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Competencies Analysis

Araceli Anguiano

University of St. Thomas

Dr. Patrick Huff

EDUC 6335 Administrative Practicum

Fall 2019

Competencies Analysis

During the course of the semester I have worked through several skill building activities

that have addressed different components of the competencies skills. The competency skills are

essential in becoming a knowledgeable future educational leader whom can have a profound

impact on the educational community. At the commencement of the activities I felt that I needed

further growth in developing communication skills and more skills in different aspects of the

curriculum. As the semester continued there have been some opportunities that have allowed me

to practice and implement the skills learned, but there are still many areas in which the

opportunity have yet not presented themselves. My hopes are that I will be able to better

position myself into different situations that will allow for further growth.

Through the variety of activities, the competencies that I feel I have grown in are

Competency 001. I have developed a better understanding of how parents and the community

are a profound part of the campus culture. Also developing collegial relationships amongst

teams and personnel helps to build collaboration within the school. By building collegial

relationships, employees are more trusting and willing to aid in a variety of needs that may arise

throughout the school year. In addition to Competency 001, I have had to practice Competency

002 within my team leadership this school year. Applying skills to manage conflict and build

consensus is one that has been challenging and a bit outside of my comfort zone. It has pushed

me to step out of my more reserved self and have difficult conversations with certain individuals

in private. It has been a bit stressful because individuals often gossip, misunderstand, and can

manipulate others against your intentions. The professional book review taught me several skills

to better cope with conflict management and to understand that not everyone will always favor

you, but that leaders need to be courageous and do what is correct and take time to rejuvenate

and recharge. Competency 003 further leads us into leaders modeling the highest standards of

conduct for others. To further elaborate on conflict management, although others us tactics that

are not always the most ethical or professional, as a leader, I have had to continue to show

kindness, professionalism, timeliness, and high expectations so that others can also follow in my

steps. The modeling and expectations are clearly set by my example as a leader and many times

that speaks louder than words.

Overall, the development of the skills needed in all the competencies has come further

along, but there are still some areas that I plan on continuing to practice and develop in the

upcoming semester and beyond the specified time frame.

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