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Nyoman Setiawan Jordy Wiguna Sujana

BK193 / 190030262

COVID - 19

The message that we got from those video is the world gets in danger. the
intended danger is a virus called covid – 19 or corona virus. Doctors and
paramedics facing the biggest challenge to fight covid – 19. We have to increase
the awareness of covid – 19 or corona virus.
The doctors and paramedics want us to stay at home especially on this pandemic
time. Because by staying at home, we can help reduce the spread of viruses. Also
help them by prevent the spread. That will help them handling covid 19.
The action that we can take to avoid covid-19 is doing self-quarantine, stay at
home, stay healthy, protect our self from getting sick, keep away from pyshical
contact. Clean our hand after coughing or sneezing, wash our hands with soap as
soon as wetouching something in public, don’t carelessly touch face with dirty
hands. we need tokeep our hands clean. We also have to maintain our lifestyle

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