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Daraga Community College

Daraga, Albay
Course titile:GE7
Course Description: Science and Technology and Society
Name of student: Joey M. Perez
Year/Course/Block: 1 BEED- Block 5
Day: MWF
A.Y: 2018-2019
Subject Professor: Mr. Charles De Vera

Answer the following questions.

1. How did society shape science and how did science shape society?
 Society shapes the path of science in many ways like society helps determine
how its resources are deployed to fund scientific work, encouraging some sorts
of research and discouraging others. Similarly, scientists are directly influenced
by the interests and needs of society and often direct their research towards
topics that will serve society nor society are the beneficiaries of science or what
science is being implemented or invented. And at the most basic level, society
shapes scientists' expectations, values, beliefs, and goals — all which factor into
the questions they choose to pursue and how they investigate those questions .
2.How do social and human issues influence science?

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