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Юлія Іванова

(для середньої і старшої школи)
Видання друге, доповнене та перероблене


• тільки для онлайн занять (не для роздруківки);
• заборонено перепродаж або безоплатне розповсюджен-
• одна ліцензія дає право на роботу з підручником:
- вчителю з необмеженою кількістю учнів;
- батькам зі своєю дитиною;
- самостійно для особистого навчання.

Будь ласка, дотримуйтесь умов ліценційної угоди.

• вправи для формування

вміння вживати часи
• тести для перевірки
• порівняльна таблиця
англійських часів
• таблиця неправильних
New Time Books

Lesson 1. Present Simple and Present Continuous ..................................4

Lesson 2. Past Simple and Past Continuous .............................................6
Lesson 3. Present Simple and Present Perfect ..........................................8
Lesson 4. Past Simple and Present Perfect ............................................10
Lesson 5. Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple and
Present Perfect ..........................................................................12
Test 1 ..................................................................................................14
Lesson 6. Present Perfect Continuous .....................................................16

Lesson 7. Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous ...................18

Lesson 8. Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous ............20
Lesson 9. Present Simple, Present Continuous,
Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous ............................22
Lesson 10. Future Simple. First Conditional ............................................24
Lesson 11. Способи передачі майбутнього —
Future Simple, be going to, might ..............................................26
Test 2 ..................................................................................................28
Lesson 12. Future Simple and Future Continuous ..................................30
Lesson 13. Past Perfect ..........................................................................32
Lesson 14. Past Perfect Continuous .......................................................34
Lesson 15. Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous ............................36
Lesson 16. Tenses Review ......................................................................38
Test 3 ..................................................................................................40
Irregular Verbs .........................................................................................42
Keys to exercises and tests ......................................................................45

Англійський супертренажер.
2 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
Чим корисний цей тренажер

Цей тренажер допоможе школярам навчитися свідомо

вживати англійські часи дієслів.
Тренажер розроблений у відповідності до шкільної
програми і призначений для учнів 6–11 класів. Це чудовий
помічник при подготовці до різних шкільних тестів і ЗНО.
Весь матеріал книжки поділений на 16 уроків. Кожний урок
починається короткою схемою, що наявно демонструє різницю
у вживанні часів, які діти часто плутають. Вправи охоплюють
велику кількість ситуацій, які допомагають відчути і зрозуміти,
як правильно вживати той чи інший час.
Кожний урок містить вправи різного рівня складності:
* — проста вправа;
** — вправа середньої складності;
*** — вправа підвищеної складності.
У тренажері також присутні 3 тести, які допоможуть проконт-
ролювати якість засвоєння матеріалу.
Цей тренажер не для початківців! Щоб почати роботу
за ним, учень повинен мати хоча б поверхневе уявлення
про англійські часи, які включено до програми 1–6 класів
загальноосвітніх шкіл. Уроки 6–16 націлені на відпрацювання
часів, які проходять у 7–11 класах.
Якщо учень погано розбирається у простих часах, радимо
почати заняття з простіших тренажерів цієї серії — «Present
Simple», «Present Continuous», «Past Simple» і «Present Perfect».
А за докладним поясненням правил рекомендуємо звернутися
до книжки «Жива граматика англійської мови». Рівні 2 і 3 (автор
Юлія Іванова) або до іншого підручника, який вам сподобався.
Наприкінці книжки ви знайдете відповіді абсолютно на всі
завдання уроків і тестів.
Книжка призначена як для самостійної роботи, так і для
роботи у групі або з репетитором.
Бажаємо вам успіхів в оволодінні англійською мовою! 3
Present Simple and
lesson 1 Present Continuous

Kate usually wears jeans but now she is wearing a dress.

I play the piano every day. (я просто констатую факт)
My neighbour is always playing the piano at night.
(я висловлюю незадоволення, роздратування)

Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present

1* Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1) Look! The dog __________________ (bark) at the tree.

2) Tim’s dog never ___________________ (bark).
3) I smell smoke. I think something ____________________ (burn).
4) Dina always __________________ (look) great.
5) Luke doesn’t hear you. He ______________________ (dream).
6) My dad ___________________ (finish) work at 6 p.m., but this week
he ____________________ (work) till 5.
7) Mark and I ____________________ (play) tennis tonight.

Make questions with the words in brackets using the correct tense —
2** Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) (you / remember / his address) Do you remember his address?

2) (what / she / wear / today) _________________________________
3) (your granny / wear / glasses) ______________________________
4) (he / understand / what to do) ______________________________
5) (what language / they / speak / now) _________________________
6) (he / know / Polish) _______________________________________
7) (what / you / look / at) _____________________________________
8) (you / hear / me) _________________________________________

Англійський супертренажер.
4 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
Make negative sentences with the words in brackets using the correct
3** tense — Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) (he / like / skiing) He doesn’t like skiing.

2) (we / discuss / our holiday / now) ____________________________
3) (Liz / know / the answer) __________________________________
4) (my mum / work / this week) ________________________________
5) (his granny / work) _______________________________________
6) (it / get dark / yet) ________________________________________
7) (it / get dark / till 9 in July) __________________________________
8) (it / rain / here in summer) _________________________________
9) (it / rain / now) ___________________________________________

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets using the correct
4** tense — Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) It ______________________________ (always rain) on my birthday!

I feel so unhappy!
2) It __________________________ (often rain) at this time of the year.
3) Why ________________________________ (you constantly tease)
your little brother?
4) Don’t worry. They ____________________________ (always fight)
and then make up.
5) Jim ________________________ (always come) late. I got used to it.
6) You _____________________________ (always come) late! I’m sick
and tired of that!
7) She ___________________________ (always wear) long skirts. This
is her style.
8) You ______________________ (wear) the same sweater every day.
Can you put something different just for a change? 5
Past Simple and
lesson 2 Past Continuous

I called you yesterday. — Я дзвонила тобі вчора. (проста констатація факту)

I was calling you at 5 p.m. yesterday. —
Я дзвонила тобі вчора о 5-й годині вечора. (ми вказуємо точний час,
коли відбувалася дія)
I was cooking while Ted was doing his homework. —
Я куховарила, поки Тед робив домашнє завдання.

Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous of

1* the verbs in brackets.

1) When a child, Kate ________________ (live) in Poland for three years.

2) I __________________ (live) in Mexico when my brother got married.
3) It was a nice evening, so they _____________ (walk) home from work.
4) Luke _________________ (study) Maths at university.
5) I __________________ (have) breakfast at 7 a.m. yesterday.
6) She ________________ (have) breakfast very early yesterday.
7) My friends ___________________ (cross) the street when I saw them.
8) From 5 to 6 p.m. I ____________________ (write) an essay.

Use the verbs in the correct tense: Past Simple — in one part of the
2** sentence, Past Continuous — in the other.

1) When I ____________ (see) him, he _______________ (talk) to Mary.

2) My dad ____________ (meet) my mum when they _____________
____________________________________ (work) in China.
3) When they ______________ (get) married, they _______________
___________________ (study) at Oxford University.
4) When we _____________________________ (drive) home, we
_______________ (hear) a strange noise.
5) She ________________________ (wear) a long red dress when I
________________ (see) her.
6) I _________________ (read) while you ___________________ (knit).
Англійський супертренажер.
6 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
Three friends are talking about their adventures. Fill in the blanks
3*** with the correct form of the verbs in brackets — Past Simple or Past
Continuous. Then retell these stories in the 3rd person singular.

А. Last year I (1) ____________ (witness) a real fire. I (2) ___________

_____________ (discuss) some problems with my boss on the 32nd
floor of a skyscraper when we (3) _______________ (hear) the
fire alarm. We (4) _________________ (rush) out to the elevator,
but it (5) __________________ (not work). The stairs were full of
thick smoke. We couldn’t go down, so we (6) ______________
(go) up to the roof. When we (7) _______________ (get) there, some
people (8) _________________________ (scream). Others (9) _______
____________________ (wait) calmly. I was very scared. Eventually
a helicopter (10) _______________________ (land) on the roof and
(11) ___________________ (rescue) all of us.

B. I (1) ________________________ (participate) in some archeological

dig on a small island in the South Pacific. I (2) ________________ (take)
a nap when the volcano (3) ______________ (erupt). The noise was so
loud that it (4) ____________ (wake) me up. I (5) _____________ (look)
out of my tent. Everybody (6) ______________ (run) toward the harbour.
I (7) ____________ (throw) on my robe and (8) _____________ (rush)
to the harbour myself. Fortunately there was a cruise ship there and we
all (9) ___________ (get) on it. The ship (10) ______________ (leave)
when the lava (11) ___________ (hit) down. So it was a narrow escape.

C. One summer my girlfriend and I (1) ________________ (stay) with

friends near Los Angeles. We (2) ________________ (have) a barbecue
in the garden when an earthquake (3) ____________ (begin). Everything
(4) ______________ (shake). The food and the plates (5) ___________
(fall) onto the ground. We (6) __________ (start) picking everything up
and suddenly we (7) _____________ (see) the ceiling fall in. We were
lucky not to be in the house at that moment. But our friends’ dear cat was
there. Fortunately it was saved by a miracle. 7
Present Simple and
lesson 3 Present Perfect

I know this man. — Я знаю цю людину.

I’ve known him all my life. — Я знаю його все своє життя.
I’ve always loved Mary. — Я завжди любив Мері.

1* Underline the correct form of the verb.

1) I live / have lived in New York.

2) I know / have known Jane since childhood.
3) She works / has worked since she graduated.
4) He travels / has travelled a lot this year.
5) My parents travel / have travelled a lot.
6) Jack likes / has liked History all his life.
7) I know / have known this rule.
8) My parents have / have had this house for 10 years.
9) My parents have / have had a little house by the sea.

Rewrite sentences in Present Perfect making the necessary

2** changes.

1) I like grapes. I have always liked grapes.

2) I know this rule. _________________________________________
3) My dad works in a hospital. ________________________________
4) Nick is ill. ______________________________________________
5) I don’t understand it. ______________________________________
6) They are married. ________________________________________
7) My mum teaches French. __________________________________
8) They have a car. _________________________________________
9) I live in London. _________________________________________

Англійський супертренажер.
8 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Perfect
3** of the verbs given.

always want work love be

travel understand never like
1) Jack __________________________ round the world this year.
2) Nora __________________________ married for 6 months.
3) I __________________________ to buy a house by the seaside.
4) Carl __________________________ his dog.
5) Sara __________________________ cats.
6) _________ you __________________ at this company long?
7) _________ you __________________ what you have to do?

4*** Translate into English.

1) Ти ніколи мене не розумів. ________________________________

2) Він не розуміє тебе. _____________________________________
3) Я добре знаю твого дядька. _______________________________
4) Я завжди знав це. _______________________________________
5) Мій дід не працює. ______________________________________
6) Я працюю тут уже два роки. ______________________________
7) Денис знає Мері з дитинства. _____________________________
8) Мої батьки живуть у Шотландії з 2003 року. __________________
9) Де він живе? ___________________________________________
10) У нас цей дім уже 15 років. ______________________________
11) Мені ніколи не подобалося це місце. ______________________
12) Як довго у твого брата ця машина? _______________________
_______________________________________________________ 9
Past Simple and
lesson 4 Present Perfect

The Chinese invented powder. — Китайці винайшли порох. (Це було давно, дія
втратила новину і пішла в історію.)

Have you heard? Luke has invented a new electronic device! — Ти чув? Люк створив
новий електронний прилад! (Це актуальна новина; неважливо, коли було
здійснено дію, акцент на результаті цієї дії — новому приладі.)

Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Present Perfect of

1* the verbs in brackets.

1) I (not play) ________________________ tennis this year.

2) She (have) _________________ six different jobs since she left school.
3) He (run) __________________________ away from school three
times when he was fourteen.
4) How many cups of coffee (you drink) ____________________ today?
5) In those days Andrew (come) ______________________ to stay with
us most weekends.
6) Shakespeare (write) ____________________ poems as well as plays.
7) Since my brother lost his job, he (write) ________________ two books.
8) I’m not cooking today — I (cook) ______________________ all the
meals yesterday. In fact, I (cook) _______________________ most of
the meals this week.
9) Our team are rubbish. They (lose) ______________________ eight
games one after the other in this season.
10) Last year my neighbour (win) __________________ 3 million dollars
in a lottery but he (already spend) ____________________________
most of the money.
11) I (already see) ________________________ this picture when I (be)
____________________ in London.
12) Picasso (paint) ___________________ nearly 1900 pictures.

Англійський супертренажер.
10 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Present Perfect
2** Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

A sad story of a sad man

One Sunday evening two men (1) ________________ (meet) in a London
pub. One of them was very unhappy.
‘Life is terrible, everything in the world is really boring,’ he said.
‘Don’t say that,’ said the other man. ‘Life is marvelous! The world is so
exciting! Think about Italy. It’s a wonderful country. (2) ____________
you ever ______________ (be) there?’
‘Oh, yes. I (3) ___________________ (go) there last year and I
(4) ___________________ (not like) it. It (5) _____________ (be) too
hot and there (6) _____________ (be) so many people there.’
‘Well, (7) _________ you ____________ (be) to Norway? (8) _________
you ever _____________ (see) the midnight sun?’
‘Oh, yes. I (9) __________________ (go) there in 2000 and I
(10) ____________ (see) the midnight sun. I (11) __________________
(not enjoy) it.’
‘Well, I (12) __________ just ________________ (return) from a safari
in Africa. (13) ___________ you _________________ (visit) Africa yet?’
‘Yes, I (14) _________________ (go) on a safari in Africa last year and I
(15) ________________ (climb) Mount Kilimanjaro. It was really boring.’
‘Why don’t you go to Iceland? My friends (16) ________________ (be)
there several times and they really (17) _______________ (love) it there!’
‘I (18) ________________ (fly) there last summer. I (19) ____________
(see) geysers, volcanoes and Martian landscapes. I (20) ____________
(swim) in the Blue Lagoon. Nothing special.’
‘Well,’ said the other man, ‘I think that you really need help. Only the best
psychiatrist can help you. Go to see Dr. Shrinkbaum in Baker Street.’
‘I am Dr. Shrinkbaum,’ (21) __________________ (answer) the man
sadly. 11
Present Simple, Present
lesson 5 Continuous, Past Simple
and Present Perfect

Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Present Perfect

Описує дії в Описує дії, які Описує дії в Повідомляє про
теперішньому, відбуваються в даний минулому, часто дію в минулому, не
які відбуваються момент, а також зі із вказівкою, коли вказуючи, коли саме
з певною словами this week, саме відбулася відбулася дія, або
регулярністю, а today, this Sunday тощо дія; також описує вказуючи на проміжок
також очевидні як протиставлення ланцюг подій у часу, який ще не
факти. регулярним, звичайним минулому. закінчився. Результат
діям. цієї дії важливий для

Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous, Past Simple or

1* Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

1) You (be) _________________ a beautiful baby.

2) I (not read) __________________ her latest book yet.
3) (you visit) __________________________ India?
4) My great-great-grandmother (live) ________________ in Glasgow.
5) Columbus (not discover) ____________________________ America:
the Indians already (know) ____________________ where it was.
6) Amazing news! Scientists (discover) _____________________ a new
7) Who (give) _________________ Shakespeare his first job?
8) How many times (you be) _____________________ in love?
9) I (never enjoy) ___________________ a holiday as much as this one.
10) (you hear) _____________________ the thunder last night?
11) My dad (work) ______________________ late this week.
12) Tim can’t join you — he ___________________ (do) his homework.
13) They ______________________ (invent) cure for cancer! — I think,
you are mistaken, it’s only your dream.
14) (you see) ____________________________ your friends tonight?

Англійський супертренажер.
12 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
2** Complete the sentences with the Present Simple, Past Simple or
Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

John (1) ___________________ (always be) interested in the sea. When

he was ten, his mother (2) _________________ (buy) him an aquarium
and he (3) ________________ (have) a collection of tropical fish ever
since then. For the last twenty years, he (4) ______________________
(live) in a big house in Auckland where he has an aquarium. Last
year he (5) __________________ (open) the aquarium to the public.
Thousands of people (6) ___________________________ (already
visit) his collection. The collection includes several sharks which
(7) ______________________ (swim) around looking dangerous.
‘People (8) ________________________ (not understand) sharks,’ he
says. ‘I (9) ______________________ (never have) any problems with
my sharks because I (10) _________________ (know) how to behave.
Sharks only (11) ___________________ (attack) humans in certain
situations. Once, a great white shark (12) _____________ (try) to attack
me but I (13) ________________ (hit) it on the nose with my camera.’

Complete Lolly’s letter to a friend with the Present Simple, Present

3** Continuous, Past Simple or Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

It (1) ___________ (be) a couple of months since I last (2) ____________

(write) to you so I (3) _________________ (think) I’d better get in touch
and tell you all my news. I (4) _______________________ (not/decorate)
the living room yet. I (5) ________________________ (not/decide) what
colour to paint it! I (6) _______________________ (not/buy) any curtains
either. I (7) _______________________ (finish) moving the furniture in
right now and I (8) ______________________ (unpack) most of my things.
I (9) _______________________ (decorate) the bedroom at the moment.
It (10) _____________ (look) very nice. 13
test 1

1 (Lesson 1). Use the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
I am working (work) late this week.

1) It _________________________ (not rain) here in summer.

2) He _________________________ (not understand) what to do.
3) You _______________________ (speak) too loudly. I can’t hear you.
4) Hurry up! It ________________________ (get) dark!
5) Kate __________________ (wear) glasses but she _____________
___________________ (not wear) them today. Points ___ / 6

2 (Lesson 2). Use the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
The police stopped me while I was driving home. (stop, drive)

1) When I ________________ the door, they _____________________

about me. (open, talk)
2) While he _____________________, he _________________ a plate.
(wash up, break)
3) He ______________ his girlfriend when he _____________________
in India. (meet, travel) Points ___ / 6

3 (Lesson 3). Use the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Perfect.
He reads every day.

1) Joe ______________________________ Maths. (always like)

2) Nobody ________________________ me here. (ever understand)
3) I ________________________ to go there. (never want)
4) Let her alone! She ______________________ to go. (not want)
5) I _____________________ him since childhood. (know)
6) I ______________________ winter. (not like)
Points ___ / 6

Англійський супертренажер.
14 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
4 (Lesson 4). Use the verbs in the Past Simple or Present Perfect.
We have never been (never be) to China.

1) Sam ____________________________ (get up) early today.

2) I _____________________________ (not see) John today.
3) I _________________________ (never ride) a horse in my childhood.
4) Who _____________________________ (break) the window?
5) Look! Somebody _________________________ (break) the window.
6) I _________________________ (be) to Britain twice in my life.

Points ___ / 6

5 (Lesson 5). Complete the sentences with the Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Past Simple or Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets.
I haven’t painted (not paint) the walls yet.

1) It _____________________ four weeks since I last ____________

Marta. (be, see).
2) Jack ____________________ bananas in his childhood, but now he
_______________________ them. (not like, love).
3) They ______________________ chess at the moment. (play)
4) Tod ______________________ when I called. (cook)

Points ___ / 6

Total number of points ________ / 30

Mark _________ 15
lesson 6 Present Perfect Continuous

Ann’s eyes are red. She has been crying.

She’s been playing for half an hour.
Has she been watching TV long?
She’s been watching TV since you left.

1* Write the beginnings of the sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous.

1) (he / run) He has been running.

2) (I / have a bath) _________________________________________
3) (Mark / read) ____________________________________________
4) (they / watch TV) ________________________________________
5) (Sara / cook) ____________________________________________
6) (we / practise) ___________________________________________
7) (you / sleep) ____________________________________________
8) (he / jog) _______________________________________________
9) (she / plan) _____________________________________________
10) (my sister / cry) _________________________________________
11) (Carl / travel) ___________________________________________

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous of the

2** verbs given.

argue write travel read have a bath play run

1) I have been reading this book since yesterday.
2) They _______________________________ for two months.
3) She _______________________________ the piano for an hour.
4) We are very tired. We ___________________________ since 6 a.m.
5) My neighbours ________________________________ all day long!
6) I ________________________________ an essay since 7 p.m.
7) She _______________________________ for half ah hour!

Англійський супертренажер.
16 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
3** Ask questions following the example.

1) Ted is out of breath. (run) Has he been running?

2) Lily is wet. (swim) _______________________________________
3) Nick has a lot of bruises. (fight) _____________________________
4) I have a headache. (watch TV) _____________________________
5) We have been very busy lately. (prepare) _____________________
_______________________________ for the exam?
6) His hands are dirty. (work) _________________________________
______________________ in the garden?
7) What is this wonderful smell? (bake) _________________________
___________________ a pie since I left?

4*** Translate into English.

1) Вона давно плаває? _____________________________________

2) Кейт прибирає у своїй кімнаті вже три години. ________________
3) Я куховарю з ранку. _____________________________________
4) Я не довго на тебе чекаю. ________________________________
5) Він вів машину протягом 5 годин, тому він тепер такий втомле-
ний. ___________________________________________________
6) Вона останнім часом забагато їсть. ________________________
7) Ми працюємо над цим проектом цілий місяць. _______________
8) Я щойно закінчив цю книгу. Я працював над нею п’ять років. ____
_______________________________________________________ 17
Present Perfect and
lesson 7 Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect

1. Ми цікавимося самою дією. Нам не Для нас важливе здійснення дії, нам
важливо, завершено її чи ні: цікавий її результат, а не процес:
Tom’s hands are very dirty. He has been The car is going out of the garage. Tom
repairing the car. has repaired it.
2. Ми підкреслюємо, як довго Ми підкреслюємо, як багато ми вже
здійснювалася (або досі здійснюється) зробили або скільки раз ми здійснювали
якась дія: якусь дію:
Ann has been writing letters all day. Ann has written ten letters today.

1** Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or Present
Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1) I’m exhausted! I _________________________ (work) all day, and

I _________________________ (not finish) yet.
2) I __________________ (visit) many countries over the past few years.
3) Someone ____________________ (take) my books. I __________
______________________________ (look) for them for ages, but
_______________________________ (not find) them yet.
4) I _______________________________ (shop) since morning, but
______________________________ (not buy) anything.
5) That’s one of the best books I ______________________ (ever read).
6) The streets are all wet. It _________________________ (rain).
7) I ________________________________ (listen) to you for the past
half an hour, but I’m afraid I _________________________________
(not understand) a single word.
8) Somebody _________________________ (stand) under the window
since morning.
9) The castle _________________________ (stand) here for centuries.
10) I (write) ____________________________ this report since morning
but I (only do) __________________________ half of the work.

Англійський супертренажер.
18 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
2** Ask specifying questions using the hints in brackets.

1) Paul is a singer in a band.

How long (sing) has he been singing ?
How many records (record) has he recorded ?
2) Your friend Alan is learning to drive. What do you ask him?
How long (learn to drive) ________________________________ ?
(buy) ________________________________________ a car yet?
3) Jenny is a teacher.
How long (teach) ______________________________________ ?
How many schools (work) _______________________________ in?
4) You meet your friend Sally outside the cinema. You ask her:
How long (wait) ________________________________________ ?
5) Joey is getting married to Andrew next September. What do you ask her?
How many guests (invite) _________________________________ ?
How long (know) __________________________________ Andrew?
6) You meet an old friend you haven’t seen for ten years. You ask him:
What (do) ____________________________________ all this time?
Where (be) ____________________________________________ ?
7) You know that Peter has been to the States several times.
How many times (be) ___________________________ to the States?
(visit) _________________________________________ New York?
8) Your friend Ann and her family are in France for their holidays. You call
her and ask:
How long (stay) __________________________________ in France?
What (see) ____________________________________________ ?
9) Sam’s mother is on holiday. What do you ask him?
What places (visit) ____________________________________ yet?
(buy) ___________________________________ any souvenirs yet?
10) You want to know if it is still raining. What do you ask?
(it / stop / raining) _____________________________________ yet?
11) You agreed to meet with your friend, but you come late. You ask:
(wait) ________________________________________ for me long? 19
Present Continuous
lesson 8 and Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous Present Continuous

Ми підкреслюємо, як довго Ми говоримо або запитуємо про те, чим хтось
здійснюється дія: наразі зайнятий:
I’ve been reading for two hours. I am reading at the moment.
How long have you been waiting? Are you waiting for me?

Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous or Present

1** Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1) I ____________________________ (write) a letter.

2) She _________________________ (play) the piano for three hours.
3) We ____________________________ (stay) with our friends.
4) We ________________________ (stay) at this hotel since we arrived.
5) They ____________________________ (have) breakfast.
6) She ____________________________ (have) a shower for an hour.
7) We ____________________________ (not talk).
8) He _______________________ (not do) any exercise for three weeks.
9) It ____________________________ (rain) all day long.
10) It ____________________________ (not snow).
11) I ______________________________ (not wait) for anybody, I
____________________________ (just stand).
12) I ___________________________ (wait) for you over an hour.
13) I _______________________ (try) to contact him since yesterday.
14) How long _________________________ (you/work) on this project?
15) I _____________________________ (just try) to help you!
16) What ________________________________ (you/work) on?
17) He ______________________________ (work) a lot recently, no
wonder he has all those headaches.
18) ‘What (you / do) _________________________?’ — ‘My homework.’
‘(you / do) ______________________________ it long?’

Англійський супертренажер.
20 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
2** Re-write the sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous making the
necessary changes.

1) I am writing a letter. I’ve been writing this letter for twenty minutes.
2) I’m having a bath. ________________________________________
3) We are playing tennis. ____________________________________
4) Tom is doing his homework. ________________________________
5) Jack’s sister is playing the violin. ____________________________
6) My mother is cooking. ____________________________________
7) Tim is sleeping. __________________________________________

3*** Translate into English.

1) Уже два тижні йде сніг. ___________________________________

2) Зараз іде дощ? _________________________________________
3) Вони розмовляють уже дві години. _________________________
4) Ми слухаємо музику. _____________________________________
5) Він сидить тут відтоді, як ви пішли. _________________________
6) Том робить уроки. _______________________________________
7) Моя сестра вивчає англійську з 8 років. _____________________
8) Ти сидиш тут уже 2 години. Ти на когось чекаєш? _____________
9) На кого ти чекаєш? ______________________________________ 21
Present Simple, Present
lesson 9 Continuous, Present Perfect,
Present Perfect Continuous

Present Present Perfect

Present Simple Present Perfect
Continuous Continuous
Описує дію, яка Описує дію, яка Описує дію, яка Описує дію, яка
відбувається відбувається в закінчилася не дуже продовжується
з певною даний момент. давно, результат вказаний проміжок
регулярністю або Ted is fishing (at якої важливий і часу і відбувається
постійно. the moment). актуальний для досі або щойно
I get up every day теперішнього. закінчилася.
at 7 a.m. Look! Somebody has I’ve been tidying up my
planted a tree! room since morning.

1* Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1) I ________________________ (usually come) home at 4 p.m.

2) He __________________________ (drive) for six years.
3) Do you know? His dad ____________________ (win) the lottery!
4) He ______________________ (study) hard for the last three weeks.
5) Luke __________________________ (read) this book since Monday
and he _____________________ (read) 55 pages so far.
6) We ________________________ (play) chess at the moment.
7) The guests _______________________ (come) tonight, so Marta
__________________________ (cook) all day today.
8) He ___________________________ (be) ill all this week.
9) Lynn __________________________ (have) dinner.
10) The train _____________________________ (arrive) at 9.15 p.m.
11) Tom ___________________ (pass) all his exams and he’s free now.
12) ‘What’s the matter?’— ‘I ___________________________________
(read) in my room for hours and I’ve got a headache.’
13) ‘You’re filthy! What __________ you ________________________
(do)?’ — ‘I ______________________________ (work) in the garden.’
14) How many times ___________ you ____________ (see) this film?
15) What film _________ you ______________________ (watch)?

Англійський супертренажер.
22 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
ect, 2** Ask specifying questions.
1) I am waiting for Jack. How long have you been waiting for him?
2) I know Mary. How long ________________________________ her?
3) I am doing my homework. How many exercises ________________
____________________ so far?
4) My kids are playing. What game ____________________________ ?
5) He goes swimming. How often ______________________________?
6) I work here. Since when _______________________________ here?
7) My dad usually finishes work at 6 p.m. What time _______________
__________________________ this week?
8) Dora is in London now. How long _______________________ there?
9) He plays tennis rather well. How long ________________________
_____________________ tennis?
10) I’ve seen this film. How many times ________________________ it?

3*** Translate into English.

1) Том хворіє з понеділка. __________________________________

2) Вони зараз не працюють у саду. ___________________________
3) Ви сидите тут з 12-ї години? ______________________________
4) Я ніколи цього не розумів. ________________________________
5) Марта не дуже добре розуміє фізику. _______________________
6) Він слухає музику. _______________________________________
7) Вона слухає цей мюзикл уже другий тиждень. ________________
8) Послухай! Це Джені грає на піаніно? — Так, вона грає вже дві
години. ________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ 23
Future Simple.
lesson 10 First Conditional

He will (=He’ll) do that tomorrow.

Will you come with me?
I will not (=won’t) tell them.
There will be more work next month.
If the weather is fine, we will go to the country.

Yesterday on TV a professor was sharing his ideas on what will happen

1* to our world in fifty years’ time. Look at the professor’s notes and write
what he said.

1) more people in the world There will be more people in the world.
2) robots do all the hard work _________________________________
3) not so many jobs ________________________________________
4) people have more free time ________________________________
5) not very much oil ________________________________________
6) fish farms under the sea ___________________________________
7) people not live on other planets _____________________________
8) people not litter very much _________________________________
9) less natural food _________________________________________
10) people not need visas to travel _____________________________
11) not much crime _________________________________________
12) less pollution ___________________________________________
13) all cars run on electricity __________________________________

Англійський супертренажер.
24 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
2** Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1) If your cousins (come) come tomorrow, I (ask) will ask them to

come to my party.
2) If Donna (visit) _________________ the museum next week, she
(see) _______________ the statues from Egypt.
3) Lara (become) _______________________ famous if she (make)
_________________ some good records.
4) You (fall) __________________ if you (not look) _______________
_______________ where you are going.
5) Those trees (die) _________________ if we (not water) __________
_______________ them.
6) If I (have) __________________ time tomorrow, I (tidy) ___________
___________________ up the garden.
7) Someone (steal) ______________________ that money if you (leave)
_________________ it on the floor.
8) We ____________________ (have) more customers if we _________
___________________ (advertise) more.

3** What will happen if…? Make a chain of events that might occur using
the prompts given.

do more work — pass my exams — go to university —

study medicine — become a doctor — save people’s lives
1) If I don’t go out so much, I’ll do more work.
2) If I do more work, I ______________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________ 25
Способи передачі
lesson 11 майбутнього: Future
Simple, be going to, might

Future Simple be going to might

• передбачаємо або конста- • описуємо заплановану • описуємо дію, яка,
туємо факт у майбутньому дію в майбутньому можливо, відбудеться в
• описуємо рішення, яке • висловлюємо майбутньому
було щойно прийняте впевненість / неминучість
• вживаємо зі словами того, що відбудеться
probably, definitely тощо

1* Fill in the blanks with will or going to. Sometimes both options are
possible (explain which option is suitable for what situation).

1) Oh, no! There isn’t any salt! — Isn’t there? It’s OK I _______________
get some from the shop on my way back home.
2) I think that Tom _________________ get the job.
3) Look! Our flat is burning! — Good heavens! I_________________ call
the fire-brigade immediately!
4) Do you have any plans for tonight? — Yes, I ________________ meet
5) It’s very easy. I ___________________ show you.
6) Look at these black clouds! It ____________________ rain.
7) I think that Ann __________________ come at 8 o’clock.
8) I ______________________ never learn that difficult language!
9) It’s Jack’s birthday tomorrow. — Gosh! I’ve absolutely forgotten about
it. Oh, I ____________________ give him a book.
10) It’s Jack’s birthday tomorrow. — I know, I ___________________
give him a book.
11) Oh, no! The house has cracked! It __________________________
12) Sally _________________________ definitely win the contest!
13) Why aren’t you getting ready for the exam? You ________________
_______________ fail it!

Англійський супертренажер.
26 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
2** Paraphrase the sentences following the example.

1) We will probably go to the country tomorrow. We might go

to the country tomorrow.
2) Jack will probably not go to university. _______________________
3) She will probably fail her exam. _____________________________
4) I will probably start learning Chinese. _________________________
5) They will probably go to Venice next month. ___________________
6) You will probably not recognize him. _________________________

3** Fill in the blanks with will, be going to or might.

1) What are you going to do tonight? — I don’t know. I might go for a walk.
2) Do you know what you will do after you leave school? — Yes, I
___________________ enter university.
3) You don’t study at all! You ____________________ fail your exam!
4) The weather forecast says it ________________ rain tomorrow.
5) ‘We _____________________ see that film in the cinema tonight.’
‘What _____________________ you do if there are no tickets?’
‘Then we _____________________ go for a walk.’
6) Have you heard that Doris ______________________ talk to her boss
about that incident?
7) Who knows! They __________________ not come tomorrow.
8) ‘Have you made up your mind where to go on your honeymoon?’
‘Yes, we _________________ spend our honeymoon in New Zealand.’
9) Where are you going this summer? — I am not sure. We ____________
go to Turkey, or we ________________ spend our holiday in the
mountains, or we ______________ just stay at home and redecorate
our house. 27
test 2

(Lesson 6). Make positive (+), negative (–) or interrogative (?) sen-
1 tences in Present Perfect Continuous using the words in brackets.
(we / wait for you / since 3 p.m.) (+) We have been waiting for you since 3 p.m.

1) (how long / you / write the essay) (?) _________________________

2) (we / swim / long) (–) _____________________________________
3) (he / repair his car / all day today) (?) _________________________
4) (she / have a shower / for 20 minutes) (+) _____________________
5) (they / argue / for an hour) (–) ______________________________
6) (Sam / sunbathe / since you left) (+) _________________________
Points ___ / 6

2 (Lesson 7). Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or

Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
I have been having (have) bad dreams for two months.

1) I ________________________________ (try) to lose weight for ages,

I __________________________ (lose) ten pounds so far.
2) Jack __________________________ (read) for two hours and he
_____________________________ (almost finish) the book.
3) My parents _____________________________ (travel) for a month
already and they __________________________ (visit) 6 countries.

Points ___ / 6

Англійський супертренажер.
28 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
3 (Lesson 8). Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous or
Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
They are talking (talk) at the moment.

1) He _________________________ (dig) the garden since morning.

2) What ___________________________ (you / do) all these years?
3) What ______________________________ (they / play)?
4) ___________________________ (you / stand) here long?
5) She ____________________ (have) a bath. She ________________
__________________ (have) a bath for an hour!
Points ___ / 6

4 (Lesson 9). Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
If you don’t stop (not stop) crying, I won’t buy (not buy) you anything.

1) If the weather _________ (be) fine, we _________ (go) to the country.

2) If you _______________ (not study) properly, you _______________
(fail) your exam.
3) If I _______________ (enter) university, my dad _______________
(give) me his car.
Points ___ / 6

5 (Lesson 10). Fill in the blanks with will, be going to or might.

They might join us later. I’m not sure.

1) We _________________ probably go to the countryside this weekend.

2) At last he’s made up his mind! He __________________ buy that car.
3) ‘What are your plans for tonight?’ ‘We _______________ see the new
play at the theatre.’ ‘What _______________ you do if the theatre is
full?’ ‘Then we _________________ go to a restaurant.’
4) ‘Have you got any plans for tonight?’ ‘Not yet. I _________________
see my friends or just stay at home.’
Points ___ / 6

Total number of points ________ / 30

Mark _________ 29
Future Simple and
lesson 12 Future Continuous

Future Continuous. Вживання Приклади

1. Ми говоримо про те, що хтось буде I will be sleeping at home at this time
знаходитися в процесі виконання якоїсь tomorrow.
дії в певний момент у майбутньому. She will not be working from 3 to 5.p.m.
on Monday.
2. Ми говоримо про заплановані дії в Will you be running in the next year’s mara-
майбутньому. У цьому значенні може thon? = Are you going to run in the next
замінюватися часом Present Continuous year’s marathon? = Are you running ...
або зворотом be going to.

1* Write the beginnings of the sentences in the Future Continuous.

1) we / not walk We won’t be walking

2) they / have a meeting _____________________________________
3) I / not cook _____________________________________________
4) she / eat _______________________________________________
5) he / play the piano _______________________________________
6) we / not sing ____________________________________________

Complete the sentences with the Future Simple or Future Continuous

2** of the verbs in brackets.

1) He __________________________ (sleep) when you come.

2) I _______________________ (lend) you this book.
3) She ________________________ (wear) a red dress at the party.
4) In half an hour everybody __________________________________
(watch) that program.
5) Don’t come between 8 and 9 p.m. I __________________________
(have) dinner.
6) After they arrive, we ______________________ (have) dinner.
7) We __________________________ (play) tennis for the whole day.

Англійський супертренажер.
30 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
3** Ask questions in the correct tense — Future Simple or Future
Continuous. Explain your choice.

1) ___________ you _______________________ (have) a party this

time next week?
2) ___________ she ______________________ (watch) the talk show
3) When ___________ he ____________________ (finish) his work?
4) __________ you __________________ (work) tomorrow afternoon?
5) __________ your sister ________________ (draw) a picture for us?
6) ____________ you ______________________ (drive) at midnight?
7) ___________ Sara _____________________ (join) us for lunch?
8) ___________ they _____________________ (study) all weekend?
9)___________ you _____________________ (meet) Jack tomorrow?
10) __________ you _____________________ (help) us?
11) ________ you ____________________ (sing) at the school concert?

4*** Translate into English.

1) За півгодини ми будемо загоряти на пляжі. __________________

2) Збори закінчаться о 3.00. _________________________________
3) Вони не будуть працювати, коли ми приїдемо. _______________
4) З 6-ї до 7-ї вечора ти будеш плавати в басейні? ______________
5) Що ти будеш робити о 7-й годині вечора в понеділок? _________
6) Я буду чекати на тебе тут завтра о 6-й вечора. _______________
7) Ти будеш бігти на цьогорічному марафоні? __________________
_______________________________________________________ 31
lesson 13 Past Perfect

He said he hadn’t lived abroad. — Він сказав, що (раніше) не жив за кордоном.

Before 2010 our family had lived in Spain. — До 2010 року наша сім’я жила
в Iспанії.
When I came, she left. — Коли я прийшов, вона пішла.
(вона пішла після того, як я прийшов)
When I came she had left. — Коли я прийшов, вона вже пішла.
(вона пішла до того, як я прийшов)

1* Underline the correct option.

1) Nobody understood / had understood how the cat got / had got into
the car.
2) We didn’t have / hadn’t had much money left after we bought / had
bought that package holiday.
3) When I arrived / had arrived at the shop, it already closed / had already
4) Tom didn’t play / hadn’t played in the game because he hurt / had hurt
his leg.

Complete the sentences with affirmative (+), negative (–) or

2** interrogative (?) Past Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1) The fridge was empty. Dan (do) (–) hadn’t done the shopping.
2) I couldn’t get in because I (forget) (+) _________________________
my keys.
3) Everybody was running and shouting. What (happen) (?) __________
4) Ted wasn’t at home. Where (go) (?) ________ he _____________?
5) I had a feeling that we (meet) (+) _______________________ before.
6) Mary said that she (be) (–) ____________________ to London before.
7) Before 2000 Sam (have) (–) _______________________ a car.

Англійський супертренажер.
32 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
3** Turn two sentences into one following the example.

1) Jack had his dinner. Then he went to play. When Jack had had his
dinner, he went to play.
2) I did my homework. Then I sat down to watch TV. _______________
3) Leo had a bath. Then he went to bed. ________________________
4) They made a report. Then they went for a walk. ________________
5) Clara read the book. Then I borrowed it. ______________________
6) We arranged a new meeting. Then we went home. ______________

4** Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Perfect of the
verbs in brackets.

1) Nina didn’t tell anyone how she had achieved that result. (not
tell; achieve)
2) It ___________________ to rain, and I ____________________ that I
_______________________ the window. (start; remember; not close)
3) Lisa _____________________ me she couldn’t go to the theatre, but I
__________________________ the tickets. (tell; already buy)
4) By the time we ________________ to their place they ____________
______________ up all the cake. (get; eat).
5) I ___________________ a letter on my desk that I ______________
_____________________ . (find; not open)
6) The children ______________________ up their room because their
mother _________________________ them to. (tidy; ask)
7) Jack’s mother _________________ him new trainers because he
___________________ his old ones while playing football. (buy, tear) 33
Past Perfect
lesson 14 Continuous

The ground was wet. It had been raining. — Земля була мокрою. Пройшов дощ.
(Дощ почався до того, як ми помітили, що земля була мокрою, і до того
моменту вже закінчився.)
How long had you been waiting for him by the time he arrived? — Як довго ви на
нього чекали до того часу, як він приїхав?

1* Read the situation and write its explanation using the hints in brackets.

1) Jack was breathing heavily. (run) He had been running.

2) Dolly’s eyes were red. (cry) ________________________________
3) The boys’ clothes were dirty, their hair was untidy and one of them had
a black eye. (fight) _______________________________________
4) Mary woke up at night, terrified. (have a bad dream) _____________
5) I was very tired when I came home. (work hard all day) __________
6) Lola’s hands and clothes were covered in paint. (paint the walls) __
7) When we came back from the beach, our skin was red and hurt. (lie in
the sun too long) _________________________________________
8) When I saw Jina, she was terribly fat. (eat too much) ____________
9) When I met Luke yesterday evening, he had a hoarse voice. (talk too
much) _________________________________________________
10) The boys were soaking wet. (walk under the rain) ______________

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34 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
2** Read the situation and re-write it in one sentence.

1) I started driving at 9 a.m. At 11 a.m. I saw a beautiful castle. — I

had been driving for 2 hours when I saw a beautiful castle .
2) We started playing football. Half an hour later it started raining. — We
_________________ when it ____________________ raining.
3) I came to the restaurant and started waiting for Jack. Jack arrived
20 minutes later. I ________________________________________
______________________ when he ____________________ at last.
4) Sam was travelling for two months. Then he ran out of money. — Sam
before he __________________________________.
5) They started working in the garden at 10 a.m. At 1 p.m. a thunder-
storm began. They ________________________________________
__________ when __________________________________.

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense — Past Continuous or Past
3** Perfect Continuous.

1) My sister was taking (take) a shower when I came.

2) They _____________________________ (watch) TV from 5 to 7 p.m.
3) We ________________________________ (walk) along the road for
an hour before we saw the first house.
4) Tom ______________________________ (cross) the street when he
saw an accident.
5) When I arrived, Lola _________________________ (wait) for me. She
was very annoyed because she _____________________________
(wait) for half an hour.
6) When I looked out of the window, the sun __________________ (shine)
brightly but the ground was wet. It _______________________ (rain).
7) When you called, my brother (take) _________________________ a
shower. He (take) ______________________________ a shower for
half an hour. 35
Past Perfect and
lesson 15 Past Perfect

Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous

Позначає нетривалу дію, яка Позначає тривалу дію або дію, яка
закінчилася до певного моменту багаторазово повторюється, і ці дії
в минулому. Українською, як продовжуються до певного моменту в
правило, перекладається дієсловом минулому. Українською перекладається, як
доконаного виду. правило, дієсловом недоконаного виду.

I had written 12 letters before you I had been writing letters until you came. —
came. — Я написав 12 листів до Я писав листи весь час, доки ти не прийшов.
твого приходу. (дію завершено, (підкреслюється продовженість дії: я написав
підкреслюється її результат, а не дуже багато листів і займався цим практично
тривалість) безперервно, поки тебе не було)

Complete the sentences with the Past Perfect Continuous or Past

1* Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

1) When I came into the room, Sally was sitting in the armchair exhausted.
She ____________________________ (do) physical exercises.
2) I _____________________________ (work) part-time for the company
for two years before my boss offered me a full-time position.
3) He ________________________ (apply) for 23 jobs before he was
hired at last.
4) The fire was terrible. The firemen ____________________________
(never see) such a terrible accident.
5) By the time Mr. Davis retired, he _______________________ (teach)
over 6000 people how to drive.
6) The manager ______________________ (interview) 25 applicants
before he found someone who met all the requirements.
7) My sister _____________________________ (suffer) from exhaustion
for a long time, so she just had to go on holiday.
8) Sam (plant) ____________________________ trees all day yesterday
and by the evening he (plant) _________________________ 25 trees.

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36 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
2** Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs given.

finish play start look already eat

1) The girls’ eyes were sore. They _____________________________
computer games all afternoon.
2) By the age of 15 Christopher Paolini __________________________
writing his bestselling fantasy series called Inheritance.
3) I didn’t want the dessert because I ____________________ too much.
4) By the time we arrived the concert __________________________,
so we didn’t hear anything.
5) We __________________________ for a house for a year before we
found something we really liked.

3*** Translate into English.

1) У Мері був найчудовіший голос, який я коли-небудь чула. ______

2) Джейн дуже втомилася, тому що цілий день готувалася до іспиту.
3) Діти дуже змерзли, тому що цілий день гралися в снігу. ________
4) До 30 років він написав три книжки. ________________________
5) Коли вона закінчила говорити, я підійшов до неї і поставив кілька
запитань. ______________________________________________
6) Я добре знав дорогу. Я був там раніше багато разів. __________
7) Ми спілкувалися в Інтернеті 3 роки до того, як нарешті зустрілися.
_______________________________________________________ 37
lesson 16 Tenses Review

Present Past Future

I work every day. I lived in Paris two years I will bring some juice.
(констатація факту ago. (констатація факту в (щойно прийняте рішення
в теперішньому) минулому) здійснити якусь дію в
Simple The train leaves at майбутньому)
9.45. (говоримо People will live longer in
про розклад) future. (констатація факту
в майбутньому)
I am reading. I was reading at 7. I will be swimming in the
(дія, яка I was reading when you sea at this time tomorrow.
відбувається саме called me. (дія була в (дія, яка буде
зараз) процесі здійснення в певний здійснюватися в певний
момент у минулому) момент в майбутньому)
I am leaving for I was cooking while Dora I’ll be taking my exams in
Spain tomorrow. was tidying the flat. June.
(запланована дія в (дві тривалі дії, які (тривала, заздалегідь
майбутньому, часто здійснюються паралельно запланована дія в
з дієсловами руху) одна одній) майбутньому)
I have finished my She had left before I called. By the time you arrive I will
report. I had lived here before have finished my essay.
Perfect (підкреслення (дія здійснилася до якоїсь (дія закінчиться до певного
результату іншої дії в минулому або моменту в майбутньому)
завершеної дії) до певного моменту в
I have been By the time you joined me I (вживається вкрай рідко)
waiting for two had been jogging for two
hours! hours. By the time you come I will
Her eyes are red. Her eyes were red. She had have been doing this work
She has been been crying. for five hours.
(дія почалася (дія почалася в минулому (ми підкреслюємо, як
деякий час тому і тривала деякий час довго буде тривати дія
і триває досі або до певного моменту в до певного моменту в
щойно закінчилася) минулому) майбутньому)

Англійський супертренажер.
38 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
1*** Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs given.

1) Our baby Jack ___________________________ now. He’s just ten
months old.
2) ‘How did you get here?’ ‘We __________________. It didn’t take long.’
3) After ten miles we had to stop for a rest. We ____________________
__________________ non-stop for four hours.
4) Look! Who _________________________ there?


5) My dog looked guilty. He __________________________ some food

from the kitchen table.
6) It was a hard match. At half-time, the ambulance ________________
one of the footballers to hospital.
7) ‘This shirt is $45, sir.’ ‘That’s fine. I ________________________ it.’

8) I think we should buy a new car. We _________________________
this one for ages.
9) Don’t phone at 8.00 this evening. We _________________________
dinner then.
10) We _________________________ a lovely picnic until my wife was
stung by a bee.
11) Don’t disturb them They ________________________ a serious

12) Mum __________________ sandwiches when somebody called.

13) He __________ not ____________________ up his mind yet about
which university to enter.
14) Have you heard about Lenny? They ________________________
him redundant.
15) I _____________________________ this cake since early morning. 39
Test 3

1 (Lesson 12). Complete the sentences with the Future Simple or Fu-
ture Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
I will be watching (watch) TV when you come.

1) Mary _________________ (take) part in the singing contest in June.

2) People ______________________ (live) longer in future.
3) Don______________________ (play) tennis at this time tomorrow.
4) We ______________________ (go) for a walk after you finish work.
5) I ________________________ (study) all weekend.
6) She ____________________ (join) us for dinner.
Points ___ / 6

2 (Lesson 13). Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past
Perfect of the verbs in brackets.
When I came , my sister had already left . (come, already leave)

1) Tom suddenly _______________ (remember) that he ___________

_______________________ (not lock) the door.
2) They __________________ (know) the way very well because they
_________________________ (be) there before.
3) I ________________________ (recognize) that girl at once though I
_____________________ (meet) her two years ago.

Points ___ / 6

3 (Lesson 14). Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous or

Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Yesterday at 5 p.m. I was talking (talk) on the phone.

1) When I woke up it _____________________ (snow). Everything was

covered in snow, so it ____________________ (snow) all night, I guess.
2) When I came, Jane ___________________ (have) a shower. She
___________________________ (work) in the garden before that.

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40 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
3) When we left the house it __________________ (rain). It ________
__________________ (rain) since morning.
Points ___ / 6

4 (Lesson 15). Complete the sentences with the Past Perfect or Past
Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
By midnight Ted had covered (cover) 30 pages only though
he had been reading (read) since morning.

1) By the time they found the house they _______________________

(walk) for two hours and they ______________ (lose) all their patience.
2) Dora was exhausted. She _________________________ (run). She
__________________ (run) 15 km.
3) When I came, Lola ________________ (prepare) 15 different dishes.
She _________________________ (cook) all day.

Points ___ / 6

5 (Lesson 16). Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
I saw (see) a big dog when I was crossing (cross) the street.

1) Terry and Lenny ______________ (get) married last week. They

____________________ (meet) only three weeks before.
2) I _______________________ (work) on this project for 20 days and I
_____________________ (not finish) yet.
3) Kate _____________________ (cry) when we _________________
(come) into the room.
Points ___ / 6

Total number of points ________ / 30

Mark _________ 41
Irregular Verbs

Verb 2nd form 3rd form Translation

be was/were been бути, знаходитися
beat beat beaten перемагати, бити
become became become ставати
begin began begun починати
bet bet bet робити ставку, укладати парі
bite bit bitten кусати(ся)
blow blew blown дути, віяти
break broke broken ламати(ся)
bring brought brought приносити, приводити
build built built будувати
buy bought bought купувати
catch caught caught ловити, підхопити (хворобу)
choose chose chosen обирати
come came come приходити, приїжджати
cost cost cost коштувати
cut cut cut різати
deal dealt dealt торгувати (in), мати справу (with)
dig dug dug копати, вирити
do did done робити
draw drew drawn малювати (олівцями);
тягнути, креслити
drink drank drunk пити
drive drove driven водити (автівку), їздити
eat ate eaten їсти
fall fell fallen падати
feed fed fed годувати
feel felt felt почуватися
fight fought fought битися, сваритися
find found found знаходити

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42 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
Verb 2nd form 3rd form Translation
fly flew flown літати
forget forgot forgotten забувати
freeze froze frozen мерзнути, заморожувати
get got got/gotten отримувати, діставати(ся)
give gave given давати
go went gone іти, від’їжджати
grow grew grown рости, вирощувати
hang hung hung вішати, висіти
have had had мати
hear heard heard чути
hide hid hidden ховати(ся)
hit hit hit ударяти(ся), врізатися
hold held held тримати (в руках)
hurt hurt hurt кривдити, боліти, задівати (почуття)
keep kept kept тримати (у себе), зберігати
know knew known знати
leave left left залишати, від’їжджати
lend lent lent позичати (комусь)
let let let дозволяти
lie lay lain лежати
light lit lit запалювати, світити
lose lost lost губити
make made made робити, виробляти, примушувати
mean meant meant означати, мати намір
meet met met зустрічати(ся)
pay paid paid платити, сплачувати
put put put класти, ставити
read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читати
ride rode ridden їздити верхи, на велосипеді
ring rang rung дзвонити
rise rose risen підніматися, вставати 43
Verb 2nd form 3rd form Translation
run ran run бігати
say said said сказати, говорити
see saw seen бачити
sell sold sold продавати
send sent sent надсилати, відправляти
set set set встановлювати, ставити
shine shone shone світити(ся), сяяти
shoot shot shot стріляти, знімати (кіно)
shut shut shut зачиняти
sing sang sung співати
sit sat sat сидіти
sleep slept slept спати
speak spoke spoken говорити, розмовляти
spend spent spent витрачати
spread spread spread розповсюджувати(ся), розкидати(ся)
stand stood stood стояти
steal stole stolen красти
sting stung stung жалити, пекти
swear swore sworn клястися, лаятися
swim swam swum пливти, плавати
take took taken брати, відводити
teach taught taught навчати (когось), викладати
tear tore torn рвати
tell told told говорити, розказувати
think thought thought думати, гадати, вважати
throw threw thrown кидати
understand understood understood розуміти
wake woke woken будити, прокидатися
wear wore worn носити (одяг)
win won won вигравати, перемагати
write wrote written писати

Англійський супертренажер.
44 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
Keys to exercises
and tests
4. 1) You have never understood me. 2) He doesn’t
understand you. 3) I know your uncle well. 4) I’ve
Lesson 1 always known that. 5) My granddad doesn’t work.
1. 1) is barking; 2) barks; 3) is burning; 4) looks; 5) is 6) I have worked here for two years. 7) Dennis has
dreaming; 6) finishes; is working; 7) are playing known Mary since childhood. 8) My parents have
lived in Scotland since 2003. 9) Where does he live?
2. 2) What is she wearing today? 3) Does your 10) We’ve had this house for 15 years. 11) I’ve never
granny wear glasses? 4) Does he understand what liked this place. 12) How long has your brother had
to do? 5) What language are they speaking now? this car?
6) Does he know Polish? 7) What are you looking
at? 8) Do you hear me?
3. 2) We aren’t discussing our holiday now. 3) Liz Lesson 4
doesn’t know the answer. 4) My mum isn’t working 1. 1) haven’t played; 2) has had; 3) ran; 4) have you
this week. 5) His granny doesn’t work. 6) It isn’t drunk; 5) came; 6) wrote; 7) has written; 8) cooked;
getting dark yet. 7) It doesn’t get dark till 9 in July. have cooked; 9) have lost; 10) won; has already
8) It doesn’t rain here in summer. 9) It isn’t raining now. spent; 11) already saw; was; 12) painted
4. 1) is always raining (ми засмучені такою 2. 1) met; 2) Have you ever been; 3) went; 4) didn’t
ситуацією і нарікаємо на неї); 2) often rains; like; 5) was; 6) were; 7) have you been; 8) Have you
3) are you constantly teasing (ми висловлюємо ever seen; 9) went; 10) saw; 11) didn’t enjoy; 12)
своє незадоволення ситуацією); 4) always fight have just returned; 13) Have you visited; 14) went;
(ми просто констатуємо факт); 5) always comes 15) climbed; 16) have been; 17) loved; 18) flew;
(констатація факту); 6) are always coming (ми 19) saw; 20) swam; 21) answered
висловлюємо своє незадоволення постійними
запізненнями); 7) always wears; 8) are wearing
Lesson 5
Lesson 2 1. 1) were; 2) haven’t read; 3) Have you visited;
4) lived; 5) didn’t discover; knew; 6) have discovered;
1. 1) lived; 2) was living; 3) walked; 4) studied; 5) was 7) gave; 8) have you been; 9) have never enjoyed;
having; 6) had; 7) were crossing; 8) was writing 10) Did you hear; 11) is working; 12) is doing;
2. 1) saw; was talking; 2) met; were working; 3) 13) have invented; 14) Are you seeing
got; were studying; 4) were driving; heard; 5) was 2. 1) has always been; 2) bought; 3) has had; 4) has
wearing; saw; 6) was reading; were knitting lived; 5) opened; 6) have already visited; 7) swim;
3. A. 1) witnessed; 2) was discussing; 3) heard; 8) don’t understand; 9) have never had; 10) know;
4) rushed; 5) wasn’t working; 6) went; 7) got; 8) were 11) attack; 12) tried; 13) hit
screaming; 9) were waiting; 10) landed; 11) rescued 3. 1) has been; 2) wrote; 3) thought; 4) haven’t
B. 1) was participating; 2) was taking; 3) erupted; decorated; 5) haven’t decided; 6) haven’t bought; 7)
4) woke; 5) looked; 6) was running; 7) threw; am finishing; 8) have unpacked; 9) am decorating;
8) rushed; 9) got; 10) was leaving; 11) hit 10) looks
C. 1) were staying; 2) were having; 3) began;
4) shook (у значенні «затряслося») / was shaking
(у значенні «тряслося»); 5) fell; 6) started; 7) saw
Test 1
1. 1) doesn’t rain; 2) doesn’t understand; 3) are
speaking; 4) is getting; 5) wears; is not wearing
Lesson 3 2. 1) opened; were talking; 2) was washing up; broke;
3) met; was travelling
1. 1) live; 2) have known; 3) has worked; 4) has
travelled; 5) travel; 6) has liked; 7) know; 8) have 3. 1) has always liked; 2) has ever understood;
had; 9) have 3) have never wanted; 4) doesn’t want; 5) have
known; 6) don’t like
2. 2) I have known this rule since I was 9. (тут і далі
курсивом надаються можливі варіанти вставок). 4. 1) got up; 2) haven’t seen; 3) never rode; 4) broke;
3) My dad has worked in a hospital all his life. 4) Nick 5) has broken; 6) have been
has been ill for a week. 5) I have never understood 5. 1) has been; saw; 2) didn’t like; loves; 3) are
it. 6) They have been married for three years. 7) My playing; 4) was cooking
mum has taught French since she graduated.
8) They have had a car for years. 9) I have lived in
London since 2010. Lesson 6
3. 1) has travelled; 2) has been; 3) have always 1. 2) I have been having a bath; 3) Mark has been
wanted; 4) loves; 5) has never liked; 6) Have you reading; 4) They have been watching TV; 5) Sara
worked; 7) Do you understand has been cooking; 6) We have been practising; 45
7) You have been sleeping; 8) He has been jogging; 3. 1) It has been snowing for two weeks (already).
9) She has been planning; 10) My sister has been 2) Is it raining? 3) They have been talking for two
crying; 11) Carl has been travelling hours. 4) We are listening to music. 5) He’s been
2. 2) have been travelling; 3) has been playing; sitting here (ever) since you left. 6) Tom is doing his
4) have been running; 5) have been arguing; 6) have homework. 7) My sister has been studying English
been writing; 7) has been having a bath since she was eight. 8) You’ve been sitting here for
two hours. Have you been waiting for someone?
3. 2) Has she been swimming? 3) Has he been 9) Who are you waiting for?
fighting? 4) Have you been watching TV? 5) Have
you been preparing; 6) Has he been working; 7)
Have you been baking
Lesson 9
4. 1) Has she been swimming long? 2) Kate has
1. 1) usually come; 2) has been driving; 3) has
been tidying her room for three hours (already).
3) I’ve been cooking since morning. 4) I haven’t won; 4) has been studying; 5) has been reading;
been waiting for you long. 5) He has been driving has read; 6) are playing; 7) are coming; has been
for 5 hours, that’s why he’s so tired now. 6) She has cooking; 8) has been; 9) is having; 10) arrives;
been eating too much lately. 7) We’ve been working 11) has passed; 12) have been reading; 13) have
on this project for a whole month. 8) I’ve just finished you been doing; have been working; 14) have you
this book. 9) I’ve been working on it for five years. seen; 15) are you watching
2. 2) have you known; 3) have you done; 4) are
they playing; 5) does he go swimming; 6) have you
Lesson 7 worked / have you been working; 7) is he finishing
1. 1) have been working; haven’t finished; 2) have work; 8) has she been / has she been staying; 9) has
visited; 3) has taken; have been looking; haven’t he been playing; 10) have you seen
found; 4) have been shopping; haven’t bought; 3. 1) Tom has been ill since Monday. 2) They aren’t
5) have ever read; 6) has been raining; 7) have working in the garden (now). 3) Have you been
been listening; haven’t understood; 8) has been sitting here since noon? 4) I have never understood
standing (він стоїть тут не так уже й давно і it. 5) Marta doesn’t understand Physics very well.
напевне скоро піде); 9) has stood (замок уже 6) He is listening to music. 7) She has been listening
стоїть декілька століть і простоїть ще довго. to this musical for the second week. 8) Listen! Is it
У таких випадках Present Perfect Continuous не Jane playing the piano? — Yes, she’s been playing
вживається). 10) I’ve been writing; have only done for two hours (already).
2. 2) have you been learning to drive? Have you
bought; 3) has she been teaching? / has she taught?
(з дієсловами teach, work, live можлива заміна Lesson 10
часу Present Perfect Continuous часом Present 1. 2) Robots will do all the hard work. 3) There will
Perfect без зміни смислу); has she worked; 4) have be not so many jobs. / There won’t be so many jobs.
you been waiting? 5) have you invited? have you 4) People will have more free time. 5) There won’t be
known; 6) have you been doing; have you been; 7) very much oil. 6) There will be fish farms under the
have you been; Have you visited; 8) have you been sea. 7) People won’t live on other planets. 8) People
staying; have you seen; 9) has she visited; Has she won’t litter very much. 9) There will be less natural
bought; 10) Has it stopped raining; 11) Have you
food. 10) People won’t need visas to travel. 11) There
been waiting
won’t be much crime. 12) There will be less pollution.
13) All cars will run on electricity.
Lesson 8 2. 2) visits; will see; 3) will become; makes; 4) will fall;
don’t look; 5) will die; don’t water; 6) have; will tidy;
1. 1) am writing; 2) has been playing; 3) are staying; 7) will steal; leave; 8) will have; advertise
4) have been staying; 5) are having; 6) has been
having; 7) are not talking; 8) hasn’t been doing; 3. 2) I’ll pass my exams. 3) If I pass my exams,
9) has been raining; 10) isn’t snowing; 11) am not I’ll go to university. 4) If I go to university, I’ll study
waiting; am just standing; 12) have been waiting; medicine. 5) If I study medicine, I’ll become a doctor.
13) have been trying; 14) have you been working; 6) If I become a doctor, I’ll save people’s lives.
15) am just trying; 16) are you working; 17) has been
working; 18) are you doing; Have you been doing
2. 2) I’ve been having a bath for an hour (тут і далі
Lesson 11
курсивом надаються можливі варіанти обставин, 1. 1) will; 2) will; 3) will; 4) am going to; 5) will; 6)
які перетворюють Present Continuous на Present is going to; 7) will; 8) will; 9) will; 10) am going to;
Perfect Continuous). 3) We have been playing tennis 11) is going to (якщо будинок сильно тріснув, він
since morning. 4) Tom has been doing his homework неодмінно впаде); 12) will; 13) are going to
for two hours. 5) Jack’s sister has been playing the 2. 2) Jack might not go to university. 3) She might fail
violin since she was 5. 6) My mother has been her exam. 4) I might start learning Chinese. 5) They
cooking ever since she came from work. 7) Tim has might go to Venice next month. 6) You might not
been sleeping for 10 hours. recognize him.

Англійський супертренажер.
46 Юлія Івановa Порівняння часів дієслів
3. 2) am going to; 3) are going to; 4) will
(передрікання); 5) are going; will; will / might; 6) is
going to; 7) might; 8) are going to; 9) might; might Lesson 14
1. 2) She had been crying; 3) They had been fighting.
4) She had been having a bad dream. 5) I had been
Test 2 working hard all day. 6) She had been painting the
1. 1) How long have you been writing the essay? walls. 7) We had been lying in the sun too long.
2) We haven’t been swimming long. 3) Has he 8) She had been eating too much. 9) He had been
been repairing his car all day today? 4) She has talking too much. 10) They had been walking under
been having a shower for 20 minutes. 5) They the rain.
haven’t been arguing for an hour. 6) Sam has been 2. 2) had been playing football for half an hour;
sunbathing since you left. started; 3) had been waiting for Jack for 20 minutes;
2. 1) have been trying; have lost; 2) has been arrived; 4) had been travelling for two months; ran
reading; has almost finished; 3) have been travelling; out of money; 5) had been working in the garden for
have visited 3 hours; a thunderstorm began.
3. 1) has been digging; 2) have you been doing; 3. 2) were watching; 3) had been walking; 4) was
3) are they playing; 4) Have you been standing; 5) is crossing; 5) was waiting; had been waiting; 6) was
having; has been having shining; had been raining. 7) was taking; had been
4. 1) is; will go; 2) don’t study; will fail; 3) enter; will taking
5. 1) will; 2) is going to; 3) are going to; will; will /
might; 4) might Lesson 15
1. 1) had been doing; 2) had been working / had
worked; 3) had applied; 4) had never seen; 5) had
Lesson 12 taught; 6) had interviewed; 7) had been suffering; 8)
had been planting; had planted
1. 2) They will be having a meeting; 3) I won’t be
cooking; 4) She will be eating; 5) He will be playing 2. 1) had been playing; 2) had started; 3) had already
the piano; 6) We won’t be singing eaten; 4) had finished; 5) had been looking
2. 1) will be sleeping; 2) will lend; 3) will be wearing; 3. 1) Mary had the most beautiful voice I had ever
4) will be watching; 5) will be having; 6) will have; 7) heard. 2) Jane was very tired because she had been
will be playing preparing for her exam for the whole day. 3) The
children were / got very cold because they had been
3. 1) Will you be having; 2) Will she be watching;
playing in the snow all day long. 4) By the age of 30/
3) will he finish; 4) Will you be working; 5) Will your
By the time he was 30 he had written three books.
sister draw; 6) Will you be driving; 7) Will Sara join;
5) When she had stopped talking, I came up to her
8) Will they be studying; 9) Will you be meeting;
and asked several questions. 6) I knew the way very
10) Will you help; 11) Will you be singing
well. I had been there many times before. 7) We had
4. 1) In half an hour we’ll be sunbathing on a beach. been communicating via / on the Internet before we
2) The meeting will end at 3 p.m. 3) They won’t be finally met.
working when we come. 4) Will you be swimming in
the pool from 6 to 7 p.m.? 5) What will you be doing
at 7 p.m. on Monday? 6) I will be waiting for you here
tomorrow at 6 p.m. 7) Will you be running at this
Lesson 16
year’s marathon? 1. 1) is walking; 2) walked; 3) had been walking; 4) is
walking; 5) had taken; 6) took; 7) will take; 8) have
had; 9) will be having; 10) had been having; 11) are
Lesson 13 having; 12) was making; 13) has not made; 14) have
made; 15) have been making
1. 1) understood; had got; 2) didn’t have; had bought
(після after також можливе вживання Past Simple);
3) arrived; had already closed; 4) didn’t; had hurt Test 3
2. 2) had forgotten; 3) had happened; 4) had he 1. 1) will be taking; 2) will live; 3) will be playing;
gone; 5) had met; 6) hadn’t been; 7) hadn’t had 4) will go; 5) will be studying; 6) will join
3. 2) When I had done my homework, I sat down to 2. 1) remembered; hadn’t locked; 2) knew; had been;
watch TV. 3) When Leo had had a bath, he went to 3) recognized; had met
bed. 4) When they had made a report, they went for a
3. 1) was snowing; had been snowing; 2) was having;
walk. 5) When Clara had read the book, I borrowed it.
had been working; 3) was raining; had been raining
6) When we had arranged a new meeting, we went
home. 4. 1) had been walking; had lost; 2) had been running;
had run; 3) had prepared; had been cooking
4. 2) started; remembered; hadn’t closed; 3) told; had
already bought; 4) got; had eaten; 5) found; hadn’t 5. 1) got; had met; 2) have been working; haven’t
opened; 6) tidied; had asked; 7) bought; had torn finished; 3) was crying; came 47
УДК 373.167.1:811.111
ББК 81.2Англ – 922
Іванова Ю. А.
І-21 Англійський супертренажер. Порівняння часів дієслів / Юлія
Іванова. — Харків, 2019. — 47 з.: іл.
ISBN 978-617-7728-18-3.
Цей тренажер допомагає школярам розібратися в численних
англійських часах і навчитися правильно їх вживати.
Чудовий помічник для підготовки до перевірочних тестів, ДПА і
У тренажері послідовно відпрацьовуються спочатку прості, а
потім більш складні часи. При цьому часи надаються в порівнянні,
що забезпечує краще їх розуміння. Вправи спрямовані на усунен-
ня типових помилок, яких припускаються україномовні учні при
вивченні англійської мови.
Тренажер призначений як для індивідуальної роботи, так і для
роботи в групі.
УДК 373.167.1:811.111
ББК 81.2Англ – 922
Навчальне видання для середньої і старшої школи

Юлія Анатоліївна Іванова

Комп’ютерне макетування: І. В. Стеценко
Малюнок на обкладинці: В.А. Богданюк

Формат 70х100 1/16. Обл.-вид. арк. 6,2.

Ум. друк. арк. 3,84. Наклад 2000 прим. Зам. № 116/2.

Видавництво Нью Тайм Букс

ФОП Іванова Ю.А.
Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи ДК № 5150 від 18.07.2016 р.
61057, м. Харків, вул. Римарська, 19, оф. 37.
Тел. +38 (057) 752-65-63, +38 (050) 301-19-73, +38 (098) 828-26-79.
Сайт видавництва й інтернет-магазин:

Віддруковано у друкарні «Діса+»,

м. Харків, Салтівське шосе, 154
ISBN 978-617-7728-18-3 © Ю. А. Іванова

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