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Week Fifteen Journal

Kelsey Ryan

KINS 4306

4-13-20: Monday I worked on revising my resume and fixing formatting issues.

4-14-20: Tuesday I worked on my project and the outline of my presentation. I am trying

to know what I am going to say inside and out. I am nervous for my presentation even

though I am just recording it.

4-15-20: On Wednesday I attended the weekly staff meeting. We did not cover a lot of

useful topics, but it was nice to see everyone. It is nice to have some normalcy in my


4-16-20: Thursday was different than normal because we did not have our intern meeting

with Dr. Graham. I worked on my project.

4-17-20: Friday I had a meeting with Dr. Graham. We discussed my project. Up until this

point I was unsure if I should go ahead with the website because the previous week she

stated that it might not be worth doing if we only have access to less than half the shirts.

She stated that I could go ahead and work on the website during this meeting, but it does

not need to be finalized. It is disappointing not being able to complete a full website. That

was the part of my project I was most excited to see finished.

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