destructive, and is the
road to self destruction and mental and physical illness. Self
condemnation should not be indulged or entertained by anyone. To do
so is a big mistake. There is no question that all of us have done that
which is not for the best for us. From this view point all have fallen
short of our connection with the infinite and the divine. We did so
because we are ignorant of our true nature and because experience was
necessary to bring us to ourselves.


Do you desire to live in a world with friends with love, with health, with
joy, and self expression? There is but one way, and this way is as certain
as the sun will rise. WE MUST CONTROL ALL THOUGHT THAT
Then as the midst shall disappear before the sun so shall the adversity
melt. Before the shining radiance of our exalted thought. There is no
limitation outside of our own ignorance. And since we could all
perceive of greater goods and greater experiences, far greater than we
have yet experienced, we all have the ability to transcend previous
experience and rise triumphant above them. But we shall never
triumphant over them as we persist in going through the same old mental


Perhaps the most significant thing in the bible is that God did not answer
his son when he talked about being a sinner. This is one of the most
wonderful lessons in the bible. Why did God not answer? God the
infinite does not know evil, and therefore cannot talk about it or
conceive it in any form. God or the one intelligence or whatever you
may call it, is a living consciousness that is wholly good. If the one
intelligence could know evil or sin then evil and sin would be an internal
reality. But because God, the one intelligence and is sinless and perfect
and nothing can reflect itself in the divine, save a perfect image. If God,
the one intelligence could know sin he would be a sinner. It should be
enough to know that this could never be. THERE IS NO SUCH THING


Being created in gods image means you can create as well. This power
is bestowed on us by god so like god himself you are a creator. What
have you created? Your entire life. Every bit of it. Every experience.


A sick person because they constantly reinforce that their sick, the more
doctors the more medical treatments the more reinforcement they get
that they are sick will keep them sick. If someone is thought of as a
success and are constantly reinforced and told that they are successful
they will believe it and they will receive it. So think about this how
much you can keep reinforcing yourself with positive words positive
action and positive thought. And now think about how much you can
help others not by feeding the negativity but by inspiring their unlimited
possibilities. And when you inspire another person you inspire yourself
and never get caught in the trap of feeling bad about feeling good that’s
limited thinking and has been the destruction of many people and for no
reason at all.

This works it also allows you to demonstrate the power of the written
word. If you write down what you want your life to be as if it already
was in detail this will effect an almost immediate change in your life for
the better. God does not specialize. Many people have a great fear that
god or the infinite intelligence favors one person over another. That is
simply not true. God doesn’t specialize in people, people specialize in
God it is that simple.

One of the good things about forgiveness that it is always available.
Think of how much emotional garbage you can drop how ridiculous
personal responsibility to negative attraction you can lose when you
forgive because the eternal mind of god hold naught against anyone.
Who are you to point a finger or scorn at your brothers or sisters? Any
one who feels self righteous enough to point fingers at their brothers and
sisters is living in a world of petty virtues and will surely live a life of
self delusion. The mind which condemns, does not understand the truth
of being and the heart that would slam the door to one has mistaken in
doing so destroys their own good. Because the inability to forgive
another person is the same inability to release your soul from the
burdens of your past. When you forgive others you are freeing yourself
and your subconscious mind to accept the good inline. Now to forgive
and not to forget is a big mistake because what is not forgotten like a tree
will spread branches and grow larger casting a shadow on all the great
things you may receive in life. What mind can conceive you can achieve
anything you can think of you can do. Never have any doubt in your
ability to demonstrate this truth conceive of your words as being the
thing you desire as an already accomplished fact. And take knowledge in
perfect confidence never becoming worried. The subconscious mind is
not conscious of time, knows neither time nor process it knows only
completion and the answer.

God is never poor. God is never sick. God is never happy. God is
never afraid. God is never confused. Perfect God equals perfect beings.
Therefore the spiritual person is never sick or unhappy or poor nor
afraid. Would it be logical would it make any sense that a perfect god
would create within a force to work against you. No a perfect god would
not do that only you can do that. In fact how you define God to yourself
is how you define yourself.


The concept of the trinity can in one way be viewed as the holy union
between your mind, body and spirit.

God shows his love for you thru the love of other people and through
your love for yourself. So you must love yourself to be loved, plain and

Money is god in action, why? Because money can go places you cannot
go and create of it, work for other people and by virtue of the infinite
creates more money. Like the universe money is always circulating and
since god has no limits on prosperity you should not limit yourself in
you financial potential. Since God is not stingy neither should you be.
What stops us is the thought that money must be fought for earned,
struggled for and sometimes cheated or stolen. When you realize money
like everything else in the universe is nothing but energy. Then money
is nothing but a positive energy. Not having money is a symptom of a
consciousness and a belief in lack, having money is a symptom as is
demonstration in the true belief in abundance.

It is again you belief in self punishment that affects you physically,
emotionally and spiritually it is a form of self punishment. Being over
weight is self rejection by accepting yourself you can over come this.
The body molds to the mind. If you look at mobsters, bikers or Wall
Street executives and cops they all have a similar look to them. The
reason is the mind went there first and body went there afterward. First
the thought then the physical manifestation of the thought. This is true in
all things, all things in life you want or don't want you will become just
as you are acting like, this shows you the unbelievable potential we all

Why most relationships fail is because of the exchange of negative
beliefs being passed along to the person closest to you coming back to
you as negatives like criticism and petty arguments. Losing perspective
of yourself and fighting to get it back is the cause of why most
relationships go bad. From petty arguments grow the destructive
elements into monsters and destroy the relationships. The key to
keeping all your relationships good is to see only the good in the other
person and knowing that person is an individual with their own heart and
soul under god that you have no right to change. By not holding to tight
you will not crush the life out of your relationship. Most love doesn’t
die it just gets buried under the soot of petty small thinking. Once
you’re free you from thinking petty and small your potential in the
relationship will be unlimited. If you truly love another person you must
always believe in there freedom to be another person. When you go to a
house of worship when you have no belief or conviction is like going to
the bank when you have no money and trying to make a withdrawal it
just won’t happen. Belief must start from with in, and then where ever
you go you can transact it.


True belief in the positive acting as if. And in believing in your heart
and your mind. Know that you are what you think all day long by your
own individual thinking you have created your own laws of belief by
repeating a certain train of thought you do establish definite opinions and
beliefs in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind will accept
these beliefs and direct and control them to all the outer actions of you
life. Changing thoughts of lack and limitation into abundance is as
simple as acting as if you already have it and believing it’s so. The
process of changing water into wine. So, these teachings are dedicated
to that Truth which frees people from themselves and sets you on the
pathway of a new experience, which enables you to see through the mist
to the Eternal and Changeless Reality.
This book is dedicated to helping you be directed by Divine Intelligence.
The All-Knowing Mind knows what to do and how to do it. Do not
hinder, but let it operate in your affairs. It prospers and directs us and
controls our life. All of your affairs are managed by Love, and directed
by Wisdom, and they cannot fail to prosper and expand.
Oh, for some Word to comprehend the boundless idea! Would that some
Voice were sweet enough to sound the harmony of Life. But within, in
that vast realm of thought where the Soul meets God, the Spirit knows. I
will listen for that Voice and it will tell me of Life, of Love, and of
We should be careful to distinguish wishful thinking and day
dreaming from really dynamic and creative action. When we treat we do
not wish, we KNOW. We do not dream, we STATE. YOU do not hope,
YOU ACCEPT. YOU do not pray, you ANNOUNCE. You do not
expect that something is going to happen; BELIEVE THAT IT HAS
People are so tired of looking for things where they do not exist, that
they are going to more and more completely open their thought to the
realization that Spirit is an active Presence...Somehow there must come
to each individual an interior conviction that we are One with the
Universe, and that the Spirit flows through us at the level of our
recognition and embodiment of it.

What the world needs is spiritual conviction followed by spiritual


WHEN ACTING AS IF, we turn entirely from the condition, because so
long as we look at a condition we cannot overcome it. That is why the
GREAT mystic said: "Behold my face forevermore." "Look unto me and
be ye saved, all the ends of the earth." That is, look up and not down.
One, alone, in consciousness with the Infinite, constitutes a complete
majority. Knowing this in your thought, work in perfect peace and calm.
ALWAYS EXPECT THE GOOD. Have enthusiasm, and, above all,
have a consciousness of love - a radiant feeling flowing through your
consciousness at all times. Treat yourself until you have an inner sense
of unity with all Good.
The fear of lack is nothing more than the belief that God does not, and
will not; supply us with whatever we need. The fear of death is the belief
that the promises of eternal life may not be true. The fear of loss of
health, loss of friends, and loss of property - all arise from the belief that
God is not all that we claim: Omniscience, Omnipotence, and

It is great to look good, and who does not want to? There is nothing
wrong with looking good, wearing the best clothes and having great
accessories. But when the insanity for vanity takes over then there is a
problem. When you are constantly getting plastic unnecessary surgery,
when you live at the gym all day, when you starve yourself, when no
matter what you see you don't like then there is a problem. The problem
is simple you are buying in to the endless media hype of what you
should look like, how you should age, and how to buy their products.
Know this if you are filled with positive energy on the inside it will
show on the outside. If you spend time working on the inner the outer
will show. Do not let the media be your God. BE NOT ANXIOUS FOR

Once you state to yourself, I'm sick, I'm poor, nobody loves me and
believe me as I am sure you know, there are multitudes of places and
people that would be more than happy to give you a classification
whether it be attention deficit disorder, anxiety disorder, bad
relationships, or substance abuse, they will be more than happy to
classify and label you. Once you accept this label as being real you will
become it. So whenever the situation arises and any negative labels are
going to be affixed to you do the opposite and stay in the opposite. So,
as Buddha said if you could label something you can negate it.


By using acting as if, you will program your subconscious to be what

ever it is you desire. You will ACT AS IF you are something, and in
reality become it because your unconscious has believed you are already
is what you have become. You are capable of whatever your heart
desires, there are no limits. The universe has no limit. It is all in your
hands, you are able to be what you chose. Acting as if will allow you to
achieve anything you wish.


Success and failure are direct results of the use of your mind. Every
success motivated mind has been one that makes decisions. On the other
hand, every failure is the result of an indecisive mind. A dreamer acts
with clear decisions on their dream, brought forth something knew and
valuable. It takes as much hard mental work to fail as to succeed.
Failure is actually being successful at being negative. Worry always
brings indecision.

When you are in a situation that seems hopeless, when you are in a state
of fear or worry here is what to do. See yourself out of the situation, see
it passed and done with. ACT AS IF the problem is solved, don’t worry
how it will be solved ACT AS IF it is and it will be.


Today more than ever people are held back from enjoying life, and why?
Needless lingering guilt feelings causing neurotic beliefs to manifest and
hold you back from the joys of life. Today more than ever people are
filled with all manors of anxieties, OCD, ADHD, and a host of other
new psychological diseases that are given names daily. Not a surprise
that so many people's subconscious minds are a real mess. Not a surprise
that so many people are on medication today, psychiatrists,
psychologists are having a field day with this.
Few of these doctors can really define the terms they are throwing
around and so many people still grasp for it like candy. The reality is
they banter these words around with little or no knowledge of their
Freud and let's give thanks to him, made the first scientific investigation
of the psychological structure to prove people have a subconscious mind.
To know you have a subconscious mind and at the same time being
ignorant of how to control it is not advancing you a single step.

The subconscious mind is not something to fear or ignore. It is

something to be directed consciously for the production of beneficial
results. It is no demon, no matter what your life looks like now; and it
has no negative tendencies inherent in it. If there are negative patterns
there, it is because you have without intention placed them there through
the years. Good news they can start changing into positives right now.

Since the discovery of the subconscious mind it has become the base of
all forms of mental therapy. It revealed that a person is more a mental
and emotional process and not just a body. Knowing the human being is

more than just a body, requires a new understanding of the spirit in

Your body does not make you do anything wrong. It is your

consciousness that determines what the body does. You decide to act and
your body does what you decide. Your body does not cause you to cause
errors in functioning. You must want to commit them either consciously
or subconsciously, to have your body accomplish them. Your way of
thinking and feeling is your primary problem or solution. Treating this is
using the adaptation of spiritual principles with psychological techniques
giving you help the only place you will get it, which is in your mind.

Your subconscious mind is the main operating system in your life.

Everything you do, you do because your subconscious mind does the
work no exemptions. The area of your conscious and subconscious and
the inter action of the two is the whole cause and continuity of life.

What you decide with the conscious mind, you will produce with the
subconscious mind. When you do not decide any issue in your life with
the conscious mind, your subconscious takes the left over material from
previous decisions and produces after its own kind.

If you fail to direct your subconscious mind, it will produce average or

mediocre results at its best. The most important factor in your life is
never what you are thinking of this instant. It is the sum total of all you
ever thought.
Spiritual treatment is an idea deliberately accepted by the conscious
mind, setting into action a law at the subconscious level. Spiritual
treatment is a command to the subconscious to produce great things for
you. Each time you use spiritual treatment, you thought becomes a law
of creativity and creative action.


When intelligence makes a demand on itself, it answers only its own

demand out of its own nature and cannot help doing so. This idea is
called creation or evolution you pick; they are one in the same.
Whenever the universe makes a demand upon itself, out of every
demand is created fulfillment. But that can only happen when the
demand is in accordance with the universe.

Therefore, the person specializing in God, the one who believes God is
specializing in them is right. God is specializing in you through the law of
the universe. There is a divine intelligence that knows the right answer, and
when you accept this statement as being true, the answer to all problems
right then are created in mind, and will be sent through your intellect a
soon as you are ready to receive. FOR THIS IS THE LAW OF

When you are involved with someone in your life who does not ant will
not stand behind you and encourage you, DROP THEM be it wife husband,
lover or best friend. Because you are carrying dead weight. And it is hard
indeed to get anywhere constantly carrying dead weight.


What do I mean by this, well the answer is simple what I mean here is
simple; for example if you see someone making a mistake or doing
something wrong or self destructive, don't ever say hey you doing that all
wrong or worse I know better. All this does is put you on a petty plane of
existence, go to the opposite, say may I help, or allow me to assist help
anyone it does as much for you as them. Spiritually you are putting money
in your spiritual coffer.



There is one infinite mind, one energy, one universal perfect functioning of
all ideas in mind. My health is an action of an infinite intelligence that
functions perfectly, functions in the order of infinite mind, all ideas work
perfectly, functioning normally, functioning in order, all ideas working
perfectly, completely and divinely; so that there is neither over action nor
under action. There is only normal action. There is no principle of straining.
There is only the principle of ease. Therefore I am not under the law of
tension. I am under the law of ease, order, harmony, normalcy of all
functions. So my consciousness, which is the CAUSE and maintenance of
my body, is now circulating its ideas perfectly. It is now assimilating all
ideas perfectly. It is right here and now eliminating all ideas that have
finished their course. It is now working in divine order at this very
MOMENT. This is my health and I rejoice in it. My subconscious mind


This is for total freedom in money.

We enter into this with joy, because we are always dealing with the principle
of eternal abundance. The universe is never poor. The universe is and will
always be abundant, always rich, and always productive. Therefore I, as part
of the eternal system, part of the eternal process, of and created by the
eternal system, a part of the eternal mechanism, I am the same abundance.
Any and all limiting subconscious patterns regarding money in my
subconscious mind that are limiting are now eliminated, neutralized and
gone. Every concept in my subconscious mind regarding money, income and
wealth now expands. I am free in the freedom of money. Money is God in
action. Money is God in circulation. Money is life itself, flowing in, and
flowing out. Money is good. Money is great. I appreciate it. I praise it. I
rejoice in it. Money is an idea in the mind of God, of ease and freedom. I am
the idea in the mind of God; therefore, these ideas now come together and
become one, are one. I AM money. I decree this in my own mind, I ACT AS
IF and it is so.


Communication with people. It is that which unifies unites and maintains us

as free people. It is without possession, without the need to control. ACT:

Know that there is one infinite mind, one spirit, always in an eternal
emotional field through which ideas can communicate, one with another.
This is love this is relationships. Therefore, I decree that I AM this great
composite idea of the infinite mind moving in an arena of balanced
emotions, giving and receiving life, love, ideas, and success; all people
communicate with me; I communicate with all people. Therefore there can
be no closed doors. All channels of communication between myself and
another living soul--these channels are opened and the flow both ways. I
love to love with the love of God. This is balanced perfect communication.
Any and all subconscious obstacles are now and forever gone. I believe this
and so they are gone. It is definite in my consciousness now, and it operates
and shall forevermore be. I ACT IT, I BELIEVE IT. And so it is.


Personal relationships-- one of those difficult fields of life. It will do

anything that you believe it can do.

The need of the soul to express individuality-- which you are. All of us have
this need and are expressing it all the time. There is one individuality - the
eternal I AM that is God. This is the oneness with God. This is my
individuality right now. This individuality includes the totality of
intelligence, love, wisdom, beauty, and truth. It has within it everything
necessary for my full self-expression in all fields that I select, in all
avocations as well as vocations. Therefore I now declare that I have full self
expression. Any and all subconscious conditioning that would hinder or
obstruct my total self expression is now denied and neutralized. I AM able to
express my full and complete self. I accept this in my subconscious mind. So
be it.

The illustrations given in the last chapter will have conveyed to the reader
the fact that the first step toward getting rich is to convey the idea of your
wants to the formless substance. This is true, and you will see that in order to
do so it becomes necessary to relate yourself to the formless intelligence in a
harmonious way.

To secure this harmonious relation is a matter of such primary and vital
importance that I shall give some space to its discussion here and give you
instructions which, if you will follow them, will be certain to bring you into
perfect unity of mind with the supreme power, or God.

The whole process of mental adjustment and attunement can be summed up

in one word: Gratitude.

First, you believe that there is one intelligent substance, from which all
things proceed. Second, you believe that this substance gives you everything
you desire. And third, you relate yourself to it by a feeling of deep and
profound gratitude.

Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in
poverty by their lack of gratitude. Having received done gift from God, they
cut the wires which connect them with him by failing to make

It is easy to understand that the nearer we live to the source of wealth, the
more wealth we shall receive, and it is easy also to understand that the soul
that is always grateful lives in closer touch with God than the one which
never looks to him in thankful acknowledgment. The more gratefully we fix
our minds on the supreme when good things come to us, the more good
things we will receive, and the more rapidly they will come. And the reason
simply is that the mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into closer
touch with the source from which the blessings come.

If it is a new thought to you that gratitude brings your whole mind into
closer harmony with the creative energies of the universe, consider it well,
and you will see that it is true. The good things you have already have come
to you along the line of obedience to certain laws. Gratitude will lead your
mind out along the ways by which things come, and it will keep you in close
harmony with creative thought and prevent you from falling into competitive

Gratitude alone can keep you looking toward the all, and prevent you from
falling into the error of thinking of the supply as limited — and to do that
would be fatal to your hopes.

There is a law of gratitude, and it is absolutely necessary that you should
observe the law if you are to get the results you seek. The law of gratitude is
the natural principle that action and reaction are always equal and in
opposite directions.

The grateful outreaching of your mind in thankful praise to the supreme

intelligence is a liberation or expenditure of force. It cannot fail to reach that
to which it addressed, and the reaction is an instantaneous movement toward

“Draw nigh unto God, and he will draw nigh unto you.” That is a statement
of psychological truth. And if your gratitude is strong and constant, the
reaction in formless substance will be strong and continuous; the movement
of the things you want will be always toward you. Notice the grateful
attitude that Jesus took, how he always seems to be saying, “I thank thee,
Father, that thou hearest me.” You cannot exercise much power without
gratitude, for it is gratitude that keeps you connected with power.

But the value of gratitude does not consist solely in getting you more
blessings in the future. Without gratitude you cannot long keep from
dissatisfied thought regarding things as they are.

The moment you permit your mind to dwell with dissatisfaction upon things
as they are, you begin to lose ground. You fix attention upon the common,
the ordinary, the poor, the squalid, and the mean — and your mind takes the
form of these things. Then you will transmit these forms or mental images
to the formless. And the common, the poor, the squalid, and the mean will
come to you.

To permit your mind to dwell upon the inferior is to become inferior and to
surround yourself with inferior things. On the other hand, to fix your
attention on the best is to surround yourself with the best, and to become the
best. The creative power within us makes us into the image of that to which
we give our attention. We are of thinking substance, too, and thinking
substance always takes the form of that which it thinks about.

The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best. Therefore it tends to
become the best. It takes the form or character of the best, and will receive
the best.

Also, faith is born of gratitude. The grateful mind continually expects good
things, and expectation becomes faith. The reaction of gratitude upon one’s
own mind produces faith, and every outgoing wave of grateful thanksgiving
increases faith. The person who has no feeling of gratitude cannot long
retain a living faith, and without a living faith you cannot get rich by the
creative method, as we shall see in the following chapters.

It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good
thing that comes to you and to give thanks continuously. And because all
things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things
in your gratitude.

Do not waste a lot of time thinking or talking about the short-comings or

wrong actions of those in power. Their organization of the world has created
your opportunity; all you get really comes to you because of them. Do not
rage against corrupt politicians. If it were not for politicians we should fall
into anarchy and your opportunity would be greatly lessened.

God has worked a long time and very patiently to bring us up to where we
are in industry and government, and he is going right on with his work.
There is not the least doubt that he will do away with plutocrats, trust
magnates, captains of industry, and politicians as soon as they can be spared,
but in the meantime, they are all very necessary. Remember that they are all
helping to arrange the lines of transmission along which your riches will
come to you, and be grateful. This will bring you into harmonious relations
with the good in everything, and the good in everything will move toward


There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its
original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

A person can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon
formless substance, the infinite can cause the thing he thinks about to be

In order to do this, a person must pass from the struggling to the creative
mind. Otherwise you cannot be in harmony with formless intelligence,
which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.

A person may come into full harmony with God, the infinite, the formless
substance by entertaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it
bestows upon them. Gratitude unifies the minds of individuals with the
intelligence of substance, so that a person’s thoughts are received by the

A person can remain upon the creative plane only by uniting himself with
the formless intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude.

A person must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he
wishes to have, to do, or to become, and he must hold this mental image in
his thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the supreme that all his desires
are granted to him. The person who wishes to get rich must spend his leisure
hours in contemplating his vision, and in earnest thanksgiving that the reality
is being given to him.

Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of frequent contemplation

of the mental image, coupled with unwavering faith and devout gratitude.
This is the process by which the impression is given to the formless and the
creative forces set in motion.

The creative energy works through the established channels of natural

growth, and of the industrial and social order. All that is included in his
mental image will surely be brought to the person who follows the
instructions given above, and whose faith does not waver. What he wants
will come to him through the ways of established trade and commerce, love,
wealth, health and personal empowerment.

In order to receive his own when it is ready to come to him, a person must
be in action in a way that causes him to more than fill his present place.
They must keep in mind the purpose to get rich, or healthy, find love or
personal empowerment through realization of his mental image. And he
must do, every day all that can be done that day taking care to do each act in
a successful manner. You must give to every person a use value in excess of
the value they receive, so that each transaction makes for more life, and we

must hold the advancing thought so that the impression of increase will be
communicated to all with whom he comes into contact.

The men and women who practice the foregoing instructions will certainly
get wealthy, healthy love and personal power, and all they receive will be in
exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their
purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.

You if pick someone at random and say I love or hate this person over and
over again to yourself watch what happens, you will find you will start to
love or hate these people.

The same is true about all the things in your life


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