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Keiza Cheska May Y.


“Connected but alone”

As the saying goes this way, “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master” by
Christian Lous Lange. In a world full of technology, theirs this gamer, the humans, we play. We
play for our survival so we built this technology so that life will be easier to live.

The technology also plays a very important role in our society and also in the life of us.
Technology has a lot of influence on culture, and how it has changed the lives of people. As we
have also spoken over the last few weeks about the technology and its impacts on society
environment. Technology has left society with certain positive and/or negative impact. In many
ways the technology has an effect on society such as how we work, the way we start
communicating on the internet. As the world population is growing and the use of technology is
also increasing. We are very much dependent on the technology these days, and by using the
technology, there are many companies, people, and even having education online. Technology is
changing how people communicate, learn and so on, with other peoples.

Today’s generation, most of us are using social medias and gadgets since it is one of the
most useful servant that we know. We live in an age of distraction with our various technological
devices that in a way "owe" us the feeling that we are linked to the world, our friends, our loved
ones and the people with whom we share our lives. Technology has always encouraged me to see
what progress we can make, and how technology can make our lives easier yet we don’t really
focus on things that technology can affect us in some negative ways. Often the only way to get
people to think about it is when things really starts to go wrong. Technology can destroy us.
Millennials like me, we are engage to gadgets that we use it in our leisure time. We also use
gadgets when their is food in our plates. We use them that we forget that we have responsibilities
in our homes, school and the society we live in.

            Nowadays most people either have or know someone who has a computer and/or
cellphone. It was not so many years ago that in order to write to someone, paper, a pen, an
envelope and a postage stamp were needed, then it took several days for the recipient to receive
the letter; today’s communication is instantaneous, but lacks the warmth of an old fashioned
hand written note. Not all aspects of modern communication technology are negative. Since so
many people own cellphones, the likelihood of having one available when an emergency arises is
good. If an invoice or document is needed immediately, chances are it can be emailed. If a loved
one needs to be contacted quickly, a phone isn’t necessary; they can be contacted by email or
instant messaging. This technology has its place, but it should not replace personalized contact.

Before technology people or students have to read the textbook to get some notes, and
these days we're just going online and trying to find out, because the technology has made it
really convenient for us all. We still have a poor habit of texting while driving and as a result
many accounts happen and people lose their lives there. Before technology people or students
have to read the textbook to get some notes, and these days we're just going online and trying to
find out, because the technology has made it really convenient for us all. We still have a poor
habit of texting while driving and as a result many accounts happen and people lose their lives
there. Before technology people or students have to read the textbook to get some notes, and
these days we're just going online and trying to find out, because the technology has made it
really convenient for us all. We still have a poor habit of texting while driving and as a result
many accounts happen and people lose their lives there. Yet, technology and the social network
are affecting us.

People rely more on their gadgets where a person has no personal interaction with each
other. It's not only shifting us from technology but also changing the way people interact in the
workplace and to each other. Through the years the act of having a face to face interaction has
changed, people rely on technology to connect with each other.

Face to face conversation unfolds slowly. This could be a negative point that shouldn’t be
practice. Communicating without seeing the person you want to communicate is like your talking
yourself to the mirror. Yes, you are able to communicate but not able to express your thoughts to
that person.

           Communication have change through the years. Yes, I agree that through social media
you are able to communicate but we just need to minimize and know how to use it. Use it in the
proper way and the way it should use to be. Therefore, listening and responding is always
described as a significant dimension to have a successfully communication in our daily life, such
as to explain family relationship issues or human emotional expressing, it seems as a necessary
ability in close, individual and professional relationships of all ages.

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