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Match the words with the pictures

Relaciona los nombres de las prendas con las imágenes que les corresponden. Contesta como respuesta la letra asociada
a cada dibujo.

1. T-shirt / tee shirt (USA)

2. jeans  B
3. skirt  d 
4. dress a
5. coat  h
6. shirt  i
7. shoes o
8. hat  k
9. socks m 
10. suit  i
11. sweater  g
12. tie   f
13.trousers / pants (USA) e 
14. jacket  c
15. sunglasses    j

Write a sentence for each picture.

Escribe una frase para cada dibujo. (He's/She's wearing....)

She is wearimg a
blue dress, pink hat,
and black shoes


He`s waering a blue and

pink sweater,
He's wearing a grey She's wearing a
grey trousers and blue
suit  green 
and a white shirt dress and black shoes

He is wearing a
He is wearing a She is wearing a She is wearing a
black jacket, White t
blue hat, oink sweater, a Heand
blue is wearing a
red coat,
shirt, blue jeans and
sunglasses, a blue, grey skirt and red blue
grey jacket,and
black shoes
yellow, orange t shoes blue shoestie and a
yellow shirt
To wear = llevar / vestir (pasado = wore)
- She wore the blue dress = Llevaba el vestido azul.
- She's wearing a lovely coat = Lleva un abrigo muy bonito.
Recuerda que en inglés generalmente el adjetivo precede al nombre ('blue dress'). Sin embargo, en
español, el adjetivo suele ir detrás del nombre ('vestido azul')

 Singular  Plural
 He's wearing a blue shirt  She's wearing sunglasses 
 She's                      brown
wearing a grey skirt  trousers 
                     blue jeans
                     black shoes

 X a black shoes X

Translate these sentences into English. / Traduce éstas frases al inglés.
1.Estamos jugando al tenis.
2.¿A qué se dedica Craig?. Es profesor.
3.No estoy mirando la televisión, estoy trabajando.
4.Normalmente bebo whisky, pero ahora estoy bebiendo agua mineral.
5.¿Está lloviendo?. No, aquí nunca llueve en verano.
6.¿Qué están haciendo las niñas?. Están cenando en casa.
7.¿Por qué no estás estudiando?. Estoy viendo la televisión.
8.Estoy cantando bajo la lluvia (Gene Kelly)

1.We are playing tennis.

2.What does Craig do? Is teacher.

3.I am not watching television, I am working.

4.Normally I drink whiskey, but now I am drinking mineral water.

5. Is it raining? No, it never rains in summer here.

6.What are the girls doing? They are dining at home.

7.Why are you not studying? I'm watching TV.

8.I'm singing in the rain (Gene Kelly)

Write a sentence for each verb. Follow the example

 'make an omelette'    'run'    'play'    'swim'    'work'    'wash'    'drive'

he is driving his truck

he is working in the city

he is runing in the field

he is playing basquest

she is swimmnig in the beach

he is washing the truck

  Con la mayoría de los verbos, sólo hay que añadir 'ing'

Ej. watching, looking, wearing

2. Si el verbo termina con la letra 'e',se quita.

Ej: take taking                come coming                write writing

3. Si el verbo tiene una sola sílaba y termina por consonante-vocal-consonante, hay que doblar la consonante final.
Ej. Run running                Sit sitting                Swim swimming

Change these sentences from present simple to present continuous. Use contractions and follow the example.
Cambia las siguientes frases de 'presente simple' a 'presente continuo'. Pon las contracciones y sigue el ejemplo.
Ej. I don't usually read books.
     I'm reading 'Harry Potter' at the moment because I saw the film.
1. He usually plays football on Saturdays
._____he is playing____ football at the moment.
2. She usually drinks vodka.
Now ______she is drinking____________ Martini.
3. They always shop at the supermarket.
____they is_shopping_________ at the market at the moment.
4. I don’t drive to work.
But today ___i am driving___ to work.
5. He never runs on the beach.
But today _____he is running___ on the beach.
6. You don’t usually have eggs for breakfast.
Why ___are you having_________ eggs for breakfast?
7. We usually speak Spanish at home.
______we is speaking_______ English because we want to practise. 
8. I usually take my wife to work in the car.
But today she _______taking____ the bus.

En Inglés Británico se dice 'have got' o 'has got' para expresar

Posesión. En Inglés Americano se dice más 'have' y 'has'.

Ej.1 Tengo una hermana    I've got a sister. (U.K.) 

                                          I  have  a sister. (U.S.) 

Ej.2 Stephanie tiene un marido    Stephanie’s got a husband. (U.K.)

                                                  Stephanie    has  a husband. (U.S.) *

Ej.3 No tienen hijos  They haven’t got any children. (U.K.)

                                   They  don’t have  any children. (U.S.) 

Ej.4 ¿Tienen coche?  Have they got a car? (U.K.)

                                   Do  they  have  a car (U.S.)    
'Have got' se usa mucho en Inglés hablado.
- El pasado de 'have/has' es 'had'
Ej.) I had a boyfriend. (tenía/tuve un novio.)
We didn’t have much money. (No teníamos/tuvimos mucho dinero.)
Did you have a girlfriend? (¿Tenías una novia?) 

- 's puede ser la contracción de has o de is .

Ej.) He's a wonderful husband, and he's got money.

     (he is)                             (he has got)
(Es un marido estupendo, además tiene dinero.)
Complete the tables for 'have' and 'have got'
Completa los espacios en las tablas inferiores con 'have' y 'have got'


+   +  
I have I've got
You Have got
a a
He Has He’ _s____ got
swimming swimming
She Has She`s ____ got
pool  pool 
We have We've ___ got
Have They’ _ve__ got
It has It’ s___ got
-     -    
I don't have I haven't  got
You Don`t have You Haven`t got
a a
He doesn't have He Hasn`t Got
swimming swimming
She Doesn`t have She Hasn`t Got
pool    pool
We Don`t have We Haven`t Got
They  don't have They Haven`t Got
It Doesn`t have It hasn't got
?     ?    
Do I have Have I got
do you have have you
a a
Does he have Has he got
swimming swimming
does she have has she
pool? pool?
do we have have we
do they have have they
does it have has it
 True or False?
Selecciona 'verdadero' o 'falso' en las siguientes afirmaciones sobre Sting.
1. He’s from Newcastle, England.  true
2. He’s got a wife called Samantha.   false
3. He’s got a house in Tuscany.  true
4. He’s got two children. false
5. He hasn’t got any money.   false
6. He’s got a name for his guitar.  true
7. He’s got ten solo Grammy awards.  false
8. He’s got three brothers and sisters.  true
9. Sting and his wife have got a yoga centre in Malibu, California. false

 Write questions with 'have / has got'. Follow the example.

Escríbe preguntas con 'have / has got'. Sigue el ejemplo.
Ej. (you / car?) Have you got a car? (¿Tienes coche?)
1. (your brother/a job?) Has _your brother got a job___?
2. (Sting/a lot of money?) ______has sting got a lot of money_____?
3. (you/a cigarette?) __have you got a cigarette__?
4. (you/a light?) _____have you got a light____?
5. (your parents/a garden?) __have your parents got a garden__?
6. (you/the time?) _______have you got the tima__?
7. (your sister/any friends?) ___have your sister got any friends__?
8. (we/any beer?) _____have we got any beer__?

 Listen and Answer the questions

What's he doing? He is playing his guitar

What's he wearing? He is wearing a black sweater ang grey trosers
Is he sitting or standing? He is stting
Is he singing? No, he isn`t
Is it raining? No, it isn`t

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