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Abdullah Aamir - IX Yellow

Islamiat Homework Week 3

Question 1 ​:
(a) Write about the lives of Fatma and any one other of the Prophet’s daughters. [10]
(b) Explain the importance of the statement Daughters are Mercy of Allah. [4]

(a) Hazrat Fatima:
Fatimah was conceived in Mecca to Khadija, the first of Muhammad's spouses. As
indicated by Sunni creators like Al-Tabari and Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani, she was conceived
when Muhammad was thirty-five years of age.
Following the introduction of Fatimah, she was breast fed by her mom and raised by her
dad; as opposed to nearby traditions where the babies were sent to "wet medical
caretakers" in the encompassing towns. She spent her initial youth under the
consideration of her folks in Mecca in the shadow of the tribulations endured by her dad
on account of the Quraysh.Evoking the mindful idea of Fatima is the record of when
Muhammad, as he was playing out the salat (petition) in the Kaaba, had camel placenta
poured over him by Amr ibn Hishām (Abu Jahl) and his men. Fatimah, after hearing the
news, hurried to her dad and cleaned away the rottenness while chiding the men.At the
demise of her mom, Fatimah was overwhelmed by distress and thought that it was
exceptionally hard to adapt to it. To support her, her dad educated her about having
gotten word from the holy messenger Jibril that God had worked for her in a castle in
A large number of Muhammad's partners requested Fatimah's deliver marriage,
including Abu Bakr and Umar. Muhammad turned them all down, saying that he was
anticipating an indication of her fate. Ali, Muhammad's cousin, additionally wanted to
wed Fatimah. At the point when he went to see Muhammad, he was unable to vocalize
his aim however stayed quiet. Muhammad comprehended the explanation behind his
being there and provoked Ali to affirm that he had come to look for Fatimah in marriage.
He recommended that Ali had a shield, which whenever sold, would give adequate cash
to pay the marriage blessing (mahr). Muhammad set forward the proposition from Ali to
Fatimah, who stayed quiet and didn't dismiss the proposition. Muhammad took this to be
an indication of insistence and assent.

The genuine date of the marriage is hazy, however it probably occurred in 623, the
second year of the hijra, albeit a few sources state it was in 622. The time of Fatimah is
accounted for to have been 9 or 19 (because of contrasts of sentiment on the specific
date of her introduction to the world for example 605 or 615) at the hour of her marriage
while Ali was somewhere in the range of 21 and 25. Muhammad disclosed to Ali that he
had been requested by God to give his little girl Fatimah to Ali in marriage. Muhammad
said to Fatimah: "I have hitched you to the dearest of my family to me." Ali offered his
shield to collect the cash required for the wedding, as recommended by Muhammad. In
any case, Uthman ibn Affan, to whom the shield was sold, gave it back to Ali saying it
was his wedding blessing to Ali and Fatimah. Muhammad himself played out the
wedding service and two of his spouses, Aisha and Umm Salama, arranged the wedding
feast with dates, figs, sheep and other nourishment gave by different individuals from the
Madinan people group. As per Hossein Nasr, their marriage has an uncommon
otherworldly hugeness for all Muslims since it is viewed as the marriage between the
best virtuous figures encompassing Muhammad. Their marriage kept going around ten
years and finished when Fatimah passed on.
Following the Battle of Uhud, Fatimah kept an eye on the injuries of her dad and spouse
and consistently visited the graves of every one of the individuals who kicked the bucket
in the fight and appealed to God for them. Fatimah, alongside her better half, was
additionally called upon by Abu Sufyan to mediate for his benefit with Muhammad while
endeavoring to offer some kind of reparation following the infringement of the Treaty of
Hudaybiyyah. Abu Sufyan additionally requested Fatimah's insurance when she went to
Mecca while it was under occupation which she declined under guidance from her
dad.​She died in the year 11 AH

Hazrat Zaynab:
She was the eldest daughter of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) and was born in 5th year of
marriage when he was 30. She was married to Abu al-Aas bin Rabi and died in 8AH. She
had two children, Ali and Umaymah.She became Muslim but her husband did not initially
become a muslim. She stayed behind with her husband when the other Muslims migrated to
Madina.Her husband fought in the Battle of Badr against the Muslims and was captured.
Hazrat Zaynab sent her mother’s necklace for his ransom.She returned to her father in
Madina while her husband was freed and returned to Makkah. Upon returning money to the
people of Makka he became Muslim and asked the Prophet to allow him to go back to Hazrat
Zaynab. She died a year later.

(b) In a time where daughters were not valued, the Prophet had four, and was loving and kind to
them. This shows the kind of relationship parents should have with their daughters. They
should protect them and be supportive of them. Education and work should be made
available to them, and all daughters should be provided for equally. Daughters in turn bring
softness and care to a family, and are a means of salvation for parents who look after them;
“Whoever brings up two girls till they reach the age of puberty, he and I will come on the Day
of Resurrection like this,” (and he joined his blessed fingers.)
Question 2:

He who studies the Quran is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to them he
will keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose they will go away.

(a) What is the main teaching of the Hadis?[2]

(b) What is the importance of the Hadis?[2]


(a) In this example the prophet (saw) teaches us that reading, understanding, applying and
giving the message of the Quran to others is important for Muslims. This is only possible when
we take the Quran seriously as a part of our life. If we are careless about the Quran, we will lose
guidance for life and we will adopt the ways of Satan which will put us in trouble because Allah
will be angry with us. Therefore studying and understanding Quran regularly and following its
way is an essential part of a Muslim’s life.

(b) In a Hadith, the Prophet (saw) says that the one who does not remember any part of the
Quran, his heart is like a deserted house. Quran is the book which gives us peace and keeps us
out of frustrations. If we quit reading and understanding it, we will be out of the protection of
Allah and Satan will lead us to sins. In our time, Muslims are far away from understanding the
Quran. Most of the Muslims do not even read it. Understanding of the Quran and applying it to
our life is very rare. The Prophet (sw) says:

“The best among you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it"

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