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CHS Portfolio


Personal Growth: Relationships

Who am I now?

1. Describe a relationship, either in school or outside of school, that you have spent time
developing this year. (Some examples: relationship with a parent, teacher, coach, friend,
significant other, counselor, mentor, etc.) i developed a relationship with my basketball coach

2. How has this relationship challenged you to grow? It helped be grow as a competitor because
he helped me develop in many things for basketball.

3. What kinds of skills have you developed or practiced because of this relationship? I've
developed on shooting the ball and reading how the offense and defense moves and when it's a
good opportunity to score.

4. How can you use things you’ve learned in this relationship as you interact with other people in
your life? It would help me to help my brother to do all these things when he gets to high school
and plays basketball.

5. Do you think this current relationship will continue to be a part of your life in the future?
Explain. I don't know probably not who knows.

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