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Caroline O’Neill

Journal #1

Total Hours of Work: 32 Hours

Tuesday (1/19/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Wednesday (1/20/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (1/21/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (1/22/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

My first week as an Intern at Carolina Precision Technologies in Atlanta, Ga was filled with many new

experiences. Before starting, I had to get a couple task squared away with the company like setting up a

computer, email, office, and signed paperwork for them. I was introduced to the whole sales staff and

engineers at CPT. Kevin Lilly, my supervisor made me read a book about sales before I started, and we

discussed the book for the first hour. He gave a lot of tips and talked about how I can help CPT with this

advice. We also discussed the tasks I will be given as the semester goes on such as marketing the

company, meeting doctors, scheduling meetings with other companies, and focusing on getting leads for

the sales team. As a team we go out to lunch together everyday to get out of the office and learn about

each other outside of work. This was nice because I was very intimidated by everyone but got a lot more

comfortable after lunch. The next few days got a lot more interesting. I sat through business meetings

and took notes on things I really have never heard of. Another day I got to look at all our devices and

learn about them. Each device is tiny but fixes so many parts of the human body which is so fascinating

to me. They also made me in charge of their LinkedIn profile and other company accounts. I have been

contacting a lot of different companies for them trying to get the right contact to speak with. This is

something I enjoy because it helps my communications skills expand to people who are a lot more

experience in this field than I am. This week was very educational because I never have seen a business

run behind the scenes. Each day I keep learning new information about medical device industry and I

hope this semester will help me continue my career in medical sales. Even though this week was long

and exhausting I am very excited to become part of the Caroline Precision Technologies team
Caroline O’Neill

Journal #2

Total Hours of Work: 40 Hours

Monday (1/25/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (1/26/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (1/27/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (1/28/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (1/29/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 72 hours

The second week of working at Carolina Precision Technologies was a bit of a change than last

week. My boss tested positive with COVID-19 and we all were required to work from home for the

whole week. Monday I was very overwhelmed because I did not have people I always shadow by myside

for questions. I also did not want to bother them over text about my questions but by the end of the

week it was very normal to call them 100 times a day. They had me continue to reach out to engineers

for our target companies. I spoke with a lot on Monday and explained to them what our company was.

On Tuesday I sat through meetings via zoom and phone calls. The zoom meetings were not hard since I

had been using them for classes last semester. I actually taught the people in the meeting different

techniques we could use for zoom meetings. I also made changes to our LinkedIn page. I took notes on

the stats of our activity within LinkedIn. I did this because I want to see what is grabbing our customers

attention on linked in and what is not working. On Wednesday there were a lot of companies I had to

continue with. I was very close of getting a huge lead for our company and that was very exciting. I also

spoke with the CEO to get permission to make more changes to the social media pages. He was very

excited to hear my input and wanted to do all the changes. Thursday was a hard day because I had a lot

of meetings that discussed new things I have never heard of. Since we do aerospace parts too, I learned

a lot about aerospace. Although I want to do medical device sales, they did want me to have an insight

on the other side of the company as well. Lastly, Friday was a very relaxing day. I had to finish a couple

of the assignments and excel sheets they have given me but other than that I could finish my homework
and do anything else that needed to be done on my own. I did not have any other meetings until 3. This

meeting was to discuss what next week should look like since my boss will continue to quarantine. I am

excited to get back into the office!

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #3

Total Hours of Work: 40 Hours

Monday (2/1/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (2/2/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (2/3/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (2/4/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (2/5/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 112 hours

The third week was a great week at my internship cite. I was back in the office taking on

new challenges from my boss but also listening and watching over meetings with different

teams. My boss has me scheduled to listen into introduction calls with new companies. This will

help me write out a script for when I get to do it myself. Listening into the calls is very

interesting because not all of them fit within our company. I am the type of person that is scared

to turn people down and that’s something I will need to fix once I get into sales. I am very

thankful that this internship will teach me that. On Tuesday, I did a lot of research of more

medical companies that we could target. This is a lot of work because I have to find the right

division’s for each company. For example, Stryker sells so many medical devices but I had to

find contacts for the spine division. Wednesday my boss let me take a day to focus on excel

skills. This is my biggest struggle. I know how to do all the basics and more of excel but this

company uses excel in every way and I got behind because I do not know how to use it. I have

also looked into taking an excel class that will help me further my skills and stand out in the

company. Thursday we had a lot of meetings with our team to see everyone’s update for this
semester. It was crazy to me on how much planning goes into selling a product because each

month they have to hit their quota. I also spoke with my boss about what I should do for my

project. On Friday, we spoke with the CEO to see if he had any ideas that he would want me to

do. Hopefully by this upcoming week I will get the whole project down. In the next couple of

weeks I hope to travel to one of our facilities.

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #4

Total Hours of Work: 32 Hours

Monday (2/8/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (2/9/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (2/10/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (2/11/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 144 hours

I cannot believe it has already been a month since I started my first internship. This week

we had a lot of work to do but also a lot of meetings. Monday, I spoke with some of our

engineers and introduced myself. I did this on my own which was something I was nervous

about, but it ended up being such a normal conversation. I am working on filling out our

company’s information for supplier forms to our customers. These supplier forms ask a lot of

questions about our company and the devices that the engineers are expertise’s at. Tuesday, we

talked about what we are going to post for Black History Month as we continue to celebrate. I

came up with the idea of doing an employee spotlight on one of our African American engineers.

The CEO loved this idea and was very impressed. This made me more excited just knowing that

they are proud to have me as their intern. I also planned out the post and this upcoming week will

interview him via zoom call. On Wednesday we had a long meeting with our team discussing

what events we will attend this year and our budget for these summits. I hope I get to attend one,

but we are still waiting to hear back if they are stilling holding it in person. We also are getting a
big magazine ad ready to be sent out next week. So, my coworker and I worked on it for a while.

Thursday I could work from home and answer emails and sit through zoom meetings. I really

enjoy working from the office, but it is nice of them to let me work from home every once and

awhile. Friday I technically did not have to work I had one 30-minute meeting with my

supervisor, co worker and CEO. We discussed the changes to the AD and discussed our next to-

do task list for this upcoming week. I look forward to being in the office next week!

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #5

Total Hours of Work: 39 Hours

Monday (2/15/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (2/16/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (2/17/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (2/18/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (2/19/2021): 9:00- 4:00; 7 hours
Totally hours: 183 hours

As I wrap up another week in the books, I cannot help but to pay myself on the back for

working as hard as I can in this new field. Each week I think I become more thankful for such an

amazing opportunity that I push myself to be better for the company. I feel like this week flew

by. Monday, I sat down with the CEO to talk about a company lead I got for them. Although we

have issues with their requested order, he still was very proud of me. He explained to me how

one facility can do the order, but the other ones cannot just because of a certain license that one

location does not have. Tuesday, I spoke with my supervisor about my project and we wrote out

everything I should cover in my marketing plan book. He is very excited to see my work and

what I have put together. Wednesday, we started a master list of our target companies. He put me

in charge of this excel sheet and I must update it constantly and send it to a group of colleagues

weekly. Although it is just one sheet it has a lot of content that takes a lot of time to complete. I
spent most of Wednesday perfecting it to the way Kevin wanted it and then adding more

information to it. There was a manager meeting Wednesday afternoon that took about two hours

and they allowed me to sit through that and learn from it. The CEO asked me some questions

after and allowed me to do the same. I try and ask good questions that will prove how interested I

am. Thursday we had a marketing and sales meeting to introduce a new colleague who just

started. She is one of our new sales rep and we walked her through what we are working on so

we are all on the same page. I look forward to meeting and working with her. Friday, I came up

with our social media posts for this upcoming week. I am excited to get those posted on Monday.

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #6

Total Hours of Work: 40 Hours

Monday (2/22/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (2/23/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (2/24/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (2/25/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (2/26/2021): 9:00- 4:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 223 hours

This week was very smooth sailing other than Monday. Like I mentioned last week I

came up with a great post for LinkedIn that would emphasize Black History month. Well, the

quote I used was from someone who recently just had a bad reputation on the internet. I had to

then come up and make a new post by the end of the day. Although it was stressful it made me

realize that I need to double check everything before I post on the company page. I am thankful

that we caught the mistake before it was posted and now the new post still looked great.

Tuesday, we had a huge quote meeting and my boss had asked me to take notes for the meeting

and send it to the team. The sales team gave me a shoutout for getting a big lead for the company

and it was very nice to feel appreciated by the company like that. I learned a lot within the quote
meeting and meeting more of our engineers. Wednesday, I sat through a manager meeting that

was just picking up where they left off last meeting. I have learned the importance of being

prepared for meetings and how mad people get when they are not prepared. Thursday my

coworker and I sat down and figured out what needed to be ordered for our event table. Although

the event is a few months away we had to make sure our stuff and hotel were booked in time. I

hope I get a job so I can attend these summits and travel with them. I am starting to think about

where I would want to work if I did get a job with them. If they gave me the option to travel that

would be my dream. Friday, we had breakfast as a team and worked from the coffee shop just to

switch it up. Our team is becoming very close and it makes work a lot more comfortable for me.

I am loving this company.

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #7

Total Hours of Work: 40 Hours

Monday (3/1/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (3/2/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (3/3/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (3/4/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (3/5/2021): 9:00- 4:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 263 hours

Answering Dr. K’s question referring to a potential job offer with this company; I spoke

with my boss about it briefly on Friday. We talked about when I would present my project to

them and how we need to get dates down before we get busy with other things. Then he brought

it up first and asked if I had any plans after this internship and I said none other than applying to

other jobs. I wish I had said something like “I would love to do what I can do to stick with this

company in the future” but it came up randomly and I felt pressured. I want to bring it up again

but do not know when the right time is. Other than that, this week was great. Monday, we had a
marketing meeting 8 am and I was freaking out because I got stuck in traffic and arrived at 7:55,

so the lesson I learned there was to leave 15 minutes earlier from here on out. Tuesday, I had a

new target list to reach out to, so I spent most of the day doing that. Wednesday, I led a meeting

and had to speak with a lot of people that were high up, but I think I did great. I also got our

LinkedIn post for Women’s History Month and got that on the page. I think they are loving my

LinkedIn post for the company. Thursday, I responded to a lot of new potential medical

assembly contacts and started getting my project together. Friday, we worked from home and

had 3 early zoom meetings with the engineers on some products that were delivered late and how

that cannot happen again, so this meeting was pretty intimidating but again I learned a lot from

it. I walk into this meeting blindsided like every other intern, but these meetings are the ones I

learn the most from since I am so engaged on new stuff. I look forward to this upcoming week

and see what they have scheduled for me.

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #8

Total Hours of Work: 40 Hours

Monday (3/8/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (3/9/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (3/10/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (3/11/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (3/12/2021): 9:00- 5:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 303 hours

My 8th week at Carolina Precision Technologies went great and had an exciting thing on

Thursday! Monday, we started off with our typical Marketing and Sales meeting at 8:30 and

updated each team member with our task lists and any new information with customers needed. I

also attended another meeting with colleagues in our Putnam, Ct facility. I really enjoy this team

because they love to mess around with me and make me laugh a lot. They really make me love
my job even though I have not even met them yet. The marketing manager and I made a post for

the international women’s day and got that posted on Monday afternoon. I love helping him out

with post like this because I tend to know a lot more trending ideas then he does. On the other

hand, he is a lot better at captions for the post, so together we make great team work. Tuesday

was a day for starting new tasks. They assigned me new companies to reach out to, so they took

a lot of the day up. Wednesday I received another lead that will hopefully turn into an RFQ. This

is a great time to get our company another lead so they will want to keep me on their sales team.

I spoke with my sales rep a lot today since the order they requested was new to me. I watched a

lot of videos of the processing stage for this order that the engineers would have to do. It is

interesting because RFQs do not come as easy as I thought, sometimes the time of the project vs

the money we would receive does not match up. Thursday was another day for tasks, but also a

big day for me. I interviewed with Locum Tenens as a backup in case I do not get a job offer

with CPT. It went great and I made it to the second round. I am keeping it quiet because I do not

want to lose the opportunity to work at CPT. Friday, we had a few more meetings with

companies as well as our teams. We are working from home next week until Thursday and

Friday as my boss is traveling to a lot of different costumers.

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #9

Total Hours of Work: 40 Hours

Monday (3/15/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (3/16/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (3/1/72021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (3/18/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (3/19/2021): 9:00- 5:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 343 hours
This week was very challenging but great experience. My boss is starting to increase his

expectations with me which is a great thing! Monday, I did a lot of research on companies we are

trying to get our foot in the door with. I showed the CEO and my boss what I have found. They

were impressed so they asked me to call them on my own. The calls were a little challenging as a

lot of times they did not have any answers or have time to talk. I was a little nervous to tell my

boss that so I kept trying to find the right contacts that would get me to the right person. I also

signed us up for events and planned everything out for our company. This day was very long and

stressful, but it taught me how hard sales is and if I want to win, I must keep trying. I learned a

lot this day. Tuesday, I gave some ideas for our new medical device demo cases. These cases

will basically be our show and tell during in person sales meetings, so I want them to look very

neat and professional. I am still waiting on getting it approved from CEO. Wednesday, I sent out

my next list for a LinkedIn campaign for new companies, I enjoy doing this because I make a lot

of new connections with important people and send them off to our sales rep. I learn a lot about

new orders that companies need. Thursday, I sat through a lot of meetings on zoom and caught

up on my project. Friday, the CEO sat me down for a few hours and went through all my excel

sheets of companies I have spoken with. I am glad I keep them organized for myself because I

had no idea he would look at them. He gave me tips and directions for my next steps with cold

calling. He did mention to my boss that he would like me to get training and certified for hospital

sales and visits, so it was a great way to end the week!

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #10

Total Hours of Work: 38 Hours

Monday (3/22/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (3/23/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (3/24/72021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (3/25/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (3/26/2021): 9:00- 3:00; 6 hours
Totally hours: 381 hours

Another week marked in the books as an intern. This week was a week for me to focus on

my project and take on any tasks they need help with last minute. I do not mind doing that

because that is basically what an intern does but I did get a little bored. My boss was traveling all

week, so it was my two co workers and the CEO all week. Monday, we had our weekly meeting

about what is to be expected this upcoming month. I was told I must present at our sales

executive meeting this upcoming Tuesday. I want to be over prepared because I have seen my

boss get frustrated when people are not but also, I think this a good way to show my team how

bad I want to work here. Tuesday and Wednesday, I worked on preparing many excel sheets that

meet my boss expectations. Like I said before I really need to take a class that will further my

excel skills. I did learn a lot of new tricks these two days, but It should not let that take up my

whole time. Thursday, I met with our head sales rep he helped me differentiate between the

important companies on my list and the ones we should not focus on. Friday, I worked on my

project and had to do a lot of research on my company that I had not already known about. I am

very nervous for my meeting this week because I do not want to ruin my chance of getting a job

with them after. I hope this upcoming week I get to be involved in more meetings now that my

boss is back in town. The CEO asked me to get the vaccine so I can travel with my boss to sale

meetings. This upcoming month is going to be very eventful with all the school assignments and

the tasks for the site. This will teach my better time management skills!

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #11

Total Hours of Work: 32 Hours

Monday (3/29/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (3/30/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (3/31/72021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (4/1/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (4/2/2021): 0 hours
Totally hours: 413 hours

Starting my last month of college, I really am impressed with myself. This week was a

huge improvement for me. I finally feel like I am not afraid to step out of my confront zone in

front of my Boss. I finally started to make my own decisions when it comes to talking to our

customers. I struggled with making my own decision because I did not want to do something

wrong and stress my boss out. I made a lot of calls by myself and would make sure I called our

sales rep right after and updated him. I learned a lot about our products just within these few

calls. Monday, we got our team together to prepare for our sales and marketing meeting with the

CEO. My boss really wanted my coworker and I to take over the meeting for the marketing part.

Tuesday, I think we did a great job. We received more positive than negative feedback which is

good. Wednesday my boss helped me with my project with some of our stats and categories that

I struggled with in my marketing plan. Thursday, I had a lot of new customers to call and email

so I caught up on that and spoke with my coworker on how we can make our email outreach

better than before. Friday, we had the day off because the CEO lets everyone have the day off

because of Good Friday. So, I had another interview for a different company and applied to

more. I think this month is when I will decide to stay at this cite if I get a job offer. I do want to

stay within a spine division in the medical sales industry just because I feel very confident with

this internship. I look forward to this new week and new challenges ahead!

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #12

Total Hours of Work: 40 Hours

Monday (4/5/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (4/6/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (4/7/72021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (4/8/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (4/9/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 453 hours

This week my boss put me to the test when it came to sale calls. The CEO was out of town so my

boss really focused on the things I can improve on before he gets back this upcoming week. I

told my boss I really wanted to impress the CEO my last month so he will open a position and I

am willing to do stuff out of comfort zone. Monday, we had a marketing meeting and looked

over all the percentages of open rates to our campaigns and posts. We talked about what works

and what does not work for the email campaigns. We also changed up our list to who it is sent

out to because of the unsuccessful responses. Tuesday, I continued to send our an email

campaign as well as sit through a supplier conference to a company we already do work with.

My boss wanted me to sit through this and learn about where we need to call in the divisions

with that company. I also presented my notes to the CEO and engineers to update them on the

changes within the company. Wednesday, my boss called me on my way home from work which

put me in full panic mode. Of course, he was super nice, but he straight up said “since we are

driving home, I wanted you to pitch me a call for a customer”. So, I basically did role play as a

sales rep with him for 20 min and he gave me more tips and tricks to make it sound so natural.

Although this was stressful, I feel so relieved that I could do it in front of my boss. Thursday, he

told me to practice leaving voicemails for a few companies and I also worked on my project.

Friday all I did was practice cold calling this one target I will be getting in touch with all week. I

really hope my boss is impressed with my calling and will want me on his team.

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #13

Total Hours of Work: 40 Hours

Monday (4/12/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Tuesday (4/13/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (4/14/72021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (4/15/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (4/16/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 493 hours

Coming up to the last few weeks of this internship has put me in a stressful mood each day this

week. My boss had me sit in A LOT of the meetings with him and try to understand the engineer

sides of the meetings. He asked me questions about it to see if I understood but also was open to

answer any of my questions as well. I really took these meetings seriously and wrote down a lot

of new information. I learned that writing all these meetings down helps me understand the next

meeting because a lot of them are similar. I spoke to my boss about a job offering here and he

said to set up a meeting with him and our CEO to speak about any opportunities that would

continue my sales calling. I really hope that goes well, but he said this on Tuesday, and I have

been filled with anxiety since. Wednesday I practiced my project in front of my coworker who is

close with me and told me to fix a few things on my project. I really appreciated his help and

how he is always willing to help me with anything. Thursday, I received awesome new about a

new lead for our company. This was different because instead of someone reaching out to me

email, I received a random phone call and I know my boss overheard me and his conversation. I

think it went well and my boss was very proud so that was a great way to end a stressful week.

Friday, I got together our introduction meeting with this new company and our engineers.

Hopefully, this meeting will go smoothly, and I will get to introduce everyone on my own in

front of my boss. Overall, a great and busy week that helped me become one step closer to a

medical device sales rep.

Caroline O’Neill

Journal #14
Total Hours of Work: 40 Hours

Monday (4/19/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (4/20/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (4/21/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (4/22/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Friday (4/23/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Totally hours: 533 hours

This week was insanely busy for me and I overlooked that it was one of my last weeks at CPT.

Some exciting news was that the CEO offered me a job with them, but I do not think I am going

to take it due to compensation and other cons that overweigh the pros. Although I do love my

company, I believe I want to get into medical sales that is inside OR not a third distributor party.

With that being said, I have not told them yet because I need to find another job before. Monday

the marketing manager and I spent a lot of time putting out job offerings on LinkedIn for

engineers for the Putnam, Connecticut facility. Tuesday, I did mostly cold calling to our current

customers diving deeper into their different divisions as well as connecting with more people on

LinkedIn. I also worked on my project with my boss, and he helped me with some of the topics

to focus on. Wednesday I sat through meetings with our customers and took notes on how our

spine sells rep talks to the customer, he is very friendly but also asks straight to the point

questions and does not waste time. Wednesday the marketing team went out to some local stores

to shop for foam for the demo cases. Thursday, I had 3 interviews with companies I had applied

to over the weekend. All 3 led me to the next round so I am a little overwhelmed with this next

upcoming week as it is my last full week at CPT but also important days for a new chapter. I am

sad to have this internship end but happy to see what door is opening for me. Thankful for all

these classes that prepared me for the medical industry.

Caroline O’Neill
Journal #15

Total Hours of Work: 34 Hours

Monday (4/26/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours

Tuesday (4/27/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Wednesday (4/28/2021): 9:00-5:00; 8 hours
Thursday (4/29/2021): 9:00-5:00; 4 hours
Friday (4/30/2021): 9:00-5:00; 6 hours
Totally hours: 567 hours

As my last full week as an intern came to an end, I did a lot of new tasks. Monday my team and I

sat through a huge meeting and discussed the problems with one of our facilities. Although I was

the marketing and sales intern, my boss switched me to the operations side of this business. After

the meeting I was asked to contact a few of our engineers to get updates on items that were

supposed to be shipped out weeks ago. I had to figure out what days they were going to be

shipped out. I was very overwhelmed but learned a lot of new things about this industry.

Tuesday, we had another meeting with the whole operations team and engineers in the

Pennsylvania location. We discussed the issues on why the products were not getting done on

time and it turned out to be a “he said she said” meeting and it got nowhere. Wednesday, I

learned how to do a Gannt chart, and my boss asked me to create one for the devices that needed

to be shipped out in the next month. Thursday, I worked from home because I had two

interviews with other companies. I sat through zoom meetings while working on the Gaant chart

as well. Friday, I presented my sheet to the engineers at the Pennsylvania facility and my boss

explained to them when things were supposed to be done by and how they will accomplish them.

The CEO also asked me to do a few cold calls for some new aerospace prospects that he

discovered. I also started to get all my excel sheets into a folder that my boss can access when I

am gone in case, he needs any history information from me. I am looking forward to finishing

my last two days at Carolina Precision Technologies.

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