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What are the methods of speaking? Explain the Extemporaneous

Methods of speech delivery:

There are four basic methods (sometimes called styles) of presenting a speech: manuscript,
memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu.

Impromptu style:
It is the one delivered in the spur of the moment. It requires the least preparation; with little
advanced notice, the speaker is asked to speak for a few minutes on a specific subject.
In this speech:
 The speaker relies on previous knowledge of the topic (and the language)
 The speaker has to limit himself to a specific aspect that can be discussed in a few
For Example:
Introducing yourself when you meet someone…is impromptu speaking.…Saying hello to
an acquaintance you see…at the grocery store, that's also impromptu speaking.

A Read speech is written out and read. It is used when it’s important that the exact words are
used in a correct way, a read speech is appropriate. Political leaders read speeches for accuracy
and precision
For Example:
There can be various event where this style of speech is used. However, it depends on the
context of address … like ...
 A speech given by a Congressman on a legislative bill under consideration.
 A report read out by a Chief Engineer at an Annual General Meeting.
 A President’s or Prime Minister’s address to the Parliament of a foreign nation.

It is written word by word and committed to memory. Few speakers are able to use this method
effectively since it relies on memory skills.
For Examples
Valedictory speech, speech chair, Toast speech

This should be the commonly used method of speaking in public class. It is not read nor
memorized. It is spontaneous and natural. The speaker has time to prepare the ideas they wish to
convey and the actual words are formulated at the moment of delivery.
This type speech must also be practiced but the words and arrangement of words are changed to
something better and more effective. In rehearsing and delivering, the speaker is simply guided
by an outline.
The speaker doesn’t memorize the speech, but the order of ideas to achieve unity, organization,
and clarity in speech.
An extemporaneous speech:
 Requires careful preparation.
 It is based on a key word outline.
 Allows the speaker to remain direct, involved, and flexible.

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