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For Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition

The Drums of War, Thunder Once Again

Four years after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, tensions between the Alliance and the Horde begin to arise once
Intent on settling the arid region of Durotar, Thrall's new Horde expanded its ranks, inviting the
undead Forsaken to join Orcs, Tauren, and Trolls.
Meanwhile, Dwarves, Gnomes and the ancient Night Elves pledged their loyalties to a reinvigorated Alliance,
guided by the human kingdom of Stormwind.

The Faction War

The world of Azeroth is being split in two, because of this you must pick a side, all of the party must be playing
races of the same faction.

Ability Score Generation

Each ability score starts at 10, representing the average, but as you make character choices, you’ll adjust these
scores by applying ability boosts, which increase a score, and ability flaws, which decrease a score. As you build
your character, remember to apply ability score adjustments when making the following decisions.
Race: Each race provides ability boosts, and sometimes an ability flaw.
Background: Your character’s background provides two ability boosts.
Class: Your character’s class provides an ability boost to the ability score most important to your class
Determine Scores: After the other steps, you apply four more ability boosts of your choice (Each must be on a
separate stat. Then, determine your ability modifiers based on those scores
Ability Boosts & Flaws: An Boost or a Flaw either increases or decreases the ability score by 2. However, if an
ability score your boosting is already 18 or higher its value only increases by 1
When your character receives an ability boost, the rules indicate whether it must be applied to a specific ability
score or to one of two specific ability scores, or whether it is a “free” ability boost that can be applied to any
ability score of your choice. However, when you gain multiple ability boosts at the same time, you must apply
each one to a different score. Dwarves, for example, receive an ability boost to their Strength score and their
Constitution score, as well as one free ability boost, which can be applied to any score other than Strength or
The Human Spirit: When you are healed by a spell

Classic Races or an ability, you gain temporary hit points equal to

your proficiency bonus.

The Alliance Human Diplomacy: Proficiency in the Persuasion

The Alliance consists of powerful cultures and
groups bound not by desperation or necessity, but Every Man for Themselves: Advantage on saving
by their deep commitments to abstract concepts throws against the Stun and Paralyzed condition.
like nobility and honour. Humans of Stormwind Allowed Classes
The Alliance was once also known as the Alliance Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Gunslinger, Magus,
of Lordaeron when its leadership was centered Paladin, rogue, Scholar, Sorcerer, Warlock, Warlord,
in Lordaeron. However, the Alliance was forced Wizard.
to move the bulk of its forces to Kalimdor and to
the southern Eastern Kingdoms continents
of Khaz Modan and Azeroth after the plague of Dwarves of Ironforge
undeath ravaged the Kingdom In ages past, the dwarves cared only for riches
of Lordaeron several years ago. taken from the earth's depths. Then records
surfaced of a god-like race said to have given the
Humans of Stormwind dwarves life... and an enchanted birth right. Driven
to learn more, the dwarves devoted themselves to
Ten thousand years ago, the night elves founded a
the pursuit of lost artifacts and ancient knowledge.
vast empire, but their reckless use of primal magic
Today dwarven archaeologists are scattered
brought them to ruin. In grief, they withdrew to the
throughout the globe.
forests and remained isolated there until the return
of their ancient enemy, the Burning Legion. With no
other choice, the night elves emerged at last from
their seclusion to fight for their place in the new

Dwarves of Ironforge Racial Traits

Ability Score Increase: 1 Constitution Boost, 1
Strength Boost and 1 free boost.
Ability Score Flaw: 1 Charisma Flaw
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25ft
Darkvision: you have superior vision in dark and
Humans of Stormwind Racial Traits dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60
Ability Score Boosts: 2 free boosts feet of you as if it were bright light, and
in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft colour in Darkness, only shades of Gray.
Cultural Weapons: Humans are proficient in Short, Cultural Weapons: Dwarves are proficient in
Long and Great swords Firearms, Warhammers and Mauls
Stone form: Once per long rest as a bonus action
you can channel your earthen heritage to take on
the appearance of stone, whilst in this form you Nimble Fingers: You gain Proficiency in Sleight of
have immunity to critical hits, whilst in this form Hand, Engineering and Lockpicking
you are also immune to poison and the petrified
condition. This form lasts for 1 minute or until you Gnomes of Gnomeregan Allowed Classes
fall unconscious Artificer, Fighter, Gunslinger, Magus, Rogue,
Scholar, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Might of The Mountain: When you critically hit
with a weapon or spell attack you deal an additional Night Elves of Teldrassil
die of damage.
Ten thousand years ago, the night elves founded a
Cold Weather Training: immune to the effects of vast empire, but their reckless use of primal magic
cold environments and high altitude. brought them to ruin. In grief, they withdrew to the
forests and remained isolated there until the return
Dwarves of Ironforge Allowed Classes of their ancient enemy, the Burning Legion. With no
Barbarian, Cleric, fighter, Gunslinger, paladin, other choice, the night elves emerged at last from
Ranger, Rogue, Scholar, Warlock, Warlord, Wizard their seclusion to fight for their place in the new
Gnomes of Gnomeregan
Though small in stature, the clever gnomes of Khaz
Modan have used their great intellect to secure a
place in history. Their subterranean kingdom
of Gnomeregan is a marvel of steam-driven
technology, and their skill at both engineering and
the arcane arts has been a tremendous benefit to
the Alliance across numerous campaigns.

Night Elves of Teldrassil Racial Traits

Ability Score Boosts: 1 Dexterity Boost, 1 Wisdom
Boost and 1 free boost.
Ability Score Flaw: 1 Strength Flaw
Speed: Your base walking speed is 35ft
Darkvision: you have superior vision in dark and
dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60
Gnomes of Gnomeregan Racial Traits
feet of you as if it were bright light, and
Ability Score Boosts: 1 Dexterity Boost, 1
in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
Intelligence and 1 free boost.
colour in Darkness, only shades of Gray.
Ability Score Flaw: 1 Constitution Flaw
Shadowmeld: Once per short rest as a bonus action
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft you can turn invisible. You remain invisible as long
you don’t move, take damage, fall unconscious or
Escape Artist: Advantage on saves against spells or take any other actions. You cannot shadowmeld
abilities that reduce movement, grapple, or restrain whilst resting.
Expansive Mind: Gain proficiency in any Ellusiveness: Proficiency in stealth
Intelligence Based Skill, you also gain access to one
cantrip and 1st level spell from the wizard spell list. Touch of Elune: At night you have a have an
additional 5ft of movement, In the day the first
attack you deal on the first round of combat deals Draenei of The Exodar Allowed Classes
an additional 1d6 Artificer, Cleric, Fighter, Magus, Paladin, Ranger,
Scholar, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warlord, Wizard
Night Elves of Teldrassil Allowed Classes
Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Magus, Ranger, Rogue,
Scholar, Sorcerer, Warlord

Draenei of The Exodar

The Horde
The Horde (also called the New Horde or Thrall's
Driven from their home world of Argus, the
Horde) is one of the major political factions of the
honourable Draenei fled the Burning Legion for
mortal races in Azeroth, its counterpart being
eons before finding a remote planet to settle on.
the Alliance. The Horde, a faction led by off-
They shared this world with
worlders and composed of outsiders has survived
the shamanistic orcs and named it Draenor. In time
these obstacles by bonding together, fighting as
the Legion corrupted the orcs, who waged war and
family, comrades, or even uneasy allies. In the
nearly exterminated the peaceful Draenei. A lucky
Horde, action and strength are valued above
few fled to Azeroth, where they now seek allies in
diplomacy, and its leaders earn respect by the
their battle against the vast armies of the demonic
blade, wasting no time with politics. The brutality of
Burning Legion.
the Horde's champions is focused, giving a voice to
those who fight for survival.

Orcs of Orgrimmar
The orc race originated on the planet Draenor. A
peaceful people with shamanic beliefs, they were
enslaved by the Burning Legion and forced into war
with the humans of Azeroth. Although it took many
years, the orcs finally escaped the demons'
corruption and won their freedom. To this day they
fight for honour in an alien world that hates and
reviles them.

Draenei of The Exodar Racial Traits

Ability Score Increase: 1 Charisma Boost, 1
Strength Boost and 1 free boost
Ability Score Flaw: 1 Dexterity Flaw
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Gift of The Naaru: Your affinity with the Light
beings the Naaru allows you to heal yourself or
others as an action you heal a creature you touch an
amount equal to your level.
Orcs of Orgrimmar Racial Traits
Ability Score Increase: 1 Strength Boost, 1
Heroic Presence: Once per short rest you or a Constitution Boost and 1 free boost
creature you can see within 30ft can automatically
succeed on a saving throw against the frightened Ability Score Flaw:1 Intelligence Flaw
condition as a reaction. Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Gemcutting: Proficiency in Jewel crafting Cultural Weapons: You are proficient in Halberds,
Shadow Resistance: Resistance to necrotic Battle-axes and Great axe’s
Hardiness: When you are reduced to 0 Hit modifier, and regain a number of hit points equal to
Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit the total (minimum of 1)
point instead. You can’t use this feature again until
Touch of The Grave: Once per long rest you can
you finish a Long Rest.
cause any weapon or spell attack you make to
Blood Fury: Once per long rest as an action you can instead deal Necrotic damage; in addition, you
enter a berserker frenzy which lasts for one minute, regain a number of hit points equal to the damage
for this minute attacks or spell that deals damage, dealt
deals additional damage equal to half your level
Additionally, you have resistance to necrotic
rounded down. However, any healing you receive
damage and don’t need to breathe.
whilst in this form is halved.
Command: Proficiency in Animal Handling Forsaken Undead Allowed Classes

Orcs of Orgrimmar Allowed Classes Artificer, Cleric, Fighter, Gunslinger, Magus, Rogue,
Scholar, Sorcerer , Warlock, Wizard.
Barbarian, Fighter, Gunslinger, Magus, Ranger,
Rogue, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warlock, Warlord
Tauren of Mulgore
The Forsaken Undead Always the Tauren strive to preserve the balance of
nature and heed the will of their goddess, the Earth
Once mindless slaves to the terrible Lich King, the
gruesome Forsaken have overthrown his rule and Mother. Many of the nomadic wandering tribes of
now pledge loyalty to the wicked Banshee Tauren have gathered together under a single
Queen Sylvanas. banner to settle in the fertile plains of Mulgore.
Under her reign Forsaken armies have reclaimed Were it not for the timely intervention of the orcs,
the ruined kingdom of Lordaeron. Every day is a the whole race may have been wiped out by
struggle against vengeful humans who wish to wipe marauding centaur. The Tauren honour their blood-
them out, and a constant battle of wills against debt to this day, fighting alongside the Horde to
Horde allies who distrust the sinister motives of the protect their land.

The Forsaken Undead Racial Traits auren of Mulgore Racial Traits
Ability Score Boosts: 2 Strength Boosts and a Free
Ability Score Boosts: 1 Charisma Boost, 1 Wisdom
Boost and 1 Free Boost
Ability Score Flaw: 1 Dexterity Flaw
Ability Score Flaw: 1 Strength Flaw
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Endurance: Your hit point maximum increases by
Will of The Forsaken: You have advantage on
1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
Wisdom Saving Throws
Cannibalize: Over the course of 1 minute you can
consume the corpse of a Humanoid or Undead
corpse, if you do so you can spend one Hit Die to
heal yourself. Roll the die, add your Constitution
War Stomp: as an action you can stomp causing all in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
creatures within 5ft to make a constitution saving colour in Darkness, only shades of Gray.
throw or have their movement reduced to 0 and be
Regeneration: When you spend a hit die in any
unable to make reactions til the end of your next
way, you can’t roll less than the average for the
turn. (DC = 8 + Con Mod. + Prof.) This ability
purposes of regaining Hit points
recharges on a long rest.
Beast Hunter: Proficiency in the Survival Skill
Cultivation: Proficiency in the Nature Skill, and
additionally any attacks you make against a
Herbalism Kit, additionally you may use Wisdom as
creature with the beast type deals additional 1d10,
the ability for your Nature skill checks.
after the first attack that creature is immune to this
Brawn: You count as one size larger when effect until you complete a long rest.
determining your carrying capacity and the weight
Da voodoo shuffle: As a bonus action you can take
you can push, drag, or lift.
the dodge action this can be done a number of times
Tauren of Mulgore Allowed Classes equal to your Dex Modifier per long rest (minimum
of 1)
Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Mags, ranger, Shaman,
Warlord. Darkspear Troll Allowed Classes
Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Magus, Ranger, Rogue,
The Darkspear Trolls Shaman, Sorcerer, Warlock, Warlord.
Once at home in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale,
the fierce trolls of the Darkspear tribe were Blood Elves of Silvermoon
besieged on all sides by the warring factions. The
Long ago the majestic high elves created the
orcish Horde came to their aid, convincing the
splendid golden city of Quel'Thalas, built around a
Darkspear to sail across the Great Sea and settle in
magical fount of energy known as the Sunwell.
the untamed lands of Kalimdor. Though they cling
When the Lich King destroyed their capital in
to their shadowy heritage, the Darkspear remain
the Third War, the survivors turned to the Horde
vocal advocates of a united Horde, lending the
for help.
strength of their arms and powerful tribal magics to
the common cause. Now known as the blood elves, these refugees are
all that remains of their glorious civilization. They
strive to rebuild Quel'Thalas while struggling
against a crippling addiction to the very magical
energies that once built their empire.

Darkspear Trolls Racial Traits

Ability Score Boosts: 1 Dexterity Boost, 1 Wisdom
Boost and 1 free boost.
Ability Score Flaw: 1 Intelligence Flaw
Blood Elves of Silvermoon Racial Traits
Speed: Your base walking speed is 35ft
Ability Score Boosts: 2 Intelligence Boosts and 1
Darkvision: you have superior vision in dark and free boost
dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60
Ability Score Flaw: 1 Strength Flaw
feet of you as if it were bright light, and
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Arcane Affinity: You gain proficiency with the Deepening Shadows (3rd Level)
Enchanting Skill At 3rd level, you gain Darkvision out to a range of
Arcane Torrent: As an action against a creature 60 feet. If you already have Darkvision from your
you can see within 15ft. you can absorb some of race, its range increases by 30 feet. You are also
their magical essence, you make an intelligence adept at evading creatures that rely on Darkvision.
check against an enemy casters spell save DC. If you While in darkness, you are invisible to any creature
succeed you can absorb one of their spell slots of a that relies on Darkvision to see you in that
level equal to your proficiency bonus or lower that darkness.
you can use. And restore your own, you cannot go
Shadow Techniques (9th Level)
above your normal maximum.
As an action you can enter shadow form for 10
Arcane Resistance: Once per short rest you can minutes, whilst in this form you can only take the
choose to reroll a saving throw against a spell. Dash, Disagree and Dodge action, have resistance to
all damage and can squeeze through spaces as small
Arcane Acuity: You gain cantrip from the wizard
as a few inches. You can end this form as an action.
list that requires a spell attack. Additionally, if you
You can only use this ability once per long rest.
critically hit with any cantrip it deals an additional
die of damage. Shadow Dance (13th Level)
At 13th level, you gain an additional way to use
Blood Elves of Silvermoon Allowed Classes
your cunning action. As a bonus action you can turn
Cleric, Fighter, Magus, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, yourself invisible until the end of your next turn. If
Scholar, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard you make an attack or cast a spell you become
visible. You can use this ability a number of times

Special Archetypes equal to your intelligence modifier per long rest.

Shuriken Storm (17th Level)

These are some class archetypes which are unique
to the lore of World of Warcraft, most of them will At 17th level you can unless a torrent of precise
have some sort of restriction to race or faction. strikes towards your foes. As an action you can
choose a 10ft square that you can see within 60ft of
you and cause All creatures in that area make a
Subtlety (Rogue)
dexterity saving throw or suffer damage equal to
Subtlety rogues are the masters of the shadows, and your sneak attack.
they strike unseen. They don’t have the lethal
poison-tipped daggers of the assassin or the
brawling prowess of the outlaw, but their acumen
on the battlefield and ability to hide in plain sight Shadow Hunter (Ranger)
are unrivalled. Some claim the art of subtlety looks Restriction: Darkspear Troll Race
like malevolent shadow magic—but no matter from
where their power is derived, these rogues are In the old days of trolls, even before the Zandalari
capable of performing devastating assaults on their Empire, the shadow hunters were the leaders of the
enemies, slipping away unharmed to strike again small tribes. Over time, as trolls gathered in great
without detection. Most rogues train their entire cities, their influence was lessened. Despite this, the
lives to learn how to walk in the shadows—subtlety position is still a highly respected one. It
rogues were born there. was Sen'jin's (Father of current Troll Leader
Vol’Jin) dream for trollkind to once again be led by
Dreaded Blades (3rd Level) shadow hunters, as they had in the past.
At 3rd level, you master the art of the ambush. You
can give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls The voodoo faith of the shadow hunter deals with
equal to your Intelligence modifier. beings they call the Loa. Supposedly, these spirits
are mighty entities that grant the faithful
At the start of your first turn of each combat, your extraordinary powers. By calling upon these
walking speed increases by 10 feet, which lasts voodoo spirits, the shadow hunter gains special
until the end of that turn. If you take blessings with which he can combat darkness and
the Attack action on that turn and that attack hits, help those in need. The abilities granted vary
the target takes an extra 2d6 damage of the according to the Loa the shadow hunter calls upon.
weapon’s damage type.
Chosen of De Loa (3rd Level) Master: you and the creatures you choose now roll
Starting at level 3, the damage die of any weapon maximum on your hit dice when healing during a
with the thrown property increases by one size (e.g. short rest. Additionally, any single target healing
1d6 to 1d8), you can also bind up to two weapons Ranger spell you cast, can target a second creature
with the thrown property to you whilst they are assuming all other conditions are met.
bound to you if you use them to make a thrown Bwonsamdi The Loa of The Grave
attack they automatically teleport back to your Whilst attuned to Bwonsamdi the first attack you
hand. make against Undead, Fiend or Monstrosities
additionally, can choose two Loa to attune too. They Creatures each turn deal an additional 1d8 radiant
are described at the end of this subclass. these pacts damage
are binding and cannot be changed. Additionally, you can cast spare the dying cantrip
You gain an additional Loa to attune to at 7th, 11th Master: The additional damage increases to 2d8,
and 15th level. the range of Spare the Dying increases to 30ft and
can be used as a bonus action also healing the
Commune with De Loa (7th Level)
target for an amount equal to your wisdom
Starting 7th level you can cast Commune once per
modifier, a creature can only be healed this way
long rest, to contact one of your chosen Loa spirits.
once per long rest.
Mediator of De Loa (11th Level) Additionally, you can cast Revivify Once per Long
Starting at 11th level you can select one Loa to be Rest
permanently attuned to, in addition to this you can
attune to another normally. Akunda The Loa of Storms
Whilst attuned to Akunda when you make a
Master of De Loa (15th Level) weapon attack with a weapon that has the thrown
Starting at 15th level you are granted the greater property, you can choose to make a creature within
ability of the Loa you are permanently attuned too. 10ft of the target to make a dexterity saving throw
or suffer 1d6 lightning damage
Loa Spirits
Master: The lightning damage dealt increases to
The Loa are powerful spirits which represent
2d6 and can affect 3 creatures within 10ft of the
aspects of the world and its culture, they are
original target, also, the original target suffers an
however uncooperative therefore you can only
additional 1d6 lightning damage.
attune to one Loa at any given time and can switch
on a short rest. Ogoun The Loa of War’
You can use your bonus action to make a weapon
Pa’ku The Loa of Winds
attack or allow a willing creature within 30ft you
Whilst attuned to Pa’ku you and up to 5 willing
can see to make a weapon attack as their reaction
creatures of your choice gain +10 movement speed.
you can do this a number of times equal to your
Master: You gain a fly speed equal to your proficiency bonus per short rest.
movement speed however, you must be on stable
Master: This ability is no longer limited. To your
ground at the end of your turn or fall, you can grant
proficiency bonus per short rest.
this to any of the 5 chosen creatures you can see,
for one turn, however you lose the ability whilst Elartha The Loa of Spiders and Treachery
they have it. Whilst attuned to Elartha or a creature of your
choice you can see have advantage on stealth
Lukou The Loa of Healing and Respite
checks additionally, the first attack you make
Whilst you are attuned to Lukou up to 5 willing
against a creature whilst hidden, must make a con
creatures of your choice also gain access to your
save or be poisoned til the end of their next turn. A
Regeneration Troll Racial
creature can’t be affected by this ability again until
Additionally, any healing spells you cast, heal an you complete long rest.
additional amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
Master: you permanently have advantage on
Each creature can only receive this benefit once per
stealth checks in addition to two creatures of your
choice you can see, additionally whilst a target is
under the effect of your poison, they suffer an
additional d6 poison damage from all attacks

Hakkar The Loa of Blood

Whilst attuned to Hakkar as a reaction you can
choose to cause the last target you hit with a
weapon attack to make a constitution save or suffer
1d8 points of necrotic damage as they begin to
Additionally, you can cast hold person once per
short rest as long as the creature has blood

Master: When you make a target bleed in this way

you heal a number of hit points equal to the damage
Additionally, you can now cast hold monster once
per Long rest as long as the creature has blood.

Krag’wa The Loa of Strength

Whilst attuned to Krag’wa once per short rest you
can cast Polymorph, however the only form you can
choose the form of a 1hit point Frog
Additionally, your jump distance is doubled.
Master: Your strength score increases by 2, to a
maximum of 22
Additionally, once per long rest you can cast the
Enlarge / Reduce spell, however you can only cast
enlarge on yourself and the spell doesn’t require
Urchin Constitution Dexterity
Creation References Slave (D&D:B)
Miner (D&D:B)
The Following Tables will provide the list of Ability
Boosts for each of the available Classes and
Backgrounds, In addition to their Normal features. Languages of Azeroth
They will also describe the religions, languages and Alliance
tool skills relevant to Azeroth Common: Humans  and all Alliance races
Darnassian: Night Elves
Class List
Dwarven: Dwarves
Artificer: Intelligence Boost Gnomish: Gnomes
Barbarian: Strength Boost Draenei: Draenei
Cleric: Wisdom Boost
Druid: Wisdom Boost Horde
Fighter: Strength or Dexterity Boost Orcish: Orcs and all Horde races
Gunslinger: Dexterity Boost Zandali: Trolls
Magus: Boost is based on Order Chosen Taur-ahe: Tauren
Paladin: Strength Boost Gutterspeak: Forsaken Undead
Ranger: Dexterity Boost Thalassian: Blood & High Elves
Rogue: Dexterity Boost Other Languages
Scholar: Intelligence Boost Worgen: Gilnean 
Shaman: Wisdom Boost Goblin: Goblin
Sorcerer: Charisma Boost Pandaren: Pandaren
Warlock: Charisma Boost Draconic: Dragons
Warlord: Dependant on Path chosen Eredun: Demons
Wizard: Intelligence Boost. Titan: Titans
Background List Kalimag: Elementals
The following backgrounds provide 2 boosts one of
which is one of the two listed below. The other is a Tools & Professions of Azeroth
free boost of any other ability If you obtain an Artisan tool proficiency from any of
your features replace them with the closest match
Background Boost 1 Boost 2 from this list if possible.
Acolyte Wisdom Intelligence
Anthropologist Intelligence Wisdom Profession Description
Archaeologist Intelligence Constitution Herbalism Locating powerful magical
Charlatan Charisma Dexterity herbs and plants
City Watch Strength Wisdom Mining Mining ores, stones and Gems
Cloistered Intelligence Charisma which can be used for
Scholar crafting
Courtier Charisma Wisdom Skinning Skin the corpses of creatures
Criminal Dexterity Charisma for hide, leather and scales
Entertainer Charisma Dexterity Alchemy Mix Potions, oils, and Flask
Faction Agent Wisdom Faction Dep. Blacksmithing Create weapons and armour
Far Traveller Wisdom Dexterity made of metal
Folk Hero Wisdom Constitution Enchanting Provide powerful magical
Guild Artisan Wisdom Charisma enhancements to a variety of
Haunted One Intelligence Constitution weapons and armour.
Hermit Intelligence Wisdom Engineering Create magical devices, guns,
Inheritor Wisdom Strength Goggles, explosives and
Knight Strength Charisma mechanical creatures.
Noble Intelligence Charisma Inscription Inscribe magical glyphs to
Outlander Strength Wisdom modify spells for casters,
Sage Intelligence Wisdom additionally create scrolls,
Sailor Strength Wisdom staffs and other arcane foci
Soldier Strength Constitution Jewelcrafting Cut and polish gems which
Spy Dexterity Charisma can be socketed into armour
and weapons to augment
their capabilities. Bayonet. This dagger-like blade can be attached to
Leatherworkin Craft a variety of medium and a firearm or crossbow, allowing it to make melee
g light armour and some capes. weapon attacks.
Tailoring Craft robes and other cloth-
based products including Garrotte Wire. This weapon can be used to start a
magical hoods, slippers etc. grapple with an attack roll instead of making a
Archaology Detection and procurement Strength (Athletics) check, but suffers disadvantage
of powerful ancient artifacts to the roll if the target is aware of the attacker.
Cooking Combine ingredients into Additionally if you are grappling with the garrotte
food that can restore your you can continue to make attacks with it.
party and provide buffs.
Fishing Fish from lakes and rivers to Spiked Chain. This 10-foot spiked chain is a
obtain food, and occasionally dangerous and rare weapon to see in the battlefield.
sunken treasures. Some variants come with a hook, in which case the
First Aid Craft and apply non magical weapon can deal piercing damage as well. A hooked
healing and curatives. spiked chain can tether on a successful hit as long
Lockpicking Unlock, Chests, Doors, as you hold the weapon. Whilst tethered the
lockboxes and disarm traps creature cannot move more than 10ft away from
Poisons Create poisons which can be you without making an athletics check against you
used to a variety of effects on to break free. However, you cannot use this weapon
a target. to attack whilst attached
Riding Your ability to ride a variety
of mounts in different Sword, Two-Bladed. Typically used only by elven
environments. Separated into swordsmen of great agility, the two-bladed sword is
various categories e.g. almost iconic of the high elven military. This sword
Ground and Flying can be used to attack with both ends as if using two
weapons, despite being a single melee weapon that
Equipment and Items can is used in one hand. This otherwise acts as two-
weapon fighting with all other respects.
Exotic Weapons
The Following weapons are unique to the world of Syringe. This needle is a specifically designed
Azeroth and may require additional training to gain weapon to inject injury poisons, plagues, and
use of. Any, weapon on the table with a (s) has a offensive potions into targets who are stabbed with
special function which can be read in the weapon it. After a successful attack roll, you may use a
description. bonus action to inject the target with the contents
of the syringe.
Weapon Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Claws (S) 2gp 1d4 S 2lb Finesse, light Totem, Tauren. Large, unwieldy, but very
Bayonet (S) 10g 1d4 P 1lb Finesse, light intricately made, tauren totems are iconic of the
Garrotte (S) 1gp 1d4 S - Finesse, light, 2h tauren peoples. A tauren totem can be treated as a
Greathammer 10g 2d6 B 10lb Heavy, 2h shaman’s spell focus for the purposes of casting
p spells.
Moonglaive 10g 1d6 S 3lb Finesse
Spiked Chain (S) 15g 1d6 S 10lb Finesse, 2h, Reach
Double-Sword (S) 15g 1d8 S 10lb Finesse

Syringe (S)
5gp 1P - Finesse, Light Deities of Azeroth
Totem, Tauren (S) 10g 2d6 B 20lb Heavy, 2h
Warglaive 15g 1d6 S 2lb Finesse, light ANCESTOR WORSHIP
Attack Claws. The claws can be attached (or Ancestor worship has no set tenants save for that of
removed) to your wrist as a action. Whilst they are individual ancestors, as just as some shamans
attached you may still use this hand for somatic negotiate with the spirits and channel their
components. ancestral echoes to utilize shamanistic abilities, so
exist dark shamans who bind and force the
elements to do their bidding.
REPRESENTATIVES firstly, acknowledging and honouring each spirit as
Elementals and spirit animals are often considered an individual life; secondly honouring the Wild
representatives of shamanism. Shamanism Gods, which is headed by the Moon Goddess Elune
intersects with ancestor worship on many levels, (known to the Tauren as Mu'sha), the only true
as the dance of the elements include the spirits of deity on Azeroth. Druidism is historically tied to
earth, fire, air, water, and life. worshipping Elune and the rest of the Wild Gods,
and both faiths are close enough to be considered
one. The druids and priestesses seek guidance —
TENANTS or interference — from the spirits, asking the small
spirits for small tasks and entreating Elune or one
The Burning Legion believes that to purge the
of the other wise and powerful spirits of the forests
cosmos of all life is better than to leave it ripped
for more significant tasks. They see their forests as
apart by the Void, for they believe no other force
havens for living spirits, and as such are bound to
can stop the Void, but they despise all others.
defend them. It has become the highest priority for
REPRESENTATIVES the Cenarion Circle to heal the corruption of their
The demons of the Burning Legion and other races precious forests caused by the demonic and undead
so suffused with fel magic that they are no different invasion of the Third War. As the spirits have
from demons. The Burning Legion (simply the served them for thousands of years, the druids
Legion or the Burning Shadow) is a vast, seek to give back to the spirits by healing the very
innumerable army of demons and corrupted races living woods.
who seek to destroy all life. The fallen Titan
Sargeras created it with the purpose of destroying FORGOTTEN SHADOW
all world-souls in the universe in order to prevent
the void lords from corrupting them, which would TENANTS
lead to the birth of a dark titan, a being of The three virtues of the Forgotten Shadow are
unspeakable evil that would utterly dominate the death (where death is the gateway to ascension,
universe. The Legion is responsible for the but must be balanced with life), compassion
annihilation of countless species and some entire (though often reserved for other cultists, the
planets across the Great Dark Beyond, and it forgotten shadow believes that bettering the self
transcends all universes destroying their possible positively influences the universe in a positive
worlds in the grand Burning Crusade. Thrice it has cycle), and ascension (where the follower of the
invaded Azeroth and was only beaten back at a forgotten shadow gains the power to transcend
terrible cost every time. Much of Azeroth's history death, becoming invulnerable, invincible and
— including the First, Second, and Third War — eternal. In essence, he becomes a god.)
was due to the Legion's influence. It can be said that
the Legion is Azeroth's nemesis, since it caused the
The cult is acknowledged only in the lands of the
Sundering of Kalimdor, corrupted the orcs and sent
Forsaken. The Cult of Forgotten Shadows (or Cult of
them to invade Azeroth, created the Lich King, and
the Forgotten Shadow) is a group considered
was the source of most of Azeroth's scars. Finally, it
heretical by most, who believe that dark energy
should be noted that Azeroth is the only known
practitioners are just as vital to the survival of life
planet that the Legion has ever failed to conquer.
and reality (which they call "the Shadow") as
wielders of the Light. The cult preaches balance,
mandating that shadow priests must never forget
the dangers of falling too deep into the dark
DRUIDISM AND ELUNE energies they manipulate, for it is often too hard to
PRIESTHOOD find one's way back to the Shadow from the deep
reaches of the darkness. Those who upset the
TENANTS balance end up mad, or worse, serving the Void
Respect for the wilds, reverence of Wild Gods, with
Lords. The Cult of Forgotten Shadow teaches that
Elune as a prime among them.
the Forsaken of Azeroth were too weak to ascend.
REPRESENTATIVES Their undead state is a curse brought on by that
Fey and beings from the Emerald Dream Druidism weakness. Once the Forsaken learn to master
and the Priesthood of Elune is a spiritual path: themselves and control the world around them,
they shake off that curse and become what they Lordaeron and southern Quel’Thalas, and even
always should have been. Kalimdor to a small degree. A terrifying and
insidious enemy, the Scourge remains perhaps the
HOLY LIGHT most dangerous threat to the world of Azeroth.

The three virtues of the Holy Light are respect
(where one must respect all that is, and the TENANTS
connections things share with one another in the The virtues of titans are order (banishing chaos and
universe), compassion (as a follower of the holy ordering the Great Dark Beyond), compassion
light believes that bettering the universe benefits (imbuing their power and protecting lesser races
himself in return as a positive cycle), and tenacity until they reach their full potential), and
(training under the Holy Light that weeds out the preservation (destroying corruptive influences
unfaithful, for true dedication takes years, and such as Old Gods, Void Lords, and demons of all
positivity prevents time eroding an adherent’s will). kinds).
In some respects, it can be described as divine
The creations of the Titans are usually considered
REPRESENTATIVES their representatives. Although most are missing in
Naaru, providing healing and protection The holy Azeroth, there are yet relics left from the primordial
light whispers and grants power to those who days where Titans visited the planet. The titans are
follow their ideals, regardless if they show the same a race of colossal, planet-sized cosmic beings,
alignment as the entity itself. In a dark world with composed of arcane magic and the primordial
few good forces, the holy light is one of the few matter from which the universe was born. They
shining sources of goodness in the world, with its roamed across the cosmos like walking worlds,
representatives. The Holy Mark is an upright line imbued with the raw power of creation itself. The
middling two half-circles one pointing up, and one
titans used this incredible force to find and awaken
pointing down (or as the Celtic Cross without the
others of their kind. Hailing from the far reaches of
middle line).
the cosmos, they shaped and brought life and order
LICH KING to countless worlds across the Great Dark Beyond.
TENANTS They were described as perfect and majestic beings
The Lich King has no real tenants but idolizing him who are akin to gods. Knowledge of them is very
as a paragon of mastery over death led to the scarce, and there are more legends and theories of
development of the priesthood of the Forgotten them than facts, with the only ones who have an
Shadow. The Lich King himself desires complete inkling of their powers (or even their existence) are
dominion over Azeroth and banishing the Burning beings the Titans directly interacted with eons ago,
Legion from it. Whether the army he builds is to such as the leaders of the Dragon flights, the Old
Gods, and the Titans’ creations (such as the
stand against the Void Lords’ attempts to take over Earthen). Unknown to most in Azeroth, the Titans
the planet and conquer the world-spirit Azeroth for are heavily tied to the cosmic force known as the
himself is known only to him. arcane. In fact, it is their very lifeblood, for the
original Well of Eternity, an enormous lake of
REPRESENTATIVES volatile arcane energies, was literally the literal
The Scourge and the Cult of the Damned Created blood of Azeroth's world-soul. They are also
initially as the precursor to an invasion by the uniquely susceptible to fel magic. A world-soul is
Burning Legion after their previous failures, the the name given to the spirit of a titan. The first and
Scourge broke free from their demonic masters and most vulnerable stage of a titan's life, world-souls
aided in the Legion’s defeat at Mount Hyjal in the are powerful, nascent titan souls who originate as
Third War. Under the iron rule of the dread Lich masses of energy spun out into the cosmos at the
King, a being formed of Ner’zhul (the former orc moment of its creation, eventually finding comfort
shaman and warchief of the Shadowmoon clan) and in the warmth of a sun. In time, a planet coalesces
Arthas Menethil (the former human paladin and around the newly formed world-soul, protecting it
crown prince of Lordaeron), the Scourge built up as it grows. These nascent titan souls exist within
their power base on the Arctic continent of the fiery cores of a small number of worlds
Northrend. Their influence spreads throughout scattered throughout the Great Dark Beyond; there
Northrend, as well as the Plaguelands in northern
they slumber for ages, suffusing the planets they and its wilds such as animals. While the practice
inhabit with Spirit energy as generations of life live can be dangerous, it is known to greatly benefit its
and die upon them, before eventually awakening as practitioners. Trolls specifically, have always been
living worlds, and emerging as titans. Azeroth is followers of this ancient craft. Those trolls who
one such world, and the titan within it is feared to practice the voodoo magics hold it to high regard
possibly be the greatest titan of all, should he and are a very important part of troll society. While
awaken. it is a form of magic, it is only an extension of its
masters, the Loa spirit
Polar opposite of the Holy Light Shadow Hunters, Troll High Priests (discipline
priests), and Witch Doctors Voodoo and Loa
REPRESENTATIVES worship is a syncretic faith, mixing elements of
The Old Gods and their servants the void lords are Druidism (following the Wild Gods, except Elune)
monstrous entities composed of pure shadow and Ancestor Worship (venerating ancestors who
energy who dwell within the Void, a terrifying and are now immortal in the Shadowlands, such as
nightmarish outer realm. Merciless and cruel Bwonsamdi and Lukou). Followers of the Loa and
beyond imagination, they seek only to twist reality users of voodoo worship the Wild Gods directly,
into a realm of eternal torment, and ultimately to except Elune, instead admiring the savagery and
devour all matter and energy and the universe viciousness of the ancient beings. All Wild gods are
itself. However, only the most powerful of the void Loa, but not all Loa are Wild gods, however, as the
lords can actually manifest in the physical universe, Loa spirits such as Bwonsamdi and other various
and only for limited amounts of time for their Loa resembling spirits of trolls have no connection
energies quickly seep into nothingness. They thus to the Wild gods or the Emerald Dream. They are in
must consume untold amounts of matter and fact, ancient and powerful troll ancestors that now
energy to maintain their their struggle live in the Shadow Lands. Not all trolls that die
to impose dominion over reality, they conflicted become Loa. What makes a troll spirit a loa is a
with the Titans, and, lacking the power to subdue or mystery, though it is speculated that it has some
dominate them, have targeted them in their infancy,
thing to do with the amount and type of magics they
corrupting still-sleeping World-souls. Void Lords acquired during life. There are several known Loa,
send seeds of corruption and create servitor beings including but not limited to the following
in other realms, creating the Old Gods, monstrous
beings of ancient power that spread across a  Hakkar the Blood God
World-soul’s surface, eventually corrupting the
Titan sleeping within into rising as a Dark Titan  Shirvallah, the Tiger.
who serves the Void Lords. The Void Lords are a  Rhunok, the Arctic Bear.
font of shadow power, being what could be
considered the true embodiment of the Forgotten  Lukou, Loa of Healing and Respite.
Shadow’s ideals. However, that is not the only
 Ogoun,
interpretation. Followers of the Forgotten Shadow
may wish to struggle against the wills of the Void  Loa of War
Lords and the Old Gods, just as the practitioners of
fel magic may struggle against the influence of the  Dambala, Loa of serpents and treachery.
Burning Legion. Perhaps, when all is said and done,  Bwonsamdi, Loa of the cemeteries and the
the Forgotten Shadow is able to distance itself as a restful sleep of the dead.
philosophy from its origin as an expression of the
Void Lords’ will.  Shango, Controller of the Realm of Storms.

 Zanza, worshiped by the Zandalar Tribe.

 Gonk the Great Hunter is an ancient spirit
Zandalarian tales.
Voodoo is a type of nature worship, where
sacrifices and cannibalism intertwine. It is a type of
dark magic that keeps high reverence for nature

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