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1. Putu Anita Eka Putri (19089014005)

2. Komang Karang Adnyani (19089014028)
3. Ni Luh Putu Mira Damayanti (19089014030)
4. Putu Widi Purnama Giri (19089014054)
5. Kadek Yona Ariska (19089014057)

Pros And Cons Of The Covid-19 Virus

The acute strain syndrome of coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) or better known as

the coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus that's contagious to humans. It can

affect anyone from the elderly, adults, children and infants, to expectant and

lactating mothers. A corona virus called covid-19 (corona virus 2019) infection was

first discovered in the city of wuhan, China in late December 2019. It spreads

rapidly and spread to almost all countries in the world, including Indonesia, in just

a few months. The virus can easily spread from one person to another by just

sneezing or coughing. At present in Indonesia the virus is at its final phase of the

second wave, which culminates in July 2021, where a variant of the covid-19 virus

delta is attacking Indonesia. Reporting from the Indonesian covid19 website,

4,215,945 indonesians were exposed to covid-19 and 143,698 died as a result of the


Take, for example, the harm covid-19 causes and the overwhelming

evidence, such as:

1. Makes the throat feel parched

2. Respiratory problems make it difficult to breathe

3. Pulmonary dysfunction. And other symptoms

Not only does it harm the health side, but President joko widodo also says that the

corona virus affects the economy in Indonesia. Not only does production of goods

suffer but investments also suffer. Here are some effects of the covid-19 virus in


1. Some things become expensive and rare to find.

2. Indonesian congregation to clear umrah.

1. Tourists visiting from around the world in Indonesia are declining.

2. Corrupt the economic order in Indonesia.

3. The import of the goods was impeded.

But what we do know is that this covid-19 can't attack or transmit the virus

if we want to follow the prokes promoted by the government such as keeping our

bodies clean, shelter, clothing, environment, food, as well as always remember

doing the washing before and after any activity.

The covid-19 task force is doing everything they can to deal with the

pandemic. But a communication pattern remains to be maintained. Blaming or

scaring people only gives off a negative response. It is best for all parties to support

and encourage one another. And if it comes to light some of the dangers posed by

the corona virus, it is best to avoid exposure and together to prevent it by conducting

clean living patterns and obeying rules of inbreeding for our common good.

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