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(для середньої і старшої школи)

різноманітні способи
передавання минулого
тести для перевірки
зведені таблиці часів
і конструкцій, що
передають минуле
відповіді на всі завдання
уроків і тестів

Ме\л/ Тіте
Урок 1. Past Simple ...................................................................................... 4

Урок 2. Past Continuous 6

Урок 3. Past Simple чи Past Continuous?....................................................8

Урок 4. Present Perfect для передавання минулого .............................. 10

Урок 5. Past Simple чи Present Perfect?................................................... 12

Урок 6. Past Simple, Past Continuous чи Present Perfect?...................... 14

Тест 1 ........................................................................................16

Урок 7. Present Perfect Continuous для передавання

тривалої дії в минулому 18
Урок 8. Past Perfect..................................................................................... 20

Урок 9. Past Simple чи Past Perfect? ....................................................... 22

Урок 10. Past Perfect Continuous ............................................................. 24

Урок 11. Past Perfect чи Past Perfect Continuous? ................................ 26

Тест 2 ....................................................................................... 28

Урок 12. Огляд усіх часів для передавання минулого .........................ЗО

Урок 13. Запитання і заперечення в минулому.................................... 32

Урок 14. used to do... Стверждення ........................................................ 34

Урок 15. used to do... Заперечення, запитання .................................... 36

Урок 16. Would для передавання минулого............................................38

Тест З ........................................................................................ 40

Зведена таблиця часів .............................................................. 42

Відповіді до вправ і тестів .........................................................................43

2 Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
Чим корисний цей тренажер ЕЗ
л JI
В англійській мові існує шість часів, за допомогою яких передаються
різноманітні ситуації в минулому. Крім того, минуле можна також
передати за допомогою used to і would. Усе це різноманіття способів
передавання минулого створює чималі складнощі для вивчаючих
англійську мову. Адже у кожного з цих часів і конструкцій є свої правила
вживання, які слід уяснити, щоб співрозмовник вірно зрозумів сказане.
Цей тренажер допоможе навчитися правильно вживати різні способи
передавання минулого.
Тренажер розроблений згідно зі шкільною програмою і призна­
чений для учнів 5-11 класів.
Весь матеріал книжки поділено на 16 уроків, в яких розглядаються як
окремі часи, так і декілька часів у порівнянні. Завдяки цьому формується
чітке розуміння матеріалу, що вивчається, учні починають відчувати, в
яких ситуаціях вживається той чи інший час.
Уроки тренажера містять вправи різного рівня складності — як
прості, в яких відпрацьовується формування різноманітних часів, так і
більш складні, де учень зможе продемонструвати розуміння смислу того
чи іншого способу передавання минулого. Щоб легше було розібратися
в рівні складності вправ, усі вони помічені зірочками:
* — проста вправа;
** — вправа середньої складності;
*** — вправа підвищеної складності.
Кожний урок починається невеликим схематичним нагадуванням
граматичного правила. Якщо ж учень має глибокі прогалини у знаннях
граматики, за докладним пояснением правил рекомендуємо звернутися
до книжок «Жива граматика англійської мови» Рівень 2 і Рівень 3.
(автори Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen).
До початку роботи з цим тренажером рекомендуємо спочатку зробити
вправи тренажерів «Past Simple», «Неправильні дієслова» і «Present
До книжки увійшли 3 тести. Кожне завдання тесту присвячено
матеріалу певного уроку, тому за результатами тесту ви легко визначите,
з якою мікротемою в дитини залишилися проблеми.
Також наприкінці книжки ви знайдете відповіді абсолютно на всі
завдання уроків і тестів.
Бажаємо успіхів у вивченні англійської мови! З


to be
Past Simple

can інші дієслова

What was the weather 1 could swim well Josh went to the cinema on
like yesterday? in my childhood. Sunday.
It was cold and we She couldn’t dance Did you go to the cinema, too?
were cold, too. when at school. No, 1 didn’t go to the cinema, 1
Was it windy? — No, Could you drive 5 stayed at home.
it wasn’t. It wasn’t years ago? — No, 1 My great-granddad never
windy at all. couldn’t. travelled beyond his village.

1*. Встав wasn’t, weren’t, didn’t або never.

1) We_________ at his lesson yesterday.

2) Sam__________ listened to his parents.
3) Kelly__________ tired after work.
4) There__________ any visitors at the exhibition on Sunday.
5) They__________ even try to help me.
6) Jack__________ say a word.
7) Mr Smith__________ satisfied with our answers.

2* Постав дієслова в Past Simple.

1) Lola__________ (come) home late yesterday.

2) We__________ (spend) our last holiday abroad.
3) Hal___________ (learn) Spanish in 6 months.
4) I___________ (can) read when I was 5.
5) My kid sister___________ (break) her arm last month.
6) They___________ (go) to the cinema together.
7) My parents___________ (buy) a new house last year.
8) His friends____________ (send) him a nice present.

Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
З**. Закінчи короткі відповіді.

1) Were you happy when you heard it? — Yes,_______________

2) Did you buy tickets online? — Yes,_______________
3) Could Leila hear those sounds, too? — Yes,_______________
4) Could you draw in your childhood? — No,_______________
5) Did your grandparents have a car? — No,_______________
6) Was Tom at school yesterday? — No,_______________
7) Were they together? — No,_______________

4***. Постав запитання до виділених слів.

1) I saw this film last month. When did you see this film?
2) They were in Turkey two years ago._____________________

3) Josh wrote this report in two days.______________________

4) Tim could play the piano when he was 7. _________________

5) Dad came home at 7 p.m. yesterday.____________________

6) Sheila couldn’t cook when she was a student. _____________

7) Archie was angry because he couldn’t unlock the door. ___

8) His car went at 70 mph.________________________________

9) They bought a nice boat last month._____________________

10) They bought a nice boat last month. ____________________

11) Dina told the truth. ___________________________ _ ______ | 5
УРОК 2. Past Continuous

was/were (not) + дієслово+ing

When Tim came, I was cooking dinner.
Were you playing tennis at В p.m. yesterday?
What were you doing when the accident took place?
While Jack was drawing Jill was watching TV.

1* Учора над містом було помічено НЛО. Журналісти розпиту­

ють свідків, чим вони займалися в той момент. Напиши, що
дізналися журналісти, використовуючи підказки.

1) Linda (read a book) was reading a book.________________

2) Mr Smith (walk his dog)_________________________________
3) Carl and Mark (play tennis)______________________________
4) Ann (fly a kite)________ _ _______________________________
5) Patrick and Sara (ride their bikes)________________________
6) Mrs Brown (sit on a bench)_________________ ____________

2* Заповни пропуски заперечною формою дієслів у дужках.

1) Den (watch TV) wasn’t watching TV when you called.

2) They (discuss)__________________ the project when I came in.
3) I (smile)________________________ I
4) We (listen)_______________________ to the tour guide when
he was telling this story.
5) He (take a bath)___________________________ today at 7 a.m.
6) Lola (cry)__________________________when I called her.
7) The kids (play)_______________________ in the garden when
I was there.
8) I (eat) _______________________ when you called.

Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen 6 Англійський сулертренажер.

Вчимося передавати минуле
г w W "
З**. Надай відповідь на команди так, як це показано у зразку.

1) You mustn’t run here! (walk) I wasn’t running, I was walking.

2) You mustn’t shout! (sing) ___________ ____________________
3) They shouldn’t walk on the grass! (dance)_________________

4) You mustn’t take my books! (borrow)_____________________

5) Don’t frighten the baby! (play with it) __ ___________________

6) Don’t write here! (draw) ________________ _ ______________

7) Don’t eat the cake! (decorate it)____________ ______________

8) He shouldn’t play with my computer! (do his homework)_____

9) Don’t dirty the car! (wash it) __________ __________________

10) You mustn’t eat the ice-cream! (taste it)__________________

4***. Переклади речення англійською мовою.

1) Що ти читав, коли я зайшов?______ _____________________

2) Який фільм Ден дивився, коли ти йому подзвонив? ______

3) В яку гру ви грали з 5-ї до 7-ї вечора?__________________

4) Що вчителька говорила, коли задзвонив дзвоник? _______

5) Що вони робили, коли ти писав доповідь?______________

6) На що ти дивився, коли я тебе покликав? _______________ 7
УРОК 3. Past Simple чи Past Continuous?

Past Simple Past Continuous

1.1 read this book yesterday. — Я 1.1 was reading a book at 7 p.m. /
читав 1 прочитав цю книжку вчора. from 5 to 6 p.m. yesterday. Учора
o 7-й вечора 1 з 5-ї до 6-ї вечора я
читав книжку.
2.1 drove to work yesterday. — 2.1 was driving home when I saw my
Учора я їздив на роботу на school friend. — Я їхав додому, коли
машині. побачив шкільного друга.
Му dad often walked to work. — Neil was walking along the street
Мій тато часто ходив на роботу when somebody called him. — Ніл ішов
пішки. по вулиці, коли хтось гукнув його.
Іноді вибір часу може змінити смисл виразу:
When Ria came, we were having dinner. — Коли Pia прийшла, ми обідали.
(Вона застала нас за обідом.)
When Ria came, we had dinner. — Коли Pia прийшла, ми сіли обідати.
(Вона спочатку прийшла, а потім ми сіли обідати.)

І* Заповни пропуски правильною формою дієслів у дужках —

Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1) We (have)______________ a barbecue in the garden when an

earthquake (begin)______________ .
2) Derek (take)________________ a nap when the volcano (erupt)
______________ ■ He (look)____________ out of his tent: everybody
(run)________________ towards the harbour.
3) Dr Wallace (operate)__________________ on a patient when the
fire alarm (ring)_______________ .
4) When I (get)___________________ to the beach, some people
(swim)___________________ in the sea though the water was very
cold. Most people (just lie)___ ______________ in the sun.

8 Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
2**. Уживи Past Simple або Past Continuous.


One evening my friends and I (go out)________________ (1) for
a meal in a quiet country pub. We (leave)________________ (2)
very late and I (offer)________________ (3) Kevin, who was my
neighbour, to give him a lift. We (drive)________________ (4) along
a dark road when, suddenly, a car (drive)_______________ (5) past
us out of control. The car (crash)________________ (6) and after
that it (burst) _ _______________ (7) into flames.
First we (run)__________ (8) to the burning car. When we (get)
____________ (9) there, we (see)_______________ (10) two people
trapped inside. The woman (scream)_________________ (11) and
the driver (sit) ________________ (12) unconscious.' We (know)
______________ (13) we had to get them out. It was incredibly hot
as we (open)________________(14) the doors.
Surprisingly, the woman was able to walk away from the car
herself and we (drag)____________ (15) the unconscious driver
out of the burning car. Meanwhile, some people who (watch)
____________________ (16) from a nearby campsite called the
emergency services — the ambulance, the fire brigade and the
road police.
In the end, I (stand)________________ (17) there in a state of shock
when a policeman (ask)________________ (18) me for my name
and address. I couldn’t remember!
Very soon journalists (arrive) _________________ (19) and I
(become)____________________ (20) the hero of the day!.
Present Perfect для передавання
УРОК 4. минулого

have I has + 3-я форма смислового дієслова

Have you ever been to Australia? — Ви коли-небудь були в Австралії?
I’ve (=1 have) brought an interesting book for you. — Я приніс для вас цікаву
книжку. (Книжка для вас тут.)
She hasn’t read the newspaper. — Вона не читала газету. (Вона не знає
Have you heard? Jack has won the lottery! — Ти чув? Джек виграв у

1*. Заповни пропуски наданими дієсловами в Present Perfect.

travel see meet hunt be(4) have(3) ride

My grandpa is 96. When he was born, King George V was on the
throne. Since then, there (1)___________________ two different
kings and a queen on the throne of the UK. He (2)______________
the Queen on several occasions. He (3)_______________a lot
especially in the Far East. He (4)________________ the Taj Mahal in
India and the Pyramids in Egypt. He (5)______________big animals
in Africa, and (6)___________________ a camel across the Sahara
Desert. He says that the most beautiful place he (7)______________
to is Kathmandu in Nepal. He (8)_______________ a parachute
jump three times in his life.
He (9)_______________ married twice. His first wife died when she
was 32. He met his second wife while he was travelling round France
by bike. He says he (10)________ never______ ill in his life. He (11)
______________a cold sometimes, of course, but nothing serious.
The secret of good health according to my grandfather, is exercise.
He goes swimming every day. He (12)____________ certainly
______________an interesting life. I hope he lives to be a hundred!

Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
2* Склади речення в Present Perfect.

a. Robert Swan is a explorer.

1) be / North Pole twice He has been to the North Pole twice.
2) see I polar bears____________________________________ __
3) never I get lost________________________________________
b. Bill and Sophie are unemployed.
4) not have / a job for six months ___________________ _______
5) not have / a holiday since Christmas ______________________

6) not be / the cinema for a year____________________________

c. Sandra is a tennis player.
7) not be / on television__________________________________
8) not win / a senior competition___________________________

9) never play I at Wimbledon ______________________________

З**. Постав запитання людям цих професій про їхній досвід.

1) a racing driver: have accident? Have you ever had an accident?

2) an explorer: get lost?___________________________________
3) an actress: forget your words?___________________________

4) a mountaineer: climb Mount Everest?_____________________

5) a window cleaner: fall off your ladder?____________________

6) a singer: have a number one record?_____________________

7) an electrician: have an electric shock?____________________

8) a taxi driver: exceed the speed limit?_____________________
УРОК 5. Past Simple чи Present Perfect?

Past Simple Present Perfect

1 cut my finger five minutes ago. — Я I've cut my finger and it hurts a lot.
порізав палець 5 хвилин тому. (Нам — Я порізав палець, і він сильно бо­
важлива не сама дія, а те, коли вона лить. (Не важливо, коли порізав, важ­
здійснилася.) ливий результат — палець болить.)
1 met Jack at the party. — Я зустрів 1 ve been to London twice this year.
Джека на вечірці. (Ясно, що вечірка — Я був у Лондоні двічі цього
вже закінчилася.) року.
1 cooked pasta this morning. — Сьогодні We’ve met this morning. — Ми
вранці я приготував макарони. (Зараз бачились цього ранку. (Ранок ще не
вечір, і ранок уже закінчився.) закінчився.)
Luke travelled round Europe last year. Не has visited many countries in
— Люк подорожував Європою the last year. — За останній рік він
минулого року. (Минулого календарного відвідав велику кількість країн. (За
року.) останні 12 місяців.)
This writer wrote 5 novels. — Цей This writer has written 5 novels (so
письменник написав 5 романів. (Його far). — Цей письменник написав
вже немає в живих, і він більше нічого 5 романів (поки). (Він ще живий і,
не напише.) можливо, напише щось ще.)

1*. Уживи дієслова в дужках у правильному часі.

1) ‘Do you want to go to the exhibition with us?’ ‘No, thank you. I
______ ____ (be) there twice and I_______________ (see)
all the pictures. I first______________ (go) there on the opening day.’
2) ‘What are you looking for?’ ‘My keys. I’m afraid I __________
______________ (lose) them.’
3) I_____________ _____ (lose) my keys but then I_____________
_______________ (find) them.
4) I__________________ (find) your keys. Here they are.
5) I___________ ________ (not read) this book. What’s it about?

Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen 12 Англійський сулертренажер.

У Вчимося передавати минуле
6) I _________ (already see) this picture when I (be)
in London.
7) ‘Is Nelly here?’ ‘No, she___________________ (go) home. She
___________________ (leave) ten minutes ago.’
8) We__________________ (be) to Germany three times. We last
__________________ (go) there a year ago.
9) I___________________ (make) all my calls. We can go.
10) I’m sorry, I___________________________ (not bring) your book.
I___________________ (leave) it at home.

2**. Постав речення в заперечну форму.

1) I have finished my work. I haven’t finished my work.

2) She worked hard at school.__________________ hard at school.
3) He’s arrived.__________________________.
4) Dana has read this book.________________________ this book.
5) We were friends in our childhood.___________________________
in our childhood.
6) I knew them at school._______________________ at school.
7) She was fat when she was little. _______________________
when she was little.

З**. Постав речення в запитальну форму.

1) We met 5 years ago. Did you meet 5 years ago?

2) They’ve gone to Italy._____________________ to Italy?
3) I was at the cinema yesterday._____________________ at the
cinema yesterday?
4) Jodie was ill last week._______________________ last week?
5) She’s written the report._____________________ the report?
6) They went to Greece for their holiday.______________________
to Greece for their holiday?
7) Sam got up early.______________________ early?
8) They were worried.____________________________ ? 13
УРОК 6. ?sf SimpJe’. Past Continuous чи
Present Perfect?

Past Simple Past Continuous Present Perfect

1 read this book last year. 1 was reading when you I've read this book. —
— Я читав / прочитав цю came in. —Я читав, Я (уже) прочитав цю
книжку минулого року. коли ти увійшов. книжку. (Я підкреслюю
(Невідомо, пам’ятаю я її результат: я знаю її
зміст чи ні.) зміст.)

1**. Заповни пропуски дієсловом у правильному часі.

1) Look! Somebody________________ (plant) five new trees here!

2) Oh, somebody_____________ (plant) five new trees here at night!
3) Marta ____ _________________________ (plant) roses when we
__________________ (call) on her.
4) It______________________(rain) all day long yesterday.
5) First I______________ (hear) thunderclaps, then it_______________
(start) raining.
6) We_________________ (be) abroad twice this year.
7) Last year we_________________ (be) abroad only once.
8) Liam_______________ (go) outside: some children_____________
________ (play) on the playground, birds____________________
(sing) and people__________________ (walk) hurriedly somewhere.
9) Don’t worry, I____________________ (already call) the doctor.
10) I_______________________(already meet) him when I was at the
conference in New York.
11) I____________________ (take) a bath and suddenly the telephone
________________ (ring).
12) Our team__________________ (win) all the matches last year.
This year we_________________ (win) three matches so far.

Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen 14 Англійський сулертренажер.

_ Вчимося передавати минуле
2**. Постав речення в заперечну форму.

1) We were crossing the street when we met Josh.___________

____________________________ when we met Josh.
2) Tim has come.________________________________________■
3) They woke up late.____________________________________ ■
4) Lisa has already got up.______________________ _________ ■
5) I could help you._____________________________ __ ______ ■
6) Kate was singing when something fell._____________________
_____________________ when something fell.
7) Jerry broke his arm when he was skiing.____________________
_____________________ when he was skiing.

З***. Переклади речення англійською мовою.

1) Учора о 5-й вечора я плавав у басейні._________________

2) Джон прийшов, і ми почали обговорювати цю проблему. __

3) Коли Мері прийшла, ми обговорювали цю проблему. _____

4) Ми обговорювали цю проблему двічі цього тижня. Ми також

обговорювали її минулого тижня.________________________

5) Ми не размовляли, коли вчитель пояснював цю тему. ____

6) Дивіться! Тед купив новий велосипед! __________________

7) Ми вже бачили цей фільм минулого року. _______________ 15
1 (УРОК 1). Перетвори ці речення на запитання.
She came late. Did she come late?

1) Mark was happy.______________________________________

2) They were here._______________________________________
3) Sam could help us.____________________________________
4) He got up early._______________________________________
5) There was a park here. _ _______________________________
6) He drove fast. Е>а*/ьів__ / 6 :

2 (УРОК 2). Склади початий стверджень, заперечень або

запитань у Past Continuous, використовуючи слова в дужках.
(she I run?) И/as she running?

1) (Luke I not watch TV)__ ________________________________

2) (I I smile)_____________________________________________
3) (you / swim?) _________________________________________
4) (he/notdoanything) _ ________________________________
5) (they I argue?)_______ ________________________________
6) (we / ski)__________________________ ___ _ / 6

З (УРОК 3). Уживи правильний час — Past Simple або Past


I (1)__________________________(have) a bath when the phone

(2)________________ (ring).
Alice (3)__________________________(see) her friend when she
(4)_____________________ (walk) home.
While I (5)_______________________ (draw), my sister (6)________
_______________ (play) the piano. : fru/uLG__ 7 6 j
F------- - -------------------------------------------------- s
Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
4 (УРОК 4). Склади ствердження, заперечення або запитання
в Present Perfect.
(Terry / this film / not see) Terry hasn’t seen this film.

1) (the news / we / not hear)______________________ _ _______

2) (ever / you / be / to Turkey?)____________________________

3) (climb / she / ever I a mountain?)________________________

4) (I / never / him / before / meet)___________________________

5) (visit / this museum /1 / already)________________ _________

6) (he / study / never / German) _________________ ___________

: __ / 6

5 (УРОК 5). Уживи Past Simple або Present Perfect.

1) |________________ (never meet) this person in my life.

2) I_________________ (already see) this film last month.
3) Rob________________ (lose) his glasses and can’t find them
4) We________________ (be) to Britain twice this year.
5) They _______________ (be) to the USA once last year.
6) Kate_______________ (lose) her passport but then she
_________________ (find). __ / 6

ісгл-дклхмФЧг _______ / 3C>

OuyiMAoa^_______ (17)(

Напиши пояснення цих ситуацій, використовуючи підказки.

1) Tom has a headache, (watch TV) He has been watching TV.

2) Doris has paint all over her. (paint her room)_______________

3) My hands are dirty, (repair my bike)___________________ ___

4) Kyra’s eyes are red. (cry)

5) The boys’ clothes are dirty and torn, (fight) __ _____________

6) Mum is awfully tired, (cook since morning) ________________

7) Laura has put on weight, (eat a lot)_________________

8) Little Jimmy is covered in sand, (build a sand castle) _______

9) The ground is covered in snow, (snow)_______________ ___

10) My eyes are sore, (play on the computer)________________

11) Carl knows almost everything about the Ancient Greece, (do a
thorough research on the topic) ____________________________

12) Willie is very sad that he can’t go to Egypt, (dream about this
trip for years)__________________________

Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen 18 Англійський супертренажер.

Вчимося передавати минуле
2**. Постав запитання за зразком.

1) Jeane’s eyes are red. (cry) Has she been crying?

2) Sara is crying, (watch a tragedy)________________________

3) Jack is very dirty, (play football in the mud) ________________

4) Tom’s eyes are watery, (cut onions)______________________

5) Ralph has written 46 e-mails today, (write e-mails since morn­
6) The room has a strong smell of cigarettes, (smoke) ________

7) Carla’s body is red. (lie in the sun too long)________________

8) Mr Andrews has a hoarse voice, (have many lectures in a row)

З***. Переклади речення англійською мовою.

1) Хелен сьогодні цілий день ходила під дощем, і тепер у неї

болить горло.___________________________________________

2) Марк останнім часом старанно вчився, і тепер він почува­

ється дуже втомленим.__________________________________

3) У меня болять ноги. Я цілий день ходила по горах. ______

4) У Алекса все тіло червоне. Він задовго пролежав на сонці.

5) У Еліс охриплий голос. Вона забагато кричала.__________ 19

УРОК 8. Past Perfect

had + 3-я форма дієслова

■■■■ з
Описується дія, що здійснилася до якогось моменту в минулому.
I had never tasted sushi till I went to Japan. — Я ніколи не куштував суші до
того, як поїхав у Японію.
We had lived in New York before 2010. —До 2010 року ми жили в Нью-Йорку.
Before that musical festival our village had been a quiet place. But then
everything changed. — До того музикального фестивалю наше село було
тихим місцем. Але потім все змінилося.

1*. Кевін приїхав до свого рідного містечка після довгих років

відсутності. Напиши, що там змінилося.

Martin didn’t work in the supermarket any more. He (change) had

changed (1) his job. Kevin didn’t recognize his first teacher. She
(put)_____________________ (2) on a lot of weight. The local cine­
ma was no longer open. It (close)____________________ (3) down.
His parents no longer lived in a flat. They (buy)________________ (4)
a house. His friend Ted no longer had a car. He (seli)_____________
______ (5) it. Kevin’s old neighbours were no longer alive. They
(die)________________ (6).
■»^■ммиимииишиимишмииииииииииииииимииииіі і і і і і і ї mu ■ s&h ■

2**. Закінчи ситуацію за зразком.

1) The girl was a stranger to me. I (see) had never seen her before.
2) Mr and Mrs Browne were in a plane. They were very nervous
because they (fly)____________________ before.
3) It was Katie’s first driving lesson and she felt very jumpy. She
(drive)___________________ before.
4) Little Jimmy was running from a dog. He (run)_________________
______________ so fast in his life.
__ z X
2q Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
З**. З’єднай початий речень у стовпчику А з кінцівкою у
стовпчику В. Постав дієслова в дужках у Past Perfect.

1) Lola couldn’t afford the a) with the money they (win)
shoes because ... in a competition.
2) By the time my grandpa b) because she (never/make)
retired ... a presentation.
3) Hilda and Jerry bought c) she (scend) all
a new car... her money on presents for her family.
4) Kate needed some d) she (save)
advice ... thousands of pounds in a box.
5) When Grandma died, e) he (earn) enough
nobody knew that... money to buy a holiday home.

4***. Переклади речення англійською мовою.

1) Я гарно знав дорогу. Я був там раніше багато разів.______

2) Я не був впевнений, що вимкнув газ, і вирішив повернутися

додому. _______________________________________________

3) Ми дізналися, що вони ще не прийняли остаточного


4) Мені не хотілося дивитися цей фільм. Я раніше його вже


5) Коли я прийшов, Том уже поїхав. ______________________

6) Я був радий бачити Андреа. Ми не бачилися з нею цілу

в і ч н і сть. _______________________________________________ 21
J УРОК 9. Past Simple чи Past Perfect?

Past Simple Past Perfect

Дія здійснилася в минулому. Дія здійснилася до певного моменту в
I read 40 pages yesterday. минулому.
By the time you came I had read 20
Ми описуємо серію подій у Ми починаємо з найбільш цікавих або
тій послідовності, в якій вони важливих подій (Past Simple), а потім
відбувалися. додаємо деталі того, що відбулося до цих
Yesterday we came to the подій.
restaurant and ordered dinner. Then Yesterday in the restaurant we heard the
suddenly we heard the fire alarm. fire alarm. We had just ordered dinner.

1*. Уживи правильний час — Past Simple або Past Perfect.

1) I didn’t see him. When I got there he (go)______________ home.

2) I went to bed only after I (finish)__________________ the report.
3) After I had finished breakfast, I (go)_______________________
for a walk.
4) When I switched on the computer, nothing (happen)___________
___________ so I (call)_______________________ an engineer.
5) By the time I got to the shop, it (close)______________________
so I couldn’t buy any food.
6) By 3 p.m. I (already finish)_______________________ my work.
7) I suddenly remembered that I (not turn off)_____________
_________________ ___ the telly.
8) I didn’t join you for lunch, because I (have)__________________
a snack in a cafe and wasn’t hungry.
9) The room was in awful disorder. Someone (be)__________
_____________ in it!
10) We arrived five minutes late. The train (leave)

22 Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
2**. Віднови історію, вживши правильний час — Past Simple або
Past Perfect.

Dutch housewife Ilona Hoens (1)_________________ (make) an
expensive mistake when she (2)_______________ (throw) away
a pair of her husband’s old shoes: her husband (3) _______
_______ (hide) J15,000 of savings inside them. When her husband
(4)________________ (find) out what (5)____________________
(happen), the couple (6)________________ (rush) to the rubbish
tip in Amsterdam. The people there (7)_________________ (listen)
sympathetically, but (8)_______________ (explain) that they (9)
_______________ (burn) all that day’s rubbish several hours before.

З**. Постав дієслова у правильний час — Past Simple або Past


1) I (not have)___________________ any money because I (spend)

____________________ all of it on clothes.
2) Carla (be)___________ furious because she (oversleep and
miss)_______________________________ her bus.
3) No wonder Jason (fail)________________ the exam. He (not
study)_____________________ properly.
4) Before the accident David (be)____________________ the best
player in the team.
5) Late at night Joe (sit)_______________ down on the sofa and
(think)________________ about the day. What a busy day it (be)
6) I (not know)____________________ his name, but his face
(look)___________________ awfully familiar. I was sure I (see)
him somewhere.
_____ ■______ _■■■■■■ 23
І SBSSKh- .. -..............
УРОК 10. Psst Perfect Continuous

(not) been + смислове дієслово+ing

When 1 came into the room, Alice’s eyes were red. She had definitely been
crying. — Коли я увійшов у кімнату, у Еліс були червоні очі, Вона точно довго
плакала (і щойно припинила).
Joe wanted to change his job: he had been working at the same place for 20
years. — Джо хотів змінити роботу: він пропрацював на одному місці 20 років.
When Joe came, we were waiting for him. — Коли Джо прийшов, ми на нього
чекали. (Ми чекали на нього саме в момент його приходу, невідомо як довго.)
When Joe came, we had been waiting for him for 20 minutes. — Коли Джо прий­
шов, ми чекали на нього вже 20 хвилин. (Ми підкреслюємо тривалість очікування.)

1 *. Напиши пояснення ситуацій, використовуючи надані дієслова.

not eat plan rain blow rw look for fight try

1) Jack was out of breath. He had been running.___________
2) In the morning the ground was very wet.__________________
3) I woke up and looked through the window. I saw a lot of broken
trees. The wind _________________________ hard all night.
4) I was very hungry.__________________________since morning.
5) When the teacher came into the classroom, Tim and Sid had
black eyes and their clothes were torn._____________________

6) Karin was very happy when she found her keys. _____________
____________________ __them for nearly two hours.
7) Colin was overwhelmed when he went round the world.
this journey for five years.
8) My dad was very happy to get that job.____________________
________________ to find a job for a year.

Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
2**. Уживи Past Continuous або Past Perfect Continuous.

1) I woke up on the floor. I (dream)_______________________

_____________________ about falling.
2) While she (type)___________________________________ the
computer screen suddenly went black.
3) After we (play)_______________________________ for an hour,
it started snowing.
4) We (work)________ ___________________ in the garden when
a thunderstorm started.
5) How long (you wait)______________________ when she arrived?
6) (you still wait)_______________________ when it started raining?
7) When he (work)_______________________________ in London
he lived in a small flat.
8) How long (Lucy I learn)__________________________________
English before she went to London?
9) I (drive) _____________________________ less than an hour
when I ran out of petrol.

З***. Переклади речення англійською мовою.

1) Кейт дуже втомилася, тому що працювала весь день. ____

2) Цілу ніч ішов дощ, тому вранці на дорогах було багато ка­
люж. ___________________________________________________

3) Ти провалився на іспиті, тому що недостатньо старанно

вч и вся. ________________________________________________

4) Як довго він займався грою на піаніно (practice the piano), до

того як дав свій перший концерт? ______________ __________ 25
Past Perfect чи
'• Past Perfect Continuous?

Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous

1) Sara had interviewed 46 celebrities before 1) Sara had been
she became a celebrity herself. — Capa взяла interviewing celebrities
інтерв'ю у 46 знаменитостей, перш ніж сама стала for 5 years before she
знаменитістю. became a celebrity
2) Замінює Past Perfect Continuous herself. — Capa брала
з дієсловами, які не вживаються в часах групи інтерв’ю у знаменитостей
Continuous. протягом 5 років,
Lucy was Jane's best friend as they had known each перш ніж сама стала
other since early childhood. — Люсі була кращою знаменитістю.
подругою Джейн, тому що вони знали одна одну з
раннього дитинства.

1*. Уживи дієслова в Past Perfect або Past Perfect Continuous.

1) The passengers were very cross because the airline (lose)

all their bags.
2) Luckily, we (already write)______________________________
the report when the boss arrived.
3) When Mark came, I (prepare)______________________ my
presentation for three hours and (only do)___________________
half of the work.
4) He said he________________________ (wait) for me for three
5) My grandpa retired two years ago. He___________________
(work) for the same company for more than ten years and he
_____________________ (work) in almost every department.
6) Before we started working together I ___________________
(already know) Philip for 7 years.
Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
2**. Уживи дієслова в дужках у правильному часі.

I’m sorry I left without you last night, but I told we should meet
early because the performance started at 7:30. I (1)___________
____________ (try) to get tickets for that show for months, and I
didn’t want to miss it. By the time I left the cafe where we were sup­
posed to meet, I (2)__________________ (have) six cups of coffee,
(3)_________________ (eat) five cupcakes and I (4)__________
____________ (wait) over an hour. I had to leave because I
(5)________________ (arrange) to meet Leila in front of the theater.
When I arrived there, Leila (6)____________________________
(already pick up) the tickets. She was really angry because she
(7)_____________________ (wait) for over half an hour. She said
she (8)______________________________ (almost give up) and
(9)_________________ (go) into the theater without us.
Leila told me you (10)____________________ (be) late several
times before. She mentioned she (11)_____________________
(miss) several movies because of your late arrivals. I think you
owe her an apology. And in the future, please be on time!

З**. Уживи дієслова в дужках у правильному часі.

Everybody told James that the job would be difficult, but because
he (1)____________________ (look) for a job in a large company
for a long time he decided to accept that job offer. However, by
the third week, he (2)____________________ (discover) that his
friends were right. He (3)__________________ (never work) so hard
in his life. By the fourth week he (4)___________________ (start)
to feel exhausted and he (5)__________________ (not have) any
chance to relax as he (6)_______________________ (work) for 10
hours every day. Moreover the job was boring as for three weeks he
(7)__________________ (do) the same things every day. By the end
of the fifth week James (8)__________________ (have) enough. He
went to the manager and said that he (9)____________________
(decide) to quit.

27 J
1 (УРОК 7). Постав запитання в Present Perfect Continuous,
використовуючи слова в дужках.
The boys are dirty, (they / play football) Have they been playing football?

1) The flat is shining, (you I clean it)______________________ all day?

2) There are lots of puddles in the streets, (it I rain)___________
______________________________ all night?
3) Tara has a sore throat, (she/ walk under the rain) __________
______________________________ all day today?
4) My skin is burnt, (you I lie in the sun)______________________
______________________ since morning?
5) Dan is out of breath, (he I run)___________________________ ?
6) I’ve read 50 pages today, (you I read)_____________________
__________________ since morning? 6

2 (УРОК 8). Напиши, що побачила Пора, приїхавши у своє місто.

The city had changed a lot.

Her best friend Angela (1)_______________(lose) some weight and

(2) ________________ (become) very slim. Her primary school
teacher (3) ___________ (retire). Her neighbour Russel
(4) _____ (move) to another district. Her uncle
(5) _____ (build) a new house, Her parents
(6) ______ (buy) a new car. • | Е>а</йв__ / <o :

З (УРОК 9). Уживи дієслова у правильному часі — Past Simple

або Past Perfect.

1) When we came to the cinema, the film_____________________

______________ (already start).
2) Jack came home and the family________ (sit) down to dinner.
3) She____________ (arrive) before the lesson__________ (begin).
4) Elena_______________ (arrive) three hours ago.

Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
5) Lily wasn’t hungry because she ________ (have) lunch
an hour before.
6) Mark knew the city very well: he _____________ (live) there in
his childhood. j <b'\

4 (УРОК 10). Уживи Past Continuous або Past Perfect Continuous.

1) When we_______________________ (walk) in the park, it started

2) We_____________________________ (walk) for an hour when it
started raining.
3) How long______________________________ (you / drive) before
you stopped for dinner?
4) I__________________ (drive) along King Street when I saw Kate.
5) When I came in, they__________________ (discuss) something.
6) We_______________________________ (discuss) the problem
for two hours before we found a decision. : __ / 6

5 (УРОК 11). Уживи Past Perfect або Past Perfect Continuous.

1) Neil (not I work)___________________________ all day, so he

wasn’t tired and went to the disco at night.
2) Only after Sam___________ (do) his homework he went for a walk.
3) We (cycle)___________________________ all day so our legs
were sore in the evening.
4) I__________________ (read) 20 pages before you came.
5) I couldn’t work because I_______________ (cut) my hand.
6) I______________________ (look) for my keys all day before I
finally found them. • __ /6 29
VPflK Огляд ЇСІХ часів
для передавання минулого

1**. Підбери правильний час для передавання минулого.

1) The computer crashed while he___________________ (save)

the document.
2) After I____________________ (have) a full breakfast, I went for
a walk along the beach.
3) She________________ (lock) the door and went away.
4) They___________ (leave) without saying a word.
5) I remember it clearly. It was midnight and I___________________
(watch) the late movie.
6) Nora_______________________ (not I work) when we called in.
7) When I was at the exhibition, I_________________ (see) that
wonderful sculpture. I____________________ (never see) anything
like that before.
8) Do you know? Paul_________________ (find) a new job.
9) I can’t open the door. I_____________ (leave) my keys in the car.
10) He broke his leg when he___________________ (play) football.
11) It was just after nine. I______________ (watch) the news on TV.
12) My grandpa always_______________ (stay) at this hotel when
he went to London.
13) My granny_______________________ (work) at the university
for 20 years before she_________________ (retire).
14) They wanted to buy a new computer, but they_______________
_________________ (not save) enough money.
15) Ann suddenly remembered she__________________ (leave)
her keys in the car.

Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
2* Заповни пропуски дієсловами у правильному часі.
min 11111.n11.7j..:


Frank Webb has a most unusual house, a former ladies’ lavatory in

Kew, south-west London.

As soon as Frank heard that someone (1) _________________

(try) to sell the ladies’ loo, he (2)__________________ (want) it. He
(3) _________ (be) sure that he could make the building, which
(4) _________________ (be situated) next to the famous gardens at
Kew, into a beautiful home.

He was divorced recently, and he (5)________________ (need)

somewhere to live. ‘A friend (6)_______________ (tell) me about it.
‘I think she (7)_________________ (joke), but it was exactly what I
(8)___________________ (search) for.’

Since he (9)_______________ (buy) the lavatory, several ladies

(10)_________________ (knock) on the door, wanting to use it. He
lets them use his own bathroom.

When he first (11)____________________ (see) the building, it

(12)______________________ (not be used) for several years, so
it (13)________________ (be) in quite a mess.

It (14) _______________________ (be built) in 1905. He

(15)____________________ (pay) £60,000 for it a year ago,
and since then he (16)____________________ (spend) an extra
£20,000 putting in an upper floor for the bedroom. His daughter
(17)__________________ (help) him in the summer.

‘I like the thought that my home has a history,’ he says with great

'7 31
ypQ| Запитання і заперечення
в минулому

1*. Зроби початим цих речень заперечними.

1) She had arrived She hadn’t arrived___________________

2) Sam has bought a house_______________________________
3) He broke the window__________________________________
4) Sally had been away__________________________________
5) They had been driving_________________________________
6) We saw a film_________________________________________
7) She has been digging the garden________________________
_____________________ the garden.

2**. Склади запитання з наданими словами у правильному


1) (Mary I ever I be) Has Mary ever been to Paris?

2) (you / drive)_____________________________ when I called?
3) (they / wait)_______________________ long before you came?
4) Your eyes are red. (you / cry)__________________________?
5) (When / you / buy)__________________________ this dress?
6) (How many times in your life/ you / fail)____________________
_______________________________________________ an exam?
7) (Zoe / already / leave)_____________________ when you arrived?
8) (How long I your dad I work)________________________________
__________________ for that company before he changed his job?
9) (How many sweets I he I eat)_____________________________ ?
10) (What I you I do)______________________________ from 5 to
7 p.m. yesterday?
11) (she I be ill)_____________________________ yesterday?

Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen 32 Азійський супертренажер.

у V Вчимося передавати минуле
З***. Переклади речення англійською мовою.

1) Я ніколи не робив цього раніше._______________________

2) Коли Сем прийшов, ми вже пообідали.__________________

3) Моя мама пропрацювала вчителькою 5 років до того, як стала

директоркою школи. ____________________________________

4) Я дуже втомилася: я весь день ходила. _________________

5) Люсі прийшла, і ми почали грати. ______________________

6) Я прокинувся і подивився у вікно: йшов сильний дощ, а люди

поспішали на роботу. ___________________________________

7) До 20 років він уже написав свою першу книжку._________

8) Скільки романів написав Діккенс?______________________

9) Я бачив цього талантливого художника на виставці. — А

скільки картин він написав? ______________________________

10) До того як ми переїхали до Лондона, я ніколи не був у


11) Ви зустрічалися з містером Брауном до того, як почали

працювати в цій компанії? _______________________________ 33
1*. Напиши речення з used to за зразком.

1) We don’t often go out. But we used to go out a lot._________

2) We don’t often give parties. But__________________________
3) I don’t go swimming. But________________________________
4) He doesn’t drive carelessly. But__________________________
5) Kate is not slim. But ___________________________________
6) They can’t play tennis well. But___________________________

2* Склади речення з used to, що показують, які зміни відбулися

в рідному містечку Коліна.

1) This town’s so ugly. This town used to be so pretty._______

2) It’s noisy at night. _ ____________________________________
3) The streets are dirty.___________________________________
4) There is a lot of traffic. _________________________________
5) The houses are very expensive.__________________________
6) The prices are very high.________________________________
7) The beaches are overcrowded.__________________________
8) There are very few quiet corners.________________________
9) There is so much litter on the streets. ____________________

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Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
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З**. Підбери реченням з колонки А підходяще продовження з
колонки В.
Доповни речення з колонки В зворотом used to.

1) I was fit when I was young. a) It used to follow me everywhere.
2) The teachers at that school b) go
were horrible. everywhere by bus.
3) I had a dog when I was a C) freeze on
kid. winter mornings.
4) My family had some lovely d) do a lot of
holidays. exercise.
5) When I was young, we didn’t e) hit
have a car. the pupils.
6) And we didn’t have central f) go
heating. camping all over Europe.

4***. Джек сильно змінився. Напиши, що він раніше робив і що

трапилося з ним згодом.

1) smoke / get a cough / stop Jack used to smoke, then he got a

cough, so he stopped.___________ _ _______________________
2) have a dog / it; bite him / sell it___________________________

3) run every day / hurt his knee I take up another sport________

4) play computer games I spoil his eyesight / stop_____________

5) play squash / have a heart attack / give up ________________

6) do weight-lifting / get a bad back / give up_________________

shop.newtі 35
УРОК I 4sed to do...
l3e Заперечення, запитання

Did he use to be an athlete? — Він раніше був спортсменом?

We didn’t use to stay at home as often as now. — Ми не сиділи раніше
вдома так часто, як зараз.
Nora never used to be so greedy. — Нора ніколи раніше не була такою
There didn’t use to be any theatres in this city. — Колись у цьому місті не
було театрів.

1*. Напиши реакцію на висловлювання, використовуючи зворот

never used to, і скажи, що було раніше.

1) Jeremy drinks beer, (lemonade) He never used to drink beer.

He used to drink lemonade.______________________ __
2) Henry drives like a maniac, (carefully) ____________________

3) Tessa spends a fortune on clothes! (very careful with her money)

_______________ so much on clothes._________

4) The children fight a lot these days, (get on well) ___________

5) I think John tells lies, (tell the truth) ______________________

6) Mark gets up late, (be an early bird)__ ___________________

7) There are so many cars here, (very few cars) ______________

8) There are lots of big restaurants here, (small cozy cafes every­
where) _______

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Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
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2**. Напиши відповідно до зразка, як змінився Ліем.

1) He’s so miserable! (happy) He didn’t use to be miserable.

He used to be quite happy._______________________
2) He’s really mean now. (generous) _______________________

3) He’s badly-dressed, (dress well) ________________________

4) He smokes a lot. (lead a healthy life)_____________________

5) He is interested in football, (interested in Art)_______________

6) He curses a lot. (use good language)____________________

7) He’s overweight, (slim)_________________________________

8) He reads tabloids, (read classical literature) _______________

З**. Доповни речення used to або didn’t use to.

1) John____________________ go to bed late, but know he is often

awake even after midnight.
2) Mary__________ hate chocolate, but now she eats it every day.
3) Mark_________________ be always late, but now I have to wait
for him every time.
4) Kate wears mini-skirts now but she______________ wear jeans.
5) Luis______________ use bad language but now he curses a lot.
6) My son plays football now but he________________ do any sport.
7) Jenny is interested in poetry, but she___________________ be
interested in any literature at all. 37
УРОК 16. Would для передавання минулого
■аимвн мянвм

would, так само як і used to, вживається для передавання повторюваної

дії в минулому, коли ми розповідаємо історії або згадуємо давно
минулі дні. Зверни увагу на передавання англійського would в українській
Every Saturday I would go on a long bike ride. — Кожну суботу я бувало
вирушав у довгу велосипедну прогулянку.
Му granny would say ... — Моя бабуся частенько казала...
Увага! would не вживаєьтся, коли йдеться про стан (тобто з дієсловами be,
have, live тощо):
• We used to live in New York when I was a kid.

У запереченнях [would never або wouldn’t] would означає завзяту відмову від
здійснення дії. Тут може йти мова також про разові події.
When I asked her, she wouldn’t say what was wrong. — Коли я запитав її,
вона відмовилася (ніяк не хотіла) говорити, що було не так.

1*. Заповни пропуски would + одне із запропонованих дієслів.

feed wait sit and talk stroll go

A. Do you remember how I (1)___________________ for you nearly
every afternoon after school and then we (2)__________________
home together across the park, holding hands, and you (3)________
_____________ the ducks on the pond? Then when we grew up, we
(4)_________ sometimes__________ ______ to the river bank and
we (5)__________________________ there till dawn. It was great to
be young!
go pick find jump rush go begin sleep
B. In summer we (1)____________________ to the beech early in the
morning. We (2)__________ quickly______________a place to
sit and put on our swim suits. Then, we (3)__________________
------------------------------------------ x
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into the oncoming waves and swim for a long time. We
(4) _____________________ the waves and body-surf until mom
(5) _____________ _ us up. Then, we (6)__________________
home, clean up, eat dinner, do our homework. At night we
(7)___________ always______________ soundly. The next day,
it (8)____________________ all over again. We really loved those
days with our feet in the sand and our faces in the saltwater.

2**. Підкресли правильний або більш підходящий варіант відпо­

віді. Якщо можливі обидва варіанти, поясни різницю у смислі.

1) When I was young we would/used to live in the countryside. On

summer mornings we would / used to get up while everyone else
was asleep. I would / used to make breakfast for myself and creep
out of the house to go fishing.
2) In the past, I would/ used to be a piano teacher.
3) My parents would / used to have a Volkswagen Beetle.
4) She didn’t use to / wouldn’t leave me alone.
5) I would sometimes / used to sometimes drive to work.

З**. Якщо можливо, доповни речення would + одне із за­

пропонованих дієслів. Якщо неможливо, використовуй дієслово
в Past Simple.

attend not eat invite help come back

1) My grandpa worked really hard. Every day he_______________

____________________ home after 8 p.m.
2) Rick called me yesterday and______________ me out for dinner.
3) When Ken was young, he_____________ any green vegetables.
4) Whenever I had problems with my French, Louise________
_______________ me.
5) Many people
1 (УРОК 12). Підбери правильний час для передавання ми­

I (1)____________________ (never be) abroad in my life.

Dickens (2)__________________ (write) a lot of novels in his life.
We (3)____________________ (pass) a tiny village when our car
(4)_______________ (break) down.
When Josh (5)_____________ (come), Dina (6)
_________________ (already leave). ІЗлилЛ__ / 6 :

2 (УРОК 13). Постав запитання до виділених слів.

Не arrived yesterday. When did he arrive?

1) She could drive two years ago.__________________________

2) He has been to London twice.___________________________
3) She had been waiting for 20 minutes before we arrived. ____
________________________________________ before we arrived?
4) They met yesterday.__________________________________
5) They were late because of rain. ________________________
6) I was reading a report when you called._____________________
_____________________ when you called? __ / 6 :

3 (УРОК 14). Склади речення з used to, що показують, які зміни

There are so many people in this restaurant, (few)
There used to be few people here.

1) This house is green, (grey)______________________________

2) Lily is slim, (plump)____________________________________
3) There are many parks in this city, (no parks)_______________

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4) There is a zoo here, (a football pitch)

5) It’s very quiet here at night, (noisy).______________________

6) We have very noisy neighbours, (quiet). ___________________

4 (УРОК 15). Склади стверджувальні або заперечні речення з

used to, використовуючи слова в дужках.
(І / not wake up early) I didn’t use to wake up early.

1) (he / be interested in football)?___________________________

2) (she I not to go to the theatre)___________________________
3) (we I never travel by car)_______________________________
4) (Kevin / to be a driver)? ________________________________
5) (they I come here every month)? ________________________
6) (she / not wear jeans to work) ___________________________
: __ / 6 :

5 (УРОК 16). Де можна, вживи запропоновані дієслова з

would, де не можна — в Past Simple.
After school we (go) would go to the river.

1) We (live)______________ in Warsaw when I was a kid.

2) They (meet)__________________ every night after work.
3) My sister (often be ill)____________________ in her childhood.
4) Yesterday I (spend)________________ all my free time reading.
5) I remember in my childhood all my family (gather)_________
_____________________ on weekends and have dinner together.
6) Josh (spend)__________________ all his free time reading when
he was a student. : __ /6

клллугкллжчг 5а*/иів ______ / ЗО


Past Simple
Зведена таблиця часів

Констатується факт здійснення дії We met last year. — Ми


в минулому. познайомилися минулого

Past Описується незакінчена дія, що 1 was having dinner when
Continuous здійснювалася в певний момент у you called. — Я обідав,
минулому. коли ти мені подзвонив.
Present Описується дія, що закінчилася 1 have already done it. —
Perfect до теперішнього моменту. Я це вже зробив.
Підкреслюється результат
цієї дії.
Present Описується недавня Nancy's eyes are red and
Perfect тривала дія або дія, що watery. She has been
Continuous багаторазово повторювалася в crying. —У Ненси
минулому, щоб пояснити, червоні мокрі очі. Вона
чому ми зараз довго плакала.
почуваємося або виглядаємо
певним чином.
Past Perfect Описується дія, яка By the time Sid was 20 he
закінчилася до певного моменту had visited 32 countries
в минулому. — До 20 років Сід уже
побував у 32 країнах.
Past Perfect Описується багаторазово 1 had been thinking а
Continuous повторювана або разова lot before 1 made that
тривала дія, яка decision. — Я довго
продовжувалася аж думав, перш ніж прийняти
до певного моменту це рішення.
в минулому або закінчилася
безпосередньо перед цим

Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen

д2 Англійський супертренажер.
Вчимося передавати минуле
Відповіді до вправ і тестів !5
4.1) What were you reading when I came
in? 2) What film was Den watching when
Урокі you called him? 3) What game were you
1. 1) weren’t; 2) never; 3) wasn’t; playing from 5 to 7 p.m.? 4) What was
4) weren’t; 5) didn’t; 6) didn’t; 7) wasn’t the teacher saying when the bell rang?
2. 1) came; 2) spent; 3) learnt / learned; 5) What were they doing when you were
4) could; 5) broke; 6) went; 7) bought; writing the report? 6) What were you
8) sent looking at when I called you?
3. 1) I was. 2) I did. 3) she could. 4) I
couldn’t. 5) they didn’t. 6) he wasn’t. Урок 3
7) they weren’t
1. 1) were having; began; 2) was taking;
4.2) When were they in Turkey? 3) What erupted; looked; was running; 3) was
did Josh write in two days? 4) What operating; rang; 4) got; were swimming;
musical instrument could Tim play when were just lying
he was 7? 5) What time did Dad come
2. 1) went out; 2) left; 3) offered; 4) were
home yesterday? 6) What couldn’t Sheila
driving; 5) drove; 6) crashed; 7) burst;
do when she was a student? 7) Why was
8) ran; 9) got; 10) saw; 11) was screaming;
Archie angry? 8) How fast did his car
12) was sitting; 13) knew; 14) were
go? 9) When did they buy a nice boat?
opening; 15) dragged; 16) were watching;
10) Who bought a nice boat last month?
17) was standing; 18) asked; 19) arrived;
11) Who told the truth?
20) became.

Урок 2
Урок 4
1. 2) was walking his dog. 3) were
playing tennis. 4) was flying a kite. 1. 1) have been; 2) has met; 3) has
5) were riding their bikes. 6) was sitting travelled; 4) has seen; 5) has hunted;
on a bench. 6) has ridden; 7) has been; 8) has
had; 9) has been; 10) has never been;
2. 2) weren’t discussing; 3) wasn’t
11) has had; 12) has certainly had
smiling; 4) weren’t listening; 5) wasn’t
taking a bath; 6) wasn’t crying; 7) weren’t 2. 2) He has seen polar bears. 3) He
playing; 8) wasn’t eating has never got lost. 4) They haven’t had a
job for six months. 5) They haven’t had a
3. 2) I wasn’t shouting, I was singing.
holiday since Christmas. 6) They haven’t
3) They weren’t walking, they were
been to the cinema for a year. 7) She
dancing. 4) I wasn’t taking them, I was
hasn’t been on television. 8) She hasn’t
borrowing them. 5) I wasn’t frightening it,
won a senior competition. 9) She has
I was playing with it. 6) I wasn’t writing, I
never played at Wimbledon.
was drawing. 7) I wasn’t eating it, I was
decorating it. 8) He wasn’t playing with it, 3. 2) Have you ever got lost? 3) Have
he was doing his homework. 9) I wasn’t you ever forgotten your words? 4) Have
dirtying it, I was washing it. 10) I wasn’t you ever climbed Mount Everest?
eating it, I was tasting it. 5) Have you ever fallen off your ladder?

c 43
6) Have you ever had a number one has bought a new bicycle. 7) We already
record? 7) Have you ever had an electric saw this film last year.
shock? 8) Have you ever exceeded the
speed limit?
TecT 1
1. 1) Was Mark happy? 2) Were they
Урок 5 here? 3) Could Sam help us? 4) Did he
1. 1) have been; have seen; went; get up early? 5) Was there a park here?
2) have lost; 3) lost; found; 4) have 6) Did he drive fast?
found; 5) haven’t read; 6) already 2. 1) Luke wasn’t watching TV. 2) I was
saw; was; 7) has gone; left; 8) have smiling. 3) Were you swimming? 4) He
been; went; 9) have made; 10) haven’t wasn’t doing anything. 5) Were they
brought; have left arguing? 6) We were skiing.
2. 2) She didn’t work; 3) He hasn't 3. 1) was having; 2) rang; 3) saw;
arrived. 4) Dana hasn’t read; 5) We 4) was walking; 5) was drawing; 6) was
weren’t friends; 6) I didn’t know them; playing
7) She wasn’t fat
4. 1) We haven’t heard the news.
3. 2) Have they gone; 3) Were you; 2) Have you ever been to Turkey?
4) Was Jodie ill; 5) Has she written; 3) Has she ever climbed a mountain?
6) Did they go; 7) Did Sam get up; 4) I have never met him before. 5) I have
8) Were they worried? already visited this museum. 6) He has
never studied German.
Урок 6 5. 1) have never met; 2) already saw;
3) has lost; 4) have been; 4) were;
1. 1) has planted; 2) planted; 3) was 6) lost; found
planting; called; 4) was raining; 5) heard;
started; 6) have been; 7) were; 8) went;
were playing; were singing; were walking; Урок 7
9) have already called; 10) already met; 1. 2) She has been painting her room.
11) was taking; rang; 12) won; have won 3) I have been repairing my bike. 4) She
2. 1) We weren’t crossing the street; has been crying. 5) They have been
2) Tim hasn’t come. 3) They didn’t wake fighting. 6) She has been cooking since
up late. 4) Lisa hasn’t got up yet. 5) I morning. 7) She has been eating a lot.
couldn’t help you. 6) Kate wasn’t singing; 8) He has been building a sand castle.
7) Jerry didn’t break his arm 9) It has been snowing. 10) I have been
3. 1) Yesterday at 5 p.m. I was swimming playing on the computer. 11) He has
in the swimming pool. 2) John came and been doing a thorough research on the
we started to discuss I started discussing topic. 12) He has been dreaming about
this problem. 3) When Mary came, we this trip for years.
were discussing this problem. 4) We 2. 2) Has she been watching a tragedy?
have discussed this problem twice this 3) Has he been playing football in the
week. We also discussed it last week. mud? 4) Has he been cutting onions?
5) We were not talking when the teacher 5) Has he been writing e-mails since
was explaining this topic. 6) Look! Ted morning? 6) Have you been smoking? I

дд Англійський супертренажер.
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Has somebody been smoking? 7) Has
she been lying in the sun too long?
8) Has he had many lectures in a row? Урок 10
3. 1) Helen has been walking under the 1. 2) It had been raining. 3) had been
rain all day today and now she has a blowing; 4) I hadn’t been eating; 5) They
sore throat. 2) Mark has been studying had been fighting. 6) She had been
hard recently and now he feels very looking for; 7) He had been planning;
tired. 3) My feet ache. I’ve been hiking in 8) He had been trying
the mountains all day. 4) Alex’s body is 2. 1) had been dreaming; 2) was typing;
red. He’s been lying in the sun too long. 3) had been playing; 4) were working;
5) Alice has a hoarse voice. She’s been 5) had you been waiting; 6) Were you
shouting too much. still waiting; 7) was working; 8) had Lucy
been learning; 9) had been driving
Урок 8 3. 1) Kate was very tired because she
had been working all day. 2) It had been
1. 2) had put; 3) had closed; 4) had raining all night, that’s why in the morning
bought; 5) had sold; 6) had died. there were a lot of puddles on the roads.
2. 2) had never flown; 3) had never 3) You failed your exam because you
driven; 4) had never run hadn’t been studying hard enough.
3. 1) c) had spent; 2) e) had earned; 4) How long had he been practicing the
3) a) had won; 4) b) had never made; piano before he gave his first concert?
5) d) had saved
4. 1) I knew the road well. I had been ypoKlI
there many times. 2) I wasn’t sure (that) I
1. 1) had lost; 2) had already written;
had switched off the gas and decided to
3) had been preparing; had only done;
go back home. 3) We found out that they
4) had been waiting; 5) had been
hadn’t taken the final decision. 4) I didn’t
working; had worked; 6) had already
want to watch this film. I had already seen
it. 5) When I came, Tom had (already)
gone / left. 6) I was happy to see Andrea. 2. 1) had tried; 2) had had; 3) had
We hadn’t seen each other for ages. eaten; 4) had waited; 5) had arranged;
6) had already picked up; 7) had been
waiting; 8) had almost given up; 9) had
Урок 9 gone; 10) had been; 11) had missed
1.1) had gone; 2) had finished; 3) went; 3. 1) had been looking; 2) had
4) happened; called; 5) has closed; discovered; 3) had never worked; 4) had
6) had already finished; 7) hadn’t turned started; 5) hadn’t had; 6) had been
off; 8) had had; 9) had been; 10) had left working; 7) had been doing; 8) had had;
2. 1) made; 2) threw; 3) had hidden; 9) had decided
4) found; 5) had happened; 6) rushed;
7) listened; 8) explained; 9) had burned
TecT 2
3. 1) didn’t have; had spent; 2) was; had
overslept and missed; 3) failed; hadn’t 1.1) Have you been cleaning it; 2) Has
studied; 4) had been; 5) sat; thought; had it been raining; 3) Has she been walking
been; 6) didn’t know; looked; had seen under the rain; 4) Have you been lying 45
in the sun; 5) Has he been running? Zoe already left; 8) How long had your
6) Have you been reading dad been working; 9) How many sweets
2. 1) had lost; 2) had become; 3) had has he eaten; 10) What were you doing;
retired; 4) had moved; 5) had built; 11) Was she ill
6) had bought 1
3.1) have never done it before. 2) When
3. 1) had already started; 2) sat; 3) had Sam came, we had already had lunch.
arrived; began; 4) arrived; 5) had had; 3) My mom had been working as a
6) had lived teacher for 5 years before she became a
school principal. 4) I’m very tired, I have
4.1) were walking; 2) had been walking;
been walking all day long. 5) Lucy came
3) had you been driving; 4) was driving;
and we began playing I to play. 6) I woke
5) were discussing; 6) had been
discussing up and looked through the window: it was
raining hard and people were hurrying to
5. 1) hadn’t been working; 2) had done; work. 7) By the time he was 20 he had
3) had been cycling; 4) had read; 5) had already written his first book. 8) How
cut; 6) had been looking many novels did Dickens write? 9) I saw
this talented painter at the exhibition,
— How many pictures has he painted?
Урок 12 10) Before we moved to London, I had
1.1) was saving; 2) had had; 3) locked; never been to the theatre. 11) Had you
4) left; 5) was watching; 6) wasn’t meet Mr Brown before you started working
working; 7) saw; had never seen; 8) has for this company?
found; 9) had left; 10) was playing;
11) was watching; 12) stayed; 13) had
been working; retired; 14) hadn’t saved; Урок 14
15) had left 1. 2) we used to give parties regularly I
2. 1) was trying; 2) wanted; 3) was; quite often. 3) I used to go swimming.
4) was situated; 5) needed; 6) told; 4) he used to drive carelessly. 5) she
7) was joking; 8) had been searching for; used to be slim. 6) they used to play
9) bought; 10) have knocked; 11) saw; tennis quite well.
12) had not been used; 13) was; 2. 2) It used to be quiet at night. 3) The
14) was built; 15) paid; 16) has spent; streets used to be clean. 4) There used
17) helped to be little traffic. 5) The houses used
to be cheap. 6) The prices used to be
rather low. 7) The beaches used to be
Урок 13 empty. 8) There used to be a lot of quiet
1. 2) Sam hasn’t bought a house. 3) He corners. 9) There used to be no litter on
didn’t break the window. 4) Saily hadn’t the streets.
been away. 5) They hadn’t been driving. 3. 1) d) I used to; 2) e) They used to;
6) We didn’t see a film. 7) She hasn’t 3) a) It used to follow; 4) f) We used to;
been digging 5) b) We used to; 6) c) We used to
2. 2) Were you driving; 3) Had they 4. 2) Jack used to have a dog, then it bit
been waiting; 4) Have you been crying; him, so he sold it. 3) Jack used to run
5) When did you buy; 6) How many every day, then he hurt his knee, so he
times in your life have you failed; 7) Had took up another sport. 4) Jack used to

Англійський супертренажер.
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen
Вчимося передавати минуле
play computer games, then he spoiled 2. 1) used to; would; would; 2) used to;
his eyesight, so he stopped. 5) Jack 3) used to; 4) didn’t use to (у значенні
used to play squash, then he had a heart «звичайно вона не залишала мене
attack, so he gave up. 6) Jack used to do одного») / wouldn’t (у значенні «вона
weight-lifting, then he got a bad back, so ніяк не хотіла залишити мене у
he gave up. спокої»); 5) would sometimes (спогади
про якийсь період в минулому —
«бувало їздив») I used to sometimes
Урок 15 (регулярно повторювана дія в мину­
1.2) He never used to drive like a maniac. лому).
He used to drive carefully. 3) She never 3. 1) would come back; 2) invited;
used to spend ... She used to be very
3) wouldn’t eat; 4) would help;
careful with money. 4) They never used
5) attended
to fight. They used to get on well. 5) He
never used to tell lies. He used to tell the
truth. 6) He never used to get up late. TecT 3
He used to be an early bird. 7) There
1.1) have never been; 2) wrote; 3) were
never used to be so many cars here.
passing; 4) broke; 5) came; 6) had
There used to be very few cars. 8) There
already left.
never used to be so many big restaurants
here. There used to be small cozy cafes 2. 1) When could she drive? 2) How
everywhere. many times has he been to London?
3) How long had she been waiting;
2. 2) He didn’t use to be mean. He used
4) When did they meet? 5) Why were
to be generous. 3) He didn’t use to be
they late? 6) What were you reading
badly-dressed. He used to dress well.
4) He didn’t use to smoke. He used to 3. 1) It used to be grey. 2) She used to
lead a healthy life. 5) He didn’t use to be plump. 3) There used to be no parks.
be interested in football. He used to be 4) There used to be a football pitch here.
interested in Art. 6) He didn’t use to curse. 5) It used to be noisy here. 6) We used to
He used to use good ianguage. 7) He have quiet neighbours.
didn’t use to be overweight. He used to 4. 1) Did he use to be interested in
be slim. 8) He didn’t use to read tabloids. football? 2) She didn’t use to go to the
He used to read classical literature. theatre. 3) We never used to travel by car.
3. 1) didn’t use to; 2) used to; 3) didn’t 4) Did Kevin use to be a driver? 5) Did
use to; 4) used to; 5) didn’t use to; they use to come here every month?
6) didn’t use to; 7) didn’t use to 6) She didn’t use to wear jeans to work.
5. 1) lived; 2) would meet; 3) was often
ill; 4) spent; 5) would gather; 6) would
Yp0Kl6 spend
1. A. 1) would wait; 2) would stroll;
3) would feed; 4) would sometimes go;
5) would sit and talk
B. 1) would go; 2) would quickly find;
3) would go; 4) would jump; 5) would
pick; 6) would rush; 7) would always
sleep; 8) would begin
ББК 81.2Англ-922
Іванова Ю. А.
1-21 Англійський супертренажер. Вчимося передавати минуле І
Юлія Іванова, Jim Whalen. — Харків: New Time, 2018. — 47 ст.
ISBN 978-966-2654-86-8.

Цей тренажер покликаний допомогти учням розібратися в

різноманітних способах передавання минулого в англійській
Тренажер розроблений згідно зі шкільною програмою
і спирається на лексику, знайому учням 5-11 класів. У
ньому надається велика кількість різнотипних вправ на
відпрацювання різних способів передавання минулого, а
також на їх порівняння, завдяки чому діти навчаться пра­
вильно вживати потрібний спосіб передавання минулого
залежно від ситуації.

УДК 373.167.1:811.111
ББК 81.2Англ-922
Навчальне видання для середньої і старшої школи

Юлія Анатоліївна ІВАНОВА, Jim WHALEN

Коректор І. М. Іванова
Комп’ютерне макетування і комп’ютерна верстка: О. А. Таран
Формат 70x100 1/16. Обл.-вид. арк. 5,6.
Ум. друк. арк. 3,84. Наклад 2000 прим. Зам. № 37.
ТОВ «Видавництво Нью Тайм»
Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи ДК № 4635 від 22.10.2013 р.
61057, м. Харків, вул. Римарська, 19, оф. 37.
Тел. +38 (057) 752-65-63, +38 (050) 301-19-73.
Сайт видавництва:
Віддруковано у друкарні «Діса+»,
м. Харків, Салтівське шосе, 154
ISBN 978-966-2654-86-8 © Ю. А. Іванова
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