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Effects of Age and Stimulus Presentation Rate on Immediate and Delayed Recall in

Author(s): Gary S. Sarver, Ann Howland and Timothy McManus
Source: Child Development, Vol. 47, No. 2 (Jun., 1976), pp. 452-458
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Society for Research in Child Development
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Accessed: 27-06-2016 04:44 UTC

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Effects of Age and Stimulus Presentation Rate on
Immediate and Delayed Recall in Children

Gary S. Sarver
Ohio University

Ann Howland

Clinical Services for Athens, Hocking, and Vinton Counties

Timothy McManus
Ohio University

SARVER, GARY S.; HOWLAND, ANN; and MCMANUs, TIMOTHY. Effects of Age and Stimulus Presentation
Rate on Immediate and Delayed Recall in Children. CHILD DEVELOPMENT, 1976, 47, 452-458. The
present study was designed to investigate the effects of stimulus presentation rate on recall and primacy-
recency effects in children. A modification of the Digit Span task used in the Binet and Wechsler Intelli-
gence Scales provided the basic memory task administered to 36 male schoolchildren in first, third, and
fifth grades, The specific design required children to recall verbally serial strings of digits presented at
various stimulus presentation rates. It was assumed that effective recall would be a function of general
maturation and/or the development of cognitive strategies, and rate of stimulus presentation. Age, rate,
and age x rate x recall condition (short or long term) were all significantly related to the number of digits
correctly recalled. Results indicated that the traditional interpretation of the primacy effect as reflecting
long-term memory store may not be valid.

In the present study we attempted to deter- tion into long-term store. The' developmental lit-
mine what main and interactional effects variable erature provides consistent support for the propo-
input rates and age differences have on the im- sition that as children mature they become more
mediate and delayed recall of auditorially pre- efficient in using mediational strategies (e.g., re-
sented serial digits and serial position curves. It hearsal, elaborative encoding), which aid the
was also expected that these results would offer transfer of information from short- to long-term
differential support for either the "dual-memory" store (Belmont & Butterfield 1969; Flavell 1970;
or "levels of processing" models of memory. Flavell, Friedrichs, & Hoyt 1970).

Generally, with the exception of some Rus- Empirical evidence to support this dual-
sian investigators (e.g., Smirnov & Zinchenko memory model has come from observations of dif-
1969), developmental investigations of memory ferential effects of drugs on short- and long-term
have adhered to the dual-storage model (e.g., memory (McGaugh 1970; Milner 1970); differen-
Belmont & Butterfield 1969; Frank & Rabinovitch tial effects of bilateral hippocampectomies (see re-
1974). This model maintains that information first view by Deutsch 1969; Milner 1970); and differen-
registers in short-term store. It can then either tial forgetting rates (Wickelgren 1972). However,
remain in short-term store for retrieval or it can be the bulk of the support is derived from examina-
transferred to long-term store. It is believed that tions of the primacy-recency effect. Traditionally,
there is a dynamic difference between these two initial items of a serial list are thought to be re-
storage systems in that different variables can have called from long-term store. Interpolated tasks fol-
selective effects on either short-term or long-term lowing the presentation of a serial list depress the
recall. terminal portions of the serial list while having
only slight effects upon the initial portions (Bartz
Competent memory abilities in children ap- & Salehi 1970; Glanzer & Cunitz 1966). Slower
parently rest upon their increasing ability to con- rates of presentation, which would presumably
trol more productively the encoding of informa- facilitate rehearsal, have been shown to increase

The authors would like to express their appreciation to Jim Mason, Clyde Jarvis, and John Gordon,
their staff, and the Athens City School System for their cooperation. Send requests for reprints to Gary S.
Sarver, Department of Psychology, Porter Hall, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701.
[Child Development, 1976, 47, 452-458. @ 1976 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc. All rights reserved.]

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Sarver, Howland, and McManus 453
recall from the initial and medial portions of the tion is correct there should not be any systematic
list while having little effect on the terminal sec- age-related primacy effects at rapid stimulus pre-
tions (Glanzer & Cunitz 1966). sentation rates. Presumably, the rapid rate of
stimulus presentation would preclude the use of a
Analyses of developmental primacy-recency
time-consuming mediational strategy.
effects generally tend to support the conclusions
reached in the adult literature (e.g., Belmont & Aside from the effects that stimulus presenta-
Butterfield 1969; Frank & Rabinovitch 1974). tion rate may have on the primacy-recency phe-
However, while adult investigators generally are nomenon, varying the presentation rate may also
systematic in separating short- and long-term re- permit a simpler and less obtrusive paradigm for
tention operationally using an interpolated task manipulating encoding strategies. Studies of
(e.g., Peterson & Peterson 1959), the develop- mediational strategies in children have employed
mental investigators are not so systematic. paradigms using either mixed modes (i.e., visual
and auditory) or fixed rates of stimulus presenta-
The dual-storage advocates have not been
tion (e.g., Frank & Rabinovitch 1974). Although
without their critics. Recently, Wickelgren (1973)
Frank and Rabinovitch did use running memory-
hypothesized that differences between short- and
span lists in order to minimize rehearsal, their re-
long-term recall traces may actually reflect the sults may have been biased by the instructions to
separate functioning of different encoding modal-
the subjects which required them to report only
ities (e.g., rapidly decaying phonetic component the last items on the lists. Indeed, recent inves-
vs. slowly decaying semantic component) which
tigators of adult samples have found that different
occur at different temporal places on the same
instructions and subject expectancies can differen-
continuum. Indeed, recent neuropsychological
tially effect recall (Jacoby & Bartz 1972). Simple
investigations have revealed that information may
variation of the stimulus presentation rate may
be processed differentially by the two cerebral provide a less obtrusive manner in which to ma-
hemispheres. Generally, there is a left hemi- nipulate the use of mediational strategies by the
sphere preference for verbal material and a right
subjects. That is, as a dual-trace theorist might
ear preference for nonverbal material in children
predict, at rapid rates of stimulus presentation,
(Bakker 1970).
the possibility of using mediational strategies is
Manipulation of stimulus presentation rates reduced. Conversely, at slow rates of stimulus
produces yet more complex results; changes in ear presentation, the possibility of using mediational
preferences have been observed as a function of strategies is increased.
stimulus presentation rate. Rapidly presented
verbal stimuli may be processed acoustically (e.g.,
pitch, tempo, other physical characteristics) by the Method
right hemisphere, while slowly presented verbal
Subjects. -The subjects were 36 male school-
stimuli may be processed semantically by the left
children, 12 each from grades 1, 3, and 5. All chil-
hemisphere (Sarver, Howland, & Brodsky, Note
dren had IQ scores (as determined by the Cattell
1). Therefore, presentation rate may influence
Culture Fair Intelligence Scale) within the normal
which mode of processing is used predominantly.
range (mean IQs and standard deviations for
This differential hemispheric processing of grades 1, 3, and 5, respectively: 109.7, 6.3; 114.2,
information position is in accordance with the 7.1; 108.9, 8.3).
theoretical position of Craik and Lockhart (1972),
Stimuli. -The stimuli were successive strings
who view memory as a continuum which varies
of serial digits contained in lists of one to nine
according to the depth of processing of incoming
digits. The subjects received two successive trials
information-superficial processing of physical
at each list length. Each succeeding level of serial
characteristics versus deeper and more lasting
digit length contained one more digit than the
processing of a semantic nature.
preceding level (up to a maximum of nine).
It would appear that presentation rate may The serial lists were formed from a random
have many important effects upon memory func-
number table with the following constraints: (a)
tioning. Slow rates of stimulus presentation would
zero was not used; (b) there were no replications of
be expected to facilitate semantic encoding and
digits within any one trial; and (c) obvious runs of
the use of mediational strategies; there should be
digits were excluded.
significant age-related differences in recall.
Analyses of serial position curves should reveal Digits were presented via headphones from
age-related increases in the primacy effect for recorded tape. Digits were recorded on a reel-to-
long-term recall. However, if the dual-storage posi- loop dub mechanism at a constant 70 db; word

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454 Child Development
length was held constant at 250 ? 15 msec. Five interval (50, 1,050, 2,050, 3,050, 4,050 msec)
different tapes were programmed using different analysis of variance, with repeated measures on
interdigit intervals of 50, 1,050, 2,050, 3,050, and the last two factors. Only F and t ratios reaching
4,050 msec. The score was the highest number of < .05 significance will be cited.
correctly recalled digits. Serial position was scored
as follows: A digit at a given serial position was The main effect of grade was significant,
scored correct if (a) it was in the correct placement F(2,33) = 24.76, p < .001. The mean number of
in the list, or (b) it was part of a correct sequence of digits recalled increased from 3.47 to 5.10 across
two or more digits. grades. The main effect of recall condition was also
significant, F(1,33) = 168.00, p < .001.
Procedure. -Subjects received a random pre-
sentation of treatment conditions such that each The main effect of interdigit interval was sig-
subject received all five treatments although in nificant, F(4,132) = 3.78, p < .01. Recall was es-
different orders. Each subject was instructed to sentially equal for the 50-, 1,050-, 2,050-, and
listen carefully because the experimenter was 3,050-msec conditions (respective means: 4.08,
going to ask him to tell all the numbers he heard. In 4.15, 4.13, 4.19); however, there was a significant
order not to bias responses, each subject was sim- increase in recall from the 3,050- to the 4,050-
ply asked to recall. He was not asked either to msec condition (mean = 4.71).
recall in order or to recall in any order, simply to
recall. Inspection of the data revealed that all chil- Of primary importance to the present study is
dren chose to recall the digits in the order in the grade x interdigit interval interaction. Sur-
which they were presented. Following each trial, prisingly, this interaction was not significant.
the subject was asked to recall the digits im- Older children did not recall more digits than
mediately. This provided the short-term recall younger children as a function of longer interdigit
score. Then, the subjects received a "20-sec in- intervals. However, the grade x interdigit inter-
terpolated task" in the form of phrase shadowing. val x recall condition interaction was significant,
Such a procedure has been demonstrated to inter- F(8,132) = 2.16, p < .05. Older children did recall
fere with short-term store (Peterson & Peterson more digits than younger children as the interdigit
1959). Following this 20-sec task, the subject was interval became longer, but only in the delayed,
again asked to recall the digits. It was assumed not the immediate, recall condition. This grade x
that recall obtained at this point reflected long- recall condition x interdigit interval is displayed
term store. in figure 1. The immediate recall scores remain
unsystematically influenced by the lengthening in-
Results terdigit intervals. A priori comparisons of the 50-
and 4,050-msec immediate recall conditions for
The data were subjected to a grade x recall each grade were not significant. Short-term digit
condition (short term vs. long term) x interdigit recall was essentially unchanged as a function of







w 0 -
Q: QU---.
3 A

< O


50 1050 2050 3050 4050


(in milliseconds)
FIG. 1.-Mean digit recall as a function of grade, rate of presentation, and recall condition

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Sarver, Howland, and McManus 455

J. 100

70 ~ -xs o x
0 50-

u 30
w 20


I I I l
S I 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIG. 2.-Serial position recall at the seven-digit length for 4,050-msec short-term recall condition by grade

stimulus presentation rate within each grade. clear age-related primacy effect only. Traditionally
Similarly, a priori comparison of the 50- and this would be interpreted as indicating the opera-
4,050-msec long-term recall conditions for the first tion of age-related mediational strategies and im-
grade was also not significant. However, there was proved long-term recall. The significant grade x
a significant difference between long-term recall interdigit interval x recall condition interaction
for the 50- and 4,050-msec conditions for the third would support this conclusion. That is, older chil-
and fifth graders (grade 3: t(144) = 2.34, p < .05; dren with more sophisticated mediational strate-
grade 5: t(144) = 4.04, p < .001). gies showed greater long-term recall than young-
er children as the presentation rates became slow-
Figures 2 and 3 display the serial position er.

curves for each grade's 4,050-msec delayed and

immediate recall at the seven-digit length. Im- Figures 4 and 5 display the serial position
mediate recall demonstrates a general primacy curves for 50-msec immediate and delayed recall
and recency effect for all grades. However, inspec- for each grade. Again, a grade-related primacy ef-
tion of the delayed recall curves demonstrates a fect is easily observed in the immediate recall

I10oo KEY

% 30 x
0 20x

I 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIG. 3.-Serial position recall at the seven-digit length for 4,050-msec long-term recall condition by grade

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456 Child Development

j 100 KEY
w xo 90 xFIFHR GRADE

m 70
V 60

SI 20D

I 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIG. 4.-Serial position recall at the seven-digit length for the 50-msec short-term recall condition by grade

condition. However, given the rapid speed of lus presentation, has demonstrated that older
stimuli presentation, it would seem unlikely that children differ from younger children in their
this age-related primacy effect could be attributed long-term recall ability but not in short-term re-
to developmental changes in mediational abilities. call. It is also reasonable to conclude that a media-
This systematic age-related primacy effect disap- tional strategy may have been involved in the
pears with long-term recall (fig. 5). transfer of information from short- to long-term
store and that it functioned more effectively when
the stimuli were presented more slowly. Media-
tion appears to occur spontaneously when condi-
This study supports conclusions generally ar- tions facilitate its occurrence. Furthermore, this
rived at in developmental investigations of mem- paradigm can elicit the age-related effects in a rel-
ory, and reveals some theoretical lacunae. atively unobtrusive manner.

First, delayed or long-term recall is affected Second, analysis of serial position curves for
significantly by age and rate of stimuli presenta- 4,050-msec immediate and delayed recall (fi s. 2
tion. This study, using only variable rates of stimu- and 3, respectively) reveals the expected (Frank &

90 x


c:8 70
9 x

c 40
z % 30 -


I 2 3 4 5 6 7
FIc. 5.-Serial position recall at the seven-digit length for the 50-msec long-term recall condition by grade

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Sarver, Howland, and McManus 457
Rabinovitch 1974; Glanzer & Cunitz 1966) age- In conclusion, variable rates of stimulus pre-
related primacy effect. As in the adult literature sentation do have a significant effect on recall.
(Glanzer & Cunitz 1966), the interpolated tasks Slow rates of stimulus presentation demonstrate
depress the recency effect (figs. 2 and 3). Older significant age-related increases in long-term re-
children, using mediational strategies, demon- call and primacy effects. However, rapid rates of
strate a more robust primacy effect (figs. 2 and 3). stimuli presentation also produce primacy effects
Presumably, primacy items are recalled from which the dual-memory model has difficulty ex-
long-term memory; older children having more ef- plaining. A possible theoretical explanation, using
fective mediational strategies have superior long- differential hemispheric processing and a con-
term recall and hence superior primacy effects tinuum position, was put forward.
(Belmont & Butterfield 1969; Flavell et al. 1970).
Reference Note
However, as figure 4 indicates, there is also
an age-related primacy effect for 50-msec im- 1. Sarver, G. S.; Howland, A.; & Brodsky, N. Differen-
mediate recall. It is not reasonable to expect such tial hemispheric processing in the immediate and
a systematic age-related effect to be due also to the delayed recall of digits. Paper presented at the meet-
use of mediational strategies: the speed of digit ing of the American Psychological Association,
presentation should obviate their use. Neither is it Chicago, August 1975.
due to differential discrimination abilities: inspec-
tion of the data revealed similar recall curves for
first graders in both the 50- and 4,050-msec condi-
Bakker, D. J. Ear asymmetry with monaural stimulation:
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Dual-memory theories cannot adequately ex-
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lyzed into semantic long-term store (fig. 5), it is
Flavell, J. H. Developmental studies of mediated mem-
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Essentially, what is being proposed is that the
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Frank, H. S., & Rabinovitch, M. S. Auditory short-term
cessing unit. Hemispheric differences in informa-
tion processing are known to exist. Memory pro- memory: developmental changes in rehearsal.
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rates of stimulus presentation cognitive matura- Glanzer, M., & Cunitz, A. R. Two storage mechanisms
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In any event, it would appear fruitful to McGaugh, J. L. Memory storage processes. In K. H.
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458 Child Development
The biology of memory. New York: Academic Press, Maltzman (Eds.), A handbook of contemporary
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