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Expert system is specially designed computer program to solve complex problems which requires

particular specialisation and expertise from the human being. It is developed based on the artificial
intelligence methods to solve such high level domain specific problems. It is becoming more and
more accent acceptance in today’s environment with lot of data getting generated for processing
which requires lot of algorithm and computing power to get useful information from this raw data.

Some of examples are:

Amazon Alexa


Cortana from Microsoft Windows

Basically there are three levels artificial intelligence

Artificial narrow intelligence – this type is developed for specific area that is what is specialised for
one particular type of area.

Artificial general intelligence- it is designed in such a manner so that it is specialised in all areas.

Artificial super intelligence: it is design so that it is smarter to humans in every aspect.

Working of an expert system:

It basically perform the operation similar to those of humans in terms of learning and decision
making with set of information available to them. It manages the knowledge and provide send
inference. Knowledge component consists of organisation of facts about a particular task which need
to be executed. The inference part give the result after interpreting and evaluating the facts from
the knowledge base.

The expert system typically performs the following tasks:




Design and scheduling

Planning for specialised tasks.

An expert system takes input from outside from the various sources available like text, image aur
any other form of natural language. It manages all this input into the knowledge base which has pre
trained data sets to get the information in a proper organised manner. The system then executes the
tasks based on automatic reasoning and automatic planning to give the required output.
Simultaneously expert system also performs the function of learning which can be machine learning
for deep learning.

Expert system as an value to the business:

It tomorrow's automation of the different processes involved for a business.

It helps in in forecasting the sales and also show the future growth opportunities for the business.
It is used to develop smart devices which are adjustable as per the behaviour.

Smart personal assistants like cortana and Google now and Siri have been developed which enhance
the user experience.

It helps the E-Commerce companies in providing personalized service for different customers.

It also prepares the list of product recommendations and the purchase predictions in case of online

It helps in developing automated web design.

An expert system increasing productivity and operational efficiency of a business

It saves both time and money by use of automation and also optimising the routine process and
tasks for a business.

It also show your words the mistakes which are generally called human error.

It provides expert analysis and advice based on the continuous learning it goes through while in

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