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The world of Nym was once a heavily populated, industrialized, and well traveled world. The fey
wild was predictable and contained. Entrances to the underdark were known and monitored.
Trade routes were well established, port cities flourished and the rich got richer while the poor
got poorer.
Of these trade routes, the most known belonged to the Dwarven clan of The Dirgebane.
The Dirgebane expanded its kingdom along the entire extent of the continent of Ryumar,
burrowing through the mountains east to west, along the northern side of the desert that is
now known as the Great Glass Sea.
The Dirgebane Clan established its trade prowess by transporting goods on a ‘highway’ under
the mountains, across the contintents. This high would bring goods from Korash and Ashanor
across to the other side of Nym without the cost/risk of a long journey overseas. The port cities
on the east and west sides of highway also prospered greatly since the dwarves refused to build
‘exposed and structurally inferior’ cities outside of the mountains.
As Nym became more and more civilized and structured, radicals and extremists started to rise.
The feywild cried out for their forests, jungles, and plains. The underdark rebelled against being
cut off from the surface world or their monitored comings and goings.

The darker races and more radical groups linked up together to push back against a world of
structure, order, and civilization. A caravan ventured out into the cradle of the world, and
secretly began working towards recreating a chaotic world. Their sacrifices, prayers, and rituals
were finally answered when an unknown dark deity granted them a sealed urn. The urn
contained the divine essence of fallen old gods. Dark chains of energy sealed the urn. The
group was given the instructions to find an a colony of dragons. If the dragons worked with
them to overthrow the ordered world of Nym, the urn would open and present the dragons
with the riches known only to gods. The contract would soul bind the radicals and the dragon
colony. Failing to overthrough Nym would pull their souls into the 9 layers of hell to serve there
as slaves for eternity. The greed and arrogance of the dragons drove them to take the deal,
willing to leave their current horde to do the bidding of lesser races under the promise of an
even greater horde.

The dragons began planning. They started by raiding the nearby southern coast of Ryunar, to
establish a foothold, and a place for the lesser races to amass their armies.
A traitor, by the name Raloferin, escaped the radical cult and attempted to warn the rest of the
world. He snuck aboard a trading ship and entered the west port city of Ryunar. His cries fell on
mostly deaf ears, he was excused as just another junkie who lost their mind. Raloferin tried
again and again, his cries eventually reached the ears of the King of The Dirgebane Clan,
Vokkolir Darkmail. Vollolir had grown bored with the trade empire he had inherited. Dwarves
were miners and warrior, not guild masters and stockbrokers. The Dirgebane Clan began
constructing massive weapons of war, just in case the rumors were true, for it would be a
glorious battle. The weapons would serve as good deterrence for any rival clans or otherwise
that threaten his empire.

By the time the dragons ceased their internal bickering and flew across the central desert
towards the mountains, they were met with an armed and prepared dwarven army.
Dragon and after dragon crashed down into the sands, their souls ripped from their dying
bodies in an intense flame of draconic power and hellfire. (they had individually failed in their
contracts and thus their soul were sent to the 9 layers of hell). The sands were turned to glass,
creating what is now known as the Great Glass Sea. The recruited armies of orcs, drow, goblins,
and the like were quickly dispatched or disbanded as they fled.
The dragons, grew more desperate as they now faced mortality and eternal damnation. If they
failed, they were damned and if the ceased trying to destabilize the world, they were damned.
The dragons began lending some of their magic to some of their devout cult worshippers to
create a hybrid warrior that could enter the dwarven stronghold and destroy it from the inside.
These finely crafted warriors would then spread across the world, creating chaos and recruiting
militias to bring down governments, settlements, and structure.

The dragonborn race was created. Their raids were highly successful. The dwarven kingdom of
Dirgbane was obliterated (Given their great loss at the hands of dwarves, the dragons focused
on punishing the entire dwarven race; they rooted out every mountain stronghold and
assassinated royal bloodlines). Empires were infiltrated and toppled across the world.
The dragons felt themselves grow weaker each time they lent their magic to create more
warriors. They began to have the dragonborn procreate on their own. This slowed the process
as newly birthed had to be raised and trained. As the race grew more and more diluted from the
pure creations, they began to question their purpose and goals. They quickly went rogue,
abandoning their assigned cause.
Things quickly unraveled from their as time passed but the damage had been done, Nym was
reduced to a few cities and ports. Feeling accomplished, the radicals and dragons returned to
the Urn, hidden away for safe keeping.
The radical leader removed the lid. As she did so, a voice rang out, “The world of Nym has not
been overthrown as promised. Structure, hope, civilization… all survive your pitiful efforts. None
of you rule over any of it. You contract has gone unfulfilled.” All who had entered the contract
were pulled through the plains into the 9 layers of hell where they remain.
Some empires began to form in Nym. Trade returned but much of the world was reclaimed by
the wild. Much of Nym remains separated and disorganized. Threats loom, groups and
individuals scramble for power, people are exploited. Nym has a long way to go before it can be
restored… or destroyed as descendants of the radicals attempt to finish their predecessor’s
work. Maybe in hopes of reclaiming them from hell or for fun.
200years since the war
Player Class Races:
The dragonborn race are heavily discriminated against Nym. Often referred to
“Scalebacks.” Once the dragons and radicals were dragged into the hells, the remaining
dragborn had few options other than to band together forming various mercenary groups.
Given their desperation to survive, these mercenary groups developed a reputation for being
violent and extremely effective. The more known groups are The Chain, The Sand Scarabs, and
The Final Solution.
The remaining dwarven clans in the world strove to reestablish the old kingdoms to their
former glory. However, the bloodlines had been assassinated or scattered about Nym. This led
to squabbling and warring dwarven clans over which clan reserved the right to rule. Those that
did settle their differences and set out recover the mountain kingdoms found they had bit off
more than they could chew. These former kingdoms of glory and honor were tainted with
infestation of orcs, goblins, and other creatures of the underdark. Reclaiming their homes
became a more daunting task than imagined.

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