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Тема заняття: Frequency expressions. At home together.

Listening and speaking

Мета заняття:

1. Навчити учнів використовувати лексичний матеріал до теми.

2. Тренувати набуті навики вживання граматичної структури Present
3. Організувати аудіювання тематичного тексту.
4. Вдосконалювати навички читання.
1. Розвивати пам'ять, навички й уміння читання мовну здогадку та
мовленнєву реакцію учнів.
2. Виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови та
зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
Тип уроку: комбінований, урок спрямований на формування навичок
говоріння та аудіювання .
Обладнання: ноутбук , робочий зошит , малюнки до теми, відеозаписи.
Хід заняття

Етап 1. Початок заняття: організація групи, повідомлення практичних цілей

заняття. – 3 хв.
Вчитель: Good morning, pupils ! Glad to see you . I continue to be your teacher, I
hope you don't mind. How are you today? I hope you are well. Let’s start our
Етап 2. Перевірення домашнього завдання.- 5 хв
Вчитель: First of all, let's check your homework. Who can tell me what your
homework was? Let's open your books and check the exercises you did. Who
wants to be first?
Exercise 1. Checking homework (Answer questions)

How often do you …

1._____ eat fruit?
2._____ make your bed?
3._____ go to school?
4._____ do your homework?

Етап 3. Повторення матеріалу. – 5 хв.

Вчитель: Okay, now we will repeat the words that we learned in the last lesson.
Exercise 2. (Read the words, repeat and translate them)
1.make the bed – 8.clean – мити. -a week- на неділю
заправляти постіль. 9.sweep the floor – -a month- на місяць a comic – підмітати підлогу.
читати комікс. computer 1.always – завжди.
3.wash up – мити games – грати в 2.usually - зазвичай
посуд. комп’ютерні ігри. 3.sometimes - іноді a film – 4.hardly ever - майже
дивитись фільм. 1.once a day- один раз ніколи
5.tidy up – прибирати. в день. 5.never – ніколи chess – грати в 2.twice a day - два
шахи. рази на день.
7.dust – витирати 3.three times a day-
пиль. три рази на день.

Основна частина уроку: Тренування навичок на тему “frequency

expressions”. –20 хв.

Вчитель: Open page 29 in your book. Let's look at the first exercise. Look and
say what the robot is doing. What is the robot doing in the first picture? The robot
dust. The robot plays chess. The robot makes breakfast. The robot reads comics.
The robot tidies up toys.

Exercise 3.( Look and say what the robot is doing.) – з робочого зошита.

1.The robot dusts.

2.The robot plays chess.
3.The robot makes breakfast.
4.The robot reads comics.
5.The robot tidies up toys.

Вчитель: Now we will look at the second exercise. We need to listen to the text
about the robot and number the pictures. You can look at the pictures and
remember in what order the robot does everything. Let's get started. Did you
understand everything? We see that one picture is already numbered. The robot
makes breakfast, right?
What does the robot do after breakfast? We can listen to the text again if you don’t
remember. Let's listen to the text slowly. I'll give you some hints. What does the
robot do after breakfast? what does the robot do after tyding up the toys? What
does it do next?
Exercise 4.( Listen and number the pictures.) – з робочого зошита.
We have got a robot. It lives in our house. It's name is Blip. It's grey and it's got
four eyes. Blip always makes our breakfast in the morning. After that we go to
school and Blip stays at home. It's tidies up our books and toys. Then it dusts.
After school it plays with us. We sometimes play computer games.But Blip usually
likes reading comics. Before bed we always play chess.Blip is very good a chess.

Вчитель: In the next exercise we need to invent a robot. Let's draw a robot. You
can draw in the book, there is a lot of free space. For example here. Does everyone
have colored pencils? You can take them. What's your robot's name? What color
will you draw your robot? Write down all your answers in a book, then you will
talk about your robot. How many arms will your robot have? What does your robot
always do? What does your robot do sometimes?

Exercise 5.( Read the example. Invent a robot and complete the information.
Then draw your robot.)

My robot’s name is Loli.- example

It’s purple and it’s got ten
arms. It always makes
the bed. It sometimes
watches TV.

My robot’s name is_____________

It’s______________ and it’s got_________
It always____________
It sometimes___________

Вчитель: In the next exercise you need to Present your robot to the class. Read
what you wrote and present me with your robot. Great, I really like your robot.
You drew a good robot. Can you show me your robot? Wonderful robot. I would
like to see your robot, maybe you will draw it later and show it to me in the next

Exercise 6.( Present your robot to the class.)

Завершення заняття – 3 хв.

Вчитель: Thank you everyone for today's lesson. You are very smart. Everyone
worked really hard in class today.

Your homework will be page 23 in your workbook. In the first task you need to
read the text and complete it with the correct words. You can find the words in the
table. From these words you need to choose the correct ones.
And in the second exercise you need to look at the picture and complete the text
based on this picture. You must come up with a name yourself. The robot has 4
ears and 4 eyes. The robot has 2 arms and 2 legs.

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