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Standard 1.

Content and Foundational Knowledge  

Physical education candidates1 demonstrate an understanding of common and specialized
content, and scientific and theoretical foundations for the delivery of an effective preK-12
physical education program.  
1.c-Describe and apply physiological and biomechanical concepts related to skillful movement,
physical activity and fitness for preK-12 students. 

Artifact: Exercise Physiology, VO2Max Lab Write up

Date: Fall 2019
During my EXS 397 Exercise Physiology lab I had to construct a lab write up to indicate
and inform each and every step necessary in order to complete the task. This lab experiment was
used to determine one’s VO2 Max. VO2 is the volume of oxygen consumed per minute and
VCO2 is the amount of carbon dioxide produced per minute. One’s VO2 max will determine an
individual’s capabilities by completing an exercise until exhaustion. When an individual is
completing a task like this, the ratio of O2 to CO2 in their body determines whether one is using
more fat or more carbohydrates to exert energy. Another main component of determining ones
VO2 max is to receive the individuals RPE level. RPE stands for rate of perceived exertion,
which indicates how hard an individual is working according to a scale. The higher the number,
the higher the intensity and heart rate levels are.
In physical education, there will be a need to understand and be knowledgeable of
sources that fuel energy as well as RPE. With that knowledge and information, students will be
able to perform to the best of one’s ability in a physical education class. Students will need to
know that the sources they put into their bodies will affect their energy based upon the exertion
and duration of the physical activity being performed. From ages K to 12 all students will
develop an understanding of how hard they feel themselves working during an activity as well as
what should and shouldn’t go into one’s body in order to fuel their energy levels to help increase
participation levels.

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