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Are you guys shy? I've been standing here talking to my friend for like 5 minute
s now and you still haven't said 'hi".
Walk up to a girl or a group of girls. (no guys in the group preferred you will
know what I mean)
Say loud and clear, "hey, I need your opinion on something."
"I am going on a blind date with some girl and I am very nervous about it. Is th
ere any tips you can give me so I don't look like an idiot. I don't really know
how to dress to impress or act the right way" (Act as AFC as you can to disarm t
he bitch shield)
NOW some girl would just tell you "be yourself". you should reply with C&F line
or expression. What I did was I made a very serious face and said "like this?" w
hich cracked them up. I then put up the serious face again and said, "I need to
know", and then change to a happy face and said "come on, tell me the secret to
girls' hearts, and how do I dress to impress. If you were going on a blind date,
what would you like the guy to look like".
At this point at least one girl would volunteer to give you a few tips, and then
more will follow. You can then ask all the questions you want to those girls un
til they go dry (EV). Or you can run some patterns and move in to your routines.
Depends on how well you spin it, you might be able to get one of the girls out s
hopping with you or more. The danger of this opener is, they might give you advi
ces to be AFC, i.e. buy her flowers...blah blah blah. It is your natural ability
as an ASFer to filter out the useful info from the AFC ones.
***I have found a better way to use this opener. When I go out with totally NEWB
IE guys I meet off PAIR or from my Lair, I'll use this opener but make it about
the newbie and put him on the spot and into the interaction. this way you don't
have to come off AFC***


In a mall put on a different cologne on each wrist and ask girls which one smell
s better on you. Go back and forth several times between arms and make cute face
s when you do.
Have something queued up and ready to go immediately afterwards.

Compliment her on something she's wearing or her hair or just style in general.
The trick is compliment openers are to never compliment her on her physical beau
You have an incredibly energy about you
You have an artless grace
That's an incredible whatever-x accessory/garment


Go find the Dating for Dummies book. It's bright yellow and black. I forget the
exact page (78 maybe?), but find the page that has "NEVER USE THESE LINES" on it
, and keep the book open to that page.
Walk up to a girl BLATANTLY and hold the book up in front of your face so she ca
n easily read the title. She might start laughing, depending on how you do it.
Then slowly lower the book and read the lines. "So... come here often" in a supe
r player voice. She will crack up and answer you. Break your "smooth" look on yo
ur face and quickly bring the book back up and read the next line "What's your s
ign?". She will laugh again and probably answer.
Then I usually say "Wow... this works great. Your turn". It puts her on the spot
. You can flip to random pages and do tons of role-play... the breaking up stuff
is great.
Eventually just stack with a relationship related opener, and you're in. I've do
ne this a ton of times and it never fails to open.

DAVID BOWIE (TylerDurden)

Hey guys, I need a female opinion. Do girls think the rock star David Bowie is h
(blah, blah, blah)
Get this... my roommate's little sister, she's 7 and half years old, has a HUGE
picture of David Bowie on her wall. I'm not talking an 8x10; I'm talking a 4-foo
t by 6-foot POSTER! It's like the first thing she sees when she wakes up in the
David Bowie is a freaky looking OLD MAN! She's like 7 and he's like 70. I'm seri
ously worried about my roommate's little sister.

Hi, I like you. And I'd like to get to know you.
Hey, What's up?
Where are you going?
You're cute, are you friendly/interesting?
You guys are so adorable. You have such a cute group dynamic going on. I want to
meet you guys. My name is x-name.
How are you?
You look like someone I'd like to meet.
Can I ask you a quick question?(Sure) Are you single?etc.
(I have a lot of successes with these on girls that are HB7 and lower or older w

DENTAL FLOSS (Style and Mystery)

Hey guys, I need to get your opinion on something. It's very important, and we n
eed a woman's perspective. It's a matter of life and death.. My friend and I wer
e having a debate and your answer could completely change my entire life....
Do you brush before floss or floss before brush? No one knows.


When a girl bumps into you in a crowded club tap her on the shoulder and say "do
n't touch me" . have something to immediately follow up with.

DRUG DEALER OPENER (aceofhearts)

Used with a wing at night, with funny, just-got-done-laughing tonality.
"Hey, I need your opinion on something...does my friend here look like a drug de
aler?" (chicks usually either laugh or look quizzically) "Because we were outsid
e and some dude came up to him and touched him on the shoulder like this...
(cheap kino on girl) and asked, 'Hey man, you got some E?'" Ideally you will use
this with a wing who doesn't look too straight-laced.
I've done this where my wing will open with this and I'll pipe in with "Since I'
ve changed my look I get asked, "do I party" like all the time. I think they're
looking for cocaine. Another thing I've noticed is about 10 times a night I'll g
et someone coming up to me and asking "can I bum a cigarette". I don't smoke but
I'm seriously considering carrying around a pack. but not like regular cigarett
es. like Virginia Slims 120s. then I'll just pull one out and hand it to the guy
and he'll be all like "WTF?" etc."

EIGHTIES DOG (Swinggcat)

Hey guys, I need a quick opinion about something. My friend just got two puppies
, a Pug and a Beagle. She wants to name them after an 80's pop duo. she wants to
name them. DURAN DURAN. I think that's a horrible idea. you can't have two dogs
with the same name. Do you guys have any ideas?
I was thinking Sonny and Cher would be a good one, because the Pug dog is a male
and the Beagle dog is a female. But they're 70's, not 80's, so that won't work.
Maybe Axel and Slash would be good, but they're rock n' roll hair band style.
Milli Vanilli was a thought, but those are both guy names. We need a female name
. Plus, Milli doesn't fit a Pug or a Beagle.


Hey guys, help me out, I have this song stuck in my head ALL day and I can't rem
ember who sings it. it goes "you spin me right round baby right round like a rec
ord player right round, round round, etc...." who sings that???
(blah, blah, blah)
I was talking to my mom earlier today and she said its Lionel Richie. but I KNOW
that isn't right!
Then later in the night you can like reopen with "Dead or Alive." This works wit
h any one hit wonder 80s music.


Did you know that Elvis dyed his hair black? What was his natural hair color?
Dirty Blond.
Did you know that Priscilla Presley also dyed her hair?
I don't know what her natural hair color was, I'm not Cliff Claven, but can you
picture that these two every couple of weeks would dye their hair black together
around a dirty sink in some sick mass-appealing ceremonial ritual? I bet people
never considered that before ... did you?
Did you know that all Elvis had to do to get a shag was look directly into the g
irl's eyes and smile?
Then look into the chick's eyes and smile.


"Hey guys, I need a female opinion... we were just Saks today, and there were al
l these 600$ collared tee-shirts. when chicks see guys wearing 6bill shirts like
that, do they think its classy or try-hard?" (That's the skeleton obviously use
your own speaking mannerisms).
Then you can use what info and opinions they give you to bust on them, using all
the usual stuff.

FAT ELVIS (Wilder)

Hey guys, if you were going to hire an Elvis impersonator for your friend's birt
hday party, would you hire a young Elvis or a Fat Elvis?
blah, blah, blah. (if she says young Elvis bust on her for being shallow)
Get this, my roommate lived in Graceland for a year and he said the craziest thi
ng. He told me that the fat Elvis impersonators always got the hottest chicks, a
nd the young Elvis's were always alone. I couldn't believe it at first, but I th
ought about it, and it kinda makes sense. I guess women just lose all control wh
en the see a fat Elvis impersonator doing "hunka hunka burnin' love."


I think this is highly underrated.
Just go up and just tell them how they would look EVEN BETTER to you. "Wear your
hair open", "open that up one more button", or just fix their clothes. tell her
what would look amazing on her.
Train your eye to look for imperfections and what to do against them. For the cl
ueless, get two-dozen model magazines and look through the pictures SEVERAL time
s so you get some idea. Try to make up negs for these girls and point out what w
ould look better on them (the model magazine idea is cro_badboy´s)
This sets an interesting frame. first of all, you are teaching her how to please
you, if she reacts well, praise her for being a good puppy. Second, it is obvio
us that you are the prize, that you have standards and that you know what you wa
Women love the idea of seducing you, you just gotta teach them HOW and they will
This is *not* delivered playful or c&f or anything, just a genuine comment.
From there, it's easy to launch right into a routine (for example you can talk a
bout what and how much clothes say about people and cold-read her right there. w
hatever you want.)

GAY OPENER (aceofhearts)

Preferably used with a wing and with a game-show host/party host attitude. "I ne
ed your honest opinion on I look gay?" Some chicks will bust out
laughing when you ask this. "...Because something really funny just happened, th
is dude was hitting
on me in another bar!" Better is to use this with a wing and change it to
"Does MY FRIEND look gay" because it eliminates the self-conscious aspect. The p
erson who was supposedly hit on must play it off as something totally funny and
even flattering.


With great enthusiasm... "OMG!. did you see those two girls fighting outside? Li
ke right outside the club... they were totally going at it; one was pulling the
others' hair, and the other one drew blood with her nails. And they seemed to be
fighting over this short guy; he was standing near them just totally laughing!


"Hey guys, I need a female perspective on something. This'll only take a minute.
My roommate's girlfriend just found a shoebox he keeps hidden in a dresser draw
er, and she's really upset about it.
It's nothing bad, just pictures of him and ex-girlfriends on vacation and old lo
ve letters he got in high school and stuff. But for some reason his girlfriend i
s freaking out about this and wants him to get rid of it or she's threatening to
break up with him.
Is this normal female behavior?"
So now she wants him to burn the box or she's leaving him, isn't that fucked up?
(girls get ridiculously into this opener and it helps if you tease them for it)

KHAKI OPENER (aceofhearts/superfly)

Hey, guys, my friends and I were making fun of some frat boys, and got into an a khaki a color or a fabric?" The correct answer is that khaki is a c
olor, and most girls know this. You can go into, "See, I was thinking it was a c
olor, but the thing is that you never see a khaki car or wallpaper color or anyt
hing like that!" then fire into your next routine...

KINO OPENERS (TylerDurden)

Pushing girls, grabbing drinks out of their hands, lightly hip checking them, sn
apping bra straps, grabbing hats off heads, poke her, tap the opposite shoulder,
etc.(these require no memorization are easy for newbies)


Walk up to a girl and say, "Do you believe in ESP?" Remember to SMILE or you may
startle her. "Just think of the first # that pops into your head from one to fo
ur. Don't say it. Just think it ... now take that # and imagine that it is drawn
on a blackboard in your head. Have you done that?"
She says OK
"What's so neat about imagination is ... we both have it ... On the blackboard,
I see the number ... three."
Whether you get it right or not reply.
"Alright, lets try this one more time. This time think of a different # from one
to 10. Got it? Picture it in white chalk on the blackboard ... you are thinking
of the number ... 7."
If you got the first wrong and the second right, you look like you finally got i
t ... a 1 in 10 chance. If you get BOTH right (a 90% chance seeing as it is a ps
ychological trick where most north Americans naturally choose 3 and 7 as their f
irst picks) that's a 1 in 40 chance ... "and of course I don't stake my reputati
on on mere chance."
If you get the first right but the second wrong or both wrong, say... "PROOF! ES
P does NOT exist!" Then start to laugh like this "Mooa ha ha ha ha ha ha! And yo
u believe in ESP!" a good neg hit to start. If she mentions that most people pic
k 3 and 7 (most girls wont know this though) just say, "really? Hmm. didn't know
that ... thank you Cliff Claven." (From Cheers)
If you take the wording I have and do this EXACTLY as stated, you will be surpri
sed HOW well you will do. When they ask HOW, tell them ... I DON'T KNOW. Tell he
r you can SEE the #s on your imaginary blackboard. This is NOT a trick. You hate
magicians. If she wants you to do this again, tell her ... "don't be greedy now
Speaking of greedy ... if a girl kisses you on the cheek and goes to kiss your o
ther cheek, tell her, "Only one ... don't be greedy." This is a good NEG HIT. Mi
ld but a neg hit nonetheless. If she says, "Yes, but I'm French", you reply, "Ar
e all French girls as greedy as you?"

G-STRING (Badboy)
"Hey guys, you won't believe what's going on with a friend of mine and his girlf
riend. They've been dating each other for six months now, and my friend really l
oves her. But they had this big fight a few weeks ago, and she went to visit her
mother to cool down.
While she was gone, my friend was so depressed, that he ended up hooking up with
some random girl he met in a club.
Anyway, a few days later, his girlfriend comes back, and she finds this girl's t
hong panties in the bathroom, and she KNOWS this thong isn't hers.
So she confronts my friend on this, and he lies and says that the panties are hi
s! And that he likes to dress up in women's underwear. So I don't know if his gi
rlfriend knew he was lying and just wanted to punish him, or if she really is in
to this or not, but she said she thinks that's really kinky and wants him to wea
r women's underwear around the house.
So he's been doing this for a few weeks now and is absolutely.
"So I think he should just come clean and let his girlfriend know what happened.
What do you guys think? How important is trust in a relationship?
Or do you think some things should remain hidden, even if it means being miserab

FEMALE ROOMMATES (Tenmagnet and TylerDurden)

I've been offered this *SWEET* place in (x place).. I want to live there, *BUT*.
.... I have to live with FOUR girls. Like *FOUR*. I'm going to get 4 times the b
oyfriend complaints; I'll never get in the fucking bathroom... I'm gonna have to
start showering at the truck stop, and you KNOW they're gonna synchronize. (Smi
le knowingly) Heck, I'll probably start *MY* period. I'm going to have to leave
the house for 5 days a month!
Did you know that's why primitive civilizations developed camping? All the women
in the tribe would synchronize and the guys would look up at the moon and be li
ke "The antelope are moving now, we must HUNT".
Also... living with all those girls, I could get RAPED. Did you know that 95% of
guys that get date raped commit suicide in 6 months? Girls are such sexual pred
ators... (sexual predator routine stuff below)."
Approach Girls
26 - Glasses off (take glasses off)
26 - Glasses on (put glasses on)
26 - What do you guys think looks better?
*HBs - (Responses: On!/Off!/What?/Laughing)
26 - Glasses off (take off glasses)
26 - Glasses on (put on glasses) (I did the sequence any where from 2 to 4 times
HB1 - I like them on!
HB2 - I like them off! (If HBs disagree then they usually started laughing.I gue
ss they think it's funny that they have different opinions).
26 - My friends tell me I look like Clark Kent when I have the glasses on!
HBs - (Responses: Yeah you do! / No).
26 - Why do you like it when my glasses are on/off?
HB1 - (When likes glasses on) I think it makes you look sexy/it makes you look c
HB2 - (When likes glasses off) I think you look better with them off, but I like
them on too!
You get the opens the group.
Here's another way I introduced the opener:
Approach Girls
26 - I need your opinion. Do I look better with my glasses off (take glasses off
) or with my glasses on (put glasses on). (I put like a fun/playful face on).
*Run with the rest of the opener above.
Trouble Shooting
If a girl asks you to put them on and off too many times I would do one of the f
- I'd put them on and off again, but act goofy (make faces.whatever)
- Oh my god. Again? (Playful). Then I'd do it again (don't know if this is a goo
d idea, what do you guys think?)
- Say to the girl who didn't ask: Wow. Is she always like this? Takes a long tim
e to make decisions?

I'M LOST (TylerDurden)

I'm lost... I can't find my friends and I'm scared... Remember when we were kids
and you could just make new friends whenever you wanted... and you said 'want t
o be my friend?' Do you guys want to by my NEW friend?"


PUA: (grab unsuspecting SHB by the arm and point at a random dude) "OMG, that gu
y is PERFECT for you - let me introduce you!!" (start moving towards the guy)
SHB: What?! No.. NONONO.. haha.. Help!
PUA: (to guy) This girl is so shy, but she really wanted to meet you!
SHB: (Giggeling hysterically) Nonono... its not true!(Fleeing)
PUA: Awww come on.. don't be shy..
Both girls were very hot and totally stuck up before I did this. Both of them ca
me back and talked to me several times during the evening, to tell me how crazy
I was...

MR. BIG (Dr. Paul)

Hey guys, do you watch the show Sex and the City?? I was just talking to those g
irls over there and they told me I remind them of "Mr. Big" is that good or bad?
(ooooohhh we LOVE Mr Big!!)


Hey, guys... remember that shit 'My Little Pony'? Well, I was thinkin about this
today, and I can't remember... did they have powers or were they just regular f
uckin' horses? Like, I remember they could fly, but I thought they also had litt
le symbols on the hip or something that gave them powers, but they were like, la
me-ass powers like Sharing and Honor or some shit. or maybe that was Care Bears.
My little sister used to have them and I'd play GI Joes with them, like, GI Joe
would fly into battle on My Little Pony, then blast Cobra with a fuckin machine
gun blah blah blah...


"Aww - you are soo cute.. but you make me SO SAD! (HB:WHY?) (pause with puppy
dog face) Cos we could NEVER EVER be a couple! (HB:WHYYY???) Nooo.. we are too s
imilar.. IMAGINE, we would be SO IN LOVE.. and the next moment, we would be
fighting and screaming and throwing things.. and then we would have HOT MAKE UP
SEX all over the place.. and then fight, makeup sex, fight, make up sex.. after
a week we would both be in psychiatric care due to emotional drainage!"


Just open with "Hi, we're picking up chicks". its C&F

PIMP NAMES (jlaix)

guys guys... I'm coming up with a pimp name for myself, which is better: "d-lici
ous dogg"? or "deacon dr. rockafella"?
oh cool... shit, you need one too... I'll call you "devious honey g sweetness"..


Walk up to girls and just stop, like plant yourself in front of them. I give the
m kind of a boyish playful smiling face like I'm about to do something cocky or
maybe I though of something funny I'm about to say, and they start giggling. (ke
y is to stop abruptly and make the fun face so they giggle)


First, here is the frame you're using for this opener:
"You're CUTE... but I'm going to make you a ROCKSTAR!"
This is, in fact, the exact wording I used to open Schematic's HB9 on Saturday n
ight. I opened her and I let him take over and #close her. (He should have gotte
n more. Bad schematic. Oh well, I'll call her later. Maybe)
You don't even need to say anything to open, so this works in the loudest clubs.
You walk up, of course making sure to keep your BL under control. (Shoulders awa
y, etc.) You check her out then make a face like you aren't happy with what you
see. Then you hold your hands out like you're judging her style. You move in SLO
WLY, pick some article of clothing (hat, shirt, etc. Best if it's upper body or
head) and PRIMP it. Take her hat and TWIST it ever so slightly. Now, back away,
lean back, look her over, and give her a thumbs up.
"NOW you're a SUPERSTAR!"
Continue with push/pull if you wish... "But wait..." and twist the hat back the
other way. If she touches her hat, bust her for messing it up.
Tell her she's allowed to be seen with you now, and promenade her around the clu


Came up with this one the other night at a club. When opening a set, walk up and
ask, "Which one of you is the richest?". Then go into the whole "Ok, you get to
be my sugar mama, then. But hmm.... we need someone to cook for us, who is the
best cook?" routine.
Pretty fun and opens easily. To give credit where credit is due, it's just a var
iation on "Are you rich?", which I think TD came up with.

RICKI LAKE (Mystery Method)

This one is used to wing your buddy, especially if he's in a two-set and the obs
tacle needs to be kept occupied. "Hey, my friend here just got invited to be on
the Ricki Lake show. But the theme of the show is Secret Admirers. They told him
he's got an admirer, but he won't find out whom until he's live on the set. So
maybe it'll be someone cute, but maybe not; it might even be a guy. What would y
ou do if you were him?"

SEATTLE GF (TylerDurden)
"Hey guys, I need an opinion. My friend met this girl in Seattle, and they reall
y hit it off. They wound up hooking up on the first night, and he even hung out
with her in L.A. over the next week. So he's up visiting her in Seattle last wee
k, and they're out on a walk. He takes a few pictures of them together. Like rea
lly cute ones with them together. Some of them they're just hanging out, and a f
ew of them they're like kissing or whatever while they're out walking.
Anyway, the next morning he wakes up, and checks his camera. He looks at the pic
tures, and he sees that she's woken up before him and gone into it and deleted t
he pictures where they're kissing, and left the ones where they're just hanging
out. He goes to her and says 'Are you psycho? Why are you going into my camera?'
She says its because she thought she looked bad in the pictures, and didn't wan
t him to have them. But he can't figure out if she's psycho or if its legit that
for girls they just hate having pictures out there where she doesn't look good.
He just really liked them because he likes her and doesn't judge the pics like
The girls will either say:
"It's totally natural. I hate it when pictures make me look bad, especially with
a digital camera where you can just delete them and take more." (They also some
times say "But he's only known her a few months. I wouldn't do that on a guy I j
ust met.")
"She has a boyfriend!"
Your immediate reply would be "He doesn't care about that. He's busy. He just do
esn't want her deleting his pics! "

SEXY MONKEY (Tenmagnet)

Do you think Curious George is a sexy monkey? 'Cuz my little cousin was watching
Curious George on TV yesterday, he's two and a half and he pointed at the scree
n and said "Sexy Monkey". Like WTF?!? I didn't teach him that... NO REALLY I DID
He's been hanging around with that Michael Jackson guy again.


Hey do you ever watch The Simpsons? Why has Marge never left Homer, I mean
she's a sexy bitch and he's a deadbeat who fucks up all the time.
At this point you can just go on and talk about The Simpsons for a while.


Papa: Hey...are you someone confident to accept a sincere compliment?!!!
Hot Aussie Chick: Hee...hee. Sure.
Papa: Cooool. Me too!! Hey, you go first. [pointing back to me] Fire away.
Hot Aussie Chick: Haha + {compliment on Papa's clothes or sense of humor} or Hah
a + {cummon face}
Papa: [if not complimented] Just kidding...[if complimented, skip the just kiddi
ng] Actually, I came over here cuz you looked like [compliment +mini cold read].
Here's an example of one of dozens of approaches (even stopping mobile targets w
ith the boomerang effect body language, credit Tyler D).
Papa: Hey...are you someone confident to accept a sincere compliment?
Hot Aussie Chick: Sure. [smile]
Papa: Me too. Fire away.
Hot Aussie Chick: Haha. Well, I like your jacket.
Papa: Ahh. You Aussie chicks rock. You know, I just had to stop you cuz you look
ed like someone interesting to talk to as you look so chill and calm, and someon
e just had to come over and enjoy the view of the pier and opera house with you.
I'm Papa.
Hot Aussie Chick: Hi. [handshake] I'm [Chick's Name]
This kind of direct approach opened consistently and the game played out well be
cause I'd continue from there with lots of ball-busting, playful kino, and conve
yed a lot of fun.
Most of the time, I didn't get compliments from the girls, but I'd get something
like this rolling:
Papa: [credit RJ, Style, and Playboy to helping to create this opener] Excuse me
...are you someone confident enough to accept a compliment from a complete stran


This may sound like a weird question, but would you sleep with Jesus?
Like ok. It's the year of 25 and your sitting at a bar in Jerusalem and this dud
e Jesus walks over and he sits down next to you. He orders you a water and turns
it into wine. Would you have sex with him?
(blah, blah, blah)
"if there's one guy to have a one night stand with, its Jesus!"
if its a mixed set, you use it on the guy:
"if there's one guy to be gay with, its Jesus!"

SPELLS OPENER (Mystery Method)

"Do you think spells work?" Sometimes this will send the woman off on a long bla
b, but if the conversation needs to be kept going, the follow-up routine is:
"The reason I'm asking is because my friend over there met a girl in a club last
week. He wasn't interested in her sexually, because she wasn't really his type.
" (Here the woman might say "Sure," in which case you reply "No, really!" and to
uch her arm or waist.) "Anyway, she hung out at his house and after she left, he
found a metal ring wrapped around a scroll and some feathers under his couch. W
ell, he took it to a magick store and they said it was an attraction spell. And
now, the strange thing is, he can't stop thinking of her. Do you think it's the
spell or just psychological?"


Is it OK to breakup with someone with a text message?
(Then make up a good back-story for this)

THUG LOVIN' (jlaix)

Hey guys, I need an opinion quick. Which is superior... which do the ladies pref
more...THUG LOVIN'? or...GANGSTA LOVIN'? Well, my girlfriend from work said
gangsta because its more hard-core whereas thug lovin' is more like a hobby. But
my other gf said gangsta would be disrespectful, like they'd pistol whip you an
d run a train on your ass, whereas thug lovin', the dude is hard, but when it co
mes to the ladies, he's smooth and sensitive... blah blah blah..."

TWIN BROTHERS (Ross Jefferies)

You're at a party or a club and you meet twin brothers; they are absoutely ident
ical, physically.
ONE of them has the best hands of any guy you've ever met. The other is an incre
dible dancer. Which one do you pick?
Same scenario. Again, the two guys are identical. One makes you laugh more than
anyone you've ever met. The other is the most incredible kisser you could ever i
n a lifetime encounter. Which one do you pick?
Same scenario: One guy has more money than Bill Gates. The other makes you feel
like you are the most beautiful, desirable woman who ever walked the face of the
planet. Which do you pick?
(It'd probably be best to make up some sort of back-story for this)


"Hey guys... would you date a guy with webbed feet??"
"I had a summer job at Y Supermarket and there was this guy I used to work with
that had webbed feet. He would always complain that he couln't get a girlfriend.
He needed to stuff his shoes with cotton so they would fill up and he would alw
ays walk on the tips of his feet. People used to call him 'Twinkle Toes'!"
They usually ask if it's me or my wing and I just bust out with "Nawwww...I'm DI


Would you date a guy in a wheel chair?
(blah blah blah) if she says no say What if it was a really cool wheel chair?
"What if it was a really old wheel chair with a squeaky wheel?"
"You know with bits falling off it. If it was rusty would it come between you bo
If she says yes set it up for who lies more.or
"What if the guy was suddenly cured by *Jesus*...would you lose interest?"

WHO LIES MORE (Chris Rock version)

Hey guys, I need a female opinion. who lies more Guys or Girls??.......... The w
ay I see it girls the tell the small lies like "you're ass doesn't look fat in t
hose pants" but girls. they tell the big ones... like... "Its your baby!"

Masturbating In The Shower

YOU: Did you know that 93% of girls masturbate in the shower?
YOU: It s true- the other 7% sing
HER: Oh really?
YOU: Do you know what they sing?
HER: No, what?
YOU: Oh, you must be one of the 93% of girls that masturbates then
HER: (Laughs)

Dog or Cat by XFMAN

XF: Hey guys let me get your opinion real fast ... What do you prefer cat or dog
HB: Dog
XF: No way , Dog's sucks Wink (NEG) I'm joking I have 5 Laughing ... wait, See t
he problem is that my little sister/cousin birthday is in one week , she is goin
g to turn 9 years old and I don't know what to buy a cat or a dog , she love bot
h cats and dogs, and the other day at the pet shop... blah blah ( DHV story move
to A2 )
Or some variations I have made of my own opener are :
What you prefer for a gift a Cd or Dvd ...
Which movie you think is better: How too loose a guy in 10 days or the notebook
, the thing here is that my sister...
PRIMP OPENER (Harmless) First, here is the frame you're using for this opener:
"You're CUTE... but I'm going to make you a ROCKSTAR!"
You don't even need to say anything to open, so this works in the loudest clubs.
You walk up, of course making sure to keep your BL under control. (Shoulders awa
y, etc.) You check her out then make a face like
you aren't happy with what you see. Then you hold your hands out like you're jud
ging her style. You move in SLOWLY, pick some
article of clothing (hat, shirt, etc. Best if it's upper body or head) and PRIMP
it. Take her hat and TWIST it ever so slightly. Now, back
away, lean back, look her over, and give her a thumbs up.
"NOW you're a SUPERSTAR!"
Continue with push/ pull if you wish... " But wait..." and twist the hat back th
e other way. If she touches her hat, bust her for messing it
Tell her she's allowed to be seen with you now, and promenade her around the clu

Self Empowering Class Opener (credit justincedible!)

Real quick, you guys think its a good idea to take self empowering classes?
Y/ no / whatever response
"I got a buddy that just ended a X year long relationship. And was thinking abou
t taking a class. But I'm telling him to just go out meet people and socialize,
w/o any pressure of anything else. To just go out and have a good conversation.
But my roomate SHE thinks that guys meeting girls out in public is hard and next
to impossible. She also thinks that classes for empowerment are ironicly lame.
Then again she really had no problems attracting people with her job....
What did she do?
Shes ...get this...brace exotic dancer double majoring Business an
d Psychology. She dances to put herself thru school but I dont know what to make
of it. It is her life, Im just glad shes still in school.
Bet youre in school arent you?
Perception is Reality


Masturbating In The Shower

YOU: Did you know that 93% of girls masturbate in the shower?
YOU: It s true- the other 7% sing
HER: Oh really?
YOU: Do you know what they sing?
HER: No, what?
YOU: Oh, you must be one of the 93% of girls that masturbates then
HER: (Laughs)

Dog or Cat by XFMAN
XF: Hey guys let me get your opinion real fast ... What do you prefer cat or dog
HB: Dog
XF: No way , Dog's sucks Wink (NEG) I'm joking I have 5 Laughing ... wait, See t
he problem is that my little sister/cousin birthday is in one week , she is goin
g to turn 9 years old and I don't know what to buy a cat or a dog , she love bot
h cats and dogs, and the other day at the pet shop... blah blah ( DHV story move
to A2 )
Or some variations I have made of my own opener are :
What you prefer for a gift a Cd or Dvd ...
Which movie you think is better: How too loose a guy in 10 days or the notebook
, the thing here is that my sister...
PRIMP OPENER (Harmless) First, here is the frame you're using for this opener:
"You're CUTE... but I'm going to make you a ROCKSTAR!"
You don't even need to say anything to open, so this works in the loudest clubs.
You walk up, of course making sure to keep your BL under control. (Shoulders awa
y, etc.) You check her out then make a face like
you aren't happy with what you see. Then you hold your hands out like you're jud
ging her style. You move in SLOWLY, pick some
article of clothing (hat, shirt, etc. Best if it's upper body or head) and PRIMP
it. Take her hat and TWIST it ever so slightly. Now, back
away, lean back, look her over, and give her a thumbs up.
"NOW you're a SUPERSTAR!"
Continue with push/ pull if you wish... " But wait..." and twist the hat back th
e other way. If she touches her hat, bust her for messing it
Tell her she's allowed to be seen with you now, and promenade her around the clu
trip you are funny as hell...
are you a carpenter? Cause you gave me a woody.
be sure to get louder as you go on...

"you sure have a nice tooth"

"can i buy you a drink? or do you just want the money?"
"hi, the voices in my head told me to come over here"
"Youtube Myspace and i'll Google your Yahoo"
"Hello. My minions told me you are in accordance with the prophesy."
"Gee, for a fat girl you don't sweat much."
"If i asked you to go to dinner with me tomorrow would your answer be the same a
s the answer to this question?" (this one is real...)
"you know... i drive a mercedes..."
"Hi, I'm a necrophiliac, how good are you at playing dead? "
1.(go up to target) I have been wanting to talk to this girl all night I thi
nk she is really cute, I just dont know what to say. Do you have any advice? (ex
: "ask her to dance") Then you walk around the room and come back to her and say
her advice she gave you. Ask her, "Do you want to dance?"
2.My friend and I are in a band and I was wondering what is it about most mu
sic artists that make us so attractive.
3.pua: Hey...are you someone confident to accept a sincere compliment?
Hb: Hee...hee. Sure.
Pua: Cooool. Me too!! You go first. [pointing back to me] Fire away.
4.does size matter? NO! I wasn't talking about dicks, you girls, I swear tha
ts all you think about
5.Hey let me tell you something about good looking people, were not well lik
6.Would you rather have a one night stand with a guy with a great ass or a g
reat personality
7.My friend just broke up with his girlfriend, how long does he need to wait
to ask her friend out
8.Is kissing cheating
9.Who lies (cheats) more men or women
10.My friend just broke up with his girlfriend, how long does he need to wai
t to ask her friend out

Love vs In Love
Hey, I need your opinion on something real quick. My best friends girl broke up
with him, when he asked for the reason, she told him that she loves him but she
wasn t in love with him anymore. He asked
Opinion Openers
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Name Mnemonics
HB: What s your name? Style: I m Style. HB: I m Janet. This is Donna. And that s Tony. S
tyle: Okay Janet.Donna.Tony. You know, I used to be really bad with names. HBs: Om
igod, I m so bad with names. Style: But you don t have
Indirect Openers
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Good-Looking People
This Opener works well if you re not a conventionally good looking person and your t
arget is quite good looking. This is also best to use in low-key settings with s
olitary targets (for example, standing in line). Basically, you walk up
Indirect Openers
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Excuse me You re not Susan Jensen, are you? (They usually say no, then offer their
name. If they don t offer their name simply ask, What s your name? Try to get the firs
t and last name.) Oh, in that case. You re
Risky Openers
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Fashion Tip
Just go up and tell them how they would look EVEN BETTER to you. Wear your hair o
pen , open that up one more button , or just fix their clothes. tell her what would l
ook amazing on her. Train your eye
Indirect Openers
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Gas Station
I ve used this one at gas stations with some success. Occasionally, while you re fue
lingup your car, you ll see a rather attractive woman doing so nearby. If this is
the situation, I ll see how much she s spending on gas. If it
Situational Openers
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Embarrassing Dare
Hey, y all are women. You ll probably have some great answers to this question I hav
e. Well first of all, have you ever known anyone who lost a bet and had to do a
dare? Okay. Well I have this bet
Indirect Openers
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Do I look gay?
Preferably used with a wing and with a game-show host/party host attitude. I need
your honest opinion on something do I look gay? Some chicks will bust out laughin
g when you ask this. Because something really funny just happened, this
Opinion Openers
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Hey guys, I need a female opinion. Do you believe in karma? If you don t know, Kar
ma is a belief that whatever you do comes back to you: If you do something good,
somethinggood will happen to you, and vice
Direct Openers
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Thug Lovin
Hey guys. I m doing a poll. Which do the ladies prefer more THUGLOVIN ? or GANGSTA LOV
IN ? Well, my girlfriend from work said gangsta because its more hard-core whereas
thug lovin is more like a hobby. But my other girlfriend said
Opinion Openers
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Are you rich?
Open a set by asking Which one of you is the richest? . Then go into the whole Ok, y
ou get to be my sugarmama, then. But hmm we need someone to cook for us, who is t
he best cook? -
Risky Openers
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First, here is the frame you re using for this opener: You re CUTE but I m going to make
you a ROCKSTAR! This is, in fact, the exact wording I used to open my wing s HB9 o
n Saturday night. I opened her
Situational Openers
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Never be a couple
Aww you are soo cute.. but you make me SO SAD! Girl: WHY? Cos we could NEVER EVER
be a couple! Girl: WHY ?? Because we are too similar.. Imagine, we would be SO
IN LOVE.. and the next
Indirect Openers
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Victoria Secrets, pick up a pair of boyshorts and a thong. Immediately approach.
PUA: Hey I need a female perspective here. I m helping my friend shop for his gir
lfriend for their anniversary, and he s completely helpless. Which would you rathe
Opinion Openers
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Tv Show
This opener is outdated, but adaptable to current TV shows. You: Hey guys. (Paus
e here for a quick sec? try not to be in a rush) do you guys watch Friends? (Eve
ry chick North America watches this fucking show)HBs: Yeah.
Opinion Openers
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PUA: (grab unsuspecting SHB by the arm and point at a random dude) OMG, that guy
is PERFECT for you let me introduce you!! (start moving towards the guy) Girl: Wh
at?! No.. NONONO.. haha.. Help! PUA: (to guy) This
Risky Openers
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Hey, guys, my friends and I were making fun of some frat boys, and got into anar
gument Is khaki a color or a fabric? (The correct answer is that khaki is a color,
and most girls know this.) See, I
Opinion Openers
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No Job, Three Girlfriends
You: Hey guys I m trying to figure out something here and maybe you can help. See,
I have this friend and he has no job and no apartment. However, he has three gi
rlfriends and he takes turn staying at each
Opinion Openers
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New Pet
Hey you guys, I need a female opinion I want to get a pet, but I ve got a bunch of
criteria, so listen up. It needs to be clean, I don t want to have to clean up aft
er it everyday,
Opinion Openers
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I need a female opinion. My buddy (put hand on wingman s shoulder) wants go get a
bike (motorcycle). Could he get more chicks with a crotch rocket or Harley? BANG
! Each girl has her opinion and at least one will

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