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-The rise in the use of the internet has led to many changes in our daily
life. In particular, this rise has also led to the rise of online gaming. Online gaming
can refer to any type of game that someone can play through the internet or over
computer network. Most of time, online gaming refers to the video games played
over the internet. Where multiple players are in different locations around the
world in most cases on online games are freeware programs that can be use for an
unlimited time and are available for free. Most percentage of web games available
nowadays is written in flash, shockwave and java languages. Because of that, they
feature more primitive game play than downloadable games.
-Having an online game experience typically requires a high speed
internet connection. Proper hardware will also be required whether it’s a computer
or a gaming consult choose as or play station that’s connected to the internet. Some
online games require a specific piece of controlling hardware choose as joystick or
a game controller, but this days, gaming technology has progressed to an amazing
extent. Things like streaming animation 3-D animation graphics, with superb
surround sound stereo now have the ability to make all addicted to gaming. In
terms of video games, online gaming is growing in popularity for variety of
reasons. Gamers can easily find opponents of a similar skill level when playing a
head-to-head game over the internet players also can compete in massively
multiplayer games, where dozens of players an play an ongoing game in a virtual
word. Some online games change a monthly fee for access to the video game
-Today, one can see the impact of computer and video games in politics,
television, popular music and Hollywood a lot of research is conducted to study its
affect on life style and behaviour of the wow power levelling gamer specially kids.
Online game is the most sought leisure activity followed by kids nowadays.
Computers play a major role in shaping the future of the kids. Days are gone when
children loved to indulge in outdoor activities, rather than running or playing
outside, spend most of their time in playing online games. Online games surely
have an impact on minds of kids. Taking in to consideration, it is positively great
mind exercise and helps kids explore many new things. It includes improvement in
recursive and proactive thinking, increase sociability and improve interpretive
skills. Some research show that the children who play online games are more
active and have sharper minds than there other counterparts. However, computers
and video games also receive much more negative critic’s , because games are
active coined with issue choose as mindless entertainment enhance social
recluse ,sexism and consumerism. Research show that kids who play violence
video games
show on increased and emotional arousal and a corresponding decreased of activity
in brain areas involving self-control ,inhabitation and attention.
Everyone who plays video games has a different reason for playing, and
the new sage of the game leads to different effects for each individual. Childhood
upbringings peer influence, pressure at school and family issues are all factors that
have a strong connection with the effects of gaming on individuals. Video games
may be therapeutic for someone people, but the small amount of people who are
negatively affected by gaming impact are many.


-This study aims to know the impact of online gaming among the 17-19
years old students in ENHS.
Specially, this study sought answered to the following question:

1. Students profile in terms of:

2. What are the influence online games to the students
3. What are the effect of online games in students
STUDENTS-This study is primarily important to students, for it will give
information about the impacts they may get from online gaming.
PARENTS- This study will help the parents to have enough knowledge about the
impacts of online games.

The focus of this study is to determine the INFUENCE OF ONLINE GAMES OF STUDENTS
BEHAVIOR SHS STUDENTS IN ENHS, it will concentrate only on the senior High School
student, Grade 12, section of spring. Other Section are excluded in this study. Written consent
will be distributed before answering the questionnaire



This chapter present the literature and the studies relevant presentation investigation.
Carey (2012) found out that the history of online gaming included contributions by many
different companies and entitles. Online gaming began as multiplayer gaming, but has involved
to include online gaming servers and massively- multiplayer online games settings. Stated by
Hassan(2011), online gaming is good and bad. Good for those who know their limits and bad for
those who fix themselves in the seats for long hours and cut off interaction with rest of the world.
According to the study of Chang (2009), Online gaming was referred to as internet
gaming or electronic gaming. It was a gathering of players with the common game using local
area network(LAN) where they could be on the same settings. The players seem to be in a real
situation that they use their mouse or keypads to move in the monitor, they virtual world.
Hall(2005) Sade that online gaming has become increasing popular over the pass few years. Both
Orzack (2004) and French (2002) found out that internet search for “gaming addiction” yields
list physical and psychological symptoms from dry-eyes and carpal tunnel syndrome to
“problems school or work”, offered as indicative of problem usage bavior.
Most people relate online games to student’s behaviour. Through the years, studies
have yielded different result. Some of them say that are correlated when some say that they not.
According to Anderson and Dill (2000), there is a negative correlation between the two. Thus,
meaning that there is no relation between the number of hours played by a player and his/her
grades. At times, the student defend the games they are playing by saying that they do to learn
something from it. A paper from EDUCUASE backs this students up by suggesting that the
faculty learn and know about online games, so as to help students in class learning experience
(Hitch and Duncan, 2005). Furthermore, another paper claims that this games are not just for
entertainment (Shaffer , squire, Halverson, and Gee 2005).they claim that these games may be
used to learn and experience different things and interact with other people and belong to a
virtual community.

Online games have both positive and negative effects on people, especially students.
One of the negatives is this, many cases among students are addiction, and this
addiction may lead to worse problems. The students might steal money, they may become lazy
when it comes to studying and prefer playing the whole day long. Some may even skip school in
order to have more playing time. (Sujat Ali Hamzah).

Addicted gamers spend so much time playing that their personal relationship get
neglected and sometimes disappear altogether. Among addicted gamers who are married, up to
50% report a strain in their married as a result of their addiction. Addicted gamers also
neglected; the responsibilities of ever day life choose as a school and work, (UNC-OASIS). In
the world of today, there are different genres of online games. First are the console games. Are
more commonly referred to as a video games, they are played on a device specially made for
game played called a video games console. The player interacts with the game through a
controller, a hand held device with buttons and joysticks or pads. Video and sound are received
by the gamer though a television. Example of consoles include the Microsoft Xbox, Sony play
station, Nintendo Game cube, and Nintendo Wii. Second are the real time strategy games. This
is a type of video game in which players exercise strategy along the way, typically to conquer
enemies and reach a final destination without being addicted, for example, to win. players decide
which routes to take, what needs to be done and how to do it. Contrast with first person shooter.
Third are the cross platforms online games. Developing software for, or running software on,
more than one type of hardware platform. The most universal cross platform application is the
According to Philippine communications by Maslog C. of 1998, one social problem
that has been observe is that internet cafe has became mainly game centers . About one-half to
two thirds of the computer in a typically internet café, according to the study, are devoted to
games (violent and glory games). The of the remaining computers was roughly split between
browsing, email, online chat, word processing and research. The internet café will become not
just game center. They are becoming centers of addiction among the youth, mostly boys
including elementary school pupils. According to one concern internet café entrepreneur, internet
café are seducing youths to a new form addiction one which may not destroy their bodies as
drugs do, but, which certainly twististing their minds to the young, pay is reality and reality is
Based on research studies, there are many research shows that Influence in students
Behaviour in online games usually being used by the students are prepared brainstorming

Moreover, some research shows how to choosing strategy is an preference way on

the grade 10 students styles not only to choosing their academic strand it also their social skills,
and inspiration to choose. Some of the researcher examined the impacts of choosing strand of
grade10 wherein they found out this is can helpful to the grade 10 students such as they are being
career path, skills ,academic performance and many more.
However, all researcher stated that choosing strand can totally helpful to the
students, there are study found out that All portion of the class answered, during answered the
question, this questionnaire is can help to students next year in senior high school this is the way
to get advanced knowledge going to college..

The present researcher believe that their studies were are relevant or meaningful
because of the new finding about the Influence of online games in students behaviours of SHS



Students behaviour


This research paper employs a descriptive research since the researcher described and
discussed the Influence of online games of student’s behaviour of student in ENHS.

This research entitled survey of influencing of online games in students behaviours of shs
students ENHS adopted a qualitative survey as a research design,


This research study was conducted at Echague, National High School located at San
Fabian Echague Isabela. The section, SPRING composed of 25 students and will serve as
the respondents for this study,


Questionnaire and interview were used as a data collection method in order to gather
information. The questionnaire was modified and adopted from the internet.


The following procedure helped the researchers in gathering efficient data:

1. At first the researcher looked for necessary resources that could help them in their
2. A letter of transmittal was then prepared and was submitted to their subject
3. The researcher asked the permission from their adviser to allow them to proceed
the distribution of the questionnaire to the student.
4. Retrieval of the questionnaires was done after 30 minutes. The responses were
tallied, analyzed and interpreted accordance to the items found in instruments.
Table 1:

Table 2:
17 14
18 10
19 1
Table 3:
4 3 2 1
1.Having 13 3 8 1
fun in
gaming is
the most
2.Game 8 8 8 1
content and
storyline is
the most
3.Some of 6 7 9 3
the games is
Should be

4.Game 9 5 8 3
difficulty is
something interest
5.The style in 9 8 3 5
gaming should
be affected your
6.Playing online 2 5 10 8
games relieves
my stress for a
7.My eyes is being 1 7 10 7
blurred after
playing online
8.I skipped my 2 9 11 3
meals just to
finish the game?

9.I feel dizzy 2 6 9 8

while I playing
online games
because I did not
10.Felling tired 0 9 7 9
because I am not
sleep well
because of
playing online

Based in our survey in number 1, having in online games, (13) of our respondents
answered agree because they enjoy playing online games, (3) answered strongly agree, (8) of our
respondents answered dis agree, (1) of the respondents answered strongly dis agree. In number 2
game contended in online games (8) of our respondents answered agree, (8) answered strongly
agree , (8) also answered dis agree out of a total of 25 respondents and (1) of our respondent are
answered strongly agree. In number 3, violence of online games, (6) answered agree, (7)
answered strongly agree, (9) dis agree and (3) answered strongly dis agree. Therefore the
majority of the respondents are dis agree in violence of gaming. Based on our survey in number
4, game difficulty is something interest me, (9) answered agree, (5) answered strongly agree,
(8)of our respondent answered dis agree and (3) strongly dis agree. Therefore the majority of the
respondents are agree in game difficulty is something interest me. Based on our survey in
number 5, gaming affected their study (5) our respondents answered agree , (3) answered
strongly agree (8) answered dis agree, and (9) answered strongly dis agree with the total of 25
respondents therefore most of our respondent are strongly dis agree in gaming affect their
study. Based on our survey in number 6, the respondents relieves their stress because of laying
online games, (10) of our respondents answered agree, (8) answered strongly agree with the total
of 25 respondent, (2)dis agree, and (5) strongly agree there fore the majority of online games
relieves there stress are agree. Based on our survey in number 7, playing online games that being
blurred there eyes, (10)of our respondents answered agree, (7) strongly agree, (1) of our
respondent answered dis agree and (7) strongly dis agree with the total of 25 respondents,
therefore the majority of online games that being blurred their eyes while they are playing online
games. Based in our survey in number 8 the respondents are skied their meals just to finish their
game (2) answered dis agree, (9) answered strongly agree (11) of our respondents answered dis
agree, and (3) strongly dis agree therefore the majority of respondents are dis agree skipped their
meals just to finish there game. Based on our survey in number 9, playing online games that
dizzy, (2) answered agree, (6) answered strongly agree, (9) of our respondents are answered dis
agree and (8) answered strongly dis agree. Based on our survey in number 1, felling tired of a
students (9) of our respondents answered agree (7) of our respondents answered dis agree and (9)
answered atrongly dis agree therefore the majority of felling tired of students in playing online
games are either strongly agree or strongly dis agree

This chapter will present the results and finding and the collected data through the use of
survey of questionnaire. This chapter will also explain and answer the following questionnaire
given in Chapter 1 in statement of the problem.
This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusion and recommendation in this study.

Having an online game experience typically requiress a high speed internet connection. Use of
the internet has lead to many changes in our daily life. In particular, this rise has also lead to the
rise of online gaming. Most of time online gaming refers to the video game played over the
internet. The students who played online games are more active and have sharper minds than
there other counter parts. Every one who plays video gams has a different reason for playing,
and the new sage of the game leads to different effects of each individual. The effects of gaming
on individuals may be therapeutic for someone people, but the small amount of people who are
negatively affected by gaming impact are many.
From the research that has been towards to the respondents that are consist. The
researchers found out that become addicted to online games can effect social life, behaviour and
action. If the players playing online games too much until they can’t manage their sleep time,
meal and social, it will give an bad effect. For example if the resondents skip their meals, they
will not get enough nutrient that body require thus non lead to health problem. Their body will
become weak physically. Playing online games also can make someone become anti-social. The
resondents are more likely from having fun in online games over than having conversation with
their families and friends.

This study is gathered from the respondents, the different behaviour of the students in online
games that the majority of the respondents are agree in fun gaming of online games and majority
of the respondents are dis agree in playing online games and dis agree in fell dizzy while playing
online games that can influence their behaviour of the students.

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