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Santiago’s Magical Rules

and Procedures Manual
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am ecstatic about teaching your young wizards and witches! I am a novel reader who
has loved connecting the magical world of Harry Potter and learning into one idea that is
welcoming and uplifting to all students, no matter where they come from (wizards or muggles).
In my Hogwarts classroom this year, students will learn how to cooperate as teammates and
thrive as leaders.

However, before they experience the magic of

learning in my classroom, it is important to discuss our
House rules and procedures. Students will be asked to
follow rules that support their learning, their
environment, and others around them. The wisest and
most caring wizards are those who respect the rules
made together as a class. There will also be procedures
in place for how students will arrive in the classroom,
how students will stay focused when I am not giving
direct instruction, tardiness, preparedness, and
dismissal (as well as others).

Reward System
All of our classmates will be placed into a Wizarding House. The four houses are:
Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor.

Each house represents different values, all of which are important character traits that
make up an excellent wizard and friend. Each house will earn “house points”. At the end of the
month, the house with the most points will win the House Cup and a visit to Honeydukes (the
wizarding candy store) where the House will earn a chocolate frog and trading card.

As wizards-in-training, it is important for wizards to demonstrate the values that their

Houses’ represent. These values include intelligence & creativity, ambition & resourcefulness,
hard work & patience, and courage & bravery. In my classroom, the expectation is for all
students to try their best to uphold these values and to always strive to be a better wizard each

I look forward to a magical year ahead of us!


Ms. Santiago
Classroom Procedures
When entering the classroom, wizards should walk in, put their backpacks and broomsticks in
their cubbies, and grab their laptops. Once students are back to their seats, they will sit down and
(at voice level: zero) log onto SuccessMaker Reading to complete a Reading session until it’s
time for Morning Meeting.

While the teacher is busy helping other students with potion-
making or casting spells, students will be expected to stay on task and
engaged in their own learning. Students will follow the classroom agenda. If they are done with
an assignment, they will go on to the next activity listed on the board, if possible. If students are
waiting for instruction, they are expected to use extra time reading their (spell) books

If wizards are late to class, they should enter the classroom and quietly put their backpack and
broomstick away in their cubby and sit at their seat. The teacher will come around to greet you,
take your late slip, and fill you in on what we are currently learning/doing. Wizards will also
need to check the “Missed?” board and grab any assignments they have missed. They will be
expected to make it up when they have extra time throughout the day or take it home to
complete. Those who are absent for a full day will have a packet of missed work. The teacher
will explain each assignment with them, and students will have three days to make the work up.

Students need to come to school with their independent reading (spell) books, a
pencil, and a mindset that is ready to learn. If students are not prepared, they will
lose House points. If students need to talk or write out how they are feeling before
starting the day, they may write in their reflection journals or talk with the teacher.
If a situation presents itself as serious, Hedwig will deliver a message to the
parents informing them of the situation.

During the last few minutes of the school day, wizards will pack up one row of seats at a time.
Once all students are packed up, we will practice one last spell (class chant) together. After our
dismissal chant is over, students will line up according to the route they are flying home and wait
for the dismissal bell.
Rewards System
All of our classmates will be placed into a Wizarding House. The four houses are:
Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor.

Each House will earn “House points”. At the end of the month, the House with the most
points will win the House Cup and a visit to Honeydukes (the wizarding candy store) where the
House will earn a chocolate frog and trading card. The winning House will also receive 5 extra
minutes of Quidditch Practice (free time).

Houses can win points for the following:

 Following directions
 Staying focused and on-task
 Being especially kind to another person
 Everyone completing their homework
 Walking in line quietly and facing forward
 Earning 80% or higher with 20 or more questions on SuccessMaker Reading or Math
 And more!

If students are not following our class rules or procedures, their House will lose points. If
students are not following procedures, they will lose 5 points. If students are causing harm to
others or disrespecting others, they will lose 10 points. The number of points will be displayed
on the wall for students to see and check their progress. They will always be aware of when they
win or lose points based on the total displayed each day.

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