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of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Hadith (1-20)


Hadith # 1
‘Religion is sincerity.’ We said: ‘To whom?’ The Prophet said: ‘To Allah, his Book, his
Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to their common people.’

Part a
• This hadith highlight about sincerity towards others.
• This sincerity is needed in the fundamental beliefs as well as towards the leaders and the member
s of the community
• We learn that we have to be sincere with Allah which mean to follow the command of Allah by
performing pillars and believing in articles with devotion.
• It also teaches that we have to be sincere with Quran , and follow the injunctions of this book in
every aspect of life. Sir Saad Rafiq
• We also learn that we have to obey the message of our our Prophet(PBUH) as his message is the
words of Allah
• “Whoso obeys my Commander obeys me and whoso disobeys my Commander disobeys me
" (Muslim)
• Finally, we learn that we have to give respect and caring to the fellows in the community.

Part b
• Muslims should observe the five pillars of Islam, the sincerity in performing is valued. So we sh
ould perform them to show our love to Allah
• As for cooperating with the leader of the community, Muslims should remember the speech of A
bu Bakr on his election as caliph:
• “Help me if I am in the right, set me right if I am in the wrong”
• Example: We should also remember the sincerity of Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S) when he was asked to
sacrifice his son Ismail(R.A) for the sake of Allah.
• Similarly, sincerity towards fellows should be expressed by being kind, polite and respectful to t
hem. If they needed any help we should be the first one.
• We should not expect a reward against our good deed , it should be for the sake of Allah because
that is the true meaning of sincerity


Hadith # 2

None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.

Part a
• This Hadith motivate us to promote brotherhood in the society
• Muslims are bonded together with common faith. So we learn that we have to have maintain goo
d relations with our fellow brothers.
• We learn that we have to give importance to the feelings of our brothers
• A heart without love and care for the fellow Muslims is devoid of true faith, & so, genuine faith i
s linked with affection for the other members of the community.
• The Prophet (PBUH) said " You can not enter paradise unless you are a believer and you ca
nnot be a believer until there is reciprocal love amongst you" (Muslim)
• It also teaches us that if we will not spread the love with our brothers we can also be deprived fro
m our faith.

Part b
• Muslims should negate selfishness, promote spirit of sacrifice and love for the fellow Muslims
• We should develop a sense of collective welfare and make efforts to ensure comfort and benefits
for others as much as for himself:
• Example : The brotherhood between Muhajrin and Ansar is the best example to follow that how
Ansars helped thier Muhajrin brothers by dividing everything in two halfs
• True believers should not look down upon others and should not taunt them or call them by offen
sive nick names.
• They are also not supposed to break ties with fellow brothers and should take initiative in re-esta
blishing good relations.

Hadith # 3
Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let
him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and let him
who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.

Part a
• This Hadith tells us about the good deeds which can be applied in our daily life.
• Power of speech not only a great bounty by God but also a means of expressing faith.
• Prophet(PBUH) said " Allah is not kind to the one who is not kind to man"(Agreed)
• Several evils, transgression and indecencies originate form misuse of the tongue.
• It also teaches us that we have to give respect to our guest and abstain from backbiting when the
y left our home
• Moreover it also teaches us that we have to take care of our neigbours and help them when they
need us


Part b
• We should always try to avoid over speaking because it will increase problems in our life as Haz
rat Ali once said " Speak little, sleep little and eat little"
• We should always be generous to our guest, we should give up our desires to make them happy.
• Example : A companion offered dinner to the guest of Prophet(PBUH).He sacrifice family's hun
ger and offered all food to the guest. To avoid awkwardness he instruct his wife to turn off lights
so he can pretend that he is also eating with him. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Moreover , We should treat our neigbours with kindness and always look upon thier problems lik
e if someone is going through a tough period we should provide them our help in terms of Health
, wealth and property.
• We should be very consious in all of above mentioned deeds becasue they are directly linked to
our belief in Allah and Judgment and disbelieving any of one will deprived as from faith

Hadith # 4

A man asked the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace): Do you think that if I
perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan, treat as lawful that which is lawful and treat as
forbidden that which is forbidden, and do nothing further, I shall enter paradise? He said: Yes

Part a
• This Hadith sums up the easiest ways of entrance in Paradise.
• It teaches us that a person must offer it five times prayer in respective times
• Prophet (PBUH) said "He who gives up prayer has indeed disbelieve"
• We also learn that if peroson will do fasting in Ramadan , he will rewarded with pleasure of Alla
• Prayer and fasting are the two of the five pillars on which is erected the building of faith.
• These two pillars train believers to believe in the importance of the lawful and and unlawful earn
• We learn that we have to earn with hardwork and sincerity, rather then doing wrong acts to earn

Part b
• Muslims should be regular and punctual in daily prayer as it keeps them from evils,
• They should fast in Ramadan to promote self-restraint and attain piety which will shield them from si
• We should also try to earn money with hardwork for our family, and should work with complete dedi
cation and sincerity.
• Example: When Prophet(PBUH) was hired to work for Hazrat Khadijah(RA) . He work with dedicat
ion and sincerity which was noted by slave Myasra . Later, because of his honesty Hazrat Khadijah p
roposed him and they both got married.
• We should also avoid the forbidden acts of earning like gambling, intrest e.t.c because it will effect o
ur acts, destroy our soul and we will be easily misguided by Satan.
• Thus, if we will apply these acts in our life , our way to paradise will become more easy.


Hadith # 5

Every person’s every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act justly
between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up
his belongings onto it is a charity; a good word is a charity; every step you take to prayers is a
charity; and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity.

Part a
• This Hadith highlights about the different types of charity a person can give
• Muslims all body organs belongs to Allah, and if they are working properly , one must thank to Allah
by giving different types of charities.
• Prophet(PBUH) said " Chairty certainly quenches the wrath of the Lord and puts away the evil
death" (Tirmidhi)
• We learn that if a person help other person in anyway , He performs charity.
• We also learn that our words matter alot, every word we say can give us lots of fortunes if we will de
liver them in a good way.
• Moreover we learn about the importance of prayer , every step towards prayer is increasing our good
deeds Sir Saad Rafiq
• Finally , it teaches us that whenever we remove harmful things e.g stones, wood, spikes we will gain
Allah's pleasure

Part b
• We should try to perform Namaaz-e-Chasht which is charity for our 360 body organs.
• We should always create understanding between two person when they fight especially when a marri
ed couple fight we should volunteer to try our best to save the relation.
• Example : When Hazrat Khula(RZ) came to Prophet(PBUH) and ask him to save his relation with h
er husband. Allah (S.W.T) Himself sent verses of Quran and save her relation.
• Moreover , we should try to help every creature of Allah by removing harmful material from the road
• We should try to pick up long route to Mosque because every step will increase our good deeds
• We should also try to speak in a well and discipline manner , avoid abusive language and try to preac
h the knowledge which is beneficial for other.


Hadith # 6

Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able to do
so thenwith his tongue, and if he is not able to do so then with his heart, and that is the weakest
of faith.

Part a
• This Hadith highlights about the ways for stopping the evil happenings in society
• Islam teaches its followers to first establish a true Islamic society based on the teachings of the Qura
n and Sunnah
• It further commands them to defend the society against all possible evils with whatever available res
• It also teaches us that when one is doing wrong act and we have command on it, we have to stop it b
y physical means Sir Saad Rafiq
• Moreover if we are not able to do so, so at least we can just gave this action verbal rejection.
• Prophet(PBUH) said " Help your brother when he does wrong or wrong is done to him" ( Bukh
• Finally, a person with no authority to change the evil, at least condemn the action in his heart, that is
necessary to save his faith
Part b
• We should always step forward and try to stop evil in the all situation
• If we are not able to stop the evil by hand then we should show courage and use our tongue to argue ,
but it should beus used wisely and politely.
• Example : When Apostate tribes asked Abu Bakr( RZ) to exempt Zakat. Caliph gave them a rigid re
sponse even started Compagnie against them by physical terms.
• Eradication of evil involves struggle of varying degrees depending on the available resources with th
e Muslim community and government.
• Otherwise, evil may be suppressed through speech or writings, and in case an individual believer is u
nable to utilize either resource, he is required to shun evil internally.
• Example : In Syria , barbaric attacks are made on daily basis and we as a individual can not do anyth
ing alone but at least we can ask Allah's refuge for them and remember the suffers in our daily prayer

Hadith # 7

It was said: O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger of Allah
(may Allahbless him and give him peace) said: ‘The believer who strives hard in the way of
Allah with his person and his property.’

Part a
• This Hadith highlights about the signs of excellent man in the society.
• We learn that the most beloved man is the one who spend his property and health in the way of Allah
• Jehad or struggle in the way of God is an act of worship and shows genuineness of faith.
• Jehad is aimed at suppressing evil, stopping aggression and transgression but within the limits prescri
bed by the code of conduct of war in Islam.
• Prophet(PBUH) " The greatest Jihad is to fight against the evil passion of oneself"


• It teaches us that our life is actually the possession of Allah, and if one wants to spend it in a pure wa
y then he has to engage it in the way of Allah.
• It also teaches us that the wealth which we admit is our, is actually the blessing which is given to us
by Allah , and if it will be used in Allah's way ,we might be considered amongst the best people.
Part b
• We should try to give time to religious gatherings rather then wasting our precious time in sinful acti
• We should not wait for the moment but try to find out the moment where we can somehow gave our
energy for the devlopment of Islam.
• If we are wealthy , we should spend our money for the establishment of Mosque, Madarsa and to hel
p those who are in way of Allah.
• Example : In Tabuk expedition Hazrat Abu Bakr(RZ) proved that he is not only ready to sacrifice hi
s life for Islam but also his full wealth for the sake of Islam. He came with everything he had, leavin
g only a pure faith in his house.
• We should always prevent to overspend our wealth on materialistic things rather then we should sacr
ifice it for our Allah.


The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘Whom do you count
to be a martyr among you?’ They said: O Messenger of Allah, whoever is killed in the way of
Allah is a martyr. He said: 'In that case the martyrs of my community will be very few! He who
is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies a natural death in the way of Allah is a
martyr, he who dies in the plague in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies of cholera in the
of Allah is a martyr.’

Part a
• The Hadith has expanded the scope of martyrdom by including those who are not involved directly i
n any physical fight/struggle (Jehad) in God’s way.
• It teaches us that a person who will sacrifice his life in Allah's way is a one who will earn the virtues
and rewards in hereafter.
• Prrophet (PBUH) said " Fire will not touch a foot which trod in the way of Allah" (Bukhari)
• We also learn that if a person who went in Allah's way with pure intention. If he will die a natural de
ath in that journey , he will also be considered as Martyr. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Moreover; if a person dies in a way of Allah because of above mentioned disease like plague or chol
era , he is also a Martyr
Part b
• Believers should be ready to lay down their lives in God’s way only.
• They should develop the spirit of withstanding all serious and fatal sufferings with a strong belief tha
t everything is by the supreme will of God Almighty who alone has power to give life and death.
• They should be ready to sacrifice their lives while fighting on God’s command as well as while suffe
ring any physical ailment.
• Example : Hazrat Talha(RZ) who fought gallantly in Battle of Uhad without caring of his life and go
t fatal injuries , earn the title of living martyr by Prophet(PBUH)
• We should always try to make at least a intention and just step out for Allah's sake. Then we can hav
e many ways to achieve martyrdom.


Hadith # 9

No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand

Part a
• This Hadith highlights about the virtues of earning independently
• Islam related struggle for lawful earning with the performance of obligatory rituals:
• Islam instructs the believers to work hard and earn by legitimate and fair means without dependence
on others.
• Allah is pleases with the one who work hard for himself and his family in lawful means.
• Prophet(PBUH) said " The sins of a person who returns home exausted in search of lawful earni
ng are forgiven by Allah"
• This means the that hardwork of any kind is a means of earning not only material bounties but also G
od’s pleasure and favour.

Part b
A person should always try to be a indpeneded one . We should always try to sort out our problems by o
We should not treat wives like slaves. Responsibilities of children, parents , managing household should
not be put on her shoulder alone . It should be shared equally.
Example :The Muslims should follow the example of the Prophet who set several guiding examples. He
would mend his shoes and clothes, work as ordinary worker in the construction of the mosque and diggi
ng of the ditch.
We should reject all such unlawful and undesirable means of earning as bribery, usury (riba) and beggar
y because the Prophet strictly warned his followers of the consequences of these antisocial practices:
We should always try to strengthen our family sprituallity and soul by giving them lawful bite.

Hadith # 10

One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one who exerts
himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the night or fasts in the

Part a
This Hadith highlights that blessings of person who take responsibility of the needy one is equal or more
then a person who spend his all life in fasting and prayers.
Islamic teachings train the believers to develop a sense of fulfilling the rights of God as well as those of
the fellow beings.
Prophet(PBUH) said " Feed( the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you dont k
now" (Sahi Bukhari)
Islam strictly instructs us to take care of the less privileged in the society.


It also teaches us that a women whose husband is not alive , and she is dependent then a person who hea
rtly tried to help her will earn Allah's pleasure.
Holy Prophet(PBUH) before departing from this world instruct belivers to take care of the needy one an
d to maintain their prayers. This shows how important this act is.
Part b
We should always try to help the needy ones and widow in our society.
We should not wait for the chance but try to find out ourselves about any afflicted ones and help them.
Example : When Hazrat Umar (RZ) became Caliph , he used to patrol on the streets of Madinat during
nights to check if anyone needed aid. Sir Saad Rafiq
We should try to show our best response especially for widows , The best way of supporting a widow is
to marry with her permission as it is the Sunnah of the Prophet(PBUH)
Muslims should support those in need by regular charity and almsgiving in a way that the honour of the
needy is not hurt.

Hadith # 11
‘I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this.’ And he pointed
with his two fingers,the index finger and the middle finger.

Part a
• This Hadith tells us about importance of bringing up an orphan
• Islam instructs its followers to be caring and considerate towards the unsupported and the needy.
• It promises greater rewards for such noble attitude, e.g., earning the pleasure of God and closeness to
His messenger.
• Prophet(PBUH) said ."The best Muslim house is that in which an orphan is well treated”
• Care and support of the orphan is greatly admired by the Quran and Sunnah, as both promise huge re
wards for those who are kind towards the orphan.
• This Hadith guarantees such people closeness to the Prophet in Paradise and for any believer this is n
o less than a fabulous award in the Hereafter.

Part b
• We should show our love towards orphan and try to fulfill the hollow of father in their life.
• Example : The Prophet, himself being an orphan, always took special care of the orphan and the nee
• Muslims should imitate his examples in whatever possible ways
• They should donate generously for the orphanages run and maintained by various charity organizatio
• They should adopt orphan children in the light of the admiration expressed by the Prophet
• Such noble tasks strengthen the communal bonds among the members of the Muslim community.

Hadith # 12
The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) sent Abu Musa
and Mu‘adh ibn Jabal to Yaman, and he sent each of them to govern a part.
Then he said: ‘Be gentle and do not be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not

Part a
• This Hadith highlights the importance of the responsibilities of a Muslim ruler
• Being the leader of the Muslim community is a huge responsibility and a great trust of God with the r
• A Muslim ruler is required to consider himself the custodian of his people, responsible for their pros
perity and welfare:
• Prophet(PBUH) said “Leader of the community is indeed its servant"
• Such an attitude is based on a strong sense of accountability before the people as well as the Supreme
• True Muslim rulers try their best to win the hearts of their people by kindness and by being very clos
e to them, avoiding any degree of harshness.
• Prophet (PBUH) said "Your best rulers are those whom you love and they love you” (Hadith)

Part b
• Muslim rulers should learn that harshness and strirckenss is not the lesson that is taught by our Proph
• They should be gentle in their speech and should be accessible to everyone.
• Example : Hazrat Umar (RZ) (Majlise Aaam) Sir Saad Rafiq
• Muslim rulers need to follow these model rulers who ruled not only the state but also the hearts of th
eir subjects.
• They should remove all barriers that separate them form their people and should treat them in a kind
and fatherly way so that people do not fear but respect them withsincerity
• They should ensure justice and try to follow the footsteps of Prophet(PBUH) and four Caliphs

Hadith # 13
He who studies the Qur’an is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to
them he will keep hold ofthem, but if he lets them loose they will go away

Part a
• This Haidth Highlights about Muslim relation with the Holy Quran
• The conduct of the Muslims depends on the degree of their association with the Quran because it is t
he basis of their lives.
• The Prophet has linked this bond with the ownership of the tethered camels. As long as the camels ar
e supervised and kept tethered, they remain under control.
• Prophet(PBUH) said " best among you is the one who has learned the Quran and teaches it”


• Similarly, as long as a Muslim remains attached to the Quran by recitation, learning and comprehend
ing it, the Quran continues to benefit him; but if this relation is weakened, the effect of the Quran gra
dually fades away.
Part b
• The Muslims should encourage regular recitation and learning the Quran by heart so that their ties wi
th the Quran are strengthened
• They should involve Quran in his daily life problems. They should try to follow the instructions of Q
• They should gave immense respect to Quran, so that he can gain the other people's respect.
• Example : Zaid Bin Thabit, a true learner of Quran was given the huge responsibly of Compilation
of Quran in Abu Bakr's and Uthman's (RZ) period .later, he was given great respect till his death. Wh
en he was buried , A companion said " This is how knowledge is buried"
• The message of Quran should be comprehended in order to shape our conduct according to the Qura
nic command.

Hadith # 14

May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and
when he demands his money back.

Part a
• This Hadith teaches us the ways when a person deals with other person.
• Economic teachings of Islam stress on honesty and justice on one hand, while mercy and lenience on
the other.
• It teaches us that a person has to adopt kind behaviour while dealing with any one , he don't have to c
heat to increase his sales
• Prophet(PBUH) said “One who cheats is not among us” (Hadith)
• Moreover , we learn that a buyer is also responsible to adopt a gentle behaviour.
• Finally , this hadith instruct us to adopt a gentle behaviour when demanding our money back
Part b
• We should not hide defects of merchandise while selling any items.
• The traders should not try to unduely maximize profits.
• Buyers and sellers should not have any intention of exploiting or cheating each other:
• Sellers should believe that honesty and generosity are liked by God.
• Example : Prophet(PBUH) on knowing that his companion sold a bag of wheat to a rich man withou
t telling him defects, sent him back to return the price to
• Creditors should believe that God alone enabled him to be a source of helping those in need and so, h
e should develop spirit of magnanimity when some needy person approaches him.
• While buying anything, Muslims should observe some limit of bargaining so that the seller does not f
eel uncomfortable. Sir Saad Rafiq
• A creditor should be generous enough to give any relief to the debtor because the Prophet greatly ad
mired such degree of kindness:


Hadith # 15
God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others

Part a
• This hadith highlights about the most special attribute of Allah i.e His mercy
• Among all attributes of God, mercy is very special because according to a Hadith-i-Qudsi:“Truly
My mercy overcomes My wrath”
• God, therefore, loves those who show mercy to others, and He commands the Muslims to seek His m
ercy and extend mercy on others.
• The Prophet encouraged his followers to keep alive the spirit of mercy and compassion so that they g
et entitled to God’s mercy in the Hereafter.
• None can be more ill-fated than the one who gets deprived of God’s mercy.
• It also teaches us to adopt kind , Humble and forgiving behaviour

Part b
• We should be merciful towards the creation of Allah if we want Allah to be merciful to us.
• If we will not show mercy , then we should remember the Judgment day where we will required the
utmost mercy of Allah.
• When someone try to harm us, we should abstain from taking revenge and forgive them for the sake
of Allah.
• Example : (Taif, Conquest of Makkah e.t.c)
• The Muslims are required to follow the footsteps of the Prophet who never cursed his enemies and in
sultors in Makka, Taif and the battlefield.
• Muslims today may imitate such noble conduct and generosity of heart.
• They should not overburdon their employees and should have the moral courage of forgiving the ins
ultors because they will receive huge reward from their Lord:
• We should also be kind towards other creations like animals, plant , trees e.t.c.

Hadith # 16
The believers are like a single man; if his eye is affected he is affected, and if his
head is affected he is all affected.

Part a
• This Haidth instructs us to maintain brotherhood in the society.
• Islam established the universal Muslim brotherhood when the Prophet migrated to Madina:
• All Muslims regardless of social and geographical background were united as a single community.
• Since it is a divine arrangement, all Muslims are bound to observe it
• They should develop a strong sense of belonging to the same community or family so that if any of t
he fellows experiences discomfort, he too should feel it.
• The Prophet (PBUH) said“One believer to another is like the bricks of a building; each one is hol
ding and supporting the other”.
• So the affliction and pain of an individual group is felt by everyone.


Part b
• We should considered our brother as our connected body organs,
• We should avoid to separate our self in name of sect, cast , languages , poltical partiese e.t.c
• We should know the value of being untied as it is the main strength of the Muslim.
• Example : In treaty of Hudaibya when Muslims got to know about rumour of Hazrat Uthman's Murd
er , they all show great example of unity and ready to fight with Quriash without any weapons and eq
uipment of war.
• We should not be selfish when our brother needs us, we should try to sort out his problem with open
• We should learn from our Islamic history that when Muslims were united they were able to prevail th
e world despite of being outnumberd , Today we are in huge number but still unable to help our broth
ers in Syria, because of disunity amongst us.

Hadith # 17
Modesty produces nothing but good.

Part a
• This Hadith highlights the virtues of being Modest in Islam
• Moral teachings of Islam are intimately linked with modesty
• Modesty is the barrier, like piety, against all indecencies and evils and is thus a source of strengtheni
ng faith and submission before divine commands.
• The Prophet said: “Modesty and faith are companions; when one is taken away, the other follo
ws it”
• So, modesty strengthens and accompanies faith, and faith, in turn, promotes mental piety.
• Mental piety reflects a believer’s obedience to God and is a means of earning God’s favor.
• Modesty is antidote to evil acts and disobedience to God.

Part b
• We should be modest in our religious beliefs and conduct.
• We should try to protect our organs , especially our eyes to strengthen modesty in our soul.
• Modest person is loved by everyone and given due respects and regards.
• Example : Hazrat Uthman(RZ) was very modest in character. About his modesty Prophet(PBUH) s
aid ,"Even the angels of God envy the modesty of Usman". Sir Saad Rafiq
• We should be modest enough that our modesty becomes shield against evil and sins.
• We should be simple and decent in our choices and should keep our lifestyle simple.


He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter
hell, and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will
not enter paradise.

Part a
• This Hadith tells us about the value of faith and hatred of pride in front of Allah.
• According to Muslim belief, true faith alone guarantees a believer’s salvation from the fire of Hell a
nd entry to Paradise.
• Faith promotes the spirit of submission before the will of God and thus negates pride.
• Pride symbolises disobedience and it is hated by Allah the most. Hadith e Qudsi mentions " Pride is
my cloak and greatness is my robe and he who competes with Me in respect of either of them I
shall cast him into the hell-fire"
• This Hadith also teaches us that a believer with the slightest degree of faith will eventually be freed f
rom Hell and a person with the slightest amount of pride will be denied Paradise and driven to Hell:
Part b
• Muslims should promote humbleness and submission before God so that they earn His blessing.
• Example : Prophet (PBUH) himself disliked to be treated like a ruler and strictly forbade his compa
nions to welcome him by standing
• We should try to adopt humilty, by strengthening a sense of humility, pride can be effectively resiste
d and controlled.
• We should consider ourself equal to community members and avoid thinking our selves superior to o
thers due to rank , status , wealth e.t.c
• We should be gentle while communicating with other and should not speak to the people with our fa
ces turn away.

Hadith # 19
The world is the believer’s prison and the unbeliever’s paradise

Part a
• This Hadith highlights the differences of believers and unbelievers thoughts
• A believer is trained by Islamic teachings to consider this world a prison where he is not free to live
a life of his choice and so, can’t get attached to it just as a prisoner can’t develop a lasting association
with the prison.
• A true believer gradually develops an approach to the worldly life that the Quran
• Prophet(PBUH) said“Live in this world as if you were a stranger or a wayfarer”
• He strongly believes in the eternal joys of the Hereafter whereas a non-believer is fully enticed by th
e temporary glow of this world and thus, denies the Hereafter.


Part b
• We should always focus on our final destination that is Hereafter.
• We should not consider the worldly luxuries as our success and they all are temporary things , Instea
d we should focus on the things which contains never ending pleasure.
• We should not be attracted by the live of unbelievers rather we should patiently wait for our time in
Paradise. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Example : The companions were deeply indulge in drinking in period of ignorance , but when they s
acrifice their pleasure for the sake of Allah and prefer the drink of Paradise.
• We should not feel complex seeing the ease of non believers in this world.

Hadith # 20
God does not look at your forms and your possessions, but he looks at your
hearts and your deeds.

Part a
• This Hadith categorically declares the criterion by which God judges actions and conduct.
• God does not consider outward appearance or worldly gains made by a person.
• He simply considers a person’s conduct and the intentions behind it because the Prophet clearly state
d in another Hadith: “Actions are judged by intentions”
• However good appearance we may carry and whatever success we get, God is so supreme and high t
hat everything is worthless before Him
• So, a true believer strives to act according to the Quran and Sunnah and with sincerity of intention.

Part b
• Muslims should struggle to live a righteous life instead of focusing on material gains only.
• They should follow the Quran and Sunnah since this alone can guarantee success in the Hereafter.
• They should reject any form or degree of hypocrisy or showing off and develop sincerity of faith and
intention, keeping in mind: Sir Saad Rafiq
• Example : In Tabuk expedition when companions were donating their valuables in huge quantities.
A poor companion who earned few dates by watering a garden , donated them. The hypocrites made
fun of him and make him feel ashamed but Prophet(PBUH) spread these dates over all the valuables
saying that this is the pinnacle of all the the donations due to the amount of sincere feelings and pure
intention involved in that.
• So we should do all noble deeds with the pure intention of earning God’s pleasure,


History and importance
of Hadith

• Rules of Sanad Matan

• Compilation of Hadith
• Different types of Hadith
• The main Compilers and their activities
• The six Collections of Sunnis
• Preservation of Hadith


Sanad and Matn
• Muhaddithun are the master of Hadith who closely study the authenticity of Hadith.
• They study two parts Sanad and Matn.
• The first part which is known as Sanad is a sequence of reporters who have narrated the Hadith. A si
ngle narrator among all the reporters is known as Rawi ( Transmitter)
• For example Yahya narrated from malik who narrated from Nafai who narrated from Abdulla
h bin umer who narrated from Holy Prophet(PBUH)
• The second part Matn is that part which consist words of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) himself. For exa
mple"Actions are judged by intentions".
Rules of Sanad
• The First condition for ensuring the authenticity of Ahadith was based upon studying the Isnad and t
he character of each transmitter including in chain.
• This new branch is Islamic science , came to be known as Ilm e Asma ur Rijal. It comprises of detail
ed investigation and recording of the biographical account of all the narrators.
• Compilers are keen to discover all the details about each individual who transmitted the Ahadith to th
e other.
• They ensured that first person in chain must be companion of Holy prophet (PBUH)
• Ahadith of Prophet(PBUH) could only be forwarded by the person who was in his company.
• They ensured that chain of transmitters was unbroken.
• Broken chain would leave certain doubts in the mind of Muhaddithun.
• They ensured that narrators met eachother at mature and stable age.
• Thier ages must be overlapped with each other Sir Saad Rafiq
• They ensured that each transmitter was person of sound mind and excellent memory.
• Hadith can not be said vaguely. Excellent memory is the top most requirment.
• They made sure that the transmitter of the Hadith was a staunch and sane Muslim adult.
• His faith , memory and character had to be of the highest degree and it was made certain that through
out his life , he must never have spoken any lie or committed a crime.
• Once Imam Bukhari went to see a man, in order to hear a Hadith. The man's horse had run away fro
m him and stood at a distance. To make the horse walk towards him, he lifted his shirt and acted as if
he had barley inside it, and began to tempt the animal. This made the animal come back to him, allo
wing the man to catch it. Imam Bukhari asked the man if he really did have barley , to which the repl
y was “ No , I only did it to bring the horse back". Imam Bukhari said , “How can I take a blessed Ha
dith of Prophet(PBUH) from a man who lies to animals" .
• They made sure that each of its transmitter was known for his piety, knowledge and truthfulne
ss among his fellow beings.
• The narrator had complete command over the Arabic language and knowledge of the Quran.


Rules of Matn
• Muhaddithun reject the Hadith which did not come with different traditions
• For example "Muslims kissed thier thumbs when they heard Prophet(PBUH) name during Aza
an". It is a tradition which is only narrated by Hazrat Abu Bakr(RZ). It is also known as Khabr e W
• They ensured that Hadith did not go against the teachings of Holy quran.
• Hadith is the interpretation of Quran so it can never conflict with Quran
• It did not go against any Prophet (PBUH) other relaible hadith.
• This is because Prophet(PBUH) never contradict with his other sayings.
• It did not go against common sense.
• Prophet(PBUH) being a highly intellectual man could not suggest anything beyond logic.
• It should not go against people normal experiences.
• Prophet(PBUH) being a human being could not suggest anything super natural.
• It should not give precise details of futures.
• Prophet(PBUH) was not a forteller and can not forsee things.
• It should not accuse the family or any companion of Holy Prophet (PBUH).
• Prophet( PBUH) was very modest in his speech.


Classification of Hadith
Classification on basis of collections
a) Masnad Collection
b) Musannaf Collection
Masnad Collection:
• Musnad also termed as Musannad means “ Supported".
• The Hadith is arranged according to the name of the first transmitter who is companion.
• The entire Isnad is mentioned which is trace back to Prophet(PBUH).
• The best example of this collection is Al-Masnad by Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal.
• The book began with the companions who were closest to Prophet(PBUH).
• For example , there are chapters like Masnad of Hazrat Aisha(RA), Masnad of AbuBakr(RA), M
asnad of Umar (RA) e.t.c

Musannaf Collection:
• In this type of collection, traditions are arranged according to the subject matters.
• All traditions reported by various narrators on a particular theme were put together in one chapter.
• The compilers examined the Matn rather then Isnad. Sir Saad Rafiq
• For example chapters on inheritance, marriages e.t.c are the part of Musannaf.
• The best example of this collection is Al-Mawatta of Imam Malik.
• Later, six authentic books( Saha Sitta) were compiled using these principles
Classification on basis of categories
a) Hadith-e-Qudsi
b) Hadith-Nabwi

Hadith e Qudsi:
• Hadith-e-Qudsi is a divine Hadith or inspiration in which the sayings of Allah are expressed by t
he Holy Prophet(PBUH) in his own words.
• Thus, it is not a part of Quran. The difference between Quran and Hadith-e-Qudsi is that the wor
ds of Quran were revealed directly from the Lauh-e-Mahfuz.
• Where as Hadith-e-Qudsi comprises only the inspirations which were revealed by Allah and sai
d by Holy Prophet(PBUH).
• So Hadith-e-Qudsi is not of the same status as Quran
• For example , Prophet(PBUH) quotes Allah by saying “Fasting is for Me and I shall certainly
compensate it"
• As the speaker is Allah Himself therefore in these Hadiths Pronouns I, Me, Mine e.t.c are used
• Hadith-e-Nabwi ( Hadith intro from sources of guidance)
Classification on basis of authenticity
a) Sahih
b) Hassan
c) Dhaif
d) Muwzu
e) Mutawattir
f) Ahad


• It is a correct Hadith that has passed all the tests of the reliability and is therefore regarded as a genui
ne Hadith of the Holy Prophet(PBUH). For example “ Actions are judged by intentions”

Hassan (Approved) :
• It is a Hadith which is considered reliable as it confirms all the conditions listed before, except that it
s chain of transmitters is not considered as strong as that of the Sahih Hadith
• For example. It is reported by companion “ I said to the Prophet(PBUH) ‘ O Messenger of Allah t
o whom should I be (Specially) good to ? The Prophet(PBUH) said ‘ to your mother'. This he repe
ated thrice. Then he said ‘ to your father, then to him who is near of kin, one after the other.”
Dhaif ( Weak)
• It is that Hadith which does not fulfill all the conditions of a Hadith and many doubts are raised regar
ding the memory or the character of the narrator.
• There might be chance that Matn is differing from basic teachings of Islam.
• For example “ My Companions are like stars; whomever you follow, you will be on right path(

• It is a narration which is fabricated and words are not trace back to Prophet(PBUH). It is narrated by
a person who is declared liar or doubtful by his contemporaries.
• For example “ Seek knowledge even as far as china"

Mutawattir (Succesive narration)

• This type of Hadith is conveyed by many narrators and it is unquestionable.
• Mutawattir is divided into two categories: Sir Saad Rafiq
Mutawattir in wording:
• It means that Hadith is narrated by large number of companions in exact same wordings.
• For example “ Whosoever intentionally attributes a lie against me, should prepare his seat i
n fire”
• This Hadith is narrated by seventy four companions in same words.
Mutawattir in meaning:
• It means that Hadith is narrated by large number of companions but words are not same.
• For example many companions reported that Prophet(PBUH) offer 2 units in Fajr, 4 in Zuhar, As
ar and Isha and 3 in Magrib.
• Although the narration is same by all companions , but the sequence of words is different.

Ahad ( Singular narration):

This type of Hadith is conveyed by few companions. It is cetegorized in three types.
a) Mashur: Narrated by three or more narrators
b) Aziz: Narrated by two narrators.
c) Gharib : Narrated by one narrator only.


Compilation of Hadith
During Life of Prophet(PBUH)
• Prophet (PBUH) laid great stress in teachings of Quran and Hadith.
• He taught companions using three methods
• through verbal teachings
• through dictation
• through practical demonstration
• Companions used to learn Hadiths within the mosque at Suffah, sort of bench.
• Suffah bench was basically the first islamic university.
• The people who learn there were Ashabe Suffah.
• Prophet (PBUH) also take measures to circulate Hadith For example: pledges of Aqabah, delegates
to different places e.t.c.
• He also encourage his companions to learn and circulate Hadith. Prophet(PBUH) said “When a man
dies, his acts come to an end , with three exceptions, Sadaq e Jarriya, Knowledge from which b
enifits continuous to be collected, and the prayers of a goodson"
• He also instruct companions in farewell hajj “ let all those who are present warn those who are ab
• Furthermore , He told the people that teaching each other and sharing knowledge for any period of ti
me in the night is better than spending the entire night in worship.
• Therefore, the generations of companions continued the task of Holy Prophet(PBUH).
The Age of Companions
• The companions after learning preserved them. Some companions went out from arabia and delivere
d message everywhere.
• This was the age of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. In this era, the Companions had settled in almost all
the countries conquered by the Muslims.
• Thus the Ahadith were being circulated beyond the borders of Arabia.
• Some companions continued within Islamic empire. For example:
• Hazrat Abu Huraira Sir Saad Rafiq
• Narrated 5374 Hadiths.
• He had books of Hadith in his possession.
• At least nine of his students wrote Hadith from him.
• b. Hazrat Abullah bin Umar
• Transmitted 2630 Ahadith.
• Authentic Collection of Saheefa -e- sadiqah.
• Prophet(PBUH) give him the permission to wrote down Hadith. He came to Prophet(PBUH) and sai
d “ O messenger of Allah ! I wish to narrate some of your traditions so intend to them with my
hand along with my heart?” The Prophet(PBUH) said “If they are my Hadith, have them writt
en along with your heart"
• c. Hazrat Anas Bin Malik
• Served for ten years and transmitted 2286 Ahadith.
• Atleast 16 people had Hadith from him in written form.
• d. Ummul Momineen Hazrat Aisha
• Transmitted 2210 Ahadith.


• Atleast 3 persons had hadith from him including his nephew Urwa, one of the greatest scholer.
• Other big names include Hazrat Abdullah(1660),Jabir bin Abdullah(1540) and Abu Sa’id(1170).

Why Hadith were compiled after time of Righyly Guided Caliphs?

• There was no book of compilation at that time. The only alternative was to go to companion and h
ear the tradition from him.
• During this period the companions spread far and wide and settled in almost all countries conquered
by the Muslims.
• Thus , different centers of learning arose students were not satisfied with only one center, because
that particular companion might have no knowledge of all the traditions.
• Moreover , it was very time consuming to travel from Arabia to different countries, to meet the parti
cular companion. It was reported that Jabir bin Abdullah travelled from Makkah to Syria to hear a single
• Furthermore , the four rightly guided Guided Caliphs were close to Prophet(PBUH). They followed h
is Sunna closely. After end of the caliphate , it became important to compile the Prophetic Hadith so that
future generations could use the Prophet's example to clarify and resolve the questions and disput
• After compilation one should easily classify the Hadith that weather it is authentic or fabricated Hadi
th as there might be a possibility that some people attribute Hadith to Prophet(PBUH) that were fa
• The newly converted at that time, needed authentic guidance on the Islamic way of life and want
ed to follow the pattern set by Prophet(PBUH). Sir Saad Rafiq
• The close companions of the Prophet(PBUH) were also passing away due to age or wars. Thus , a
need of compilation was felt even more after thier demise.
• In order to eliminate genuine errors in Hadith on account of verbal narrations , faulty memories, f
orgetfulness e.t.c. Hadith needed to be compiled.
The Age of Successors of Companions( Tabi'een)
• Hadith were transmitted orally for atleast hundred years. The Compilation of Hadith was officially su
pervised by the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
• He wrote letters to the scholars of Hadith all over the Islamic empire, and requested them to embark
upon the task of compiling Ahadith.
• Hence, with the official proclamation, many of the men of Knowledege started to compile the books
of Ahadith.
• Imam Muhammad Ibn Muslim Al Zuhri was the first one to compile to Hadith litrature.
• He collected considerable number of Ahadith that after his death, several camels were needed to tran
sport the manuscripts.
• Best known are Al-Mawatta of Imam Malik Bin Anas (2000) and Al-Musnad of Imam hanbal(2
• It was during this period, that the Hanifi and Maliki schools of thought were formulated.
The Age of Followers of Successors
• This is termed as the golden age of preservation.
• The work flourished under the critical research.
• Rules and Sanad and Matn were strickly checked.


• The most authentic are Saha Sitta :
• Sahih Bukhari by Mohammad bin Abdullah Ismail Al Bukhari.
• Sahih Muslim by Abdul Hussain bin Muslim.
• Jam'i Tirmidhi by Isa Al Tirmidhi.
• Sunan Abu Dawood by Suleman bin Shoaib.
• Sunan Ibn e Majah by Mohammad bin Yazid Ibn e Majah.
• Sunan Nisai by Abdur Rehman Al Nisai.

The Main Compilers and Their Activities

Imam Malik:
• Malik bin anas was born in 93 A.H
• His family belonged to yemen but they settled in Madinah.
• His father carefully looked after his son and used to revise his lessons
• Once Abu jafar asked H.Imam Malik to come at his home to teach his children.
• Imam malik replied" Knowledge does not go any where, people come to knowledge"
• Malik did not travel outside Madinah, but learn from many well known Scholers in Madinah.
• He memorized thousands of Hadiths in his life span and taught number of students.
• Few of his work include Kitab al siyar, Kitab al Manasik and Kitab al Muwatta.
• Imam Malik is famous for Maliki school of thought.
• He is also famous for his book Al-Muwatta.
• Besides from Hadith, Muwatta also contains statements of companions,legal opinions and so on.
• He mostly gathered Ahadith to established points of legal thinking.
Imam Hanbal
• Ahmed bin Hanbal was born in Marw in 164 A.H. Later he was brought to Baghdad.
• It is reported that in his career he memorized millions of Hadith.
• He challenged the Caliph Mamoon who claim that Quran is the “ Creation".
• Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal refused to acknowledge the Bidda(Innovation).
• He however, stood firm against all the trails. He was badly persecuted for this but he remain firm.
• He was imprisoned for a long time and was treated very harshly.
• In the rule of Al Mutwakki he was given the chance of to take revenge but he refused.
• His work include Al Tarikh, Al Nasikh wal Mansukh, Al Tafsir, Al Manasikh, Al musnad e.t.c
• He is famous for Hanbili school of thought.
• He is also famous for his Al Musnad collection.
• In Musnad collection he gathered 27647 Ahadith narrated by 700 companions.
• On his death bed he was revising Musnad and left unfinished which was complete by his sons.


Six Collections of Sunni
Sahi Bukhari
• It was compiled by Imam Mohammad bin Abdullah Ismail who lived 194-256 A.H
• His father studies under Malik bin Anas.
• Imam bukhari began to study in the age of less then ten years.
• Imam Bukhari always kept himself so busy with acquiring knowledge, research and compilation
of Hadith.
• He had a very sharp memory and by the age of sixteen he had memorized many books.
• He not only memorized Ahadith but also the biography of narrators.
• He travelled throught out the world for 40 years for the collection of Ahdith.
• He had collected more than 600000 hadith and also memorized them.
• He compiled his book Al Saheeh with very strict rules.
• Imam Bukhari made the framework for his compilation when he was in Makkah, in the Masjid A
l-Haram, and work continuously for sixteen years.
• The final draft of the book was made in Madinah, Masjid e Nabwi.
• Out of 600000 he only included 7275 Ahadith. Sir Saad Rafiq
• He divided Ahadith topicwise and if repeated traditions are taken away then the total is 2602 Ahadith
• Everytime before recording ,he used to take bath offered two unit of salah and made istikhara.
• Due to this rigid streategy Saheeh is the most authentic book after Quran.
Sahih Muslim
• It was compiled by Imam Abdul Hussain bin Muslim who lived between 204-264 A.H.
• He travelled almost all Islamic centers such as Baghdad, Hijaz and Egypt for collections of Ahadith
• He compiled Sahih and out of 300000 Ahadith he only mentioned 9200 Ahadith.
• He divided Ahadith into different topics.
• He was the student of Imam Bukhari.
• Once he kissed Imam Bukhari's forehead saying" let me kiss your feet ,O master of Muhaddithun
and Docter of Hadith".
• Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim collective collections know as Al-Saheeain.
• If both of them reported a Hadith, It is the highest level of reliability and called Agreed upon.
Sunan Nisai
• It was compiled by Abdur Rehman Al Nisai who lived between 214-303 A.H
• He started to learn Hadith at the age of fifteen.
• He travelled to Khurasan,Iraq,Arabia,Syria,Egypt and Jazira.
• He mentioned 5662 Ahadith as per themes.
• He compiled his great work Sunan al Kubra and present it to governer.
• He was asked to add Sahih Ahadith in his collection.
• He then compiled Sunan al Mujtaba but also add Dhaif Ahadith in it.This book is part of Saha Sitta.
• He also describe the details of Dhaif and the reason that why this Hadith is Dhaif and so on.
Sunan Abu Daud
• It was compiled by Imam Suleman whose lifetime was from 202-275.
• He also met Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal and stayed with him.
• He attained half million Ahadith out of which he selected 4800.


• He took 20 years to complete his book but there were many weak Ahadith.
Jami Tirmidhi
• It was compiled by Imam Mohammad bin Isa al Tirmidhi who lived from 209-275 A.H.
• He studied from Bukhari and Imam Hanbal.
• He gathered 3956 Ahadith and divide it into 50 chapters. He mainly focused on Fiqah.
• His collection is the most useful to Muhaddithin and Faqeeh
Sunan Ibn e Majah
• It was wriiten by Mohammad bin Yazid between 209-279.
• He collected 4341 Ahadith and divided in topical chapters.He mentioned 3002 in Saha Siita.
• Many of his Hadith are Dhaif. His book is one of the best arrangement of chapters and subchapte
• There are many little repetation and he also mentioned Saheehain in his book.

Shia collections of Hadith

• The Four books of Shia is also known as “ Al-Kutub-Al-Arbah”. These books contain traditions an
d transmitted through thier Imams who are descendants of Prophet(PBUH).
• These four books have been praised by many notable Shi'a scholers.
Kitab Al Kafi
• Compiled by Muhammad Yakub Kulayani in 3rd hijri.
• It is divided into three sections:
• Usul-al-Kafi, which is concerned with the principles of religion.
• Furu-al-Kafi, which is concerned with the details of religious laws.
• Rawadat-al-Kafi: which is concerned with various religious aspects and includes some writing of th
e Imams.
• In total, al-kafi comprises of 16000 narrations.
• The author state that this book would be sufficient for all the needs of a believer as it includes all bra
nches of religious knowledege.
• He further says that he only collected Ahadith he thought were important.
• He left the verification of these Ahadith up to the later scholars.
Man La Yahdurul Faqih
• Compiled by Muhammad ibn Ali Qummi, commonly known as Al-Shaykh Al-Suduq in fourth Hijri.
• It contains over 9000 Ahadith. The literal translation of the title Man la Yahduru Al- Faqih is “ For h
im not in the presence of a Jurisprudent”
• The book is meant to be a reference book to help ordinary Shia Muslims in the practise of legal requi
rements of Islam.
• Isnad are absent in his collection. Thus , the book is a summary of the study of legal traditions.
• Shia regarded this book as among the most reliable Hadith collections.
Tahzib ul Ahkam
• It is compiled by Shaykh Tusi in the fifth Hijri.
• It contains over 13000 narrations. The literal translation of the title means “The Refinement of the l
aws in Terms of the Explanation of the Sufficiency"


• It is actually a commentary on the Ahadith of the scholar, Al-Shiekh Al-Mufid , the teacher of Al-Tu
• It contains not only traditions but also lengthy discussions about the legal standing and implication of
each Hadith.
• These chapters are well divided and contain the commentaries of some earlier scholers.
Al Istibsar
• It is compiled by Shaykh Tusi in the Fifth Hijri. Sir Saad Rafiq
• It contains over 5000 narrations. It is essentially a summary of Thazib-ul-Ahkam.
• It methods are similar but brief. Moreover there are not so many traditions used in the work and the e
xplanation are more concise.
• It gives full Isnads for the traditions quoted.
• It is used as a ready reference work for students and scholers.

Methods of Preservation of Hadith

• Holy Prophet(PBUH) used different methods of teaching.
• His verbal teachings.
• Dictation to scribe.
• His practical demonstration
• The companions and generations used Three methods of learning and preserving Ahadith.
• Memorization
• Recording
• Practice
• The companions used to remember the sayings of Holy Prophet (PBUH) i.e Ahadith.
• The arab were excellent memorizers and they used to learn countless poetry and tribal stories.
• Therefore in the company of Holy Prophet (PBUH) they fully used their memorization skills.
• The Prophet(PBUH) has a unique way of teaching. He used to repeat the important traditions.
• He also listened to his companions of what they heard,understood and memorized.
• The companions afterwards use to revise from eachother. Hazrat Anas hun Mailk reported “ We
sat with Prophet(PBUH) may be sixty persons in number and the Prophet(PBUH) taught u
s Hadith. Later when he went out for any necessity, we used to memorize it amongst us, wh
en we departed it was as if cultivated in our hearts” .
• There were many companions who were not able to attend the circle everyday.
• So those who were absent used to learn from those who were present.
• After the death of Holy Prophet( PBUH) the recollection of Hadith was carried out by companio
• Hazrat Abu Huraira divide his night in three portions from which one portion was for Ahadith.
• Hazrat Abu Musa Ashari memorized Ahadith through out the night.
• Other companions like Hazrat Ali, Ibne Masud and Ibne Abbas advise successors to continue wo


Recording at the time of Holy Prophet(PBUH).
• Treaty of Hudaibya. It was signed with Suhail bin Amr.
• Charter of Madinah. It was made to give rights to minorities in Madinah
• Document to Abu Shah.
• Letters to the emperors.
• Sahifa e Amr bin Hazam. It was written on the topics of Salah and Adminsitration and given to govern
er of yemen
• Kitab ul Sadiqah. It was written on the topic of Zakat.

Recording at the time of companions period

• Sahifa e Ali by Hazrat Ali
• Sahifa e Anas by Hazrat Anas Sir Saad Rafiq
• Sahifa e Saqiah by Abdullah bin Umar.
• Book of Saad by Hazrat Saad.
• Book of Jabir by Hazrat Jabir.

Recording at the time of Successors of Companions.

• Al-Masnad by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.
• Al-Mawatta by Imam Malik.
• Al-Mawatta by Imam Muhammad.
• Al-Musannaf by Imam Abdul Razzaq.
• Kitab ul Athaar by Imam Abu Hanifa.

Recording by Successors of Successors of Companions.

• Sahih Bukhari by Mohammad bin Abdullah Ismail Al Bukhari.
• Sahih Muslim by Abdul Hussain bin Muslim.
• Jam'i Tirmidhi by Isa Al Tirmidhi.
• Sunan Abu Dawood by Suleman bin Shoaib.
• Sunan Ibn e Majah by Mohammad bin Yazid Ibn e Majah.
• Sunan Nisai by Abdur Rehman Al Nisai.

• Whenever the Holy Prophet(PBUH) would do something. His companions would follow him.
• They were so passionate about emulating his actions that they would even try to imitate his personal
• This was the practical demonstration of Holy Prophet(PBUH) and also encouraged by him to follow.
• The companions used to observe these actions and implement it in their practices to remember them.
• Methods of Prayer, ablution ,fasting and pilgrimage e.t.c are some of the example of practice.


Rightly Guided Caliphs

Hazrat AbuBakr (R.A)

• Appointment and Elections.
• False Prophets and Apostate Wars
• Battles against Persians.
• Main Events of Hazrat AbuBakr's Caliphate
Hazrat Umar (R.A)
• Appintment
• Battles against Roman Empire
• Battles against Persian Empire
• Administration of Hazrat Umar (R.A)
• Main Events of Hazrat Umar's Caliphate
• Death of Hazrat Umar (R.A)
Hazrat Uthman (R.A)
• Appointment
• Battles against Syria and Egypt.
• Navel Combats.
• Controversies against Caliph Uthma (R.A)
• Martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman (R.A)
• Contributions.
• Main Events of Hazrat Uthman 's Caliphate
Hazrat Ali (R.A)
• Battle of Camel
• Battle of Siffin
• Activities of Kharijities
• Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (R.A)


Hazrat Abu Bakr(RZ)
Appointment and Election
• After the death of the Holy Prophet(PBUH).The atmosphere of Madinah was full with grieveness.
• All eyes were turned to the quarter of Hazrat Ayesha(RZ).
• In the courtyard of the mosque.Hazrat Umar(RZ) moved among people and said "Who says
Prophet(PBUH) is dead? I testify that he is alive, and has gone to Allah like jesus, and would
return to us after some time."
• Hazrat AbuBakr(RZ) emerged and calmed th believers by saying "Listen to me,ye people.Those of
you who worshipped Muhammad know thay he is dead like any other mortal.But those of you
who worhsipped the God of Mohammad know that He is alive and would live forever."
• He further added "Verily Muhammad the great Prophet of Allah was a mortal.Having fulfilled
his mission he has gone back to his master.From God he came, and to God he has returned".
• Hazrat Umar (RZ) said "By God when I heard Abu Bakr recite these words I was dumbfounded
so that my legs would not bear me, and I fell to the ground knowing that the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) was indeed dead."
• While then funeral was being prepared ,Ansars assembled at 'saqeefa Bani Sai'dah' to discuss the
question of succession.
• At the meeting, the Ansars decided that the leader should be chosen from Ansars.
• Hazrat Saad bin Ubadah made a speech that they were the one who protected Islam thus they have
the right of leaderahip.
• The Ansars were ready to choose him as a leader.
• When emigrants were reported about this meeting ,they rushed towards Saqeefah bin Saidah.
• Hazrat Abu bakr(RZ), Hazrat Umar(RZ) ans Hazrat Abu Ubaidah(RZ) reached to negotiate.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr(RZ) pointed out that this matter is a concern of All Arab not only Madinah.
• He also pointed out that Ansars have differences among themseleves while Quraish were alone the
custodians of Kabaah and could alone provide leadership.
• To answer Hazrat AbuBakr(RZ) .Habib bin Mandhar from ansars rose and said that Amirat is the
right of Ansars but they could make concessions by making two leaders from emigrants and Ansars.
• Hazrat Umar argued that Islam stood for Unity i.e One God,One Prophet and One Quran so thier
should be One Amir
• Hazrat Abu Ubaidah said"O Ansars you were the first to help Islam: do not now be the first to
take steps towards the disintegration of Islam"
• Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit from Ansars said " In fact the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was among the
Quraish.There is considerable force in the proposal that after him his successor should also be
selected from among the Quraish ". Sir Saad Rafiq
• Thereupon AbuBakr(RZ) took the stage and said "You may choose out of these two.Hazrat Umar
and Hazrat Abu Ubaidah"
• Hazrat Umar rose quickly to say "O AbuBakr, How can I or Abu Ubaidah be preferred on you?
You are undoubtedly the most excellent of the Muslims. You were the second of two in the
cave. You were appointed as Amir ul Hajj. During his illness Prophet(PBUH) appointed you as
Imam. Of all the companions you were the closest and dearest to Holy Prophet.As such you are
dearest to us. Stretch your hand so that we may offer our allegiance to you"
• Thus, Hazrat AbuBakr was elected as caliph on the very day of death of Holy Prophet(PBUH)
False Prophets and Apostate tribe
Aswad Ansi
• He belong to the Ansi tribe of yemen and was ugly man who used to cover his face.
• Badhan the king of yemen accepted Islam and after his death his son Shahr took the thorne.
• Aswad Ansi who already claimed of being prophet gathered the army and attacked shahr.


• By this he captured yemen and forcefully marry the widow of Shahr named Azad.
• He also dismissed the commanders of force, feroz and shahr.
• Azad supported by the commanders, assassinated Aswad.
• He belong to Hanfi tribe in Yamama.He visited Madinah and met Prophet(PBUH).
• On his return he claim to be prophet.He reduced prayers to three,allowed drinking and adultry.
• He demanded Prophet(PBUH) to divide the Arabia in two parts and become his partner and send his
man Nahr ur Rujal to Prophet(PBUH)
• Prophet(PBUH) called him Al Kazzab(The Lier), Nahr falsely decleared that Prophet(PBUH)
aceepted Musaylima as his partner.
• After death of Prophet(PBUH) people preferred him as living prophet.
• Hazrat AbuBakr(RZ) sent two armies under Ikrimah bin Abu jahl and Shurbbail bin Hassan, Both of
them lost because they did not follow Caliph's instruction.
• Hazrat Khalid bin Walid was then sent with an army of 15000 against the army of 40000.
• A feirce battle was fought known as Battle of Yamama in which more then 1000 companions were
martyred including hundreds of Huffaz.
• Musailima fortified in the garden and huge killing take place there , Thus the battle is also known
as Battle of Garden of Death.
• After a tough battle,Wahshi the Negru slave killed Musaylima.
• She belonged to Bani Tamim tribe.She was the lady who claimed to be a prophetess.
• She was beautiful, professed in predicting,poetess and mostly talked in verses.
• She collected an army and proceeded to Yamama to fight against Musaylima.
• Musaylima invited her to join his force and they got married.The army of Sajjah went back to Iraq.
• It is said that she was hypnotise and when the spell was over she went back and later embraced
• He laid a claim among Banu Ghatafan and Asad of receiving revelations and Prophet hood.
• Once he was attacked but luckily saved, so his followers proclaimed that no sword can harm him.
• Khaldi bin Walid(RZ) was sent by caliph to crush his power.
• Tulayha army was defeated and he retired to a place and pretended to await revelations.
• Uyaynah,his commander in chief retreated.This give an advantage to Muslims to defeat the army.
• Tulayha with his wife escaped and later embraced Islam when muslims conquered Syria.
Apostate wars at Zul hissa,Zul qissa and Abraq
• Madinah was surrounded by many tribe and after invasion of Makkah these tribes became Muslims.
• After the death of Prophet(PBUH) the tribes shared thier view that Zakat should be relieved.
• Hazrat AbuBakr(RZ) refused it and clearify that he would not compromise on Zakat. He said " If
with refrence to Zakat, you withhold even as much as a string to tie a camel, as a Khalifa of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) , it will be my duty to fight for it , whatever the consequences "
• On the rigid response tribes decided to attack Madinah.The major army was also not there.
• Noticing the mood of tribes, Caliph posted senior companions on strategic approches.
• Movements of tribes were noticed in Zul hissa.Thus surprised attack was made by caliph.
• The army then retreated to Zul qissa but also defeated there.Finally they retreated to Abraq.
• There the tribes repudiated islam and joined hands with apostate tribes. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Hazrat Abu Bakr waited for the army in syria.When they returned Caliph attacked at Abraq.
• After the victory of Abraq.Hazrat AbuBakr(RZ) sent armies towards Behrain, Oman, Hadramaut
and yemen to deal with the rebels.
• With the fall of yemen the wars of Apostaty came to an end.


Expansion of Islamlic Empire undet 1st Caliph
Battle of Kazima
• Hazrat Khalid bin Walid receive the orders of caliph to start the opreations in Uballa.
• Hormuz was the governer of Uballa.He was asked to pay jizya or be ready for the consequences.
• Hormuz prepared his forces and moved towards Kazima.Hazrat khalid also reached there.
• The persians forces were linked with chains.Thus, battle is also known as Battle of chains.
• Duel battle started between Hurmuz and Hazrat khalid. Hormuz was killed by him.
• Then the forces of Muslims attacks the persian and the chains backfired them.
• The Muslims double thier attack and thousands of persians killed.Thus muslims were victorious.
Battle of Mazar
• Another persian army under Qarin came to help hormuz.
• When they got the news about the deafeat they march towards Mazar to avenge thier defeat..
• Hazrat khalid bin walid prepared his troops at Mazar for fight.
• Duel battle started between Qarin and Muslim expert swordman Maqal in which Qarin was killed.
• Then general fight started and 30000 persians were killed in this combat
Battle of Walaja
• After defeat of Mazar, persian rule sent army under Andarzaghar at Walaja.
• Hazrat khalid bin waleed with 10000 reached at walaja.
• Duel combat started between Hazrat Khalid and a giant men Hazar Mard in which Hazrat khalid
• Then general fight started in which muslims faced troubles initially but finally won the combat.
• Andarzaghar fled from the battlefield to the desert area, where he died from thrist.
Battle of Ullies
• The army of Hazrat Khalid bin waleed then met persians at Ullesis.
• In duel contest Hazrat Khalid killed Abdul Aswad.
• In general fight,persians gave thier full strength which caused difficulties for Muslims.
• Hazrat khalid pray to Allah which gave motivation to Hazrat Khalid army.
• Muslims break the strength of persians and shattered them.Thus muslims emerged as victorious.
Fall of Hira
• Hazrat Khalid bin waleed decided to advance in Hira.
• Persian governer already fled with his forces to Maiden.
• By the Fall of Hira both south and north Iraq was conquered.
• Muslims signed the first treaty beyond Arabia with the local persians.
• Persians have to pay Jizya and they were granted with full religious liberty.
Battle of Anber
• Hazrat khalid bin Waleed then move towards Anber.Muslims army camp at low plain below town.
• Noticing the disadvantage,Hazrat Khalid appointed best archers to shoot in the eyes of persians.
• Thousand of persians lost thier eyes.Thus, this battle is also known as "Battle of Eyes"
• The governer sheerzad made an offer to surrender on a condition to have save pass for the army.
• Hazrat khalid accepted this and persian families move from Anbar to Maiden.
Battle of Ein At Tamr
• Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed left for large fortfied town Ein at tamr.
• The persians forces were led by Mehran bin Jabeen.They also got the support of christan Arabs.
• Chirstans army led by Aqqa went to Anbar to intercept Muslim army.
• Muslims army captured Aqqa and christan army ran to Ein at tamr to get support of persians.
• Mehran already escaped from the place to Maiden.
• The christans closed the gates of cities but after some days they surrendered


Battle of Daumatul Jandal
• Leader Aeikad broke the agreement of paying annual jizya.
• Caliph sent Ayad bin Ghanam to capture the town but unable to enter.
• Ayad wrote to khalid for reinforcement therefore Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed marched towards
• When Aiekad came to know about Hazrat Khalid, he left the town.
• Hazrat Khalid successfully captured the town and 2000 Arabs were killed.
• By the end of 633 A.D muslims became the masters of euphrate valley
Battle of Firaz
• Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed marched towards eupherates to deal with Byzantines and Christan
• The enemy was ten times greater then Muslim.
• Hazrat Khalid undertook an oath that if he will be victorious, he would undertake the pilgrimage.
• By smart tactics muslims killed 50000 enemy soldier. Sir Saad Rafiq
Campaigns in Syria
• Hazrat Khalid transferred to syria and Hazrat Muthana beacame the commander in Iraq.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr called for Jihad against Syria.
• He assambled four groups of 7000 each commanded by Amr bin Aas, Yazeed bin Abu sufyan,
Shurbail bin Hassan and Abu ubaidah bin Jarrah.This army was about 40000 in total.

Battle Of Basra
• Hazrat khalid bin Waleed approached to Basra and sent message to Hazrat Abu Ubaidah to meet
• Byzantine and Muslims armies faced each other.
• Hazrat khalid offered Islam to enemy commander Romanus who embraced it.
• The army locked themselves in city.
• With the help of Romenus muslims entered the city and killed Byzantines in large numbers.
Battle of Ajnedain
• After defeat of Basra, Hercules decided to take revenge.
• He gathered the army of 240000 in Ajnedain.
• Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed with 40000 forces reaches there.
• In Byzantines army was defeated with heavy losses
Seige of Damascus
• Marching to Damascus, Muslims came upon large number Byzantine troops blocking thier way.
• The troops were defeated, the survivours fled to Damascus and locked the gates.
• Soon the death of caliph reached the muslims and Damascus fall in hands of muslims under the
caliphate of Hazrat Umer(RZ)
Compilation of Quran (from previous notes)


Hazrat Umer (RZ) (634-644 A.H)
• He was appointed by Hazrat AbuBakr as his succeessor.
• Hazrat AbuBakr take this decision after much cosidiration.
• Thus after the death of Hazrat AbuBakr(RZ).Hazrat Umar succeeded him as the second Rightly
calpih of Muslims Ummah for the next 10 years.

Battle against Romans

• During the caliphate of Hazrat Umer (RZ).Muslims fought with Byzantine empire
• The relations of muslima and Byzantine had been hostile since the establishment of Islam.
• Prince of Syria killed the envoy of Holy Prophet(PBUH) which leads to Battle of Mautah
• Muslims on the other hand had a threat of huge Byzantine empire.
• Thus , there was no good relations with Romans since the lifetime of Holy Prophet(PBUH)
Conquest of Damascus
• Muslims besieged the city of Damascus secured by five gates led by Hazrat Khalid.
• Roman army led by Thomas.He was told about Hazrat khalid's entry so he waited for Abu Ubaidah.
• He offered surrender on usual terms of jizya.
• Byzantine army were given the safe pass to leave the city
• Thus, the area of Damascus was captured by muslims.
• Hazrat Khalid (RZ) after this battle following the orders of Caliph gave the command
to AbuUbaida(RZ) Sir Saad Rafiq
Battle of Fihl
• Herculius sent his army at beisan to west of Jordan river.
• Hazrat AbuUbaidah encamped at Fihl. Negotiations failed between the two parties.
• Muslim army under Hazrat Khalid tried to attack at beisan but got stuck in mud.
• The Byzantine empire under Saqlar attack muslims at Fihl with the rain of arrows.
• Muslims later emerged successful in the battlefield.
• Because of mud battle of Fihl came to be known as Battle of Mud.
Battle of Emessa
• In the same year muslims besieged Emessa.
• The residents of the city signed a truce with Muslims which broke after one year.
• Herculius sent an army under command of Harbees.
• After the strong resistence Romans were retreated from Emessa.
• Romans chased the Muslims army and when the army was completly out of
city Hazrat Khalid signaled his troops and muslims surrouded romans army
• Romans were slaughtered in huge numbers and Harbees was killed by Hazrat Khalid.
Battle of Yarmuk
• The Romans were troubled at the fall of important cities.
• Heracluis , gathered a huge army under the command of Theoderous.
• When the news of preparation reached ot Abu Ubaida(RZ) ,he held a discussion with
his commanders and decided to gather all the divisions of the Muslim army at Damascus.
• Troops of Hazrat Abu Ubaidah and Hazrat Amr rallied on sea of Galilee.
• In 15 A.H both the armies were there to fight the last round.
• 36000 muslims were against 240000 romans.
• The Romans selected a place named Daqosa. By a defensive point of view, this place was safe as
there was a mountain on one side and the river Yarmuk on other side.
• Khalid bin Walid (RZ) noticed that the Muslims army is in danger, so he called all commanders
and gave a proposal to unite all the four divisions and let him be the commander.


• First , Hazrat Khalid (RZ) divided his army into many regiments, then the battle began.
• Muslims fought gallantly, In no time , the whole Byzantine host was in despair and ran back to the
• The victory of Yarmuk brought the whole Syria for Muslims.
• The Surrender of Jerusalem
• After the victory of Yarmuk Muslims besieged many cities and towns.
• The winter season create many difficulties for Muslims and Romans.
• Hazrat Amr army was reinforced by Hazrat AbuUbaidah.
• The city was ready to surrender in a condition that Caliph would personally come over to sign
• In 16 A.H . Hazrat Umar (RZ) left Madinah for jerusalem in the same simple dress he was wearing.
• He was with his slave and between them, they had a camel on this journey which they rode by turn.
When they reached the outskirts of the city, it was slave turn to ride on the camel.
• It was a unique sight for people to watch that the commander of faithful and king of Arabia traveled
with such simplicity .
• He went to Masjid e Aqsa. There he offered his prayers. He built a masjid and worked himself with
• Hazrat Umer then reached to sign the treaty. His people prevailed to change the patched clothes and
to dress like a powerful ruler. He did so, but people of Jerusalem refused to acknowledged him.
• When he dressed back to reguler clothes, they signed the treaty.

The Conquest Of Egypt

• Hazrat Amr(RZ) convinced Hazrat Umer to authorize the invasion of egypt.
• At time , Egypt was under the rule of emperor of Byzantine. Therefore , it was essential to conquer
Egypt to curtail the power of the Romans and to defend Syria.
• In 18 A.H , Amr Bin Al Aas (RZ) sought permission to invade Egypt. He marched towards Egypt
with 5000 men.
• The emperor kept a large number of troops in Egypt under an imperial command.
• The first battle was against the imperial troops. The battle went for a month, finally Amr bin Al
Aas(RZ) got victory.
• He then marched on to the biggest stronghold of the imperial forces. The commander of imperial
forces shut himself up in the fortress.
• Hazrat Amr(RZ) found this siege a difficult one, he wrote letter to Caliph Umar(RZ) for the
reinforcement. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Caliph sent ten thousand men under the command of Hazrat Zubair (RZ). After seven months
of siege, the muslims conquered the fortress.
• When the emperor of Byzantine got news about conquest of Egypt, he sent a huge
army to Alexandria by sea to fight the Muslims.
• Hazrat Amr(RZ) laid siege to the city. At last , Alexendira fell, after a siege of 6 months
• 12000 muslims defeat 50000 byzantines. The conquest of Egypt was now complete.
• Hazrat Amr(RZ) founded a city on the bank of River Nile and named it Fustat


Battle against Sassanids
Battle of Namaraq
• During the time of first caliph Muslims conquerd Hira.
• Loss of Hira made persians furious and they want to recover it.
• Hazrat Khalid and Hazrat AbuUbaidah went syria to deal with Byzantine.
• Thus, Muslims army under the command of Hazrat Muthana went Naamarraq and defeat persia.
Battle Of Marwa-Bridge
• To avenge the defeat of Namarraq, persians led by Rustom gathered on the east bank of euphrates.
• Muslims army under Hazrat Abu Ubaid Bin Thaqifi camped on the west bank of euphrates.
• Against the advice of Hazrat Muthana muslims crossed the river which cause disaster for Muslims.
• The persians elephants became great threat for the Muslims.
• Muslims tried to cut thier belts to remove Howda from elephants.
• In this muslims faced many losses of muslims commanders.
• Muslim army had to retreat to the river under utter confusion.
• out of 9000 only 3000 come back to other side of river.The rest martyerd,drowned or ran away
Battle Of Buwaib
• After news of Marwa, Caliph immidiately raised army under command of Hazrat Muthana.
• Some Christan army also joined Muslims.
• Mehran was sent by persian king with 12000 army.The two army met at Buwaib.
• This time the persians crossed the rivers.
• Mehran was killed and the persians army was fled away.
• They were severely defeated this time.
Battle of Qadissiya
• After the defeat of Buwaib ,a riot erupted in the whole of Persia which disturbed the rulers.
• Rustam was given the charge, and he himself started preprations to fight the
• On the other hand , Saad bin abi Waqas(RZ) was chosen to lead the Muslims army.
• He was sent with instructions to camp at Qadisiya on the west bank of Ateeq.
• Hazrat Talha(RZ), Abdur Rehman bin Auf(RZ) and other notable companions were
also appointed as commanders of different regiments.
• Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RZ) being unwell, stayed at Qadisiya and directed operations
from his sick bed. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Following the instructions of Hazrat Umar(RZ), He also sent deputation of
fourteen chiefs to Yazdgard but the enemy wants to fight.
• Persians were 60000 while muslims were 30000.
• The two armies met at Qadissiya and fought for three days and night.
• Though the persians fought gallantly , eventually they were defeated. When the fourth day started ,
the muslims were in the heart of Persian host.
• At last, Rustom himself came to the battlefield but he got injured. As he tried to run to save his life, a
Muslim soldier, Bilal bin Alqama(RZ) killed him.
• The battle was a decisive one in the history of Islam as it completly broke down the strengths of
• Ultimately Persia became a gateway to Iraq for Muslims.


Fall of Maidain
• After victroy of Qadissyia, Hazrat saad move towards the Capital Maidain.
• The seige last for months and ultimately the persians gave in.
• Entry into Maidain was the turning point in Islamic histroy.
• Half booty was sent to capital and half was distributed omongst fighters.
• The population of Madain agreed to pay Jizya.
Battle of Jalula
• The advancement of Muslims worried the persian.
• Yezdagrid, ordered his army to advance and occupy Jalula.
• Hazrat saad sent arny of 12000 under Qaqa.
• Jalula was besieged after 80 days before the persians gave away.
• After this battle, an understanding was reached with persians.
Battle of Nahawand.
• 30000 muslims marched against 60000 who vowed a final battle in Nahawand.
• Yazdagard was trying to get back the territory that was once his but the persians were being
defeated everywhere.
• He finally prepared an army of 150000 under the command of Mardan Shah
• Hazrat Umar(RZ) appointed Noman Bin Maqran(RZ) as commander of Muslims.
• Noman(RZ) advanced in the month of Muharram, 19 A.H.
• The two armies met at Nahawand. For two days, they fought without a clear gain
on either side.
• On third day, Muslims adopted a clever strategy and crushed the power of
• Noman(RZ) was martyred in this battle. However Muslims won the victories of
victories Sir Saad Rafiq
• The fight lasted for three days and finally arab won the victories of victories.
• Hazrat Umar(RZ) made up his mind to put an end to the problems of Iran once and for all.
• In a short period , the states of Hamdan. Rey, Tabristan , Armeinia e.t.c were defeated
• After this victory, Rome and Byzantine empire never challenged arabs under nd caliph rule.

Administration Of Hazrat Umar(RZ)

Majlis e Shura
• Hazrat Umar syestematically organised Advisory council introduced by Hazrat AbuBakr.
• The advisory body consist of prominent companions of Prophet(PBUH).
• This council consult in all important matters like poltical and national issues.
• In those gatherings the caliph himself was open to all the critisisms and amendmemts.
• The caliph modified his decision in the light of public opinion.
• Hazrat Umar(RZ) also ordered to design a seperate Muslim calender.
• The governor of Basra complained about undated letters and instruction.
• Hazrat Umar(RZ) assembly suggested to follow the calenders of Rome or Persia.
• Hazrat Umar was not agree with this, He want Muslim’s own Calender.
• After various suggestions from Shura, the calender was designed which statrted from the Hijra of
Prophet(PBUH) and Moharram was unanimously decided as first month.
Revenue Syestem
• He established for the first time a department of finance.


• This departmment was known as Diwan and formulated in persian Model.
• The major sources of income were Zakat,Jizya,Ushr,Ghanima and Fay.
• Zakat was assessed upon reserved cash,crops and animals.
• Jizya was paid by Non Muslims citizens.Ushar was levied on the traders.
• For Muslims it was 2.5% and for Dhimmi it was 5%.
• Allowances were graded according to the merit in Islam.
• The clan of Holy Prophet(PBUH) got the highest allowences ,then 1st caliph.
• Hazrat Umar lowered his clan number to seven,on which clan objected.
• Hazrat Umar(RZ) rebuke them saying " You desire that you should stand on my neck and
deprive me of my good deeds.I cannont permit that".
• He also fixed allowances for the needy and handicapped.
• He founded mosques, school and orphanages.
Administration of Justice
• Hazrat Umar divided the common wealth into several provinces like Makkah, Madinah, Jazira,
Basra, kufa, palestine and Egypt
• All these provinces were placed under governers called Wali.
• The governer was also head of military and religious.
• Governer was accountable to caliph and could be promptly dismissed for any corruption.
• The provinces were further divided into districts and sub-districts.
• The districts officers were known as Amils.
• These officals were appointed in consultation with Shura.
• Hazrat Umar was a great champion of justice.He separated judicial functions from executives.
• Once a prince of Syria who had accepted Islam and was staying at Madinah as a state guest slapped a
man who accidentally trod on his feet in the course of Hajj. Hazrat Umar (RZ) laid down the man
who had been slapped could in turn slap the prince.
• To administer justice he also oppinted Qadis who were independent.
• Many persians were take captive by the Muslims and sold as slaves.
• One of those slaves was Abu Lulu Firoz. He was purchased by governer of Basra.
• Firoz wanted a reduction in the daily payment he made to his master. When he
asked Hazrat Umar (RZ) to intervene , Hazrat Umar refused to take his side ,
because Abu Lulu's master was doing justice. Sir Saad Rafiq
• His refusal angered Abu Lulu. One day,Hazrat Umar (RZ) went to Masjid as usual to
lead the Fajr congregational prayers, Abu Lulu, who was hiding in a corner, stabbed
Hazrat Umar (RZ) as soon as he started his prayers.
• Hazrat Umar (RZ) fell down but he immediately dragged Abdur
Rehman(RZ) forward to continue with the prayers.
• This wound eventually took the life of second caliph of Islam. After permission
from Hazrat Ayesha (RZ) ,he was buried next to Prophet(PBUH).


Hazrat Uthman Bin Affan(644-656)
• Hazrat Uthman succeeded Hazrat Umar on the fourth day of his death.
• He was appointed by the six member committee.
• The committee consist of senior most Companions.
• All of them unanimously aceepted Hazrat Uthman(R.A) as a caliph.
Expansion to Egypt
• In the initial five year of his rule the islamic empire expanded greatly.
• The death of Hazrat Umar and deposition of Amr Bin Al-Aas gave enough courage to Byzantines.
• Byzantines landed thier large force to capture egypt.
• Hazrat Uthman appealed Hazrat Amr to take over charge of Egypt.
• Hazrat Amr met with the Byzantine forces at a place called Naqyus.
• In a duel, members of both sided died yet Muslims defeated Byzantine in the general fight.
• Thereafter, Muslims persued Byzantines and laid a siege on Alexandria and capture it.
• Soon after this Hazrat Amr was again deposed and charge was given to Hazrat Abdullah Bin
• Abdullah was sent raiding to thr west which result in a rich booty.
• Hazrat Abudllah make campaign on North Africa who were under King Gregory
• Reinforcement was also sent on caliph's permission.
• Muslims under Hazrat Abdullah marched towards Tripoli and besieged it.
• From Tripoli, 30000 muslims marched to Subetula, Greogory force was twice in strength
• After few days, Muslims got to know about a secret way to the camp of Greogory. Theykilled him
and defeated his army.
• The victory brought North Africa for Muslims by the end of 647 A.D
Expansion to Syria,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Khurasan
• Hazrat Muawiya, who had the force of 10000, request Caliph for the reinforcement.
• All the forces from Kufa came to aid Syria Governer.
• Muslim forces under Habib Bin Masalam fought a battle with Byzantines in which Muslims won.
• After this victory Hazrat Habib was directed by caliph to penetrate the territory of Armeinia.
• Hazrat Habib penetrate there and occupied Tiflis.
• Thereafter, he marched to Black sea and whole Armenia was re-conquered.
• The govener of Azerbaijan withdrew, and the command was given to Walid Bin Uqba.
• With this withdrawal, people of Azerbaijan once again broke into revolt.
• On caliph's order Hazrat Walid undertake military operation in Azerbaijan.
• Rebel could not withstand and Azerbaijan was reconquered in the rule of Hazrat Uthman.
• Yezdargid got enough courage after the death of Hazrat Umar and he was planning to revolt.
• Hazrat Uthman(RA) took immediate action and re-established treaty with persians.
• After death of Yezdargid and noticing the betrayal in perisians, caliph order to capture the lands.
• Army under Abudullah bin Amr captured many towns like Fars, Seestan,
Khursan, Khuarzain,Balkh, kirman e.t.c. Hazrat Abudllah returned Madinah with rich booty
and 40000 captives.
• Thus, within three years of Hazrat Uthman,Muslims army marched to herat, kabul, Ghaza e.t.c.
SYRIA-Naval Combats
• Hazrat Uthman permitted Hazrat Muwaiya for the Naval operations.
• Hazrat Muawiya sent navel under command of Abdullah Bin Qais and Abdullah bin Abusirah to
capture Cypress.Muslims without much difficulies capture this Island.
• In the same year Muslims undertake naval operations and also captured Rhodes.
• Byzantines came against after 500 vessels and egyptian had 200 vessels only.
• The two fleets came so close that thier masts touched with one another. For this resoan the battle is
called "Battle of Masts" Sir Saad Rafiq
• The Battle of Masts was the landmark in the history of Islam and established Muslims superiority on
the land as well as in the sea.
• Appointmen of Governers
• In Syria Hazrat Muwaiya ------- Able ruler and excellent administerator.
• In egypt Hazrat Abdullah Bin Saad-----He was a foster brother and Conquered NorthAfrica.
• Walid Bin Uqba in Kufa---He was close relative,replaced Hazrat Saad. He also conducted succesful
• Abdullah Bin Amr in Basra------ he was cousine, replaced Abu Musa. He
conqured seestan,Khursana,fars.
• Circumstances arose, which spelt great disaster for the entire political and social structure.
• The innocent Calpih was grossly misuderstood and accused of nepotism, favourtism
and incompetence.
• Abdullah Bin Saba took leading part in this conspiracy and a massive propaganda was launched.
• A list of baseless and fabricated allegations was prepared which included.
• Blasphemy of Quran by ordering to burn it.
• The governer he oppointed was considered as favourtism not on merit.
• He was also accused of misusing Bait ul Maal.
• When Hazrat Uthman learnt of the activities of these conspirators, he expelled them from Kufa and
Basra.Jewish and persian tribes also joined hands with conspirators.
• They also instigate Muslims that Hazrat Ali should be the Caliph.
• Soon they got the support of Mohammad Bin AbuBakr, who wanted to become the governer.
• Hazrat Uthman remained lenient to them since they were his Muslims brothers.
Besiege and Martyrdom
• Hazrat Ali went to Hazrat Uthman and discussed about the worsening situation.
• Hazrat Uthman gave explanations to Hazrat Ali and other senior companions and they were
• Rebells stuck to their point of view and prepared to march to Madinah from egypt.
• Hazrat Ali argued with them and they finally agreed to turn back if Hazrat Uthman would appoint
Mohammad bin AbuBakr as governer of egypt.
• The rebels came back after four days and accused Hazrat Uthman that he appointed governer to kill
Mohamad bin AbuBakr and companions on his arrival
• The rebels beseiged his house and cut off all supplies of food and water.
• Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Zubair, Hazrat Umme Habiba and Hazrat Aisha made attempts to protect Caliph.
• On departure of many senior companions for hajj, rebels became courageous enough to attack.
• Jumping from thr neighboring house some rebels broke into caliph 's house.
• Mohammad Bin AbuBakr stepped forward and caught caliph by beard.
• Caliph Uthman said " O son of my friend if your father was alive he would not have liked the
action of yours"
• Hearing this , Mohammad bin AbuBakr stepped back but his man stepped forward and struck hin
with thier swords.
• Hazrat Naila tried to intervene and got her fingures chopped off.
• Compilation of Quran ( explain)
• He introduced a second call for friday prayers.
• He provided stipends for the first time for Muezzins.
• In his rule 5000 mosques were constructed.
• He also extended the Prophet's Mosque and Holy Kaabah. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Many wells were dug and Dams were built in his rule


Hazrat Ali(RZ) (656-661 A.D)
Battle of Camel
• After being elected as caliph Hazrat Ali(RZ) did not take immidiate steps against the assissins of
Hazrat Uthman(RZ)
• Umayyads had become quite powerful in syria and raised a cry for the revange.
• Hazrat Ali declined to done anything until peace and unity had been restored in the empire.
• Hazrat Talha and Hazrat Zubair were unhappy with Hazrat Ali's working.
• They contacted Hazrat Aisha who herself was deeply grieved.
• An army was raised by Hazrat Talha and Hazrat Zubair, supported by Hazrat Aisha as leader.
• 15000 army marched towards Basra from Madinah.
• 600 rebels were put into death and governer was expelled.
• Hazrat Ali also marched towards basra with 20000 army to deal with the situation.
• Before starting of war, Hazrat Ali reminded Hazrat Talha and Hazrat Zubair of thier bond with
Prophet(PBUH).As a result, both of them decided not to fight.
• As both parties did not want bloodshed, negotitaions started and hostilities were suspended.
• Hazrat Ali convinced Hazrat Aisha that he could not yet execute the murderers because of lack of
evidence.Hazrat Aisha was convinced with the explanations.
• A band of rebels masterminded a plan and attacked on the camps of either side during night.
• In the fighting Hazrat Zubair was martyred by Jurmuz and Hazrat Talha was struck by Marwan.
• Hazrat Aisha camel was wounded and its legs were cut.Hazrat Aisha was brought down unhurt.
• This gave the name " Battle of camel" to this event.
• This battle became the first civil war amongst the Muslims.
• Hazrat Aisha retired from politics and was sent back to Madinah with her brother.
• This battle was the success for the conspirators and cause of discord amongst the Muslims.
• Later the murderer of Hazrat Zubair demanded a price from Hazrat Ali.
• Hazrat Ali gave assurence of hell to him and seeing the sword of Hazrat Zubair, he emotionally
exclaimed " How many times I have seen this sword sheilding the Prophet(PBUH).
Battle of Siffin
• Hazrat Muawiya refused to acknowledge Hazrat Ali as a caliph..
• He demanded for Hazrat Uthman's revange.There was a difference of opinion in both huge groups.
• The hidden hands of conspirators was also working against the situation.
• Hazrat Muwaiya showcase Hazrat Uthman blood stained shirt and Hazrat Naila's fingure publicly.
• As a result, Syria,Iran and Iraq were won over by Hazrat Muwaiya.
• Hazrat Ali to prevent bloodshed, negotiated with Hazrat Muawaiya.
• Hazrat Ali said that all companions accepted him as caliph but Hazrat Muwaiya demanded the
• Since war had become inevitable ,Hazrat Ali(RZ)raised an army of 80 to 90 thousand against Hazrat
• Hazrat Muwayia army was slight samller. Both the armies met at siffin.
• Negotiatation lasted for months and then general fight started
• Hazrat Ali' s army got the upper hand. Hazrat Amr suggested Hazrat Muwayia to order his soldiers
to fix the pages of Quran to thier lances.
• Hazrat Ali tried to warn his troops against the scheme but his troops declined.
• So arbitrators were appointed from each side for the unanimous decision.
• Hazrat Amr bin Aas represented Hazrat Muwayia and Abu Musa represented Hazrat Ali.
• Both the parties decided that if Hazrat Uthamn was against the divine laws then his killing would be
just, But if he had acted accordence with divine law then his assasins should be punished.
• Thousands fo soldiers of Hazrat Ali broke away and formed a new group of rebel
known as kharijite.


• When aribritrators meet privatly, they agreed that Hazrat Uthmans killing was unjust and new Caliph
should be oppinted.In public the decision differ from Hazrat Muwaiya side.
• Hazrat Amr said that Hazrat Muwaiya should be the new Caliph.Thus, matter was undecided.
• Hazrat Ali was still regarded as caliph. Battle of siffin was the second civil war among Muslim
Activities of Kharijities
Activities of Kharijities and Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (RZ)
• In Battle of siffin 3000 to 4000 followers deserted Hazrat Ali and became his blood thristy
enemy.They were called Kharijities
• They rebelled because Caliph agreed on the arbritration insteat of fight.
• It is reported that the separatists were involved in the assassination of Hazrat Uthman.
• After deserting the caliph from battle of siffin, they formed a party at Hawara
• They started conspiring under the leadership of Abdullah Rasibi. Sir Saad Rafiq
• They raised an armed revolt against Hazrat Ali with a slogan."la hukma illa
lilla"Which means 'No decision except Allah's'.
• They gave the references from Quran " If two parties among the believers fall into a quarrel ,
make ye peace between them: but if one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other ,
then fight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah
; .... (49:9)
• They were actually misinterpreting the teachings of Quran and using wrong injunctions.
• They only focused only on the area of fighting in the verse and ignored about the peace.
• While Hazrat Ali was planning to attack Hazrat Muwaiya, the kharijites started problems.
• They threatened the citizens and rode to Naharwan with 3000 to 4000 men.
• Hazrat Ali marched towards them and badly clashed them.
• Out of 4000 kharijites, only a few dozen managed to escape.
• The Kharijites were not completly finished.
• Abdur Rahman bin Mujlim planned to assassinate Hazrat Muwaiya, Hazrat Ali and Amr bin Al Aas.
• Hazrat Muwaiya and Amr bin Aas were saved but Hazrat Ali was struck with a sword.
• The accident happened on 18th of Ramadan and Hazrat Ali died on 21st ramadan naming no
successor and leaving the choice on people.

Main Events Of Hazrat Ali(RZ)

(In this answer you have to mention about battles, Kharijities and Martyrdom)

Specialty Of The Caliphs

• All the caliphs followed the footsteps of the Prophet (PBUH) in their caliphate periods.
• They never violated the rules set by the Prophet (PBUH) for the Muslim ruler.
• When Umar (RZ) suggested Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) to compile the Quran. Abu Bakr was hesitated
and said " Why should we do a work which was not done by the Prophet?.
• All the caliphs were very pious . They drew a very small salary from treasury and set extremely
simple life as it is said " Be in this world as if you are a Stanger or a wayfarer"
• Umar(RZ) was attacked while he was leading prayers and there was no security which tell us about
his piety and simplicity
• Being a ruler they had a strong sense of resposiblity.
• AbuBakr (RZ) and Umar (RZ) used to walk in the streets to check the people's condition.
• AbuBakr (RZ) used to clean the house of the old women before Fajr and Umar(RZ) himself carried
then food stuff to a house of orphans.


• Umar (RZ) once said " I will be questioned even if a dog dies hungry on the bank
of Eupharates"
• Once Ali (RZ) was working in the light of a lamp and Talha and Zubayr came to meet him. He
immediately put the flame of the lamp off as the oil innit was of Bait ul Maal and he considered
himself answerable about its waste.
• The Caliph never considered themselves superior than a comman person.
• Once a person objected on Umar that you took a bigger share of the garment you distributed among
people. Umar (RZ) did not get angry with him rather he gave explanation that his son gifted him his
share to complete his shirt.
• They all used to say that they were appointed but they were not better than them an they asked them
to set them right if they deviate from the path of Sunnah. Sir Saad Rafiq
• They were ready to listen everyone and always accepted if someone said something right.

• They established a welfare state where everyone was given his due right and no one was ignored.
• Everyone was treated with justice . The laws were same for everyone. Even the governors were
punished if proved guilty.
• A prince of Syria who had accepted Islam and was staying at Madinah and
Makkah as a state guest slapped a man who accidentally trod on his feet in the
course of the Hajj. Hazrat Umar(RZ) laid down that the man who had been slapped
could in turn slap the prince.
• Minorities were treated well. They were given freedom of religion and protection of their lives and


Pillars Of Islam
• First Pillar : Shahdah
• Introduction of Shadah
• First and second part of Shahadah
• Second Pillar : Prayers
• What is prayers?
• Conditions before prayers
• Regular, Congregation, Friday, Eid Other Prayers
• Benifits of Prayers
• Third Pillar : Fasting
• What is Fasting
• Day of Ramadan
• last 10 days
• Benifits of Fasting
• Fourth Pillar : Zakat
• What is Zakat?
• Method of Zakat
• Recipient and Non Recipient of Zakat
• Benifits of Zakat
• Fifth Pillar : Hajj
• What is Hajj?
• Benifits of Hajj
• Performance of Hajj


Shahdah; The First Pillar
• The Shahadah (also known as Faith”) is the Muslim Creed, one among in the five pillars of Islam.
• Ibne Umar reported , Allah's Apostle (PBUH) said "Islam is based on five principles, To testify
that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is the Allah's Apostle , The
establishment of Salah, the payment of Zakat, The Hajj and Suam in the month of Ramadan"
• As per the above saying Shahdah or declaration of faith is the first and the basic duty on every
• The word shahadah comes from the verb Shahida, which means he testifies or he bears witness.
• Reciting Shahdah, a Muslim takes testimony that Allah is the only true God, and that Muhammad is
Allah’s Prophet (Messenger).
• The meaning of the Shahadah in Arabic. Ash hadu an laa ilaaha illallah. I bear testimony that
there's no god except Allah. Wa asyhadu anna muhammadar rasulullah. Also, I bear witness that
Prophet (PBUH) is the Messanger of Allah.
What is Shahadah in Islam?
• The Shahadah is to testify to 2 things:
(a) Nothing Deserves Worship Except Allah.
(b) Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

• The first part of this testimony states that God has the right to be idolized inside and externally, by
one’s heart and limbs.
• In Muslim believe , nobody will nobody be worshiped except Him "Verily your Allah is One !
Lord of the heavens and of the earth and all between them and lord of the every point at the
rising of the sun (37:4-5).
• He has no companion or associates in worship. Worship, in its comprehensive sense and everyone
its aspects, is for Him alone." Your lord has decreed that you worship none but him " (17:1)
• The one who associates partners with Allah is termed as Mushrik.
• Shirk is unpardonable shirk " Allah forgives not that partners should be setup with Him .... "
• The one who commits shirk is no more a believer and all his good deeds is for no use.
• To gain Allah's pleasure and forgiveness, person has to testify Shahdah again.
• The second part testifies that Mohammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah..
• Like all other previous Messengers Ibrahim, Moses , Jesus e.t.c He was also a selected one.
• Moreover , He is the last Messenger of Allah and no other Prophet will come after
him "Mohammad is not the father of any of your man but the apostle of Allah and the seal of
Prophets " (33:40)
• It also teaches us that we should not only believe in his prophecy but also follow and obey his
message .
• He was given the divine message in the form of Holy Quran and unlike all other books this book is
universal and it can not be corrupted or altered. Sir Saad Rafiq
• The second part of Shahdah is actually interlinked with the first part. If a person is disbelieving any
of the part he is not a Muslim " He who obeys the Messengers , Obeys Allah ... (4:80)
• We abide by his commands and refrain from what he has forbidden “And
whatsoever the messenger gives you, take it. And whatsoever he forbids, abstain
from it (Al Hashr 59:7)


Prayer ; The second Pillar
What is prayer?
• Prayer is the second pillar of Islam and the first act of worship that was made obligatory.
• The Holy Quran mentions it around seven hundred times but the word Salah accurs 67 times. It
says " and established regular prayers and pay Zakat and bow down with who bow down"
• It was made obligatory on 10th year of Prophet hood in the miraculous event of AL- Mairaj.
• It is the most important obligation which has to be perform by every sane , adult muslim.
• The Holy Prophet said " Between a believer and a disbeliever is the abandonment of Salat"
• It is the first act that person will be held accountable for in the day of Judgement.
• It is the last words of Prophet (PBUH) when he was leaving this world.
Benifits of Prayer
Individual benifits:
• A person who offer prayers regularly becomes organised and learn importance of time because
prayers instills habit of punctuality “ Prayer at fixed hours has been enjoined upon the
believers” ( An- Nisa 4:103)
• It makes person obedient and humble “ Successful indeed are the believers who
are humble in thier prayers” ( Al Muminun 23:1)
• Prayer teaches person self control and discipline.
• Person become close to Allah.
• He is showered with the blessings and his all sins are washed away.
• It is the best way for achieving satisfaction as Holy Prophet (PBUH) said " Prayer has been made
the coolness of my eyes"
• Prayers change our life and makes person pious. The Holy Quran says "Verily the prayer prevents
from shameful and evil deeds" (29:45)
• Wudu and Ghusal make person pure and healthy , physically as well as spiritually.
Communal benifits:
• It creates brotherhood amongst the Muslims.
• It create sense of equality and discourage discrimination.
• It maintains relation with the society because of interacting on daily basis.
• It creates uniformity, discipline and Unity in the Muslims.
• In congregation ,it bridges the gap between rich and poor.
Importance of Mosque
• It literally means the place of Prayer. It is called Masjid in Arabic.
• The first Mosque that was built in Madinah was the Mosque of Prophet (PBUH) " There is a
Mosque; which laid from the first day of piety" (9:108)
• Mosque can used for different purposes.
• Used for daily prayers
• Friday and Eid prayers.
• Missionary activities.
• Political and social gathering for the sake of Islam
• Educational institute (Madarsa)
• In Ramadan it can be used for Tarawih and Itikaf
• Nikah ceremony.
• The funeral prayers (Janazah)
• However their are restrictions for Mosque ,which should be observed
• Buying and selling is not allowed. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Sexual practices are prohibited.
• Speaking Loud


• Eating and drinking e.t.c l
• When one enters the mosque , he should perform two units of prayer (Tahiya-tul-Masjid).
• The merit of praying in a mosque with congregation exceeds the eward of praying at home .
According to a tradition " One reward is recorded for praying at home , 25 for praying in the
tribal mosque ,500 for praying in a public mosque, 1000 for praying in the Prophet's Mosque
in Madinah, 50000 for praying at Mosque of Jerusalem and 100000 for praying in the
Kaabah" (Ibn e Majah)
Conditions of Prayer
• The conditions for the Prayer are nine:
• Islam;
• Sanity;
• Reaching the age of Maturity;
• Lack of Ritual Impurity (i.e. Ablution);
• Removal of Filth;
• Covering the ‘Awrah; (Satar)
• The entrance of the proper time;
• Facing the Qiblah;
• The Intention.
How to Prepare for Prayer
• In order to say prayer one must be clean and pure.
• The Holy Quran says about purification " Surely, Allah loves those who turn to Him and those
who care for cleanliness" (2:222)
• Cleanliness of body is called Taharah or Purification.
• It is important to remove all trace of impurities from clothes and from the place of Prayer.
• To have cleanliness of body one can have a full body wash or parts wash.
• It is very important to clean your body as Holy Prophet said " Neither the prayer is accepted
without purification nor is charity accepted of the ill-gotten wealth"
• The full body wash is called Ghusl (Bath) and the parts wash is called Wudhu (Ablution)

Ghusl( Purity from major Impurities)

• Ghusl means to wash or the act of washing the whole body.
• It is performed to get purified from the major impurities.
• Allah commands bathing in the following words " If you are in a state of ceremonial impurity
bath your whole body" (Maida 5:6)
• The major impurities happen due to different reasons like marital relations, wet dreams. menstruation
period of women or the period of child birth e.t.c
• It is obligatory to take bath when a person is in the state of major impurity.
• Following is the method of getting purified from Ghusl.
• Intension must be made.
• Washing both hands till the wrists.
• Impurities should be removed.
• Ablution can also be made. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Gargling and sniffing water into nostril three times is obligatory.
• Water is poured on while body at least three times.
• No portion of the body remains dry , water should reached even the hair roots.
Wudhu (Purity from Minor impurties)
• Wudhu is also essential for prayers. One cannot say prayer without making wudhu.
• It is made to remove minor impurities which cause due to different reasons like:


• Natural discharges.
• Flow of blood or pus
• full mouth vomiting
• falling asleep.
• Touching the private parts e.t c
• Allah says " O you who believe! When you prepare for prayer wash your faces and your hands
(and arms) to the elbows; rub your heads ( with water) and (wash) your feet to the ankles" (5:6
Al Maida)
• In order to make wudhu following steps are taken:
• Wash both hands up to the wrist.
• Gargle three times
• Sniff up eater with nostrils using right hand and left hand to clean the nose.
• Wash face three times from forehead to chin and from lobe of one ear to another.
• Wash the right arms then the left arm up to the elbow.
• Then the wet palms are moved over head, starting from the top of forehead to the back and passed
over the back of the head to the neck, wet figures are used to clean both the ears inside and outside
• Finally both feet are washed to the ankles three times.
• Wudhu removes sins of the person and it also contains many blessings as it is said by Prophet
(PBUH) " On the day of Resurrection, I shall be able to spot my people by their faces and
hands and feet, which will be shinning on account of Wude" (Agreed)
Dry Ablution (Tayammum)
• It is the alternative of Wudu or Ghusl.
• It is made with clean dust, like gypsum, stone or sand.
• It is permissible on following conditions
• When water is not available.
• When there is a fear that enemy might attack.
• One cannot use water because of sickness.
• Allah says " .......and you find no water then take for yourself clean sand or earth and rub there
with your faces and hands...." ( 5:6 Al Maidah)
• A person makes intention, mentions Allah's name, strike his hands on sand and wipe his hands on his
face and his arms up to the elbow
• Tayammum becomes invalid immidialty with the availability of water.
How to attend Prayer
Method of Prayer
• Intention : face towards Qiblah, eyes on spot of Sajdah and Making Niyyah.
• Takbir Tahrima : Raising Hands facing towards Qiblah saying (Allah o Akbar)
• Qiyam: Man folding hands on navel and female on their chest.
• Sana: (Subha' na Kallahumma......)
• Tawuz : (Audhu Billahi Minash shaitanir rajim)
• Tasmiyah: (Bismmillahir rahmanir rahim)
• Qirat: Surah Fatihah and any other Surah. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Ruku: Bowing down by placing hands on your knees.
• Tasbih Ruku: (Subhana Rabbiyal Azim)
• Tasmih: standing up saying (Sami Allahu liman Hamidah)
• Tamhid: (Rabbana lakal hamd)
• Qumah or Itidal: standing before Sajdah
• Sajdah: Prostrate on seven body parts.
• Tasbihe Sajdah: (Subhana Rabbial A'la) three times.
• Jalsa: Sitting between two sajdah


• Tashahud: Sitting after second Sajdah
• Durud and Dua: Followed by Tahiyaa
• Salam: Turning head right and then left saying (Assalam o Alaikum Warahmatullah)

Friday prayer
• Friday congregational prayer is obligatory on men only in place of Zuhr.
• It is the best day of the week and has special importance for the Muslims.
• Holy Prophet(PBUH) said " The best day on which the sunrises is Friday. Adam was created ,
and on that day he entered paradise, and on that day he was expelled from paradise. And the
hour will come to pass on Friday " (Sahi Muslim).
• Some people are also exempted from Friday prayer. They are women, child, slave, sick or a mad
• This prayers can not be missed as Holy Prophet(PBUH) said "Whoever misses three Friday
prayers in a row out of negligence will have a seal put over his heart by Allah"( Ahmad, Ibn
• The time of Friday is same as Zuhr but units are different. Two units of fardh are performed in place
of units of fardh of Zuhar.

Method of Friday prayer

• Muslims are commanded to say their Friday prayers in Mosque.
• The Friday prayers cannot be performed alone. It must be performed in congregation.
• In case of missing Friday prayer it can't be compensated as Qaza.
• It is highly desirable that Muslims should cut their nails, remove unwanted hair, take a bath, and put
their best cloths for Jummah prayer.
• Prophet(PBUH) said " Anyone who takes a bath on Friday and cleans himself as much as he can
and puts oil (on his hair) or scents himself; and then proceeds for prayer, and does not force
his way between two persons and prays as much as written for him, and remains quiet when
Imam delivers the Khutbah, all his sins in between the present and the previous Friday will be
forgiven" (Sahih Bukhari)
• There are two Adhans for this prayer. When the first adhan is proclaimed Muslims required to leave
every kind of business and hurry to the mosque. Quran says " O you who believe! When the call is
proclaimed to prayer on Friday , haste earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah and leave off
the business; that is the best for you if ye but knew." (62:9)
• Second adhan is delivered before the sermon. In between these two adhans Muslims perform four
units of Sunnah prayer. Sir Saad Rafiq
• After this Imam preaches a sermon which is compulsory to hear.
• There are two sermons , Imam pause between both of them.
• The sermon includes praises of Allah, Holy Prophet (PBUH) and teachings of Quran and Sunnah.
• While sermon is being delivered, it is prohibited to make conversation or even recite the Quran.
• After the sermon Imam calls upon the Muslims to get prepared for congregational prayer.
• After two units of prayer which is offered like any other normal two units , Muslims offer their
remaining Sunn ah units of prayer.


Eid prayers
• Muslims around the world celebrate two festivals in a year Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha.
• Eid ul Fitr takes place on the first of Shawaal after completion of fasting during month of Ramadan.
• Eid ul Adha is celebrated on 10th of Dhul-Hajj. It is celebrated in remembrance of Hazrat Ibrahim
and Hazrat Ismail.
• On both occasions , special prayers are offered in congregation.
• Women, sick, slaves and children are exempted from these prayers.
• Both Eid days are the days of rejoicing and celebration . Prophet (PBUH) said " The days of
Tashriq ( Eid days) are days of eating and drinking (non alcoholic drinks) and of remembering
Allah, the Exalted" (Sahih Bukhari)
Method of Eid prayers
• As soon as son is completely risen the time for Eid prayers begins.
• There is no Adnan or Iqamah for Eid Prayers. It is preferred to take a bath , perfume and put one of
the best cloths.
• Salat ul Eid can be performed in Mosque, however following the Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH) it is
preferred to attend them in open grounds. They are also known as Eid Gah.
• As the time of Eid begins Muslims recite the third creed i.e Allah u Akbar Allah u Akbar La
Illaha Illaallahu Allah o Akbar Allah o Akbar Walillahil Hamd on their way to the mosque.
• When believers gather in mosque , Imam delivers sermon which deals with virtues of ramadan ( If
eid ul fitr), recalling the incident of Hazrat Ismael and Hazrat Ibrahim (If eid ul Adha) or any other
current issues faced by Ummah.
• As soon as general sermon is finished , Imam instructs believes to straight up the rows and get ready
for congregation prayer.
• Since these prayers are performed only twice a year, so for the convenience of believers brief
description of the method is also given.
• There are six additional Takbirs in eid prayers. Three of them are said in first unit after Sana, Tawuz
and Tasmia. The other three are said in 2nd unit before going to Rukoo.
• The rest of Prayer is identical to ordinary two units of prayer.
• After the performance of 2 units of prayers Imam preaches two sermon.
• These sermons contains the teachings of Quran and Prophet(PBUH)
• After sermon Muslims congratulate each other. This action is desirable as reported by Hazrat
Jabir "When the companions of the Prophet met each other on the day of 'id, they would say to
each other, ' taqabbal minna wa minka (May Allah) accept it us and you" (Fiqh Sunnah).
• Then musilms spend their entire day in different occasions , relative gatherings with joy and
Other prayers
Delayed prayer(Qada)
• Prayers is obligatory on every sane, adult Muslim and therefore they must be offered in a prescribe
• However their are several conditions when prayer can be delayed.
• If a person falls asleep , looses conscious e.t.c
• If a person is in undergoing surgery and can not perform it.
• Life threatening situation
• Forget to perform prayer
• One has to perform delayed prayer under above-mentioned circumstances, missing prayer is not a
option as Prophet(PBUH) said " There is no exception (for prayer) except prayer itself" ( Sahih


• Qada is only offered for fard prayer, however two sunnah of Fajr and Witr of Isha may also be
prayed if one misses Fajar or Isha prayer.
Shortened prayers(Qasr)
• The Qasr prayers is offered by those who are in journey.
• Allah says " When you travel through the earth there is no blame on you if you shorten your
prayers " (An- Nisa 4:101)
• A person is regarded as traveller if he crosses 77km from his home , within the boundaries of his
town or city he is not a traveler
• Intention of travelling is also necessary, If a person is making intention of staying somewhere for
more then 15 or 19 days ( differences in scholars opinions) , then he is not a traveler , he his residant
• For traveler, shorten prayer allowed in Shariah but for Muqim regular prayer must be performed.
• When a person qualifies as a traveler , he is required to offer two units of fardh for Zhur, Asar and
Isha prayers. For fajar and magrib, it is regular prayer.
• However, if a traveller is saying his prayer behind a resident Imam , then he has to offer regular
prayer, shortened prayer is not allowed in this situation.
• Private Prayer(Dua)
• Private prayer is a prayer which is not obligatory on believers , it can be on anyttime, in any way and
in any language.
• When a person is in difficulty , he prays Allah to over come his difficulties.
• When a person wants to increase his knowledge , his wealth, his opportunities , he prays to Allah.
• When a person want virtuous of piety , hidaya, a peaceful death e.t.c this prayer is performed.
• It should be performed every day, after every prayer as it is liked by Allah(S.W.T) .
Allah says "When My servant asked you about Me, say that certainly I am very near, I respond
to the invocation of an invoke when he calls me......" (Al -Baqrah 2:18)
• Nothing can change the predestination except supplication , Prophet(PBUH) said "Nothing can
avert the decree of Allah except supplication and nothing can increases life except virtuous of
deeds" (Tirmidhi)
• There are some occasions and timings which are most opportunity moments for the acceptance of
• The day of Arafat
• Month of Ramadan
• Friday
• At the time of rainfall.
• Between Adhan and Iqamah Sir Saad Rafiq
• The last part of the night " When it is the last third of the night, our lord, the blessed , the
Superior , descends every night to the heaven of the world and says ' Is there anyone who
invokes Me (demand anything from Me) , that I may respond to his invocation; is there anyone
who asks Me for something that I may give to him; is there anyone who asks My forgiveness
that I may forgive him? (Sahih Bukhari)
• During prostration , Abu Hurairah reported , the Prophet (PBUH) said " The servant is nearest to
his lord when he is prostrating to Him , so make supplication in this state" (Sahih Bukhari)


Sawm; The third pillar

• It is one of the five pillar of Islam. It became obligatory in the second year of Hijra.
• The Quran says " Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you
so that you may restrain again sins" (Al -Baqrah 2:183)
• Saum generally means to abstain from something. In Islam it means to abstain from eating, drinking
and bad deeds from dawn to dusk.
• Fasts are started when the new moon of the Ramadan is sighted and stopped when new moon of the
month of Shawwal is seen.
• Ramadan is the ninth month of Muslim calender. It is the month in which Quran was revealed. Quran
says " Ramadan is the month in which Quran was sent down......."(Al -baqrah 2:185)
Method of Fasting
• Muslims gets up early in the morning before dawn and take their meal, which is
called Sehri. Prophet (PBUH) said "Take Sahoor as there is a blessing in it" (Agreed)
• Muslims then make intention of fasting which is mandatory for keeping fast. Muslims intend by
using these words " I intend to keep tomorrow's fast of Ramadan"
• Muslims throughout the day abstain from food and drink which is called Imsak
• They should avoid hearing, seeing or doing anything that is obscene or evil.
• Prophet (PBUH) said "Fasting is not (abstaining) from eating and drinking only, but also from
vain speech and foul language. If one of you being cursed or annoyed , he should say: "I am
fasting, I am fasting."
• Muslims should live their normal routine , they should not over sleep or to complain of hunger and
thirst as this will minimize their reward.
• Muslims shorten their working hour and try to spend much of their time in recitation of Quran and
• Muslims break their fast at sunset. It is Sunnah to break fast with dates.
• Muslims break their fast by following words " O Allah! I fasted for you and I now break the fast
for you"
• After margib prayer Muslims prepared themselves for Isha and Tarawih prayer.
• Tarawih is the additional prayer which is of 20(Rakhas) which is offered in Ramadan after Isha and
before Witr.
• This is a Sunnah prayer in which Muslims try to complete their Quran.
• Arrangements are made in every mosque to recite the Quran.
• This prayer is normally performed in congregation but women should offer tarwih at home.
• The Prophet (PBUH) said "Whoever prayer during the nights of Ramadan with a firm belief
and hoping for reward, all his previous sins would be forgiven"(Bukhari)
• I'tikaf: Muslims withdraw themselves at Mosques at the end of Ramadan.
• This is because of the virtues of night of power which is referred in Surah Qadar chapter 97
• This night lies at one of the odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan.
• The Muslims perform atikaf to search this night.
• The blessings of worship in this secret night is better then worshipping 1000 months.
• Another reason of performing atikaf to earn more blessings of Allah.
• Fasting is obligatory on every adult ,sane and healthy Muslims.
• Following are exempted from fasting but they make up the days the missed.
• Travellers.
• Severe illness
• Old and unhealthy. Sir Saad Rafiq


• Menstruating women.
• Women giving birth.
• Underage children
• People in danger.
• Slaves
• The things that void fast are as followed:
• Eating,drinking, smoking
• Sexual intercourse.
• Mouthful Vomitting.
• Nutritional injections and medicines
Compensation of Fasting
• If fast is cancel due to any abovementioned reasons then kaffara, Qaza or Fidya has to be given.
• Kaffara: If fast cancels out by eating or drinking intentionally.
• It can be done by keeping 60 continuous fast after the month of Ramadan.
• If any of the fast is missed during this process, the counting of 60 will start again.
• If a person is unable to do so then kaffara is to be given by offering two times meal to sixty poor
• Qaza: It is done when fast is cancelled unintentionally.
• The same amount of Fast has to be performed after Ramadan.
• Fidya : If a person is not able to perform Qaza due to severe health issues than Fidya is given.
• It is amount calculated by 3/4 of the rate of wheat in place of every fast missed.

Benifits of Fasting
• It helps to build up character as fast teaches self-control because a believer renounces food , drink
and all other enjoyments willingly in obedience and command of Allah, to seek his pleasure.
• Person became aware of the conditions of the poor and create closeness to them.
• It also gives rest to stomach and body gets rid of fat and other toxic matters.
• Fasting brings man closer to Allah, The Prophet (PBUH) said "Allah says, "Fasting is Mine and I
give reward for it...."
• One can gain Taqwa (Piety) which act like a shield against evil actions “ Fasting is a shield and
protection from the fire from committing sins" (Agreed).
• It becomes easy to quit habitual sins. The main purpose of fasting is to avoid evil deeds and sin.
Prophet(PBUH) said “Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions ; Allah
is not in need of his leaving his food and drink” ( Sahi Bukhari)
• All previous sins are forgiven. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said "Whoever fasts in the month of
Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins
will be forgiven" (Sahi Bukhari).
• All good deeds are multiplied by ten times to seven hundred times.


Zakat ; The Fourth Pillar
• Linguistically, zakat has two meanings: purification and growth. Technically, it means to purify ones
possession of wealth by distributing a prescribed amount to the poor, the indigent, the slaves or
captives, and the wayfarer.
• Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. It has been mentioned, along with daily Prayers, over
seventy times in the Quran.
• It was made obligatory on second year of Hijrah.
• It is obligatory on sane, adult and Sahib e Nisab person.
• Sahib e Nisab is the person who hold a particular amount of wealth which made one reliable for
• Allah’s word commanding ".....and establish regular Salaah and give regular Zakat....." are
referred to in many parts of the Quran.
• From this, we can conclude that after Salah, Zakat is the most important act in Islam.
• Just as Salaat is the most important act of worship, which has to be performed bodily, so is Zakat the
main act of worship which has to be performed monetarily.
• Those who fulfill this duty have been promised abundant reward in this world and hereafter.
• Whoever evades Zakat has been sternly warned in the Quran and Hadith of the consequences.
Benifits of giving zakat
• Allah the Almighty says in the Quran: "The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of
Allah is that of a grain of corn. It grows seven ears and each ear has hundred grains. Allah
increases manifold to whom He pleases." (Quran 2:261)
• By giving Zakat, the following benefits are derived:
Individual benefits
• Gain the pleasure of Allah.
• Increase in wealth and protection from losses.
• Allah’s forgiveness and blessings.
• Protection from the wrath of Allah and from a bad death.
• A shelter on the Day of Judgment;
• Security from seventy misfortunes.
• Zakat payer pays his dues to Allah as an act of worship, a token of submission and
an acknowledgment of gratitude.
• It reduce the unemployment rate.
• It reduced criminal activities from the society.
• It raise the living standard of the people.
• The literary rate might increase in long term.
Communal benifits
• It reminds Muslims of the fact that whatever wealth they may possess is due to the blessings of
• Zakat functions as a social security for all.
• It also promotes equality in the society.
• It encourages the sense of brotherhood and reduces the gap line between rich and poor.
Method of giving Zakat
• The person who is giving Zakat must be a sane,adult muslim
• He/she must possess wealth in excess of specified minimum (Nisaab) excluding his or her personal
needs (clothing, household furniture, utensils, cars etc. are termed article of personal needs).
• It should be possessed for a complete lunar year.
• It should be of productive nature from which one can derive profit or benefit such as merchandise
for business, gold, silver, livestock etc.


• Nisaab is the amount of wealth, which makes one liable for Zakat.
• Gold :7.5 carat or exceeding from it.
• Silver: 52.5 carat or more Sir Saad Rafiq
• Cash: Equivalent to the rate of either gold or silver
• Rental income, articles : exceeding 200 Dirhams
• On the abovementioned list, the rate of Zakat is 2.5%
• Land: if irrigated by natural water like rain then rate is 10% if irrigated by artificial water like
canals and wells then Zakat rate is 5%. It is also known as Ushr
• Mines: Zakat rate is 20%. It is known as Khums
• Animals: one sheep per 40 sheep for the first 121, for 121 to 200 two sheep, and for over 200 one
sheep for every hundred.
• For bulls/ Cows/ buffaloes ,one year old calf will be given on first 30 cows, one two year old calf on
every forty cows.
Recipients of Zakat
• The recipients of Zakat, according to Quran are as follows: "Alms are for the poor and the needy,
and those employed to administer (the funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently)
reconciled (to truth); for those in bondage and in debt; and for the wayfarer: (Thus is it)
ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom." (Quran 9:60)
• FAKEER: people who are poor and who possess more than their basic needs but do not possess
wealth equal to Nisaab.
• MISKEEN: people who are destitute and extremely needy to the extent they are forced to beg for
their daily food rations.
• COLLECTORS OF ZAKAT: people appointed by an Islamic official Authority to collect Zakat. In
the absence of in Islamic official Authority, Mosques and Islamic Centers can collect the Zakat and
use it in proper ways.
• NEWLY CONVERTS: persons who have recently accepted Islam and are in need of basic
necessities who would benefit from encouragement by Muslims, which would help strengthen their
• SLAVES: slaves who are permitted to work for remuneration and have an agreement from their
masters to purchase their freedom on payment of fixed amounts.
• PEOPLE IN DEBT: persons who have a debt and do not possess any other wealth or goods with
which they could repay that which they owe. It is conditional that this debt was not created for any
un-Islamic purpose.
• IN THE WAY OF ALLAH: persons who have to carry out an obligatory deed, which has become
obligatory on them and subsequently (due to loss of wealth) are unable to complete that obligation.
• TRAVELLER: persons who are travelers and during the course of their journey do not possess
basic necessities, though they are well to do at home. They could be given Zakat in order to fulfill
travel needs to return home.
Non Recipients of Zakat
• Zakat cannot be given to,
• SYEDS: The descendants of Muhammad (peace be upon him). Abu Hurairah reported that Hasan
bin Ali(RA) took a date from dates given in charity and put it in his mouth. The Prophet said " Expel
it from your mouth. Don't you know that we do not eat a thing which is given in charity?
(Sahih Bukhari)
• HIERARCHY RELATIONS: To parents and grandparents. In the same manner one's children and
grandchildren cannot be given Zakat. Sir Saad Rafiq
• NON MUSLIMS: only Muslims are entitled for giving Zakat
Those who are able to give Zakat but still not giving to save their wealth, for those Allah says in the
Quran: "And there are those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of Allah, announce to
them a most grievous penalty (when) on the Day of Judgment heat will be produced out of that wealth in the
fire of Hell......"(9:34)


Hajj ; Fifth Pillar of Islam
• It is the fifth pillar of Islam.
• It became obligatory in the ninth year of Hijrah.
• It is an act of worship which is obligatory on every Muslims who can afford it once in his lifetime.
• It is done in prescribe days of the month of Dhul- Hajj .
• The hajj is commanded in the Quran - "And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto God for
mankind, for him who can afford the journey" (3:97).
• It is practise to sacrifice wealth, time , physical and mental energies and all comforts in the way of
Benifits of Hajj
Individual benifits
• Allah forgives sins who perform pilgrimage. The Prophet said " The person who came on
pilgrimage to the House of Allah, the neither committed an indecent act, nor indulge in any
disobedience of Allah, he will return home as ( pure of sin) as he was on the day his mother
bore him" (Agreed)
• It develops piety in one's heart
• After hajj, it gave chance to a person to began his life life in a new way.
• It brings the pilgrim closer to Allah, and he feels that all the barriers between him and his Creator are
• The sprituality gain from hajj, last for many days or even for lifetime.
• It develops humblenes in nature because a pilgrim wear two white sheets without any distinction.
Communal benifits
• It demonstrate equality and brotherhood amongst the Muslims.
• Interaction of people of all colours , races and all ranks.
• Bring pilgrims closer to Allah.
• Muslims of the world assemble every year, this annual meeting provides the muslims leaders an
opportunity to discuss thier common problem.
• People have opportunity to gain knowledge about Muslims of other countries.
Method of Hajj
• Wearing Ihram:It consist if two sheets of white un-stich cloth,One piece is to cover the Upper part
of the body and the other piece to cover the lower. For women Ihram is ordinary cloths covering all
the body.
• With Ihram some restrictions came. Now pilgrims cannot cut his nails, hair or bath during Hajj.
• They are forbidden to indulge in marital relations, hunt or kill animal. Men must not put on stitched
• The pilgrims should not cover head or face or wash head or beard with soap or use perfumes e.t.c
• Intention: Niyah is supposed to be made verbally at a place outside Makkah marked by the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) called 'Mawaqit'
• No pilgrims can cross Miqat without wearing Ihram.
• Talbiyah: As soon as pilgrims enters the state of Ihram, he proclaims Talbiyah in a loud voice. The
pilgrim should proclaim it through out whole journey as Prophet (PBUH) said" Whosoever makes
intention to perform Hajj and pronounces Talbiyah all the day until sunset, Allah the Almighty
will forgive his sins , and he will be free of sin as he was the day his mother gave birth to him".
• It is desirable to pronounce Talbiyah in a loud voice. A women should proclaim Talbiyah in a low
voice which she only can hear
• Tawaf e Qudm: Tawaf means going round the Kaabah. It is seven circumambulations of Kabah.
• It was built by Hazrat Adam (A.S) and later reconstructed by Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) and again at the
time when Holy Prophet (PBUH) was 35.


• It is 45 feet high, 33 feet wide and 50 feet long which is covered with black cloth.
• Kaabah is the first sanctuary where Allah was worshipped and forever it will remain the center of
• The Quran says " The first house of worship appointed for men was that at Bakka (Makkah),
full of blessing and guidance for all" (Al-Imran 3:96)
• It is also called Baitu-Allah, Masjid-al-haram and Bait-ul-Attiq.
• Muslims try to kiss the black stone attached at Kaabah.
• Muslims circumambulate 7 times during hajj and while performing Umra
• Holy Prophet said " Tawaf of the house , is like prayer, except that you speak while performing
it, but he who speaks must speaks only what is good (Tirmidhi)
• The Tawaf starts and ends at the black stone i.e Hajr-e-Aswad.
• The Pilgrims try to kiss it or they raise hand towards it.
• Sai': Pilgrims go to Safa and Marwa hill to perform Sai'.
• It is performed in the memory of Prophet Ibrahim's wife Hajira and their son Ismail.
• When Hazrat Ibrahim left his wife in the barren valley by the command of Allah, the water was
finished and the baby cried for thrist, Hazrat Hijra ran seven times between these two hills in search
of water.
• While doing this she left the baby on the ground. Suddenly water gushed out in the form of spring
near the feet of baby which is known as Zamzam.
• Muslims then shave their heads. A person may shorten his hair or shave his head but shaving carries
more reward.
• Shaving hair demonstrate one's sincerity to Allah without caring about the physical appearence.
• After this Pilgrims move towards mina
• Mina: On 8th of Dhul-Hajj pilgrims reached at Mina
• Mina is a plain 3-4 miles east of Makkah. Muslims reached there before noon.
• Pilgrims offer Zuhar,Asar,Maghrib and Isha prayers. They spend their night at Mina , offer Fajar
prayer of the 9th of Dhul hajj and proceed to Arafah.
• Arafat: It is barren valley six miles from Makkah. If one misses staying at Arafah, the pilgrimage
shall be void , The Prophet (PBUH) said" Hajj is halting at Arafah"
• The stay at Arafat is called Wuquf-e-Arafat where pilgrims spend their day in Talbiyah, Istigfar,
Salah e.t.c
• Holy Prophet (PBUH) said " There is no day on which Allah sets free more servants from the
fire than on the day of Arafah, and verily He comes near ( with forgiveness and then take
glorifications from the angels. Then He says" What do these people want? " (Sahih Muslim).
• After the sermon and Dua , the combined prayers of Zuhr and Asar are offered at Arafat.
• At sunset without offering magrib prayer pilgrims leave Arafat for Muzdhailfa
• Muzhailfa: It is a place 6 miles from Makkah between Mina and Arafat.
• This place is also called " Mashar-al- Haram. The combined prayers of Maghrib and Isha are
offered followed by night stay of the ninth Dhulhajj.
• During this stay Pilgrims collect 49 pebbles for stonning.
• After Fajar of 10th of Dhulhajj at Muzdhalifa, Pilgrims leave for Mina.
• Rami: On reaching Mina the pilgrims go 'Jammarah tul Aqaba" and throw seven pebbles. This is
observed in the memory of Hazrat Ibrahim.
• When Hazrat Ibrahim was on his way to sacrifice his child Ismai'l in the way of Allah, the Satan
tried to misguided him in three different places. Ibrahim (PBUH) threw stones at him which become
symbolic till the last day.
• Udhiya: Pilgrims than offer their sacrifices. This is also done on the memory of Hazrat Ibrahim who
was ready to slaughter his son in the way of Allah. Sir Saad Rafiq
• After sacrifice all the pilgrims shave their heads while female cut the lock of their hair.
• Following this all pilgrims are free from the obligations and restrictions of Ihram.


• Tawaf-e-Ziarat: The pilgrims the go to Makkah again for (Tawaf-e-Ziarat). It is as same as Tawaf-
• Ayam At-Tashriq (11th, 12th and 13th): In these days Muslims stay at Mina and they also
performed Rami.
• The three pillars Jammart ul Sughra, Jammart ul Wusta and Jammart ul Uqba are stoned.
• Tawaf-e-Wida: before leaving their homes , pilgrims must offer the farewell (wida).
• This Tawaf does not include performence of Sai. Hajj ends after this.


The Articles of Faith

• Belief in Oneness of Allah

• Belief in Angels
• Belief in Books
• Belief in Prophets
• Belief in the last day
• Belief in Destination
• Jihad and Its Modes


Belief In Oneness of Allah
• Muslims believe that Allah is the only one who deserves to be worshipped. This concept is known
as Tawheed.
• One third of the Quran lays emphasis on unity of God. It says " Allah there is no God but He"
• In primitive times man started to worship objects like rivers,trees e.t.c. Soon he learned that these
objects were dependent.
• After this, he noticed that cycle of universe must be controlled by supreme being.
• However , they believe that there are thousands of other gods too.
• They followed the ideology that they can reach God through saints and spirits. Allah rejects this
concept by saying "Had there been therein gods besides Allah then verily both would have been
ruined" (21:22)
• Tawhid
• Tawhid /Oneness of Allah is exactly against all these believes. It tells us that Allah is the only God
with matchless attributes "Whosoever is on it (the earth) will perish. And the Face of your lord
full of Majesty and Honour will abide forever (55:26-27)
• This concept was taught by all the Prophets i.e Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Isa, Hazrat
Muhammad(PBUH) e.t.c
• According to Tawhid, Allah is the personality who truly exist and no being can deny him.
• It refutes the ideas of sharing power, assosciates partner "...None has the right to be worshipped
but He, the creator of all things ..." (6:102)
• He is alone , and He does not needs anyone as a partner. He has no relations like son, daughter, wife
• Surah Ikhlas explains it in perfect way "Say! He is Allah the One and only"(112:1).
• Islam calls to the belief that The Creator, The Sustainor, The Cherisher is only Allah, who is the
only lord in this world and hereafter.
• He created entire world for man and made him from insignificant germ cell " ....Who created man
out of the congealed blood..." (96:2)
• He has the power to do everything. None of His intentions can be stopped from materilaization "
Verily , His command, when he intends a thing , is only that He says to it " Be " and it is !"
• He knows everything, every action and every movement. What has happened , what is happening
and what will happen, everything is in his knowledge " He knows what is happens to them (His
creatures) in this world , and what will happen to them in the hereafter " (2:255)
• He is the king and the Ruler and each and everything is owned by Him and is subservient to Him.
Nothing can happen without His planning and permission " His throne extends over the heaven
and the earth" (2:255) Sir Saad Rafiq
• Allah is the only one to be worshipped no other being is worthy to be worshipped. Surah fatiha
mentions "We do worship you and Your Aid we seek" (1:4).
• For worship , gratitude , help , protection man needs to bow before Allah.
• He has the Most beautiful Names and the Loftiest Attributes. No one can be named or qualified with
his names.
Types of Tawheed
• According to the leading scholars of Islam, there are three kinds of Tauheed: 
• Tauhid-ar-Rabubiya (Oneness of Lordship of Allah)
• Tauhid-al-Auluhiya (Oneness in the Worship of Allah)
• Tauhid-al-Asma-wa-Sifat (Oneness of the names and qualities of Allah)\


• It refers to the belief that Allah is Self-Existent; He is the Creator and the Sustainer
of the universe. ‘’ Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the Guardian over all
things’’ (39:62).
• Allah is the Law Giver and the Judge. It also to the belief that He is entirely immune
to all forms of human weaknesses and needs such as hunger, thirst and the need to
rest or sleep etc. ‘’…no slumber ca seize Him nor sleep…’’ (2:255). 
• He is above the grip of space and time, ‘’ He is the First and Last, the evident and
the hidden…’’ (57:3). 
• It refers to the belief that since Allah is the creator, He is the only one worthy
of worship. 
• All supplication, beseeching (Pleading) and imploring (begging) are due only to
• So we as Muslims, must observe all the religious practices such as prayers, Hajj,
fast and giving alms to the poor etc. for His sake only. ‘’I created Jinn and mankind
only to worship me’’ (51:56). ‘’ You alone we worship and Your aid we seek’’ (1:4). 
• Tauhid-al-Asma-wa-Sifat
• It refers to the belief that Allah is matchless not only in His Essence but also in
His names and Attributes.
• This belief includes that we must not name or qualify Allah except with what He and
His Messenger have named or qualified Him.  Sir Saad Rafiq
• None can be named or qualified with the names or qualifications of Allah, for
example Karim, Raheem, Rehman etc. ‘’And there is none like unto Him”(112:5).
• We must believe in all the qualities of Allah which He has stated in His Book
or mentioned through His Messenger without changing, twisting or ignoring their

• The opposite of Oneness of Allah is Shirk which means to assosiate partners. It means to share the
attributes of Allah with someone else.
• For instance the Arabs considered the angles as Allah's daughter, The atheists believe that the
universe is created by chance, the christans believe that Allah has a son, the idolaters believe that
besides Allah there are minor gods.
• The Quran rejects all these beliefs " How can He have children , when He has no wife"(6:101)
• Shirk is considered as unpardonable sin and its doer will never enter in Paradise "To ascribe
partners unto Him is tremendous wrong" (31:13).
• Sharing the powers, existance and other qualities of Allah with anyone else is not the lesson of
• It destroys ones faith and in life herafter those persons will suffer bitter consequences.
• Thus, one should not consider anyone else to be as unique and perfect as Allah.
Types of Shirk
• There are three types of Shirk, namely:
• (1) Ash-Shirk-al-Akbar, i.e. major Shirk
• (2) Ash-Shirk-al-Asghar, i.e. minor Shirk
• (3) Ash-Shirk-al-Khafi, i.e. inconspicuous Shirk.


Ash-Shirk-al-Akbar (The major Shirk):
• The major and serious polytheistic form, it has four aspects:
• Shirk-ad-Du’â, i.e. invocation.This aspect implies invoking, supplicating or praying to other
deities besides Allah.
• Almighty Allah says:“And when they embark on a ships they invoke Allah, making their
Faith pure for Him only, but when He brings them safely to land, behold, they give a
share of their worship to others,” (Quran – V.29:65)
• Shirk-al-Niyyah wal-Iradah wal-Qasd. This aspect implies intentions, purpose
and determination in acts of worship or religious deeds not for the sake of Allah but
directed towards other deities.
• Shirk-at-Tâ’a. This aspect implies rendering obedience to any authority against
the Order of Allah.
• Shirk-al-Mahabbah. This implies showing the love which is due to Allah Alone,
to others than Him.
Ash-Shirk-al-Asghar Ar-Riyâ’ (The minor Shirk, i.e. acts performed to show off)
• Any act of worship or any religious deed done in order to gain praise, fame or for
worldly purposes, falls under this minor form.
• Almighty Allah says:“Say (O Muhammad SAW ) : ‘I am only a man like you, it
has been inspired to me that your Ilâh (God) is One Ilâh (God i.e Allah). So
whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and
associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord.’ ” (Quran – V. 18:110)
Ash-Shirk-al-Khafi (The inconspicuous Shirk).
• This type implies being inwardly dissatisfied with the inevitable condition that has
been ordained for one by Allah; conscientiously lamenting that had you done or not
done such and such or had you approached such and such you would have had a
better status,e.t.c.

Belief In Angels
• The second article of faith is belief in Angels.
• Disbelieving the existance of angels is said to be going away from right path.
• Thus, believing them is equally important to achieve right path.
• Countless angels are created to worship Allah all the time " If they are too proud (to do the
prostration) , then there are those who are with your lord (angels) glorify Him night and day,
and never are they tired" (41:38)
Nature of Angels
• Angels are created by Allah with divine light.They are not visible to common man.
• They are neither males nor females and they have no relationships with each other.
• They are not the daughters of Allah as it was belief of polytheists before Islam. Allah says "And
they make the angels who themselves are the slaves of the Most Gracious (Allah) females. Did
they witness their creation ? ......" (43:19) Sir Saad Rafiq
• They worship Allah 24×7 and carry out his commandments.
• Angels are given wings, the number and size of their wings depend on their ranks. "Who (Allah)
made the angles with wings; two or three or four "(35:1)
• All angels are given separate task to fulfill,but commanly they are created to serve Allah.


• They cannot act upon their own will.They have limited knowledge taught by Allah."....but do that
which they are commanded" (66:6)
• They are inferior to man due to absence of freewill. To prove their inferiority they were ask to
prostate before Hazrat Adam(RZ)."Remember when we said to the angles "Prostrate yourself
before Adam........."
• They are used as a channel between Allah and earth (lailatul Qadr)
• Sometimes they came to provide aid to muslims ( Battle of Badr) "I will help you with a thousand
of angles ranks on ranks " (8:9)
• When a common man encountered them this meant that he was chosen as messanger. For example ,
Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Isa , Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) e.t.c
• When any nation rejected the messangers, Wrath was sent down through the angels in different ways
for example shout of Angel "It was but one shout and lo! They (all) were still (dead)"(36:29)
Duties of Different Angels
• Different duties have been assigned to different Angels.
• Hazrat Jibrael came to Messangers.He has the highest rank amongst Angels and is also known
as Ruh-ul-Qudus and Ruh-ul- Amin.
• He brings revelation to messangers and also ascended Mohammad(PBUH) to Mairaj.
• Hazrat Izrael who is called Malik-ul-Maut. His duty is to take souls. "Say: The angel of death,
who is set over you , will take your souls , then you shall be brought to your lord " (32:11)
• Hazrat Israfil will below trumphets on the Final day.
• Hazrat Mikail is given the responsibilties of food and rain.
• Kiraman Katibeen are assigned to record good or bad deed of every individual." But verily, over
you ( are appointed angles in charge of mankind) ... , Kiraman Kati been (Honorable writers )
, they knew all that you do" (82: 10-12)
• Munakar and Nakir inquire the dead in grave.
• Angels are also appointed in the Heaven and the Hell. The incharge of Heaven is Rizwan and the
incharge of Hell is Maalik.

Belief in Books
• Allah could not have left man without guidance. For man guidance , He revealed His books.
• The physical body of man is created with soil of the earth so the growth of it is related with the
things which is produced from soil.
• On the other hand the soul is created from divine , so to strengthen the soul one needs divine
knowledge from the heavens.
• Revelation is the divine and sprituial message which is sent by Allah to humankind so that they can
maintain the benificial life in this world and hereafter.
• Belief in Books is the third article of faith and disbelieving in books will deprived one from his
• The Books contain significant contents and purpose for Mankind.
• They all brought the common teachings that there is not god accept Allah." For We assuredly sent
amongst every people an apostle (with the Command) " Serve Allah and get away from
evil"(Al -Nahl 16:36)
Purpose and Contents
• Revelations is spritual communication between Allah and his apostles.
• They were sent on all the Messangers who were some 124000 in numbers
• These books are known as Divine book of laws. They contain the knowledge about Prophets ,
They tell us about the things which are unseen like Judgement day, Heaven and hell.
• The apostles of Allah received Divine books from different channels.
• Allah sent down His message through Angel Jibrael. Surah Shura mentions " It is not fitting for a
man that Allah should speak to him Except by inspiration, or from behind a viel or by sending
a Messanger to reveal with Allah's permission what Allah's will" (42:51).
• By these books man recognized the glory of Allah about which man was unaware.
• Moreover, the message contains about the laws and the obligations. Obligations like Prayer, Zakat,
e.t.c. Laws like Prohibition of Drinking , gambling , rules of inheritance , rights of women e.t.c
• A person learn about other creatures like angels, jinns. He learn about the creation of Allah that
is Sun(Shams) Moon(Qamr) stars(Kaukab). He learn that how the heavens and earth were created by
Allah. Sir Saad Rafiq
• Different books were meant for different communities. All those nations who were unaware about
their creator and were practising the immortal activities on earth , Allah communicate with them with
his divine method i.e revelation
• Different messangers were sent down to explain these books. Allah not only sent the books but
also send his Messengers to delivered his message correctly and clearly to his people.
Names of Books
• Revealed text were given to all apostles but Quran mentions the following names:
• Suhufe-e-Ibrahim the booklets given to Hazrat Ibrahim (RA)
• Torah it was revealed to Hazrat Musa (A.S) in Hebrew language. Allah says "Verily, We did send
down the Torah (O Moses) therein was guidance and light" (5:44)
• Bani Israel failed to act upon Torah and they made changes in their book.
• Zabur(Psalms) This book was granted to Hazrat Dawood(A.S) " ....and to David
We gave Psalms" ( 4:163)
• Injeel : This book was granted to Hazrat Isa "....and We gave him the Gospel, in Which was
guidance and light and confirmation of the Torah that had come before it...." (5:46)
• The book Injeel also got corrupted.
• The Holy Quran: It was the final message of Allah to his final Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH)
• In this book there is confirmation of previous books " And We have sent down to you the Book (
this Quran) in truth , confirming the scripture that came before it and a witness over it (old
scriptures). "(5:48).
• The Quran abrogated the previous scriptures , in it there is everlasting guidance for the mankind "
Verily , this Quran guides to that which is most just and right .." (17:9)
• All the books which were sent were destroyed, altered, changed or corrupted but the responsibilty of
Holy Quran is taken by Allah himself " Indeed it is We who revealed this reminder and We will
surely guard it" (15:9) Sir Saad Rafiq
• Other reveled text were limited in scope and commandments.Whereas, the Quran is universal in
scope and sent for all Mankind. The teachings of Quran sum up all the teachings of previous books.
• The miracle of Quran in comparison to other scriptures is that it can be learn and memorized easily.
There were many few memorizars of the previous scriptures when they were not corrupted but by
Allah's will there are countless memorizars of Quran today.

Belief in Prophets
• Allah sent one hundred twenty four thousand messengers for the guidance of mankind. The Quran
only mentions about twenty five.
• They came to all parts of the world . The Holy Quran says "And there is not a nation but a warner
has passed among them " (35:24)
• The chain of the prophets start with Adam (A.S) and finished on Mohammad (PBUH)
• They were chosen by Allah " Allah knows better to whom to place His message"(6:125)


• Some were given new books and law , they are known as Rasool, some of them were not given new
books but given the responsibility to carryout commands of previous book such prophets are known
as Nabi
• We must believe on the arrival of all the messangers which were sent by Allah and we must respect
them all.
Characterstics of the Messangers
• There are several evidences present in Quran and Hadith which tell about the Messangers, Even the
first man on the earth was the messanger of Allah.
• All the messangers possessed similar nature like ordinary man.
• All the messangers were human beings.They recevied a natural birth like others.
• They were also dependent on different necassities of life for survival.
• They were also taught the language of thier nation " We sent an apostle except (to teach) in the
language of his people in order to make (things) clear to them" (14:4)
• They led a simple life and lived normally.
• They got married and had children. " ....and We appointed for them wives and offsprings
• They also worked for thier living (common job was shepherd) as Prophet(PBUH) mentioned " All
the pervious messengers worked as shepherd, I also looked after the sheep of Quriash in return
of Qarirat (Coin) ".This practice was actually done for developing patience in them.
• They all were perfect in terms of thier conduct and moral values. They never did in any sins but
being a human they did mistakes but Allah corrected them like Hazrat Adam ate the forbidden fruit
• They never worshiped any other diety except Allah. There main purpose and duty was to invite
people towards the oneness of Allah .
• They were chosen as Allah's apostle in different occasions and situations, like Hazrat Mohammad
(PBUH) was chosen at cave of Hira, Hazrat Mosa was given the divine message on Mount of T'ur.
Hazrat Isa received revelation when he was just born.
• They brought clear signs and evidence like Hazrat Musa's staff would turn into a moving snake,
Hazrat Isa miraculous birth e.t.c
• Thier patince was also checked by Allah like Hazrat yunus was swallowed by a whale, Hazrat Ayub
was suffered problems for many years but they were steadfast and determinant
• When they were rejected , Allah helped them by sending wrath to thier nations
• Surah Al-Anbiya highlight " Not one of the populations which we destroyed believed (in the
message) " (21:6) Sir Saad Rafiq
• Some were also assassinated on delivering God's message and some of them were beaten by non
believes like Holy Prophet (PBUH) received fatal injuries by the people of Taif.
• They also died like other humans because they all were Mortal.Allah is the only one who is free from
Names of Messanger
• Few of them are Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Yusuf, Hazrat Yunus, Hazray Ayyub, Hazrat Daud,Hazrat
Ibrahim,Hazrat lut,Hazrat Hud, Hazrat Isa and Muhammad(PBUH).
• They were also given different titles like Khalil ul Allah was the title given to Hazrat Ibrahim which
means the friend of Allah.
• Kaleem ul Allah was the title given to Moses which means one who communicates with Allah.
• Habib ul Allah was the title given to Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) which means the person which
Allah loves the most.
• Hazrat Mohammed (PBUH) was the final messaanger of Allah and seal of Prophet hood.
• No prophet are going to come after him, the doors of Prophecy are closed after arrival
of Prophet(PBUH) in this world.
• His message is everlasting and covers all the previous guidance given by previous messengers.


• His(PBUH) Sunnah and message Quran is the only way to success as he himself mentioned on the
plain of Arafat " I am leaving behind two things if you will hold them fast you will never be
misguided, The Quran and my Sunnah".

Belief In The last Day

• Belief in the resurrection and the last day is the fifth article. Every Muslim must believe in life after
• Denial of this belief make other believes meaningless. Therefore, for attainment of Hidaya one
should belief in in final day.
• The day of Judgement is divided intro three different stages
• Qayamah (Dooms day)
• Resurrection day ( Hashr)
• Final Judgment
• Life will end at appointed time. It is the universal truth that everything created will reach to its end.
• Surah Al Anbiya mentions" Every human being is bound to taste death; we test you through the
bad and the good by way of trail and unto us you all must return"21:35
• When a person dies and his grave is closed, Qayamate Sughra or lesser judgement begins to him.
• Angels Munakir Nakir visit the dead and ask him about his Religion,Prophet and Qibla.On the basis
of answer his grave will respond to him.
• The place is known as Barzakh where person will stay till Judgement day.
• The Day of Judgment time in only known to Allah but according to the Hadiths, there are signs
which will take place before the last day.
• Dajjal, yog and magog,Imam mehdi ,arrival of Hazrat Isa, Rising of Sun from west are some of
• After all signs will take place, Allah will order Hazrat Israfil to blow the trumphet. Then the day will
accour , which was warned by all the Messengers of Allah.
• On that they of clamour and noise. People will be running in confusion "(It is) a day whereon Men
will be like moths Scattered about. And the mountains will be like carded wool" (Al- Qariah
101:4-5). Sir Saad Rafiq
• It is the day when mother will forget about their children ; everyone will be concerned about his own
self ""The Day you shall see, every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling-baby and every
pregnant shall drop her load (Unformed) (22:2)
• Earth will produce disastrous earthquakes, stars will be dim, sun and moon will be joined
together and oceans will boil over.
• Every one will die on that day even the angels , jinns and all other creation will taste the death. The
Prophet(PBUH) said " On the day of Judgment Allah will hold the whole earth and fold the
heaven with His right hand and say " I am the king :Where are kings of the world ? (Sahi
• After this whole new world will be created by the will of Allah. The earth will be rentered asunder
and the mountains will blown away " One day We shall remove the mountains and you will see
the earth as a level stretch" (20.100).


Resurrection day
• The second trumpet will be blown by Hazrat Israfil and there will be resurrection of all the creation
of Allah.
• All dead will rise for their accountablity. " Then will a second one be sounded when behold they
will be standing and looking on ! And the Earth will shine with the glory of its lord : the
Record (Of Deeds) will be placed (Open) (68-69 Zumr)
• This process is called Resurrection or Hashr. A new world will emerge with new sky. All human
beings who had lived on this earth since it's inception will came back to life.
• Allah asks " Does man think that we cannot assemble his bones ?" ... (75:3-4) and says " You
were lifeless and He gave you life and He will cause you to die and will bring you again to life "
( Al Baqrah 2:28).
• Then all raised will move towards the plain of Arafat for final Judgement.
Judgement day
• The Quran gives vivid details of Judgement day. The people will await judgement in sorted groups
• There then books of deeds will open. " And the Books ( Of deeds) will be placed (before you) ;
and you will see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein" ( 18:49)
• The body organs will bear witness.
• Prophets will bear witness against thier respective people.
• Every ant's wieght of good and bad will be judged there.
• No compensation will be accepted and no excuses will be accepted.
• Parents,children and relatives will be of no use and every individual will be on its own and will
experience the heat of the day.
• Then after the weighting of deeds those who have incurred Allah's pleasure will be given records
from the right.
• Those who have incurred Allah's displeasure will be given record from thier left hand or from
behind. Sir Saad Rafiq
• On this basis individuals will be sent to heaven or hell.
• The decision of hell or heaven will rest with Allah since He will be the soul judge.

Belief In Allah's Predestination & Decree

• Belief in predestination is an article of faith. Muslims believe that everything good or bad is
predestined by Allah.
• Allah is All -Knowing and He knows everything before the creation of the universe " And He
knows whatever there is in the land and in the sea; not a leaf falls but He knows it. There is no
grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a clear record"
(6:59)There are two types of Taqdeer:
• Taqdeer Mubram : The decisions which can never be changed .It is also known as Qadr
• Taqdeer Muallaq: The decisions which are suspended and changes with one's act. It is also known
as Qadar
Allah's Predestination.
• Qadr is that which has been destined and Qadar is the destiny which is designed timely.
• We believe that Allah is Absolute controller and everything He created in this universe
is predetermined which we call Al- Qadr.
• The things which is already destined by Allah are in three different stages.
• Firstly, fifty thousands year prior to the creation of this world when Allah recorded everything
in Lahu e Mahfooz.
• Prophet(PBUH) said "Verily , the first thing Allah created was the pen.He said to it:"Write.'it
replied:'My Lord, what should I write?' So He said :'Write all that will accour and all that has
accoured.'so in that hour,everything that will accour until Day of Recompense was recorded".
• Secondly, after the creation of Hazrat Adam when Allah took out all the progeny of Hazrat Adam
and asked them 'Am I not your Lord' and all of the human responded'we testify that You are
our lord'.
• Then Allah decreed to them who shall go to paradise and who shall go to Hell.
• This is due to supreme knowledge of Allah.
• Thirdly, it is written when a person is in his mother's womb.Allah send angel to put soul into a
• After putting soul, his lifespan,gender and other major things are written.
• The Quran says" It is not permitted to sun to catch up the moon, nor the night to outstrip the
day;each just swims along in its own orbit" (36:41) Al Yasin.
Freewill Of Man
• Human beigns are superior creatures (Ashraf ul Makhlookat).
• They have given choice to decide between right and wrong.
• Allah knows our every upcoming action but it does not effect our freedom of will.
• Though everything is predecided by Allah but man is responsible for his actions.
• Man has given the freedom of choice as Quran says " Verily, We showed him the way, whether he
be grateful or ungrateful (76:3).
• On the basis of our action our decree is decided on daily and yearly basis.
• This is known as Qadr where we decide the things with our actions.
• The decree can be change with prayers and good deeds.
• Prophet(PBUH) said " A humble prayer(Dua) can even alter your destinies"

Jihad and Its Modes

• The word Jihad comes from the root word Jahada means to strive or to struggle.
• Jihad means to strive with every gut to achive an objective as Prophet (PBUH) said " Whosoever of
you sees an evil action , let him change it with his hand , and if he is not able to do so then with
his tongue , and if he is not able to do so then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.."
(Ibn Majah)
• In Islamic terminology Jihad is effort to remove obstacles in the way of Islam. It may be internal or
• Jihad covers all kind of exertion or effort , whether physical, mental or material undertaken in the
way of Allah. Quran mentions " Then fight in the cause of Allah and know that Allah and knows
all things " 2:244
• Jihad can be done in three ways
• Jihad against self it is also known as spiritual Jihad.
• Jihad with tongue it is also known as Mental Jihad.
• Jihad with sword it is also known as Qital or Physical Jihad
Spritual Jihad
• Holy Prophet(PBUH) said that corrupt elements exist in all the nations.
• If these elements are not squeezed, they will develop thier cancer in all community.For the
elimination of internal corruption, spritual jihad is performed.
• Man is granted with freewill, with this he can chose between evil and good.Man has also been given
desires which is known as Nafs.
• These desire often devolp evil ideas and temptations.
• In order to be on staight path ,continious fight is needed with ownself..
• The fighting of man with his ownself is known as spritiual Jihad.


• The Holy Quran also asks us to purify our Nafs to attain success. It mentions in Surah Shams
"Successful is he who purifies (His nafs) and lost is he who succumbed (to nafs) (91:19 Al-
Shams) Sir Saad Rafiq
• Man has to overcome his Nafs to drop down the evil suggestions.
• Surah Nas tells that these suggestions came from different sources.
• Man's own evil temptations.
• Satanic temptations.
• Partner of Satan.
• To avoid this, a person has to seek Allah's protection to make devil withdraw.
• Holy Prophet(PBUH) trained his followers to do this mode of Jihad.
• Many usually follows his evil temptations when he gets involve in worldy luxuries.
• Man's purity,inner satisfaction and success can be attain with Spritual Jihad.
• Prophet (PBUH) said" The greatest Jihad is to fight against the evil passion of oneself" (kanz ul
Mental Jihad
• This type of Jihad is performed by tongue or pen.It is also known as Dawah.
• It involves intellectual and mental efforts of spreading Islam.
• In this, man needs to learn, implement and transform the Islamic ideologies.
• The weapons in this Jihad are intelligence, reasoning and the truth of Islam.
• Thus, due to involvement of mental abilities it is also called Mental Jihad.
• In this Jihad, believers have to answer the question raise by non-muslims.
• The Holy Prophet(PBUH) said " Wage war against the infidels with your wealth,your lives and
your speech".
• When a Muslim uses his tongue for protesting against the wrong , he is actually waging a war.
Prophet (PBUH) said "The best fighting (Jihad) in the path of Allah is (to speak) a word of
justice to an oppressive ruler" (Sahih Muslim)
• When a person engage in this mode of Jihad , he travels to different areas to spread the word of Allah
, Thus he also spends his wealth for the sake of Allah to attain rewards as Quran says " And spend
(of your wealth) in the Cause of Allah and do not throw yourself in the destruction" (2:195).
• Prophet(PBUH) himself ramained engage in this form of Jihad throughout the Makkan period.
• In response to thier question,Prophet(PBUH) silence them by convincing answers.
• One such example of this is Surah Ikhlas to prove the uniqueness of Allah.
• The Quran says" Therefore, do not yield to the unbelievers and make Jihad against them with
this Quran, a mighty Jihad" 25:52 Al Furqan
• This Jihad needs alot of tolerance and patience because it may involve harsh and abusive reaction.
• Preacher has to be decent, polite and forgiving (example of Taif).
• The preacher has to be well versed in the teachings of Islam; Quran and Sunnah.
• His character should not be questioning, and he should be a rigid follower.
Physical Jihad
• Some times when religious ideologies of Muslims and thier rights of worshipping are surpressed or
thier life,possession,home and country become under threat of some external force, the physical jihad
becomes obligatory.
• This Jihad involves physical struggle.Thus, also known as Qital.
• Physical Jihad is only practise when other modes of Jihad are fail.
• There are some conditions that must be followed before Qital.
• Muslim must be free and independent (example of Muslims in Makkah who were
not allowed to fight because they were dependent)
• Muslims must have social syestem of thier own and they must have authorized leader. (Example of
Muslims in Madinah where they were allowed to fight 22:39)


• Muslims should have sufficient force to encounter the enemy (preprations Prophet(PBUH) in
tabuk expidition).
Rules of Physical Jihad
• The rules of Jihad set by Prophet(PBUH) were strictly followed by his companions.
• When Hazrat Ali was going to invade khyber, Holy prophet(PBUH) instruct him by saying "Ali, try
to invite them to Islam, then try to make a peace treaty with them.If they disagree to both these
offers, then fight them". Sir Saad Rafiq
• This clearly instruct that primary purpose of Jihad is to spread Islam and maintain peace.
• There are other following rules which is instruct by Holy Prophet(PBUH).
• Muslims must not initiate fighting.
• Women,children,old and diseased must not be harmed during war.
• Fruit bearing trees should not be cut down.
• Halal animals should not be killed.
• Worshiping sites should not be demolished.
• Dead should not be mutilated.
• Captives should be treated kindly.
• If surrender, then peaceful treaty should be made as Quran says "...but if they cease let there be no
hostility except to those who practise oppression" (2:191)
Benifits of Jihad
• Allah promised mercy and forgiveness for those who fight in His way.
• A great reward is promised for those who spend their wealth for Jihad " The best of the believers is
he who fights in the way of Allah with his wealth and life " (Agreed)
• The person who dies in the way of Allah is known as Martyred and always remembered. in a
respectful manner. Sir Saad Rafiq
• He will enter in paradise without accountability as Prophet (PBUH) said " Fire will not touch a foot
which trod in the path of Allah "(Sahih Bukhari)
• The person who dies in the way of Allah , receives a spiritual pleasure and dignity from Allah, as it is
mention in Hadith " Nobody who enters Paradise likes to go back to the world even if he got
everything on the earth, except a mujahid who wishes to return to the world so that he may be
martyred ten times because of the dignity he receives from Allah" (Sahih Bukhari).
• It is step towards the truth and ultimate path of Islam.
• It develops a sense to stand up for poor, prisoners and all those who are in need.
• It may also mark the fear in enemies heart, and they might stop thier efforts to undo Islam.


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