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Посібник - тренажер із читання англійською мовою «Read Me» є

складовою частиною Е-контенту для учнів початкової школи та додатком до

підручника О. Карп’юк «Англійська мова: підручник для 2-го класу ЗНЗ». Має
зручну для використання структуру та навчально-методичний інструмент, що
складається з вправ для формування навичок читання учнів-початківців,
аудіосупроводу та QR – кодів до аудіо та відео файлів. Матеріал може бути
використаний учителями англійської мови для роботи з учнями у класі та
самостійної роботи учнем вдома.

Аудіододаток до тренажера

“To learn to read is to light a fire;
every syllable that is spelled is a spark”
Victor Hugo
Пояснювальна записка
Нова українська школа вимагає від сучасного вчителя зміни його
діяльності, що чітко орієнтована на успішність учня та комфортні умови
навчання. Це викликає необхідність по-новому поглянути на проблему
формування навичок читання учнів англійською мовою на початковому етапі.
Перші роки навчання у школі – важкий етап для учня. Не всі з них легко
засвоюють навчальний матеріал під час уроку, тому учням-початківцям
необхідно доопрацьовувати навчальний матеріал вдома самостійно або з
Актуальність розроблених матеріалів полягає у тому, що навчальний Е-
контент для дистанційного навчання з англійської мови – дуже зручний та
сучасний спосіб для самостійного опрацювання матеріалу в позаурочний час.
Мета посібника - тренажера «Read Me» - навчити учнів початкової
школи техніці читання на добре відомому лексичному матеріалі з елементами
Завдання посібника - сформувати в учнів зорографічні та слухомоторні
зв’язки, що сприяють миттєвому розпізнаванню і розумінню вже відомих слів,
співвідношенню їх зі значенням інших слів; навчити учнів об’єднувати слова у
словосполучення, а словосполучення – у більш складні синтаксичні одиниці.
Матеріали посібника - тренажера відповідають чинній програмі
Міністерства освіти і науки України з предмета «Англійська мова» у
початковій школі загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів та є додатком до
підручника О. Карп’юк «Англійська мова: підручник для 2 класу ЗНЗ».
Додаток охоплює лексико-граматичний матеріал та вправи для читання, які
відповідають лексичній насиченості та тематиці підручника. Посібник вміщує
наступні розділи: «Вступ», «Я і моя сім`я», «Друзі», «Школа», «Свята»,
«Дозвілля», «Тварини», «Природа», «Зовнішність».
Очікувані результати: стійка сформованість навичок читання
англійською мовою учнів – початківців; створення комфортних умов для
навчання, самореалізації й самовираження учнів; формування стійкої
мотивації до навчання та підвищення інтересу до вивчення предмета.
Посібник-тренажер, створений на основі методичної літератури та
власного досвіду вчителя, призначений для навчання читання початківців і
може бути використаний учнями самостійно та із залученням батьків.
Матеріал підручника оснащений аудіо додатком та QR- кодами до аудіо та
відео файлів для зручного зчитування за допомогою сучасних ґаджетів.

Любий друже!

Цей тренажер допоможе тобі самостійно впоратися з читанням

англійською мовою, якщо ти будеш дотримуватися наступних підказок:

 Кожна вправа тренажера супроводжується аудіо

додатком, який можна завантажити й прослухати,
скориставшись плеєром для програвання звукових файлів на
твоєму комп’ютері або перейшовши за посиланням, натискаючи
на мене, смайлика!

 Кожний аудіо додаток тренажера має власний QR- код,

який дає змогу прослухати його, скориставшись додатком для
розпізнавання QR- кодів для мобільного телефону, попередньо
завантаженим у Google Play. Цей спосіб є зручним, коли в тебе
немає змоги прослухати аудіо додаток на ПК.

 Якщо біля QR- коду ти побачиш логотип відеохостингу

YouTube, то можеш послухати й заспівати веселу пісеньку,
скориставшись додатком для розпізнавання QR- кодів для
мобільного телефону або натискаючи на .

Бажаю успіхів!

1. Introduction
2. Meet new friends
3. Meet my family
4. This is my school
5. Merry Christmas
6. Let’s play!
7. I have got two eyes
8. Pets and animals
9. My favourite season

1. Назви та з’єднай літери алфавіта.
Name and match the ABC.

Let’s sing “ABC Song”!

2. Вибери і назви літеру. / Choose and name
the letter.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

3. Прочитай та з’єднай слова. / Read and
match the words.

a dog a cat a pen a pencil a bed a box a doll a bag

4. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and translate.

It is Bill. I am Bill. a dog

It is Max. I am Max. a pen
It is Tom. I am Tom. a pencil
It is Vic. I am Vic. a bed
It is Pam. I am Pam. a bag
It is Ben. I am Ben. a doll
It is Ann. I am Ann. a box
It is Tim. I am Tim. a cat
It is Liz. I am Liz. a pencil-box
It is Nick. I am Nick. a bag

5. Прочитай та з’єднай. / Read and match.

a big________ – a little______

6. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and translate.

1. 2.

a a big dog
Dan and Pam a dog and a cat
am Tom and Ann a big cat a bag and a bed
Tom and Liz a big bed a pen and a pencil
Nick and Vic a big pencil
can a doll and a box
Ben and Bob
Ann a big doll It is a cat.
Max and Tim
Rob and Ron a big bag It is a dog.
Dan a big pen It is a pen.
I am Dan.
Max a big box
I am Tom. It is a doll.
I am Ben. a big ox It is a box.
I am Liz. a little box It is a pencil.
I am Nick. a little pen It is a bag.
I am Tom.
a little dog It is a bed.

7. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and

His dog This is Vic. the box and the doll
His pen This is Ben. the dog and the pen
His pencil This is Bob. the pencil and the bed
His box It is Ron. the ox and the cat
his uncle It is Rob. the doll and the pig
his mum It is Liz. his mum and his dad
his dad I am Max. his dad and his uncle
his bag I am Nick his cat and his dog

8. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and


a flag a lamp a pig a hen an egg an apple a map

bad – поганий
A big bag, a big dog, a big egg, a big pen, a big bed, a big hen.
A bad bag, a bad dog, a bad egg, a bad pen, a bad bed.
A little apple, a little doll, a little pen, a little bag, a little dog, a little egg.
A big apple, a big doll, a big pen, a big bag, a big dog, a big egg, a big bed.
A bad apple, a bad doll, a bad pen, a bad bag, a bad dog, a bad egg.
A big lamp, a little lamp, a bad lamp, a lamp and a flag, a lamp and a doll.
A big map, a little map, a bad map, a map and a flag, a map and a bag.

9. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and translate.

mum – [Λ] It is Vicky. It is his mum.

run It is Nick. It is his pen.
fun This is Nick. It is his map.
jump This is Jack. It is his black dog.
uncle The cat is black. This is his dad.
stand up The dog is black. This is his pig.
uncle Upton The bag is red. This is his red bag.
I can run. The pig is black. The dog is big.
I can jump. The fox is red. The flag is red.
I can sit. The apple is big. The apple is little.
I can swim. The ox is red. The hen is big.
Nick The fox is little. The pig is bad.
Vicky The cat is bad. The bed is big.
Jack The dog is red. The ox is bad.
Black This hen is black. The fox is red.

10. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and translate.

He is Ted. He is six. She is six. Is she Ann?

She is Ann. He is ten. She is seven. Yes, she is.
He is Bob. He is seven. She is ten. She is Ann.
She is Ann. He is six. She is ten. She is seven.
He is Max. He is ten. She is seven. Is he Dan?
She is Vic. This is Max. He is six. No, he is not.
He is Ben. This is Ben. He is ten. He is Max.
She is Liz. This is Ron. He is seven. He is ten.
He is Ron. This is Ann. She is six. Is she Pam?
She is Bet. This is Liz. She is seven. Yes, she is.
He is Dan. This is Vicky. She is ten. She is Pam.
She is Vicky. She is six.
He is Nick. Is he Den?
She is Pam. No, he is not.
He is Tom. He is Bob.
He is Tim. He is ten.

11. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and translate.

This is Max. He is six. This is Tom’s dog.

This is Ben. He is ten. This is Ann’s cat. This is Jack.
This is Ron. He is seven. This is Bob’s bag. It is Nick’s dog.
This is Ann. She is six. This is dad’s pen. Jack is big.
This is Liz. She is seven. This is mum’s lamp. It is six.
This is Vic. She is ten. It is Ben’s pencil.
It is Max’s flag.
This is not Ben. It is Bill. It is Ben’s pig.
This is not Max. It is Ann. It is Mum’s pen.
This is not Ron. It is Bob.
This is not Vick. It is Pam.
This is not a dog. It is a cat.
This is not a pig. It is a hen.

This is Tom’s cat!

12. Прочитай та з’єднай. / Read and match.

This is Max’s dog. This is Ann’s doll. This is Tom’s car. This is Bob’s bag.

Let’s sing ‘A Family Song!’

13. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and translate.

a classroom a table a computer a desk

a book

a shelf

1. book [ʊ] 2. on the desk

look in the desk
good under the desk
room [u:] on the bag
classroom in the bag
school under the bag
Look! This is a hen. a bookcase on the book
Look! This is a room. in the book
This is my desk. under the book
Look! This is my dad. on the cat
Look! This is my mum! in the room
I like school. under the table under the table
I like my school. under the bed in the bookcase
I like my cat. under the book on the shelf
I like my book. under the map in the room
I like his dog. under the desk in the classroom
I like his cat. under the apple under the bag
I like my bag. on the table
I like my classroom. on the desk
I like his book. in the apple
I like his shelf.

3. The pen is on the desk. The hen is in the room

The map is on the bag. The flag is on the map.
The pencil is in the bag. The pencil is under the desk.
The apple is on the table. The apple is under the bed.
The desk is in the classroom. The pig is under the table.
The table is in the room. The dog is in the room.

14. Read, translate! / Прочитай, переклади!

a rose a snowman a car

follow - [ou]
1. Look at the window! ar – [a:]
Look! Snow! car
no – [ou] What is this? - It is snow! park
hello I like the snow! mark
close Take the snow! shark
open Look! It is a red car.
rose This is a snowman! This is a big park.
not - rosy
stop-close Look!
box-open This is a yellow rose!
Close the book! Take the rose!
Open the book! I like the rose!
Close the copybook!
Open the bookcase!
Open the bag!
This is a good mark.
Close the pencil-box!
I like my rose.
I like my ruler.
Take the apple!
Look! This is a big shark!
The apple is red.
This is a red chair.
2. Where is the bag? - It is under the desk.
Where is the doll? - It is on the bed.
Where is the pencil? - It is in the bag.
Where is the book? - It is in the bookcase.
Where is the ruler? - It is on the shelf.
Where is the little cat? - It is under the table.
Where is my pen? - It is in the book.
Where is my chair? - It is in my room.
Where is his computer? - It is in his room

15. Read, translate! / Прочитай, переклади!

1. pupil – [ju:] This is a pen.

tune This is my school.
student This is Nick.
tulip That is Max.
ruler That is a pencil.
player That is a little pen.
computer That is a big dog.
I am a pupil. That is a room.
I am a student. That is a good school.
I am a good pupil. That is a little ruler.
I am a good student. That is a bad shelf.
He is a good pupil. That is a bad pencil-case.
She is a good student. That is a copy-book.
It is a good computer.
It is a big ruler. a sharpener a rubber a ruler a copybook

2. What is this? - It is a school. What’s this? - It’s a school.

What is this? - It is a computer. What’s this? - It’s a computer.
What is this? - This is my classroom. What’s this? -This is my classroom.
What is this? - This is a CD – player. What’s this? - This is a CD – player.
What is this? - This is a blackboard. What’s this? - This is a blackboard.
What is this? - This is a bookshelf. What’s this? - This is a bookshelf.
What is this? - This is a rubber. What’s this? - This is a rubber.
What is this? - This is a ruler. What’s this? - This is a ruler.

3. What is that? – That is a desk. What’s that? – That’s a desk.

What is that? – That is a school. What’s that? – That’s a school.
What is that? – That is a computer. What’s that? – That’s a computer.
What is that? – That is a bookcase. What’s that? – That’s a bookcase.
What is that? – That is a classroom. What’s that? – That’s a classroom.
What is that? – That is a CD player. What’s that? – That’s a CD player.
What is that? – That is a blackboard. What’s that? – That’s a blackboard.

16. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and translate. - [i:] 2. аre [а:] 3. We [‘wi:]

tree They [‘ ðei]
green The trees are white.
see The flowers are white. We are children.
I can see The flowers are red. We are happy.
The trees are black. We are happy children.
I can see a big tree. The cars are red. We are Bob and ted.
I can see a yellow car. We are Nick and Willy.
I can see a nice bell. The bells are blue. We are Tracy and Vicky.
I can see a snowman. The flowers are nice. We are big children.
I can see a red flower. The pencils are orange. We are little children.
I can see a nice green The cats are little. We are good children.
park. The dogs are happy.
I can see a white snow. The children are happy. They are children.
The books are new. They are funny dogs.
happy [i] new – [ju:] The dolls are new. They are nice dogs.
many old The pens are old. They are old bags.
teddy sad The bags are brown. They are old bookcases.
funny The flowers are red. They are new bags.
Tracy The children are sad. They are new
Vicky The flowers are yellow. copybooks.
Willy The dogs are big. They are sad children.
The cats are little. They are blue pencils.

4. Склади речення. / Make up a sentence.

I can see a …

17. Прочитай та переклади. / Read and translate.

1. 2. 3.
red down –[au] [ei] [oi] [ei]
black brown day boy they
green owl play toy grey
grey how
blue house It is my owl.
orange now It is my house.
pink It is my toy.
rosy This is a black owl. They are my toys.
brown This is a big house. They are boys.
yellow That is a brown cat. They are funny boys.
purple That is a nice new
white house. Look!
That is a grey owl. It is a nice day!
That is a brown bed. Let’s play!
Let’s play!

Who is this? [‘hu:] Whose cat is this? [‘hu:z] This is Tom’s brown cat.
It is Pat. Whose doll is this? This is Ann’s doll.
Pat is a boy. Whose bag is this? That is Nick’s bag.
He is four. Whose dress is that? That is my doll’s dress.
He is happy and Whose hat is that? That is his dad’s hat.
funny. W hose house is this? This is her doll’s house.

Let’s sing
‘Colour Song’!

18. Count and colour! / Порахуй та розмалюй!

19. Прочитай та переклади./Read and translate.

a fork a horse
1. or – [ɔ:] 2. sing – [η]
for – для song
door sing a song
floor morning
four - Good morning!
horse - Good morning! How are you?
morning - I am fine. Thank you.
fork How are you?
The pink box is for my mum. - I am fine too. Thank you!
The grey box is for my dad. - How old are you?
This present is for Bill. - I am seven. How old are you?
He is four. - I am nine.
She is four. - Nice to meet you!
My sister is four. - Nice to meet you!
We are four. - Good – bye!
They are four. - Bye-bye!

3. ball - [bɔ:l] a ball tall - small

tall small
a tall boy
a tall girl
a small doll
Let’s sing “Hello Song”!
tall children
small children
little children
a new ball
an old ball
a lovely ball
a little ball
a red ball

20. Прочитай та переклади./Read and translate.


A nice plane, a bad plane, a yellow plane, a big plane, a small plane, a funny
plane, a lovely plane, a good plane, a little plane, an old plane, a new plane.

A happy boy, a good boy, a sad boy, a funny

boy, a small boy, a nice boy, a bad boy, a
little boy, a tall boy.

A new train, an old train, a big train, a lovely train, a good train, a bad train, a
green train, a brown train. – [ə:]

a grey bird
a black bird
an old bird
a nice bird
a nice girl
a small girl
my birthday
his birthday 3. Let’s sing a song!
my mum’s birthday Let’s dance!
Let’s play!
her – [ə:] Let’s play a game!
her dress Let’s run!
her doll Let’s swim!
her cat Let’s jump!
It’s her house. Let’s play games!
It’s his car. Let’s sing!
It’s her present. Let sing ans dance!
It’s his train.

21. Прочитай та переклади./Read and translate.
They can play a game.

1. 2.
I can run. climb We cannot climb the trees.
I cannot run. I can read a book.
I can jump. The bird can fly.
I can dance. The boys can ride a bike.
I can sing a song. The children can climb the trees.
I can play a game. I can run but I cannot jump.
I can climb the rock. He can jump but he cannot dance.
I can read a book. She can dance but she cannot sing a
He can fly. song.
She can ride a bike. We can play a game.
He cannot run. They can climb the rock.
He cannot jump.
She cannot dance. I can read a book
She cannot sing a song. fly but I cannot sing a

3. 4.
I have got a big ball. He has got a little pencil.
I have got a nice He has got a big chimp.
teddy. He has got a grey bird.
I have got a lovely He has not got a bike.
dress. She has got a big dog.
I have got a flower. She has got a funny
I have got a bike. chimp.
I have got a brown train.
I have not got a toy. She has got a lovely
I have not got a little car. present.
They have got a pink pig. She has not got a bad bag.
They have not got a hen. He has got a black big car.
We have got a red flag. She has not got a white dress.
We have not got a blue bag. She has got a green dress.

22. Read, match and translate! / Прочитай, з’єднай та


head – [‘hed]
hair – [‘hea]
nose – [‘noʊz]
eye – [‘ai]
ear – [‘iə]
mouth – [‘maʊs]

2. one eye three eyes

one ear three ears
Let’s sing one nose three noses
‘Head & Shoulders’ one mouth three heads
one head three faces
two eyes eight eyes
two ears eight noses
two heads eight ears
two noses eight faces
eight dolls
four eyes eight monsters
five eyes eight balls
six ears eight cats
seven ears eight maps
nine ears eight owls
ten eyes eight pigs

23. Read, translate! / Прочитай, переклади!

1. One eye, two eyes, big eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, black eyes,
nice eyes, small eyes, my eyes, his eyes, her eyes, its eyes.
One ear, two ears, big ears, small ears, rosy ears, long ears, nice ears,
my ears, his ears, her ears, its ears.
Hair, blond hair, dark hair, long hair, nice hair, red hair, green hair,
yellow hair, my hair, his hair, her hair, its hair.
A nose, one nose, a long nose, a small nose, a big nose, a red nose, my
nose, his nose, her nose, its nose.
A mouth, my mouth, his mouth, her mouth, a big mouth, a small mouth.
My face, his face, her face, a nice face, a lovely face, a big face.
One head, two heads, a big head, a small head, a long head, my head,
her head, his head.


I have got one nose, two eyes, She has got big blue He has got grey
two ears, one mouth and nice eyes, small ears, a eyes, a small
blond hair. small mouth, a small nose, small ears
nose and dark hair. and red hair.

3. Look! This is my doll.

Wow! Its name is Cinderella.
It is a It is very nice. My doll
monster. has got blue eyes, a
It has got small nose, long blond
one head, hair and small ears. It
long green has got a small mouth.
hair, one green eye, two green My doll has got a long
ears, and a big mouth. It’s blue dress. I like my
funny! doll!

24. Read, translate! / Прочитай, переклади!

25. Read, translate! / Прочитай, переклади!

ph – [f]
1. elephant photo dolphin photo phone
[s] [z] [iz]
elephants animals foxes
snakes crocodiles horses
giraffes bears

eight dolphins, nine foxes, two crocodiles, four snakes, six bears, two giraffes,
five horses, ten elephants, three bears, one hippo, seven cats, four dogs, six
rabbits, ten hens, five monkeys, three zebras, nine tigers, seven lions

2. In the Zoo

We are in the zoo. Look, this is an elephant. It is very big. It has got big
ears and small eyes.
And it is a bear. It is strong. It is brown. It has got a short tail.
The tiger is red and black. It can run and jump well.
Look! They are monkeys. They are funny. They have got long tails. I like

3. My Pet

I have got a pet. It is a cat. Its name is

Tom. It is grey. It has got small eyes and a
long tail. It can run and jump. I like my pet. It is funny and clever.

26. Read, translate! / Прочитай, переклади!


2. spring [‘spriη] summer [‘sΛmə] 3. a hot weather, a sunny weather

a rainy weather, a cold weather
a frosty weather, a snowy weather
a warm weather , a windy weather
in summer in winter
in autumn in spring

In summer the weather is hot and sunny.

In winter the weather is frosty and snowy.
In autumn the weather is cool and windy.
autum [‘ɔ:tm] winter [‘wintə] In spring the weather is warm and windy.

Let’s sing
‘The Weather

27. Read and translate. / Прочитай та переклади!

1. I like summer. The weather

is sunny and hot. I can
swim and ride a bike in

2. I like winter. I like snow and

Santa’s presents. The weather
in winter is snowy and frosty.
We can play snowballs and
make a snowman.

3. I like autumn. My birthday is in

autumn. The weather is cool and
windy in autumn, but we have got
many apples and go to school!

4. I like green trees and bird’s

songs. The weather is warm and
sunny. Spring is my favourite
season. It is beautiful!

Посібник створено на основі авторської концепції позитивної мотивації
початківців до вивчення іноземної мови. Комплекс розроблених вправ
дозволяє формувати в учнів навички читання, як одного із ключових видів у
навчанні іншомовному спілкуванню. Інноваційний дизайн посібника, його
послідовність та наступність, а також можливість навчатися за допомогою
сучасних ґаджетів дає змогу зацікавити учня, підвищити його мотивацію до
навчання та надати можливість опанувати матеріалом самостійно.

Використані джерела
1. Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В. «Merry Trains». Посібник для домашнього
читання. Другий рік навчання. - Тернопіль: Мандрівець, 2010.
2. Карп’юк О.Д.. English 2. Підручник з англійської мови для 2 класу
загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. – 2-ге вид. – Тернопіль:
Видавництво «Астон», 2013.
3. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans, Reading & Writing Targets 1. – Express
Publishing, 2007.
4. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans, Reading & Writing Targets 2. – Express
Publishing, 2009.
5. Virginia Evans, Round Up 1. – Longman, 2006.
6. Virginia Evans, Round Up 2. – Longman, 2006.
7. Програмне забезпечення для конвертації текстових файлів у звукові
8. Генератор QR- кодів


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