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Whenever 'work' is done energy is transferred from one place to

another. The amount of work done is expressed in the equation: work

done = force x distance.
Power is a measure of how quickly work is being done. Power is
expressed in the equation: power = work done / time taken.

Work and force

Work done
Work is done whenever a force moves something.

Everyday examples of work include walking up stairs, or lifting heavy objects.

Whenever work is done energy is transferred from one place to another. Both
energy and work are measured in joules, J.
work done (joules, J) = energy transferred (joules, J)

The amount of work done depends on:

 the size of the force on the object
 the distance the object moves

work done (joule, J) = force (newton, N) x distance (metre, m)

How much work is done when a man lifts a box weighing 200N off the floor to a
shelf 2m high?
Work done = force x distance = 200N x 2m = 400J

Higher tier

Use the triangle to help you rearrange the equation to:

force = work done / distance
distance = work done / force

Units for force, mass, and acceleration

 Force is measu

 Mass is measu

 Acceleration is

When you multiply a kilogram (mass unit) times a meter per second squared (acceleration unit)
you get a kilogram-meter per second squared.

So a unit for force is actually the kilogram-meter per second squared. However, no one really
says that. The unit for force is named after Isaac Newton, and it is called the 'Newton',
abbreviated 'N'. One Newton is one kilogram-meter per second squared.

Another almost identical way to think about the force unit is that one Newton is the size of a
force needed to accelerate a mass of one kilogram at a rate of one meter per second squared, as

Calculations and algebra

Here is a slideshow that shows three basic problems using F=ma. Also presented is the algebra
used to rearrange the formula when solving for mass or acceleration.

Unit relationships

After going through the above slideshow, one might wonder how the units for these equations
resolve. For example, the following is true:

But how does an acceleration unit (on the left) become the same as a force unit divided by a
mass unit (on the right)? All of this is explained in the following scrolling panels.

Force Problems
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Problems based on force which may be helpful are given below:

Solved Examples
Question 1: Aimmee is having a toy car of mass 2kg. How much force should she should
put on the car so that it should move with the acceleration of 8m/s 2?

Given: Mass of toy car m = 2 Kg, 
          Acceleration a = 8m/s2, 
          Force to be applied by aimmee is given by F = m ×× a 
                                                                           = 2 Kg ×× 8 m/s2 
                                                                           = 16 Kgm/s2 
                                                                           = 16 N.

Question 2: A hammer of mass 1 kg moving with a speed of 6 m/s strikes a wall and
comes to rest in 0.1 sec. Calculate the retardation force that stops the hammer?
Given: Mass of the hammer, m = 1 kg,
          Initial Velocity u = 6 m/s, 
          Final velocity v = 0 m/s, 
          Time taken t = 0.1 s. 
The acceleration is a = v−utv−ut. 
a = (0−6)m/s0.1m/s2(0−6)m/s0.1m/s2 
a = - 60 m/s2 (negative sign indicates retardation). 
Thus the retarding force, F = ma 
                                       = 1 ×× 60 
                                       = 60 N.
Questions and Answers

 1. What is the total weight of four kegs of nails if each keg weighs 100

o A. 100 pounds
o B. 200 pounds
o C. 300 pounds
o D. 400 pounds
o E. 500 pounds
 2. A cutting wheel cuts though an inch of glass in 2 minutes. How long
will it take to cut 6 inches deep?

o A. 10 minutes
o B. 12 minutes
o C.14 minutes
o D. 8 minutes
o E. 11 minutes
 3. Which of the following numbers is the same as 6 1/4?

o A. 6.14
o B. 6.4
o C. 6.01
o D. 6.5
o E. 6.25
 4. Which of these four numbers is the largest?

o A. .087
o B. .0093
o C. .013
o D. .12
o E. .25
 5. Which means intricate?

o A. Involved
o B. Brave
o C. Decorate
o D. Accuse
o E. Courage

 6. A guarantee always has a

o A. Penalty
o B. Guard
o C. Pledge
o D. Signature
o E. Seal
 7. Which is a disease?

o A. Antitoxin
o B. Influenza
o C. Bacteria
o D. Fracture
o E. Virus
 8. Which is prestige?

o A. Agility
o B. Leveling
o C. Equality
o D. Distinction
o E. Strong
 9. The ancient Egyptians did not have compasses therefore used
what to align the four sides of the Pyramid?

o A. Stars
o B. Measuring tape
o C. Moon
o D. Sun
o E. T-square
 10. Who is the leader of the local government unit?

A. Congressman
o B. President
o C. Judge
o D. Mayor
o E. Chief of Police
 11. Government collect this to have money to pay for services that the
people needs

o A. Flowers
o B. Taxes
o C. Piggy banks
o D. Toys
o E. Used clothing
 12. What does NASA stands for?

o A. National Acrobats and Swimming Association

o B. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
o C. Neighborhood Awareness and Sharing Alliance
o D. News Administration and Satellite Association
o E. None of the above
 13. Scientists usually state the problem as a

o A. Solution
o B. Question
o C. Hypothesis
o D. Graph
o E. None of the above
 14. Which area of science studies the earth's origin, history and

o A. Astronomy
o B. Oceanography
o C. Meteorology
o D. Geography
o E. Geology
 15. How _____________ sales did you make today?

o A. Much
o B. Most
o C. Often
o D. More
o E. Many
 16. Most of my co-workers have more experience

o A. Than themselves
o B. Than them
o C. Than me
o D. Than he's
o E. Than I
 17. Would you like to have __________ pens?

o A. Some
o B. Same
o C. Another
o D. Newest
o E. Knew
 18. Janet ___________ until dark yesterday.

A. Works

o B. Work
o C. Will work
o D. Did worked
o E. Worked
 19. He usually ______________ 100 calls each day.

o A. Answers
o B. Answer
o C. Answered
o D. Will answers
o E. Did answered
 20.______________ said that computers would solve all our
problems was mistaken.
o A. Everyone
o B. Who
o C. Whatever
o D. Whoever
o E. None of the above words correctly complete the
 21. It is considered as the oldest time telling device

o A. Wristwatch
o B. Wall clock
o C. Sundial
o D. Constellation
o E. Pocket watch
 22.One of the cabinets ______________ open.

o A. Are
o B. Is
o C. Has
o D. Which
o E. None of the above words correctly complete the
 23.The supervisor and her employees __________at the job fair.

o A. Are
o B. Went
o C. Is
o D. Was
o E. None of the above words correctly complete the
 24. The sum of Richard's age and Ruel's age is 60. Nine years ago,
Richard was twice as old as Ruel then. How old is Ruel?

o A. 25
o B. 37
o C. 23
o D. 28
 25.I would be happy to help _________ I have an appointment.
o A. Accepted
o B. Excepted
o C. Accept
o D. Except
o E. None of the above words correctly complete the
 26.Choose the correctly spelled word

o A. Absense
o B. Absence
o C. Abscents
o D. Abcense
o E. None of the above words are spelled correctly
 27. Please choose the correctly spelled word


B. Reesearch

C. Reserch

o D. Reasearch
o E. None of the above words are spelled correctly.
 28. Have you seen my notepad? ____________ in the conference

o A. Its
o B. It's
o C. All of the above options correctly complete the
o D. None of the above options correctly complete the
n January of the year 2000, I was one more than eleven times as old as my son William. In January
of 2009, I was seven more than three times as old as him. How old was my son in January of 2000?

Obviously, in "real life" you'd have walked up to my kid and and asked him how old he was, and he'd
have proudly held up three grubby fingers, but that won't help you on your homework. Here's how
you'd figure out his age for class:

First, name things and translate the English into math: Let "E " stand for my age in 2000, and let "W "
stand for William's age. Then E = 11W + 1in the year 2000 (from "eleven times as much, plus another
one"). In the year 2009 (nine years after the year 2000), William and I will each be nine years older, so
our ages will be E + 9 and W + 9. Also, I was seven more than three times as old as William was, so  E +
9 = 3(W + 9) + 7 = 3W + 27 + 7 = 3W + 34. This gives you two equations, each having two variables:

E = 11W + 1 
E + 9 = 3W + 34

If you know how to solve systems of equations, you can proceed with those techniques. Otherwise, you
can use the first equation to simplify the second: since E = 11W + 1, plug "11W + 1 " in for "E " in the
second equation:

E + 9 = 3W + 34 

(11W + 1) + 9 = 3W + 34 
11W – 3W = 34 – 9 – 1 
8W = 24 
W = 3 

Remember that the problem did not ask for the value of the variable W; it asked for the age of a
person. So the answer is: William was three years old in January of 2000.

The important steps above were to set up the variables, labelling them all clearly with their definitions,
and then to increment the variables by the required amount (in this case, by 9) to reflect the passage of
time. Don't try to use the same expression to stand for two different things. If " E " stands for my age in
2000, then "E " can not also stand for my age in 2009. Make sure that you are very explicit about this
when you set up your equations; write down the two sets of information (our ages at the first time, and
then our ages at the second time) as two distinct situations.
 In three more years, Miguel's grandfather will be six times as old as Miguel was last year.
When Miguel's present age is added to his grandfather's present age, the total is 68. How
old is each one now?   Copyright © Elizabeth Stapel 2000-2011 All Rights Reserved

This exercise refers not only to their present ages, but also to both their ages last year and
their ages in three years, so labelling will be very important. I will label Miguel's present age
as "m" and his grandfather's present age as "g". Then m + g = 68. Miguel's age "last year"
was m – 1. His grandfather's age "in three more years" will be g + 3. The grandfather's "age
three years from now" is six times Miguel's "age last year" or, in math:

g + 3 = 6(m – 1)

This gives me two equations with two variables:

m + g = 68 
g + 3 = 6(m – 1)

Solving the first equation, I get m = 68 – g. (Note: It's okay to solve for "g = 68 – m", too. The
problem will work out a bit differently in the middle, but the answer will be the same at the end.) I'll
plug "68 – g" into the second equation in place of "m":

g + 3 = 6m – 6 
g + 3 = 6(68 – g) – 6 
g + 3 = 408 – 6g – 6 
g + 3 = 402 – 6g 
g + 6g = 402 – 3 
7g = 399 
g = 57

Since "g" stands for the grandfather's current age, then the grandfather is 57 years old.
Sincem + g = 68, then m = 11, and Miguel is presently eleven years old.

 One-half of Heather's age two years from now plus one-third of her age three years ago is
twenty years. How old is she now?

This problem refers to Heather's age two years in the future and three years in the past. So
I'll pick a variable and label everything clearly:

age now:  H  
age two years from now:  H + 2  
age three years ago:  H – 3

Now I need certain fractions of these ages:

one-half of age two years from now:  ( 1/2 )(H + 2) = H/2 + 1  
one-third of age three years ago:  ( 1/3 )(H – 3) = H/3 – 1

The sum of these two numbers is twenty, so I'll add them and set this equal to 20:

/2 + 1 + H/3 – 1 = 20 
/2 + H/3 = 20 
3H + 2H = 120 
5H = 120 
H = 24

Heather is 24 years old.

Note: Remember that you can always check your answer to any "solving" exercise by plugging that
answer back into the original problem. If Heather is 24 now, then she will be 26 in two years, half of
which is 13, and she was 21 three years ago, a third of which is 7. Adding, I get 13 + 7 = 20, so the
solution works.

How to solve Age Word Problems?

If the problem involves a single person, then it is similar to an

Integer Problem. Read the problem carefully to determine the
relationship between the numbers. This is shown in the examples
involving a single person.

If the age problem involves the ages of two or more people then
using a table would be a good idea. A table will help you to organize
the information and to write the equations. This is shown in
the examples involving more than one person. 

Related Topics: More Algebra Word Problems 

How to solve Age Problems Involving A Single Person? 


Five years ago, John’s age was half of the age he will be in 8 years.
How old is he now?


Step 1: Let x be John’s age now. Look at the question and put the
relevant expressions above it.

Step 2: Write out the equation.

Isolate variable x

Answer: John is now 18 years old.

How to use Algebra to solve age problems?

1. Ten years from now, Orlando will be three times older than he is
today. What is his current age?
2. In 20 years, Kayleen will be four times older than she is today.
What is her current age?
About the topic "How to solve age
problems step by step"
"How to solve age problems step by step ?" is a big question having had by
the people who get prepared for competitive exams and study quantitative
aptitude. For some students, solving problems on ages is  never being easy
and always it is a challenging one. 

How to solve age problems step by

step ?
The answer  for the question "How to solve age problems step by step ?" is
purely depending upon the question that we have in the topic "Problems on
Ages". The techniques and methods we apply to solve problems on ages  will
vary from problem to problem.

The techniques and methods we apply to solve a particular  problem  will not
work for another word problem on ages.

Even though we have different techniques to solve word problems in

different topics of math, let us see the steps which are most commonly
involved in "How to solve age problems step by step"
Steps involved in solving problems on
To get answer for the question "How to solve age problems step by step ?",
we have to be knowing the following steps explained. 


Understanding the question is more important than any other thing. That is,
always it is very important to understand the information given in the
question rather than solving.


If it is possible, we have to split the given information. Because, when we

split the given information in to parts, we can understand them easily.


Once we understand the given information clearly, solving the  problems on

age would not be a challenging work. 


When we try to solve the problems on ages, we have to introduce "x" or "y"
or some other alphabet for unknown value (=answer for our question). Finally
we have to get value for the alphabet which was introduced for the unknown

If it is required, we have to draw picture for the given information. Drawing
picture for the given information will give us a clear understanding about the
question. For most of the problems on ages, picture will not be required.


Using the alphabet introduced for unknown value, we have to translate the
English statement (information) given in the question as mathematical

In translation, we have to translate  the following English words as the

corresponding mathematical symbols.

                                  of -------> x (multiplication)

am, is, are, was, were, will be, would be --------> = (equal) 


Once we have translated the English Statement (information) given in the

question as mathematical equation correctly, 90% of the work will be over.
The remaining 10% is just getting the answer. That is solving for the

These are the steps most commonly involved in "How to solve age problems
step by step".

We hope, the steps explained above will give a clear answer for the people
who have the question " How to solve age problems step by step ?"

Let us look at, how these steps are involved in solving problem on ages given

The age of a man is three times  the sum of the ages of his two
sons and 5 years hence his age will be double the sum of their
ages. Find the present age of the man.


Step 1:

Let us understand the given information. There are two information

given in the question. 

1. The age of a man is three times the sum of the ages of his two sons.
(At present)

2. After 5 years, his age would be double the sum of their ages. (After
5 years)

Step 2:

Target of the question: Present age of the man = ?

Step 3:

Introduce required variables for the information given in the question. 

Let "x" be the present age of the man.

Let "y" be the sum of present ages of two sons.

Clearly, the value of "x" to be found. Because that is the target of the

Step 4:

Translate the given information as mathematical equation using "x" and


First information:  

The age of a man is three times the sum of the ages of his two sons.


The Age of a man  --------> x

                               is --------> =

three times sum of the ages of his two sons --------> 3y 

Equation related to the first information using "x" and "y" is

                                         x = 3y ----(1)

Second Information:

After 5 years, his age would be double the sum of their ages.


Age of the man after 5 years --------> x + 5

Sum of the ages of his two sons after 5 years --->y+5+5 = y +10

(Here we have added 5 two times.The reason is there are two sons)

Double the sum of ages of two sons --------> 2(y+10)

                                 would be --------> =

Equations related to the second information using "x" and "y" is

                                     x + 5 = 2(y+10) ----(2)

Step 5:

Solve equations (1) & (2) :

Plug x = 3y in equation (2) ===>  3y + 5 = 2(y+10)

                                                            3y + 5 = 2y + 20

                                                              y = 15

Plug y = 15 in equation (1) ===> x = 3 (15)

                                                           x = 45

Therefore, the present age of the man is 45 years. 

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