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Name : Nur Aini

Nim : PO.

Prodi : D-III Kebidanan

Class : XII-A

Assignment : English

1. Common Expressions :

a. Salam Terapeutik(Theraupetic greetings)

- Good............./Miss/Mrs..
* Morning/afternoon/evening
- Good morning, I’m midwife nur aini, i will take care of you today.
-Introduce my name is Nur aini

b. Ungkapan umum untuk memuji(praising)

- The child is very beautiful mom

-Mother looks very beautiful today

-Today’s mother looks very cheerful

-Baby’s mother is very beautiful

-Mother’s physique is very good

2. Grammar :

a. Membuat kalimat tanya.Kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang

keadaan klien pasca kelahiran dan menanyakan tentang program KB yang diinginkan.

-Do you still feel weak?

-What complaints did you feel after giving birth?

-How is mother after giving birth?

-Do you still feel pain?

-Are you having a headache?

-Can you walk alone?

` -After this,what type of birth control do you want to use?

-What next do you want to use birth control?

b.Membuat kalimat perintah. Kalimat perintah yang digunakan untuk memberikan instruksi
kepada klien.

-Mother after eating later,dont forget to take medicine

-Please,take a deep breath

-Dont worry to much about your baby,she’s good and healthy

-Enjoy your pregnancy

-Lay down please,I’ll check the baby’s heartbeat

-Please,eat less carbohydrate and eat more vegetables and fruits

-Bring your antenatal book for the next appointment

-Give you an example how to breast feed your baby

-I will assist you and help you breastfeed your baby

-it’s time to practice breastfeeding your baby

3. Vocabulary :

a. post nata terms

1. Labor =Persalinan
2. Give birth = melahirkan
3. Baby = bayi
4. Breastfeeding = menyusui
5. Blood = darah
6. Parturition = persalinan
7. Womb = rahim
8. Breast = payudara
9. Recovery = pemulihan
10. Healing = penyembuhan
11. Shrink = menyusut
12. Breast = patudara
13. Womb =rahim
14. Pain = nyeri
15. Tired = lelah
16. Stitches = lelah
17. Rips = robekan
18. Vagina = vagina
19. Perineum = perineum
20. Nutrition = nutrisi
21. Hair loss = rambut rontok
22. Placenta = placenta
23. Anxious = cemas
24. Stressful = stress
25. Insomnia = susah tidur
26. Afraid = takut
27. Bledding =perdarahan
28. Happy =bahagia
29. Emotion = emosi
30. Strechmarck = strechmarck
31. Discharge = keputihan
32. Change = perubahan
33. Take care = merawat
34. Mother =ibu
35. Cry = menangis
36. Consultation = konsultasi

b.Contaceptive methods

1. Contraception = kontrasepsi
2. Instrument = alat
3. Pill = pil
4. Injection = suntik
5. Pregnancy = kehamilan
6. Condom =Kondom
7. Implant = implan
8. Vasectomy = vasektomi
9. Tubectomy = tubektomi
10. Hormones = hormon
11. Spermicide = spermisida
12. Diaphragm =Diafragma
13. Senggama terputus= intercourse is interrupted
14. Calender system= sistem Kalender
15. Lactational amenorrhea method = metode amenorea laktasi
16. Type = jenis
17. Permanent = permanen
18. While = sementara
19. Sexual = seksual
20. Selection = pilihan
21. Woman =wanita
22. Combination = kombinasi
23. Planning = perencanaan
24. Contraseption = kontrasepsi
25. Method = metode
26. Progesterone = progesteron
27. Consultation = konsultasi
28. Womb = rahim
29. Estrogen =estrogen
30. Limit = membatasi
31. Child = anak
32. Family = keluarga
33. Offspring = keturunan
34. Delay = menunda
35. Fertility = kesuburan
36. Effective = efektif

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