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CHS Portfolio

Personal Growth: Interests

Who am I now?

1. Describe a hobby or interest, either in school or outside of school, that you have spent time
developing this year. (​Some examples: gaming, art, music, dance, writing, photography,
construction, building engines, hunting, having your own YouTube channel, etc.​ )

2. What do you like about this particular hobby or interest?

It is fun and a challenge.

3. What kinds of skills have you developed or practiced via this hobby/interest?

Being engaged and having goals for myself.

4. How has this hobby or interest challenged you to grow?

It challenges me to keep trying no matter how many times i fail

5. If someone else told you they were interested in pursuing the same hobby or interest, what
advice would you give them?
I'd tell them to be persistent, and just have fun.

6. What connections can you make between this hobby/interest and the life you want to have for
yourself in the future? In other words, do you see this hobby or interest continuing? Is it related
to any career interests? Ten years from now, do you think you’ll still be engaged in this hobby or
interest? Explain. I think I can possibly be engaged with this interest in the future by maybe still
skating or designing clothes for skate companies.

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