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Independent Work 6 (6 год)

Topic: Lessons in the kindergarten

Topical Vocabulary
1. Read and memorize the following words:
1. Learn (learned, learnt) Вивчати
to learn English; to learn by heart Вивчати англійську; вивчати на пам'ять
2. to teach Навчати когось
3. interest Цікавість
4. to be interested in smth. Цікавитися чимось
5. interesting Цікавий
6. a fairy tale Казка
7. class Клас, заняття
To be at the top (bottom) of the class; Бути на вершині (внизу)класу
In class В класі
To take classes in… Займатися …
After classes Після уроків
8. nod Кивок
To give a nod Кивнути
9. to shake one’s head Похитати головою
10. join Приєднуватися
To join a club; Вступати в клуб
11. connect, unite Приєднуватися, об’єднуватися
12. All eyes should be here Подивіться всі сюди
13. Put down your bag this very minute. Покладіть сумку зараз же.
14. Take your time, it is not a race Не поспішайте, за вами ніхто не женеться
15. Here are the prizes for those who do well. Ось всі призи для тих, хто добре працює.
16. Please be very careful Будь ласка, будьте дуже обережні
(працюйте уважно).
17. Carry on, go on Продовжуйте
18. Good, well done Добре
19. stop fidgeting Перестаньте вертітись
20. Tuck your chair in. Поставте стілець за парту
21. Let’s do some counting (reading, writing) Давайте порахуємо (почитаємо, попишемо)
22. Now then Так
23. Give him a clap Поаплодуємо йому
24. to give (set) homework Задавати домашнє завдання
25. to collect (hand in) exercises-book Збирати (здавати) зошити
26. to hand out papers Роздавати роботи
27. come to the blackboard Ідіть до дошки
28. speak up Говоріть голосніше
29. stop talking, silence, please. Перестаньте розмовляти. Тихіше, будь
30. no helping, please Не підказуйте, будь ласка
31. orally, in writing, in written form Усно, письмово, в письмовій формі
32. break; lunch break Перерва, велика перерва
33. that will do Достатньо

2. Fill in the missing words, consulting the list of words and expressions.
1. I think you needn’t do this exercise at home, we can just as well do it In class
2. Little Ann doesn’t like to read fairy tales, she says they are scary.
3. You make a lot of mistakes, Terry! – But they say people Learn from mistakes.
4. If you take classes in drama, you can join our drama group.
5. I advise you to read this poem by heart, it is very good.
6. Why aren’t you listening to the fairy tales? Isn’t it interesting?
7. We are going on a hike. Why not unite us. – That would be lovely.
8. Your daughter is so bright, I am sure she is at the top of her class

3. Fill in the missing preposition:

1. Shall we do the translation in class? – No, you needn’t. You can do it at home.
2. Are you interested in history?
3. If you go on like this, you will end up at the bottom of your class.
4. Alice does well in drawing, but she isn’t very good at reading.
5. If I have no classes on Saturday, I’ll join you.
6. Is anybody away in the class?
7. Mark is late in the lesson again.

4. Translate into English using the words and expressions from the list of active vocabulary.
1. Діти, давайте почитаємо казку, вона дуже цікава.
Children, let's read a fairy tale, it is very interesting.
2. Коли починаються заняття у вашій школі?
When do classes start at your school?
3. Якщо ви згодні, кивніть.
If you agree, give a nod.
4. Я впевнена, що Хелен перша учениця в класі.
I am sure that Helen is at the top of the class.
5. Ми збираємося за місто у неділю, приєднуйтесь до нас.
We are going out of town on Sunday, join us.
6. Хто навчає твого брата англійської? – Я сама його навчаю. Він вивчає декілька
англійських слів кожного дня.
Who teaches your brother English? - I teach him myself. He learns several English words
every day.

5. Match the words and their definitions:

1. Music a) Children run, jump, play games, climb the rope.
2. English b) Children learn to count and do sums at this lesson.
3. Nature Study c) Children sing, dance, play to the accompaniment of
music and listen to music.
4. Physical Training Lesson d) Children write different lines, figures, learn to write
letters at this lesson.
5. Modeling e) Children learn new words, poems.
6. Counting f) Children are told about the world around them, the
flora and fauna.
7. Writing g) Children model various things using plasticine, clay.

6. Be ready to conduct micro-lessons. Use the topical vocabulary and the phrases given
a) Reading a fairy tale
I hope you like the Reading a fairy tale
It’s a nice happy ending to a fairytale, isn’t it?
Please read a fairy tale attentively.
Now, let’s have a look at the pictures of fairy tales .

b) Starting a lesson
Are you all right, Mark? We are Starting a lesson .
Sit at your tables, we areStarting a lesson.
Now, all eyes should be here.We are Starting a lesson
I’m going to give you a minute or two to start a lesson.

c) Counting
Now let’s counting.
Remember to check your counting very carefully.
Here are some prizes for those who do well counting .
Do you want to start counting again?

d) Relaxation pause
Get in line. On your tiptoes.
Spin around Straighten your shoulders.
Hands up, hands down. Hold hands.
Legs apart. Scatter.
Legs together.

7. Read the conversation and answer the questions.

A Lesson at Primary School
The teacher is reading a fairy tale in the class. Mark comes in. He is late.
TEACHER: Hello, Mark. Are you all right?
(Mark nods his head)
TEACHER: Good. Then join us. I hope you all like the story and the pictures in the book.
And now, let’s see what colours you know. George, come here. I need you.
You are my right-hand man.
(George comes up to the blackboard).
TEACHER: Well, now George will call out a colour and you will hold it up for him. Use
your colour pencils. Here are the prizes for those who do well. Ready,
GEORGE: Yes. Red.
CHILDREN: Red (Show red pencils).
TEACHER: Carry on, George. Please, be very careful.
TEACHER: Tim, it’s not a blue pencil, it’s a green one.
(Tim holds out a blue pencil)
TEACHER: Oh, Mark, now stop fidgeting. It isn’t your turn yet. Very good, George. And
now let’s do some counting.
(The children count)
TEACHER: It’s all right, Mary. Now, Pam, we don’t laugh at each other’s mistakes. Carry
on, Mary. Now it’s lunch time. Stand up, tuck your chairs in.
1. What is the teacher doing when Mark comes in?
The teacher is reading a fairy tale
2. Does Mark come in time?
He was late.
3. Who does the teacher call her right-hand man? Why do you think the teacher chooses this
particular boy?
George. I think George is at the top of the class.thats why he is right-hand man for teacher
4. What prizes do you think she has for those who do well?
good marks and sweets
5. Name the activities the children are engaged in during the lesson. Why does the teacher
change the activities so often?
auditory perception and memory development.The teacher change the activities because so
as not to redo too much attention to one issue

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