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types of paragraphs

There are four types of paragraphs that you need to know about:
descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive. A quick
search around the internet will yield other types, but to keep this simple, it's a
good idea to consider just these four.

The descriptive paragraph: This type of paragraph describes

something and shows the reader what a thing or a person is
like. The words chosen in the description often appeal to the
five senses of touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste.
Descriptive paragraphs can be artistic and may deviate from
grammatical norms.

Narrative paragraph tells a story or an event. Events in

narrative paragraph should be arranged chronologically,
that is in the order in which they have happened.

Almost everyone narrates, reads, or listens to stories from

books, other people, or media. However, the audience
expects and needs more from a written narrative.
Therefore, a narrative paragraph must have a central idea
(what the story/event is about), characters (who it about), a
plot (conflict, complication, climax, and resolution of the
story/event), adequate description, and setting (when and
where the story happens)
The Expository Paragraph:

This type of paragraph explains something

or provides instruction. It could also
describe a process and move the reader step
by step through a method. This type of
paragraph often requires research, but it's
possible that the writer is able to rely on his
or her own knowledge and expertise.

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