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MCT Observation Feedback Form

Grade Level: KG2 Subject: Math

Trainee’s name: Mariam Abdulla School: VIPS
MST (mentor’s) name: Ms Jadine Date: 30 October 2019

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback based on the
selected teaching competencies.

Commitment to the Profession

- Mariam’s demeanour is very professional throughout the lesson.

Planning for Learning

-The inflammable pool activity: what a great opportunity for practicing spoken English!!! Mariam asked a
few key questions but she could have asked more questions (the children were very happy to move around
the pool and to talk about this!!). Mariam could have also used this opportunity to ask students to
say/repeat full sentences (e.g. “I am inside the pool” or “she is behind the pool” etc.).
-Differentiated activities were planned for 4 different levels
- Not sure about the alignment with the “Map of your room” activity. I asked Mariam to explain: she said she
ran out of time to do the oral questioning here.
- Excellent activity (with toys and boxes) for the lower group. Great idea to have the children giving their
classmates directions. This group was also given extension work. The only problem here was that ALL
activities for this group required TOO MUCH support/teaching on Mariam’s behalf. This left her unable to
support the rest of the class.

Managing Learning
- This is a very hands-on lesson where Mariam simply facilitates independent learning: EXCELLENT!!!
Perfect learning activities for KG1 students 😊😊😊
- Clean up is cut a bit short. Then Maryam insists again that students clean up (she threaten by asking
whether students want a lollipop or not). They listen to her this time.

Implementing Learning
- This is a very vibrant lesson! Children are very, very happy to be engaged in the learning activities
- The low level group require too much support: next time, try to ensure that a more independent
activity follows the first activity (with the boxes and the toys)?
- Try to imagine how you will manage all the different groups/activities. Don’t be afraid to give specific
directions to the TA (Teaching Assistant) – you must also learn to use her effectively!

- Mariam was able to identify the rate of progress of different students and different groups

See back
Reflection on Practice
- During out post-lesson conversation, Mariam identified all the areas that can be improved in the near

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