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Name of Applicant: Stephen Rockwell

District/School: Gwinnett County Public Schools / Brookwood High School

Date: 4/20/2020

Total Cost of Project: ~$1850-$2775

Title of Project: Witnessing the Growth: Digital Portfolios in the Language Arts Classroom

To what organization will you submit this grant application in the future?: Brookwood High School
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)

I. Why is this project important?

To help reach Brookwood’s Local School Plan of Improvement as it pertains to technology

integration, I am requesting 10-15 Chromebooks for my language arts classroom. The
Chromebooks will build digital equity in the classroom and assist students while they
maintain their digital portfolio.

My teaching philosophy advocates for digital equity in the classroom. Since some of my
students do not have a smartphone in the classroom or the means of technology at home,
Chromebooks in the classroom would provide the tools all students need to help them
succeed in the 21st-century classroom.

II. What would you like to accomplish?

I currently require students to document and reflect on their learning throughout the school
year. If I had consistent access to this technology in my classroom, students could update
their digital portfolios and reflect on their learning more consistently. As it currently stands,
I have to reserve a wireless cart or computer lab. I would not have to rely on reserving a
laptop cart or a computer lab.

Additionally, having more devices in my classroom creates a more student-centered

classroom. In my brief teaching career, I have noticed that students prefer to work
collaboratively rather than individually. Chromebooks allow students to utilize either
Google’s G Suite for Education or Microsoft’s Office 365. All of the resources within this

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cloud-based productivity and collaborative resources assist students in creating meaningful
products for assignments, while also encourage learning together.

With students keeping up with the digital portfolios during class, they will have ongoing
documentation of the following academic, knowledge, and standards of eleventh-grade
language arts:

● LA11.C.23: produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
● LA11.C.24: develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing,
rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for
a specific purpose and audience
● LA11.C.25: use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update
individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new
arguments or information
● LA11.C.26: conduct short, as well as more sustained, research projects to answer
questions (including self-generated questions) or solve problems; narrow or broaden
the inquiries when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subjects,
demonstrating understanding of the subjects under investigation
● LA11.C.27: gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital
sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of
each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the
text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on
any one source and following a standard format for citations
● LA11.C.29: write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and
revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks,
purposes, and audiences
● LA11.D.33: present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear
and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, alternative
or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the organization, development, substance,
and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal and informal
● LA11.D.34: make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and
interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning,
and evidence and to add interest

With implementing this plan, students will also master the following ISTE Standards for

● 1B: Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that
support the learning process.
● 2A: Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of
the permanence of their actions in the digital world.

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● 3C: Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and
methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or
● 6A: Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired
objectives of their creation or communication.
● 6D: Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for
their intended audiences.
● 7A: Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds
and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and
● 7B: Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers,
experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple

III. In what ways is this project an example of exemplary technology integration (In 2-3
paragraphs discuss your project regarding one or more of the following: LoTi, SAMR,
TPACK, TIM, etc.)?

This project allows for a higher level of technology integration (LoTi) in instruction. One of
the benefits of increasing LoTi also involves increasing student engagement. Having more
Chromebooks available for language arts teachers will allow students to display mastery of
language arts skills in a more realistic atmosphere. Their work will be available for a more
authentic audience through integrating their performance assessments into their digital
portfolio for a larger audience to see (administrators, counselors, parents, etc.)

Studnet will also understand how language literacy and digital literacy go hand in hand in
the current workplace. By building their digital footprint, they are already on the path of
marketing themselves in a more competitive college and career environment.

IV. How will you complete the work?

A. Describe how the instructional objectives/project outcomes will be met (2-3 paragraphs).

At the beginning of the year, all students will become familiar with Google’s G Suite for
Education. The students will take diagnostic assessments on their current knowledge and
understandings of several Google applications (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Sites, and Forms).
Students will also take a diagnostic assessment of digital citizenship and digital literacy.
This assessment will help guide me in their knowledge and understanding of how to
protect their privacy and information that may or may not share through their digital

Throughout the semesters, students will complete assignments using the various G Suite
applications. For instance, their synthesis essay will be completed using Google Docs, their
PSA will be using via Google Slides (or other software), and recorded using Screencast-o-

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Matic. Each assignment will then be uploaded to their Google Sites Digital Portfolio for
grading. Along with the assignments, students will also be required to complete 6 blog
posts per semester that involve reflecting over the content covered within the 6-week
grading periods.

B. Describe the time involved (project length including amount of time each day/week;
include a timeline for planning and implementation).

The project will be continuous throughout the school year. Students will submit five
assignments that display mastery in the content standards covered during the weeks of
instruction. Students will have access to the computers 3 days a week for their assignments
and constructing/updating their digital portfolio.

C. Describe the people involved (grade level/subject & # of students, teachers and/or staff,
other stakeholders).

A language arts teacher and approximately 150 students (5 classes of approximately 30

students) will be involved in the project for the first year. However, the teacher will
continue to refine and revise the project in future years, so more students will be involved
as the years go by.

D. Describe any professional development that you or others will complete prior to
implementing the grant.

The teacher will attend free G Suite for Education webinars that are available online, as
well as attending conferences and sessions at the Gwinnett Digital Learning Conference
that assist teachers in helping students build a successful digital portfolio.

E. Describe the materials needed for the project (provide links to relevant websites; include
a written description of how the technology/ies will benefit students).

The teacher will only need 10-15 Chromebooks for students to have consistent digital
access for keeping their portfolio up to date and continuously reflect on their learning.

V. What is the timeline for assessing accomplishments and objectives/project outcomes (In
2-3 paragraphs, describe the program evaluation procedure. Explain how each objective
will be measured and how success will be determined.)?

Regarding the level of knowledge and understanding with technology tools, digital
citizenship, and digital literacy, students will take an objective pre-assessment that check
their current level of understanding.

Throughout the semester, students will also learn various content-specific standards. Their
understanding will be monitored through their published digital portfolio. The teacher will

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be able to give feedback through their portfolio, allowing to make any needed adjustments.

By the end of each semester, their total amount of assignments and blog reflections will
help the teacher know their depth of understanding. For instance, their synthesis of similar
themes across text will be their essay on The Crucible and other text they choose to support
their analysis.

VI. How will the students be impacted by the project (In 2-3 paragraphs, include details
regarding how the impact on students will be assessed and reported to students, parents,
teachers, and others.)?

In the project, students will be impacted because they will be able to receive consistent and
timely feedback from their peers and teacher. Once a student publishes their portfolio, the
link will be active for other students to view and provide peer feedback. I also plan on
sharing the links with parents so they have an idea of what we have been working on and
what they can expect to see from their students by the end of the school year.

One of my main goals is for students to have writing samples and assignments to attach to
college or job applications. Their portfolio will be a good representation of their best work,
showcasing their abilities in language arts as well as their personality.

VII. What is the proposed budget? Include information on the following:

A. G Suite for Education applications (already supplied by the district)
B. 10-15 Chromebooks ($185 each = $1850-$2775)
C. $1850-$2775

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Total Points (out of 300): __________

1. Impacts a variety of skill levels and/or learning styles or impacts an important target population.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

2. Clearly identifies standards and learning objectives/project outcomes being addressed.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

3. Pedagogically sound, based on research and/or best practices.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

4. Clear plan for assessment of project and goals with examples of implementation methods.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

5. Impacts large number of students and/or can be recycled/reused.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

General Comments:

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Adapted from: The Education Foundation of Oconee County, Inc.

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