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The Society ofNavalNaval Architects

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15. UltimateLongitudinalStrength of Mid-ShipCrossSection

NisHiHARA*, Member

(FromJ.S,N,A. fmpan. Vol. 148, Dec. 1980, Vol. 15i,ftdy198S,

Vol. I52, Jan.19e3 and Vol. 154,Dec, J9Se)


It is important to estimate thc ultimate bending nioment of a ship hull glrdcr,because it is

the main structural elemcnt to resist against thc maximum wave bending moment. This paper
deals with the evaluation of thc ultimate longitudinal strengtl] of a micl-ship cross section.

Firstly,tbe simplifiecl analytical metbod for evaluating the ultimate coiiiprcssive strength
of deek and bottom panels of a ship structure is develepecl and to the casc
extcnded ot stiffened

panels subjected to eompressive loadings and ]ateral pressure. The proposcd method is,thcn,
verified by compa,recl with expcrimental Tesults,

Secondly, two approxirnate Eormulas to calculate the ultimate strength of structural

elerncnts in a cross section are ctevelopcd from the parametric study based on the above method.

F.inally, the ultimate bending strength o'E a cross section is analyseci, An approximate

calculation method is clevelopcd based on the above approximate iermulas and verified by
cornparing the results 'from t]ie inethod with experiments using the box girder models of ships

under pure bendinbcrmoments. The longitudinal strength ol many actual ships are calcuiated

in order to study the characteristics of thc mid-ship cioss $ection.

Rv, Rs: The nondimensional ratio plate


Nomenclature rigidity and stiffened plate rigidity,

a. b,t: The length,width and thickness of respectively
a plate,respectively S: Resultant shear force along the
c: The width of residual tension zone hingeline
D: The bending rigidity of plate tl,i-/,e: Displacement imposed to the
Et3112(1-vz) boundary
E: Young'smodulus PV,IVe: Additional defiectionand initial
F: Airy's stress function fiection
m, n: Integerswbich defineFourierterms ZncL: The elastic sectional modulus of a

M=,My,Mxy: Resultant moments pcr umt ship hull girder

width Z,,,: The minimum requirecl elastic see-

rvx,Nv,Nxv: Resultant stresses per unit tional modulus by a classification

width soclety

: PIasticmoment
llti' along tl!ehinge line fi:Aspect ratio (-='a/b)
N: Resultant force perpendicularto 7: l'oisson'sratio
the hingeline ax, ay,7: The stress components in cartesian

P: Lateralpressureper unit area coordinates

Pcr: The limit pressure (4cryt2/b2) acr The elastic bucklingstress
arc The residual compressive stress

* ])epartment, att The ultirnate stress

Ocean Projeet Division, ay The yieldingstress of the material
Mitsui Engineering &
Co,, Ltd.


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of Architects ofof Japan

Ultimate Longitudinal Strengtho'E Mid-Ship Cross Section 201

plicable to the basic desig:nthan previous

1. Introduction '
The conventional assessment of the longitu- The ultimate bending moment of a ship hull
dinal strength of a ship's hull girder subjected girder can be estimated based on bucklingand
to bending mement due to wave have been ultimate strength of the cornpressed stiffened
made by comparing calculated elastic stresses plates, Further more, thE progressof the
in the hull seetion with allowable stresses. element's failurein the cros$ section must be
And, tlie section modulus has come to be taken account, in erder to evaluate the ac-
regarded as the primary rneasure of longitudi- curate longitudinal strcngth. Therefere, this
nal bending strength of the hull girder, But paper presents a calculatio'n method of the
the elastic section modulus does not always ultimate bending moment tLsing the approxi-
provide the true criterion of the strength. mate formulas of the ulti]nate strength of
Since the bucklingfailurcsof platcsmay oc- stiffened plates,
cure, before the ship hull girder reache$ the The varidity of the caleulation method is
collapse moment due to bendingmoment. confirrned by comparing the ,analysiswith pure
Recent trends in the ship design are toward bending collapse tests on various mid-ship
more use of high tensile steel platesand de- cross section models,
velopment of unconventional ship types. In This paper also includes the surnmary of
these cases, it has becorne very important to
estimate the u]timate longitudinal strength oi
author's study (1to 4) regarding the above.

a ship hullgirder which isthe real structural 2. UItimate strength ofstiffened panels
element resisting against the wave bending Recently,the finiteelement method (FEM)
moment, In additien, it is very important to has made it possibleto calculate the ultimate

estimate the ultimate longitudinal strength at strength of stiffened plates. However, FEM
the basicdesignstage in order to perform the requires so much laborand time that ahandy
rational design. analytical method is necessary for parametric
Some studies have provided the evaluation study of stiffened plates composing a mid-ship
rnethods of the ultimate, elaste-plastic strength cross section, Thus, sirnplified analytical
of ship hull girders<1to 10). Caldwell(7) methods (11to 17) were developed. In this
developed a method forcalculating the ultimate paper, tlie method developedby Fujita et aL
longitudinalstrcngth of a ship from scantlings (15) is aclQpted to formulate the post-buckling
and material properties oi itscross section. At behavior of stiffened platesin accordance with

first, the method dealtwith enly the failurcby the above mentioned point. Particular atten-
yielding. Then, the method was extcnded to tion ispaid to obtain an effective method for
estimate the effect of buckling of the eompres- plates stiffened on one side and subjected to
sed members in the structure. However, this Iateralpressure.And the author (1), (2)have
method does not take account of the progress confirmed the applicability ot the methed.
of buckling failure,I)ow et al, (9) developeda This chapter presents the abstract of thjs
method which considered the local buckling study.2.I
failureand lossof the load caTrying capacity EIasticanalysis forla7gedefbrmation
by post-collapsing in the elements ef the hull The basic structural elements oi a mid-ship
cross section. Since this method needs the cross section are stiffened rectangular plates as
]oad-shortening curve of each element ef the shown in Fig. 1. They usually have initial'
section, itisnot convenient to use this at the imperfectionssuch as initialdeflectiens and
basicdesignstage. Therefore,the purpose of residual stresses as shown in Fig. 2, "・Then a
the present paper is to developthe new meth- simply supported stiffened rectangular plate is
ocl to calculate the ultimate bending moment subjected to arbiturary corr.bination of com-
of a mid-ship cross section, which is more ap- pression, shear load and lateralpressure, the

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The Society ofNavalNaval Architects
of Architects ofof Japan

202 SeiichiroNIsHIHARA

i mfl 04za, 0'tw Oze"
ox, +2 ox2oy2 oy4'


oxay 0xOy

+ (2>
Let us assumc out-of-plane defiectionas
M7TX . 7t"Y

w= :!]ZVVmn sin
mn a
b (3)
, e・nnx , 717Y
tgo:= IEI
P7omn sin------
b (4)
Substituting these equations (3) and (4)into
equation of compatibility (1),
general solution
of Airy's functiollcan be obtained as
Fig. 1 Definition -

( )
of stiffene<1 rectangular plate
F..F P -aYx2 l-"x .-EL.Y(2 1--!Zm)
2 3Ca 2 3b
LZ.oo ne.B
+ crFirnne A ZI2'O'relzeneB Y2 (5)


P i!' FP ='t'


m ± r n ± s
+zeJomntavrs>>l.]giCos nVCOS -"y
a b
2,3, 4) (6)
Fig. 2 Definition of load and initialimporicction gi is a functionoi m, et, T, s and fi
for sti['fened plate Zone A and Zone B represent the zone of tensile
residual stress and compressive residual stress
respectively as shown in Fig. 2.
condition of compatibility and equation of
The in the stiffened plate can be

equilibrium are expressed in the following form expressed by the Airy'slunction, Eq. (5)and
in terms of Airy's stress function F. the strains can be calculated by using the
stresses, In to solve tliisequation,
order virtual
OdF a4F 04F work principle be applied.
may The virtual
+2'a2xoi-y +-b'y{
ax4 work principleis written as follows;

We==Wp+Ws (7)
o2zore2w, a2zv,o2w We: externalwerkenergy
OXOII 0XOY ex2 oy2 PVp: internalstrain energy in plate
e2w OZwo1 VVs: internalstrain energy in stiffener
0x2 Oy2 ) (1) Substitutingthe stresses and strains, which

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Ultimate Longitudinal Strength of Mid-Ship Cross Section 203

are by Wmn and Womn, into Eq,

represented q'( bs,s, asr3,b o'>b

(7),the third order simultaneous equations /-Lsett../'Lse

with respect to Wmn can be obtained.

2.2 Plasticanalysis for gargedefbrmation g sm
ut m

The plastic limit analysis is carried for a 45. 14sd 14se

veL L-iis--J
l a
simply supported plate stiffened consisted of
rigid bodies,plastic hinges and plastic hinge a] b} e)

lines. Aleumed plbstSt ht]ge ltt.-

The equations of equilibrium are as follows; Fig. 3 Assumea plastLehinge Iine

OoN.x agryxv
+ =o

0Nxw 0Nv
Ox +'o'y'=e


OX・i +2 OxOy +
02Mxv 02My
,IIS., I,.
(iV8U+ Sa V)dl. (lo)
XVherelm denotesthe m-th hinge line,r isthe
31"r ) (Nxu
) Oozyev
nurnber oi hinge linesand s denotes the in-

planeboundary of stiffened plate,In the case

(Nv)+p==o (8)
OoWy of a simply supported
the arrangement
the calculation
stifferLed plate,assuming
oi the hinge linesas in Fig.3,

results of Eq. (le)

are as fel-
The virtual work yieldsthe follow-
principle case a)
mg equatlon,

!:( a,N.m
ng,xv)s.,.,, m-4s+mds+mgo(-!l-
(,\., )
t9., -1) + MaPS'
+ 'mpbgerj

( )
!: OoNx=" OoNvy
+ 6vdxay

!g lg- ,!+2
£ ,y

+4t/:.I, /-.'-`1//-i
g;",,s' -l,-+4k/, -}]w

+ oOy
(N., aowx-
+N2o-:-)+pl axdy forcase b)

+i:S,b (p-i5)6waxdy=o (g) mfi,,+m,,+

(tY., )
+ E".psj+ .:Il.

Here,itis assumed
whole region,
that VV is centinuous
that the material
is perfectly

I2 l+4tY.,
t ar.+.crv

that the plastic hinge lines

are straight.
+4tV.,-ia.u-ls-Jilw {i2)
Then considering boundary conditions, equa- forcase c)
tion (9)can be transiormed by using Green's
theorem into m-,,+m,,+m,
tY.1) rm 1) + i, mbpsz

!: P6wcl cay+S, -t-aw6"+T8e)as
(cT=8za +e}/ -k

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204 SeiichiroNIsHIHARA

I4-ttv.- om.+.g.v


i stiffener

lsi :v. lvv

+4tll.lll,-//-.X- .bi
t . .txL

(13) a v

ma: Plasticmoment of hinge line 'L..U
mps: Plasticmoment ef hinge L ..E.oo..:' ・g,.pt
o+ O'rc
g: The number of stiffeners


i,7'denote the stiffeners

in x-direc-
Fig. 4 Dimensiolls of Niho's speeimems

tion and y-direction,yespectively. shown in Fig.4. The ultimat'e strengtti evalu-

2.3 Ultifnatestrength ated by the present method agree well with

The ultimate strength o'f a stiffened plate the expcrimental results in the both cases of

may be obtained from tbe intersectingpoint localpanelbucl<lingmode and overall buckling

of a post-buckling loadingpath calculated by mode of stiffened plate.
Eq. (7) with an unloading linecalculated by 2,3.2 Ultimate strength under compression
and lateral
Eqs. (11),
(12)and (13).This technique has pressure
been verified by comparing other analytical The rectangular stiffened platesubjected to
predictions(13 to 16) with experimental re- combined loads is one of the examples of a

sults. In the casc ot thc plates stiffened on one bottom plateof a ship structure in hogging
side, which is subjected to lateral pressure and condition, The experiments simulating this
compression load,the verifieation bas not been case were carried out. The as weld specimens

enough, Thercfore,some comparisons w{th are shown in Fig. 5.

experimental results are carried out. The comparisons of load-defiectioncurve
2,3.1 Stiffenedplate under uniform compres- between experiments and calculated results

sion arc shown in Fig, 6 except the case without

The comparisonbetwcen experimental re- Iateralpressure]oading.Here, the second half

sults carried out by Niho (18) and the present of the specimen's name denotesthe setting of
method are shewn in Table 1. Here, A and R, lateralpressure(ton/m2). The comparisons of

the second half of specimen's name, denote the ultimate strength are shown in Fig. 7. The
as weld speciments and anile specimens, re- calculated results agree we]1 with the experi-
spectively. The specimens used by Njho are mental results, It is found that the effect oi
lateral pressurc can be neglected when the col-
Table1 Comparison of u]timate strength betwecn lapse occurs under the local panel buckling
Niho's experiment and ca,lculatioii mode. In the case of the overall bucklingmode,

SpecimenF en i otcS

.lg. Exp,rcal.l,2.""LOI

20・Ah' !, : !,2.
I..i.i.6Ll・55・366 . !N./.'....
F 20・.R..2e.'20,50.'3'O-.ll-ioM-" ・3esG.9


3i.6 o
FF30-A")30・A(2) -3-i-.'6"i'3'iJ6" G J6goG
!-・]7qI・6aa l-ga7 '
・=Z!.6. i
O .L9.
.L.1・6as.・595・801'1 ..-L,
:67.7.・fi66.9.Ll,S9"... eLth.I.d
F 30・RC[),sal. -・soa-・5P.3,Talli5o'
G'G"L/"L'・8'5' -96S・902[,Ol.9.83 '
G-660 .lll・,1,i.1[
F30-R(2) 50. i32,6 10.SOT .G.--791 Comple[slve pl:te

F asl'AFa5・R 4S. ','i6''o'ga'

O L1'6,','・ .I
' dss L
uv/tr v/ew ot speclmen LoedlnD cond/'tlon n."e eefiel dlmenslon

Tns・ATas・R25.x2Q・51,6 1--354 -7B6''[iJ5's'i

51 LJ6"ii''[' Fig.5 Dimensions oi specimcns and loading con-
25.x2Q, 32.6O O,50T ・O13 L1,O.9""・gqo dition

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Ultimate Longitudinal Strength oi Mid-Ship Cress Section 205

r--' r'r{-r



LRbd I'
[・,f7.n o zvi3v

Cel.n .Ii .s

li Si
FI , g 1 !・c:"
z:E] 11. '

v vv y l1・1
, i,'

1 -t
L, 11 lttt
1 s・ Y[nylbue

se・ 1/
itl/ L.7
i ,]ssive
Ai t

Otepail vipw ot Epptclmcn L:・edl/7g

cond'11r/t Cne panolaimems/cn
't- 'O -

/ 'O' ±
o' 5 5 O S S 10
v,'/rnm)at Fig,8 Dimensions oi specimen and loading con-
Fig. 6 Load-Displacement curve the ccntcr ol

[.ip.i'------cel. IMede
1 iGl, /lr /tl..t.' tt
1.e i



clii 6x6 kX '

1) """"1
-66x6 . ll"400 .5
?l・・.-;tr・ aEfig:/i

・a .TDae
Co/lopse 's.-..
../. L.-.-Ly

e-. strength-t

・2 -O- "G .L-

O .5 1,O 1,S 2p

O 5 10 IS 20
P{Toh/mt) Fig. 9 Ultimate strength of experiment versus

Fig, 7 Comparisoll of ultimate strength between

plate s'trength

cxperiment and calculation

bucklingmede and itisfound that the effect

however, it remarkably affect the ultimate ef lateralpressure for the ultimate strength
strength of stiffened plate. The effect of lateral of stiffened plates is negligible in this case,
pressure are furtherstudied.
The as weld specimens in Fig, 8 are
shown 3. Ultimatestrength of the stiffened plate of
the models which can simulate the bottom a ship hullgirder

structure ot a ship more accurately, These The stiffened platesof a ship hull girder
models which have four longitudinal
stiffener usually have initialdeflec'tions and residual
spaces and three transverse ring spaces are stresses as a results oi the ¢ c/nstruction process,
tested undier various lateralpressure and uni- The ultimate strength of the stiffened plateis
iorm compression loadings, The maximum to be ca!culate considering 'theseinitialimper-
pressure isthe halfof the collapse pressure of fectionswhich effect the coinpressive strength.
the strip plate (Pcr=T-4avt2/b2). The ultimate In this paper, the magnitude of initialimper-
strength was testedunder the followingpro- fectionsare estimated based on some assump-
cedure. The Iateralpressure was previously tions. Then, the parametric studies in regard
imposed by the compressed air, Then, the com- to the initialimperiections are carried out and
pression was imposed by the uniform displace- the two approximate forrnulas of ultimate
ment and the lateralpressure is automatically strength are developedbas・2don these calcu-
controlled as to maintain the setting pressure. lated results, One is a iormula for Iong rec-
The experimental results are shewn in Fig, 9. tangular p]atesand the other is a iormula for
These all specimens collapsed in the localpanel plateswith stiffeners on one'side,

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206 SeiichiroNIsHiHAuA

3,1 An adeProximate fbrmulaforlongrectangu- research committee <20).Ueda et al, (21)

larPlates studied the mode of the initialdeflections based
In accordance with previousstudies regard- en the measurements, In accordance with

ingto the residual stresses of a stiffened plate, these studies, letus assume a magnitude of the

the residual stress pattern in a panel is as- initial defiectionas

sumed as shown in Fig.IO, -a 1)nfi-
ra'o=] Wo
lll] sin --(2M
The calculation method of the residual stress 1))- omg

are was proposedby Fujitaet al, (19)

-(2-i,),sin 2ZiPa"q-] a6)
#-Z---2.32 × 10-3T.. (14)
where PJ=g =l.O,
r=O.76, s==O.S at a/b=5.3
PJ=g=1,5,r=O.76, st:O.3 at alb =2.0

T-v: 29plbt ZWomax=6Mm

g.: o.4e By using above rnentioned asumptions in
Welding heat input <Cal/cm)
e: rebcrard te the initial imperfections,the parame-
Tav: Average temperature elevation ("C) tric calculation$ of ultimate strength of long
Generally, the welding heat input may be
rectangular plates are carried out by the metli-
about i5,OOOr--20,OOOJ]cmin the case of filet
mentioned in chapter 2. The calculated od
welding of a longitudinal stiffener, Here, let
results are shownin Fig,I1. Consideringthese
us assume the heat input is 17,500Jlcm on results, thispaper proposes a dotted lineshown
the average. Then, the ratios clb versus Rp design
in Fig. 11 for the approximate criteria
rigidity of a plate) are of ultimate strength of longrectangular plates,
calculated for many ships and sho"rn in Fig.
The followingequation can be used to fitthe
10. The differences between some kinds of the
sliip types or the positionof panels are not

seen in th ¢ se results. The upper limit of b/c ・8615+A653Rp-.8746Rp3

can be estimate by a line shown in the same +・8746Rp3+,2585RpS
figure and the line can be expressed by fer .5259gRpS2.
cXb=O,069R. (ls) .9 for Rp<.5259
In thispaper, Eq. (15) is assumed as a parame- (17)
ter which gives the residual stress of typical where
stiffened plates of a ship hull structure, R.==Jaf7'a-'
On the othcr hand, the initialdeflections of

ship structure were rneasured by the SRI29 ffcr=4-12ft"-?,,)

s" Sde



g .05



o .5 1.0 1.5 2.0

D25 Re

.5 -
1.0 1.S
2.0 Ultimate strength of rectangu!ar platc
Rp with assumed initialimperfcction, residual
10 Prediction・ of rcsidual stress for real ships stress and lateral prcssure (calculation)

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Ultimate LongitudinalStrength ef Mid-Ship CressSection 207

typical stiffened plate. Tl],ecalculation car-

5Eiftpned bos ried out forthe without
case lateralpressure
column lpst
sure or with lateralpressur'ewhich yieldO.4
1.0 ay as the maximum stresses at the stiffener end,
The lateralpressureslightly affect the ulti-
g6 mate strength as shown in iig.13,
a'5 The followingformula whilch is obtained by
means of leastsquare metbod in order to fit
the results with lateralpressure presentsthe
criteria for the ultimate strength in the case
Rp of overal1 failure of stiffened plates.
Fig. 12 Rclation between proposed formula and
experimental result$
O.5gR,<2.0 (I8)
Fig. 12 sho"Ts the correlation ei Eq, (l7)
experiments. The approximate formula agree Rs: Vavfcrer
well with the experimental results, ffcr: The elastic overall buckling strength
3.2 An aPProximate formula
for rectangzalar of the stiffened plate
stW7enea Plates
The case that a stiffened 3.3 An estt'mation ofthe ultimate
platemay collapse strength of
under a overall bucklingmode is studied, in the ship hull stntctttral etle"tents
this section, Consideringthe stiffened plates In the previous sections, two approximate
as the structural elements of the longitudinallyformulas are developed for calculating the
stiffened ships, it can be assumed that they are ultimate in terms
strength of stiffened p}ates
wide stiffened plates (aSb)supported by oS the elastic bucklingand yielding strength.
transverse frames. The overall buckling mode They can give the ultimate strength for the
may have half wave length between transverse beth cases of Iocalfailuremode and overall
frames and the initialdefieetion, which isthe failuremode independently.'Fig.I4 and Fig.
same mode as the buckling mode, affects most I5 show the experimental results oi stiffened
on the ultimate strength, The maximum plates which show the relatien between aNl
amplitude of initialdefiection is assumed as av and their rigidity Rp or Fig.14 shows .Rs,

IjPie...=af500 for this case. The calculated the case in which the panel buckling strength
results are shown in Fig. I3. The calculation
models are made of three stiffeners and five
transverse spaces in order to represent the 1":I
?s) 2dl ?s) 2j)
OL!O} vs Rp
1,O ii!"-
alQ v:.RsoAVO[i
1,e -"--'Ft-"r...".......".t S・uclt[ingstrength "

UltlmoLe6trength 6x6O.5gS' E,
,e6 with ln/tinrdvflvcilon
ie ". i #
--- UitlmetpstrpngLh Y; V" O
pressure wetFr

l/1ffi- antijRltlnldvt]p[tion
.4 I'
,!la. r--"'---t "-
- .- -....t-'
..-t. " L Q
O O,5 1,O
1.5 2.0
o o.s :,o 1.5 2.0
Fig. 14 Comparison of ultimaze strength in case
13 IJ/ltirnate strength of g!obal mode of of Rs and Rp between cxperiment anc[

stiffened plate with initialiinperfection cquation (17),(Exper[mcntal results are

and lateralpressure plotted versus Rs and j?p}

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208 SeiichiroNIsl-m{ARA

4,1 A calculation methoa ofthecollmpse benaing

1.dO moment

sN:" INhen the rnid-sbip cross section reaches the

collapse under pure bending loadmg,the stress
a[・ distributionon the cross section arc expected
in Fig. 16, In erder

Lga../ lp.Q -h-.---" approximatcly as shown
to calculate the ultimate bending moment of
, ・-J the followingas-
L .-- 1.5

the mid-ship cross section,
O O.5 1.e
Rs,Rp sumptions are made.

ii) The ships adopt longitudjnalstiffening
Fig. 15 Comparison of ultimate strellgth case

of Rs and Rp between experirnent and

equation (18),(Experimental results are ii) Jn the case where the stiffened platecol-
plottedvcrsus Rs and Rp) lapsesin compressien, the maximum stresses

to the compressive ar ¢ ultimate

equal stresses
calculated by either Eqs. (17) (18).or On the
is smaller than the overall bucklingstrength other hand, in the case where the plateeol-
including the stiffener, (Rs>Rp), and Fig. 15 lapsesin tension the maximum stresses are

shows the case in which the panel buckling equal to the yield stresses of the material.

strength isalmost the same as overall buckling iii) In the actual ships with longitudinally
strength, (RsiiiRp). stiffening systems, the vertical members such
'feund longitudinal bulkheads
It is that in the ease Rs<Rp (Fig. 14> as side sliell and may

the ultimate strength correlates the rigidity be assumed to be subjected to uniform in-plane
Rp and that the approximate formulaEq. (17> load, because longitudinal spaces are so small

agrees wcll with the experimental results, In

the case, Rs#Rp (Fig,15), the ultimate ffll

strength correlate the rigidity Rs and the ap- :・e・tk

proximate formula Eq. (18)
the experimental results.
agrees well with
Therefore, thc ulti- .E.1`,7itl
mate strength of stiffened plates can be esti-
mated as the lower strength obtained from 5}]A.i
these two formulas.
Shlp Sectiom

4. The ultimate bending moment ofa ship hull F!g'. 16 Approximate stress distribution at ulti-

girder mate moment

In this chapter, a simple method for the

estimation of the ultimate bendiingmoment is OuE./ :S.Lri,og,FA,ca, at]-thCk.t2G+Steg
' tT-'t' ttt"
developed based on the fact in the


previous chapters.

The applicability of thismethod isconfirmed

by the experiments using nine box girder
rnodels under pure bending loadings. Then,
the ultimate bending moments of the many
existing mid-ship cross sections, wbich were
actually designed and constructed, are calcu-
lated by this method and the characters are

studied. '
Finally, the design criteria is proposed to Fis.. 17 Schernatic calcLilation process of ultimatc

evaluate the ultimate bending moment. luolllent

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Ultimate Longitudinal Strength of Mid-Ship Cross Section 209

compared to ship depth. 4,2 Co7mparison between eitlPeriments and

iv) The stiffened plates behave linearly up to calculatioft results
the collapse strcngth and, after that, the mem- In order to confirm the validity of this
ber may keep ehe constant strength, calculated method, experiinents are carried
Based on the above assumptions, the fol- out, The model sections ar,/ shown in Fig. 18
lowing calculation method is developed to These types of sections were selected to simu-
evaluate tbe eollapse moment as schematically late the typical conventio]ial ships such as
shown in Fig.!7. tankers, bulk carriers and container carriers.
Step 1: Elasticcalculation is carried out at Pure bending moments a/re loaded to the
the mid-ship cross section the
under models by the method shown in Fig. 19, The
unit bending moment (Mi). The detaildimensionsot the specimens are shown
parametersai and ct.i. are ca!culated in Fig,20. The bending di.splacement at tl]e
for each panel whose collapse stress center of the specimens and the maximum
is aci. ai and or.i. are bending moment were mea/sured. The mcas-

ct・t=o"ai/a'Jt <19) ured displacementsare stLown in Figs. 2!

through 24 and the caleulation results are plot-
a.i.==Mtn(ai> <20) ted in the same figuresin order to compare
where i isthe i-thmember and uJi is
with experiments. Table 2 gives the com-
the stressproduced in the tLth mem-
bending The
parison of collapse moments.
ber by unit bending moment. By caleulated results agree well with the experi-
using the parameter ct.i,,, the bend- mental results except the case of container car-
ing moment at which the minimum rier under a sagging condition.
ultimate strength member in the
cross section may collapse isgivenby

ritM=ctminXMT (21)

laO 7oo

and the stresses are given by


(22) fiI81Ft'es-[
Step k: Elasticcalculation is centinued to :2,
carry out under the condition that
a) r・/・sTrf8?'t.iSQTri!D:・
the members collapsed up te the step

(k-1) be irom the


sheuld taken away
mid-ship cross section. In these 1'
cases, parameters cti and or.i,, are
also calculated as
ctt=(o"ci- ISAj{rt)lcrii (23)

Fig. 18 Sectienal climensions of each moctel (unit:
ecmin=Min(cti) (24) mm)

The total moment and stress at the

step feis
M= >]AjM+aminXMi
,i-1 (25) Cell

j' --1
× ctrt (26)
The calculation will step when no members oo2eoo
are Ieftafter such sequential operations, and
the ultimate bending moment will be obtained. Fig, 19 Tes ± set-up lunit:mm)

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210 SeiichiroNisHmARA

(D-@sec, 10C MST-4

-2x6t'F.50 -E
@L oOooo

o Expepi・ment
- Calculation

Fig. 20 Detail figurc of specimen and connection

par ±

Table 2 Comparison oi ultimate moment between o 10 20 5D O 10 20 30

6 fmm)
experiment and calculation

-HExpe'imeptgetlMZNCt:n・/n]CalcL/'stlo/]/ten・/n) Fig. 21 Comparison oi displacement at the center

MLhdo.1 r.luY'TD,E'M.4MD,eivtma・ ×,uNlt)<,tAt.N{"a,1.,.gt-7,・
of specimen between experiment and calcu-
VIST・E94.5.a7avL,v9i..]87.2175.71:,P.1,:,551,CS lation (Singlc
hull tanker model)

maetcplfi1property tq E.' v o
(unit,kg,m'1) 3.05 29.S 2,1・1xlO・i.277 -Ex8tE5

4,S5 26S 2,12xl04.281

5.60 32,1 2,11xlO`2sg

The experimental result in the case of con-

tainer carrier showed that the box beam of the
deck collapsed by the plasticbucklingof beam
column mode and that the Eq, (l7)seemed to
provide a slitely smaller value of ultimate
strengtli than the experimental result in this
case. So, the modified calculation was car-
ried out based on the assumption that the
ultimate strength of the deckbeam was the 6 (mm)
same as thc yielding strength. The calculation Fig. 22 Comparison oi displaccmcntat thc ccntcr
results isshown as the dottedlinein Fig.24・. of speciinen between experiment and
The result is secn to irr].prove the correspond- calculation (Bulkcarrier model)

ence between experiment and calculation.

Therefore, it is confirmed that
the present
method can estimate the bending behaviourof tween the calculated ultimate bending moment
the mid-ship cross sectiDn, of the mid-ship cross sections of actual ships
4.3 1'heultimate bending moment ofactttal ships and the compressive strength of panels. MD
Fig, 25 and'Fig. 26 show the comparison bc- represents the moment at which all deck

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Ultimate Longitudinal Strength of Mid-Ship Cross Section 211

100 100 TANKER'ol- i
OONT"iNN?pi- -A
1.0n t
z,・v--g'y,- ;/i -

G:eE50 .Lt6bu.6-k' A t"

・fil. : .6b.thO

...kP ilt

£ .T .Xalo
.,s ..tXz,,\:,-,・t-g/if

.6' ..b'

''t ze,Mtee?"o・g&t 1

o .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 O .6 .7 .8 .9 1,O
UbfO- (DeckPlaVe) 5bfOY {DeckPlate}
o Experlment
- CelcuiaLlon
Fig. 25 Relation between Deck's ultimate strength

and ultimate moment at the sagging con-

o 20 50 C 10 20 ]O
6 [mm)

Fig. 28 ComparisQn of di$placement at the ccntcr

of specimen between experimcnt and 1,O.9E・ti '
calculation <Doublebottoni tanker model)

.6etil).・i!.6 ,/tA.N.>・=
120 120
M6C-S oooo
(SAG) oo-JrJv---

100 t.'a'100M$C-H
'ltt o .6 .7 S .9 1.e O .o J .8 .9 1,O
{HOG) eq10Y (Soltcm
Plete) QlffY (BoUom
Fig.26 Relation between Bottomis u!timate
AE oo b2
ooo o
strength and ultimate mornent at the

heg.cring condition
o o
e F

E za

50 50 when both deck and bottom /structure collapse

oExperiment simultaneously, From these figures,it may be
-Caiculation said that the moments MD and MB are ap-
proximately proportional to the compressive
ultimate strength of the par.el
in case of the
existing ships.
6 cmm) Thus, the followingrelation can be obtained
Fig. 24 Comparison of disp]aeement at the center by using a coerucient k.
of specimen between experiment and

calculatiell (Container
carrier model)
2.,,Mt or.
fe.O.'.za (27)

stiffened plates cellapse in the sagging con- M==h × au × Zact

dition. MB represents the moment at which where the range of h is from O.9 to 1.0. In
all bettom stiffened platescollapse in the hog- the case of collapse moment AIA, the relation
ging condition, MA represents the moment of the ultimate moment and compressive ulti-

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212 SeiichiroNIsHIHARA

mate strength of panelsis not

so clear that the section modulus by classification

proposional is not found.

relation However, society (Z,,,),
rules 1"he difference can not be
the range of k forthe minimum of MA is from seen betNxreenship types nor between the sag-
1.0 to 1.08. Comparing sevcral types oi ships, ging and hogging condition. In the case of
significant differencescan not be seen in the MD and M,reat which the compressive part of
character of the ultimate bending moment MD, cross section reaches to ultimate strength Csee
MB and MA. On the other hand, from thc Fig. 27), tbe values of ILa'p or MB/(Z..q × aF) are
material view point, the moment ratios of high greater than O.7 except one case. Therefore,
tensilesteel sliips seem to be a little bitsmal- thc criteria of the plastic designfor the
lerthan those of mild steel ships, This fact liminarycollapse can be written as
means the designcriteria based on elastic sec-
tion modulus is not goed enough to be applied
Mn or bd'B>O.7Z..,Xa'y (28)
on the designedhigh tensile steel ships. Since In the Ila'A
case of
at wbich the both compres-
they have thinne];plates than these cenven- sixre part and tensilepart collapse simultane-
tional mild steel ships have, Thisisdue to the ously (see 28),the values of MAf(Z.,, × ffr)
factthat some parts of vertical members such are greater than O.84 except a few cascs.

as side shcll and longitudinal bulkhead may Therefore, the criteria of tl]e plasticdesign for
collapse beforethe deck panels rcach to thcir tlie collapse moment of rnid-ship cross section

ultimate strength. may be written as

Fig.27 and Fig.28 show the be-

tween the ultimate moment and
the elastic
MA>O・84ZreqXcrF <29)
5. Conciusion
In this paper, the evaluatien method of

tt,':,1,ii.,.g'・cG bending strength

ultimate of a mid-ship cross
tt t- section has been discussed and an approximatc
has been developed, The design

using inplastic
designstage isproposed
-ie": A4U
by using the calculated results of many actual
tA -- .-ts".oi '
tacp e
eLIM]T ships. Summarizing tlicabove, the followmg
aa ua
,7 ?A. o. .,rpq・ conclusions are obtained.
o tp,,,cposf,n
1) !t is confirmed that the simplified ana-
t 4.L4L,E/OMttNT.) 1
o s3o lcco 17oc・22oo 2T・ns :・:・oo sDan Iytical method, by which the ultimate strength
of plates are estimated as thecross point of the
Fig, 27 Calculation results of ultiniate moment elastic loading passand plastic unloading pass,
MD andi MB for real ship, s
can be applied to the case of stiffened plates
subjected to compressive lodding and lateral
aAg 1 2) Lateral pressurehardly affect for the
-eof. ultimate strength of panels and remarkably


;-liOL Aif id] in the case ot simply supported

affect stiffened

plates, "Jhen the stiffened plate,however,


MAA A`be . Oo
NL I-O.e4 aT x Zreq
continues through some transverse spans, the
CPROPC.iEZLLN]T MOivIENT) effect lateral
of pressure isvery small.
3) Fromthcparametricstudyregardingthe
IC)O /10tt12・t,o 27・:3 ]:,oo 2eDD
rigidity of stiffened platesand initialimperfec-
!,eqxgT tions which is evaluated for the actual ship,
Fig. 28 Calculation results of ultimate inoment two approximate formulas of estimating the
JfA for real ships ultimate strength of ship hull structure are

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Ultimate Longitudinal Strength of Mid-Ship Cross Section 213

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