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Тема уроку: Home, sweet home

Підтема уроку: повсякденні справи


 практична:
 ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями «go to bed», «make a
 ввести та практикувати лексичні одиниці «always» та «alone»
 навчальна:
 повторити і активізувати навчальні ЛО
 удосконалити вміння читати
 формувати навички правильної вимови звуків англійської мови
 розвиваюча:
 розвивати вміння монологічного й діалогічного мовлення
 виховна:
 виховувати культуру спілкування

Обладнання: підручник «Англійська мова» 3 клас, О. Карпюк, робочий зошит

Обладнання вчителя: методичний матеріал, підручник «Англійська мова» 3 клас,

О. Карпюк, робочий зошит, відео

Хід уроку
І. Організаційна частина
1.1 Привітання

 Good morning children!

 I`m glad to see you. Let`s sing a hello song!

(Verse 1) (Verse 2)
Every day Every day
I go to school I go and play
I meet my friends I meet new friends
And we all say And we all say
(Chorus) (Chorus)
Hello, hello! Hello, hello!
How are you? What’s your name?
I’m good, I’m great! Nice to meet you!
How about you? Do you want to play?
(repeat) (repeat)
Na, na, na… Na, na, na….
 Sit down, please.

1.2 Знайомство

 My name is Alina Valerievna. I`ll be your teacher of English on today’s lesson.

 So, let`s start our lesson now.
1.3 Мовленнєва зарядка

 Listen and repeat after me. ( Спочатку читаю скоромовку, діти слухають,
потім читаю ще раз і діти повторюють за мною)

Why do you cry, Willy? Whenever we meet you

Why do you cry? You always cry.
Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why? Why, Willy? Why?

 In the rhyme «Why do you cry, Willy?» we can read « Whenever we meet you.
You always cry». «Always » означає «завжди».
 Well, can you name one thing you always do in the morning?
 For example. I always wake up at 7 o`clock.
 Dasha, what do you always do in the morning?

1.4 Повідомлення теми і мети

 On today’s lesson we will practice speaking about what you always do on

weekdays and at weekends.

ІІ. Основна частина

2.1 Введення нових ЛО

 Open your book at page 80. Task 1.

 Look at the first pictures.
 Who can we see in this pictures? ( We can see girl / Vicky )
 Yes, you are right!
 In this picture Vicky go to bed. Repeat after me. Go to bed. ( діти слухають та
 What time do you usually go to bed? ( I`m usually go to bed at 9 o`clock )
 Look at the second pictures.
 Who can we see in this pictures? ( We can see girl / Vicky )
 In this picture Vicky make bed. Repeat after me. Make bed. ( діти слухають та
 Do you always make your bad in the morning? ( Yes, I do )
 Let`s listen to the audio. Listen and follow.
 And now listen and repeat
 Open your vocabulary ( вклеюю листок з новими словами )

2.2 Тренування у вживанні ЛО

 So, let`s read these words

 Dasha, read the first.
 Repeat all together.
 Vika, read the next.
 Repeat all together.
 Sasha, read the next.
 Repeat all together.
 Oleg, read the next.
 Repeat all together.
 Well, look at the first picture.
 What does Vicky do? ( Vicky goes to bed )
 Look at the picture two.
 What does Vicky do? ( Vicky makes bed )

2.3 Введення лексичних одиниць «always» та «alone»

a) Pre-reading activity

 Well, look at the task two.

 Who can you see at this picture? ( I can see boys and girl )
 What is the boy doing? ( He is playing )
 Are the boy`s brother playing with him? ( no, they are not )
 What is he doing? ( He helps dad )
 And now let`s listen to the audio and say why Tom play alone.

( Вмикаю аудіо, діти слухають та слідкують за текстом )

b) Reading

 Well and now let`s read the text.

 Pavlo, you will read the words of Tom and you, Sasha, read the words of Vicky.
 Translate, please.

( Діти читають та перекладають текст )

c) Past-reading activity
 Why Tom alone? ( Because his friends are busy )
 What does Bill always do on Saturdays? ( He always helps dad on Saturdays)
 What does Kate always do on Saturdays? ( She always goes to her chess club )
 What does Tom always do on Saturdays ( He always watch cartoons on

2.4 Активізація граматичного матеріалу

 Look at the task 3.

 Look at the first picture. Who can you see in these picture? ( I can see two boys )
 What does Bill always do with his father on Saturdays? ( He always helps hit
father on Saturdays )
 Look at the second picture. Who can you see in these picture? ( I can see girls /
Kate )
 Where does Kate? ( At her chess club )
 What does she always do on Saturdays? ( She always goes to her chess club on
Saturdays )
 Look at the third picture. Who can you see in these picture? ( I can see Bill`s
mother )
 Where does his mother?
 What does she always do in the kitchen? ( She always cooks in the kitchen )

2.5 Фізкультхвилинка

 Let`s have a rest. Stand up, please.

Stand up stand up, sit down sit down

Stand up stand up, turn around turn around
Sit down sit down, stand up stand up
Turn around turn around turn around

Put one hand up, put one hand down
Put two hands up, put two hands down

Sit down sit down, stand up stand up

Turn around turn around turn around

Jump jump jump
Hop hop hop
Run run run
Stop stop stop!

Sit down sit down, stand up stand up

Turn around turn around turn around

2.6 Робота в зошиті з друкованою основою

 Open your workbook on page 61 Task 1

 We need complete the sentences
 Vika, read the first sentence. Translate please.

1) She has breakfast at 8 o`clock. (usually)

She usually has breakfast at 8 o`clock.
2) Pigs fly ( never )
Pigs never fly
3) Mum cooks pizza on Sunday. ( usually)
Mum usually cooks pizza on Sunday.
4) I wash my face and clean my teeth in the morning. ( always )
I always wash my face and clean my teeth in the morning.
5) Cindy helps her mum after school ( sometimes )
Cindy sometimes helps her mum after school
6) Mike goes to bed before 9 o`clock ( never )
Mike never goes to bed before 9 o`clock

 Well, look at the task 2.

 We need read and complete sentence.
 Dima, read and translate words in the box.

Dad - батько
Kitchen – кухня
Plays - гратися
Chicken - курка
Never - ніколи
Clean – чисто
Dinner – обід

 Oleg, read the text. Translate, please.

Come and visit my home on Sunday! It is light and clean. My mum is in the kitchen. She
is cooking dinner. She usually makes a chicken on Sunday.

My dad is in the living-room. He is playing with my little brother. Dad always plays with
him on Sunday.

And I like watching TV on Sundays. But my brother never watches TV – he is only two.
2.7 Вправа «Мікрофон»

Учитель пропонує учням різноманітні запитання і за допомогою уявного мікрофону

учні відповідають на них. Наприклад:

T: What is your favourite day?

P: My favourite day is (Monday)

 What do you always do in the evening? ( I always watch TV in the evening )

 When do you always go to bad? ( I go to bed at 9 p.m )
 What are you doing when you stay alone at home? ( I am read the book when I stay
alone at home )
 Who usually make your bad? ( I make my bad )
 When do you wake up? ( I wake up at 7 o`clock )
 Do you always eating porridge at the breakfast? ( Yes, I do. I`m always eating
porridge at the breakfast)
 What fruits do you usually eat? ( I usually eat apple and banana )
 What vegetables do you usually eat? ( potatoes, tomato )
 Who usually cook in your family? ( In my family usually cook mother )
 Do you always have breakfast? ( Yes, I do )
 Do you always have a lunch? (Yes, I do)
 Do you always enjoy your meal? ( Yes, I do )
 Who usually cook soup? ( My mum usually cook soup )
 Do you always help your mother? ( Yes, I do )
 Do you always help your father? ( Yes, I do )
 Do you play alone when your friends are busy?
 Do you always watch your favourite cartoon?

ІІІ. Заключна частина

3.1 Підведення підсумків

 Children, what new words did we learn in this lesson? ( always, alone )
 What we did in this lesson? ( studied the words, read, write, sing, translate )
 What did you like? ( I like writing, making up words together, reading )
 You were active. Good job.

3.2 Прощання

 Our lesson is over. Stand up, please.

 Goodbye.

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