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Reading Comprehension

Week 2-English for Academic Purpose

Ira Ryski Wahyuni, M.T.
Jurusan Kimia Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
• Section #1 Reading together a News from “The Jakarta Post”
Section #2
Menentukan “Topic” dan “Main Idea”
Does watching violence on TV make people more prone to violence
themselves?. Obviously, TV violence has some negative effects. One
study found that heavy TV watchers are more fearful of others. They try
to protect themselves with guns, alarm systems, and security locks on
doors. In the same study, it was found that heavy TV watchers are less
upset about real-life violence than are non-TV watchers. All of the
violence they see on TV makes them less sensitive to the real thing. A
recent study also found that TV violence increases aggressive behavior
in kids and makes them more likely to select toy guns rather than kinds
of toys.
Topic: Violence on TV (Kekerasan dalam TV)

Does watching violence on TV make people more prone to violence

themselves?. Obviously, TV violence has some negative effects. One
study found that heavy TV watchers are more fearful of others. They try
to protect themselves with guns, alarm systems, and security locks on
doors. In the same study, it was found that heavy TV watchers are less
upset about real-life violence than are non-TV watchers. All of the
violence they see on TV makes them less sensitive to the real thing. A
recent study also found that TV violence increases aggressive behavior
in kids and makes them more likely to select toy guns rather than kinds
of toys.
Topic adalah subjek pembicaraan secara
umum dari sebuah teks.
Topic itu bukan berupa kalimat, tetapi berupa
kata atau frasa.
Cara menentukan topic:
1. Tanyakan kepada diri sendiri”tentang apa
teks tersebut secara keseluruhan?”
2. Apa yang penulis ajarkan kepada saya?
Ide Utama (main idea)
• Ide Utama (main idea) bisa berbentuk kalimat lengkap yang di dalamnya
berisi bagian dari topik pembicaraan. Main Idea yang dituliskan dalam
bentuk kalimat bisa juga disebut topic sentence.
• Cara menentukan Ide utama:
1. Tanyakan kepada diri anda, apa yang penulis ingin saya ketahui tentang
topic ini?
2. Carilah kalimat yang menyatakan gagasan utama. Biasanya berada di
awal atau akhir paragraph
3. Kadang-kadang main idea tidk akan dinyatakan secara langsung dalam
bentuk satu kalimat. Hal ini disebut “ide utama tersirat”
4. Carilah pernytaan umum yang dapat merangkum kalimat topik, hindari
Section #3_Latihan Reading Comprehension

Silahkan baca E-book (download in GClassroom)

Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
Pembagian bacaan perkelompok
11. Nitrogen: Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate
1. Typical Water-Use Classifications
12. Sulfide and Hydrogen Sulfide
2. Water Impurities
13. Phosphorus
3. Behavior of Contaminants in Natural
14. Solids (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved)
4. Intermolecular Forces
15. Metals in Water
5. pH
16. Drinking Water Treatment
6. Carbon Dioxide, Bicarbonate, and Carbonate
17. Ion Exchange
7. Acidity and Alkalinity
18. Indicators of Fecal Contamination: Coliform
8. Hardness and Streptococci Bacteria
9. Dissolved Oxygen 19. Oil and Grease
10. Biological Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen 20. Municipal Wastewater Reuse: The
Demand Movement and Fate of Microbial
Bacalah, sesuai Chapter yang tentukan
Buatlah topic dan main idea dari beberapa paragraph sesuai chapter
kelompok anda (minimal 5 paragraf)

Presentasikan- masukkan paragraf dan tuliskan Topic dan main

ideanya, bacakan/presentasikan di depan kelas

Kata baru yang sulit min 10 kata

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