3 урок

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Тема заняття: Frequency expressions.

Мета заняття:

1. Навчити учнів використовувати граматичний матеріал до теми.

2. Тренувати набуті навики вживання граматичної структури Present
3. Навчити учнів вживати Frequency expressions.
1. Розвивати пам'ять, навички й уміння читання мовну здогадку та
мовленнєву реакцію учнів.
2. Виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови та
зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
Тип уроку: комбінований, урок спрямований на формування граматичних
Обладнання: ноутбук , робочий зошит , малюнки до теми, відеозаписи.
Хід заняття

Етап 1. Початок заняття: організація групи, повідомлення практичних цілей

заняття. – 3 хв.
Вчитель: Good morning, pupils ! Glad to see you . I continue to be your teacher, I
hope you don't mind. How are you today? I hope you are well. Let’s start our
Етап 2. Перевірення домашнього завдання.- 5 хв
Вчитель: First of all, let's check your homework. Who can tell me what your
homework was? Let's open your workbook and check the exercises you did. Who
wants to be first?
Етап 3. Повторення матеріалу. – 5 хв.
Вчитель: Okay, now we will repeat the words that we learned in the last lesson.
Exercise 1. (Read the words, repeat and translate them)

1.once a day- один раз в день.

2.twice a day - два рази на день.

3.three times a day- три рази на день.

-a week- на неділю
-a month- на місяць

Основна частина уроку: Тренування навичок на тему “frequency

expressions”. –20 хв.

Вчитель: Open page 21 in your workbook. Let's look at the example, we have
words in the wrong order and we have to make sentences with these words. How
do we always start sentences? We put personal pronouns first. Which word will be
first? Next we put frequency expressions.
Ми на перше місце ставимо особисті займенники.

Exercise 2.( Write words in the correct order to make sentences.)

1. makes / the bed. / Dad / sometimes

Dad sometimes makes the bed.

2. usually / wash up. / I

3. plays / never / She / computer games.
4. clean / They / hardly ever/ the kitchen.
5. always / They / swimming. / go

Правильні відповіді:

2. I usually wash up.

3. She never plays computer games.
4. They hardly ever clean the kitchen.
5. They always go swimming.

Вчитель: Let's look at the second exercise. Now we will Tick the activities that
you do in your free time. Think carefully, you Think of one more activity that you
enjoy doing. Ivan, what do you like to do in your free time? Do you like playing
football? Do you like to draw? Do you like dancing? Do you like shopping? How
often do you play chess? How often do you go swimming? You should Tick
next to the word.

Always Usually Sometimes Hardly ever Never

play chess
read a comic
watch TV
play computer
Exercise 3.( Tick ( ) the free time activities you do. Think of one more activity
you do and add it to the table.)

Вчитель: Now let's look at the third exercise. We need to write 4 sentences about
your activities in your free time. You need to use new words. Maria, what do you
like to do in your free time? How often do you do it ? Great, now make up a
complete sentence. You can finish doing this exercise at home

Exercise 4.( Write four sentences about the free time activities you do.)


We still have some time left and can check your homework.

Завершення заняття – 3 хв.

Вчитель: Thank you everyone for today's lesson. You are very smart. Everyone
worked really hard in class today.

Your homework will be page 28 in the textbook. Open the textbook to page 28.
You can read the dialogue from exercise 1 at home, and in the next lesson we will
listen to the dialogue together and translate it.

In the second exercise you have to answer the question.

In the third exercise you need to create a new dialogue, you can read the example
and use this example to make your own dialogue and write it down in your
workbook. Your parents can help you with the dialogue; you will ask them a
question, and they will answer.

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