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A study on the impact of

Information and
Communication Technology
(ICT) in the education sector of

Submitted by: Deleah Gurung

Student ID: 17048517

Table of contents:

1) Abstract ____________________________ Page 3

2) Introduction _________________________ Page 3
3) Literature review _____________________ Page 3
4) Aims and objectives ___________________ Page 4
5) Methodology ________________________ Page 5
6) Sampling ____________________________ Page 6
7) Data analysis and interpretation __________ Page 7
8) Conclusion ___________________________ Page 10
9) References ___________________________ Page 11


Information and communication Technology (ICT) has a growing impact on the development and
enhancement of educational curriculum in many countries. In order to perk up educational planning in
this era of ICT, it is necessary to implement the use of ICT in education sector. It is found that students
are able to perform well and deliver better results with the use of ICT as it helps them in augmenting and
improving their skills and knowledge. Therefore, this study is carried out in order to identify the
significant factors responsible for the effect of Information Communication Technology (ICT) usage in
teaching and learning process in classrooms. To know the use and impact of ICT in the education sector
of Kathmandu with proper reference, we accumulated data from 429 respondents from 5 schools and
colleges with the use of convenient sampling. The result shows that the availability and use of ICT
significantly improves the knowledge and learning skills of students which indicates that the
implementation of ICT aided learning has enhanced the educational efficiency and obliged policies
making in the educational field.


The emerging concept of e-learning applicable for educational purpose has been increasingly
drawing the attention of researchers. According to recent studies, it has been found that there are
numbers of factors affecting students' use of ICT for learning. However, their expectation
towards easy-to-use ICT kits and software applications has been one of the major elements to
change their perception on adopting ICT for academic purposes. Therefore, this literature has
highlighted the prior experience of student's adopting ICT for academic activities and its
influence in their idea towards e-learning. We accumulated data from 429 respondents from 5
different schools and colleges by using convenient sampling to identify the impact of ICT in
Education sector of Kathmandu, Nepal.

Literature Review:

With the rapid growth of technology, it is undoubtedly taking over almost every field in today's world.
Similarly, the field of education has also been impacted by the emerging use of ICT affecting the
teaching, learning and research methods (Yusuf, 2005). ICT has the potential to enhance, accelerate and
broaden the skills and knowledge which motivate and allow students in relating their school experiences
to work practices. In addition, it also creates an economic feasibility for the future workers and
strengthens teaching and learning process by bringing a significant change (Davis and Tearle, 1999).

For many years, conventional teaching has been practiced which emphasizes content and courses written
in textbooks. Teachers have also been teaching through lectures and presentations associated with tutorial

and learning activities intended to merge and rehearse the content. However, contemporary methods are
now focusing on set of courses that promote competency and performance. These curricula are
emphasizing capabilities and moreover, how the information will be used rather than only on what the
information is. The modern day ICTs are capable of providing a strong support to fulfill such
requirements as there are many excellent examples of world class settings for curricula that are based on
competency and performance that make an effective and efficient use of these technologies (Oliver,2000).

ICT increases the flexibility of education delivery which allows learners to get quick access to knowledge
anytime and anywhere. As the learning process is learner driven instead of being taught by teachers, this
can influence the way students are taught which in turn prepares them for lifetime learning and enhance
the quality of learning. These programs also eliminate many limitations that learners face (Moore &
Kearsley, 1996). ICT has vitally contributed in the field of education by providing an easy access to
leaning with the help of which, students can browse through their desired e-books, online library, online
reading materials, etc. and also connect to their mentors, researchers, resource persons, peers and
professionals all over the world (Young, 2002). A wide range of best practices and course materials
available in education that can be shared via ICT medium can contribute in better teaching and learning.

ICT enables academic institutions to reach out to deprived/marginalized groups and enter new
international educational markets. Along with flexible learning time, teachers have also found the
potential of teaching at any time as an opportunity that can be taken advantage of. Teaching and learning
process can now be supported 24*7 through mobile technologies and seamless communications (Young,
2002). Therefore, ICT aided education is capable of ultimately leading to the democratization of
education. Especially in developing countries like Nepal, there is a huge potential to overpass the digital
divide by the effective use of ICT for educational purposes.

Aims and objectives:

The aim of this research is to introduce and develop effective e-learning kits and software for educational

The objectives of this research are as follows:

1) To identify the barriers in traditional method of teaching and how they can be overcome by the
use of ICT
2) To evaluate the awareness among students and teachers about the use of ICT in education.
3) To examine the availability and access of technology in schools/colleges

Econometric equation:

To identify how the availability, usage, effectiveness and knowledge of ICT affect the use and impact of
ICT in educational sector of Kathmandu; an econometric equation will be followed. The hypothesis states
that these factors affect the usage and impact of ICT in education where other factors will be kept
constant. The equation is as follows:

Use and impact of ICT=

α + β 1 ( Availability of ICT )+ β 2 ( Usage of ICT ) + β 3 ( Knowledge of ICT ) + β 4 ( Effectiveness of ICT ) + μ


H0 : Availability of ICT, usage of ICT, knowledge of ICT affects the relationship between Usage and
impact of ICT in education

H1 : Availability of ICT, usage of ICT, knowledge of ICT does not affect the relationship between usage
and impact of ICT in education


Quantitative analysis and descriptive method was used to analyze data in the study. As mentioned above,
we exploited four independent variables in order to check the usage and impact of ICT in education i.e.
Availability of ICT, usage of ICT, effectiveness of ICT and knowledge of ICT in Kathmandu district.
Participant's responses were evaluated at five likert scale to ensure how the variable can assist in finding
out the requirements for an effective ICT aided learning environment and the questions for the respective
variables were as follows:

Availability of ICT:

1) Proper internet access in the school/college

2) Well-equipped computer labs
3) Availability and use of multimedia for lectures
4) Access to digital library

Usage of ICT:

1) Use of latest IT technologies in the school/college

2) Using multimedia over traditional black/whiteboards
3) Use of Internet for assignment assistance instead of textbooks
4) Using Wireless communication in school/college

Knowledge of ICT:

1) ICT in education provides information to operate various devices

2) ICT in education provides knowledge that can be helpful professionally

3) ICT helps in delivering productive knowledge to students related to their studies

Effectiveness of ICT:

1) ICT allows students to enhance their learning skills

2) ICT provides access to vast knowledge through internet
3) Using digital projectors and multimedia can help student learn better
4) ICT can be used to improve education efficiently in local, regional and national level

Use and impact of ICT:

1) ICT can be used to develop educational planning

2) ICT enable students to deliver better results
3) ICT is capable of improving the knowledge and skills of students
4) ICT can bring positive effects in the education sector of Kathmandu
5) ICT is efficiently being used in the education sector of Kathmandu


We created various samples by using convenient sampling which is a type of non-probability sampling.
For the data collection, questionnaires have been distributed where the interval scale is five (i.e. strongly
disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree) starting from 'strongly disagree' to 'strongly agree' to
formulate the questions effectively.


Male 198
Female 231
Total 429

To check the total number of male and female, Nominal scale has been used.


15-20 339
20-30 90
30-40 0
40-above 0
Total 429

Likewise, the age of students is also evaluated by using Nominal scale.

The survey for our research has been conducted from Kathmandu district using questionnaires for which
500 questionnaires were distributed and 429 were returned by responding. Thus, the response rate can be
calculated by using the following formula:

Responded questionnaires/Total questionnaires*100

429/500*100 = 85.5%

Therefore, response rate is 85.8%

Data analysis and interpretation:

Table 1: Descriptive statistics

Variables Mean Standard Deviation N

Usage and impact of 4.0280 .93395 429
Availability of ICT 3.0000 .99297 429
Usage of ICT 3.6099 .98339 429
Knowledge of ICT 3.9441 .79815 429
Effectiveness of ICT 3.8788 .85884 429

The above table illustrates that the overall response of our survey (mean) from different schools and
colleges of Kathmandu consists of 429 students. After collecting and analyzing the data, we can see that
the usage and impact of ICT as a dependent variable is found to be 4.0280. Respondents deviate from
their mean accordingly i.e equal to 0.83395 and the results lie from 3.19405-4.86195. This shows the
response rate of students that lies between neutral to strongly agree. They agree that the usage of ICT is
capable of bringing out a positive effect in the education sector of Kathmandu. They also agree that ICT
can improve and enhance their knowledge and skills in delivering better results.

As an independent variable, the availability of ICT is 3.00 and respondents diverge accordingly
from their mean i.e. equal to 0.99279. The result falls between 2.00703 to 3.99297 that shows the
response rate of students which lie between agree and disagree. It also shows the uncertainty of
students regarding the availability of well equipped computer labs, internet access and
multimedia use in lectures in their school/college.

The usage of ICT as an independent variable is found to be 3.6099 where the mean deviates
towards 0.98339. The result falls between 3.14595 and 4.74225 as the students response rate lie
between disagree to agree. From this, we can see that the students are unsure about the use of
internet and latest technology for lecture purposes. Likewise, they are also unaware and
uncertain about the use of internet for their assignment and project assistance in their respective

When it comes to the knowledge of ICT, the independent variable is seen to be 3.9441 which
deviates the respondents from the mean i.e. equal to 0.79815 and the result falls between 3.14595
to 4.74225. This shows the response rate of students which comes under neutral to strongly
agree. It explains that the students almost agree about ICT providing proper information in
operating devices which can further help students to develop their related skills and knowledge
in personal and professional level.

The effectiveness of ICT can be seen as 3.9788 as an independent variable regarding which the
response rate deviates from their mean i.e. 0.85884. As the response rate of students falls
between neutral to strongly agree, the result tends to fall under 3.01996 to 4.73764. It explains
how students have almost agreed on the impact of ICT in enhancing their learning skills and
providing them knowledge through digital platform and creating a better learning environment in
local, regional and national level.

Table 2: Correlation

Variables Use and Availability Usage Knowledge Effectiveness

Use and 1.000 .048 .098 .290 .491
impact of ICT
Availability .048 1.000 .543 .136 .082
of ICT
Usage of ICT .089 .543 1.000 .231 .154
Knowledge of .290 .136 .231 1.000 .348
Effectiveness .491 .082 .154 .348 1.000
of ICT

The above table illustrates the interdependency of dependent and independent variables. For
example, it shows how the change in availability of ICT has brought a change of 0.048 in Use
and impact of ICT. Therefore, we can evaluate that there is a positive relation between these two
variables. Likewise, the change in usage of ICT, knowledge of ICT and effectiveness of ICT has
brought a change of 0.089, 0.290 and 0.491 respectively in their dependent variables which can
be analyzed as a positive relationship.

Table 3: Model summary

R R² Adjusted R²
.507 .257 .250

The table demonstrates that when the multiple correlation coefficient (R) uses all the indicators
simultaneously, its value are as follows:

0.507 (R² = 0.257)

Adjusted R² = 0.250

25% variance can be predicted in the use and impact of ICT from the availability, usage,
knowledge and effectiveness of ICT.

Table 4: ANOVA

Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 76.570 4 19.143 36.710 .000

The table illustrates the value of F-test which is equal to 36.710 (>12) and the significance level
that is equal to .000. This indicates that this model is the best fit for our research as it can be
further used in other research as well.

Table 5: Coefficient

Variable β t
Use and impact of ICT 8.233
Availability -.001 -.029
Usage -.011 -.212
Knowledge .138 3.038
Effectiveness .444 9.924

This table explains the efficiency of independent variables with the dependent ones. The value of
't' for the availability of ICT as an independent variable is found to be -0.029 which makes it a
less efficient variable. Likewise, the usage of ICT can also be considered as a less efficient
variable as its value is -0.212. Thus, if both these variables are increased then there would not be
any change in the use and impact of ICT in Kathmandu's education sector.

The value of knowledge of ICT in 't' can be seen as 3.038, making it a more efficient variable.
Similarly, the value of 't' for another variable i.e. effectiveness of ICT is 9.924 which makes it
the most efficient variable. Therefore, the increase in these independent variables will ultimately
increase the dependent variables i.e. Use and impact of ICT in Kathmandu.


The key finding of this study is that the availability and use of ICT can be very crucial in developing the
educational efficiency of students which indicates that the use of ICT in education is a great support for
the students in improving their learning skills as well as adapting to latest technologies. These
technologies can assist them in better preparedness for their assignments and projects. According to the
results, ICT is capable of helping students in delivering producing knowledge and better results related to
their studies. Our findings imply that the increase in the use and availability of ICT in education sector is
directly proportional to the efficiency of students working capacity. Students also agreed that this medium
will be able to provide them a wide range of knowledge through digital libraries, e-books and internet.
Summing it all up and by critically analyzing our results, we can conclude that ICT aided learning can
bring a positive change in the education sector of Kathmandu.

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