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One Year Goal (academic)

❖ In one year I will have had a successful first year of college with at least a 3.0 GPA.
❖ This is important because I want to continue my academic success in college.
❖ Right now to reach this goal I am organizing my useful high school notes to use in
❖ If I don’t reach this goal I will reassess my study habits to see how I can improve.
One Year Goal (personal)
❖ In one year I will have completed an entire bullet journal.
❖ This is important because I want to journal every week to keep track of my life during
this time.
❖ Right now to reach this goal I am journaling at least once a week.
❖ If I don’t reach this goal I will be disappointed, but start a new journal and try again next
One Year Goal (personal or academic)
❖ In one year I will have a solid, healthy group of college friends.
❖ This is important because I would like to have a strong support group.
❖ Right now to reach this goal I am speaking with people who are attending the same
college as me who have similar interests.
❖ If I don’t reach this goal I will try reaching out to new people.

Five Year Goal (academic)

❖ In five years I will be graduating from college
❖ This is important because I want to obtain my bachelor’s degree in environmental
❖ Right now to reach this goal I am enrolled at Michigan State University
❖ If I don’t reach this goal I continue to pursue higher education until I have earned my
Five Year Goal (personal)
❖ In five years I will be fully vegetarian and keeping a consistent garden.
❖ This is important because I want to eliminate all meat consumption for the benefit of the
❖ Right now to reach this goal I have cut out all red meat.
❖ If I don’t reach this goal I will explore other options, such as a pescetarian diet.

Ten Year Goal

❖ In ten years I will have a stable job at a company I believe in.
❖ This is important because I want to work on behalf of the environment for a company
with sound morals.
❖ Right now to reach this goal I am pursuing a college degree in environmental engineering
and researching the specific field I would like to work in.
❖ If I don’t reach this goal I will keep searching for job opportunities.
Ten Year Goal
❖ In ten years I will live a mostly sustainable lifestyle.
❖ This is important because I want to leave an impact on the planet in a positive way
through my work, not leave waste behind.
❖ Right now to reach this goal I am researching and being more conscious of my purchases
and consumer habits.
❖ If I don’t reach this goal I will continue to work towards creating as little waste as

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