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Task notes | Bargain hunters Y6

Notes for parents. Activity next page.

The purpose of this task is to help your child:

• to learn how to work out the unit price of individual items that come
in packets that you buy.
That way you can really check out the ‘best deals’ at the supermarket.

Think about this:

• Unit price is the cost charged for one of something.
• They’ll need to check out the cost of the box and divide this by the
number of bars in the box to work out the unit price.
• T hey’ll need to keep an eye on the size of the bars in the different
boxes too. They might be different sizes!
• They'll probably want to talk about this with someone in your family
(rather than with a classmate).

Page 1 of 2
Financial Literacy: Saving for a Holiday, Level 3

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