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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III—Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Pob. 3, Gerona, Tarlac 2302
S.Y. 2019-2020

Perception of LGBTQ+ Community

at Corazon C. Aquino High School (CCAHS) about SOGIE bill
A Research Paper

A research
Presented to the
Department of Senior High School
Corazon C. Aquino High School
Gerona, Tarlac

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in the Course

Practical Research 1

Arr-Emm A. Montemayor, et. al.

Members: Joemar D. Balacano, Margie P. Bautista, Arr-Emm A. Montemayor, Mark Anthony

Padigdig, Reymart L. Padua,Erquile O. Reyes, Jansen Paul E. Saludez,

Title: Perception of LGBTQ+ Community at Corazon C. Aquino High School (CCAHS)

about SOGIE bill



The fight of equality and anti-discrimination for the LGBTQ+ community is one that has

known almost two decades of legal struggle. The states commitment to upholding the dignity and

equality of all persons is enshrined in the 1987 constitution and in several international covenants

on civil and political rights (ICCPR).

While the protection of the LGBTQ+ is promised on paper, the Philippines is no stranger

to notorious cases of hate crimes and abuse against the community. In its latest version, senate

bill no. 689, entitled "Anti-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and

expression", has not been passed in congress after almost two decades. It seeks to penalized

discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression (SOGIE) and

it’s more commonly known as the anti-discrimination bill or the SOGIE inequality bill.

In this connection, studying this topic aims to evaluate the perception of LGBTQ+

students at Corazon C. Aquino High School about SOGIE bill.


This study aims to evaluate the perception of LGBTQ+ students at Corazon C. Aquino

High School about the said bill.

Specifically, it seeks answer to the following questions;

1. What is the the level of awareness of LGBTQ+ member at Corazon C. Aquino High School

about SOGIE Equality bill?

2.What is the perception of LGBTQ+ member-respondents at Corazon C. Aquino High School

to the provisions of SOGIE Equality bill?

3.What are the perceived effects to the members of LGBTQ+ community about the provision of

SOGIE Equality bill?


This study will help us to know what is SOGIE bill all about and the perception of

LGBTQ+ students at Corazon C. Aquino High School. It will give benefits not only the

LGBTQ+ but also to the students, teachers, school, and to the future researchers.

To the students, the results of this study will give them knowledge about SOGIE bill.

They will learn what are their rights and limitations based on this bill. It will help them to realize

that they need to respect all of the members of the LGBTQ+ community.
To the LGBTQ+ members, the result of this study will make them secure and they will

have a protection if this law was implemented.

To the school, the results of this study will give them knowledge on the different rights

inside of this bill and the things that they need to do when a person experienced discrimination.

To the teachers, the results of this study will give them knowledge on how they treat and

accept every members of LGBTQ+ community.

To the researchers, the results of this study will give them knowledge on the different

rights that belong to the SOGIE bill and to help them to develop their skills.

Lastly to the future researchers, this will help them if they encounter the same study.


This study introduced a solution to those who experienced discrimination. The scope is

limited in the grounds of Corazon C. Aquino High School where it will benefit those students

who have already experienced being discriminated especially to the LGBTQ+ students.



Discrimination according to Livine (1979) is stereotyping qualities mainly based on

stigmatized statuses. It is essentially the chopping off of every individual that doesn’t go with the

qualities instated mainly by culture from the “acceptable” society. These results to the inequality
experience not only towards how the community treats them but also how big the opportunities

that they will have are.

Beauchamp (2012, p.12), on the other hand, defines progressivism as ‘open-mindedness

and pluralism in beliefs and in politics’. Beauchamp recognizes the need for the reframing of the

role of government wherein it now exists to ‘uphold rights, protect from harm and expand


Adams (1913, Chapter 6) agrees on the important role played by the state. He adds that

‘society [is] an organism that [operates] in mechanical principles [and] what we call civilation..

[is] more or less thorough social centralization…Social consolidation is, however, not a simple

problem, for social consolidation implies an equivalent capacity for administration.’ He critiques

this with a Marxist perspective. ‘Advances in administration presuppose the evolution of new

governing classes […] conflicting interest […] and subjugation.’

Both characterize progressivism as an ode to liberalism and as an idealization of the

modernization theory (Corrales, 2015) while representing an increasing hope towards the

synergy of government and people addressing social problems and inequalities (Beauchamp,

2015). This presupposes that one condition for the successful implementation of legislation is

contingent to the attitudes held by people towards it.

Manalastas, Del Pilar and Torre studied the negative predispositions held by Filipinos

towards LGBT individuals. With a sample of 1,200, the Social Weather Station (SWS) surveyed

these general attitudes using the datasets of the Philippine Round of the World Values Survey for

both 1996 and for 2001. Both researchers categorized the ‘measures’ used to determine

respondent’s attitudes towards lesbians and gay individuals. From the Not-neighbor measure,
32.5% of the respondents said that they did not want to have LGBT individuals as neighbors

while the 2002 survey showed 24%. This apparent decrease in heterosexist attitude may reflect

the level of ease one now feels with regards to having LGBT members at close proximity.

Another was the Justifiability Measure. The 1996 data 28.3% of respondents rated being lesbian

or gay as ‘can never be justified’ which got surprisingly larger in the 2001 survey with 28.7%

ticking the same box. Both measures indicate that Filipino attitudes of heterosexism changed

minutely during a five-year period. The findings showed that Metro Manila along with the

majority of Luzon had the least negative attitudes towards lesbians and gay men whilst

Mindanao recorded most negative. Educational attainment played a transient role in determining

said perspectives and likewise the same with religiosity (with the exception of the 1996

findings), hence proving the multi-factorial nature of discrimination.

A report from the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) ‘Being LGBT in

Asia’ examined how areas such as education, health, employment, family affairs, religion,

community, media and politics affect LGBT individuals according to 50 LGBT organizations.

Based on open discussions, it found out how persistent micro-aggression (i.e. implicit

discrimination and structural violence) was. In public policy, anti-discrimination legislation gain

little to no traction because of the clout held by Church groups amidst the constitutional clause

against religious politicization (Article 2, Section 6). In education, ‘academic freedom’ is used to

guise abuses. In response, DepEd condemned such acts, and later recognized pride marches and

LGBT tolerance on campus. In health, a lack of resources and problems with access to HIV

testing is felt. Psychological and hormonal treatment is likewise hard to access. Media sources

often represent LGBT members in stereotypes that limit, distort and harm perceptions regarding
them. In the political realm, Ang Ladlad has been unsuccessful in winning seats in Congress thus

only allowing SOGIE discourse thru LGBT allies, LGU units and social movements.

The existence of laws that protect LGBT rights do exist. Citing a Supreme Court decision

regarding individual rights, “While same sex relationship are not recognized, the Supreme Court

(SC) has invalidated government regulations that infringe on the sexual relations of consenting

adults, stating that these violated the privacy rights and personal dignity of individuals.”

(Ocampo, 2011). This means that LGBT people do have a legitimate claim on their right to

privacy. Some laws likewise mention sexual orientation as is the case in Article 46 of the Family

Code, as it mentions homosexuality/lesbianism as “grounds for annulling marriages”. However,

these and certain other laws such as RA 9262 (AntiViolence Against Women and Their Children

Act) portray homosexuality as “psychological detrimental”, even associating it with alcoholism

and substance abuse.

Manalastas (2013, p. 49) summarizes by presenting a solution. To attain equality,

advocacy groups must be willing to mobilize collective leading to social change and the

reduction of inequalities. To achieve a unified voice, compromise among members must be met.

To recourse into social movements and collective action means that continuous disruptive action

will be utilized – an “unexpected power” (Hertel, 2006). Membership my either be formal or

informal and the leadership position may be transient. Social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner,

1979) identified three factors for collective action to take place; ‘perceptions of impermeability

of intergroup boundaries, feelings of illegitimacy of the status hierarchy, and perceptions of

instability of the status quo’.

•SOGIE Equality Bill, •Analyzing the •Implement social
also known as senate content and the awareness about the
bill No.689, “Anti- policies of the SOGIE Equality Bill to
Discrimination Law SOGIE Equality the society.
which was solely based Bill •Establish an
on the Anti- •Conducting a academic material for
Discrimination Bill. collective case future researchers
•Selected Members of study to the •Develop an
the LGBTQ+ selected LGBTQ+ innovative solution as
Community (Gay) participants. a suggestion for the
questioning their •Observation of government to take
different perception the social action on the possible
about this bill. condition and predicament
•The social conditions conducting an concluded in the
of the selected interview to the study.
members in their:- participants to
Workplace-Public determine the
Places-Mass Media. significance of
the study to the
members of the



This study utilized a collective case study, using a qualitative approach to be able to
gather the necessary data. As stated by Creswell (2007),”a collective case study, otherwise
known as multiple case study involves one issue selected ,but the inquirer selects multiple case
studies to illustrate the issue”. This study focuses on the case itself ,the perception of the
fifteen(15)selected members of LGBTQ+ community regarding the potential impact of the
SOGIE Equality bill based on their social conditions that been confounded through interview.

Using a qualitative case study as an approach to research will facilities exploration of a

phenomenon within its context using a variety of data sources(Baxter,2018).This will ensures
that the perception of the LGBTQ+ community regarding the SOGIE Equality bill is not
explored through one lens, but rather a variety of lenses which allows multiple facets of the issue
to be revealed and understood. A multiple case study will help to enable the researcher to explore
the differences within the cases of the selected participants. The goal is to replicate findings
across the perceptions of the LGBTQ+ members because comparisons will be drawn on the
findings. It is important that the cases involved are chosen carefully for the issue.

Using this approach helped the researcher gather vital information from careful participant
selection, rather than statistical representation of sampling from quantitative studies. The use of
qualitative design helped to provide credibility with bias being strengthened.

This design research intention was to provide a better understanding and exploration of


The respondents of this study for the interview are ten chosen LGBTQ+ members(gays) who
identified themselves as part of the LGBTQ+ community. The respondents are from Corazon C.
Aquino High School. The members of the LGBTQ+ have been interviewed individually by an
interview guide that is check for validity that supplied the information the researchers relating to
the subject.

On this qualitative research, we used interview because it is the easier way to collect or to
gather data .It can also provide direct feedback to the respondent and give clarifications and if
the questionnaire is very lengthy ,the personal interview is the best technique for getting
respondents to cooperate, without overtaxing their patience.



This chapter presents the data and results with the basis if the interviews and questionnaires
conducted by the researcher to gather the different perceptions of the selected LGBTQ+
members. The selected people from Corazon C. Aquino High School. The following statements
of the problem are the following:

Problem No.1.Level of awareness of LGBTQ+ members of Corazon C. Aquino High School

respondents about SOGIE Equality bill.

Based on the series of interviews asked for the fifteen(15)LGBTQ+ members respondents,
nine(9) of the participant have respondent that they are aware of the SOGIE Equality bill but has
no idea about it’s content and supporting details about the proposed bill. Respondent no.5 Have
verbalized when asked about his knowledge regarding the said bill,

“ I have heard it on the news, because of the rallies against it, and I know that it is about the
equality of the LGBTQ+”

The media has covered the SOGIE Equality bill on the news frequently, but has never wildly
discussed its under provisions ,as Sison (2012) related this circumstance .Since the Philippines is
largerly known conservative country ,the widespread information about the propose bill is not
broadly discussed in the media because of the culture and norms of the country.

However, six(6) of the respondents said that they are completely aware of the bill.They are
well informed that there is a bill being amended.
58% of the respondents are aware of the SOGIE Equality bill but has no idea about its content.
While, the 42% of the respondents are completely aware about this bill.

Problem No.2.The perception of the LGBTQ+ member-respondents about SOGIE Equality bill.

The following are the results based on the perception of the LGBTQ+ member-respondents.
The provisions by the collected data from the interviews.

 Prohibiting discrimination towards SOGIE

From the fifteen(15)respondents of the interview, four of them describe that the said
provision will be helpful for their current social conditions ,stating that it could help them
to feel contented without feeling unease because of the discrimination they have
encountered .Meanwhile ,three of the respondents said that this provision will serve as
the ‘gateway’ for freedom from expressing themselves and being open to the public.
Three(3) of them answered that the provision could help established equality by
maintaining the social quality without making a chance to flee any forms of intolerance.
Five(5) of them, however ,agreed any stated that the provision titled should be
implemented and maintained.

 Equal rights for LGBTQ+

Most of the respondents believed that this provision will help everyone be entitled to be
treated fairly, as respondent no.1 stated:
“Us being different in nature,nakalimutan ng iba na we’re also human too, capable of
human rights”(Us different in nature ,some may forgot that we’re also human, capable of human

One of the respondents also answered that SOGIE E quality bill can help them express in
accordance to their gender since of the concept of having equal rights existed. Every individual
are vaguely entitled to be respected and accepted for whoever they choose to be.

(Deevia,2015).One of the interviewee also responded that every right shall come in any matter
and is significant to anyone. Since a lot of the occurances on the LGBTQ+ community today
shows of lack of acceptance from the outside forces ,they are forced to think that they do not
have the equal right in the society.

 Engaging freely on the public

12-0039.Their opinions and thoughts will be given importance and will not be denied in
the public. Respondent no.3 said that this will give them a chance to prove and express
freely their opinions. Their ideas are also will be heard by everyone and can be a good
opportunity to stand up for everything they believed in.

“ We all have a freedom of expression ,but we have to be responsible in every action

we do”:

Respondents no.5 also gave a statement that this is a part of human right and therefore
should be treated in a respectful manner since we are all capable of it.(Jimenez,2011)

Problem no.3-The Perceive effects to the provisions of the SOGIE Equality bill in
LGBTQ+ member -respondents

Based on the result, the provisions of SOGIE Equality bill will influence the
current social conditions of the members of the LGBTQ+ community in a way that it will
provide fairness and right treatment the LGBTQ+ community deserves. As the
respondents no.10 stated that the provisions will give them the space in the society, thus
,they will be able to speak out for themselves as well as to lessen the case of
discrimination and judgement of other people and to never feel left out since people will
be aware of their social conditions .It is not just about being protected, but the provisions
will educate them as well as the society of their rights.The gap between the LGBTQ+
community and the civilians will be decreased, making an equal environment since they
are having a hard time fitting in the society.

Three(3) of the fifteen(15) interviewees said that the SOGIE Equality bill helps to
empower their community in a way that they are able to boost their confidence,they will
feel comportable in expressing louder and clearer voices and one(1) said that they are
given the focus and attention.Another one(1) respondent said that the minority doesn’t
have to hide things they were not able to do before.Two(2) of interviewee said that it
makes them feel safe and secure from abuse despite of their sexul orientation and will
eventually lead to acceptance of one self wholeheartedlt.

“…..Mas lalong magiging malakas at mas malilinawan ng bawat isa na ang mga tao
ay kailangan ng Karapatan bilang isang tao at ang LGBT ay kailangan din ng Karapatan
bilang isang tao.”(Our fellow citizen will be more enlighten and understand more the
concept that every human needs rights for they are humans,and every LGBT also need
rights for being human).-stated by respondent no.14



This chapter presents the summary of the findings,conclusions and

recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter.This research work
was undertaken to define the perceived impact of the SOGIE Equality bill based on the
perspective of the respondents.With the data gathered,the following insights are


The focus of this study is to know the perception of the members of LGBTQ+
community at Corazon C. Aquino High School about the SOGIE Equality bill. Due to the
increasing number of cases of discrimination and violence against the LGBTQ+,the
house bill no. 4982 or the SOGIE Equality bill has been proposed to protect their rights
and to know their rights too.

1. The LGBTQ+ community is aware of the SOGIE Equality bill.Although they know
that the said bill is currently being proposed,the most the members of the LGBTQ+
community has no idea about its policies.The limitedness of information shared about
its content has made them clueless,even though they have the knowledge about the
proposal of bill.

2. The provisions included in the SOGIE Equality bill can be a way to provide a form of
protection and equality to the LGBTQ+ community.The respondents have agreed to
all the provisions,except for the inclusion of the SOGIE Equality bill as criteria for
hiring.There are also points in the provisions in which the respondents doubt,but it is
still debatable whether the conditions would really benefit the social conditons of the
LGBTQ+ community

3. Based on the data gathered from the interviews majority of the respondents are aware
of the proposed law,SOGIE Equality bill,but not that aware on its written details.For
measuring their perception.There are only certain aspects that they agree on the given
provisions,but some of its offered actions are being discourage by some respondents
either by the reason of its value or the lack of information they have known about the
particular provisions.


1. To the Philippine government. the government should provide an orientation about

the SOGIE equality bill to the public. In this way, proper information could be send
to everyone and serve as a guide in equal treatment of the LGBTQ members in the
society.Having said,protection against discrimination to the oppressed will be

2. To the LGBTQ community.The LGBTQ community should provide a good advocacy

about the SOGIE Equality bill that can help them to strengthen the passage of the bill
for nationwide implementation.It can also serve as a motivation to those who are
oppressed and those who are not able to stand up for themselves.

3. To the legislators of our government.They should edit certain parts of the SOGIE
Equality bill that will satisfied the needs of the LGBTQ community.The legislators
should also enlighten the people to give way to the passage of the bill,for this will
provide equality and a society where truth,justice,freedom,and peace will be

This researcher would like to extend his sincere thanks and deepest gratitude to the
following people who have extend their generous support and assistance for the
successful completion of this work. The researchers would like to thank the following
people who helped the researchers in making the thesis. To Mrs. Gemma T. Cabug, the
research adviser, for instructing, checking the thesis and for her motivation to finish the
research. To Our Respondents, for allowing the researchers to make an interview and for
their cooperation in answering the interview guide questions. Special thanks to our
Family, who have been our inspiration, to the support, encouragement and also we would
like to give thanks to all the person who helped us to make this study successful. And
above all, to the almighty God, who is the source of everything , who made all things
possible, provided needed strength and wisdom, and guided the researchers in making the

This research is lovingly dedicate to the next batch of Senior

High School students of Corazon C. Aquino High school to stand
as their own research study basis where they will also conduct
their Practical Research 1.

 Corazon C. Aquino High School- refers to the location where the

respondents are staying.
 Over taxing- require (a person or company) to pay too much tax.
Make an excessive demands on (a person’s strength, abilities, etc.).
 Wide spread- Found or distributed over a large area or number of
 Amended- make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer,
more accurate, or more up to date.
 Flee- run away from a place or situation of danger.
 Intolerance- unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that
differ from one’s own.
 Perceive- become aware or conscious of (something); come to
realized or understand.
 Provisions- the action of providing or supplying something for use.
 Minority- the state or period of being under the age of full legal
 Enlighten- give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding
about a subject or situation.
 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)-
The ICCPR is monitored by the Human Rights Committee (a
separate body to the Human Rights Council), which reviews regular
reports of States parties on how the rights are being implemented.
 Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression (SOGIE Bill)-
The SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression)
equality bill,
also known as the Anti-Discrimination Bill, seeks to protect
against sex and gender-based discrimination, which include denial of
to public services, health services, employment and education.

Statement of the problem
Scope and delimitation of the study
Significance of the study


Related literature
Review of related studies
Conceptual framework
Definition of terms

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