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Problems of the Modern World

Our today´s world is very different from the world in the past. We can say that the globe became
smaller, because we can communicate with anybody on the other side of the world very quickly.
We can use e-mail, skype, Facebook and others. Also, the mobile phones help us to talk to
anybody anywhere very quickly.

Modern technology is on the very high level.

Also, the medicine made a great progress. We can cure many illnesses which were not curable in
the past.

Although we have so many things which make our life comfortable, we are not happier than
our parents, great parents and all our ancestors.

There are problems which weren´t on the earth in the past. There are environmental problems
the nature is in a very bad state, because we are not disciplined and do not behave well. We do
not know how to save the nature. There is a lot of pollution and we do not know what to do with
our wasted things, plastic.

1) Air pollution
 it’s caused by toxic substances which we emit to the air -> these toxic substances are
made by factories, cars, exhaust fumes, thermal power stations and heating by different
 it’s most dangerous kind of pollution
 it causes global warming, acid rains, ozone holes and smog

2) Water pollution
 water is polluted by acid rains and also by factories because they drain harmful
substances into the water and kill animals and plants living there and they also pollute
sources of drinking water
 so, we should build new sewage plants and of course we should stop causing of acid rains

3) Land pollution
 it’s caused by acid rains, fertilizers and waste, because people drop litter in the streets so
we should get litter to dustbins-> the litter is imported by dust car to dump and the litter
can be recycled there and we can use it again to some other purposes
The second most serious problem is deforestation: Tropical rain forests are sources of oxygen
and they are called lungs of the Earth, but people cut them down because we need wood for
paper producing, constructions, heating, furniture, and so on.

And people also need more land for agriculture, buildings, cities and roads-> so animals have to
migrate or they die.

-big problem is also that a lot of animals are endangered species and they become extinct
because people treat animals badly- they hunt animals for meat and fur, beat them and torture

There are also the holes in the atmosphere which make our weather hotter and hotter.

The wars are a big problem which was not solved by human race. People think they can make
agreement with each other, but there are always people who want to use their freedom for being
aggressive and have power over others.

There are many people starving, they are hungry, but on the other side of the globe people are
rich and don´t know what to do with their money. There is something wrong with people on the

Another problem which we have to face is a moral problem. We want to have freedom, but we
do not know how to deal with it. It means that people want to tolerate everything, but then we
see that we are overwhelmed by problems like free sex, addictions, abortions, crime and

In the past people believed more in God and their faith gave them the system of moral rules. The
rules were based on the law given in the Bible and it was a part of human culture in the society.
I think that people should come back to God and they can learn how to deal with their moral

Next problems are:

Environmental: Soil pollution – radioactive waste, junk yards, recycling
Natural disasters – blizzards, cyclones, hurricanes, tornado

Social: Drug abuse – heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, overdosing by drugs or antidepressant

Homelessness – begging in public places, shelters, hostility of the remaining population
Poverty – slums, underclass, drug and alcohol abuse
Unemployment – recession, strikes, jobless
Famine – severe shortage of food

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