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Example 7-1. What is the settling velocity of a grit particle with a radius of 0.

10 mm and a
specific gravity of 2.65? The water temperature is 22 C.

with the help of Appendic A
Input data
Diameter 2.00E-04 m
Partical density 2650 kg/m3
Water density 1000 kg/m3
Temprature 22 C
Kinamatic Viscosity 9.57E-07 m²/s
Dynamatic Viscosity 9.55E-04 Pa-s

By stoke's law

Vs 3.76E-02
Reynold No (R)

R 7.86E+00
R>1, so it holds Newton's equation

Cd 4.46E+00
Now velocity of partical

Vs 0.03108693
Again checking Reynold No
R 6.50E+00

Now by solver
Vs 3.76E-02
R 6.50E+00
Cd 4.46E+00
Vs 0.03108693
R 6.50E+00


Problem.1:Your boss has assigned you the job of designing a rapid-mix tank for the new water treatment
The design flow rate is 0.050 m3 /s. The average water temperature is 8 C. The following design

1 Number of tanks_x0001_ 1 (with 1 backup)

2 Tank configuration: circular with liquid depth_x0001_ 1.0 m
3 Detention time_x0001_ 5 s
4 Velocity gradient_x0001_ 750 s_x0006_1
5 Impeller type: turbine, 6 flat blades,Np_x0001_ 3.6
6 Available impeller diameters: 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 m
7 AssumeB_x0001_ (1/3)H
8 Design flow rate is 0.050 m³ /s.
9 The average water temperature is 8 C

Design the rapid-mix system by providing the following:

1 Water power input in kW
2 Tank dimensions in m
3 Diameter of the impeller in m
4 Rotational speed of impeller in rpm

Stage No#01
Volume determination for rapid mix tank

V 0.25 m³
Stage No#02
Using the radial impeller guidance fromTable 6-5, assum
For a round mixing tank
T 0.5419 m
H 1.0839 m

B 0.3613 m
Stage No#03
The required input water power can be calcu
A-1 in Appendix A and the temperature of th

μ =1.307x 10¯³ Pa · s.
P 184.22
Because the efficiency of transfer of motor power
motor power should be

P 230.27
Stage No#04
Using Table 6-5 , evaluate the different size radial
Below is a comparison of the ratios for the availab
rapid mix basin dimensions.

Geometric ratio Allowable range

D/T 0.14 – 0.5
H/D 2–4
H/T 0.28–2
B/D 0.7–1.6

Although the 0.5 m diameter impeller has a

it is satisfactory in all the other aspects and, there
Stage No#05
The rotational speed is calculated by solving

n 62.466
Problem.2: Continuing the preparation of the proposal for the Waffle treatment plant ( Problem 1 ),
design the flocculation tank by providing the following for the first two compartments only:

1 Water power input in kW

2 Tank dimensions in m
3 Diameter of the impeller in m
4 Rotational speed of impeller in rpm
Use the following assumptions:
1 Number of tanks_x0001_ 1 (with 1 backup)
2 TaperedG in three compartments: 60, 50, and 20 s _x0006_ 1
3 Detention time_x0001_ 30 min
4 Depth_x0001_ 3.5 m
5 Impeller type: axial-flow impeller, three blades,Np_x0001_ 0.43
6 Available impeller diameters: 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m
7 AssumeB_x0001_ (1/3)H
8 Design flow rate is 0.050 m³ /s.
9 The average water temperature is 8 C

Stage No#01
Volume determination for rapid mix tank

V 90 m³

Stage No#02
Using the radial impeller guidance fromTable 6-5,
For a round mixing tank

T= ((4*90)/(2*π))^(1/3)

H 5.7843

B 1.9281
Stage No#03
The required input water power can be calculated
A-1 in Appendix A and the temperature of the wat

At G = 60 sec¯¹

P 424.44 w
Because the efficiency of transfer of motor power
motor power should be

P 530.55 w

At G = 50 sec¯¹

P 294.75 w
Because the efficiency of transfer of motor power
motor power should be

P 368.44 w

At G = 20 sec¯¹

P 47.16 w
Because the efficiency of transfer of motor power
motor power should be

P 58.95 w
Stage No#04
Using Table 6-5 , evaluate the different size radial
Below is a comparison of the ratios for the availab
rapid mix basin dimensions.

Geometric ratio Allowable ratio

D/T 0.14-0.5
H/D 2-Apr
H/T 0.28-2
B/D 0.7-1.6

Although the 1.5 m diameter impeller has a

it is satisfactory in all the other aspects and, there
Stage No#05
The rotational speed is calculated by solvingEqua

n 0.5457 rps
32.74 rpm

n 0.4832 rps
28.993 rpm

n 0.2623 rps
15.736 rpm


Problem:01 The April census population of Providence, RI, was 161 ,000 in 1990 and decreased
to 174,000 in 2000. Estimate the 2009 population by (a) Arithmetic and (b) Geometric progress

Given data
Providence ,IR
ti 1990 Yi
tj 2000 Yj
tm 2009 Ym

Arithmetic Population
Ym = Yj +(tm-tj) [(Yj-Yi)/(tj-ti)]

tm-tj 9
Yj-Yi 13000
tj-ti 10

Now by putting in formula,we'll get

Ym 185700 ans

Geometeric Population
log(Ym) = log(Yj)+(tm-tj)[(log(Yj)-log(Yi))/(tj-ti)
log(Yj) 5.24054925
log(Yi) 5.20682588

log(Ym) 5.27090028
Ym 186984 ans

year A.M
1990 161000
2000 174000
2009 185700

Problem. 02: Determine the UBOD and BOD5 (in mg/L) of a mixture of 150 mg/L of Glutamine
(C5H10N2O3) and Glucose (C6H12O6). Assume the value of BOD5 first-order reaction rate
constant is 0.23/d (base e).


C5H10N2O3 + 4.5O2 → 5CO2 + 2NH3 + 2H2O 1

146 144 220 34 36
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O 2
180 192 264 108


Oxygen required for 150 mg/L of C5H10N2O3 = 147.9452

Oxygen required for 150 mg/L of C6H12O6 = 160

UBOD = 307.9452

BODt= UBOD(1-e-kt)

UBOD = 307.9452
t= 5d
k= 0.23 /d
e= 2.718

BOD5 = 210.43 mg/L

Problem.03: The total suspended solids for a wastewater sample was found to be 175 mg/L.
If the following test result was obtained, determine the size of sample used in the analysis.
Total mass of glass fiber filter = 1.5244 g
Mass of glass fiber filter plus reside after drying at 105 oC =1.5953 g

Mass of glass fibre filter
Mass of glass fibre filter plus residue after drying at 105
TSS 175
Volume of sample ?

TSS = (Mass of glass fibre filter plus residue after drying -mass of fibre filter)/Sample si

Size of Sample, L = (Mass of glass fibre filter plus residue after drying -mass of fibre filt

Size of Sample = 0.4051 L

0.10 mm and a
k for the new water treatment plant for treatment plant for the town of Waffle.
ure is 8 C. The following design assumptions for a rapid-mix tank have been made:

N= 1
d= 1m
t= 5 sec
G= 750 s-¹
Np = 3.6
Di = 0.25 0.5 1m

Q= 0.05 m³ /s
T= 8 ˚C

id mix tank

guidance fromTable 6-5, assumeH /T= 2.0, that isH= 2T

ter power can be calculated by using Equatio
the temperature of the water, find μ =1.307x 10¯³ Pa · s.

transfer of motor power to water power is about

e the different size radial impellers using the geome

the ratios for the available sizes of radial impeller

Allowable range
0.25 0.5 1
0.46124 0.92248 1.84496
4.33614 2.16807 1.08404
2 2 2
1.44538 0.72269 0.36135

eter impeller has aD /Tslightly larger than the allowable range,

other aspects and, therefore, is selected.

s calculated by solvingEquation 6-17 for

lant ( Problem 1 ),
compartments only:

N= 1
G= 60 50 20 sec¯¹
t= 30 min
B= 3.5 m
Np = 0.43
Di = 1 1.5 2m

Q 0.05 m³ /s
T 8 ˚C

id mix tank

guidance fromTable 6-5, assumeH /T= 1.5, that is

power can be calculated by using Equation 6-12.

e temperature of the water, find μ =1.307x 10¯³ Pa · s.

μ= 0.001307 Pa · s.

transfer of motor power to water power is about

transfer of motor power to water power is about

transfer of motor power to water power is about

e the different size radial impellers using the geome

the ratios for the available sizes of radial impeller

Allowable ratio
1 1.5 2
0.25935 0.38902 0.5187
5.7837 3.8558 2.89185
1.5 1.5 1.5
1.9279 1.28527 0.96395

eter impeller has aD /Tslightly larger than the allowable range,

other aspects and, therefore, is selected.
alculated by solvingEquation 6-17 for

1990 and decreased

etic and (b) Geometric progression.

vidence ,IR
Yi 161000
Yj 174000
Ym ?

mula,we'll get

161000 161000
174000 174000
185700 186984

ure of 150 mg/L of Glutamine

5 first-order reaction rate





d to be 175 mg/L.
sample used in the analysis.

105 oC =1.5953 g

1.5244 g
ying at 105 1.5953 g
mg/L = 0.175 g/L

-mass of fibre filter)/Sample size,L

e after drying -mass of fibre filter)/TSS

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